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Tiny Tag Data logger – Use of

Barbara Wilson

Immunisation Coordinator

Public Health Unit – Albury


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Data Loggers:

TinyTag Data Logger

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

There are various

types of Data Loggers


Important you

understand how to

use them and what

features they provide.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

PHU Immunisation

Coordinator can

provide support

with use of TinyTag

Data logger and

interpretation of



Hasting Data Loggers

PO Box 5112, Port Macquire NSW 2444

Unit 3-35 Merringal Road

Ph: 02 6581 3900

Fax: 02 6581 3988

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.hdl.com.au

Data Logger

TGU-4017TinyTag Ultra 2

Internal Temperature -

40° to +85°

Larger, has capacity of

32000 readings, robust


3.6 Lithium Battery

$199 each + GST

CD & USB SKCDU-0020TTE CD USB Starter Kit

for IP68 Style Loggers

$139/kit +GST

(incl. CD software &




Computer Connection

Interface - USB

$49 each + GST

Data Logger

TK-4014 TinyTag Talk 2 –

smaller, 5 min readings

would last 1.5 mths.

Plastic not as robust

3.6 Lithium battery

$149 each + GST

CD & USB SKCDU-0021 CD USB Starter Kit

$139/kit + GST

(incl. CD software &




Supplier of TinyTag Data Logger:

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How to preform a

Data download from:

TinyTag Data Logger

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Collect TinyTag Data Logger:

Remove the data logger from

the fridge and record on the

Daily Temperature chart.

Documentation of ‘time’ Data

logger removed on Daily

Temperature Chart/graph

correlates with any temperature

increase on the Data Logger


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Collect TinyTag Data Logger:

Ensure the USB cable is

labelled clearly and stored away

safely when not in use.

This is to ensure the USB cable

does not get lost

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Collect TinyTag Data Logger:

Connect the TinyTag data

logger to the computer with

USB cable.

To enable the data to be

extracted from the Data Logger

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Once the Data Logger is connected the following tool bar will

appear on the computer screen.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Step 1:

Stop the Data Logger - this will stop the Data logger

recording the room temperature.


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Step 2:

Get data – extract the data from the Data Logger

and save to folder on the computer.


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Data will now be displayed.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Step 3:

Click – File

Click – Save As

Save the graph to a file on the computer – for future reference.

Enter note at the bottom of the graph to record, including any

cold chain breaches and action taken

Fridge temperature records to be kept as per GDA21 –


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Step 3:

Launch – to restart the Data logger to commence


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

After Launching

– the following

screen will be


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click - Launch

Note – when Data logger will reach capacity.

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Change the settings


TinyTag Data Logger

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

After Launching – the

following screen will

be displayed.

This is where the

settings details can

be changed

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Change the name of the TinyTag data logger

Type in the name of your


Click +

Delete the title

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click +

Recommend to

select: 10 or 15

minute intervals.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click +

Can adjust start

time to be delayed

– minutes, hours or


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click +

Recommend select:

‘Measure at the end

of each interval’

To remove multiple graph lines, un tick:

□ Minimum during each interval

□ Maximum during each interval

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click +

Recommend either –

• Run Indefinitely – will

provide most recent data

• Stop when full

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click +

Select only if no

alarm on Vaccine

Specific fridge.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click - Launch

Note – when Data logger will reach capacity.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click - Print

To print copy of

‘Setting Summary’

for your records.

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Features of the

TinyTag Data Logger -

Tool bar

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

To Check the Data

Loggers current

temperature reading,

click .

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of


‘Information Table’ -

summary of the data


‘Information Table’

– displays any


<2°C or > 8°C

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of


‘Table of Readings’ –

this provides a table

of each temperature

reading in numbers.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of


‘Daily Min/Max View’ –

provides a summary of

the data logger daily


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click to move

the Graph Up or

Down and Left or


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click to reduce

the original graph


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click to return

altered graph to the

original graph size.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click to allow you to

focus in on a specific area.

͏͏ Place mouse to left side

of area interest, then right

click and drag across to the

right then down to the

bottom and release.

The graph will now display

the specific area so you

determine the duration of

the cold chain breach.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use

Click to return

altered graph to the

original graph size.

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Features of TinyTag Data

Logger –

‘Options’ icon

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

OPTIONS Communication Options

Units Preference

Calibration Options

Setpoint Options

Mean Kinetic Temperature Options

Configure ACS-5000 Alarm Box

Table of Readings Options

Daily Min/Max Options

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

OPTIONS Communication Options

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

OPTIONS Units Preference

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

OPTIONS Calibration Options

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

OPTIONS Setpoint Options

TinyTag graph will now display a

separated line indicating: 2°C and 8°C

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of


Mean Kinetic Temperature Options

Configure ACS-5000 Alarm Box

Table of Readings Options

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

OPTIONS Daily Min/Max Options

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Features of TinyTag Data

Logger –

‘View’ icon

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click - View

Click - Show on Graph

Ensure each is ticked

Graph Gridlines

Data logger Alarm Lines

Graph Key

Graph Notes

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Graph Gridlines

If the Graph Gridlines is

un-ticked there will

be no gridlines on the

Data Logger Graph.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Data logger Alarm Lines

• This which provide lines on the graph if the alarm is activated.

• Only required if the Vaccine specific fridge does not have an


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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Graph Key

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click - View

Click - Graph Configurations

Click - Select graph colour

To change the Colour of the Graph Key

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click - Next

Click - Next

Click - Finish

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Graph Notes – allows

you to record notes

relevant to the data

logger reading and any

cold chain breaches.

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TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

Click - View

Click – Time Display Format

Absolute Time Format –

Temp recordings displays

graph as the clock time.

Relative Time Format –

Temp recordings displays

graph in time duration -


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TinyTag Data Logger guidelines

TinyTag Data Logger – Use of

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