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3-9 / november

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The twelfth edition of the Tirana International Film Festival is one among many projects made possible by the Ministry of Culture for the year 2014. Since its inception, this festival transported us to a world beyond the brick and mortor movie theatre, where fragments of bright Technicolor lights brought to life our dreams, our memories, and our very reality. Our cultural values and emotional poignancy allowed us embody epic historical tales as if we ourselves were the main characters. This enabled us to discover an intricate galaxy of multilayered perspectives that intersect, collide, and restlessly pursue our deepest, most common human frailties. I am convinced that this international film festival has long since become a cultural institution, for both those well known and those less well known, for both the experienced and newcomers alike, in the cinematic industry. Through the years, this festival has guaranteed us innovation and transformation in experimental cinema, where groundbreaking new ideas have emerged and cultural diversity has allowed us to break barriers and leave behind our comfort zones in search of something great. Few things measure up to the vibrancy and excitement that which lies beyond the white projection screen, to engage and communicate with your audience via innovative cinematic pieces: Art is only as alive as your public. Thus, it is in their hands that we leave the task of creating meaning out of chaos. Undoubtedly, this is the beauty of art and culture. True culture can only develop and flourish in a depoliticized atmosphere. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who made this event possible, from the organizers to those taking part in this cinematic competition. Above all, I’d like to thank and encourage the young competitors, not just within Albania but from all around the world. The Ministry of Culture highly prioritizes the encouragement of youthful creativity and creative collaboration between young artists, Albanian or otherwise. We sincerely wish you the best of luck.Albania has tasted novelty and change. This country empathizes with its youth because it is itself young, a very young and very lovely place indeed. This country aspires towards European integration and it is endlessly capable of succeeding. Why? Because Albania possess the competence, the ability, and most importantly, the youthful energy that we all crave just a hint more of.


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Mirela KumbaroMinistre e Kulturës së Republikës së Shqipërisë

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Lulzim bashakryetar i bashkisë - Tiranë


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It is deeply rewarding to witness the gradual refinement and transformation of the Tirana film festival, the only one of its kind in our nation. Twelve years ago, TIFF was in its humble beginnings. Since then, it has risen to unprecedented international acclaim in its field, attracting levels of viewership and big studio interest comparable to those reserved for the more glamorous set of international film festivals. Meanwhile, TIFF and its related events are enabling Tirana’s exposure in the global artistic and cultural community. As a result, this city is rapidly establishing itself as a national, regional, and international cultural hub, a safe space in which to pursue one’s creative and artistic impulses, with TIFF as a consistently welcoming host for new and old talent alike, an effort that has come to be sustained by our cultivated and art loving public audience. TIFF has catapulted Tirana to new cultural heights, heightening its inviting disposition, transforming it into a refined point of reference: that of a European destination. One need only mention the list of over five thousand films candidating from 107 countries worldwide to demonstrate the profound effect this festival has had and will continue to have in enhancing and promoting Tirana’s image as a city. I am inclined to say, and I believe I am merely stating the obvious here, that TIFF manifests itself as the inexhaustible source of vitality inherent in cinema as an art form, as a dignified creative medium, and as the most original and powerful storytelling mechanism that penetrates and exposes human interiors. We will always acknowledge those who have dedicated a considerable amount of time and hard work to the organization and logistical planning of this event, and to whom we wish to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude. Despite this fact, it is essential that we recognize the faceless and timeless nature of this festival. We inhabit it and it inhabits us but its final legacy remains with the great city of Tirana, now and for generations to come.

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Ambasciata d’Italia Tirana

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Festival Director

Agron Domi

Artistic Director

Genc Permeti

Film Selection & Programmer

Genc PermetiAgron Domi

Office Manager

Edit Llazani

Graphic Designers

Kavalo Studio

Design Web Master

Ergys Temali


Elma Rizaj

STAFF 12th edition of TIFF 2014

PR & Media Cordinator

Valbona Zhupa


Brilanda Bruçi


Endiza DemaAulona GjokutaAni CeniEvis Myftaraj


Laura RekaAndi Rizaj, Adriano Burgia, Ada Ndroqi, Nevin Toska, Gjergji Selfo, Krisli Miço, Imelda Zeqo, Fioralba Fiore - Halili, Dariel Duka, Kristi Paço.

Mirënjohje / Acknowledgment

Aida Baro, Aida & Artan Kasemi, Aldi Karaj, Aksel Golemi, Arben Skenderi, Arlinda & Adriatik Dudaj, Amantia Peza, Andi Tepelena, Armela Xhafa, Antonella Gaeta, Armand Sallabanda, Blerta Hocia, Blendi Gonxhja, Blerina Mema, Brian J. Street, Bujar Leskaj, Dimitar Nikolov, Donald Braho, Dritan Dakoli, Edmond Topi, Eliona Perdja, Elira Kokona, Elvin Civici, Ermir Keta, Eni Hasanaj, Eriona Kita Vyshka, Evridiki Bethani, Fidel Ylli, Genci Kojdheli, Gjergj Kalaja, Giulia Ardizzone, Graziella Kanellou, Gresa Hasa, Holta Bendo, Iris Elezi, Igli Ngjela, Ilenja Mëhilli, Jonida Çepani, Klidi Baboçi, Knidi Bashari, Kristi Bello, Kristina Trapp, Kushtrim Juniku, Ledia Mirakaj, Linda Karcanaj, Loreta Berhami, Luigi de Luca, Majlinda Tafa, Maddalena Pessina, Massimo Gaiani, Milena Selimi, Mirela Bardho, Mirela Halili, Mirela Cupi, Olsi Gokovi, Rafaela Rica, Renis Tershana, Satu Elo, Stefania Fancello, Shpresim Bajraktari, Valeria Baistrocchi, Valerie O’Brien, Vasil Naçi, Violeta Gjoni,

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TOTAL: 526 movies


2013 - 217

2014 - 270


Experimental - 27

Documentary - 139

Fiction - 360


Europe: 295

South America: 115

North America: 25

Asia: 55

Australia: 4

Africa: 32

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TOTAL: 4938 movies


2013- 58

2014 – 66


Animation - 285

Experimental - 310

Documentary – 664

Fiction – 3679


Europe: 3122

South America: 633

North America: 310

Asia: 381

Australia: 174

Africa: 291

5,464 Film SUBMISSIONS from 107 Countries

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in albanianshort


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Elma Tataragic Regina LongoGabor PinterElma Tataragic was born in Sarajevo in 1976. She graduated Dramaturgy (Screenwriting and History of Cinema) at Sarajevo Academy of Performing Arts and obtained her Master of Science degree and PhD in Film and Literature. She has been with Sarajevo Film Festival since it was founded in 1995, where she now works as selector for Competition Program. She co-wrote short film FIRST DEATH EXPERIENCE and wrote and produced short NORTH WENT MAD. She has produced and co-written the feature film SNOW shown at Cannes 2008 – Semaine de la critique where the film won the Grand Prix. The film has been shown at over 80 festivals and won over 30 international awards. She is General Secretary and a member of Filmmakers Association of BiH. She has been teaching screenwriting at Sarajevo Academy of Performing Arts since 2002, now as a professor. She is member of European Film Academy. She has published a book on screenwriting and is also working as advisor to European Film Academy and was a delegate for Rome Film Festival in 2012 and 2013. 2015 - DAN KOJI NIJE IMAO IME / THE DAY THAT HAD NO NAME, cowriter (preproduction); ŠAVOVI / STITCHES, screewriter (preproduction); 2013 - HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE, short (development advisor 2011 - TJELESNE FUNKCIJE / BODILY FUNCTIONS, short (development advisor); 2010 - REVERS, kratki (development advisor); 2008 - SNIJEG / SNOW, writer/ producer; 2003 - SJEVER JE POLUDIO / NORTH WENT MAD,short / writer/ producer; 2001 - PRVO SMRTNO ISKUSTVO / FIRST DEATH EXPERIENCE, short / writer; 2000 - PLUS MINUS, kratki (scenaristica i rediteljica)

Regina Longo is a film historian and archivist who has worked to save archives at risk for the past 20 years, including the film and media archives of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), collections of Italian and Mexican American home movies, and the Albanian National Film Archives (AQSHF). She has a degree in film archiving and preservation from the George Eastman House in Rochester, NY and a PhD in Film and Media Studies from the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). Her research has been published in scholarly journals, and she is writing a book on the intersections of archival theory and practice based on specific case studies of her work in the field. Regina has taught film history and archival theory and practice courses at UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, and the US Library of Congress John W. Kluge Center. She is the Associate Editor of Film Quarterly, which has published substantial, peer-reviewed writing on cinema and media for nearly 60 years, earning a reputation as the most authoritative academic film journal in the US, as well as an important English-language voice of cinema studies abroad. She is an active member of the International Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), serving as at the conference Co-Chair. In 2012 Regina formed the Albanian Cinema Project (ACP) with support from the San Francisco Media Archive, Colorlab Corp., NYU and AMIA, and launched a not-for profit campaign to preserve and digitize select films from AQSHF, to screen these restorations internationally, and to advocate for more funding from the Albanian government for all audiovisual archives in Albania. ACP continues to grow and collaborate with international partners and experts in the field of film preservation. www.thealbaniancinemaproject.org.

Gabor Pinter - Director/Producer: M.A. in Multimedia Directing, Film, TV, Radio and Theatre, M.A. in English language and literature. FILM DIRECTING: Director, writer and co-producer of White Faces, shot in Northern Albania for RAI; Series produced by Gil Rossellini. The first western film to be shot in Albania. Awards:Venice Film Festival, RAI Award; Chicago Film Festival, Series Award; San Francisco Film Festival, Golden Gate - Special Jury Award; Hungarian Film Festival, Certificate of Merit; Screenings: MOMA - New York; Brisbane Film Festival; YU Film Festival - Novi Sad; Museum of Arts - Budapest; Avilés Film Festival –Spain; Director/Writer/Producer “Bosnia Blues – Confessions of an Actor Abroad”.FILM PRODUCTION- Producer and director of short films shot in Albania in for RAIDUE; Mixer/Central Express; Executive Producer for Croatia Noone’s Island, dir.: Ferenc Török; Post prod advisor Karaula, dir: Rajko Grlic and numerous other films; Production Liason for Hungary Uprising, Raffaella de Laurentis & Jon Avnet Production; Hungarian 1st AD Shot Through the Heart , dir: David Attwood; Co - 1st AD Hungarian crew “Underground”, dir. Emir Kusturica; Co - 1st AD “Stalin”, dir: Ivan Passer; AD Meeting Venus, dir: István Szabó; Producer and director on numerous commercials and music promos. TELEVISION- Production director, Internews Network, Holland, Bosnia; Series producer & director Balkan Bridges; Screenwriter & director of the top Hungarian sitcom; Executive Producer & director of a current affairs magazine shot in 12 East European countries and produced for RAI DUE. THEATRE- Directed numerous plays in theatre, among others, The Sparkler by Gyula Hernádi. The first theatre performance ever to be performed aboard an aeroplane in flight.

International Feature Jury

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Daniele Greco Kushtrim Bekteshi Sasho PavlovskiDaniele Greco works on project management and media relations for Magma - International short film Festival, which takes place in Sicily every year since 2002. He is a freelance video-maker and photo-journalist. Born 1980, he has experimented various audiovisual genres and has developed a true passion for the documentary field. He also makes corporate videos and leads Television&Film vocational trainings.

Kushtrim Bekteshi was born in Kumanovë, 1982. He completed his B.A. in 2008 with a major in Theater Directory and continues his post-graduate studies at Fakultetin e Artit Dramatik-Shkup where he obtained an M.A. in audio-visual studies, with a focus in film screen play and TV. Mr. Bekteshi is the director of several theater productions in theaters across Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina, he work has also been shown in several national and international festivals. As a director and screenwriter he was produced two short feature films and he is currently preparing for the realization of a long feature film - “Pranverë e paharruar në fshatin e harruar”.

