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Page 1: Timeline of Indian History

Timeline of Indian historyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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History of South AsiaHistory of India

Stone Age before 3300 BCE

- Mehrgarh Culture 7000–3300 BCE

Indus Valley Civilization 3300–1700 BCE

- Late Harappan Culture 1700–1300 BCE

[show]Iron Age 1200–180 BCE

[show]Middle Kingdoms 1CE–1279 CE

Islamic Rulers 1206–1707 CE

- Delhi Sultanate 1206–1526 CE

- Deccan Sultanates 1490–1596 CE

Vijayanagara Empire 1336–1646 CE

Mughal Empire 1526–1707 CE

Maratha Empire 1674–1818 CE

Durrani Empire 1747–1823 CE

Sikh Empire 1799–1849 CE

[show]Regional Kingdoms 1100–1800 CE

Company rule in India 1757–1858 CE

British India 1858–1947 CE

Partition of India 1947 CE

Page 2: Timeline of Indian History

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This is a timeline of Indian history. It includes the history of South Asia (Indian subcontinent), especially the history of the regions now known India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.


[hide] 1 Stone age

o 1.1 Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (9000-7000 BC) o 1.2 Mehrgarh Culture (7000-3300 BC)

2 Bronze age o 2.1 Indus Valley Civilization (2800-1900 BC) o 2.2 Vedic Era (1500-500 BC)

3 Iron age 4 Ancient India (500 BC - 550 AD) 5 Medieval India (550-1526 AD) 6 Post-Medieval Era (1526-1818) 7 Colonial Era (1818-1947) 8 Post-Partition (1947 - Present)

o 8.1 India - Republic of o 8.2 Newly independent o 8.3 Regional tensions o 8.4 Democratic strains o 8.5 Population: 1 billion o 8.6 Kashmir tensions rise o 8.7 Dominion of Pakistan o 8.8 State of Pakistan o 8.9 Islamic Republic of Pakistan

9 References 10 Further reading

11 External links

[edit] Stone age

Main article: Stone age

[edit] Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (9000-7000 BC)

Page 3: Timeline of Indian History

Main article: Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka

The Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka are in the foothills of the Vindhyan Mountains on the southern edge of the central Indian plateau. Within massive sandstone outcrops, above comparatively dense forest, are five clusters of natural rock shelters, displaying paintings that appear to date from the Mesolithic Period right through to the historical period. The site is a U.N. world heritage site.[1]

[edit] Mehrgarh Culture (7000-3300 BC)

Main article: Mehrgarh 7000 BC: Mehrgarh Culture (Period I) begins, which was one of the world's earliest Neolithic cultures 5500 BC: Period II of Mehrgarh begins 4800 BC: Period III of Mehrgarh begins 3500 BC: Period IV of Mehrgarh begins 3300 BC: Period IV of Mehrgarh ends

[edit] Bronze age

Main article: Bronze Age

[edit] Indus Valley Civilization (2800-1900 BC)

Main article: Indus Valley Civilization 3300 BC: antecedents of the Indus Valley Civilization begin with the Ravi phase, eventually becoming one of the

world's three earliest urban civilizations, contemporary to Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. 2800 BC: Kot Diji phase of the Indus Valley Civilization begins. The civilization used an early form of the Indus

signs, the so-called Indus script. 2600 BC: Mature Harappan phase of the Indus Valley Civilization begins. The cities of Harappa, Lothal, Kalibangan

and Mohenjo-daro become large metropolises and the civilization expands to over 2,500 cities and settlements across what is now Pakistan, much of northwestern and western India, and parts of Afghanistan and Iran. It covered a region of around one million square miles, which was larger than the land area of its contemporaries Egypt and Mesopotamia combined; it also had superior urban planning and sewage systems. The civilization began using the mature Indus script.

1900 BC: Late Harappan Phase of the Indus Valley Civilization begins. 1700 BC: Indus Valley Civilization comes to an end but is continued by the Cemetery H culture and other cultures.

[edit] Vedic Era (1500-500 BC)

2200-1600 BCE: Rigveda 1500-1000 BC: early Vedic period 1300 BC: Cemetery H culture comes to an end

Astronomical data doesnt hold well with these timeline of Vedas Astronomical data about the equinoxes available in Vedas places the Vedas and other texts to the timeline given below

-10,000 BCE Taittiriya Brahmana 3.1.2 refers to Purvabhadrapada nakshatra’s rising due east, a phenomenon occurring at this date (Dr. B.G. Siddharth of the Birla Science Institute), indicating earliest known dating of the sacred Veda.

