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Page 1: Tip of the Month Flyer 10 - E&D

Tip of the Month Flyer Issue 10

Being Aware of Disability – A Class Task You Could Try…

Hi everyone, it’s often hard for learners to develop awareness of disability and equality in the classroom,

especially if your group does not contain learners with such issues, so I use this activity, which you can

develop this to suit your groups… Have a go, and let me know how you get on, Nick H.

Firstly the group of learners should discuss and evaluate the potential difficulties faced in society for those

who are blind or require the use of a wheelchair. The Smart Board or poster paper could be used to record

the initial discussion outcome and thoughts. Firstly, individuals to work in pairs, one learner from each

pair will be given a blindfold to wear. The other learner must provide instructions to compete a set

number of tasks within a set timeframe. Once completed the learners will swap places and repeat the

tasks. Next, a wheelchair should be used with the group to try and access rooms and areas etc around

college. Learners should take turns trying to singlehandedly move themselves from room to room and

between areas. This task should immediately highlight specific access problems and difficulties.

After both tasks have been completed the initially recorded thoughts should be reassessed and any

changes or additions noted. These changes or additions can form the base for a developmental session

assessing how these tasks made learners feel and the relevant changes in their opinions and judgements

of those with disabilities.

The Equality and Diversity Issue

Welcome to the new look Tip of the

Month Flyer. This issue we’re focusing

on tips for embedding and sharing

Equality and Diversity into your

classrooms. With OFSTED looming

around the corner, let’s ‘WOW’ the

inspectors by showing off just how good

we are at bringing E&D into our

sessions. Here we bring you some tips

that others have found useful…

Page 2: Tip of the Month Flyer 10 - E&D

Volutpat mos at neque nulla lobortis

dignissim conventio, torqueo, acsi

rotomodo. Feugait in obruo quae ingenium

tristique elit vel natu meus. Molior torqueo

capio velit loquor aptent ut lorem erat

feugiat pneum commodovel obruo mara

genitus. Suscipit, vicis praesent erat feugait

epulae, validusindoles duis enim consequat

genitus at. Sed, conventio, aliquip accumsan

adipiscing augue blandit minim abba oppeto

blandit minim commoveo.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis

vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto

quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis

nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu

tate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate

meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus

demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat

os quae nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse

quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum

pala damnumpneum. Aptent nulla aliquip

camur ut consequat aptent nisl in voco.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis

vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto

quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis

nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu

tate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate

meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus

demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat

os quae nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse

quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum

pala damnumpneum. Aptent nulla aliquip

camur ut consequat aptent nisl in voco.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis

vulputate, valetudo ille

quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis

nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu

tate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate

meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus

demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat

os quae nulla magna. Delenit ab

quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum

pala damnumpneum. Aptent nulla aliquip

camur ut consequat aptent nisl in voco.

“Becoming a new IT manager means you

must actively take the reins”

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus pre

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis

vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto

quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis

nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu

tate enim dolore m

meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus

demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat

os quae nulla magna.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes f

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus.

Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

Working with learners with severe learning difficulties really

highlights the importance of Equality & Diversity and Every Child

Matters. My team are often the fist people who will notice that there

is a problem or if anything appears to be untoward.

Due to the nature of the learner group equality is always foremost in

what we do and diversity vital if all learners are going to achie

Within the Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulties provision we

are starting with the scheme of work and lesson plans highlighting

where we are addressing E&D and ECM.

We get together in teams and discuss where and how our curriculum

meets these directives. This also allows staff not so familiar with E&D

and ECM to understand what they are working towards within

certain parts of the session.

Having these areas clearly highlighted within the daily paperwork will

also show inspectors that we are very

how we are addressing them in every day sessions.

This might be something that your team could consider adopting.

Good luck, Libby H.

As we are a college that has a broad range of learners, one good way of helping to

that we offer is to take students on a tour to see the various ranges of learners that we have here at Oaklands.

This may involve liaising with the relevant tutors so that your own students could speak to these tutors to fully

appreciate what a diverse college we truly are through learning what other groups study.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis

vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto

quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis

nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu

tate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate

meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus

demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat

os quae nulla magna. Delenit abdo esse

quia, te huic. Ratis neque ymo, venio illum

pala damnumpneum. Aptent nulla aliquip

camur ut consequat aptent nisl in voco.

“Becoming a new IT manager means you

must actively take the reins”

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus. Sino lenis

vulputate, valetudo ille abbas cogo saluto

quod, esseillum, letatio conventio. Letalis

nibh iustum transverbero bene, erat vulpu

tate enim dolore modo. Loquor, vulputate

meus indoles iaceo, ne secundum, dolus

demoveo interdico proprius. In consequat

os quae nulla magna.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus.

