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Page 1: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

TATLERIssue No. 228 Jan 2016 Tel: 0504-51945 email: [email protected] www.tipptatler.ie Tipp Tatler, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary



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Inside:-New Training Fund for Tipperary BusinessesMaths Challenge for Tipperary StudentsCan Forest Restoration Alleviate FloodingEntertainment & Events including details ofEd Masters Magic Show and Full Set Album LaunchPlus lots more …..

Page 2: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

Tipp Tatler www.tipptatler.ie

JokesBecky was 73 and just got her firstcomputer. After her son spent over 2hours teaching her how to use it, shewas sure she knew everything therewas to know about computers. Un-fortunately though, one day shecouldn’t get it to start so she prompt-ly called an IT guy to come over andtake a look at it. The IT guy managedto fix the issue in a few minutes andwas on his way. Becky was proudwhen she overheard the IT guy onthe phone with his boss telling himabout the issue, she was sure it meantit was a serious issue and she wassure she took care of it the right way.“Excuse me if you don’t mind measking,” asked Becky to the man onhis way out. “I couldn’t help over-hearing you on the phone with yourboss. What exactly is an Id ten Tproblem? Just so I can tell my son.”

The man smiled, took out a pen, “itstands for this: I-D -1-0-T”.

An amnesiac walks into a bar. Hegoes up to a beautiful woman andsays, “So, do I come here often?”

The barman says, “We don’t servetime travelers in here.” A time traveler walks into a bar.

“Give me a sentence about a fire-man,” the teacher instructed her sec-ond class student.“The fireman came down the ladderpregnant,” he answered.“Umm … Do you know what preg-nant means?”

“Yes,” said the boy. “It means carry-ing a child.”

A couple are sitting in their livingroom, sipping wine. Out of   theblue, the wife says, “I love you.”“Is that you or the wine talking?”asks the husband.“It’s me,” says the wife. “Talking tothe wine.”

I was standing in front of the bath-room mirror one evening admiringmy reflection, when I posed thisquestion to my wife of 30 years:“Will you still love me when I’m old,fat, and balding?”She answered, “I do.”

Never keep up with the Joneses.Drag them down to your level; it’scheaper.

After 12 years in prison, a man final-ly breaks out. When he gets home,filthy and exhausted, his wife says,“Where have you been? You escapedeight hours ago!”

My husband and I couldn’t decidewhich jacket to buy our granddaugh-ter, so we asked the young salesman.“If you were buying a jacket for yourgirlfriend,” I said, “what would youget?”“A bulletproof one,” he said. “I’mmarried.”


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Page 3: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016


FFOORRMMEERR SSMMOOKKEERRSS AARREE SSAAYYIINNGG::“I tried to stop smoking so many times. I amfree of it at last. Hypnosis was the answer.” M.J. Cork

“I still can’t believe how easy it was with Tomshelp” J.P.K. Galway

“I wish I had known about this, years ago. Itwas a great experience!” Mick V. Dundalk

“2 years on I celebrate freedom from smoking

SScciieennttiiffiicc PPrrooooffIn the largest clinical studyever undertaken involving72,000 smokers ‘NewScientist Magazine’ showedhypnosis to be the mostsuccessful system. It showed:94% Quit with Hypnotherapy30% Quit with Deep Breathing29% Quit with Aversion25% Quit with Acupuncture20% Quit with Patches10% Quit Nicotine gumPrescription Drugs showed thefollowing results from EuropeanStudies involving 2,000 smokers.22% Quit with Champak16% Quit with ZybanDrugs pose a serious healthrisk.

AAbboouutt TToomm RRyyaannTom is a qualified expert inclinical hypnotherapy andNLP. He is a leading specialistin smoking cessation, and isrecognised internationally inhabit and addiction control.Tom has more than 30,000hours of direct experience withclients over 20 years.Doctors are so impressed withthe medical benefits they arenow referring more and moreof their patients, who are ableto stop smoking effortlessly.You can now become a non-smoker and enjoy thosebenefits for yourself.