-8500 BCE Taittiriya Samhita 6.5.3 places Pleiades asterism at winter solstice, suggesting the antiquity of this Veda.

-6776 BCE Start of Hindu king’s lists according to Greek references that give Hindus 150 kings and a history of 6,400 years before 300 BCE; agrees with next entry.

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-6500 BCE Rig Veda verses (e.g., 1.117.22, 1.116.12, say winter solstice begins in Aries (according to D. Frawley), giving antiquity of this section of the Vedas.

-5500 BCE Date of astrological observations associated with ancient events later mentioned in the Puranas (Alain Danielou).

-3928 BCE July 25th: the earliest eclipse mentioned in the Rig Veda (according to Indian researcher Dr. Sri P.C. Sengupta).

-3200 BCE In India, a special guild of Hindu astronomers (nakshatra darshas) record in Vedic texts citations of full and new moon at winter and summer solstices and spring and fall equinoxes with reference to 27 fixed stars (nakshatras) spaced nearly equally on the moon’s ecliptic (visual path across the sky). The precession of the equinoxes (caused by the mutation of the Earth’s axis of rotation) makes the nakshatras appear to drift at a constant rate along a predictable course over a 25,000-year cycle. Such observations enable specialists to calculate backwards to determine the date the indicated position of moon, sun and nakshatra occurred.

-3139 BCE Reference to vernal equinox in Rohini (middle of Taurus) from some Brahmanas, as noted by B.G. Tilak, Indian scholar and patriot. Now preferred date of Mahabharata war and life of Lord Krishna

-2500 BCE Reference to vernal equinox in Krittika (Pleiades or early Taurus) from Yajur and Atharva Veda hymns and Brahmanas. This corresponds to Harappan seals that show seven women (the Krittikas) tending a fire.

-2350 BCE Sage Gargya (born 2285), 50th in Puranic list of kings and sages, son of Garga, initiates method of reckoning successive centuries in relation to a nakshatra list he records in the Atharva Veda with Krittika as the first star. Equinox occurs at Krittikia Purnima.

[edit] Iron age

Main article: Iron ageMain article: Vedic period

1000 BC: Iron Age India 600 BC: Sixteen Maha Janapadas ("Great Realms" or "Great Kingdoms") emerge. A number of these Maha

Janapadas are semi-democratic "republics", rather than oligarchies. 600 BC: Vedic Civilization comes to an end after the Historical Vedic religion evolves into early classical

Hinduism. 599 BC: Mahavira, 24th Tirthankar of Jainism is born. 563 BC: Siddhartha Gautama, founder of Buddhism is born as a prince of the Shakya tribe, which ruled parts of

what is now Northern Bihar and Southern Nepal in Ancient India. 538 BC: Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Achaemenid Empire conquers northwestern parts of the Indian

Subcontinent. 350 BC: Panini describes the grammar and morphology of Sanskrit in the text Ashtadhyayi. Panini's standardized

Sanskrit is known as Classical Sanskrit.

[edit] Ancient India (500 BC - 550 AD)

Page 5: Timeline of Indian History

This animation shows pre-colonial states that covered more than a quarter of the Indian subcontinentMain article: History of India

333 BC: Persian rule in the northwest ends after Darius III is defeated by Alexander the Great, who establishes the Macedonian Empire after inheriting the Persian Achaemenid Empire.

326 BC: Ambhi king of Taxila surrenders to Alexander. o Porus who ruled parts of the Punjab, fought Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River.

321 BC: Mauryan Empire is founded by Chandragupta Maurya in Magadha after he defeats the Nanda dynasty and Macedonian Seleucid Empire. Mauryan capital city is Patliputra (Modern Patna in Bihar)

305 BC: Chandragupta Maurya defeats Seleucus Nicator of the Seleucid Empire. 304 BC: Seleucus gives up his territories in the subcontinent (Afghanistan/Baluchistan) to Chandragupta in

exchange for 500 elephants. Seleucus offers his daughter in marriage to Chandragupta to seal their friendship. 273 BC: Ashoka the Great regarded as the greatest ancient Indian emperor, grandson of Chandragupta Maurya,

ascends as emperor of the Mauryan Empire. 266 BC: Ashoka conquers and unifies most of South Asia, along with Afghanistan and eastern Iran. 265 BC: Kalinga War takes place between Ashoka and the kingdom of Kalinga.

o After conquering Kalinga, Ashoka reportedly regrets what he had done, leading him to adopt Buddhism, which then became the quasi-official state religion of the Mauryan Empire.

