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  • 8/13/2019 Tips n Trik Meraih TOEFL 550



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    tips n trik meraih toefl 550


    READING COMPREHENSIONSection 3 dalam ujian TOEFL adalah Reading comprehension. Ini digunakan untuk mengukurkemempuan peserta ujian dalam memahami teks tertulis dalam bahasa inggris. Bagian inimengujikan setidaknya 5 bacaan, dimana masing-masing bacaan biasanya terdiri dari sepuluhpertanyaan. Sehingga pertanyaan pada bagian ini berjumlah limapuluh pertanyaan. Anda harusmenyelesaikan semua pertanyaan dalam waktu limapuluh menit. Bagian ini hanya mengujikanteks bacaan saja, tanpa gambar, diagram, atau alat Bantu visual lainnya.Tema bacaan yang diujikan dalam bagian ini cukup bervariasi, namun secara umum berkaitandengan materi perkuliahan yang diajarkan oleh universitas-universitas di Amerika Serikat.

    Misalnya, sejarah, sastra, seni, arsitektur, geologi, biologi, kesehatan, astronomi, geografi, danseterusnya. Adapun pertanyaan pada section 3 bisa dikategorikan ke dalam dua bentukpertanyaan sebagai berikut:1. Reading comprehensionPada section 3 ini anda akan diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandengan informasi yang terdapat pada teks bacaan. Mulai dari main idea, bagian bacaan yang lebihrinci, sampai inferasi atau penyimpulan atas informasi yang terdapat pada bacaan.2. VocabularySection 3 juga meminta anda untuk menjawab arti dari kata-kata tertentu yang terdapat pada teks

    bacaan. Namun apabila anda sama sekali tidak tahu arti kata-kata tertentu, anda masih tetap biasmengetahui arti kata-kata tersebut dengan memahami konteks bacaan. Dengan demikian andabiasmemperkirakan arti dari kata-kata yang ditanyakan dalam soal.

    Permasalahan yang biasa dihadapi oleh peserta tes TOEFL dalam ujian Reading Comprehensionadalah batasan waktu yang singkat. Banyak peserta tes yang tidak bias menyelesaikan semuapertanyaan ketika waktu yang disediakan telah habis. Untuk itu

    Berbagai kemampuan yang dibutuhkan dalam reading harus anda kuasai sebelum benar-benarmenjalankan ujian TOEFL. Sekalipun demikian, Anda masih berpeluang untuk mendapatkan skor

    TOEFL yang lebih tinggi apabila menguasai trik-trik taktis. Berikut disajikan beberapa kunci yangbisa membantu anda berkompetisi dengan waktu yang ketat sekaligus untuk mendapatkan hasilyang lebih baik.

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    1. Kunci umumKunci 1: Jangan terlalu lama membaca teks bacaan.Harus diingat bahwa anda tidak memiliki cukup waktu untuk membaca teks bacaan secaramendalam. Pertanyaan yang muncul dalam tes reading ini umumnya dpat dijawab secara tepatdengan tanpa langsung membaca bacaan secara rinci. Anda dapat mengalokasikan satu atau duamenit untuk membaca main idea pada masing-masing paragraph dari sebuah bacaan sebelummulai membaca pertanyaan. Dengan demikian anda sudah mendapatkan gambaran sekilas

    tentang informasi yang disampaikan oleh bacaan.Kunci 2 : Perhatikan semua pertanyaan yang terdapat pada sebuah bacaaan dan ingat-ingat katakuncinya.Setelah membaca sekilas main idea masing-masing paragraph, selanjutnya anda harus segeramembaca pertanyaan pada soal-soal yang terdapat pada bacaan tersebut. Rekamlah kata-katakunci pada masing-masing pertanyaan pada pikiran anda sehingga anda dapat mencariawabannya pada bacaan dengan sekali tempo untuk beberapa pertanyaan. Anda juga dapat

    memeberi tanda pada kata kunci di lembar soal, karena anda tidak dilarang memberikan coretan.Cara ini sangat efektif untuk menghemat waktu, sehingga pandangan anda tidak bolak-balik

    antara teks bacaan dengan pertanyaaan.Kunci 3 : Jangan panic apabila tema bacaan bukan merupakan disiplin yang anda kuasai..Ujian TOEFL sudah didisai sedemikian rupa sehingga peserta ujian tidak dipersyaratkan untukmenguasai tema-tema dari disiplin ilmu tertentu. Semua informasi yang ditanyakan dalam soalsection 3 sudah tersedia dalam teks bacaan. Sehingga apapun latar belakang keilmuan yang andakuasai anda akan tetap dapat menjawab soal-soal pada bacaan yang sama sekali berbeda daridisiplin anda.

    KUNCI KHUSUSMateri yang diujikan dalam tes reading biasanya memiliki pola-pola dan standar tertentu.

    Biasanya anda diminta untuk mengetahui tema bacaaan, menentukan main idea, mengetahui artidari kosakata tertentu, mengetahui informasi tertentu, melakukan penyimpulan, melakukanidentifikasi ats pengecualian-pengecualian dan mengetahui rujukan dari pronoun tertentu.Untuk membekali diri anda dalam mengahadapi are apersoalan yang diujikan dalam reading tes,perhatikan kunci-kunci berikut ini :Kunci 4 : Lakukan previewing untuk mengetahui topic bacaan..Topik merupakan salah satu item yang hampir dapat dipastikan keluar pada setiap tes TOEFL.Untuk mengetahui topic sebuah bacaan, anda tidak perlu membaca secara detail dan mendalam.Anda cukup membaca kalimat pertama dan terakhir pada tiap-tiap paragraph bacaan. Anda tidak

    dituntut untuk memahami bacaan secara rinci melainkan hanya untuk menentukan topic, olehkarena nya anda harus membaca secepat mungkin.Kunci 5 : Perhatikan kalimat pertama dari sebuah paragraph untuk mengetahui main idea.Tes reading sering kali mengujikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan main idea.Main idea biasanya terdapat pada kalimat pertama dari sebuah paragraph. Denganmengetahuinya, anda dapat memahami pesan apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh penulis. MainIdea dari sebuah bacaan biasanya terdapat pada dua kalimat pertama.Kunci 6 : Pahamilah konteks yang terdapat pada bacaan untuk mengetahui arti kata tertentu.Konteks dalam bacaan bahasa Inggris adalah kombinasi dari kosakata dan grammar yang

    digunakan pada sebuah kata. Ia dapat berupa sebuah kalimat, paragraph, atau bacaan. Denganmemahami sebuah konteks anda akan dapat memperkirakan arti sebuah kata. Karena denganmengetahui arti secara umum dari sebuah kalimat berarti anda juga memahami arti kata-katayang terdapt pada kalimat tersebut.