YOUR NEW HEALTHY SMOKE FREE LIFE IS JUST ONE CALL AWAYHHooww wwoouulldd yyoouu lliikkeettoo ssttoopp ssmmookkiinnggnnooww??You can now stop smokingwith the easiest and the mostsuccessfully proven systemever. There is no longer anyexcuse to continue smoking.Tom Ryan at DynamicHypnosis uses a uniquesystem that turns smokersinto non-smokers in onlysixty minutes. He claimsmore than a 95% plussuccess rate, and backs it upwith a lifetime guarantee.As Tom explains “Thisunique breakthroughtechnique combines thepower of Hypnosis with hisunique system that alsoincludes NLP and PartsIntegration.This takes the effectivenessof Hypnosis to a new levelin helping people to StopSmoking and take backcontrol of their lives.”This technique is being usedby Tom and other worldclass DynamicHypnotherapists trained byTom to help thousands ofpeople to become permanentnon smokers.

MMYY GGUUAARRAANNTTEEEE“All you have to do is sitback, relax and enjoy theexperience. One hour

later you will be a non-smoker for life. This ismy guarantee to you.

33 SSTTEEPPSS TTOO SSUUCCCCEESSSS1. Hypnosis on its own is95% successful. I canimprove on that.22.. I add NLP, whichbrings the success rateway over 97%. Theremay be still some doubtso I add a final process.33.. That is ‘PartsIntegration’ which bringsthe rate up to close on100%.’ Say’s Tom.

WWhheenn yyoouu ssttoopp ssmmookkiinnggwwiitthh DDyynnaammiicc HHyyppnnoossiisstthheerree wwiillll bbee::· No cravings· No sense of loss· No unwanted

weight gain· No replacement

habits· No raiding the

fridge· No more smoking.Unlike your previousattempts to stop smokingyou won’t be gettinggrumpy and irritable withyour loved ones, friendsor work colleagues.YOU WILL BECOME afar more relaxed andstress free non-smokerthan ever before.Make your call tostop smoking now.

FFOORRMMEERR SSMMOOKKEERRSS AARREE SSAAYYIINNGG::“I tried to stop smoking so many times. I am free of it at

last. Hypnosis was the answer.” M. J. Cork“I still can’t believe how easy it was with Toms help”J.P.K. Galway“I wish I had known about this, years ago. It was a greatexperience!” Mick V. Dundalk“2 years on I celebrate freedom from smoking daily.There is a real difference in my life and health” Thankyou Tom.” Maire C. Dublin“It’s great to be finally free from smoking. I feel somuch healthier and free thanks to Tom” Pat M. Tralee.


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Page 4: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

Tipp Tatler www.tipptatler.ie

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There were many highlights of theBT Young Scientist Exhibition 2016.The school was extremely proud ofthe 6 awards that we received.

John Ryan received the Road SafetyAward for his project ‘Arrive Alive’and also came 4th in his category.Jack O Meara received a special Tea-gasc award for his project on the‘Mastitis metre’; he also took thirdplace in his category. RachelO'Connell and Eimear Darcy re-ceived a prize for the best presenta-tion in their category. Their projectwas the ‘Sun Burnt Horse’ . TaraMockler, Eimear Slattery and EmilyMeagher were fourth in their catego-ry and received a highly commendedaward for their project ’ Equine Col-ic Detector’.

Other students that participated wereMegan Tierney, Gillian O Meara andNiamh O Brien with their project’Artism’ ; also Nicky Cooney andAnthony Ryan with their project‘Safe Watch’.

The students had many media com-mitments. They featured in the BTpress releases, Irish Examiner, IrishTimes, local Tipperary press as wellas a live interview with Tipp FM.President Michael D. Higginspraised the great work presented bythe students. They received visit'sfrom many guests including T.D’s,the French ambassador and manyothers. Students have been offeredvisits and work experience with In-tel, IFCO, DCU equine hospital andmany others.

St Joseph's College Borrisoleighreceived 6 awards atBT Young Scientist Exhibition 2016

Megan Tierney, Gillian O’Mearaand Niamh O’Brien with theirproject “Artism”

Anthony Ryan and Nicky Cooneywith their project “Safe Watch”

Tara Mockler, Eimear Slattery andEmily Meagher with their project ’Equine Colic Detector’.

Rachel O'Connell and EimearDarcy with their project “The SunBurnt Horse”

Jacl O’Meara with his project “TheMastitis Meter” being interviewed.

John Ryan with his project “ArriveAlive” Pictured with representivesfrom An Garda, the RSA and the AA

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Tipp Tatler www.tipptatler.ie

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Skillnets – the national agency re-sponsible for funding and support-ing training networks – hasannounced details of a new trainingfund worth nearly half a millioneuro (€450,000), aimed at assistingprivate sector businesses to grow,by addressing their current and fu-ture skills needs.