260s: Ashoka begins displaying religious tolerance, grants animal rights, builds hospitals for people and animals, treats his subjects as equals regardless of caste or creed, and promotes non-violence and republicanism.

o Ashoka inscribes the Edicts of Ashoka, written down using Brahmi script. 261 BC: Conquest of Kalinga 232 BC: Ashoka dies and is succeeded by Kunala. 230 BC:Simuka declares independence from Mauryan rule and establishes the Satavahana Empire. 200 BC: Kuninda Kingdom established. 200-100 BC: Tholkappiyam describes the grammar and morphology of Tamil; it is the oldest existing Tamil

grammar (dates vary between 200 BCE and 100 CE). 184 BC: The Mauryan Empire, which shrunk considerably, collapsed after its emperor Brihadrata was assassinated

by his Brahmin general Pusyamitra Sunga who then established the Sunga dynasty. 180 BC: Establishment of the Indo-Greek kingdom. 80 BC: Establishment of the Indo-Scythian kingdom. 65 BC: The Pandyan king sends ambassadors to the Greek and Roman lands. 58 BC: Beginning of Vikrami Era 10: Establishment of the Indo-Parthian kingdom. 68: Establishment of the Kushan empire by Kujula Kadphises. 78: Gautamiputra Satkarni becomes Satavahana emperor and starts Shalivahana era calendar after defeating

Scythian king Vikramaditya. 35: Western Satraps formed. 240: Sri-Gupta starts the Gupta Empire in Magadha, with its capital in Patliputra 320: Chandragupta I ascends to the Gupta throne.

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335: Samudragupta ascends the Gupta throne and expands the empire. 380: Chandragupta II, Samudragupta's son becomes the Gupta Emperor. 450: Invasions by the Huna.

[edit] Medieval India (550-1526 AD)

Main article: History of India 606: Harshavardhana crowned king. Bhaskarbharman of Kamrupa kingdom was contemporary. 637: Badami Chalukya power at its peak. Pulakesi II pushes north up to the Narmada and defeats the invading

Harshavardhana of Kanauj 761: First Muslim, Md. Bin Qasim defeats King Dahir 788: Adi Shankara born in Kalady, in central Kerala 814: Nripatunga Amoghavarsha I becomes Rashtrakuta king. Kannada literature flourishes. 1000: Invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni 1021: Mahmud Ghazni defeats Tarnochalpal and annexes Punjab 1030: Alberuni arrivies in India; Death of Mahmud of Ghazni 1058: Sumra Dynasty ends the Arab domination and establishes its own rule over Sindh. 1120: Kalyani Chalukya power at its peak. Vikramaditya VI ushers in Vikrama Chalukya era. 1134-1196: Life of Basaveshwara, Philosopher and social reformer. 1157: The Kalachuris under Bijjala II capture Kalyani 1191: "Victory of Prithviraj Chauhan". First battle of Tarain between Mohammed Ghori and Prithviraj III and

Ghauri is defeated by Prithivi Raj Chauhan III. 1192: "Victory of Mohammed Ghauri". Second battle of Tarain fought between Ghauri and Prithivi Raj Chauhan III

and Ghauri. Prithvi Raj Chauhan III is defeated by Mhammed Ghori. 1194: Battle of Chandawar fought between Ghauri and Jayachandra and Ghauri defeated Jayachandra and killed

him. 1206: Gakhars kill Muhammad Ghori during a raid on his camp on the Jhelum River 1221: Genghis Khan invades Punjab 1310: Ala-ud-din Khalji's army under Malik Kafur occupies Devagiri ending the Seuna Yadava Kingdom 1323: Ulugh Khan defeats Prataparudra ending the Kakatiya dynasty 1336: Vijayanagara Empire established by Harihara I and his brother Bukka Raya I 1343: Veera Ballala III killed at the Battle of Madurai. 1347: Governor Hasan Gangu revolts against Muhammad bin Tughluq founding the Bahmani Sultanate 1351: Samma Dynasty assumes rule over Sindh 1370: Bukka, the Vijayanagara ruler and his son Kumara Kamapna capture the entire Tamil speaking parts. 1398: Timur plunders Lahore 1401: Dilawar Khan establishes the Malwa Sultanate in present-day northern India 1407: Zafar Khan: governor of Gujarat, declares himself as Sultan Muzaffar Shah founding the Gujarat