He is the winner of several awards: The Vannesa Redgrave Award for Best Pitch in PRIFORUM, PRIFILMFEST – Prishtinë (In collaboration with the producer Sasho Pavlovki for the film “Pranverë e paharruar në fshatin e harruar”(2014); KULT Award for director of the years in the Republic of Albania for the show Kush ka frikë nga Virginia Wolf?(2010) - AlbaniaBest Show at Talia e Flakes Festival for the show Acuarium (2008)- Gjilan, Republic of Kosovo.

He is currently an assistant for the department of directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje.

Film Director and Producer is one of the most prominent Macedonian film Producers and Directors. He has a master degree in Film and TV directing form the Academy for TV and Film Directing “Krsto Sarafov“, Sofia R. Bulgaria. Since 1999 until 2005 he has worked as a Production and Art Director for Marketing Agencies like Lowe Swing Communications and Idea Plus - DDB. In 2007 he becomes a Dean and a professor of Film Directing at ESRA Academy – Skopje – Paris - New York. In 2007 he establishes Manufaktura Production a full service company that focuses mainly on feature film productions. His work includes: Films: 2011 – Director and Producer of featured film – This is not an American Movie; 2000 – Director of the TV film “Play with the letters”; 1999 – Director of the featured Television movie “Emigranti” for Macedonian National Television; Participant on Biaritz Film Festival (France); Participant on RAI UNO TV Festival (Italy); Participant on Berlin Film Fest (Germany); 1998 – Director of the short film – “Punk’s not dead”; Documentary films: 2007 – 40 degrees – for MZZPR; 2002- Director of the Documentary film “ The Mirror “ - Portrait of a ballet dancer Tanja Vujisic; Todorovska; for Macedonian Television; 1998 – Director for the documentary film “The University”; for Sitel television; Presentation films: 2005 - Director of commercial film for JOHNSON CONTROLS (American car accessories production) , for Frankfurt’s car show; 2003 - Director for the presentational films for Skopje Brewery, Amstel, Heineken and Coca Cola products ; TV Series:2002-Director of TV series “Mali Soveti” for Macedonian TV; 2000-2001 - Director of commercial TV short series “TOKMU TOA” for COCA COLA; Adds: Director of more than 150 TV and Film ads; International Short Jury

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Kamuran GORANCISONILA demi Odeta çunajKamuran GORANCI born on 1955 actually is a Professor: Painting & Drawing, in the direction of scenography in University of Prishtina. He has a degree on Art Academy in Beograd branch Painting; also has a Masters Degree and Doctorate on Painting; Director of Department of Culture-Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports; Producent on the feauture-length movie ”ANATEMA” by Agim Sopi; Producent on the feauture-length movie “Kosova’s Thirst”, Prishtina; Executive Producent of the feature-length movie”Tri dritare dhe nje varje” by Isa Qosja ( Winner of the Cine Europa Award in Sarajevo Film Festival 2014)

Born in Tirana in 1973, left the country in 1992 to study English Literature at La Sapienza University of Rome. In 1999 is one of the first to join the team in Fandango (the well-known Italian film production company) and gained a long-standing experience in the film industry, especially in acquisitions, promotion and theatrical distribution of feature films and documentaries.

Odeta Cunaj has born in 1984 in Albania. She finished the study in 2010 for Film Directing at Academy of Arts in Tirana. From the study period she start to work like Script Supervisor, Casting Directoin many films. In 2009 her short film “Signs” was awarded the Best Albanian Short Film at Tirana International Film Festival.

In Albanian Jury

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Albert Dumani jonida shehu rezear xhaxhiuAlbert Dumani born on 1979, he works as Journalist and Radio Host in Radio Koha & Radio Shkodra; Journalist and Ancorman at TVA (Television Arberia) in the Department of Information. Translator and moderator of the program “Kosovo - War or Peace”; Judge in the program of the Soros Foundation “Karl Popper Debate” for schools and “Parliamentary debate in Universities”. Diploma assessment as the best judge, winner of the first place (October 2001); Journalist, author and Tv Host at TVKLAN (National Television Klan). Director of Programming, lawyer, journalist, TV Host and author programs at TVKLAN (National Television Klan), and head of Acquisitions for the foreign programs (series, tv movies, features, formats, telenovelas, ect.); Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana.; Head of Aqcuisitions for international TV programs (series, tv movies, features, formats, telenovelas, ect.);Local Tv Host for the Academy Awards show aired LIVE in TVKLAN from LA.

Jonida Shehu born 12/6/1982. She is a journalist. Graduated in the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Tirana in 2004. She have 12 -year experience in the electronic media ( tv ). Moderator of TV prime time news of 10 years, the Vision plus , Albanian Screen and Ora News . Simultaneously, author and moderator of various programs for  actuality. Moderator  of « Zip « program  in Vision Plus . Author and moderator of « Dritehije « in Albanian Screen ( talk show based on social issues ). Author and moderator of the show « Naten Vone « in Ora News . (Talk show for  actuality )

Education  : 1986 -1987 Public Diplomacy – post University studies at the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affaires ; 1981 – 1985  Albanian Literature and Linguistic at the University of Tirana; Working experience: 2012 – Up to now; Journalist ( Editor in chief ) of “Nate me Xhaxhiun” at TV NEWS 24; 2005 – 2011: Journalist ( Editor in chief) of “ZIP” at “ Vision +” TV; 1998 - 2004, Head of Information Department at TV “ARBERIA”; 1997 - 1998, Redactor in chief of the Cultural Newspaper “AKS”; 1995 - 2001, Specialist of Marketing Department at National Commercial Bank of Albania; 1994 -1997 Head of Political Unit at “GAZETA SHQIPTARE”; 1992 – 1994 Journalist at News Department at RADIO TIRANA; 1987 -1991- Diplomat at the Albanian Embassy in Bucharest; 1985 1986 – Diplomat at the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affaires;

Media Jury

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RetrospekTIFFworld premiere / the restored copy

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Tomka Dhe Shokët e Tij / Tomka and His Friends

Director: Xhanfise KekoScreenwriter: Nasho JorgaqiMusic: Aleksandër LaloProducer: Kinostudio “Shqipëria e re”Director of Photography: Faruk BashaArt Director: Shyqyri SakoSound Designer: Vangjel LekaFilm Editor: Shpresa PapapavlloYear: 1977Length: 72 minCast: Enea Zheku, Herion Mustafaraj, Genci Mosho, Artan Puto,

Selma Sotillari, Fluranc Ilia, Sotiraq Çili, Pavlina Oça, Zehrudin Dokle

Best known outside of Albania for Beni Ecën Vetë (Beni Walks On His Own, 1975) Keko studied film editing in Moscow, then returned to Albania in 1952 to work at the newly-fund-ed Kinostudio Shqipëria e Re. During the half-century of communist rule, Xhanfise Keko (1928-2007), was Albania’s most famous female filmmaker, and remains an undiscovered master director of children’s films. By 1972, she had edited hundreds of fiction films, news-reels and documentaries. In 1973, she moved into directing with the first of her 10 renowned children’s films, Mimoza Llastica (Spoiled Mimoza)

Tomka Dhe Shokët e Tij (Tomka and His Friends) is one of her crowning achievements in her 35 years of filmmaking. Keko edited and directed this “child spy” tale set in WWII that follows a group of young, barefoot boys who help the Albanian partisans defeat a squad of German troops who have decided to camp on their soccer field. The naturalistic performances of the child actors are a hallmark of her film style. The restored version of the film Tomka and His Friends is made thanks to the support and the collaboration of the US Library of Congress Audiovisual Conservation Center and The Albanian Cinema Project which proudly premiere this restoration work in the 12th edition of Tirana International Film Festival.

The Albanian Cinema Project

Is an initiative to bring much needed awareness, attention and assistance to the current plight of the Arkivi Qendror Shteteror I Filmit (Albanian Film Archive). Working with the support of the Albanian Ministry of Culture, the US Embassy in Tirana, the Albanian National Center of Cinematography, the Albanian Film Commission, the Association of Moving Image Archivists and concerned members of the international film and film archives community, the Albanian Cinema Project is dedicated to preserving, restoring and promoting Albanian film heritage.



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Ambasciata d’Italia Tirana

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Luis Miñarro

Gejza Dezorz

Englisht title:   Falling starOriginal title:   Stella cadente

2014 / Spain/ HD/ 105’/ Fiction/ Color

Colourful feature debut from Luis Miñarro offers an almost hallu-cinatory look into the world of Amadeo of Savoy, who for two years was king of an ungovernable Spain around 1870. This intriguing episode is transformed into a plea for beauty, creativity and joy.

Script:  Luis Miñarro, Sergi Belbel; Photography: Jimmy Gimferrer; Editing: Nuria Esquerra; Sound: Dani Fontrodona; Music: L. Mozart, Rachmaninov, Puccini - Maria Callas, Alain Barriere, Les Surfs, Wagner, Frannoise Hardy; Leading actors: Alex Brendemuhl, Lola Dueoas, Barbara Lennie, Lorenzo Balducci, Francesc Garrido, Alex Batllori; Producer: Luis Miñarro;

Script: Agda Bavi Pain, Gejza Dezorz; Photography: Richard Žolko; Editing: Milan Kaliňák; Music: Marián Čekovský; Sound: Miroslav Masica, Ján Hetmer; Leading actors:  Alexander Bárta, Jevgenij Libezňuk, Igor Krempašský, Agi Gubíková, Jaroslav Mottl, Aladár Slepčík, Péter Nádasdi; Producer: Marian Urban

AwardsRotterdam, Bafici, Montevideo, Basel, Sofia, Edinburgh, Munich, Moscow, Marseille, Karlovy Vary, New Horizzons Wroclaw.

Autumn will be hot. To the town, lost somewhere at the end of the world, the Indian summer comes back again. Moreover, Biely comes back from prison. After ten years in prison he comes home, to native Košice, just for one thing. To revenge on his former companions for stolen honor, family youth spent behind the bars. And the wild ride through even wilder East, local underworld, Roma ghetto and side passages directly in the historical heart of the capital city of the Slovak periphery begins.

Englisht title: Indian summerOriginal title: Babie leto

2013/ Slovakia/ HD/ 90’/ Fiction/ Color

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Philipp Eichholtz

Signe Baumane

Englisht title:   Love me!Original title:   Liebe Mich!

2014 / Germany / HD/ 80’/ Color

Sarah is loud, non-conform, rude, honest and provocative. She seems invincible, but she is lonely and lost. Struggling with her daily life.

Englisht title: Rocks in my pocketsOriginal title: Rocks in my pockets

2014/ USA& Latvia / 88’/ Animation/ Color

Script: Philipp Eichholtz; Photography: Fee Scherer; Editing: Daniel Stephan; Music: Luca, Ezra Furman; Sound: Matthias Lindner; Leading actors: Lilli Meinhardt, Peter Trabner, Christian Ehrich, Axel Ranisch;Producer: Philipp Eichholtz, Oliver Jerke;

Latvia, the late 1920’s. Anna, a young woman, pretty and educated, falls in love with an adventurous entrepreneur, 30 years her senior. But with marriage comes great jealousy, and the entrepreneur hides Anna away in the forest, far from other men, where she bears him eight children. The Great Depression hits them hard. Then Latvia is overrun with invasions by the Soviets, then the Nazis, then the Soviets once again. Anna is a pillar of strength, defying the hardships, raising her young, teaching them survival secrets of the forest. But something inside her is terribly wrong. Years later, Signe, a young artist, asks her father, “How did my grandmother die?”

Script: Signe Baumane; Editing: Wendy Cong Zhao; Music: Kristian Sensini; Sound:  Weston Fonger; Animation: Sam Hayes, Jessica Polaniecki, Angela Stempel, S Turgis Warner, Eriq Wities; Producer: Signe Baumane

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Joseph Israel Laban

Antonio Morabito

Englisht title:   TermitariaOriginal title:   Nuwebe

2013 / Philippines / 91’/ Fiction / Color

Englisht title: The medicine sellerOriginal title: Il venditore di medicine

2013/ Italy& Czech Republic/ HD/ 103’/ Fiction/ Color

“Nuwebe” (English title: Termitaria) is inspired by the true story of one of the youngest mothers in Philippine history. Krista was only 9 years old when she became pregnant. Her mother believes that she was impregnated by evil supernatural creatures called “nuno sa punso” but the real story is more complicated than it seems.