Enim neo velit adsum odio, multo, in

commoveo quibus premo tamen erathuic.

Occuro uxor dolore, ut at praemitto opto si

sudo, opes feugiat iriure validus.

Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties

Working with learners with severe learning difficulties really

highlights the importance of Equality & Diversity and Every Child

tters. My team are often the fist people who will notice that there

is a problem or if anything appears to be untoward.

Due to the nature of the learner group equality is always foremost in

what we do and diversity vital if all learners are going to achieve.

Within the Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulties provision we

are starting with the scheme of work and lesson plans highlighting

where we are addressing E&D and ECM.

We get together in teams and discuss where and how our curriculum

rectives. This also allows staff not so familiar with E&D

and ECM to understand what they are working towards within

Having these areas clearly highlighted within the daily paperwork will

also show inspectors that we are very aware of these initiatives and

how we are addressing them in every day sessions.

This might be something that your team could consider adopting.


inclusive of differences

intellect, talent, gender,

Sally C


mixed bunch of loud

say ‘confident

and shy

tip for treating


to value each other’s


those confident ones not

to answer the

question to allow


ensures the confident ones

don’t take over the group

and the quiet ones

get left out.

with why you are trying

this, and try to get the

more confident learners to

help and support


sense of purpose and

responsibility too!

As we are a college that has a broad range of learners, one good way of helping to demonstrate this diversity

that we offer is to take students on a tour to see the various ranges of learners that we have here at Oaklands.

This may involve liaising with the relevant tutors so that your own students could speak to these tutors to fully

ppreciate what a diverse college we truly are through learning what other groups study.


Sylvia W says… When

creating ‘scenarios’ for

discussion, try to be

inclusive of differences

relating to skin colour,

intellect, talent, gender,

culture or age.

Sally C says… One of my

groups of learners is a

mixed bunch of loud (dare I

confident’) and quiet

and shy students. A good

tip for treating them

equally (and getting them

to value each other’s

differences) I try to ask

those confident ones not

to answer the ‘next’

question to allow a quieter

learner to have a go. This

ensures the confident ones

don’t take over the group

and the quiet ones don’t

get left out. Be honest

with why you are trying

this, and try to get the

more confident learners to

help and support the

others – that give’s them a

sense of purpose and

responsibility too!

demonstrate this diversity

that we offer is to take students on a tour to see the various ranges of learners that we have here at Oaklands.

This may involve liaising with the relevant tutors so that your own students could speak to these tutors to fully

ppreciate what a diverse college we truly are through learning what other groups study. Try it, Paul S.

Page 3: Tip of the Month Flyer 10 - E&D

Dawn’s Agony Aunt Corner…

Sometimes, it can be daunting when faced with a difficult issue

that surrounds E&D and ECM, so here, Dawn has provided some

common scenarios, and some advice as to what you could do in

such a situation…

Dear Dawn,

A 16 year old female learner told her t

she had no money left, so she could

direct into her bank and she had

but then she walked out of the c

have done?

Dawn says… A tutor should not lend a learner money because it can be

later date. There are procedures if someone has a genuine case, either by obtaining petty

cash through a cost centre signatory and the payments office; or through Learner Services


Julie J says… I would suggest to a maximum of £10 although £5 is usually enough to get

them home. If they need more there is usually an additional problem and they sh

referred to welfare team.

Ian L says… it should be a Learner Services approved petty cash voucher, except under

exceptional circumstances e.g. Taxi fails to arrive for a Landmark learner. Anyone

approving an advance should know where the learner

free bus services can take them close to their home

Dear Dawn,

A young male learner told me during a tutorial that

writing unpleasant things about him on

Dawn says… This is called cyber

process. There should be no hesitation in

investigation can take place. NB This will almost certainly involve the Safeguarding te

and the Police. Cases involving threats made on F


Dawn’s Agony Aunt Corner…

Sometimes, it can be daunting when faced with a difficult issue

that surrounds E&D and ECM, so here, Dawn has provided some

common scenarios, and some advice as to what you could do in

A 16 year old female learner told her tutor at the end of the Friday morning class that

so she couldn't buy lunch or get the train home.

direct into her bank and she hadn't got her cash card with her. The tutor gave her £10;

out of the classroom and joined her friends. What should the tutor

A tutor should not lend a learner money because it can be

There are procedures if someone has a genuine case, either by obtaining petty

gh a cost centre signatory and the payments office; or through Learner Services

Julie J says… I would suggest to a maximum of £10 although £5 is usually enough to get

