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Page 1: Times-NIE-Web-Ed-July28.qxd (Page 1) · peers. You may try to copy the behav-iour and appearance of athletes and entertainers, and characters from books, TV, movies, or video games.

B E N N E T T, C O L E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA B LI S H E D 183 8 | T I M E S O F I N D I A . C O M | N E W D E L H I

Newspaper inEducation


TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2020




The Union health ministry has ad-vised people not to overuse handsanitisers, even as the novel coro-navirus cases in the country crossed

over 13 lakh. Dr RK Verma, additional di-rector-general of health services, Union min-istry of health, urged people to use masks,drink hot water, and wash hands vigorous-ly. “These are unprecedented times, no onethought that a virus outbreak of this naturewill occur. Take adequate precautions. Don’toveruse sanitisers,” Verma said.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ofUSA has also advised people to use alcohol-based hand sanitisers in moderation.According to the FDA, alcohol-based handsanitisers can lead to dry skin, infection, andeven alcohol-poisoning. Besides, theOccupational Health and Safety Administration(OSHA) considers it as a fire hazard


WHATIndia hasfinalised a$400 mn cur-

rency swap with Sri Lanka, under its Saarc(South Asian Association for RegionalCooperation) swap facility, to boost the islandnation's reserves. According to Investopedia, acurrency swap is a transaction, in which thetwo parties exchange an equivalent amount ofmoney with each other, but in different curren-cies. The parties essentially loan each other'smoney, and repay the mounts at a specifieddate and a fixed exchange rate.



comes into play, when a country faces scarcity offoreign currency, which may lead to a currency cri-sis, and steep depreciation of the domestic curren-cy. So, to ensure the availability of foreign currency,the central bank/ government of a specific nation,resorts to swapping, in the process, getting a siz-able foreign currency by exchanging domestic cur-rency, and avoiding depreciation of the domesticcurrency. Besides, currency swaps between govern-ments also promote bilateral trade.

WHYAccordingto marketanalysts, a

currency swap facility helps a coun-try obtain foreign currency loans atbetter interest rates than by bor-rowing directly from the market.The repayment is done at theexchange rate fixed at the time of

borrowing. This eliminatesthe risks of paying

more due to the fluc-tuations in theexchange rates.

India already has a $75 billionbilateral currency swap line withJapan, which has the second-high-est dollar reserves after China

The US Fed has permanent swapagreements with several centralbanks of the world



Newspaper inEducation


RBI’s currency swaparrangement for Saarcstates has a corpus of $2billion. This facility becameoperational in Nov 2012 to pro-vide funding for short-term for-eign exchange liquidity require-ments among the Saarc nations



Sonakshi Sinhalaunches campaign

to end cyberbullying

Dabangg actor Sonakshi Sinha has joinedhands with special IGP of the Maha-rashtra Police and other cyber expertsfor a new initiative, 'Full Stop To Cy-

ber Bullying'.The 33-year-old actor, who has beena victim of online bullying and trolling, took toInstagram to launch the new campaign, whereshe has teamed up with Mission Josh and othercyber experts. The campaign, which is led by Sin-ha and special IGP of Maharashtra Police, Prat-ap Dighavkar, will have five different live inter-actions with the panelists, which would bestreamed live on her social media accounts.

Social media wasmade with the

intention to spread loveand positivity.Unfortunately, it hasbecome a toxic placewith the rampant riseof cyberbullying andmental harassment.

I have been avictim oftrolls andabusemyself.With

MissionJosh, our

campaign aimsto bring awarenesson cyberbullying,online trolling,cyber laws, andmental harassment

Sonakshi Sinha


IN 12-year-old skater makes it to

India Book of Records

Twelve-year-oldJanvi Jindalfrom Chandi-

garh has registeredher name in the IndiaBook of Records intwo special categories— marvellous feat toglide downstairswhile skating, and theyoungest to performBhangra on skates.Janvi also won the na-tional skating cham-

pionship in 2019. Her family has claimed thatshe is the first in India, who can glide down-stairs, while skating, and can also performBhangra with the skates on.