A group of businesses from thesame region, or specialising in thesame sector, can collectively applyto develop a Skillnets training net-work, and draw down funding sup-port for the development anddelivery of training. Businesses canbe of any size, from a sole trader tomulti-national, and the fund willalso be open to existing industryfederations, industry bodies or en-terprise groups.

Speaking about the training fundBrendan Mc Ginty, Chairman ofSkillnets, said: “It is a progressivetime for Tipperary enterprise, withan increase in the number of peoplein employment, as businesses lookto expand. Having the appropriateskills, including addressing futureskill needs to deal with this expan-sion, is vital for sustainable devel-opment. The success of our open

call for Skillnets training networkslast year, which resulted in the es-tablishment of 11 new training net-works, indicates the growingdemand among businesses for rele-vant and innovative solutions toaddress skills shortages in theworkplace. Skillnets is pleased toannounce another new fund forSkillnets training networks thisyear, so that more enterprises look-ing to expand their business can beassisted in skills development.”

The total fund available for newnetworks is €450,000. Skillnets op-erates under a joint investmentmodel whereby participating train-ing networks can apply to receiveup to 50 per cent of the cost oftraining from Skillnets, and the re-mainder of costs are funded in cashcontributions from participatingbusinesses in the training network.The first closing date for the newfunding call is 15th March, with asecond closing date in November2016.

Skillnets already supports 63 train-ing networks in a wide range ofsectors from manufacturing to in-formation technology and food /

beverage and mixed sectoral train-ing networks across many regions.

One of the networks set up fromlast year’s funding is Aviation &Aerospace Skillnet, which providestraining to the aviation and aero-space sector. Part 21 Design Ire-land, based in Ireland’s aviationhub in Shannon, is a member of thenetwork.

Mick Malone, Head of Airworthi-ness at Part 21 Design Ireland said:“Ireland is one of the leading play-ers in the international aviation in-dustry and in order to keep ourcompetitive edge in a global mar-ketplace, our staff need to be con-tinually up-skilled to meet thesedemands. Courses offered by theAviation & Aerospace Skillnetform an essential part of our ongo-ing staff training. This type of rele-vant, practical training is invaluableas it ensures our staff are up-skilledin areas critical to our business.”

According to Brendan McGinty: “Akey element of the Government’sgrowth and employment strategy isensuring Ireland has the quality andquantity of skills to attract, retainand grow job opportunities and in-

vestment. The collaborative natureof training networks enables mem-bers to be more responsive tochanging market needs, workingtogether to identify and meet futureskills requirements in their indus-try, so their business stays ahead ofthe curve.

Investing in the skills of existingstaff can result in immediate cost-savings and significantly add valueto the business, leading to such ad-vantages as improved productivityand increased profits. Employerscan also enjoy additional benefitsof staff loyalty and commitment,which can help achieve greater em-ployee retention levels in an in-creasingly competitive jobs market.These business benefits can be ac-complished with relatively low in-vestment through the Skillnetstraining network model.”

For networks seeking to access thenew call by Skillnets, full detailsare available onwww.skillnets.ie/funding or directcontact can be made with a memberof the Skillnets team:[email protected] / 012079630.

Tipperary SMEs encouraged to grow their business with new training fund

Page 6: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016


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The eagerly anticipated All-Irelandmaths challenge that has taken Ire-land by storm for the past twoyears is back, with a prize fund of€20,000 for students and schools.Registration for students andteachers throughout Tipperary isnow open for LearnStorm Ireland.

Originally called MATHletes, thechallenge was started in 2014 bytechnology entrepreneur SeanO’Sullivan and Khan Academy, anot-for-profit on a mission to pro-vide a free, world-class educationfor anyone, anywhere. The goalwas to increase students’ compe-tence and confidence in maths, andto date, 326 students in Tipperaryhave participated.

Nationally over 13,000 primaryand secondary students have com-pleted more than 4 million minutesof learning maths skills. The suc-cess of the Irish challenge inspiredKhan Academy to take the chal-lenge to the USA as LearnStorm in2015.

MATHletes is returning in 2016with a new name: LearnStorm Ire-land. Starting in January, studentsin Tipperary can earn recognitionfor themselves and their schools bymastering maths skills on KhanAcademy. At the same time,they’ll build confidence to helpthem learn anything. LearnStormis free, fun and accessible fromanywhere.