Script: Joseph Israel Laban; Photography:  Marco Felipe Villas Lopez; Editing: Roderick Cabrido; Music: Diwa de Leon; Sound:  Jedd Dumaguina; Leading actors: Barbara Miguel,  Jake Cuenca,  Nadine Samonte, Anita Linda , Manny Castaneda,   Archie Adamos,  Renaissance Tuason, Mikael Liwag, Isadora Villasquez, Renerich Ocon, Mariah Fernandez, Blair Arellano;   Producer:  Ferdinand Lapuz, Ariel Bacol, Jos eph Israel Laban, Roderick Cabrido

Bruno is a medical representative. His firm, ‘Zafer’, is going through a bad period. Bruno is ready to do anything not to lose his job: corrupt doctors, cheat on colleagues, betray the loyalty of those who are closer to him. Bruno is the last ring of the chain of bribery, an illegal practice that Zafer, as many other pharamceutical companies, practices in order to convince doctors to prescribe their medicines. And if a few doctors refuse to play this game, many of them do not refuse at all.

Script: Antonio Morabito, Michele Pellegrini, Amedeo Pagani; Photography: Duccio Cimatti; Editing: Duccio Cimatti; Music: Andrea Guerra; Sound:  Jürg Lempen; Leading actors: Claudio Santamaria, Isabella Ferrari, Evita Ciri, Marco Travaglio , Roberto De Francesco, Ignazio Oliva, Giorgio Gobbi, Vincenzo Tanassi, Leonardo Nigro, Ippolito Chiarello, Alessia Barela, Paolo De Vita, Pierpaolo Lovino, Beniamino Marcone, Roberto Silvestri; Producer:  Amedeo Pagani

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Dreaming of the West, Boryana is determined not to have a child in communist Bulgaria. Nonetheless, her daughter Viktoria enters the world in 1979, curiously missing a belly button, and is declared the country’s Baby of the Decade. Pampered by her mother state until the age of nine, Viktoria’s decade of notoriety comes crashing down with the rest of European communism. But can political collapse and the hardship of new times finally bring Viktoria and her reluctant mother closer together?

Ernest MeholliEnglisht title: Gone backOriginal title: Gone back

Maya VitkovaEnglisht title:   ViktoriaOriginal title:   Viktoria

2013 / Bulgaria/ 115’ / Feature / Colour

Script: Maya Vitkova; Photography: Krum Rodriguez; Editing: Alexander Etimov; Sound: Kamen Atanasov; Leading actors: Irmena Chichikova, Daria Vitkova, Kalina Vitkova, Mariana Krumova, Dimo Dimov, Georgi Spasov, Katerina Angelova; Producer: Maya Vitkova, Viktoria Films

2014/Netherlands/ HD/ 80’/ Fiction/ Color

Gone Back is a psychological drama about an army deserter that returns home. He expects to find his life the way he left it, but he finds out that he is declared dead and everything has changed. He tries desperately to reconnect with his loved one. Slowly he becomes a shadow of his former self, struggling with the fact that he no longer exists for the world he used to be a part of.

Script: Ernest Meholli; Photography:  Danny Noordanus; Editing:  Joost van de Wetering; Animation: Matthije Joor; Music:  Matteo Taheri; Sound:  Robil Rahantoeknam; Leading actors:  Astrit Alihajdaraj, Hanna Verboom, Blerim Destani, Refet Abazi, Yinli Titt;  Producer:  Ernest Meholli

AwardsAudience Award at Prishtina International Film Festival, PriFest

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New official logo of TIFF 2014 created by Gjergji Kalaja


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short Fiction

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Amel is an actress who seeks for her destiny in an audition organized by a foreign production. Finally she gets announced that she got a part in the movie. Amel is lucky, however, is she going to have the same luck also in the world of movies? Her path towards an acting career will be difficult.

Today is a special day. Alex has a photo session scheduled with Maria, the girl he loves. But an invisible man enters in his apartment and makes him nervous, thinking he has lost his mind. Alex can’t stop thinking about it, and his relationship with Maria gets more tense. Who is the invisible man, and will Alex be able to win back Maria’ s affection?

Goce Cvetanovski

More Raça

Englisht title:   A Small Time/Space DiscontinuumOriginal title:   Mal diskontinuitet vo vremeprostorot

2013 / Macedonia / HD / 14’/ Fiction / Color

Englisht title: AmelOriginal title: Amel

2013/ Kosova/ HD/ 23’/ Fiction/ Color

Script: Goce Cvetanovski; Photography:  Zharko Ivanov; Editing: Goce Cvetanovski; Animation: Jordan Kamberski, Vladimir Toshevski; Music: Milan Simovski, Kiril Spasenovski, Risto Novevski; Sound:  Milan Simovski; Leading actors: Visar Vishka, Dragana Levenska; Producer: Bogdan Joncevski

Script: More Raca; Photography: Latif Hasolli; Editing: Sunaj Raca; Leading actors:  Makfire Miftari,Bekim Mulaj,Veton Osmani,Hazir Haziri,Shengyl Ismajli,Arvanit Krasniqi; Producer: Sunaj Raca

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Based on a true story. POMSSEN. SAXONY, 1937. Richard and Lina Kretschkopf are a young peasant couple who live in a small house in the country, in the middle of the German hills. Richard’s desire to have a child has grown to the point to become an obsession. An obsession who changed the German history.

Amos Ezra KatzEnglisht title: CrossingsOriginal title: Crossings

Roberto De Feo Vito PalumboEnglisht title:   Child KOriginal title:   Child K

2013/ Singapore/ HD/ 18’/ Fiction/ Color

2013/ Italy/ HD/ 22’/ Fiction/ Color

Script: Vito Palumbo, Roberto De Feo; Photography:  Federico Annichiarico; Editing: Vito Palumbo; Animation: Seagull PostMusic: Rosario Di Bella; Sound:  Renato Minichelli; Leading actors: Lorenzo Patan, Carlotta Verny, Ralph Phalka; Producer: Colorado Film

A traveler gives a solo backpacker his train ticket, starting a journey no one planned. “Crossings” is a romance of errors about two travelers set against the historic backdrop of train travel in Singapore and Malaysia.

Script: Amos Ezra Katz; Photography:  Eun-Ah Lee; Editing: Sean-Michael Smith; Animation: Joseph SilverMusic: Andrew Barkan; Sound: David Briggs; Leading actors: Ji-Young Moon, Danwoo JungProducer: Gigi Dement

AwardsCROSSINGS FESTIVAL LIST (UPDATED 14 June 2014); Newport Beach Film Festival 2013; Palm Springs International ShortFest 2013; San Antonio Film Festival 2013; 36th Asian American International Film Festival; Woods Hole Film Festival 2013; HollyShorts Film Festival 2013; Asians on Film Festival 2014; Geneva Film Festival 2014; Los Angeles Indie Film Festival 2014; First Run Film Festival 2014 - BEST SCREENWRITER, BEST PRODUCERS, NESTROS ALMENDROS CINEMATOGRAPHY AWARD; Skepto International Film Festival 2014 - CULTURAL ASSOCIATION SPECIAL MENTION; New York City PictureStart Film Festival 2014; New York Shorts Fest 2014; Puchon Fantastic Film Festival (PiFan) 2014; Gwangju International Film Festival 2014; BeFilm Festival 2014 ; Prescott Film Festival 2014; Art & Algorithms Festival 2014

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Stephen W. Martin

Patrice Deboosère

Englisht title:   Dead heartsOriginal title:   Dead hearts

2014/ Canada/ Red Epic/ 16’/ Fiction/ Color

Englisht title: Dog eat dogOriginal title: La gagne

A young mortician will give his heart away to find true love. A whimsical, gothic bedtime story filled with love, loss, taxidermy, Kung fu, and biker werewolves.

Script: Stephen W. Martin; Leading actors: Dalila Bela, Valin Shinyei, Thomas Orr-Loney; Producer: Alex Glua

2013/ France/ HD/ 12’/ Fiction/ Color

Whether in business or in the street, competition is ruthless. And when a homeless man dashes to help a businessman, laws of the jungle and laws of the market can collide...

Script: Leslie Coghe; Photography: Nicolas Duchene; Editing: Jean Thome; Music: Tim Fromont; Sound:  Fabien Luth; Leading actors: Simon Ferrante, Olivier Benard, Karim Rouaba, Tim Fromont; Producer: Pierre Antoine Carpentier

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Nicolas SarkissianEnglisht title: FlapperOriginal title: Garçonne

Nemanja LazicEnglisht title:   Dub playOriginal title:   Dub play

2013/ France/ HD/ 29’/ Fiction/ Color

2013 / Serbia / HD/ 20’/ Fiction / Color

The 20’s somewhere in french country side. Summertime. Lisa, sixteen, avoid the bourgeois family boredom. At the bottom of a remote lake, she reveals herself.

In a dark pub, Billy’s meeting with Stevan, a contract killer. Having a casual drink, Stevan›s talking about his last job, and how he got in this pub, in the first place.

Script: Nikola Stančić; Photography:   Strahinja Pavlović; Editing:  Uroš Milkić; Sound:   Branislav Gelevski; Leading Actors:  Branislav Lečić, Sergej Trifunović, Ivan Jevtović. Bojan Krivokapić, Janko Cekić; Producer:  Vladimir Dudar

Script: Nicolas Sarkissian; Photography: Benjamin Chartier; Editing: Nicolas Sarkissian; Music: Siegfried Canto; Sound: Vincent Montrobert; Leading Actors: Rebecca Marder, Alexis Loret, Morgane Lambert, Valerie Maes, Aurelie Lemanceau, Noemie Lambert, Thibault Sartori, Samuel Dutertre; Producer: François-Pierre Clavel

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Alberto Ruiz Rojo

Margo Fruitier

Englisht title:   FlashOriginal title:   Flash

2013/ Spain/ HD/ 7’/ Fiction/ Color

Englisht title: From angerOriginal title: De la rage

A man enters a photo booth. He inserts some coins and the flash fires.When the photo strip is printed and the man looks at it, he cannot believe what he sees.Something totally unexpected is happening.

They didn’t want to believe her. There came the rage. And from rage, the need for all truths to be told...

Script: Alberto Ruiz Rojo; Photography: Jesus Haro; Editing: David TomasMusic: Federico Jusid; Sound:  Jose Luis Canalejo, Federico Pajaro; Leading actors: Roberto Alamo, Guadalupe Lancho; Producer: Alberto Ruiz Rojo

Script: Margo Fruitier; Photography: Magali Hervieu; Editing: Valentin Perruffel; Music: Matthieu Ha; Sound: Vivian Allard , Luis Trinques; Leading actors: Louise Manteau, Roda Fawaz, Laititia Yalon; Producer: Benedicte Lescalier

2013 / Belgium / HD/ 22’/ Fiction / Color

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Liam Engle

Englisht title: Guys girlsOriginal title: Mecs Meufs

Alexis MichalikEnglisht title:   GroundedOriginal title:   Au sol

2013 / France / HD / 13’/ Fiction / Color

Bob knows it: when it comes to seduction, men are the weaker sex...

Evelyne needs to travel to London for her mother’s funeral. But at the airport, she can’t produce her newborn baby’s ID. So she is not allowed to board her plane. But with the help of Stephanie, a young ground hostess, Evelyne will fight the unbending rules of airport regulations, and perhaps, take off on time.

2013/ France/ HD/ 19’/ Fiction/ Color

Script: Laurence Nicoli; Photography:  Christophe Legal; Editing: Gaël Cabouat; Music: Etienne Gauthier; Sound:  Loic Deshoux; Leading actors: Stëphanie Caillol ; Evelyne El Garby Klai; Anne Loiret; Cyril Guei; Producer: Gaël Cabouat

Script: Liam Engle; Photography: Xavier Dollans; Editing: Jeremy Pitard; Music: Vivien Villani; Sound: Thomas Guytard, Alix Breinl, Matthieu Tibi; Leading actors: Robert Hospyan, Laure Maloisel; Producer: David Hourregue

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Cristina Grosan

Shwan Attoof

Englisht title:   Holiday at the seasideOriginal title:   O vacanta la mare

2013 / Bosnia-Herzegovina / HD/ 16’/ Fiction / Color

Englisht title: Home & KeyOriginal title: Mal U Kelil

The story of this Film is an aesthetic narration of the death of a Kurdish Family, along the 20th century.