Rift between royal brotherslaid bare in new book extract

Prince William in-furiated PrinceHarry, when he

told his younger broth-er that he should moveslowly in his relation-ship with MeghanMarkle, fearing that hewas being “blindsidedby lust,” a new book onthe Windsors claims.The second installmentof a serialised versionof the book, ‘FindingFreedom’, which appearedin the Sunday Times, claimedthat Harry was angered by what he perceived asWilliam's snobby tone in a discussion about theAmerican actress, when they were dating. Royalreporters Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand wrotethat Harry disliked William's advice to “take as

much time as you need to get to know this girl.”

The Academy Award-winning actor Charlize Theronhas opened up on the perils of being a woman per-former in action movies. Addressing a panel dis-

cussion on Comic-Con@Home, the 44-year-old actorshared her experience of working in 'TheItalian Job', and recalled the "unfair"treatment meted towardsher during the heist film'spreparation phase. "Irealised that there wasstill so much misconcep-tion around women in thegenre," Theron said at the virtualroundtable. “I was the only womanwith a bunch of guys, and I remem-ber getting the schedule in our pre-production; they had scheduled mefor six weeks more car training thanany of the guys," she added.

Charlize Theron gets candid about'unfair' treatment as woman per-

former in action movies


I started my training at the age of eight; myfather trained me with the help of YouTube.

Now, I am taking special training from a chore-ographer in order to learn the dance moves,while skating. I want to make records in thefuture. I feel proud after getting registered inthe India Book of Records — Janvi Jindal


Meanwhile, Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan,have distanced themselves from the book ontheir time in the royal family, saying that theywere not interviewed for the biography, anddid not make any contributions to itThe book is due to be published in August



Ever since Ratan Tata made it to theInstagram last year in October, he hasbeen sharing interesting insights about

work and life, and getting positive reviews.Recently, the veteran industrialist spoke to

around 33,000 young entrepreneurs in awebinar, and shared his insights on howto set up a successful business. The82-year-old businessman said that

talking to the 33,000 young minds in awebinar, was one of the most energisingconversations, he has had in a while.

In a two-part Instagram Story in the form of avideo, the billionaire philanthropist shared valu-able lessons that future entrepreneurs canincorporate in their professional life. Hestressed that an individual needs to know thepurpose behind starting his/her business, andhow to make profits

"Unfortunately, I have a view that we are notin that business just to make a profit," he


Aresearchfrom theJapan'sAdvanced

Institute of Science andTechnology (JAIST) hasoffered concrete insightinto the development ofchildren's psyches, andhas also made sugges-tions for the educatorsto improve children'scognitive, spatial, andartistic abilities throughthe medium of painting.

JAIST researchers Lan Yu and YukariNagai have developed and tested a digi-tal analysis process by which children'spaintings can be digitised, categorised,and then thoroughly analysed. Content,scale, patterns, details, and the rela-tionships between objects in the paint-ings are objectively quantified and cal-culated. This research has implicationsin art education, suggesting that artteachers can focus on several key ele-ments that are useful to the cognitivedevelopment of the young painters.

Benefits Of Painting

Microsoft showcases gameplayfrom Xbox Series X titles

T ech giant Microsoft recently showcased thegameplay from its 13 new titles for its XboxSeries X. According to The Verge, the

company had announced the new titles back in May,but recently, they provided a clearer look of what thegaming console will have to offer the gaming buffs.There would be titles from nine of the total 15 Xbox

developers on dis-play. This includesthe five first-partygames. The compa-ny also kicked offthe 'Halo Infinite',which is the latestversion of Halo.




H ave you been strugglingto read a book duringthe lockdown? Is anxi-

ety distracting you constantlyfrom finishing the last pages ofthe book that you’ve been drag-ging on for months? SShhaarraannyyaaMMaanniivvaannnnaann, author of five booksacross various genres, includingthe children’s book, ‘The AmmuchiPuchi’, recommends tips on howone can get back to the readinghabit.