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    Kunci 7 : Lakukan scanning untuk menemukan informasi tertentu yang berkaitan denganpermintaan soal.Sebuah teks bacaan dalam ujian TOEFL biasanya diikuti dengan sepuluh pertanyaan, karenabatasan waktu yang sangat mendesak sebaiknya anada membaca kesepuluh pertanyaan tersebut.Ketika membaca semua pertanyaan anda harus menemukan kata kunci dari sebuah pertanyaandan merekamnya dalam pikiran. Bacalah secara cepat dengan cara scanning untuk menemukankata-kata tertentu yang menjadi kata kunci dari sebuah pertanyaan. Hal ini sngat berguna dalam

    melakukan klarifikasi pada teks bacaan untuk menemukan informasi yang ditanyakan. Denganmengingat semua kata kunci pertanyaan, pandangan, dan focus anda tidak perlu terpecah untukmencocokkan pertanyaan dengan teks. Karena biasanya urutan nomor soal tidak menanyakankalimat atau bagian dari teks secara berurutan. Sehingga bila anda hnaya membaca satupertanyaan kemudian mencarinya di teks bacaan akan menghabiskan banyak waktu karena andaperlu melakukan hal yang sama berkali-kali.Kunci 8 : Kumpulkan fakta dan data dalam bacaan untuk melakukan inferasi atau penyimpulanTidak semua jawaban dari sebuah pertanyaan dalam tes TOEFL dapat ditemukan secara langsungdalam teks bacaan. Hal ini karena informasi yang dimaksud tidak secara eksklusif disebutkan

    dalam sebuah pernyataan langsung. Sering kali dlam ujian reading anda diminta untuk membuatkesimpulan mengenai informasi tertentu. Untuk itu ketika membaca teks sebaiknya andamemberikan perhatian khusus terhada data atau fakta tertentu yang mengarah pada sebuahkesimpulan yang informative. Lagi-lagi dalam hal ini mengetahui kata kunci dari sebuahpertanyaan terlebih dahulu merupakan sebuah keuntungan tersendiri. Dengan berbekal kata kuncianda akan menentukan data dan fakta apa yang patut and apilih dan kump[ulkan untukmembuat sebuah kesimpulan.Kunci 9: Berkonsentrasi selama membaca teks bacaan.Konsentrasi sangat diperlukan dan merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan yang palingmenentukan dalam readng test. Sering kali peserta ujian lupa dengan apa yang telah disampaikanoleh kalimat atau paragraph sebelumnya ketika ia mula membaca kalimat atau paragraph baru.Akhirnya ia membaca ulang lagi kalimat tersebut. Apabila ini juga terjadi pada anda, langlahberikut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk meminimalisasi kek\salahan tersebut. Ketika anada membaca sebuah kalimat, latihlah didri anda untuk menerka atau memperkirakanapa isi atau informasi yang akan disampaikan oleh kalimat selanjutnya. Perhatikan kesesuaian sebuah teks dengan judul atau main idea yang sudah anda ketahuisebelumnya, dengan cara ini anda tetap dapat menangkap pesan untama yang diasampaikan olehmasing-masing kalimat sekalipun anda sudah beranjak pada kalimat-kalimat berikutnya.Kunci 10 : Tingkatkan kecepatan membaca anda.

    Dengan keterbatasan waktu ujian yang singkat, maka kemampuan anda untuk membaca secaracepat dan singkat sangat penting dalam ujian TOEFL. Memang kecepatan membaca ini tidaklahsesuatu yang instant. Melainkan ia harus dilatih secara terus menerus apalagi membaca teks yangbukan bahasa asli kita. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan memilih kata-kata yang paling pentingdalam sebuah kalimat, yang mana hal ini akan memberikan anda ringkasan atas arti sebuahbacaan.

    2. RECOGNIZE THE ORGANIZATION OF IDEASDalam tes reading seringkali akn ada pertanyaan tentang pengorganisasioan ide-ide dalam teks

    pada jenis pertanyaan ini anda akan diminta untuk menentukan bagaimana ide-ide dalamparagraph berhubungan dengan ide-ide lain dalam paragraph lain.ExampleThe passage :f asked who invented the game of baseball, most Americans would probably reply that it was Abher

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    Doubleday. At the beginning of this century, there was some disagreement over how the game ofbaseball had actually originated, so sporting-goods manufacturer Spaulding inaugurated acommission to research the question. In 1908 a report was published by the commission in whichAbner Doubleday, a U.S Army officer from Cooperstown, New York, was given credit for theinvention of the game. The National Baseball Hall of Fame was established in Cooperstown in honorof Doubleday., most sports historians are in agreement that Doubleday really did not have much todo with the development of baseball. Instead, baseball seems to be a close relation to the English

    game of rounders and probably has English rather than American roots.The questionThe second paragraph(A) provides examples to support the ideas in the first paragraph(B) precedes the ideas in the first paragraph(C) outlines the effects of ideas in the first paragraphD) refuses the ideas in the first paragraphTOEFL EXERCISEPASSAGE ONE (QUESTIONS 1-2)

    Conflict within an organization is not always viewed as undesirable, various managers have widelydivergent ideas on the value that conflict can have.According to the traditional view of conflict, conflict is harmful to an organization. Managers withthis traditional view of conflict see it as their role in an organization to rid the organization of anypossible sources of conflict.The interactionist view of conflict on the other hand, holds that conflict can serve an importantfunction in an organization by reducing complacency among workers and causing positive changesto occur. Managers who hold an interactionist view of conflict may actually take steps to stimulatewithin the organization.

    1. How is the information in the passage organized?(A) The origin of ideas about conflict is presented.(B) Contrasting views of conflicts are presented.C) Two theorists discuss the strength and weaknesses of their views on conflict.(D) Examples of conflict within organizations are presented2. What type of information is included in the third paragraph?(A) A comparison of the interactionist and traditional views of conflict(B) A discussion of the weaknesses of the interactionist view of conflict(C) An outline of the type of manager who prefers the interactionist view of conflict

    (D) A description of one of the opposing views of conflict

    PASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-4)IQ, or intelligence Quotient as the radio of a patrons mental age to chronological age, with the radiomultiplied by 100 remove the decimal. Chronological age is easily determined; mental age isgenerally measured by some kind of standard test and is not so simple to define.In theory, a standardized IQ test is set up to measure an individuals ability to perform intellectualoperations such as reasoning and problem solving. These intellectual operations are considered torepresent intelligence.In practice, it has been impossible to arrive at consensus at to which types of intellectual operationsdemonstrate intelligence. Furthermore, it has been impossible to devise a test without cultural bias,which is to say that any IQ tests so far proposed have been shown to reflect the culture of the testmakers. Test makers from that culture would, it follows, score higher on such a test than test takersfrom a different culture with equal intelligence.

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    3. What type of information is included in the first paragraph(A) An argument(B) A definition(C) An opinion(D) A theory4. How does the information in the third paragraph differ from that in the second paragraph?(A) It presents a contrasting point of view.

    (B) It follows chronologically from the ideas in the second paragraph.(C) It presents real information rather than a premise.(D) It presents an example of the ideas in the second paragraph

    PASSAGE THREE (Questions 5-6)The largest lake in the western United sates in the Great Salt Lake, an island saltwater lake innorthwestern Utah, is just outside the state capital of Salt Lake City. Rivers and streams feed into theGreat Salt Lake, but none drain out of it, this has a major influence on both the salt content and thesize of the lake.

    Although the Great Lake was fed by freshwater streams, it is actually saltier than the oceans of theworld. The salt comes from the more than two million tons of minerals that flow into the lake eachyear from the rivers and creeks that feed it. Sodium and chloride-the components of salt- comprisethe large majority of the lakes mineral content.The Great Salt Lake can vary tremendously from its normal size of 1,700 square miles, dependingon long term weather conditions. During periods of heavy rains, the size of the lake can swelltremendously from the huge amount of water flowing into the lake from its Feeder Rivers andstreams; in 1980 the lake even reached a size of 2,400 square miles. During periods of dry weather,the size of the lake decreases, sometimes drastically, due to evaporation.5. How is the information in the passage organized?