Sultanate/Muzaffarid dynasty 1414: Khizr Khan, deputized by Timur to be the governor of Multan takes over Delhi founding the Sayyid dynasty 1424: Deva Raya II succeeded his father Veera Vijaya Bukka Raya as monarch of the Vijayanagara Empire 1443: Abdur Razzaq visits India 1446: Mallikarjuna Raya succeeds his father Deva Raya II 1451: Bahlul Khan Lodhi ascends the throne of the Delhi sultanate starting the Lodhi dynasty 1469: Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism is born 1483: Birth of Babur in Andijan,Fergana Valley in Central Asia 1485: Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya drives out Praudha Raya ending the Sangama Dynasty 1486: Sher Shah Suri (original name Farid Khan) born in Sasaram 1490, Ahmadnagar declares independence, followed by Bijapur and Berar in the same year thus breaking up the

Bahmani Sultanate. 1497–1499: Vasco de Gama's first voyage from Europe to India and back 1503: Kingdom of Kochi is taken over by the Portuguese creating the first European settlement in India.. 1508: The Christian-Islamic power struggle, in Europe and the Middle East,spills over into the Indian Ocean as

Battle of Chaul during the Portuguese-Mamluk War 1509: Battle of Diu marks the beginning of the dominance of the Europeans in the Asian naval theater.

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1522: Portuguese land on the Coromandel Coast

[edit] Post-Medieval Era (1526-1818)

Main article: Mughal Era


1526: Sultan Ibrahim Lodi, of the Delhi Sultanate, angers local nobles, who respond by inviting Babur, the Mughal ruler of Kabul, to invade Delhi and Agra. The local population, plus the possession of artillery, assists Babur in killing the Sultan (whose soldiers desert him) at the Battle of Panipat.

1527 Babur bribes Mewar general Silhadi promising Silhadi a kingdom, if Silhadi betrays Mewar King Rana Sanga in Battle of Khanwa, thus leading to the annexation of Mewar.

1530 Babur completes his Baburnama, reflecting on society, politics, economics, history, geography, nature, flora and fauna, which to this day is a standard textbook in 25 countries. Babur dies, and is succeeded by his son Humayun.

1539 Battle of Chausa fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri in which Humayun defeated. 1540 Battle of Kannauj fought between Humayun and Sher Shah Suri and Humayun was completely defeated.

Humayun lost the Mughal empire to Afghans (Suri Dynasty), and passed 12 years in exile. 1545 Death of Sher Shah Suri and succeeded by Islam Shah. 1554 Death of Islam Shah. 1555 Humayun regained the throne of Delhi from the hands of weak successors of Sher Shah. 1556 Humayun converts from Sunni Islam to Shia Islam, to gain the alliance of the Shah of Persia. Humayun dies,

and is succeeded by his son Akbar. 1556 Second Battle of Panipath fought between Hemu (Prime Minister of Military Chief of Adil Shah Suri) and

Akbar. 1565 Battle of Talikota results in the rout of Vijayanagara empire. 1572 Akbar annexes Gujarat. 1574 Akbar annexes Bengal. 1586 Akbar annexes Kashmir. 1600 East India company is formed in England. Gets exclusive trading rights with India. 1605 Akbar dies, and is succeeded by his son Jehangir. 1628 Jehangir announces "Chain of Justice" outside his palace that anyone can ring the bell and get a personal

hearing with the emperor. Jehangir dies, and is succeeded by his son Shah Jahan. 1630 Birth of Shivaji. 1644 Shivaji takes oath of Independence at Raireshwar. 1658 Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal, Jama Masjid, and Red Fort. Imperial treasuries drained by architectural and

military overexpenditures. Shah Jahan dies, and is succeeded by his son Aurangzeb. 1659 Shivaji's ill-equipped and small Maratha army defeat mighty Adilshahi troops at the Battle of Pratapgarh in a