Powered by Khan Academy,LearnStorm is coming to Ireland

with help from The O'SullivanFoundation and is being deliveredlocally by Camara Ireland. JamesTynan from Khan Academy, said“LearnStorm helps students notonly to get excited about maths,but to cultivate higher order skillsabout learning that will permeateother life challenges, too. Weknow that the more you grapplewith something, the more your ca-pacity expands. LearnStorm is foreveryone as it rewards students forhard work and mastery, no matterif they’re learning basic arithmeticor advanced calculus.”

John Fitzsimons, CEO of CamaraEducation, said, “We are reallyexcited that signups are now openfor this free maths challenge forIreland. This is precisely the typeof innovative education that ICTcan facilitate both inside and out-side the classroom."

LearnStorm Ireland has €20,000 inprizes up for grabs as studentsfrom across the 32 counties earnrecognition for their class, theirschool, for their county and forIreland to be rewarded for theirhard work. As in previous years,students can earn invitations to fi-nals events, which are scheduled totake place after Easter.

LearnStorm Ireland is open to allstudents from 4th class to 5th year.LearnStorm Ireland officially kicksoff on 29th January, but signupsare now open. Visit learnstorm.ieto learn more and sign up today!

Maths challenge for Tipperarystudents returns with €20,000prize fund for students and schools

Phone 0504-51945 or email [email protected] book your Advertising

Membership of Tipperary Support-ers Club for 2016 is now availableand at €30 per person it is un-changed again this year. The Tip-perary Supporters Club aredelighted to announce that themember’s gift in 2016 will be atrolley coin keyring, 43 mm x 33mm, featuring The Tipperary Sup-porters Club Official Logo.Supporters can join on line onwww.tippsupportersclub.com by

credit card or debit/laser card. Alsoon the website details are availableof the direct debit facility; as theClub is run on a completely volun-tary basis it would be a great help ifmembers could join by direct debit.If joining by post please send acheque or postal order payable toTipperary Supporters Club to JimReidy, 13 Castleknock Close, Dub-lin 15 or 086-3580718, email:[email protected]

Tipperary Supporters Club

Special OfferBuy 5 adsGet 1 Free

Page 8: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

Tipp Tatler www.tipptatler.ie

We are desperately in need of wiseflood prevention measures thatwork, to quote the Chinese Emper-or Yu, 3,160 years ago, whose an-cient proverb reminds us“ To protect your rivers, first pro-tect your mountains ”.

The Woodland League a not forprofit NGO, sympathise with af-fected citizens nationwide and callfor a common sense reaction tosolving the recurring flooding cri-sis.

Before we spend millions of euroson downstream knee jerk hard engi-neering false solutions, especiallybefore we make any decision to godredging rivers, which will onlysend the problem further down-stream as many other EU countrieshave discovered at great cost. Thosecountries who adopted dredgingstrategies are now reversing their illjudged decisions. We also face thevery real prospect of heavy EUfines and penalties which could add

further to the cost of short termquick fixes.

Andrew St Ledger, the League PROsays " We can all agree there is aneed now to find wise long termsolutions to fix flooding, one part ofthis solution is to work with nature,farmers, and local communities torestore our degraded uplands, riv-ers, streams, wetlands and floodplains so that they can perform theirnatural regulatory function to theiroptimum capacity ".

There is an urgency now to payheed to recent UK scientific re-search in comparable upland situa-tions to Ireland. The UK Pontbrenproject, conducted by Bangor uni-versity in Wales found that waterwas absorbed 67 times faster bynative woodland than on grass. ThePontbren project of 1000 ha was afarmer led approach to sustainablefarming in the uplands.

To date they have planted 12,000native trees, 5% of the area, rein-

stated 26.5km of hedgerow and cre-ated ponds covering 5.4 acres aswell as restoring wetlands whichact as natural reservoirs. The re-search found that if all the farmersin the catchment followed their ex-ample, flooding downstream wouldreduce by 29%. Full reforestationwould reduce the flooding by 50%or more.

The development of an alien treefarming forestry model in Ireland'suplands with its non native shallowrooted trees, soil compaction byclear-felling with heavy machines,deep vertical drains, and hundredsof kilometres of heavy duty roads,has also compounded the floodingissue. Sending large amounts ofwater and silt down hill and rippingthe river and stream banks along theway adding to the flooding prob-lems in the lowlands.

St Ledger went on to say

" Rain is landing on soil with nosponge ability in tree plantations, it

is then channelled into deep verticaldrains and cascading at speed head-long down our hills and mountains,flooding the low lands ".