    (A) Two unusual characteristics of the Great Lake are discussed.(B) Contrasting theories about the Great Salt Lakes salt levels are presented.(C) The process by which the Great Salt Lake gets its salt is outlined.(D) The reasons for the variation in the Great Salt Lakes size are given.6. The third paragraph contains information on (A) how the size of the lake affects weather conditions(B) the effects of contrasting weather conditions on the size of the lake(C) the effects of changes in the size of the lake(D) the causes of the varied weather conditions in the area of the lake

    Common types of calendars can be based on the Sun or on the Moon. The solar calendar is based onthe solar year. Since the solar year is 362.2422 days long, solar calendars consist of regular years of365 days and have an extra day every fourth year, or leap year, to make up for the additionalfractional amount. In a solar calendar, the waxing and waning of the moon can take place atvarious stages of each month.lunar calendar is synchronized to the lunar month rather than the solar year. Since the lunar monthis twenty-nine and thirty days. A twelve-month lunar year thus has 354 days, 11 days shorter than asolar year.

    Solar eclipseLunar eclipse1. What is the main idea of the passage?(A) All calendars are the same.(B) The solar calendar is based on the sun.

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    (C) Different calendars have dissimilar bases.(D) The lunar month is twenty-nine and a half days long.2. How is the information in the passage organized?(A) Characteristics of the solar calendar are outlined.(B) Two types of calendars are described.(C) The strengths and weakness of the lunar calendar are described.(D) The length of each existing calendar is contrasted.

    Vaccines are prepared from harmful viruses or bacteria and administered to patients to provideimmunity to specific diseases. The various types of vaccines are classified according to the methodby which they are derived.The most basic class of vaccines actually contains disease-causing microorganisms that have beenkilled with a solution containing formaldehyde. In this type of vaccine, the microorganisms are deadand therefore cannot cause disease; however, the antigens found in and on the microorganisms canstill stimulate the formation of antibodies. Examples of this type of vaccine are the ones that fightinfluenza, typhoid fever, and cholera.A second type of vaccine contains the toxins produced by the microorganisms rather than the

    microorganisms themselves. This type of vaccine is prepared when the microorganism itself doeslittle damage but the toxin within microorganism is extremely harmful. For example, the bacteriathat cause diphtheria can thrive without much harm, but when toxins are released from thebacteria, muscles can become paralyzed and death can ensue.A final type of toxin contains living microorganisms that have been rendered harmless. With thistype of vaccine, a large number of antigen molecules are produced and the immunity that results isgenerally longer lasting than the immunity from other types of vaccines. The Sabin oral antipoliovaccine and BCG vaccine against tuberculosis are examples of this type of vaccine.

    3. Which of the following expresses the main idea of the passage?

    (A) Vaccines provide immunity to specific diseases.(B) Vaccines contain disease-causing microorganisms.(C) Vaccines are derived in different ways.(D) New approaches in administering vaccines are being developed.4. How many types of vaccines are presented in the passage?(A) two(B) three(C) four(D) five

    3. FIND UNSTATED DETAILSDalam tes reading anda seringkali akan diminta untuk menentukan jawaban yang tidakdisebutkan atau tidak benar dalam teks. Jenis pertanyaan ini berarti bahwa ada tiga pilihan yangdisebutkan atau benar dalam teks, sementara satu pilihan tidak. Jadi tugas anda adlah menemukantiga pilihan yang benar kemudian memilih satu pilihan yang tersisa yang menjadi jawaban padasoal.Anda harus memperhatikan bahwa ada dua macam pilihan atas pertanyaan ini :1. Tiga pilihan benar dan satu tidak dibahas dalam teks.2. tiga jawaban benar dan satu salah menurut teks.

    The passage:In English there are many different kinds of expressions that people use to give a name to anythingwhose name is unknown or momentarily forgotten. The word gadget is one such word. It was firstused by British sailors in the 1850s and probably came from the French word gachette, which was asmall hook. In everyday use, the word has a more general meaning. Other words are also used to

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    give a name to something, unnamed or unknown and these words tend to be somewhatimaginative. Some of the more commonly used expressions are a what-dye-call-it, a whatsis, athingamabob, a thingamajig, a doodad, or a doohickey.1. Which of the following is NOT true about the word gadget ?(A) It is used to name something when the name is not known(B) It was used at the beginning of the nineteenth century(C) It most likely came from a word in the French language.

    (D) Its first known use was by British sailors.1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an expression for something that isnot known?2. (A) a thingamabob3. (B) gadget4. (C) A doohickey5. (D) A what-is-it6. Passage one (question 1-2)7. Blood plasma is a clear, almost colorless liquid. It consists of blood from which the red and white

    blood cells have been removed. It is often used in transfusions because a patient generally needs theplasma portion of the blood more than the other components.8. Plasma differs in several important ways from whole blood. First of all, plasma can be mixed forall donors and does not have to be from the right blood group, as whole blood does. In addition,plasma can be dried and stored, while whole blood cannot.

    .1. All of the following are true about blood plasma EXCEPT2. (A). it is a deeply colored liquid3. (B). blood cells have taken out of it

    4. (C). patients are often transfused with it5. (D). it is generally more important to the patient than other part of whole blood6. 2. Which of the following is NOT stated about whole blood?7. (A). it is different from plasma8. (B). it cannot be dried9. (C). it is impossible to keep in storage for a long time.10. (D). it is a clear, colorless liquid.11. Passage two (question 3-4)12. Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman was an American journalist at the turn of the century who wrote for

    the newspaper New York World under the pen name Nellie Bly, a name which was taken from theStephen, Foster song Nellie Bly. She achieved fame for her exposes and in particular for the boldand adventuresome way that she obtained her stories.13. She felt that the best way to get the real story was from the inside rather than as an outsideobserver who could be treated to a prettified version of reality. On one occasion she pretended to bea thief so that she would get a nested and see for herself how female prisoners were really treated.On another occasion she faked mental illness in order to be admitted to a mental hospital to get thereal picture on the treatment of mental patients.14. 3. Which of the following is NOT true about Nellie Bly?

    15. (A). Nelly Blys real name was Elizabeth Cochrane seaman.16. (B). Nellie Bly was mentally ill17. (C). The name Nellie Bly came from a song.18. (D). The name Nellie Bly was used on articles that Seaman wrote.19. 4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as something that Nellie Bly did to get a good

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    story?20. (A). she acted like a thief21. (B). she got arrested by the police.22. (C). she pretended to be ill.23. (D). she worked as a doctor in a mental hospital.4. FIND PRONOUN REFERENTSDalam tes reading seringkali anda diminta untuk menentukan sebuah pronoun mengacu pada

    noun yang mana?Cara menjawab pertanyaan ini adalah dengan melihat kalimat /kata-kata sebelum pronoun. Andaakan mendapatkan noun yang dimaksud disana.ExampleThe passageCarnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus Flytrap are generally found in the humidareas where there is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to survive, these plantshave developed mechanisms to trap insects within their foliage. They have digestive fluids to obtainthe necessary nitrogen from the insects. These plants trap the insects in a variety of ways. The

    sundew has sticky hairs on its leaves; when an insect lands on these leaves, it gets caught up in thesticky hairs, and the leaf wraps itself around the insect. The leaves of the Venus-Flytrap functionmore like a trap, snapping suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect.The questions :1. The pronoun they in line 4 refers to2. (A) humid areas3. (B) these plants4. (C) insects5. (D) digestive fluids6. 2. The pronoun it in line 6 refers to 7. (A) a variety8. (B) the sundew9. (C) An insect10. (D) the leaf


    Beberapa pertanyaan dalam tes TOEFL akan meminta jawaban yang tidak secara langsungdisebutkan dalam teks. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini anda harus menarik kesimpulan dari

    informasi yang di berikan dalam teks.Pertanyaan jenis ini meliputi dua : (1) implied detailed questions and (2) transitions questions.