IT’S OKAY TO STRUGGLE Manivannan says, “I struggled toread, initially. Slowly, I’ve found aroutine that incorporates reading,writing and drawing. I always turnto children’s literature, specifical-ly to picture-books, when I needto self-soothe, and by putting thisneed first, I gradually found myway back to reading books foradults too.”

SET LOW TARGETSShe stresses on the importance ofsetting targets that are small andmanageable — if you’re missingyour family/friends, and are wor-ried about them from afar, youcan do without the additionalanxiety over not reading enough.“I’d recommend two ways toreturn to the habit,” Manivannansays. “Firstly, prioritise comfortreads over other ones, and sec-ondly, set some kind of targetbased on your pace. This could bereading a book a week, or 10books a month. At a time, wherethe sands are shifting under ourfeet constantly, realistic, low-stakes goals offer a sense ofachievement,” she adds.

BE PATIENTReading habits are deeply personal,and there’s no one-size-fits-allmethod to beat a reading slump.There are, however, a few thingsthat readers can be mindful during atime of restricted mobility. Don’t betoo harsh on yourself, rereads arejust as valid as new territory, anddistraction is not a sin — every nowand then, there will be days, whereyou’ll tear away from the book,after every 20 pages.


1Painting, which is a recreational and cre-ative activity enjoyed by children across

the world, can also serve as crucial artefactsof children's perceptions, as they contain thesummary of what children see as "essential,"the researchers said

2Guiding children to paint objects outdoorcould enhance their awareness of their

natural environments, they added

3According to them, specifically trainingstudents to imitate objects and paint

could also show significant results in theoverall quality of children's paintings.

Painting can help develop children'scognitive, artistic abilities: Study

Let us know what goeson your mind, while yougive a shape to yourimagination. Shouldpaintings be made apart of our curriculum?Share your views [email protected]/[email protected]


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St. Angel’s SchoolGurugram, Haryana

Page 2: Times-NIE-Web-Ed-July28.qxd (Page 1) · peers. You may try to copy the behav-iour and appearance of athletes and entertainers, and characters from books, TV, movies, or video games.

02 “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”GÉRARD DE NERVAL, FRENCH WRITER AND POET LEARN AND PLAY

Codingis magicalW

ho are the people youlook up to today? Yourrole models? I’m sureyou look up to yourparents and also to

other relatives, teachers, coaches, andpeers. You may try to copy the behav-iour and appearance of athletes andentertainers, and characters frombooks, TV, movies, or video games.Maybe your parents even suggestpositive role models for you.

There's hardly a child who doesnot like a good magic show or appre-ciate innovation like robots and driverless cars. But do you knowwhat magic shows and innovatorshave in common?

They have their own secret code.And you can learn a secret code too, in

addition to the languages you’re learn-ing. A language that helps you under-stand how Siri, or Google Home, Alexaand the internet of toys, etc, functions.It almost seems like these things havea brain. Coding is the key to under-stand how these machines talk,move, remember, do things, etc. Andthe best part is that you are usingthe principles of coding in youreveryday life anyway.

When you are TINKERING; you are chang-ing things to see whathappens, when youare CREATING; youare designing andmaking. When youfind and fix errors in block play orworksheets you areDEBUGGING.

You use LOGIC- whenpredicting and analysing during story time. When we teachyou about steps of a task or rules tofollow – you learn all about ALGO-RITHMS. You naturally see

PATTERNS and are able to spotsimilarities.

When your parents and

teachers tell you about manners, weare actually teaching you about CONDITIONALS or IF-THEN situations;‘what would happen if…If I am angryand hit someone, or if I am eating, then I should not speak, etc.

When you sort out your toys andbooks and crayons, that is VARIABLESAND ARRAYS in code language!

The book I have written foryou, ‘Yash and Yashika

Learn Coding’ is allabout learning step by

step.The engagingplot goes thus –Yashand Yashika'smother, who is acoder, introducesthem to a dancing

robot, Mr Bot. Theyenjoy watching Mr

Bot sing, dance, kick aball and tell stories.