" Why is it with all the advisors andconsultants available to Ministersfor advice, that this no brainer, lowcost basic solution on our doorstepcontinues to be overlooked ".

"The Pontbren trials provide uswith a sustainable and cost effectiveblueprint for restoring our fragileuplands using natural methods, en-suring a reduction in flooding, afuture for small farmers and wildlife, with knock on benefits for lo-cal communities and is in the na-tional interest ".

The Woodland League are activelyseeking cross party support for thisinitiative having already engagedwith a number of interested TD'sand Senators who recognise themerit in this common sense naturalsolution.

Native Forest Restoration in the Uplands can Alleviate Flooding in the Lowlands

Drom & Inch Minor A County Final Winners 2015

Well done and Congratulations tolocal girl Chloe Carroll , on herrecent cross countryachievements.Chloes participation,determination, and in particular herlove of running is something she andher family are so proud of .Chloe hasrepresented herself, her school ScoilNaomh Cualan,Borrisoleigh,Templemore A.C, and her county.

In January 2015, Chloe was part ofthe Tipperary Under 10 relay team who won Silvermedals in the Munsters . In October 2015 , inschools cross country Chloe brought home anindividual gold medal and a bronze team medal forScoil Naomh Cualan, Borrisoleigh .Chloe thenwent onto to take part in theunder 11's CountyCross country running her longest distance to dateat 1500metres and came in 8th winning a bronze

medal. Next came the cross country under 12relays where Chloe was on the Templemore A.C.team winning gold medals.

In November Chloe ran in the Munster Crosscountry, in Beaufort Co. Kerry under horrendousweather conditions ran a great race, coming 69th

overall and came in 7th for Tipperary qualifyingher to go onto the Nationals in Waterford, whichfor a beginner was great.Munster B's was the next day, Chloe ran afantastic race in Cappawhite and came 3rd

winning an individual bronze medal and also abronze team medal. On December 6th, Chloe ran inthe Nationals in Waterford, coming in 84th overall,and came in 3rd for Tipperary, her best race to dateseeing her make a huge improvement from thestart of the season.Chloes last run for this cross

country season will see her represent Tipperary inthe National B's in January 2016

Young runner shows how it’s done!

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Page 9: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

FullSet are one of Ireland’s most accomplishedand sought-after bands in Irish Traditional Mu-sic today. This young and exciting group cre-ates a sound that is full of energy & innovation,whilst all the time remaining true to their tradi-tional roots.

“FullSet was THE breakout band at the IrishFair of Minnesota 2013.Their energy was infec-tious and the crowd response was incredible.They were able to connect to all ages, from Mo-hawked teenagers, to their grandparents. I hadheard good things about them, but the musician-ship, and stage presence playing live exceededevery expectation I had.”

- Mike Wiley, Vice Chair/Entertainment Direc-tor of Irish Fair of Minnesota

FullSet have received much critical acclaimover the years, even being compared to supergroups such as Danu & Altan by respected IrishMusic Magazine. Their meteoric rise in the mu-sic world began in 2011 when they were an-nounced as the winners of the RTE/RAAPBreakthrough Annual Music Bursary Award.FullSet subsequently went on to receive the“Best New Group Award” from well-respectedIrish American News and were also named“Best Newcomer” in Bill Margeson’s Live Ire-land Awards in 2012. Most recently, FullSetwas honoured to receive the “Top TraditionalGroup” Award by the Irish Music Association.

To date, FullSet have been featured on some ofIreland’s most prestigious TV and radio pro-grammes including “The Late Late Show” andTG4’s hugely popular Irish music series “Gean-trai”. They have worked with Disney and havealso performed at some of the most prestigiousCeltic and world music festivals across Europeand North America, some of which include theCopenhagen Irish Festival, Festival Intercelt-

ique de Lorient, Germany’sIrish Folk Festival Tour,Dublin Irish Festival, Kan-sas City Irish Fest and Mil-waukee Irish Fest. Theyhave shared the stage withsome of the biggest namesin folk and world music in-cluding Moya Brennan, De-clan O’Rourke, Lunasa,Carlos Nunez, Andy Irvine,Donal Lunny and Beoga.

FullSet’s ability to show-case Irish music, song anddance of the highest quality,in an energetic and fun filled manner, hasproved immensely successful as they continueto thrill audiences around the world.