    ExampleThe passageThe Hawaiian language is a melodious language in which all words are derived from an Alphabet ofonly twelve letters, the five vowels, A,E,I,O,U and the seven consonants H,K,L,M,N,P,W. Eachsyllable in the language ends in a vowel, and two consonants never appear together, so vowels have

    a much higher frequency in the Hawaiian language than they do in English.This musical sounding language can be heard regularly by visitors to the islands. Most Hawaiiansspeak English, but it is quite common to hear English that is liberally spiced with words andexpressions from the traditional language of the culture. A visitor may be greeted with the

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    expression aloha, and may be referred to as a malihini because he is a new comer to the island. Thisvisitor may attend an outside luau where everyone eats too much and be invited afterwards to dancethe hula.The questions :1. Which of the following is probably NOT a Hawaiian word?(A) mahalo(B) mahimahi

    (C) meklea(D) moana2. It is implied a luau is (A) a dance(B) a feast(C) a concert(D) a languageTOEFL EXERCISEPASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)

    Eskimos need efficient and adequate means to travel across water in that the areas where they liveare surrounded by oceans, bays, and inlets and dotted with lakes and seas. Two different types ofboats have been developed by the Eskimo, each constructed to meet specific needs.The Kayak is something like a canoe that has been covered by deck. A kayak is generallyconstructed with one opening in the deck for one rider, however, some kayaks are made for two,Because the deck of a kayak is covered over except for the hole (or holes) for its rider (or riders), akayak can tip over in the water and roll back without filling with water and sinking. One of theprimary uses of the kayak is for hunting.The umiak is not closed over, as is in the kayak, instead it is an open boat that is built to hold ten totwelve passengers. Eskimos have numerous uses for the umiak which reflect the size of the boat; e.g.the umiak is used to haul belongings from campsite to campsite, and it is used for hunting largeranimals that are too big to be hunted in a kayak.2. It can be inferred from the passage that an example of the animal mentioned in lines 12-13 mightbe (A) a kangaroo(B) a snake(C) a whale(D) a salmonPASSAGE TWO (Questions 3-5)

    Two types of trees from the same family of trees share honors in certain respects as the mostimpressive of trees. Both evergreen conifers, the California redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and thegiant sequoia (Sequoiandendrom gigantteum) are found growing natively only in the state ofCalifornia. The California redwood is found along the northern coast of the state, while the giantsequoia is found inland and at a higher elevations, along the western slopes of the Sierra Nevadas.The California redwood is the tallest living tree and is in fact the tallest living thing on the face of theearth; the height of the tallest redwood on the record is 385 feet (120 meters). Though not quite astall as the California redwood, with the height of 320 feet ( 100 meters), the giant sequoia isnonetheless the largest and the most massive of living things ; giant sequoias have been measured at

    more than 100 feet (30 meters) around the base, with weights of more than 6,000 tons.3. It is implied in the passage that(A) the leaves of only California redwood turn brown in the autum(B) the leaves of only the giant sequoia turn brown in the winter(C) the leaves of both types of trees in the passage turn brown in the winter

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    (D) the leaves of neither types of tree in the passage turn brown in the winter4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Siera Nevadas are (A) a type of giant redwood(B) a coastal community(C) a group of lakes(D) a mountain range5. Which of the following is implied in the passage?

    (A) The giant sequoia is taller than the California redwood.(B) The California redwood is not as big around as the giant sequoia.(C) The California redwood weighs more than the giant sequoia.(D) Other living things are larger than the giant sequoia.

    TRANSITION QUESTION CORRECTLYYou will sometimes be asked to determine what a probably came before the reading passage (in thepreceding paragraph) or what probably comes after the reading passage (in the followingparagraph). Of course, the topic of the preceding or following paragraph is not directly stated, and

    you must draw a conclusion to determine what a probably in these paragraph.This type of question. It asks you to demonstrate that you understand that good writing containstransition from one paragraph to the next. A paragraph may start out with the idea of the previousparagraph as a way of linking the ideas in the two paragraphs. A paragraph may also end with anidea that will be further developed in the following paragraph.

    ExampleThe passage:Another myth of the oceans concerns Davy Jones, who in folklore is the mean-spirited sovereign ofthe oceans depths. The name Jones is thought by some etymologists to have been derived from

    the name Jonah the Hebrew prophet who spent three days in a whales belly.According to tradition, any object that goes overboard and sinks to the bottom of the ocean is said tohave gone to Davy Joness locker, the ocean sized, mythical receptacle for anything that falls intothe water, needless to say, any sailor on the seas is not so eager to take a tour of Davy Joness locker,although it might be a rather interesting trip considering all the treasures located there.The questions:1. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses1. The youth of Davy Jones2. Davy Jones career as a sailor

    3. A different traditional story from the sea4. Preparing to travel on the ocean1. The topic of the paragraph following the passage most likely is1. valuable items located of the bottom of the ocean.2. Where Davy Jones is found today3. Jonah and the whale4. Preventing objects from failing overboard


    Dalam tes reading akan ada sejumlah soal tentang vocabulary. Jawaban atas soal ini seringkalisudah ada dalam teks itu sendiri. Berikut ini beberapa macam jenis soal vocab.FIND DEFINITIONS FROM STRUCTURAL CLUES(Menemukan definisi dari kata kunci yang ada dalam teks

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    Ketika anda diminta untuk menemukan kata dalam tes reading kemungkinannya:1. Teks memberikan informasi tentang kata itu2. Ada tanda-tanda trtentu yang mengarahkan kita pada kata tersebutExampleThe passage ;One of the leading schools of psychological thought in thetwentieth century is behaviorism the belief that the role of the

    psychologist is to study behavior, which is observable, rather than conscious and unconsciousthought, which is not. Probably the best known proponent of behaviorism is B.E Skinner, who isfamous for his research on how rewards and punishment influence behavior. He came to believethat positive reinforcements such as praise, food, or money were more effective in promoting goodbehavior than negative reinforcement or punishment.The questions1. In behaviorism In line 2, a psychologist is concerned with(A) unconscious thought patterns(B) observable actions

    (C) unobservable actions(D) unobservable actions2. What is positive reinforcement in line 7A) a giftB) A rewardC) A bribeD) A penalty3. What is negative reinforcement in line 9?(A) A promotion(B) A reward(C) A surpriseD) A punishmentTo answer the first question, you should look at the part of the passage following word behaviorism.The dash punctuation (-) gives extra or further information about behaviorism. In the informationfollowing the dash you should see that the behaviorist in behavior which is observable, so the bestanswer to this question is answer (C).To answer the second question, you should look at the part of the passage following the expressionpositive reinforcements. The expression such as indicate that examples of positive reinforcement aregoing to follow. Your job is to look at the examples of positive reinforcement and draw a conclusion

    about what positive reinforcement might be. Since price, food, or money might be given in returnfor a job well done, then positive reinforcement must be a reward. The best answer to this question istherefore answer(B).To answer the third question, you should look at the part of the passage following the expressionnegative reinforcement. The word or following negative reinforcement tells you that the idea isgoing to be restated in different words. You can see in the passage that another word for negativereinforcement is punishment, so answer (D) is the best answer to this questionsDETERMINE MEANINGS FROM WORD PARTSWhen you are asked to determine the meaning of long words but you do not know THE