major upset in Indian history. Shivaji personally kills Adilshahi commander Afzal Khan (general). 1674 Forces led by Shivaji defeat Aurangzeb's troops, and establishes Maratha Empire. 1675 Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs is executed in Delhi by the order of Aurangzeb for his support for

the Kashmiri Hindus to practice their religion. 1680 Shivaji dies of fever at Raigad. 1681 Aurangzeb invades the Deccan 1699 Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Guru of Sikhs creates KHALSA, the saint-soldier at Anandpur Sahib, Punjab. 1705 Mughal army besiege Sikhs at Anandpur Sahib fort, Guru's family is separated, two sons die in battle, two

younger sons buried alive in a wall by the order of Mughal ruler of Sirhind 1707 Aurangzeb dies, and is succeeded by son Bahadur Shah I. 1707 Civil war breaks in Maharashtra between Maharani Tarabai and Shahu, Maratha Empire breaks into two

divisions. 1708 Guru Gobind Singh survives an assassination attempt by Mughal assassins at Nanded, Maharashtra. Guru

instruct Banda Singh to take charge of Khalsa army and liberate people. Guru Gobind Singh appoints Adi Granth as the eternal Guru of Sikhs before his death.

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1710 Banda Singh Bahadur emerges in Punjab and sacks the Mughal establishments of Sirhind, Samana, Sadhaura, Kaithal, Sonepat, and Haryana

1715 Mughal army captures Banda Singh Bahadur. The Sikhs are brought to Delhi and executed after public torture. 1717 Pamheiba decrees Vaishnavism as the state religion of Manipur 1719 Bajirao I is appointed the Peshwa by Maratha Emperor Shahu. 1734 Pamheiba invades Tripura 1735 Annexation of Rajputana by Peshwa Bajirao 1737 Bajirao I conquers Delhi, Mughal Emperor is spared and kept as titular head. 1740 Bajirao I annexes Bengal and Orissa. 1740 Bajirao I dies, with the distinction of winning every battle he fought. He is succeeded by Balaji Bajirao 1746 First massacre of Sikhs by Mughal army led by Diwan Lakhpat Rai of Lahore 1757 The British East India Company's private army under Robert Clive annexes Bengal for the company in the

Battle of Plassey. Edmund Burke has Robert Clive arrested for the act. 1760 Marathas comprehensively defeat the Nizam, Maratha Empire reaches its zenith. 1761 The Marathas are defeated in the Third battle of Panipat bringing an end to their expansion. 1761 Sikhs attack Afghan army of Ahmad Shah Abdali carrying exploits of Panipat and rescue 20,000 Indian

women, mostly Maratha. 1762 Second massacre of Sikhs by Ahmad Shah Abdali of Afghanistan. 1766 Sikhs defeat Afghans army of Ahmad Shah Abdali and establish Sikh rule in Punjab. 1766 First Anglo-Mysore War begins. 1768 Ching-Thang Khomba and Suramphaa invade Manipur. 1769 First Anglo-Mysore War ends. 1772 Young Madhavrao Peshwa dies of tuberculosis. 1773 Narayanrao Peshwa is murdered by his uncle Raghunathrao's wife in front of Raghunathrao. 1774 Chief Justice of the Maratha Empire, Ram Shastri passes death sentence against the ruling Peshwa

Raghunathrao for murdering his nephew. 1777 First Anglo-Maratha War begins. 1779 Maratha sardar Mahadji Shinde routs the East India Company army at the Battle of Wadgaon. 1782 First Anglo-Maratha War ends with the restoration of status quo as per Treaty of Salbai. 1780 Second Anglo-Mysore War begins. 1784 Second Anglo-Mysore War ends with the Treaty of Mangalore. 1789 Third Anglo-Mysore War begins. 1790 The Marathas under Holkar and General de Boigne defeat the Rajputs of Jaipur and Mughals at the Battle of

Patan, where 3000+ Rajput cavalry is killed and the entire Mughal unit vanquished. The defeat crushes Rajput hope of independence from external influence