FullSet - Nenagh Arts Centre - Saturday 6thFebruary, 8pm, tickets €12/10


LIFE OF ILLUSION magic show to cast a spellon a local theatreTipperary audiences should prepare to betricked, wowed and amazed with the forthcom-ing performance of Ed Masters’ LIFE OF IL-LUSION in the Source Arts Centre in Thurleson Sunday 7th February. This is the most thrill-ing family-friendly show that Ireland is set towitness in 2016.Embarking on a national tour, Tyrone born EdMasters will conjure marvel, mystery and mag-ic into the minds and imaginations of theatre-goers of all ages. Be astounded by baffling dis-appearances, gravity-eluding levitations andjaw-dropping escapes. You will not have wit-nessed a show of this kind up this close andpersonal before! A proud member of the iconic

Magic Circle, Masters shares the stage with hisdazzling dance troupe and bewitching birds.Fusing impossible stage illusions, breath-takingsleight of hand and state-of-the-art magic LIFEOF ILLUSION reinvents an age-old art formproving the magic is really back.The climax of the performance will see Ed’sHoudini inspired death-defying escape fromsteel and flame – he is the only magician todare this feat in the island of Ireland and one ofvery few in the entire World. Come see theMaster.You can take a sneak peek at what to expectfrom LIFE OF ILLUSION in the trailer onwww.edmastersmagic.comA mind-blowingly amazing show for all thefamily from age 5+

LIFE OF ILLUSION magic showto cast a spell on a local theatre

Full Set Album LaunchFeb 6th @ Nenagh Arts Centre

Full Bar Menu - 7 Days a Week9am-5pm & Evening Food by arrangement

Catering Service AvailableAll Matches Live on Large Projector TV

Now Taking BookingsFor All Family OccasionsCommunions, Confirmations etc.


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Page 10: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016


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Obstacle CoursesBouncy Castles, Combi Units

Aglish Drama Group have the pleasure of presenting “The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley “ over three nightsnext weekend on Friday 22nd , Saturday 23rd & Sun-day 24th January in Aglish Hall . Door will be openfor 7.30 with the show starting at 8.00pm .Aglish Drama Group reformed last year andhad a very successful run of four nights . Theplay is written by the very talented JimmyKeary and centres around Gabriel Foley playedby Aglish man Noel Hogan. Gabriel Foley is amiddle-aged bachelor farmer, who lives withhis elderly mother Aggie played by AnnemarieKing. He has been unlucky in love many times,much to his mother’s frustration. She thinksshe’ll never get rid of him. Then he meets up-market, Hazel Myers played by Claire Starr andjoins the posh drama group in the nearby townin order to romance her.

He is unaware that Chrissie McCabe played byDeirdre Darcy – a cheerful countrywoman,

who comes in to help him and his mother – fancieshim. By the time Chrissie makes her feelings knownto Gabriel, he has already got Hazel’s attention. Heand Chrissie decide to try going out together. He tries

to let Hazel down gently, but Hazel is not a woman togive up easily. The cast also includes Sylvia Conlonwho plays Aggies Sister Lucy Lacey , Michael Torpeyas Liam Gavigan, James Heenan as Julian Delamere

& Pat Fox as Clive Snell. This year the playis being produced by local lady Phil Quigley, Phil is no stranger to local drama, Phil hasdirected more plays in North Tipperary thananyone else we know.

Due to unprecedented demand for seats lastyear , it is essential to book your seats.Please call 087 7168591 to book your tick-ets, as all cast & crew work full time as wellif you get the answering machine pleaseleave a message & we guarantee you will becontacted to confirm your seats.

Check out Aglish Drama Group on Face-book to keep up to date with all news .

Aglish Drama Group – The Two Loves of Gabriel Foley

cast :L-R Back Row: Pat Fox, Michael Torpey , Noel Hogan, James HeenanL-R Front Row : Claire Starr, Sylvia Conlon, Annemarie King, Deirdre Darcy

Page 11: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016


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Page 12: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016


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Page 13: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

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Page 14: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

CarsCar for sale. 02 Honda Civic S, pet-rol, NCT Jan 016, timing belt recent-ly replaced. 086-3380542 after 7pm.