    MEANING in the reading comprehension section of the TOEFL test, it is sometimes possible todetermine the meaning of the word by studying the word part.ExampleThe PassageRing lardner himself was born into a wealthy, educated, and cultured family. For the book of his

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    carrier, he worked as a reporter for newspapers in South Bend, Boston, Santa Louis, and Chicago.However, it is for his short stories of lower middle clash Americans that ring lardner is perhapsbest known. In these stories, Lardner vividly creates the language and the ambiance of this lowerclass, often using the misspelled words, grammatical errors and incorrect diction that typified thelanguage of the lower middle class.The questions1. The word vividly in line 6 is closest in meaning to

    A) in a cultured way(B) in a correct way(C) in a lifelike way(D) in a brief way2. The word misspelled in line 7 is closest in meaning to (A) highly improper(B) vulgar(C) incorrectly written(D) slang

    1. The word diction in line 8 is closest in meaning to (A) Writing(B) Sentence structure(C) Form(D) SpeechIn the first question, the word vividly contains the word part viv, which means life, so the bestanswer is answer (C).In the second question, the word misspelled contains the word part mis, which means error orincorrect, so the best answer is answer (C).In the third question, the word diction contains the word part dic, which means speak, so thatanswer is answer (D).USE CONTEXT TO DETERMINE MEANINGS OF DIFFICULT WORDSOn the TOEFL test you will sometimes be asked to determine the meanings of a difficult word, aword that you are expected to know. In this case, the passage will give you a clear indication of whatthe word means.ExampleLine in the passage :The barges headed across the lake The question :

    A barge is probably, which of the following?A) A trai(B) A planeC) A bicycle(D) A boatUSE CONTEXT TO DETERMINE MEANINGS OF SIMPLE WORDSYou will sometimes be asked to determine the meaning of a simple word, a word that you see oftenin everyday English. In this type of question, you should not give the normal everyday meaning ofthe word, instead, the TOEFL test wants you to know the meaning of the word in this situation.

    ExampleA line from the passage :He put his answer this wayThe question :The word put is closest meaning to which of the following?

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    A) Placed(B) Set(C) ExpressedD) handedShe always helps many people. She, however, is bad with her mother.Cardamon is not as widely used as a spice in the United States as it is in other parts of the world.This fruit of the ginger plant provides an oil that basically has been used solely as a stimulant in

    American and English medicines. Other cultures have recognized the multipurpose benefits of thisaromatic fruit. In Asia it is used to season sauces such as curry; in Middle Eastern countries it isseeped to prepare a flavorful golden colored tea; in parts of northern Europe it is used as spice invarious types of pastry.1. The word solely in line 2 could best be replaced by A) initiallyB) onlyC) reportedlyD) healthfully

    2. The word multipurpose in line 3 is closest in meaning to the word season in line 4?(A) Health(B) Singular(C) Recognized(D) varied3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word season in line 4?(A) Divide(B) Forecast(C) Spice(D) Put a time limit4. Curry in line 4 is (A) the fruit of ginger plant(B) A spicy type of sauce(C) A culture in the area of the Middle East(D) A type of golden-colored tea5. The word seeped in line 5 is closest in meaning to (A) Steamed(B) Dried(C) Stored

    (D) grownThe life-span of an elephant that dies from natural causes is about sixty-five years. Of course, anelephant can perish from a number of unnatural causes; e.g it can be killed by hunters, mostprobably for the valuable ivory in its tusks; it can die from deases that spread throughout anelephant herd; or it can die from drought or from the lack of food that almost certainly accompaniesthe inadequate supply of water.If, however, an elephant survives disasters, it falls prey to old age in its mid-sixties. Around this age,the cause of death is attributed to the loss of the final set of molars. When this last set of teeth isgone, the elephant dies from malnutrition because it is unable to obtain unadequate nourishment. In

    old age, elephant tend to search out a final home where there is shade for comfort from the sun andsoft vegetation for cushioning; the bones of many old elephants have been found in such places.1. The word perish in line 2 means2. (A) fall ill3. (B) shoot

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    4. (C) die5. (D) get rich1. The word unnatural in line 2 is closest meaning to2. (A) wild3. (B) violent4. (C) domesticated5. (D) abnormal

    1. The word drought in line 4 means 2.3. (A) a drowning4. (B) a lack of food5. (C) an inadequate supply of water6. (D) an overabundance of animals1. Which of the following could be used to replace the word survives in line 6?2.3 (A) Rises to

    4 (B) Succumbs to5 (C) Denies6 (D) Lives through1. Molars in line 7 are2. (A) germs3. (B) old-age characteristics4. (C) types of food5. (D) teeth1. In line 8, malnutrition is used to describe someone who 2. (A) is in good health3. (B) has an illness4. (C) suffers from poor eating5. (D) experiences dental problems1. The expression a final home in line 9 is closest in meaning to 2. (A) a place to die3. (B) a comfortable house4. (C) a place for sale5. (D) the only remaining place to live1. The word shade in line 9 is closest in meaning to

    2. (A) color3. (B) heat4. (C) diminished light5. (D) a front porch6. GRAMMAR/STRUCTURE


    Subject Verb Complement Modifier(predicate) (object) (adverb)John and I ate a pizza last nightWe studied present perfect last week.

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    7. It was raining at seven oclock this morning.8. Jill is buying a new hat in the store.9. Harry is washing dishes right now.10. She opened her book.

    B. Subject pronouns Vs Possessive adjectives My car is new.

    He has a house. His house is old And so on. I have a car.Aku dalam bahasa Inggris ketika sebagai subjek = I, ketika sebagai objek = me.. Selanjutnyaketika aku berfungsi menyatakan kepunyaan berubah menjadi my, kemudian you menjadiyour, dst.RumusnyaSubject pronouns Possessive adjectives

    I myYou yourThey theirWe ourHe hisShe herIt ItsC. Possessive adjectives Vs Possessive pronouns My hat is red and your hat is blue. My hat is red and yours is blue.

    Your hat is blue and mine is red.Ketika kita mau mengatakan topiku bahasa Inggrisnya = my hat. Lantas apa bahasa inggrisnyamilikku? Yaitu mine.. milik mereka = theirs, mikik kami ours, dst.RumusnyaPossessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

    My mineYour yoursTheir TheirsOur Ours

    His HisHer HersIts ItsD. Object/complement pronouns Vs Reflexive pronouns He cooked for me yesterday. He cooked for himself last night. Anisa bought her little brother a new hat. Joan bought herself a new hat.Rumus ini digunakan ketika sebuah subjek melakukan perbuatan yang terarah pada dirinyasendiri. Misalnya, Aku membeli makanan untuk diriku, maka bahsa inggrisnya I buy food formyself. Dia menyakiti dirinya = He hurts himself. Jadi ada penambahan self/selves padapronounya.