2013 / Iraq / HD / 14’/ Fiction/ Color

Amalia, 13, gets her first period one day before leaving to the seaside with her parents. Having a strict and distant mother, Amalia secretly decides to take the matter into her own hands. While struggling with the issue by herself, she doesn’t notice that her parents who discreetly agreed to split, are on the verge of giving up their last vacation spent as a family. What should have been an ordinary holiday becomes a mother-daughter quest. To find themselves, and then, each other.

Awards“Atlantic Group” grand prize for best short film at the 19 Sarajevo Film Festival *Special Mention for Best Fiction Film at the Nordic Youth Festival, Norway *selected at the EuroConnection Coproduction Platform, Clermont-Ferrand *selected for development and financing in the Sarajevo City of Film mentoring scheme Festivals: -Sarajevo International Film Festival, Bosnia Herzegovina -Clermont Ferrand International Film Festival, Collections section, France -Helsinki International Film Festival, Finland -Manlleu International Short Film Festival, Spain -Nordic Youth Film Festival, Norway -Friss Hus International Short Film Festival, Hungary

Script: Cristina Grosan, Stefan Statnic; Photography:  Akos Nyoszoli; Editing: Anna Meller; Music: Marci Kristof, Balint Szabo; Sound: Gabor Erdelyi, Sloven Anzulovic; Leading actors: Mara Purza, Andreea Vasile, Stefan Statnic; Producer: Dora Nedeczky

Script: Shwan Attoof; Photography: Amjad Mohammad; Editing: Rekawt Mohammad; Sound: Barzan Shakar; Leading actors: Hamarashid Haras Jwan Saleh; Producer: Shwan Attoof

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Ilirjan Himaj

Englisht title: One of themOriginal title: Njëri nga ata

Jean-Marc E. RoyEnglisht title:   NevermindOriginal title:   Nevermind

2013 / Kosova / HD / 30’/ Fiction / Color

Destiny in a postman’s bag The postman is about to start the most important mission of his life. After reaching to an unusual dwelling, he searches for the four fingered person to deliver an errand. His fate and the past of other inhabitants lie in his bag.

1994. An event. A motel. A memory.

2013 / Canada/ HD/ 5’ / Fiction / Color

Script: Jean-Marc E. Roy, Sophie Cadieux; Photography: Jean-Marc E. Roy; Editing: Jean-Marc E. Roy;Leading actors: Sophie Cadieux;Producer: Jean-Marc E. Roy;

Script: Ilirjan Himaj; Photography:  Latif Hasolli; Editing: Latif Hasolli; Animation: Arian Rogova; Music: Trimor Dhomi; Sound: Ardian Lokaj; Leading actors: Shkëlqim Islami, Doresa Rexha, Agron Shala, Agron Krasniqi, Kastriot Saqipi, Selatin Ademi, Arben Bajgora; Producer: Ilirjan Himaj

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Asimina Proedrou

Peter Volkart

Englisht title:   Red hulkOriginal title:   Red hulk

2013 / Greece / HD / 28’/ Fiction / Color

Englisht title: Room 606Original title: Zimmer 606

The travelling salesman Jonathan Fisch peddles glass eyes. The attic room no. 606 has its pitfalls. Something rather peculiar is happening beyond the wall. Jonathan Fisch can expect a very turbulent night. A night that begins one evening in late Autumn and doesn’t end until Spring.

2013 / Switzerland / HD / 15’ / Fiction / Color

Giorgos lives on his own in Athens. He lacks purpose, self-confidence, identity and peer acceptance. He fills the void by becoming the “Red Hulk”, as he is known at his football team’s fan club. Until the day he gets involved in racial violence, entailing new problems and dilemmas...

AwardsDrama Short Film Festival (2013): Grand Prix (Best Film), Best Male Actor, Cinematography Award; Athens International Film Festival (2013): Best Short Film; Los Angeles Greek Film Festival (USA) (2014): Best Short Film; Clermont - Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France)(2014);

AwardsWinner Hong Kong Int. Filmfestival 2013 - Winner Best Swiss Short Film, Winner Int. Fantastic Film Festival NIFF - Neuchatel 2012, Winner Milius d’Or - Best European Fantastic Short Film - Sitges 2012, Nomination Best Script - 6th Grand OFF World Independent Film Awards 2012- Warsaw, Winner Fano International Film Festival 2013- Italy, Winner Alter-Native Int. Short Film Festival 2013

Script: Asimina Proedrou; Photography: Christina Moumouri; Editing: Saifentin Salim;Sound: Costas Varybopiotis, Vassiliki Poulou; Leading actors: Frixos Proedrou, Nestoras Fanaras, Christos Kontogeorgis, Dimitris Tzoumakis, Elissaios Vlachos; Producer: Asimina Proedrou

Script: Anita Hansemann; Photography: Hans Ulrich Schenkel; Editing: Harald & Herbert; Music: Ben Jeger, Nihad Hrustanbegovic; Sound: Valentin Kemmner; Leading actors: Phil Hayes, Max Merker, Francesca Tappa; Producer: Franziska Reck

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Shiry PriceEnglisht title: Substitute teacherOriginal title: Mora machlifa

Carolina PetroEnglisht title:   Rosemary JaneOriginal title:   Rosemary Jane

2012 / Israel / HD / 17’/ Fiction / Color

Ariela, a 34 year old introvert teacher, is pregnant from a man who is no longer part of her life. Entering a new high school class as a substitute teacher she meets David, a 15 years old student. A tender connection develops between the two and makes Ariela wonder if she has what it takes to become a mother after all.

Rosemary, a 65-year-old widow, is crippled by grief. In search of a remedy for her depression and insomnia, she ventures to a council estate to buy marijuana.

2013 / UK / HD / 17’/ Fiction / Color

AwardsAwards for ‘Rosemary Jane’ include Best of British at Encounters Short Film Festival, Best Film at Concorto Short Film Festival, and two special mentions at Skepto Short Film Festival. I was featured in Dazed Digital Magazine as one of the ‘Five short film directors to look out for’.

Script: Carolina Petro; Photography:  Christoper L. Thomas; Editing: Carolina Petro;Music: Andrew Simmons; Sound:  Mauricio D›Orey; Leading actors: Julie Neubert, Thomas Eghator; Producer: Liam Creighton, Adam Boothby

Script: Shiry Price; Photography:  Einav Giat Goodman; Editing: Guy Nemesh; Music: Nir Popliker; Sound:  Ronen Nagel; Leading actors: Liron Ben Shlush Sahar Pilo; Producer: Yuval Granot

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Suela Bako

Aldi Karaj

Englisht title:   The dinnerOriginal title:   Darka

2013 / Albania / HD / 15’ / Fiction / Color

Englisht title: The outlawOriginal title: I jashtëligjshmi

You know that nice feeling when you get the news from your wife that she is pregnant? What if at the same time the door rings, before you is a 3 years old child, at that moment you understand that hi is your son?! How would you react?!!

2014 / Albania / HD / 20’ / Fiction / Color

Diana is 16yrs old and she lives with her younger sister and their father. Their mother died a few years ago...One day their father invited for dinner at their house his brother and his wife accompanied by a young women...

AwardsPartecipated in Gjakova Film Fest, Skepto International Film Festival, Sardegna, Italy, Tiff ODA, Deafilmfest, Albania, Dokufest, Prizren Kosove Best Film Award, in GJFF, 2014 Erjeta Cufaj - Best supporting role award, GJFF, 2014 Suela Bako - DEA award as an encouragament, for a promissing start to a successful film career, Dea Film Fest 2014

Script: Suela Bako; Photography:  Shpetim Baca; Editing: Adrian Guri; Music: Andi Kongo; Sound: Adrian Guri; Leading actors: Erjeta Cufaj, Romir Zalla, Eri Shuka; Producer: Romir Zalla

Script: Aldi Karaj; Editing: Aldi Karaj; Music: Elton Koçi; Sound:  Endri Pine; Leading actors: Gazmend Paja, Eva Murati, Emanuela Caka, Arsi Zacelici, Artna Malo, Jualian Canameti, Ervin Coba, Lul Cani;

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AwardsBest Actor, Charleston IFF Boston IFF Cergy-Pontoise (France) ContraVision FF (Berlin, Germany) In the Palace FF (Bulgaria) Santa Fe FF (USA) Lucerne IFF AFI DGA Showcase Soho Int FF (NYC) Dances With Films (Los Angeles, USA) Cine Gear Expo (Los Angeles, USA) Manhattan FF (NYC, USA) A Film for Peace FF (Italy)

Damien DunneEnglisht title: The swingOriginal title: The swing

Max WeissbergEnglisht title:   KaragandaOriginal title:   Karaganda

2013 / Ireland / HD / 12’/ Fiction / Color

The Swing is a coming of age story about two young brothers who find themselves in a perilous situation that kicks up memories of their past.

Vladimir is a prisoner in a 1950s Soviet prison camp on a mission to find his wife.

2013 / USA / 25’/ Fiction / B&W

AwardsGalway Film Fleadh 2014, Winner, best first short

Script: Max Weissberg; Photography: Terrence Burke; Editing: Cami Starkman; Animation: Joseph Schultz; Music: Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov; Sound:  Fred Schultz; Leading actors: Konstantin Lavysh, Nikita Bogolyubov; Producer: Shira Aharony

Script: Nora Windeck, Damien Dunne; Photography: Eamon Nolan; Editing: Fernando De Juan; Music: Irene Buckley; Sound:  Jon Kelly; Leading actors: Matthew Dillon, Matthew Burke, Marion Neary; Producer: Nora Windeck

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Christian Johannes Koch

Flavio Alves

Englisht title:   The visitorOriginal title:   Der Gast

2013 / Germany / HD / 30’/ Fiction / Color

Englisht title: Tom in AmericaOriginal title: Tom in America

For 50 years, Michael and Betty have been united by one guiding principle: no secrets. But when a provocative Tom of Finland doll triggers Michael\’s long-buried desires, Betty discovers that secrets have been part of their life all along. With long-held mysteries thrust into the open, the foundation of their marriage and the path of their golden years is suddenly rocked. Now, they must redefine their future, and decide if it is one their love can survive.

2013 / USA / HD / 16’/ Fiction / Color

When Anna puts food on the stairs to the attic, it disappears. So does the blanket and her friend\’s green coat. At first, she is afraid, when she hears noises coming from the attic, but soon her curiosity wins over. As an unseen observer she immerses herself in an alien life, until the invisible line of privacy is abruptly crossed.

AwardsAchtung Berlin, New Berlin Film Award 2014

Script: Roman Gielke, Christian Johannes Koch; Photography: Sebastian Klatt; Editing: Jamin Benazzouz; Music: Bowen Liu; Sound: Lajos Wienkamp Marques; Leading actors: Paula Hans, Matthias Lier, Nikolay Stefanov; Producer: Ceylan Rohrbeck

Script: Jeffrey Solomon, Sott Alexander Hess; Photography: Jordan T. Parrott; Editing: Carlos Flores, Julian Amaro; Music: Jack Woodbridge; Sound: Jake Sedlar; Leading actors: Burt Young, Sally Kirkland, Jacques Mitchell; Producer: Roy Gokay Wol

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Lee Hyung-suk

Englisht title: Two Boys and a SheepOriginal title: So-nyeon-gwa Yang

Susana CasaresEnglisht title:   TryoutsOriginal title:   Tryouts

2013 / South Korea / 35mm / 18’/ Fiction / Color

Two boys, a man and a woman. Two different loves and one sheep.

Being a teenager isn’t easy, especially for Nayla, a Muslim-American girl who wants to join her high school’s cheerleading squad.