1792 Third Anglo-Mysore War ends. 1796 Ching-Thang Khomba moves Manipur's capital to Kangla 1798 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War begins. 1799 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War ends with the death of Tipu Sultan and the restoration of the Wodeyar dynasty. 1801 Maharaja Ranjit Singh establishes Khalsa rule of Punjab from Lahore. Khalsa army liberates Kashmiri Pundits

and invades Afghanistan through Khyber Pass. 1803 Second Anglo-Maratha War begins 1805 Second Anglo-Maratha War ends 1807 East India Company signs treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit Singh 1817 Third Anglo-Maratha War begins 1818 Third Anglo-Maratha War ends with the defeat of Bajirao II and the end of the Maratha Empire leaving the

East India Company with control of almost the whole of India

[edit] Colonial Era (1818-1947)

Main article: British India 1818 - 1822 1853 1857 First Indian Rebellion, also known as the Indian Mutiny to the British, and the First War of Indian

Independence to Indians.

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1861 - 1869 - 1870 - 1874 - 1875 - 1877 - 1885 - 1887 - 1889 - 1905 - 1906 - 1907 - 1911 - 1919 1921 Rajaji appointed Congress Party president 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1925 - 1925 - 1927 - 1928 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 - 1934 - 1935 - 1936 - 1937 - 1938 - 1939 -

1940 - 1941 - 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - 1945 - 1946

[edit] Post-Partition (1947 - Present)

It has been suggested that this section be split into a new article. (Discuss)

[edit] India - Republic of

[edit] Newly independent

1947: - Freedom from British Raj.

1947-48: - Hundreds of thousands die in widespread communal bloodshed after partition.

1948: - Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Hindu extremist.

1948: - War with Pakistan over disputed territory of Kashmir.

1951-52: - Congress Party wins first general elections under leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru.

[edit] Regional tensions

1962: - India loses brief border war with China.

1964: - Death of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

1965: - Second war with Pakistan over Kashmir.

1966: - Nehru's daughter Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister.

1971: - Third war with Pakistan over creation of Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan.

1971: - Twenty-year treaty of friendship signed with Soviet Union.

1974: - India explodes first nuclear device in underground test.

[edit] Democratic strains

1975: - Indira Gandhi declares state of emergency after being found guilty of electoral malpractice.

1975-1977: - Nearly 1,000 political opponents imprisoned and programme of compulsory birth control introduced.

1977: - Indira Gandhi's Congress Party loses general elections.

1980: - Indira Gandhi returns to power heading Congress party splinter group, Congress (Indira).

1984: - Troops storm Golden Temple - Sikhs' most holy shrine - to flush out Sikh militants pressing for self-rule.

1984: - Indira Gandhi assassinated by Sikh bodyguards, following which her son, Rajiv, takes over.

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1984: December - Gas leak at Union Carbide pesticides plant in Bhopal. Thousands are killed immediately, many more subsequently die or are left disabled.

1987: - India deploys troops for peacekeeping operation in Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict.

1989: - Falling public support leads to Congress defeat in general election.

1990: - Indian troops withdrawn from Sri Lanka.

1990: - Muslim separatist groups begin campaign of violence in Kashmir.

1991: - Rajiv Gandhi assassinated by suicide bomber sympathetic to Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers.

1991: - Economic reform programme begun by Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao.

1992: - Hindu extremists demolish mosque in Ayodhya, triggering widespread Hindu-Muslim violence.

1996: - Congress suffers worst ever electoral defeat as Hindu nationalist BJP emerges as largest single party.

1998: - BJP forms coalition government under Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.

1998: - India carries out nuclear tests, leading to widespread international condemnation.

1999: February - Vajpayee makes historic bus trip to Pakistan to meet Premier Nawaz Sharif and to sign bilateral Lahore peace declaration.

1999: May - Tension in Kashmir leads to brief war with Pakistan-backed forces in the icy heights around Kargil in Indian-held Kashmir.

1999: October - Cyclone devastates eastern state of Orissa, leaving at least 10,000 dead.

[edit] Population: 1 billion

2000: May - India marks the birth of its billionth citizen.

2000: - US President Bill Clinton makes a groundbreaking visit to improve ties.

2001: January - Massive earthquakes hit the western state of Gujarat, leaving at least 30,000 dead.

2001: A high-powered rocket is launched, adding India to the club of countries able to fire big satellites deep into space.

2001: July - Vajpayee meets Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf in the first summit between the two neighbours in more than two years. The meeting ends without a breakthrough or even a joint statement because of differences over Kashmir.

2001: July - Vajpayee's BJP party declines his offer to resign over a number of political scandals and the apparent failure of his talks with Pakistani President Musharraf.