Initially, they believe that MrBot is a magical creature! Their

mother explains that it’s not magic, hehas a computer inside him. This sparksthe curiosity of Yash and Yashika andthe story takes the reader on a delightful journey that emphasises‘how to learn, not what to learn.’

I think all of you must try this newlanguage. Because coding helps teachproblem-solving skills, seek out so-lutions by breaking up big prob-lems into smaller steps. It also helpsyou become resilient. Coding is thelanguage of today and the

future….it’s time to ‘code’ chil-dren’s brains! India’s very ownhero Sundar Pichai, whom allof you know as the head of Al-

phabet by Google says, “Wewant every child in theworld to be excited about themany possibilities codingcan unlock for them-selves, for their com-munities and for theirsocieties.” What areyou waiting for?

Dr Swati Popat Vats, author of a book on coding, explains whyeveryone should master this art of the present and future

Codinghelps teach

problem-solvingskills, seek out solutions

by breaking up big problemsinto smaller steps. It helps

you become resilient.Coding is the language

of today and thefuture..



Eating breakfast and skipping breakfastare both effective. We say, eat healthy,eat intuitively and exercise than stressover your morning meal

[email protected]

Alot has been said about breakfast being the king of meals and how itshouldn’t be skipped at any cost. Butyou can’t look at health and nutri-

tion with blinkers on anymore. Breakfast pro-vides the body and brain with fuel after anovernight fast, that’s why the name – break-fast. But if you had your last meal in the mid-dle of the night and it was loaded with calo-ries, would you still be up for a morningmunch? In India, as a practice, people wouldeat an early dinner before sundown and theneat the next meal the following morning onlyafter finishing the household chores, show-ering and praying, hence delaying the wholebreakfast routine. Early breakfast hasn’t really been our thing.

Mind the gapMorning meal is no more a meal eaten within an hour of waking up. It is, in fact,the meal that should be eaten after a conscious gap of 16 hours, thanks to theupswing of Intermittent Fasting.And, likebreakfast, intermittent fasting is thoughtto have a number of benefits, from cellular repair to weight loss.

Fast or break-fast? Eating breakfast and skipping breakfast areboth effective. Breakfast is important, but notmore than lunch, dinner, and everything elseyou eat daily. At the end of the day, the mostimportant thing is calorie consumption. Thetrick is finding what’s right for you. That’swhere the magic happens, no matter whenyou eat breakfast.

Don’t make it a choreThe importance of breakfast varies from per-son to person. What’s your appetite as a per-son? How healthy or light does your dinnerlook? How much do you exercise? The bestway to eat is intuitively. Grab a healthy morning meal when your body asks for it.Else, just nibble on a few nuts or a fruit.

Keep it wholesome: It is important tonibble on something as you wake up. When-ever you choose to break your fast, make sureit is a good combination of vegetables, fats,some complex carbs and some protein andloaded with vitamins and minerals. Thinkmillets, nuts and healthy fats.

Lower BMIConsuming less fatthrough the dayConsuming enoughfruit and vegetables Higher daily calcium intakeHigher daily fibre intake

Better memory andattention (for school children)Inputs from nutritionistManjari Chandra andMunmun Ganeriwal, nutritionist and fitness expert


In Ernest Hemingway’s ‘Old Manat the Bridge’, the narrator isconcerned about the titular char-acter, while the latter is worriedabout his creatures back home.Answer each of these questionson that short story (from‘‘TTrreeaassuurree TTrroovvee’’)) by choosingcorrectly from the four options.

1To which town does the oldman belong?

A. San Lorenzo B. San FernandoC. San Carlos D. San Augustin

2Which of these animals hasbeen left behind?

A. Cat B. Dog C. Pig D. Sheep

3What vehicle doesthe narrator rec-

ommend?A. Bus B. Car C. JeepD. Truck

4Which river isspanned by the

bridge of the title?A. Tagus B. GuadianaC. Ebro D. Douro

5When do the eventsrelated take place?