Childminder WantedChildminder required for 10 monthold baby in childminder's home.The Ragg, Thurles phone 0879602370

CounsellingJim O'Shea B.A., Ph.D., H.D.E.,Dip. Coun., MIACP.Jim O'Shea is a professional, accred-ited counsellor offering confidentialcounselling. He deals with bereave-ment, suicide bereavement, stress,depression, abuse, childhood issues,self-esteem, anxiety, relationshipdifficulties and couple counselling.He is accredited by the Irish Associ-ation of Counselling and Psychother-apy. If you wish to contact Jimat Furze, Thurles, Co. Tipperary,please ring 0878211009 or email [email protected]. Website atwww.jimoshea.net

Accord. Finding it dufficult to copein your relationship? Are you awarethat in Thurles, Accord's counsellingservices can help put your relation-ship back on track. If you cannot talkto each other, talk to Accord. All ourcounsellors are professionallytrained. Payment according tomeans. Contact 0504-22279www.accord.ie

For Sale

Girls bicycle, pink, 21 gears, perfectcondition. Child's bike, as new, pink,stabilisers. Star piano/organ andstool. 1 Electric Lawnmower, 2 xmini stepper machines. Phone 087-6856868

1 x Men’s mountain bikes, 4 kidsbike helmets, Phone 087-6856868

New Husqvarna 135 saw, 14inchbar. 1 electric lawnmowers. Phone087-6856868

MS 250 Stihl chainsaw, new chain,completely serviced, great condition.087-6856868.

14” Panasonic Portable TV, as new.Power washer, suction washer, La-vor Phone 087-6856868


For sale small square bales of hay,also small square bales of barley andoaten straw. Phone 085-1708468


Over 55? Regain strength and flexi-bility! Pilates for Active Retired orRehabilitation. Gentle chair Pilates.Many benefits! Lovely venue inCashel, Wednesday mornings.Call 086 8184218 Eimear (STOTTPILATES certified).www.pilateswitheimear.ie

HolidaysAlgarve - Portugal, Albuferia. 1Bedroom luxury apartment for rent.Sky TV, Shared Pool, long/shortterm. Special Winter Rates! TelSean 087- 2371716 or 087-2856636iss200 call dont end adSame algarve man

Peurto Del Carmen, Lanzarote,luxurious 2 bedroom house to let ingated complex with pool, frontlineposition across from the beach andSan Antonio Hotel, €300 per week,contact 087-6897553

Holistic Healing

Are you in pain? Are you aware ofthe Bowen Technique? A gentle re-laxing non invasive haling procedurefor all muscular, joint and back prob-lems plus baby colic and stress. Findus in Templederry, Rosetta Barkerand Rebecca Wren 0504-52968iss231


Music lessons in flute and piano,Thurles town, phone 087-6973525iss227and228Learn to play acoustic guitar, elec-tric guitar, bass guitar, 4 string tenorbanjo, mandolin, ukelele, keyboardsand tin whistle. Also music theorytaught. Call Brendan O Dwyer 087-922 7119

Septic Tanks

Septic Tanks Emptied, Thurles andsurrounding areas. Phone: 0864137702 iss221to226

Septic Tanks Emptied, long hoses,keen rates, high pressure drain clean-ing, percolation systems rectified,new tanks supplied and fitted. 24/7service. phone John 087-6229777iss228to233


Career Guidance for adults - cvs,exploring options, etc./ phone Michael 087-2711401


Qualified Primary School Teacher,currently working in learning sup-port, is available for extra tuition inall primary subject areas. Thurlesarea please call 086-0774993

Tipp Tatler www.tipptatler.ie

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The Tipp Tatler is the longest running free publicationdistributed throughout North Tipperary and parts ofSouth Tipperary covering Nenagh, Roscrea,Templemore, Thurles, Borrisoleigh, Cashel, Cahir,Tipperary Town and the villages around and betweenthese towns. No other local publication offers such alarge area for advertisers. Phone 0504-51945

To place a classified ad post ad with payment to:Tipp Tatler, Curraghgraigue,

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on 2014 shed stored dryscreened black hopperturf sold in various sizeloads call 087-1173288

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PrayersThe Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own brokenheart where Your Father sees it.Then in His merciful eyes it willbecome Your favour, not mine.Amen. Say this prayer for 3 consec-utive days, promise publication andfavour will be granted. Neverknown to fail. D.O.S.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus andplace it within Your own brokenheart where Your Father sees it.Then in His merciful eyes it willbecome Your favour, not mine.Amen. Say this prayer for 3 consec-utive days, promise publication andfavour will be granted. Neverknown to fail. P.S.