2013 / USA / HD / 14’ / Fiction / Color

Script: Susana Casares; Photography: Monika Lenczewska; Editing: Susana Casares; Music: Robert Lydecker; Sound:  Brandon Jones; Leading actors: Kimya Marefat, Marissa Clifford, Johanna Trujillo, Joey Naber, Azzie Amani; Producer: Susana Casares

AwardsWinner Best Drama · EMMY’s Foundation College Television Award · Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 2013; · Official Selection - 51st New York International Film Festival – Film Society Lincoln Center; · Winner - New Filmmakers from Spain - Recent Spanish Cinema · ICAA-EGEDA; · Winner “Cinema Without Bordersm” Special Jury Award · Palm Springs ShortFest 2013; · Winner “Challenging Reality Award\” - Seoul International Youth Film Festival; · Winner Best Short - Festival de Cortos de Vitoria-Gasteiz Cortada; · Winner Silver Award - Beijing Film Academy Film Festival; · Winner Best Student Film · Evolution International Film Festival 2013; · Official Selection – Festival de Cine de Malaga;

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Mavroeidis ZachariasVangelis KaramarigosEnglisht title:   Working dayOriginal title:   Kathimerini ergasimi

2013/ Greece / Digital Beta / 10’/ Fiction / Color

Kostas owes a lot of money.Desperate to find a solution to his debt,he decides to surprise rob his best friend Vasilis,who transfers the banks daily earnings to the depository.During the ambush,in order to protect his friend,Vasilis refuses to give him the money.The two friends confront each other and Kostas ends up shooting Vasilis.Kostas flees with the money,but soon returns to rescue his wounded friend.In the car,he realizes he has made a wrong decision,once again.

Script: Zacharias Mavroeidis, Vangelis Karamarigos; Photography: Yorgos Karvelas; Editing: Nikos Vavouris; Sound: Iraklis Vlachakis, Nikos Triantaryllar; Leading actors: Dimitris Zanthopoulos, Yiannis Roussakis; Producer: Vicky Miha

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Englisht title: First fishOriginal title: První Rybka

Manuel Sumberac

Veronika Göttlichová Veronika Göttlichová

Englisht title:   Clockwork HeartOriginal title:   Mehanicko srce

2013 / Croatia / HD / 9’/ Animation / Color2013 / Croatia / HD / 9’/ Animation / Color

An old fisherman sits by the sea, catching small glittering fish, symbolizing his memories. A little girl searches, but doesn’t seem to be able to find her own memory. Instead, she dreams of what life could be when she grows up and keeps hiding her little pink dreams in seashells she finds along the coast. Then one day, the fisherman catches a fish that doesn’t belong to him... A poetic story about the importance of memories and dreams in the cycle of human life.

2012/ Czech Republic / Digital/ 13’25’’/ Animation/ Colour

Watchmaker’s apprentice through the catharsis of experiences and a nightmare relationship with his master will realize that the perfect clockwork can be initiated only if he completely sacrifices himself.

Script: Manuel Sumberac; Photography: Manuel Sumberac; Editing: Manuel Sumberac; Animation: Manuel Sumberac; Music: Vjeran Salamon; Sound: Vjeran Salamohn; Producer: Ustanova Zagreb film & Academy of Fine Arts

Script: Veronika Göttlichová; Photography: Tomáš Galásek; Editing:  Lukáš Šereš; Music: David Göttlich, Daniel Stanchev, Ondřej Neurokiss; Sound: David Kaláč; Producer: Tomas Bata University in Zlín

Script: Veronika Göttlichová; Photography: Tomáš Galásek; Editing:  Lukáš Šereš; Music: David Göttlich, Daniel Stanchev, Ondřej Neurokiss; Sound: David Kaláč; Producer: Tomas Bata University in Zlín

AwardsBest Animation Award at Uncanny Valley Animation Festival; Audience Award at Azores Fringe Festival,

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Englisht title: Life is beautifulOriginal title: Life is beautiful

Script: Evgenia Gostrer; Photography: Tilman Hatje; Editing: Evgenia Gostrer; AAnimation: Evgenia Gostrer; Music: Michael Tuttle ; Sound: Michael Tuttle & Tobias Boehm; Producer: Evgenia Gostrer.

Ben Brand Ben Brand

Evgenia GostrerEvgenia Gostrer

Englisht title:   FramedOriginal title:   Im Rahmen

2013/ Netheland / Digital / 8’37’’/ Animation / Colour 2013/ Netheland / Digital / 8’37’’/ Animation / Colour

Anton may be done with life but life ain’t done with Anton.

How much do I love myself? What am I proud of? How do I present myself? How do I want to be seen like? Where are my personal boundaries and how do they look like? How far can I go?

2013/ Germany/ HD/ 5’/ Animation/ Colour

AwardsJury & Audience Award of the 10th Haydauer Filmtage Haydau, Germany

Script: Ben Brand;Producer: Caviar AmsterdamScript: Ben Brand;Producer: Caviar Amsterdam

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Drasko Ivezic

Daniel Greaves

Englisht title:   Love and VehiclesOriginal title:   Ljubav i prijevozna sredstva

2014/ Croatia / HD / 14’ / Animation / Colour

Englisht title: Mr. PlastimimeOriginal title: Mr. Plastimime

Mr. Plastimime is a funny and moving story about a man who faithfully practices a dying art, a man whose timing is a bit off, a man whose skills aren’t recognized, a man who is unlucky in love; But this is a man who keeps moving forward, faithfully believing he will one day finally be ‘seen’. That day has come…but he never expected it to be like this.

2014 / UK/ Digital / 9’42’’/ Animation / Colour - B&W

World full of different vehicles with different couples all travelling on a path filled with bizarre meaningless relationships. Two characters who are almost like twins just opposite gender. Throughout Love and Vehicles the two of them are mirroring each other but still they don’t meet. The vehicles like a boat a huge ship a bicycle a train and an airplane host little visual gags with different couples. At the final act we see our main couple for the first time together waiting for a bus. Are they going to get on the bus together and be as the other couples? Or does fate have other plans?

Script: Drasko Ivezic; Photography: Drasko Ivezic; Editing: Ivor Ivezic; Animation: Drasko Ivezic; Music: Branko Radic; Sound: Thomas Richard Christensen; Producer: Ustanova Zagreb film

Script: Daniel Greaves; Photography: Simon Paul; Editing: Daniele Baiardini; Producer: Emma Burch

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Englisht title:   PhotoOriginal title:   Ax

Mashaallah Mohammadi

Oleksandr DanylenkoEnglisht title: SwanOriginal title: Swan

2013 / Ukraine / HD / 4’ / Animation / Colour

Our souls are like swans. We have only one true love in life. But true love is stronger than time or distance. And sometimes even the border between the worlds cannot stand in its way.

A man takes a photo of himself and prints it on the wall.

2013 / Iran / DVD / 3’ / Animation / Colour

Script: Mashaallah Mohammadi; Photography:   Mashaallah Mohammadi; Editing:  Mashaallah Mohammadi;  Animation: Mashaallah Mohammadi;  Music:  Koohyar Peik; Sound: Hussein Ghorchian;  Producer:  Iranian Young Cinema Society

Music: Kwoon; Sound: Sandy Lavallart; Producer: Kateryna Zabavko

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Dimitar Dimitrov

Liv Scharbatke

Englisht title:   The day of the bleeding gumsOriginal title:   Денят на кървавите венци

2014 / Bulgaria / 4’50’’/ Animation / Colour

Englisht title: What remains Original title: Das, was bleibt

A german living room in the 1940s, abandoned, like a hasty escape. What is left are photographies on the wall, memories, that come to life and tell us the tragic story of a big love which must not be.

2012 / Germany / Digital, Photography / 5’ 12’’/ Animation / Colour - B&W

The painting has a value only in the moment of its creation; the rest is just a postcard from a far away voyage. One film drawn frame by frame on a smartphone.

Script: Dilyan Elenkov; Cast: Leonid Yovchev; Producer: Neli Gacharova

AwardsArirang Korea Award - Toronto Smart Phone Film Festival 2014.

Script: Liv Scharbatke; Photography: Martin Grötzschel; Editing: Anne Goldenbaum; Music: Dominik Giesriegl; Animation: Martin Grötzschel, Liv Scharbatke; Key cast: Dennis Lutz, Natascha Kuch; Producer: Felix Ruple

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Paul Druce

Diego Scarponi

Englisht title:   Butterflies - 10 Observations Original title:   Butterflies - 10 Observations 

2013/ Germany / HD / 17’/ Documentary / Colour

Englisht title: Fossil memoryOriginal title: Memoria fossile

We are facing a past civilization, now extinct. What remains of this civilization, who lived on iron and fire, is a city, or rather what here remains. To find evidence of its existence, we have only the tracks that this civilization has left behind. Pictures, testimonials, sounds that are - inevitably - stratified elements of a world that has disappeared.

2013 / Italy / HD/ 15’/ Documentary / Colour- B&W

A short film about butterflies, life and death - with a human perspective.

Photography: Paul Druce; Editing:  Paul Druce; Producer:  Paul Druce

Script: Diego Scarponi, Grazia Stella, Sandro Bozzolo; Photography: Sandro Bozzolo, Alessandro Ingaria; Editing: Silvia Caracciolo; Music: Piero Ponzo; Sound: Jan Maio; Leading actors: Andrea Pierdicca, Gianni Briano , ‘Mr. Puma; Producer: Alessandro Ingaria;

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Englisht title:   Scars of Cambodia  Original title:   Scars of Cambodia  

Alexandre Liebert

Lulzim SulaEnglisht title: Silent champions Original title: Kampionët e heshtur

2013/ Albania / HD / 17’ / Documentary / Colour

A very interesting comparison can be drawn between pigeons and humans with regards to the concept of family, in fact, similarities are noted between the two when we take a closer look at why 2000 pigeons fly from Rijeka, Croatia, towards Albania. The motives for their return to their homes were 3: 1. they had to feed their newborns; 2. they had left their partner alone; 3. they had to keep their eggs warm. The documentary follows the lives of pigeons during an extended period of 4 months. The pigeons unite people. In this race we have participants from Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia- Herzegovina.

5 am in a small fish market in Cambodia. Tut is 50 years old. Amongst daily life scenes, Tut will show us, no, will be miming, the tortures he underwent.

2013 / France / HD / 30’/ Documentary / Colour Script: Emilie Arfeuil, Alexandre Liebert; Producer:  Guy Ratovofrahona

Script: Lulzim Sula; Photography: Naun Lasku; Editing: Lulzim Sula; Music: Majlinda Bërxolli; Leading actors: Actors are simple people that have a good connection with the pigeons. Producer: Lulzim Sula

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Keivan Majidi

Sfaxi Djamila

Englisht title:   The angel of thousands stones Original title:   گنس رازه هتشرف

2013 / Iran / HD / 21’/ Documentary / Colour

Englisht title: The other penaltyOriginal title: L’autre peine

We rarely acknowledge the situation of relatives of detainees. The steps they have to take for their first visit in a detention center. It is a real battle. What we must understand is that when we incarcerate a man or woman, we also imprison that individual’s family. I had this experience over 25 years ago when I went with my mother to visit my younger brother at the detention center of Meaux. I was then 19 years old and he was only a minor.

2013 / France / Dvcam / 13’/ Documentary / Colour

This film is about a Kurd Muslim old woman who tries to make a cross for a Christian doctor’s grave. The doctor has been killed there and ...

Script: Keivan Majidi; Photography: Rahmat Abdeyani; Editing: Keivan Majidi; Music: Hamed Haseli; Sound: Payman Majidi; Producer: Keivan Majidi;

Script: Sfaxi Djamila; Editing: Sfaxi Djamila, Ariane Mellet; Sound: Sivine Arslan; Leading actors: Sfaxi Djamila; Producer: Sfaxi Djamila

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Louis Mansf

Alex Pachón

Englisht title:   Among the innocentOriginal title:   Among the innocent

2013 / USA / HD / 7’/ Experimental / Colour

Englisht title: CracksOriginal title: Cracks

Every sound generates a movement and every movement produces a sound. I am interested in exploring a way to project this concept with an elegant and subtle style. A man dances to the sounds of his own joints cracking and popping. Dancing with the music produced by dance and,with a certain sarcasm, the source of the relationship between dance and music. The piece poses an action where the rhythm depends completely on the human body’s expressions and vice versa.