A. Friday B. SundayC. Wednesday D. Saturday

Suryakumari Dennison, teacher,

Aavishkar Academy, Bengaluru


ANSWERS: 1) C. San Carlos 2) A. Cat 3) D. Truck

4) C. Ebro 5) B. Sunday

Quiz time

Q.1) What was the themeof the 11th BRICS summit?A. Building Responsive, Inclusive

and Collective Solutions

B. Stronger Partnership for a

Brighter Future

C. Collaboration for Inclusive

Growth and Shared Prosperity in

the 4th Industrial Revolution

D. Economic Growth for an

Innovative Future

Q.2) How manystudents com-pleted theGuinness WorldRecord of“most students

assembling radio kits simultaneously”?A. 268 B. 455

C. 655 D. 233

Q.3) Who has been re-elected as President ofthe UAE?

A. Ali Abdullah Saleh

B. Abdrabbuh

Mansur Hadi

C. Salman bin


D. Sheikh Khalifa






■ ”Bridal” is related to a bride.■ ”Bridle” means a part of a horse’s harness.

■ In reality, weddings look nothing like the fairytales depicted on TV and in bridle magazines. ■ His common sense is a bridal to his quicktemper.


HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY:■ In reality, weddings look nothing like the fairytales depicted on TV and in bridal magazines. ■ His common sense is a bridle to his quicktemper.



1) Find the slopeof the line thatpasses through(2, 13) and (10,4).Simplify youranswer and

write it as aproper fraction,improper frac-tion, or integer.

A. The slope is-9/8

B. The slope is-7/8

C. The slope is-8/9

D. The slope is-1/2

2) Find theslope of the

tangent line tok(x)=x at x=16. A. 8 B. 0C. 7 D. 1

3) Simplify.


Write youranswer in the

form a+bi.

A. 8i B. 2iC. 7i D. 10i


ANSWER: 1. The slope is -9/82. 1 3. 10i

➤CHEW THE FATMMeeaanniinngg:: Have a long, leisurely conversa-tion; make small talk; gossip casually.1. D) Economic Growth for an Innovative Future 2. A) 268 3. D) Sheikh Khalifa

Bananaquit The Bananaquit is an arbore-al bird species that foragesin tree tops and bushes forinsects, fruit and nectar. Likehummingbirds, nectar consti-

tutes the largest part of itsdiet. Its nickname, the sugarbird, comes from its affinityfor seeking out bowls or birdfeeders that are stockedwith granular sugar.



Enormities (Noun):[Countable, plural]a very seriouscrime.

Synonymous words:Wickedness, evil-ness, vileness,basenessdepravity, outra-geousness, monstrousness,hideousness, etc.

Examples: The paintingsdepict the enormi-ties of war. Wickedness is atits peak at the timeof war. The people wereshocked by thedepravity of hisactions. There are hideouscreatures lurking inthe forest. The principal didnot tolerate vilenessin anyone.


CURRICULUM EXERCISESQ1. What is part of a databasethat holds only one type ofinformation?

Q2. Fill in the blanks:A. The first transatlantic radiobroadcast occurred in ____.B. Most modern TVs drawpower even if turned off. The

circuit the power is used indoes ______.

Q3. Identify the following:

Answer: (1) Field (2) A) 1900s B) Remote control (3) Palace of Versailles, France


Develop a story based on the pictures in around 250 words.Send your entry along with yourname, class, school and pictureat [email protected]

1. trameau

A: traumatic B: mature C: amateur

D: tremble

2. fresalospion

A: inefficacious B: ineffectualness

C: insufficiently D: professional


1)C: amateur 2)D: professional



He had acceptedPrime MinisterNarendra Modi’sinvitation to bethe chief guest atIndia’s RepublicDay celebrationsin 2020

Answer: Brazilian Prez Jair Bolsonaro


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St. Angel’s SchoolGurugram, Haryana

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