2001: September - US lifts sanctions which it imposed against India and Pakistan after they staged nuclear tests in 1998. The move is seen as a reward for their support for the US-led anti-terror campaign.

[edit] Kashmir tensions rise

Page 11: Timeline of Indian History

2001: October - India fires on Pakistani military posts in the heaviest firing along the dividing line of control in Kashmir for almost a year.

2001: December - Suicide squad attacks parliament in New Delhi, killing several police. The five gunmen die in the assault.

2001: December - India imposes sanctions against Pakistan, to force it to take action against two Kashmir militant groups blamed for the suicide attack on parliament. Pakistan retaliates with similar sanctions, and bans the groups in January.

2001: December - India, Pakistan mass troops on common border amid mounting fears of a looming war.

2002: January - India successfully test-fires a nuclear-capable ballistic missile - the Agni - off its eastern coast.

2002: February - Inter-religious bloodshed breaks out after 59 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya are killed in a train fire in Godhra, Gujarat. More than 1,000 people, mainly Muslims, die in subsequent riots. (Police and officials blamed the fire on a Muslim mob; a 2005 government investigation said it was an accident.)

2002: May - Pakistan test-fires three medium-range surface-to-surface Ghauri missiles, which are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

War of words between Indian and Pakistani leaders intensifies. Actual war seems imminent.

2002: June - UK, US urge their citizens to leave India and Pakistan, while maintaining diplomatic offensive to avert war.

2002: July - Retired scientist and architect of India's missile programme APJ Abdul Kalam is elected president.

2003: August - At least 50 people are killed in two simultaneous bomb blasts in Bombay.

2003: November - India matches Pakistan's declaration of a Kashmir ceasefire.

2003: December - India, Pakistan agree to resume direct air links and to allow overflights.

2004: January - Groundbreaking meeting held between government and moderate Kashmir separatists.

2004: May - Surprise victory for Congress Party in general elections. Manmohan Singh is sworn in as prime minister.

2004: September - India, along with Brazil, Germany and Japan, launches an application for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

2004: November - India begins to withdraw some of its troops from Kashmir.

2004: December - Thousands are killed when tidal waves, caused by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake off the Indonesian coast, devastate coastal communities in the south and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

2005: July - More than 1,000 people are killed in floods and landslides caused by monsoon rains in Mumbai (Bombay) and Maharashtra region.

2005: 8 October - An earthquake, with its epicentre in Pakistani-administered Kashmir, kills more than 1,000 people in Indian-administered Kashmir.

2006: February - India's largest-ever rural jobs scheme is launched, aimed at lifting around 60 million families out of poverty.

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2006 March - US and India sign a nuclear agreement during a visit by US President George W Bush. The US gives India access to civilian nuclear technology while India agrees to greater scrutiny for its nuclear programme.

2007: May - Government announces its strongest economic growth figures for 20 years - 9.4% in the year to March.

2007: July - India says the number of its people with HIV or AIDS is about half of earlier official tallies. Health ministry figures put the total at between 2 million and 3.1 million cases, compared with previous estimates of more than 5 million.

2007: July - Pratibha Patil becomes first woman to be elected president of India.

2008: July - Congre

2006: November - Hu Jintao makes the first visit to India by a Chinese president in a decade.

2006: December - US President George W. Bush approves a controversial law allowing India to buy US nuclear reactors and fuel for the first time in 30 years.

2007: 18 February - 68 passengers, most of them Pakistanis, are killed by bomb blasts and a blaze on a train travelling from New Delhi to the Pakistani city of Lahore.

2007: February - India and Pakistan sign an agreement aimed at reducing the risk of accidental nuclear war.

2007: March - Maoist rebels in Chhattisgarh state kill more than 50 policemen in a dawn attack.

2007: April - India's first commercial space rocket is launched, carrying an Italian satellite.

2007: May - At least nine people are killed in a bomb explosion at the main mosque in Hyderabad. Several others are killed in subsequent rioting.

2007: May - Government announces its strongest economic growth figures for 20 years - 9.4% in the year to March.

2007: July - India says the number of its people with HIV or AIDS is about half of earlier official tallies. Health ministry figures put the total at between 2 million and 3.1 million cases, compared with previous estimates of more than 5 million.