Page 15: Tipp Tatler Issue 228 Jan 2016

Tipp Tatler www.tipptatler.ie


By Jim O’Shea

Anxiety(continued from previous issue)

As mentioned, social anxiety can beespecially severe at the thought ofmeeting strangers, and sufferers may feelextremely self-conscious. This is anextreme and crippling form of shyness (Imust say I like shyness in the normalsense of the word. It is a lovelycharacteristic). You may have heard itsaid that man is the only animal whoblushes, and extreme shyness is at thecore of social phobia. Blushing is anautomatic response to feeling under thespotlight. Some become so embarrassedby the blushing that it restricts theirsocial life and their ability to relate toothers. I have read the stories of over 700people who are tormented by blushing,and it is sad that it inhibits their life tosuch an extent.

Blushing is a physical response showingembarrassment, or even shame, andcomes from a rush of adrenaline, thehormone that gets us ready for flight orfight when we are in danger. Part of theeffects of adrenaline is to allow the veinsto widen, to help in the flight or fightreaction. This is what happens to yourface when you blush, and possibly flush(sweat). The veins widen, and your facereddens as a result.

So, there seems to be sensitisationcoming from a fear of danger. Thesufferer experiences high anxiety andbecomes over-nervous. I imagine theroots of this may lie in childhood (ifthere is not an underlying medicalcause). There is a phobia about blushingcalled erythrophobia. If you wish to learnmore about erythrophobia you might liketo read a very interesting article calledPatients With Erythrophobia (Fear ofBlushing) Show Abnormal AutonomicRegulation in Mental Stress Conditionsby Kurt Laederach-Hofmann and hiscolleagues.

There are several other medicalexplanations for blushing, and there issome controversy about the effectivenessand side effects of surgical interventionsto prevent it. The principal interventionis Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy(ETS). You can investigate this on theinternet for side effects.

There are many other suggestions foralleviating blushing, but I do not knowhow effective they are. Some doctorsrecommend cutting down on coffee,drinking plenty of water, drinkingalcohol slowly, refraining from eatingspicy food or high carb food. Othersufferers found that using a high factorsun cream and giving up dairy productshelped. Some, but not all, have beenhelped by EFT (Emotional FreedomTechniques). You can find out all aboutthis on the internet, and you candownload a self-help manual on it. Youcan download this through the link


While it does not get to the root of theproblem, which is vital as far as I amconcerned, it is possible to camouflageblushing. Many sufferers findDermacolour very effective inconcealing blushing. No doubt, yourpharmacist probably stocks this product.There is also a product calledDermablend.

I must admit that drinking red winemakes me flush. I also find that being ina warm room makes my face red. I feelthat stress and rushing affects me andmakes me blush. I noticed this inparticular on the night my book on thedeath of my youngest child was launchedin Dublin. It was an extremely stressfulsituation, and looking at photographslater, I noticed how red my face was.However, this is only an occasionalproblem for me and does not bother meat all.

So why is it that if I am beetroot red I amnot bothered, while others feel sorestricted that they avoid going tocelebrations and functions. I amconvinced that looking at how we thinkis a good way to go about easing the fearof blushing or blushing itself. I alwayssay ‘so what. My face is red. What aboutit’. In other words, I minimise the fearand the complaint. Catastrophisingincreases our sensitivity and makes thematter worse. However, as I havealready said, it takes up to a year ofpractising changing our negativethoughts before a change takes place.Some sufferers find that meditationhelps; it increases powers ofconcentration, and helps to divert theirthinking from their problem.

Prayers: €7.50


Initials:______PrayersThe Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.A.G.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.B.K.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.D.J.R.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.M.C.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.M.M.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.P.C.C.

The Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.J.E.

Thanks to Padre Pio and TheSacred HeartThe Miraculous PrayerDear Heart of Jesus, I ask You thisvery special favour (mention one).Take it Dear Heart of Jesus and placeit within Your own broken heartwhere Your Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will becomeYour favour, not mine. Amen. Saythis prayer for 3 consecutive days,promise publication and favour willbe granted. Never known to fail.B.K.

(Continued in next issue)

Jim O’Shea works as a counsellorfrom Furze, Thurles. Ph.0878211009 www.jimoshea.net. JimO’Shea’s book ‘When a child dies.Footsteps of a Grieving Family’ ispublished by Veritas. The royaltiesfrom this book will go the the Chil-dren’s Hospital in Crumlin JimO’Shea’s new book called Abuse,about domestic violence, workplaceand school bullying is now availableon Amazon, published by Cork Uni-versity Press and in Bookshops.

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