2013 / Spain / HD / 4’ / Experimental / B&W

A little girl is confronted with total annihilation by a world beyond her understanding.

Script: Louis Mansfield; Photography: Geoff Morris; Editing: Louis Mansfield; Animation: Jason Melcher, Geoff Morris; Music: Bill Brown; Sound: Ben Wong; Leading actors: Jennifer Butler, Harley Sherman, Holden Sherman; Producer: Christine McDermott

Script: Alex Pachón; Photography: Felix Méndez , Núria Gámiz; Editing: Alex Pachón; Sound: Alberto Rodríguez; Leading actors: Alex Pachón; Producer: Patricia S. Mora

AwardsFirst Runner Up- One Minute Jumping Frames Dance Video Competition 2013. Hong Kong; Best Choreography, In Shadow- Lisboa, Portugal 2013; Best National Film Fiver - Logroño, España 2014; Premio Canal + “A la mejor videocreación”- España, 2014.


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Englisht title:   Happy Thoughts Original title:   Happy Thoughts

Layke Anderson

Norika SefaEnglisht title: IngredientsOriginal title: Ingredients

2013 / Kosova / HD / 8’/ Experimental / Colour

We see people eating, drinking, walking the streets or driving. Their lives seem to be normal, but they are not. No matter how old you are, some things will always remain absurd. Questions, doubts and thoughts will grow with us. Anna needs to make a decision but in the meanwhile the easiest thing to do is drink milk and eat strawberry.

Exploring the constant blurring of modern relationships via the evocative ghosts of a classic tale, a pair of young adversaries are brought back together in the wake of a disaster.

2013 / UK / HD / 14’ / Experimental / Colour

Script: Norika Sefa; Photography: Niko Alajoki; Editing: Karoliina Gröndahl; Sound: Miloš Đurić and Jean-Philippe de Tinguy; Leading actors: Eeva Alvarado; Producer: Euphoria Borealis Ry, Karoliina Gröndahl

Script: Layke Anderson; Photography: Jean-Paul Berthoin; Editing: Layke Anderson, Alejandro Sesma; Music: Tom Green;Sound: Iris Jenkins; Leading actors: Maya Markelle, Henry Garrett, Gintare Parulyte; Producer: Layke Anderson, Jean-Paul Berthoin, Maggie Russell

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Mehdi Boostani

Choukrallah Noha

Englisht title:   LessonOriginal title:   Lesson

2013 / Iran / HD / 15’/ Experimental / Colour

Englisht title: Night lightOriginal title: Night light

Barricated in a ruined building, two teenagers are hiding: they are waiting for the enemy. Through thier memories, the movie explores the themes of love, childhood and violence.

2013 / Belgium / HD / 13’/ Experimental / Colour

We review what Khorramshahr went through from the beginning to the end of the war in a minimalist and symbolic narration in a classroom. May we never forget and repeat history!

Script: Mehdi Boostani; Photography: Samad Farhang; Editing: Abolfazl Shakiba; Music: Selected from Pink Floyd; Leading actors: Abdolreza Savaedi, Shahrah Poor Askar, Mohammad ali Jalil, Hamid Saket; Producer: Soureh Cinema Org.

Script: Noha Choukrallah; Photography: Robin Montrau; Music: Sabrina Duval; Sound: Sabrina Duval; Leading actors: Ernst Umhauer, Mathilde Warnier; Producer: Noha Choukrallah

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Englisht title:   Our Skin Is Going To Gray Original title:   Koža će nam postati siva

Ivan Bakrac

Ronnie CramerEnglisht title: Pillow Girl Original title: Pillow Girl

2014 / USA / Digital Video / 6’ / Experimental / Colour

The visual portion of the piece uses covers of pulp novels and exploitation magazines with the illustrated figures coming to life and morphing into one another during the course of the presentation (each cover is visible in its original state for only 1/30th of a second). Over 200 covers are presented in this fashion. In addition to being a colorful and impressive visual display the images presented in Pillow Girl are a vivid and fascinating historical encapsulation of how women have been depicted in popular culture.

The lives of timeless characters are intertwined in a story about universal fear of being rejected, attached and alone.

2014 / Serbia / Red / 13’/ Experimental / Colour

Script: Bane Jevtic, Ivan Bakrac; Photography: Dusan Grubin; Editing: Ivan Bakrac; Sound: Ivan Antic; Leading actors: Bane Jevtic, Vladimir Gvojic, Bora Nenic, Jelena Angelovski, Eva Ras; Producer: Dusan Grubin, Ivan Bakrac

Awards‘Golden Inspiration’ for best screenplay- Bašta Fest - International Short Film Festival

Script: Ronnie Cramer; Photography: Ronnie Cramer; Editing: Ronnie Cramer;Music: Ronnie Cramer; Sound: Ronnie Cramer; Producer: Ronnie Cramer

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Sebastian Natto

Dominique T Skoltz

Englisht title:   R1138 Original title:   R1138

2012 / Germany / DVCPRO / 8’/ Experimental / Colour

Englisht title: y2o {distilled}Original title: y2o {distilled}

y2o navigates troubled waters, between suffocation and exaltation, between consummation and relinquishment, between yes and no, from both under the skin and on its surface. This work allows us to see a love on the verge of drifting, a multimorphic cell that is scattered in multiple scenes. Each of these scenes pummels emotional nodes, which are made and unmade by daily abrasions, observing the crossed polarities from which relentless loves are composed.

2013 / Canada / HD / 11’/ Experimental / Colour

He sits in an office, waiting for orders to appear. When orders increases and equipment fails, he hangs himself in his little cabin. But why?

Script: Sebastian Natto; Photography: Ronald Lynne Linder; Editing: Sebastian Natto; Animation: Sebastian Natto; Music: Get well soon; Sound: Denis von Truembach; Leading actors: Denis von Truembach; Producer: Sebastian Natto, Denis von Truembach

AwardsBermudashorts Mannheim, Shorts Offenburg (Juryprice), Endhirsch Heidelberg (Price), Kratkofil

Script: Dominique T Skoltz; Photography: Dominique T Skoltz; Editing: Dominique T Skoltz; Music: Milie Bernard , Dominique T Skoltz; Sound: Audio Z; Leading actors: Vanessa Pilon, Jacques Poulin-Denis; Producer: Dominique T Skoltz

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Kolec Traboini

Valon Jakupaj Senad Abduli

Alban ZogjaniEnglisht title:   Boy with the guitarOriginal title:   Djaloshi me kitarre

Englisht title:   Five minutes more Original title:   Edhe pese minuta

Englisht title:   Good time to dieOriginal title:   Kohe e bukur per te vdekur

Englisht title:   Dear NitaOriginal title:   E dashura Nita

2013/ Albania/ HD/ 30’/ Documentary/ Colour

2013 / Albania / Pro Rez 422 HQ Full HD / 6’/ Fiction / Color 2013 / Macedonia / HD / 17’/ Fiction / B&W

2013/ Kosova/ HD/ 8’/ Fiction/ Color

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Genc Berisha

Michael Philipps Kujtim Gjonaj

Lediona Kasapi Englisht title:   If we can do it we’ll do itOriginal title:   Me mujtë me bo e kishim bo

Englisht title:   Kadenca bluOriginal title:   Kadenca blu

Englisht title:   MargaritaOriginal title:   Margarita

Englisht title:   InsecurityOriginal title:   Pasiguria

2014 / Kosova / HD /26’/ Fiction / Color

2013/ Kosova / Dvcam / 14’ / Fiction / Color 2013 / Albania / HD / 30’/ Documentary / Colour

2013/ Albania / DVD / 11’/ Experimental / Color

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Sokol Peçi

Xhelal Haliti Lulzim Sula

Kristine NrecajEnglisht title:   No more class warOriginal title:   No more class war

Englisht title:   The pianoOriginal title:   Piano

Englisht title:   Soldier with appleOriginal title:   Ushtari dhe molla

Englisht title:   Of dogs and lionsOriginal title:   Von hunden und löwen

2011 / Albania / MiniDv / 3’/ Experimental / Color- B&W

2014 / Kosova / HD / 25’/ Fiction / Color 2013 / Albania / HD / 19’/ Fiction / Color

2014 / Germany / Red / 24’ / Fiction / Color

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Anxhela Dervishi

Bertrand Shijaku Ergys Meta

Xhulio JokaEnglisht title:   SonataOriginal title:   Sonata

Englisht title:   The headOriginal title:   Koka

Englisht title:   The killersOriginal title:   Vrasësit

Englisht title:   The diary of dreamsOriginal title:   Ditari i endrrave

2013/ Albania / HD/ 22’ / Fiction / Color

2013 / Albania / HD / 4’ / Animation / Color 2013/ Albania / HD / 20’ / Fiction / B&W

2013 / Albania / HD / 21’/ Fiction / Color – B&W

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Leart Rama

Eduart Fisheku

Zhani TerpiniEnglisht title:   The last breathOriginal title:   Fryma e fundit

Englisht title:   UmbrellaOriginal title:   Çadra

Englisht title:   TraceOriginal title:   Gjurmë

2014 / Kosova / HD / 9’/ Fiction / Color

2012 / Albania / HD / 12’ / Fiction

2014 / Albania / HD / 3 ’/ Documentary

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Deyan Bararev / Botev is an idiot IFIgeneia Kotsoni / Evergreen2012 / Bulgaria / 8’51’’ 2012 / Greece / 13’44’’9

Vasko has written an essay that offends and questions Hristo Botev, who iswidely considered by Bulgarians as a national hero. When the headmaster of the school herself interrogates him in front of the whole class, Vasko explains that he wanted to say something entirely different.

A strange woman arrives from the North to a prehistoric village bringing some bad news.

Elektra Venaki is the founder of www.altcine.com, the web platform dedicated to the Balkan Cinema and of altcineAction! The 1st Online Short Film Festival for Balkan countries. She is a researcher and lecturer in many Academic Establishments in Athens and former film editor. Electra Venaki holds an M.A (D.E.A) in Cinema, Audiovisual, Television and an B.A (Maitrise) in Cinema Studies from University Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne. (1990)She teaches Editing and Sound Design in private colleges and schools in Athens. (New York College, AKMI) and she is a longtime collaborator of University of Thessaly (Greece).She taught for two years the course Editing Sound and Image, in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Film Studies. (2005-2007) and the course of Moving Image in the M.A programme of Aristotle University (Athens, 2009-2010). Elektra Venaki has 25 years of experience in film and digital video editing in Greece. Among her collaborations, there are many awarded films in Thessaloniki International Festival, especially in the Documentary Section and she has been awarded for editing in Drama Short Film Festival twice. She served as a chef of Audiovisual Production in Lambrakis Press Group and chef editor of the cinema site in the biggest portal in Greece, www.in.gr (1999-2005)

The web portal www.altcine.com is an innovative and ambitious web-platform, dedicated to the Balkan cinema.Founded in 2011 by Electra Venaki, it holds its operations in Athens, Greece and aims to increase awareness in Balkan audiovisual legacy and cultural identities as well as broaden the knowledge and interest about Balkan cinema through the tools of the digital era (interactive multimedia, social networking, multilingualism). It is published in English and soon in all Balkan languages.Altcine vision is based on three axes:• Bring together the Balkan film community and to become the vehicle for upcoming co-productions.• Link academic knowledge with the richness of Balkan films and become a touchstone for film studies.• Support the distribution and promotion of Balkan films and establish a new trend that will captivate the audience.


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Ina Georgieva / Habitat Vahit Atan / Keep the change2013 / Bulgaria / 4’22’’ 2013 / Turkey / 6’ 42’’

A new man was born in the habitat. Kicked out by the others he follows a new direction. How far will he go?

A social scream steaming from the reaction of a father receiving the news of the martyrdom of his son on whom he has placed all his hopes.

Antonia Milcheva / Linda Dimitris Zahos / Penguins2012 / Bulgaria / 12’ 2012/Greece/ 13’15’’

In an early morning, two women struggle with circumstances to bury a puppy. This is an elderly woman and her daughter. The single combat is actually between them both.