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    RumusnyaObject/complement pronouns Reflexive pronounsMe myselfYou yourselfyourselvesThem themselvesUs ourselves

    Him HimselfHer HerselfIt Itself

    Do the following exercises!1. I go to school with (he/him) yesterday.2. I see (she/her/herself) at the union everyday.3. She speaks to (we/us/ourselves) every morning.4. (He/Him) is going to New York on vacation.5. (She/her) and John gave the money to the boy.6. I hurt (my/mine/the) leg.7. John bought (he/him/ hisself /himself) a new hat.8. (Your/yours) record is scratched and (my/mine) is too.9. (We/us) girls are going camping over the weekend.10. We like (our/ours) new car very much.11. Marry and (I/me) would rather go to the movies.12. Monday is a holiday for (we/us) teahers.VERBS AS COMPLEMENTSVerbs as Complements, artinya kata-kata kerja sebagai pelengkap. Maksudnya sering kali kata

    kerja itu berfungsi sebagai pelengkap, yaitu pelengkap dari kata-kata kerja lain. Contoh :1. He agrees to meet.2. He enjoys sitting there.3. Kata meet adalah sebagai pelengkap kata agrees, tapi coba perhatikan meet ditulis dengan tomeet. Bukan meet saja atau ditambah ing meeting.4. Sedangkan kata enjoys diikuti verb ing sitting, bukan sit saja, atau to sit.5. Jadi materi ini mengajarkan bahwa ada daftar kata kerja yang diikuti to verb, dan ada daftarkata kerja yang diikuti verb-ing.6. Dalam tes TOEFL materi ini sangat sering diujikan.

    A. Verbs yang diikuti infinitives (to verb)Agree : setuju Desire : ingin Intend : ingin Prepare : menyiapkan Tend : cenderung Attempt : berusaha Fail : gagal Learn : belajar Pretend : berpura-pura Try : mencoba Claim : mengklaim Forget : melupakan

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    Need : membutuhkan Refuse : menolak Want : menginginkan Decide : memutuskan Hesitate : ragu-ragu Offer : menawarkan Seem : kelihatan

    Wish : berharap Demand : menuntut Hope : berharap Plan : berencana Agree : setuju


    Marry learned to swim when she was very young. The soldiers are preparing to attack the village. The budget committee decided to postpone this meeting.B. Verbs diikuti oleh gerund (verb ing) Admit : mengakui Appreciate : menghargai Delay : menunda Miss : ketinggalan / rindu Regret : menyesal Risk : mengambil resiko/beresiko Deny : menyangkal

    Postpone : menunda Report : melaporkan Suggest : menyarankan Avoid : menolak Enjoy : menikmati Practice : berlatih Resent : marah, benci, merasa tersinggung Cant help : tidak betah Finish : menyelesaikan

    Quit : berhenti Resist : menahan, menolak Consider : mempertimbangkan Mind : keberatan Recall : mengingat Resume : melanjutkan, mulai lagi Object to : keberatan Look forward to : mengharap-harap Confess to : mengakui Approve of : setuju dengan Give up : menyerah Worry about : merasa cemas dengan Be better off : lebih baik Insist on : bersikeras

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    Succeed in : berhasil Count on : mengharapkan Keep on : terus , tetap Think about : depend on Put off : menunda Think of : berpikir terhadapContoh :

    John admitted stealing the money. We enjoyed seeing them again. Michael was considering buying a new car. John gave up smoking Marry insisted on taking the bus instead of the plane. Fred confessed to stealing the jewels. We are not looking forward to going back to school. C. Verbs yang dapat diikuiti oleh gerund = verb-ing atau infinitives = to verb tanpa

    perubahan makna. Begin : mulai Like : suka Cant stand : tidak betah Love : cinta Continue : melanjutkan Prefer : lebih suka Dread : takut kepada Start : mulai Hate : benci

    Contoh : He started to study TOEFL. OR He started studying TOEFL. Joan hates to ride her bicycle. OR Joan hates riding her bicycle to school. He dreads meeting the headmaster. OR He dreads to meet the headmaster.D. Be berapa verbs yang dapat diikuti baik oleh infinitive = to verb atau gerund = verb-ing,tapi maknanya berubah. stop remember forget

    For examples John stopped studying. (John sedang belajar kemudian berhenti, dan tidak melanjutkan lagi) John stopped to study. (John sedang melakukan suatu pekerjaan, kemudian berhenti unukbelajar) I remember meeting him in a seminar last year. (Aku ingat peristiwa ketika bertemu dia disebuah seminar tahun lalu.) I remember to meet him today. (Aku ingat bahwa aku harus / berencana untuk menemui dia hariini.) Tambahan* Daftar kata sifat yang diikuti oleh gerund (verb ing)

    Accustomed to : terbiasa dengan Intent on : bermaksud sungguh-sungguh untuk Afraid of : takut pada Interested in : tertarik pada Capable of : mampu untuk

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    Successful in : sukses dalam Fond of : senang pada Tired of : lelah dengan For examples Mitch is afraid of getting married now. I am accustomed to smoking We are accustomed to sleeping late on weekends.

    Alvaro is intent on finishing school next year. Crag is fond of dancing. Tambahan* Daftar kata benda yang diikuti oleh the gerund (verb ing) Choice of : pilihan terhadap/atas Possibility of : kemungkinan terhadap Excuse for : alasan untuk Intention of : keinginan untuk Reason for : alasan untuk Method for / method of : metode.

    Contoh :George has excuse for dropping out of school.There is a possibility of acquiring this property at a good price.There is no reason for leaving this early.Connie has developed a method for evaluating this problem.Tambahan* Daftar kata sifat diikuti oleh infinitive (to verb) Anxious : khawatir Eager : ingin tahu Pleased : senang Usual : biasa Boring : membosankan Easy : mudah Prepared : siap Common : umum Dangerous : berbahaya Good : bagus Ready : siap Difficult : sulit Hard : keras

    Strange : aneh Able : dapatFor Examples Muhammad is anxious to see his family. It is dangerous to drive in this weather. We are ready to leave now. It is difficult to pass this test.Do the following exercise

    1. The teacher decided (accepting/to accept) the paper.2. They appreciate (to have/ having) this information.3. We found it very difficult (reaching / to reach) a decision)4. Dona is interested in (opening/to open a bar).5. Marry regrets (to be/ being) the one to have to tell him.

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    6. George pretended (to be/being) sick yesterday.7. He demands (to know/knowing) what is going on.8. Henry shouldnt risk (to drive/driving) so fast.9. There is no excuse for (to leave/leaving) the room in this condition.10. She is looking forward to (return/returning) to their country.


    The boy needs cutting his hair or The boy needs to cut his hair?Kata kerja need diikuti infinitive / to verb hanya jika subjeknya benda hidup. Tapi jika subjeknyabenda mati maka kata kerja need diikuti oleh gerund (verb ing) atau diikuti oleh to be + pastparticiple (Verb 3)A. Subjek benda hidup + infinitive John and his brother need to paint the house. My friend needs to learn Spanish He will need to driveB. Subjek benda mati + verb ing (to be+ past participle)

    The grass needs cutting. OR The grass needs to be painted. The television needs repairing. OR The television needs to be repaired. The composition needs rewriting. OR The composition needs to be written.Perhatikan, kita menggunakan in need of dengan aturan berikut.subject + be + in need of + nounFor examples Jill is in need of money. (Jill needs money) The roof is in need of repairing. (The roof needs to be repaired.) The organization is in need of volunteers. (The organization needs volunteers.) Exercise

    1. Its too hot and my hair needs (cut).2. The computer needs (repair).3. James needs .. (see) a doctor.4. Marry will need (make) a new dress for the party.5. His car needs (tune).6. You will need to be here at night.7. The house needs (paint) soon.


