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  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    This past weekend, which was beautiul again, I noticed all o the reweed in bloom, and this signals methat it is the start o another school year. Welcome to the 2013-14 school year! I expect that this year willbe excellent and that all o you will be contributors to this endeavor! Our students, amilies, peers, andcommunity members greatly appreciate your service in education.

    I you are interested in working registration at your school, you must attend a meeting on August 1,9:30 AM to 11:00 AM, ASD Education Center to get updated on the 506 orm. Please notiy Kerri Wood,your school Principal and Administrative Assistant i you plan on working. YOU MAY NOT WORK


    ACE employees are expected to return to work on the date indicted on your work calendar. You areexpected to review data, classes, schedules, contact parents, teachers, and students. You are to assist withregistration.

    Totem and AEA employees are expected to return to work on August 15th. Title VII Indian Education willhave mandatory sta training on this day. More details will be emailed and posted on MLP. Please makeadjustments to your day to attend the entire day o training.

    Your laptops will be available to be picked up rom the oce during the ollowing hours:

    8:00 AM-12:00 PM and 1:00 PM-5:00 PM.

    There will be sta location changes or the 2013-2014 school year. I will be contacting each o your on orbeore Wednesday, July 25th i there has been a change in your location.

    I look orward to another great year!


    Doreen BrownExecutive DirectorTitle VII Indian Education

  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook








    9506 FORMS










  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    1. OVERVIEWThe Federal Government maintains a special interest in the education o Native students based on theunique relationship between the Federal Government and Native peoples, as established through Federaltreaties, statutes, and the United States Constitution. The Title VII Indian Education sub-chapter o the NoChild Let Behind Act o 2001 (Title VII, 20 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq.) addresses the historical problem olow achievement among Native students.

    Title VII is designed to support Alaska Native and American Indian students in meeting and exceedingstate academic content area standards, student academic achievement standards, and cultural standards.Student needs are identied through a combination o methods: parent/guardian input, teacher input, areview o testing and attendance data, and an analysis o the previous years program. The Native Advisory

    Committee (NAC) and multiple School District entities review and approve the proposed program beore itis submitted to the Federal Government or unding and overall approval.

    Title VII concentrates its eorts in these areas:

    1. Increasing academic achievement;

    2. Fostering a supportive and eective learning environment; and

    3. Cultural enrichment.


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook




    Target eligible (506 Form on le) students, grades 4-6, who are not procient on the Standards BasedAssessment (SBAs) in the areas o Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. Universal screenings, as relatedto Response to Instruction (RTI), should be utilized as well. Target eligible (506 Form on le) studentsin Kindergarten through third grade who are considered at risk in the areas o Reading, Writing, andMathematics. You may also include students who are borderline procient in the above areas. The Principalteacher(s), and Title I sta at your school can assist you with analyzing SBA data and universal screenings.

    Please collaborate with classroom teachers and your schools data team to analyze assessment data anddetermine the areas o greatest need. Other indicators which will assist you in deciding who will benetrom Title VII services include ormative assessments, ormer teacher input, current teacher input, andparent/guardian input.

    You should collaborate with the teacher on developing goals along with a progress monitoring system oreach student. Consulting with the RTI plan may also be useul.

    Address chronic tardiness and absences. This begins with building strong relationships with students andtheir amilies. Sta must identiy and participate in their schools protocol or dealing with absences andtardies.

    Review the Title VII Family Toolkit. This includes showcasing the Toolkit or Title VII amilies, andconnecting them to support services within their school and community.





  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    TUTORSECONDARYNote: If you are placed at a school that is staffed with a Community Counselor, please combine your effortstoward attendance, parent outreach, 506 Form collection, and cultural enrichment. It is imperative that you hold acollaborative T7 meeting for a minimum duration of 30 minutes per week. This should be written into each staff

    members schedule.

    Target eligible students (506 Forms on le) that are not procient in Reading, Writing, and/or Mathematicson the Standards Based Assessments (SBAs) or on the High School Qualiying Exam (HSGQE). Universalscreenings, as related to Response to Instruction (RTI) should be utilized. You may include students whowere borderline procient in the above areas. Direct services should be provided during class, at lunchtime,and/or ater school.

    You should collaborate with teachers on developing goals along with a progress monitoring system or eachstudent. Consulting with the Response to Intervention (RTI) plan may also be useul.

    Homework assistance is also critical. In order to practice culturally responsive methods, this should be

    oered in small group settings.

    You should also integrate test-taking strategies into your service delivery. It is crucial or students and theiramilies to identiy and utilize a strong skill set o test-taking strategies in order to graduate successully.

    Address chronic tardiness and absences. This begins with building strong relationships with students and

    their amilies. Sta must identiy and participate in their schools protocol or dealing with absences andtardies.




  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    Review the Title VII Family Toolkit. This includes showcasing the Toolkit or Title VII amilies, andconnecting them to support services within their school and community.