2007: July - Pratibha Patil becomes first woman to be elected president of India.

2008: July - Congress-led governing coalition survives vote of confidence brought after left-wing parties withdraw their support over controversial nuclear cooperation deal with US. After the vote, several left-wing and regional parties form new alliance to oppose government, saying it has been tainted by corruption.

2008: July - Series of explosions kills 49 in Ahmedabad, in Gujarat state. The little-known group Indian Mujahideen claims responsibility.

2008: October - Following approval by the US Congress, President George W Bush signs into law a nuclear deal with India, which ends a three-decade ban on US nuclear trade with Delhi.

India successfully launches its first mission to the moon, the unmanned lunar probe Chandrayaan-1.

2008: November - Nearly 200 people are killed and hundreds injured in a series of co-ordinated attacks by gunmen on the main tourist and business area of India's financial capital Mumbai. India blames militants from Pakistan for the attacks and demands that Islamabad take strong action against those responsible.

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2008: December - India announces "pause" in peace process with Pakistan. Indian cricket team cancels planned tour of Pakistan.

2009: February - India and Russia sign deals worth $700m, according to which Moscow will supply uranium to Delhi.

2009: April - Trial of sole surviving suspect in Mumbai attacks begins.

2009: May - Resounding general election victory gives governing Congress-led alliance of PM Manmohan Singh an enhanced position in parliament, only 11 seats short of an absolute majority.

[edit] Dominion of Pakistan

1948: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the first governor general of Pakistan, dies 1951: Prime minister Khan Liaqat Ali Khan assassinated

[edit] State of Pakistan

1956: The Constituent Assembly promulgates first indigenous constitution 1958: After a military coup Ayub Khan takes over 1960: Ayub Khan becomes first elected president 1965: Second war between Pakistan and India over Kashmir 1969: Ayub Khan resigns; Yahya Khan declares martial law and assumes presidency 1971: East Pakistan attempts to secede, leading to civil war; India intervenes in support of East Pakistan; Pakistan

fights another war with India; East Pakistan breaks away to become Bangladesh; Yahya Khan resigns.

[edit] Islamic Republic of Pakistan

1973: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto becomes prime minister 1977: General Muhammad Zia ul-Haq overthrows prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and declares martial law 1978: General Muhammad Zia ul-Haq becomes Pakistan's sixth president 1979: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto hanged 1979: The military ruler Zia Ul-Haq enacts the controversial Hudood Ordinances 1985: General elections held; Muhammad Khan Junejo becomes prime minister 1988: Zia dismisses Junejo's government; Zia dies in a plan crash; New elections held; Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto

becomes prime minister 1988: Prominent Pashtun leadar Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan dies in Peshawar 1990: President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismisses Benazir Bhutto government; Mian Nawaz Sharif becomes the next

prime minister 1991: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif begins economic liberalisation programme. Islamic Shariah law formally

incorporated into legal code. 1993: President Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif both resign under pressure from military.

Benazir Bhutto becomes prime minister for the second time 1996: President Farooq Leghari dismisses Bhutto government 1997: General elections held; Nawaz Sharif becomes prime minister for the second time 1998: Pakistan conducts nuclear tests 1999: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif overthrown in military coup led by General Pervez Musharraf 2001: General Pervez Musharraf dismissed the president and named himself to the post. 2002: General Pervez Musharraf wins a referendum thus ensures 5 more years in office 2002: First general elections since the 1999 military coup held; Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali becomes the next prime

minister 2004: Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali resigns from office. 2004: Shaukat Aziz is sworn in as prime minister. 2005: A 7.5 magnitude earthquake kills an estimated 80,000 people in northern Pakistan. (see:2005 Pakistan


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2006: Pakistan army kills the prominent Baloch leader Nawab Akbar khan Bugti. 2007: Chief Justice of Pakistan removed from office and reinstated. 2007 Karachi Riots. Lal Masjid Operation 2007: President Pervez Musharraf declares a 2007 Pakistani state of emergency and later removes it after domestic

and international pressure. 2008: Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated. 2008: On August 19 President Pervez Musharraf resigns and leaves the country.

[edit] References

1. ̂ Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka 2. ̂ www.facts-about-india.com

[edit] Further reading

Sengupta, P.C. "Ancient Indian Chronology". Calcutta: University of Calcutta Press. 1947.

[edit] External links

BBC India Timeline

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