    Dalam pertanyaan selalu digunakan kata kerja Bantu atau to be sebelum subjek.Contoh : Are you sad? Is he tall? Why are they angry? What do you eat? What will we get? EtcSelalu beriringan to be / kata kerja Bantu + subjectPenting*Embedded Questions : Adalah sebuah pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam sebuah kalimatlain ; kalimat positive, negative, atau interrogative. Pelajari susunannya.Rumusnya :Subject + verb (phrase) + question word + verbPelajari contoh-contoh berikut !

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    Question : Where will the meeting take place?Embedded question : We havent ascertained where the meeting will take place.Q.word Subject verb phraseQuestion : Why did the plane land at the wrong airport?Embedded Questions : The authorities cannot figure out why the plane landed at theQ.word subject verbwrong airport.

    Embedded Questions :Do you know where he went?Could you tell me what time it is?The professor didnt know how many students would be in her afternoon class.I have no idea how long the interview will take.Tambahan (perkecualian)* Apabila kalimat Tanya nya seperti berikut (question word berfungsisebagai subject) maka dalam embedded question kalimat Tanya tersebut tidak mengalamiperubahan.Question : Who will paint that picture?

    Embedded question : They cant deide who will paint the picture.Question : Whose car is parked in the lot?Embedded Questions : The police cant determine whose car is parked in the lot.Question tag* Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita sering mengatakan kamu lapar kan?..Dia tinggal diJogja kan?.. dst. Berikut caranya, pelajari baik-baik! You are sick, arent you? He likes tea, doesnt he? You helped him, didnt you? You were at home, werent you? He can swim, cant he?Berikut ini beberapa contoh tipe soal dalam tes TOEFL, pelajari baik-baik!

    Tipe soal 1Penggunaan to beFind the incorrect word/words!Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those clothesA B Cthat a person likes are rarely the ones that fit him or her.D

    Apa jawaban anda?Jawaban yang benar adalah A. To be are yang ditulis disana salah, seharusnya to be nya adalah is.Nah dari sini seharusnya kita kita kritis bertanya, mengapa yang benar is bukan are?Kapan digunakan is, kapan digunakan are?Pertama, to be is digunakan manakala subjeknya adalah he, she, atau it atau orang ketiga tunggal(manusia, hewan, atau benda, atau apa saja yang kita bicarakan dan itu tunggal). Contoh The boyis handsome. The cat is funny.Kedua, to be are digunakan manakala subjeknya adalah you, they, we atau orang ketiga jamak(manusia, hewan, atau benda, atau apa saja yang kita bicarakan dan itu jamak)

    Contoh : The boys are handsome. The cats are funny.Adapun untuk soal di atas to be yang benar adalah is karena subjeknya adalah buying clothes(membeli pakaian). Buying clothes disini dianggap tunggal karena sama maknanya dengan katait (sesuatu yang kita bicarakan, dan itu tunggal).Perhatikan kalimat berikut!

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    Joan bought herself a new hat.Object/complement pronouns Reflexive pronounsme Myselfyou yourselfyourselvesthem themselvesus ourselves

    him Himselfher Herselfit Itself

    Tipe Soal 4Embedded questionFind the incorrect word/words!The next important question we have to decide is when do we have to submit theA B C D

    proposal.Apa jawaban anda?Jawaban yang benar adalah pilihan C.Seharusnya kalimat itu adalah The next important question we have to decide is when we have tosubmit the proposal.Jadi tidak pakai do.Untuk lebih memahaminya perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut; When do you go? Then question is when you go.Penggunaan do dihilangkan manakala kalimat tersebut berfungsi sebagai objek/complement dari

    sebuah kalimat (noun clause)Contoh lain : Where do you live? I know where you live. Where is your house? He told me where your house is.

    Tipe soal 5Penggunaan either dan neither

    Find the incorrect word/words!George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasnt neither.A B C DApa jawaban anda?Jawaban yang benar adalah pada pilihan D.Seharusnya yang benar adalah Maria hasnt either, atau Maria has neither.Kata either artinya juga.Sama, kata neither artinya juga.Kedua-duanya digunakan untuk kalimat bermakna negatif.Anda mau mengatakan :Dia tidak makan, dan aku juga.Anda dapat mengatakan :He does not eat, and neither do I.Atau

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    He does not eat, and I dont either.Jadi rumusnya :Neither + auxiliary verb + subjectSubject + auxiliary verb + not + eitherTipe soal 6Susunan modifier dan complement yang dibalikJohn decided to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon

    ABChe changed his mind.DApa jawaban anda?Jawaban yang benar adalah B.Seharusnya kalimat diatas John decided to buy a new car in the morning, but ..Jadi masalah di atas terkait dengan posisi complement(objek) dengan modifier (keterangan) yangdi awali preposis yang terbalik. Seharusnya complement dulu, baru modifier yang diawalipreposisi.

    Pelajari teori berikut.Normal Sentence Pattern in English

    Subject Verb Complement ModifierJohn and I ate a pizza last nightWe studied present perfect last week.

    They smile.

    They smile.

    Subject verb We sleep.

    We sleep.Subject verb My father drinks coffee.

    My father drinks coffee.Subject verb complement The lady writes a letter.

    The lady writes a letter.Subject verb complement The man lives in a village.The man lives in a village.Subject verb modifier The man makes handicrafts in a village.The man makes handicrafts in a village.Subject verb complement modifier

    She can dance.She can dance.Subject verb phrase Mr. Joko has gone.Mr.Joko Has gone.

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    Subject Verb phrase He is shopping.He is shopping.Subject verb phraseLinking verb : am, is, areIncorrect : She drove on the street the car.Verb complement

    Correct : She drove the car on the street.Verb complementTipe soal 7Penggunaan kata otherSome of the plants in this store require very little care, but this one needsA Bmuch more sunlight than the others ones.C DTipe soal 8

    Penggunaan tenses dalam adverbial clause yang menggunakan kata after dan beforeAfter George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.A B C DAfter + s + had + v3s + v2After I had taken a bath, I prayed.After I had taken a bath, I was sleepy.Before I ate , I had taken a bath.Tipe A Tipe BPredikat Kata kerja Predikat selain kata kerjaWe sleep.He drinks tea.I go home.I do not stand.We do not walk.She does not sing.We do not have money.Do you smoke?Do I sleep?Does she sing?

    Do you eat rice?What do you eat?Does she drink milk?What does she drink?Who do you go with?What do you work for?Last night I met a ghost.Yesterday they walked.Yesterday I did not eat.

    Yesterday he did not smile.Did you go to the beach yesterday?What did you write last night?

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    Tomorrow I will meet the director.Tomorrow I will go to Bali.Will you fly?Will you sleep?Will she cry?What will you eat?Who will you go with?

    I have eaten.She has gone.They have left jogja.Has she gone?Have they left jogja?Have I eaten?What have I eaten?I am sitting.He is reading.

    They are talking.Are they studying?What are they studying?They are not playing.I have eaten now.At that time I had eaten.At that time she had gone.At that time she had not gone.Now we are studying English.At that time we were studying.At that time I would call you. She is beautiful.They are rich.My mother is pretty.I am not hungry.She is not famous.She is not angry.We are not at home.Are you crazy?Am I beautiful?