If they need more there is usually an additional problem and they sh

Ian L says… it should be a Learner Services approved petty cash voucher, except under

exceptional circumstances e.g. Taxi fails to arrive for a Landmark learner. Anyone

approving an advance should know where the learner lives and the extent to which the

free bus services can take them close to their home.

told me during a tutorial that someone else in his group has been

writing unpleasant things about him on Facebook. What do I do?

says… This is called cyber-bullying and is covered by our learner disciplinary

There should be no hesitation in reporting it to your line manager so that an

NB This will almost certainly involve the Safeguarding te

ases involving threats made on Facebook have resulted in convictions…

riday morning class that

n't buy lunch or get the train home. Her EMA goes

The tutor gave her £10;

What should the tutor

A tutor should not lend a learner money because it can be misconstrued at a

There are procedures if someone has a genuine case, either by obtaining petty

gh a cost centre signatory and the payments office; or through Learner Services

Julie J says… I would suggest to a maximum of £10 although £5 is usually enough to get

If they need more there is usually an additional problem and they should be

Ian L says… it should be a Learner Services approved petty cash voucher, except under

exceptional circumstances e.g. Taxi fails to arrive for a Landmark learner. Anyone

lives and the extent to which the

someone else in his group has been

our learner disciplinary

reporting it to your line manager so that an

NB This will almost certainly involve the Safeguarding team

ok have resulted in convictions…

Page 4: Tip of the Month Flyer 10 - E&D

Contextualising Your Activities

As a department (Business) we have

decided to get learners to investigate

how business works in other countries.

Just like the HSBC – your local bank –

the learners (as part of tutorial exercise)

will research and present an insight into

how business is conducted in a range of

other countries.

This may cover areas such as:

Dress Code, Greetings, Confirmation,

Protocol, Timings, Language, Do’s and

Don’ts, Business Practices and Ethics,

Cultural and Social issues, etc.

It can be tied into the College Calendar

so that for example given this is Black

History Month the learners may choose

to investigate and compare these


be tied in with religious festivals i.e. how

do businesses in these countries

accommodate the need for religious

observance within their business life.

The “

learners progress i

world (via

will undoubtedly be exposed to

should be aware of

I am certain this could be applied to

other areas

beauty, animal car


Have a blast, and let me know how you

get on.

Another nice idea to try…

Put the learners in pairs. Set a simple practical task. Blindfold

one of the pair and ask the other one to guide and support the

blindfolded one without giving any practical help and then

reverse the pair. Discuss afterwards what was easy and what was

not easy and how they felt. Works well on level one and two

learners. Try this out in your classes,

���� Send your Tips to: [email protected]

Your Activities…


Lee N Says… I

assignments and sessions is

illustrative examples.

little further afield than perhaps

you usually do when you are

choosing examples to illustrate

a point or a concept.

find an example that addresses

perspective (be that one of race,

culture, gender, sexuality or

helping learners to see another

providing an opportunity to

actively discuss E&D connected

ideas through comparing

I also use a

induction to introduce H



try to show how the two issues

connect and to get around some

of the jargon.

specific to Performing Arts but



Teacher’s Toolkit on Oaklearn

if you want t

to investigate and compare these issues

across a range of countries. It could also

be tied in with religious festivals i.e. how

do businesses in these countries

accommodate the need for religious

observance within their business life.

The “Big Picture” is that when our

learners progress into the working

world (via University or directly) they

will undoubtedly be exposed to, and

should be aware of, other cultures.

I am certain this could be applied to

other areas – food, sport, law, health,

beauty, animal care….. the list should be


Have a blast, and let me know how you

get on. Paul K.

Put the learners in pairs. Set a simple practical task. Blindfold

one of the pair and ask the other one to guide and support the

blindfolded one without giving any practical help and then

reverse the pair. Discuss afterwards what was easy and what was

easy and how they felt. Works well on level one and two

Try this out in your classes, Anne F.

Send your Tips to: [email protected]


Lee N Says… I find a very good

way to embed E&D in your

assignments and sessions is

through your choice of

illustrative examples. Look a

little further afield than perhaps

you usually do when you are

choosing examples to illustrate

a point or a concept. If you can

find an example that addresses

the issue from a different

perspective (be that one of race,

culture, gender, sexuality or

age) then not only are you

helping learners to see another

side of the issue, you are

providing an opportunity to

actively discuss E&D connected

ideas through comparing and

contrasting examples from

different settings.