A father close to retirement with his two sons, try to adjust and manage their daily lives, within a dire economic situation. Everyone reacts in their own way . They collide with each other and each one with himself trying to keep the consistency of their family and be able to cope. Based on the awarded short story by Christos Economou “Penguins outside the accountants office” (Something will happen, you”ll see)

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Antonios Vallindras / Sundness Darko Stante / Them2014 / Greece / 15’ 2014 / Slovenia / 14’09’’

People from Athens with diverse backgrounds share with us the special and peculiar Sunday “feeling”. A sense of melancholy that appears in the afternoon and culminates later at night with an intense emotional shift and an abrupt drop back to reality. At long last, Monday morning will not be so daunting after all.

In a crumbling world torn apart by mysterious beings called Them, a group of runaways band together to survive. Cal, the informal leader of the group, has one more concern on his troubled mind. His wife Becky is gravely ill. And he will do anything in his power to protect her. He will not let Them get her.

David Bagaric / Adrenaline Alma Andreescu / What?2013 / Croatia / 04’05’’ 2013 / Romania / 4’16’

Strange story about adrenaline. A woman is having a seemingly banal walk at night whilst gossiping on the phone.

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Another day at the ballet school. Class routine goes as usual, when Sophie notices a boy outdoors, on the street. Surrounded by her frivolously chattering classmates, she realizes that another girl is faster making decisions, and Sophie finds herself caught in a vortex of grief and aggression.

Daniele Greco works on project management and media relations for Magma - International short film Festival, which takes place in Sicily every year since 2002. He is a freelance video-maker and photo-journalist. Born 1980, he has experimented various audiovisual genres and has developed a true passion for the documentary field. He also makes corporate videos and leads Television&Film vocational trainings.

Magma – mostra di cinema breve is an international short film festival which takes place in Acireale, a beautiful baroque town situated in the Eastern part of Sicily (Italy). Magma was first started in 2002 by Associazione Culturale Scarti, a cultural association created by a group of young people aiming at producing and promoting short films. Now in its 13th edition, Magma – mostra di cinema breve has so far examined more than 5.000 short films coming from 76 countries of the world, reaching a total attendance of around 14.000 spectators and standing out as one of the best short film festivals in Italy. In addition to the international competition, every year the programme offers special sections devoted to producers or distributors of the short film. In contrast to bigger Italian film festivals, Magma has always focused exclusively on the short film, considering it as a separate art form, as a format allowing for the experimentation of new styles and the creation of new trends, the presentation of works from both first-time amateurs and established filmmakers. The festival offers a chance of visibility for high-value works that are often precluded from the main distribution channels. Its aim is to build a bridge between the audience and the endless forms of expression of the short format, ranging from documentaries to animation, from narratives to the experimental.

A world-famous boys´ choir goes on a tour. In the hands of their severe conductor they are an obedient musical instrument. But left alone without supervision, they are just playful children.

Daria Belova / Ballet story Edmunds Jansons / Choir Tour2011 / Germany / 9’ / Fiction 2012 / Latvia / 5’ / Animation


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A new man is born in the habitat. Kicked out by the others, he follows a new direction. How far will he go?

Timothy Reckart / Bead over heels Carolin Färber / Leben!2012 / UK / 10’/ Animation 2013 / Germany / 18’/ Fiction

Ina Georgieva / Habitat Andrej Kolencik / Hviezda (The Star)2013 / Bulgaria / 4’ / Animation 2012 / Slovakia / 19’ / Documentary

The story of Jan Slovak, a 55-year-old welder who fell in love with acting. His desire began when he got the lead role in a theatrical adaptation of the worst movie of all time, “Plan 9 From Outer Space” by Ed Wood Jr. The passion for theatre became his destiny.

A husband and wife have drifted apart over the years. He lives on the floor, she lives on the ceiling, and their marriage hangs in the balance.

Ben suffers from massive anxieties and an obsessive-compulsive disorder which he can´t stand any longer. Ben´s most burning desire is to be normal again. When he is invited for a job interview, he decides to risk it all and to face his fears for one – long – day.

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Deyan Bararev / What? Josip Viskovic / Someone Might Drop a Cigarette2013 / Romania / 4’16’2012 / Croatia / 13’’ / FictionA woman is having a seemingly banal walk at night whilst gossiping on

the phone. Jasna and Darko are expecting a child. They live with Darko´s father, who is an alcoholic.

Tin and Tina are not eating the purée tonight.

Rubin Stein / Tin & Tina2013 / Spain / 12’ / Fiction

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The festival and its main goal“Mobile Festival” is an International festival for films shot with mobile devices. Created in 2010 by KT FILM & MEDIA, the festival persists thanks to the great enthusiasm and unselfish efforts of its associates, . All this years, the festival is supported by Macedonian Film Agency. The motto of the festival is “Everyone Can do it”

MobilE Film Festival


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Mihaela Gjorceva / A cat’s tale

Ardi Borova / Domino & Government

Dukagjin Borova / Everything is money

Thomas Llorens / Brutal Reality

Maria Kuracheva / Dream for sails

Thomas Llorens / Brutal RealityJulien Magnan / Fecamp Normandie

Helene Roux , Harry Richmond Brown / A sweet story

Ludwik Lis / Door phone

2012 / 02’56’’/ Fiction

2010 /USA / 01’09’’/ Experimental

2011 / 01’47’’/ Animation

2011 / 02’15’’/ Fiction

2011 / USA / 05’22’’/ Experimental

2011 / 02’15’’/ Fiction2012 / 03’00’’/ Fiction

2013 / 01’11’’/ Fiction

2010 / 04’25’’/ Documentary

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Kosta Dupchinov / Holding

Branko Ristovski / Light

Choi Si Young / Hide and seekFilip Petreski / Hidden

Mirko Rudic / Kime

Kakao Poks / MiaoyStefan Fischli / Lost property

Joachim Svedlun, Robin Ahlgren / Finn Visual cooks

An Youngbin / Jealousy is my power2011 / 02’39’’/ Experimental

2010 / 03’28’’/ Experimental

2012 / 04’59’’/ Experimental2013 / 02’08’’/ Fiction

2011 / 01’37’’ / Documentary

2011 / 02’07’’/ Experimental2013/ 02’04’’/ Fiction

2013 / USA / 01’00’’ / Experimental

2012 / 02’55’’/ Experimental

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Mihaela Gjorceva / A cat’s tale

Lina Lambrinidis, Dona Dameska, Elena Kostoska / The cut

Stephanie Cazaentre, Alice De Sagazan, Ana Maria Gomes / The passer through walls

Martin Taskoski / The circle

Corteggiani & Giraud / The girl with the red balloons

The taste of VenganceBojan Stojchevski / The Rubber And The Drawing

Daniel Trajkov / Surprise

Dimitar Dimitrov / The day of the Bleeding gums

2012 / 02’56’’/ Fiction

2013 / 02’09’’/ Fiction

2013 /00’19’’/ Experimental

2011 / 02’15’’/ Experimental

2013 / 01’00’’/ Experimental

2011/04’07’’/ Experimental2010 / 01’41’’/ Animation

2012 / 02’43’’/ Fiction

2014/05’/ Animation

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Conrad Mess / The time fixer

Alise Anderson, Greg Armstrong / Trapped

George Kouvaras / ThumbnailLuca Gennari / The tits on an eighteen year old

Chung Long Man / Warm dishes

2012 / 07’15’’/ Fiction

2013 / USA / 02’14’’/ Experimental

2010 / 02’50’’/ Experimental2012 / 07’51’’/ Fiction

2012 / 05’19’’/ Documentary

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special screening

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The Istituto Luce turned ninety in 2014, its decades-long history intertwined with that of Italy itself, through cinema and that unique treasure trove of images known to all as the Luce Archives. To celebrate its anniversary, some of the most acclaimed rising filmmakers in Italy were invited to make a small film, with each director selecting ten minutes of footage from the archives, out of the thousands of hours of footage to be found there.

Alice Rohrwacher

Giovanni Piperno

Costanza Quatriglio

Claudio Giovannesi

Alina Marazzi

Marco Bonfanti

Paola Randi

Pietro Marcello e

Sara Fgaier

Roland Sejko

Original title: 9 x 10 NovantaTubiolo e la luna / Il mio dovere di sposa / Confini/ L’umile Italia / Miracolo italiano / Girotondo / Progetto panico / Una canzone / L’entrata in guerra

2014/Italy/ 94’/ Color – B&W

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ALICE ROHRWACHER made her first documentary, Un piccolo spettacolo, in 2003. In 2006 she took part in the collective documentary Checosamanca. After her feature directorial debut with Corpo Celeste in 2011, the film The Wonders definitively established her reputation in 2014.

GIOVANNI PIPERNO has made numerous documentaries, including Intervista a mia madre (1999), Il film di Mario (1999-2001), L’esplosione (2003), CIMAP! centoitaliani-mattiapechino (2008), Il pezzo mancante (2010) and Le cose belle (2013).

COSTANZA QUATRIGLIO made her feature directorial debut with L’isola in 2003, and Racconti per L’isola in the same year. She also directed Ècosaimale? (2000), L›insonnia di Devi (2001), Il mondo addosso (2006), Il mio cuore umano (2009), Terramatta; (2012) and Con il fiato sospeso (2013).

PAOLA RANDI has written and directed animated and live action short films, documentaries, videos and television series. In 2010 she made her feature debut with Into Paradiso. Her Tito il Piccolo is currently in production.

CLAUDIO GIOVANNESI directed his first feature-length film La casa sulle nuvole in 2009, as well as his documentary Fratelli d’Italia. In 2012 he made Alì Blue Eyes, followed by his documentary Wolf in 2013.

ALINA MARAZZI made the documentary For One More Hour with You in 2002, followed by Per Sempre (2005) and We Want Roses Too (2007). She co-wrote and directed All About You in 2012.

MARCO BONFANTI made two short films in 2008 and 2009: Le Parole di Stockhausen and Ordalìa (dentro di me). Two years later he made his first documentary, L’ultimo pastore.

PIETRO MARCELLOand SARA FGAIER started working together in 2007, on Crossing the Line, and went on to make (with Fgaier editing) The Mouth of the Wolf in 2009 and The Silence of Pelešjan two years later.

ROLAND SEJKO has worked at the Istituto Luce since 1995, where he has handled various projects for the Film Department and the Luce Historical Archives. In 2008 he wrote and directed the documentary Albania il paese di fronte. In 2012 he directed Anija - La Nave. 9 x 10 Novanta

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Three generations of a family has to move back to their picturesque coastal town of their family’s origin and survive off the family farm, after their family company goes bankrupt. A feel-good drama about possibilities after a crises.

Edoardo Winspeare Original title: In grazia di Dio

2014/ Italy/ 127’/ Fiction/ Color

Edoardo Winspeare born in Austria in 1965. After he finished the study moved to New York where follows a course of photography and

after that he was graduated in Monaco di Baviera at the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film. After various documentaries and short movies

in 1996 he produced his first feature movie Pizzicata. 2000: Sangue vivo, (nominated at the Nastri d’argento 2001 in the category “ Miglior

soggetto”; 2003: Il miracolo, presented at the Venice Film Festival; 2008: I Galantuomini ( in competition at the International Film Festival

of Rome 2008); 2008: Documentary La festa che prende fuoco; 2009: Filia Solis; 2009: Celio Azzurro ( Candidate at the Nastri d’argento 2010

at the category “ Best Documentary”); 2013: Documentary L’anima attesa; 2014: In grazia di Dio, (selected to be part at the International

Film Festival of Berlin at the section “Panorama”).

Three generations of a family has to move back to their picturesque coastal town of their family’s origin and survive off the family farm, after their family company goes bankrupt. A feel-good drama about possibilities after a crises.

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Who was Enrico Berlinguer? What trace did he leave in the colletive memory thirty years after the death on June 11, 1984, after the illness that struck him during his last passionate speech? Who was that man, hailed in Piazza San Giovanni crowd of more than a million people?