    Why are you sad?Why am I tired?Why are they sad?Last night I was afraid.Yesterday they were angry.Yesterday I was not healthy.Yesterday they were not sick.Were you happy last night?Was crazy last night?

    Why were you sad last night?Next year I will be happy.Will she be happy?Will she be mine?Why will you be here?

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    Tipe soal 12Keterangan waktu pada tenses dasarThe manager has finished working on the report last night, and now she willA B Cbegin to write the other proposal.DI have eaten now.

    I have eaten two hours ago.S + v2S + have/has + v3I have eaten now.I ate two hours ago.I have bought a dictionary today.I have bought a dictionary this morning.Tipe soal 13Masalah pronoun

    Because Sam and Michelie had done all of the work theirselves., they wereA B Cunwilling to give the results to Joan.DTipe soal 14Masalah conditional sentenceDaniel said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he would not be ableA Bto attend the concert.DTIPE 1If I meet Mr. Yanto, I will address him.If I get money , I will treat you.If it rains, I will wear a raincoat.TIPE 1If I am hungry, I will buy some food.If you are sick, I will take care of you.If he comes, I will be happy.Tipe 2

    If I brought money, I would treat you.If he met me, I would be happy.If they helped me, I would thank them.TIPE 2If I were healthy, I would work.If I were rich , I would build a villaTipe 3If I had brought money , I would have given you some food.If I had passed, I would have studied abroad.

    If they had come, they would have helped us.If I had been healthy, I would have helped you.If I had been rich, I would have built a villa.Tipe soal 15Prepositions + gerunds (Verb-ing)

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    After to take the medication the patient became drowsy and more manageable.A B C DTipe soal 16Verbs + prepositions followed by gerundWe insist on you leaving the meeting before any further outburst take place.A B C D Approve of

    Give up Rely on Worry about Be better off Insist on Succeed in Count on Keep on Think about

    Depend on Put off Think ofTipe soal 17Question tagIt has been a long time since we have talked to John , isnt it?A B C DYou are sick, arent/isnt you?You will go, wont you?He sleeps, doesnt he?Tipe soal 18Verbs + prepositions followed the word to as preposition(object to, look forward to, confess to)Henry objects to our buying this house without the approval of our attorney, andA B CJohn does so.DI want to go.He comes to sleep.

    Tipe soal 19Verbs that are followed by gerund / verb ingRita enjoyed to be able to meet several Congress members during her vocation.A B C D Admit Delay Miss Regret Risk

    Appreciate Deny Postpone Report Suggest

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    Avoid Enjoy Practice Resent Cant help Finish Quit

    Resist Consider Mind Recall ResumeTipe soal 20Verbs that are always followed by infinitive (to + verb)After being indicted for his part in a bank robbery , the reputed mobster decided findA B C D

    another attorney. Agree Desire Intend Prepare Tend Attempt Fail Learn Pretend Try Claim Forget Need Refuse Want Decide Hesitate Offer

    Seem Wish Demand Hope Plan StriveLISTENING COMPREHENSIONKUNCI UMUMKunci 1 : Pahamilah bentuk-bentuk perintah (direction) pada masing-masing bagian (part) dengan

    baik sebelum hari- H ujian.Kunci 2 : Baca pilihan-pilihan jawaban pada masing-masing soal sebanyak mungkin ketikanarrator sedang membacakan directions dan contoh soal (example)Kunci 3 : Dengarkan dengan penuh konsentrasi dan fokuskan perhatian Anda pada percakapanyang sedang Anda dengarkan.

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    Kunci 4 : Maksimalkan kemampuan listening Anda pada soal-soal pertama pada masing-masingpart.Kunci 5 : Fokuskan pendengaran Anda pada pembicara kedua.Kunci 6 : Jangan panik bila tidak bisa memahami kata demi kata dalam percakapan secarakomplit. Anda hanya perlu menangkap ide atau isi percakapan.Kunci 7 : Bila Anda sama sekali tidak bisa memahami apa yang diucapkan pembicara kedua,pilihlah jawaban yang paling berbeda dari apa yang telah Anda dengar.

    Kunci 8 : Pahamilah bentuk-bentuk functional expression (agreement, uncertainty, suggestion,surprise), idiomatic expression, dan situasi ketika pembicaraan dilakukan.LONGER CONVERSATIONKunci 9 : Ketika narrator membacakan direction part B anda sebaiknya membaca pilihan jawabansecara sekilas kemudian mrekamnya dan memperkirakan tema apa yang akan menjadiperbincangan.Kunci 10 : ketika menyimak conversation, anda harus mengetahui apa tema/topic yangdibicarakanKunci 11 : waspadalah terhadap masing-masing pertanyaan.

    Kunci 12 : Cermati kondisi dan situasi yang terjadi selama percakapan berlangsung, yaknimenyangkut tempat dan waktu pembicaraan, apa dan siapa yang dibicarakan.Kunci 13 : Bila anda memiliki waktu, lihatlah pilihan-pilihan jawban yang tertera pada lembar soaldan temukan kata kuncinya.Kunci 14 : Waspadailah pembicaraan pada kalimat-kalimat pertama karena biasanya akanmenjadi topic bagi kalimat-kalimat selanjutnya.Kunci 15 : Fokuskan pendengaran anda pada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan 5-wh(what, who, when, where, why) dan how.

    Kunci 16 : buatlah kesiompulan\inferasi atas situasi yang terjadi saat pembicaraan dilakukan.


    (PELAJARI EXPRESI-EXPRESI BERIKUT) Turned out well : sangat baik Watch your step : hati-hati Take it easy : santai aja Thats it : ya itu / beres Youve got to be kidding : menyatakan keterkejutan

    Make ones own mind : berpikir sendiri Stand on ones own foot : mandiriThanks for the attention and forgive me any of my lacks! Good Luck!


    Oleh : Gun gun Maulana,S.Pd


    15/02/2013 pukul 16:14Thanks

    Balasgungunmaulana mengatakan:

  • 8/13/2019 Tips n Trik Meraih TOEFL 550


    11/12/2013 pukul 05:50ok sama2

    [email protected]:17/03/2013 pukul 07:29I think your explanation is good

    Balasgungunmaulana mengatakan:11/12/2013 pukul 05:49thnx..

    saktimengatakan:07/04/2013 pukul 14:24nice post, thank a lot my bro


    gungunmaulana mengatakan:11/12/2013 pukul 05:49ok smoga bermanfaat.

    bertousman mengatakan:25/04/2013 pukul 03:56this site is very useful.. nice post =)

    Balasgungunmaulana mengatakan:

    11/12/2013 pukul 05:49ok thanx.

    icutnadia mengatakan:15/05/2013 pukul 08:18ijin Re-Share yaa.. =]

    Balasgungunmaulana mengatakan:

    11/12/2013 pukul 05:48boleh silahkan aja

    dennis mengatakan:23/08/2013 pukul 05:20terimakasih tips nyaa semoga sangat membantu ^^

    Balasgungunmaulana mengatakan:11/12/2013 pukul 05:48

    sama2smoga membantu

    Putra mengatakan:10/12/2013 pukul 13:12wow sangat membantu sekali di dalam menyelesaikan soal toefl

  • 8/13/2019 Tips n Trik Meraih TOEFL 550


    Balasukiemengatakan:01/01/2014 pukul 11:50makasih infonya,ijin share ya


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