I also use a slideshow during

induction to introduce Health

and Safety (safeguarding) and

quality & Diversity issues. I also

to show how the two issues

connect and to get around some

of the jargon. The first few

slides (the H&S rules) are

specific to Performing Arts but

the rest is hopefully fairly

transferable. I’ve also got a

great induction quiz which

includes some relevant


I’ve put them on the

Teacher’s Toolkit on Oaklearn

if you want to try them out.


Send your Tips to: [email protected] ����

Page 5: Tip of the Month Flyer 10 - E&D

Ofsted Focus…

During a recent Ofsted

inspection of South Devon

College, their approach to

Equality and diversity was

graded as "Outstanding"; here’s


"Equality of opportunity is

outstanding, including its

response to race equality,

gender and disability legislation.

The promotion of equality of

opportunity is highly effective.

The numerous displays, posters,

focus groups and events

illustrate how fundamental

equality of opportunity is to the

life of the college.

Discrimination, harassment and

bullying are not tolerated in any

form. Training is comprehensive.

The college seeks and acts on

the views of learners and

stakeholders from different

backgrounds, including those

with disabilities.

Impact assessments are

thorough. Equality of

opportunity and diversity are

scrupulously embedded within

the curriculum. Achievement

data and complaints are

analysed closely for equal

opportunities issues."

"Educational and social inclusion

are outstanding. The college

works effectively with partners

to successfully include learners

from under-represented groups.

The proportion of learners from

minority ethnic groups is higher

than in the local population.

Programmes for learners with

disabilities and/or learning

difficulties are good."

(Ofsted 2009)

With regards to the Group Profile, again:

• Are you using any strategies to cater for different

learning styles, backgrounds etc?

• Have you any learners from ethnic minorities, etc and

how are you enabling them to be included in the


• Have you identified learning styles, prior learning etc

in your groups, and how can you use this to challenge

/ support individuals?

• Did your recruitment policy this year enable diverse

learners to apply – are they still on the course?

A Quick Start Guide to E&D, by Simon C

OK, let’s start with the Lesson Plan – consider the

following questions:

• Are there any individual strategies you use to support

different groups or learner (i.e. differentiated tasks

for ability)?

• Do your activities have any opportunities to highlight

E&D (i.e. women in the building trades etc)?

• Have your learners produced any posters etc

highlighting E&D issues – could these be part of an

activity and put up in the rooms?

• Do you get involved in any discussions (which could

be recorded using flip cameras) about issues when

using immigrant workers (language barriers, customs

etc) – could you use your learner’s prior backgrounds

to help get them involved?

• When you start the lesson, do you mix groups up, and

if so, why? What else could you do to encourage all

learners to work together in different pairs, etc?

Page 6: Tip of the Month Flyer 10 - E&D

Some Useful Websites by Viren A.





Have you got any similar ideas that you want to share?

Send your tips to the SASP Team, and we’ll include them in the next issue.

Best Tip each month wins a prize!!!

���� Send your Tips to: [email protected]

By the time a child has reached the age 18 year old will

have received approximately 25,000 compliments.

will have received half of these before their 3

Unfortunately, the same individual also receives “put

downs” at a rate of 9:1 meaning that

Birthday they will also have received 225,000 “put


Remember these facts next time we are giving feedback

to our learners and try to create a positive learning

experience for them.

Some Useful Websites by Viren A.




Images i

PowerPoint or Notebook

slides, try and use images


discussion about them.

You may like to use images

learners may not be aware

of so that you can broaden

their awareness. You can

maybe aim for one ‘image

month or as appropriate.

This is also goo

for Key/Functional Skills.

Have you got any similar ideas that you want to share?

Send your tips to the SASP Team, and we’ll include them in the next issue.

Best Tip each month wins a prize!!!

Send your Tips to: [email protected] ����

the time a child has reached the age 18 year old will

have received approximately 25,000 compliments. They

will have received half of these before their 3rd


Unfortunately, the same individual also receives “put-

downs” at a rate of 9:1 meaning that by their 18th

they will also have received 225,000 “put-


Remember these facts next time we are giving feedback

to our learners and try to create a positive learning

experience for them. Paul K. Something to Consider

This Article? It’s about bullying via

Facebook. Do Your Learners Use This



Images in PowerPoint…

Rather than just use

diverse images in

PowerPoint or Notebook

slides, try and use images

that learners may

recognise and hold a small

discussion about them.

You may like to use images

that you think your

learners may not be aware

of so that you can broaden

their awareness. You can

maybe aim for one ‘image

discussion’ a week or

month or as appropriate.

This is also good practice

for Key/Functional Skills.

Good luck, Ewan M.

Send your tips to the SASP Team, and we’ll include them in the next issue.





Something to Consider – Have You Seen

This Article? It’s about bullying via

. Do Your Learners Use This



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