Walter Veltroni

2014 / Italy / HD / 1:51:27 /

Original title: Quando c’era BerlinguerEnglisht title: “ Back in the days of Berlinguer”

Walter Veltroni was born in Rome in 1955. In 1996 he assumed the position of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Cultural Heritage in the Prodi government. In 1998 he was elected National Secretary of the Partito Democratico della Sinistra. In 2011 he was elected Mayor of Rome. Over the years he has published several books: Il PCI e la questione giovanile; A dieci anni dal ’68 intervista con Acchille Occhetto; Il sogno degli anni sessanta; Il calcio e’ una scienza da amare; Io e Berlusconi (e la Rai); I programmi che hanno cambiato l’Italia. In 1981 he wrote Il sogno spezzato on the figure of Robert Kennedy. In 1994 he dedicated a book to another important figure responsible for his own political development; Enrico Berlinguer ( La storia Interrota- The interrupted Challenge Baldini & Castoldi). In 1994 his attention turned back to Cinema, collecting the reviews written for the magazine Venerdi di Repubblica in a publication titled Certi piccoli Amori follows in 1997 by Certi piccoli amori 2. In 1995 Rizzoli published the book interview made with Stefano del Re; La bella politica. In 1997 he wrote for Baldini Castoldi Governare da Sinistra. In September 2004, he made his debut in fiction with Senza Patricio a collection of five short stories inspired by a trip to Argentina published by Rizzoli. In 2006, he released his first novel La scoperta dell’Alba. In 2009 he released the new novel, Noi. In 2010 he published a monologue for the theater titled Quando cade l’acrobata entrano i clown. In 2013 published a political pamphlet E se noi domani.

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The main character is a man of principles and virtues who becomes prey to a human drama imposed by social, political and economic circumstances. He does everything to stay loyal to his ideals, to live an honorable life. His pride, his ethics, his dignity raise against him when society doesn’t need him anymore. He continues to live in a tent, under difficult living conditions. He becomes disillusioned with the way a small group of political and business careerists have used his ideals and victory to gain power, money and control over the population. Although he tries to survive the reality created after the war, he remains a loner with his ideals and dreams.

Luan Kryeziu

2014 / Kosova/ 105’/ Feature / Color

Original title: HEROI

Luan Kryeziu was born in Prizren, the primary and secondary school he finished in birthplace in Prizren. He studied four years and graduated in the Art Academy of Kosovo, the direction of ,,Acting”. Post graduates studies in the Branch of Dramatic Arts in ,,Directing of Film” at the Art Academy of Kosovo. ,,The Hero” (Heroi) is first feature-length motion picture of Luan Kryeziu.

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Original title: HEROI

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Katriel Schory is a Producer and the executive director of The Israel Film Fund studied at the New York University Film School and returned to Israel in 1973 to join as Head of Productions of Kastel Films, at that time one of the leading production companies in Israel.In 1984, he formed his own company BELFILMS LTD and produced over 200 films including Awards winning Feature Films, Documentaries, T.V Dramas, and International Co- Productions.In 1999 he accepted the position of the Executive Director of Israel Film Fund, the main Film Fund in Israel, which supports, and promotes Israeli Feature Films. In this position he authorized the support and the production of more than 150 new Israeli Feature Films.

Other public activities:

- Chairman of Israel’s Film and Television Producer’s Association – 1989-1994;- Member of the National committee for the advancement of Television and Films – 1994-1998;- Lectured at the Tel Aviv University- Department of Film and Television;- The representative of the Israeli film industry in numerous international organizations and bodies.

About EAVE

European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, EAVE, is a professional training, project development and networking organization for audiovisual producers.

Working with a worldwide network of partners we are involved in programmes for producers in Europe, Russia, Latin America, the Arab world, Asia and Africa.

Founded in 1988, our objectives are to provide professional training opportunities and to bring producers from different regions of the world together with the aim of facilitating co-production relationships. We believe that the support of independent voices, creative imagination and culturally driven companies within the global media industries is an urgent necessity in the 21st century. Through our work we aim to contribute towards the creation of strong networks of producers and to encourage the exchange of knowledge and skills which will strengthen independent production across the world.

EAVE ON DEMANDNovember 2-3-4, 2014Qendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

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Workshop 1: 5.11.2014, 11:00,te Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

Kenneth Weissman

Supervisor at Film Preservation Laboratory

Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division

National Audio-Visual Conservation Center

Library of Congress, USA


The technological and economic shifts in the film industry are creating opportunities and challenges for filmmakers and for archivists. Sustainability of all media has emerged as one of the most important topics. This workshop will give independent filmmakers an overview of how to manage their assets from production to distribution and beyond. We will introduce the basics of digital production and preservation, clear up misconceptions about advances in digital cinema technology and digital cinema workflows, and provide filmmakers with some helpful information for tracking their production elements from the moment their cameras start rolling.Curated by: Ken Weissman & Regina Longo


t w





Ken Weissman has worked in film post-production and preservation for the past 37 years and worked for the Library of Congress since 1981. During his career, Ken has directed the Library’s restoration of such films as Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (Frank Capra, 1939), The Maltese Falcon (John Huston, 1941), Where Are My Children? (Lois Weber, 1916), The Blue Eagle (John Ford, 1926) Big Fella (J. Elder Wills, 1937), and with a grant from the National Film Preservation Foundation, a restoration of Paul Robeson’s The Emperor Jones (1933). In the late 1990’s, he was intimately involved in the design, construction, and commissioning of the new motion picture preservation laboratory located at the Library’s state of the art Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation. The laboratory now includes both traditional photochemical as well as digital DI workflows in order to preserve and make accessible the Library’s massive film collection.This past year under Ken’s direction, the Motion Picture preservation laboratory undertook its first international film restoration project in conjunction with the Albanian Central State Film Archive (AQSHF) and the Albanian Cinema Project (ACP), for whom Ken serves on the Board of Directors. The film selected on consultation with AQSHF archivists and ACP Board Members was Tomka Dhe Shokët e Tij, (Tomka and His Friends, Xhanfise Keko, 1977).

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Workshop 2: 6.11. 2014, 11:00 te Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

Regina Longo

Film Historian

Director of the Albanian Cinema Project

Associate Editor at Film Quarterly

The Albanian Cinema Project:


ACP began as an international collaboration between archivists, filmmakers and cinephiles to ensure the long term safety and preservation of Albania’s endangered national film heritage. This workshop will trace the evolution of ACP since it began in 2012. We will discuss the three successful restorations that we have completed, sharing details of each preservation workflow, and screening before and after samples of the films to highlight the key steps in the restoration process. 

Curated by: Regina Longo & Ken Weissman

after before







Regina Longo is a film historian and archivist who has worked to save archives at risk for the past 20 years, including the film and media archives of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), collections of Italian and Mexican American home movies, and the Albanian National Film Archives (AQSHF). She has a degree in film archiving and preservation from the George Eastman House in Rochester, NY and a PhD in Film and Media Studies from the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). Her research has been published in scholarly journals, and she is writing a book on the intersections of archival theory and practice based on specific case studies of her work in the field. Regina has taught film history and archival theory and practice courses at UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, and the US Library of Congress John W. Kluge Center. She is the Associate Editor of Film Quarterly, which has published substantial, peer-reviewed writing on cinema and media for nearly 60 years, earning a reputation as the most authoritative academic film journal in the US, as well as an important English-language voice of cinema studies abroad. She is an active member of the International Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA), serving as at the conference Co-Chair. In 2012 Regina formed the Albanian Cinema Project (ACP) with support from the San Francisco Media Archive, Colorlab Corp., NYU and AMIA, and launched a not-for profit campaign to preserve and digitize select films from AQSHF, to screen these restorations internationally, and to advocate for more funding from the Albanian government for all audiovisual archives in Albania. ACP continues to grow and collaborate with international partners and experts in the field of film preservation. www.thealbaniancinemaproject.org.

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Workshop 1 SUFFERROSA by the Kissinger Twins7.11.2014, 11:00

Interactive movie and live cinema performance

Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

“Online experiment with the quality of the cinematic film” El Pais

“Perfect interactive film experience for the gaming generation” Ian Haydn Smith / International Film Guide

Film and photographic duo The Kissinger Twins are not, contrary to the moniker, genetically related. Kasia Kifert (X-X chomosomes) and Dawid Marcinkowski (X-Y) first collaborated as friends and now function as a creative and personal coupling. Heralded as two of the most original young voices in contemporary storytelling, Dawid & Kate mix classic cinema and photography with the latest in digital technologies.

The Kissinger TwinsDawid and Kate

First workshopSufferrosa is a neo-noir thriller and a satire of the cult of beauty and youth in the present-day world.

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Cinematic Labyrinths, Interactive and transmedia storytelling is a 90 minutes show.

“Cutting-edge interactive detective noir” The Guardian

The movie pays homage to Jean Luc Godard’s movie ‘Alphaville’, W.J.Has’s cult-movie ‘The Saragossa Manuscript’, American film noir and the French writer Vernon Sullivan. Since its release, Sufferrosa has enjoyed critical acclaim, won several awards, and is the first ever interactive film regularly presented at film festivals as Live Cinema Performance (Authors edit the film live in cinema in front of the audience).

CINEMATIC LABYRINTHS by the Kissinger Twins 8.11.2014

Interactive and transmedia storytelling 2002 2013

Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

second workshop

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awardsthe best feature Film

the best director

the best screenplay

the best cinematography

the best editing “luc barnier”

the best short FIction

the best short animation

the best short documentary

the best short experimental

the Fist short “ron holloway”

the best short in albanian

public award

media award

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Urgjenca Mjekësore:

(Ambulanca e urgjencës) / Emergency Services127 / 25 33 64 / 22 22 35 /25 33 65

Zjarrfikëse / Fire Department128 / 22 22 22

Servis në rrugë/ Road Service:23 48 72 / 0682152808

Policia / Police:Ndërhyrja e shpejtë: 129Policia rrugore: 126

Rajoni Pol. 1: 22 44 45 / 32 - 44Rajoni Pol. 2: 22 33 22 / 34 - 44Rajoni Pol. 3: 22 45 29 / 32 - 10Rajoni Pol. 4: 36 68 26 / 33 - 14

farmaci nate / Night Drugstore:222 22 41

Informacioni Telekomit / Telecom Info Center124

Aeroporti Nënë tereza-Rinas / Mother Teresa Airport:236 21 37 / 237 12 01 / 223 48 54

Radio Taxi / Radio taxi:+42 222 555+355 69 64 222 11

Makina me qera / rent-a-car:Lumani Enterprise: Blvd. Dëshmorët e Kombit. Rogner Hoteltel: 223 50 21 / 068 40 95 875 / 068 60 11 888www.lumani-enterprise.com

EUROPACAR: Rruga e Durrësit, L, 61tel: 224 61 92 / 222 78 88 / 222 63 70 /www.europacar.com

ALBRENTCAR: Rr. Sami Frashëri, Pallatet Agimitel/fax: 222 81 66 / 069 20 91 272

AVIS: Blvd. Dëshmorët e Kombit, Rogner Hoteltel: 223 50 11 fax: 223 50 24

HERTZ: Tirana International Hotel, Sheshi Skënderbejtel: 225 50 28 / tel/fax: 223 51 09

For all informations please call:Tel: +355 4 2256588fax: +355 4 [email protected]

Ndryshimi i orareve / Changes to timetable:

Ndryshimet në programin e festivalit do të pasqyrohen në kinema ose website-in e festivalit / Notice of changes will be posted at the Venues, in the box office and on the festival website, www.tiranafilmfest.com


The entry costs will be 100 lek for morning screenings (11-17:00) and special programs, and 200 lek for evening screenings (19:00 to 23:00) and special programs.Those who purchase a prepaid ticket at the cost of 500 lek will be equipped with a FESTIVAL badge that is valid for entry into all film screenings.Affiliates of the cinema industry as well as students of all film, media, and arts programs will also be equipped with a free, all access pass to the film screenings.Workshop entries are free.Those carrying an INDUSTRY, GUEST, or JURY Badge can access all the festival venues, film screenings, workshops, and related event receptions.The INDUSTRY badge costs fifteen Euros.The invitation will be valid only for the opening and closing ceremonies of TIFF 2014 as well as screenings of the films that will follow them.

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