    Establish and maintain eective, consistent communication with students, parents/guardians, schooladministration, and members o the community. This includes community outreach and connectionswith community agencies and ASD services which address students social, cultural, and academic needs.Assist students and amilies with transitions, including rural to urban, school-to-school, and middle to highschool.

    Provide outreach and ollow-up support to students and amilies through a variety o communicationmodalities, including in-person, telephonic, electronic, and home visits.

    Collect complete 506 Forms, as well as all needed documentation. Timely and clear communication withamilies, guardians, school, and the Title VII oce sta is expected.

    Coordinate, plan, and develop cultural activities with ASD and external agencies to enhance culturalawareness or all students and sta.

    Please reerence and promote Title VIIs culture video and utilize Title VIIs cultural blog and reerencelibrary.




    E506 FORMS




  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    COUNSELORSSECONDARYNote: If you are placed at a school that is staffed with a Youth Development Tutor, please combine your effortstoward attendance, parent outreach, 506 Form collection, and cultural enrichment. It is imperative that you hold acollaborative T7 meeting for a minimum duration of 30 minutes per week. This should be written into each staff

    members schedule.

    Target and track eligible students (506 Forms on le), grades 6-8 and 11-12, who missed passing one ormore components o the Standards Based Assessments (SBAs) or High School Graduation Qualiying Exam(HSGQE). Guide students to access services and classes which will prepare them or successully passingthe HSGQE and/or increasing their prociency on the SBAs. Monitor grades each quarter. Students ingrades 9-12 who are in jeopardy o HSGQE ailure will be reerred to tutoring services or other appropriateprograms.

    Integrate test-taking strategies into your service delivery. It is crucial or students and their amilies toidentiy and utilize a strong skill set o test-taking strategies to graduate successully.

    Address chronic tardiness and absences, monitor attendance on a weekly basis, and provide inormation tostudents and amilies regarding attendance policies.

    Discuss the protocol or addressing absences and tardiness in your school with your Principal. Ask how youcan assist. We have ound the ollowing actions benecial in other schools:

    Personal phone calls

    Home visits


    Family contracts

    Collaboration with school and community resources




  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    Collaborate, develop, and implement plans with students amilies, outside agencies, and ASD counselors tomonitor and support students in grades 6-12 who are at risk o dropping out and/or not graduating.

    Reer students and amilies to agencies who will assist them with academic, cultural, and social needs.Provide the services listed below or students and their amilies, utilizing phone calls, emails, automatedcalls, lunch and ater-school presentations, and personal consultations. In order to practice culturallyresponsive methods, the ollowing services should be provided in individual or small group settings:

    All grades:

    Career and technical education opportunities

    King Career Center (KCC)

    Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC)

    Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC)

    Alaska Native regional corporations

    Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP)

    Alternative programs (i necessary and pertinent to your student)

    Benny Benson


    Alaska Military Youth Academy

    Nine Star






  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    COUNSELORSSECONDARY7th and 8th grades:

    Review mathematics and language arts skills necessary or high school, college, and career tracks

    Monitor grades on a continuous basis

    Identiy graduation requirements

    Explicitly model eective test-taking skills and strategies utilizing mini workshops and one-on-oneconsultations

    Coordinate eighth grade transition presentations and eld trips or incoming ninth graders

    Locations may include KCC,ANHC, Rawhide, and Project Puqigtut

    Incorporate mini lessons and assistance with organizational skills

    Promote and retain students or the Freshman Transition Camp

    9th grade:

    Review graduation requirements

    Interpret student academic and testing history, and identiy appropriate course placement

    Monitor grades on a continuous basis

    I a student ails coursework:

    Review Project Puqigtut course options

    Discuss options and create a plan with the student and amily in a one-on-one consultation

    Integrate test-taking strategies into your service delivery. It is crucial or students andtheir amilies to identiy and utilize a strong skill set o test-taking strategies to graduatesuccessully.


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook




    Provide resources and practice or the HSGQE during the Fall Semester

    Monitor grades on a continuous basis

    11th grade:

    Discuss the PSAT, provide resources to prepare or the exam, and assist in registration

    Monitor grades on a continuous basis

    Arrange and encourage participation in scholarship inormation sessions

    Facilitate an inormation session about scholarship portolios during the Spring Semester

    I a student has not passed one or more sections o the HSGQE, create an action plan with thestudent and amily which includes the ollowing:


    Specic coursework

    Online resources

    Skype tutoring

    ProvideACE and/or SAT inormation and preparation

    12th grade:

    Assist with ull participation in the ACT and/or SAT

    Monitor grades on a continuous basis

    Review college and vocational opportunities


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    COUNSELORSSECONDARY Assist with completion o scholarship portolios

    Outline deadlines or applications

    It is crucial that community counselors complete the above-listed objectives in a culturally responsive

    manner. This includes building strong relationships with students and amilies during one-on-oneconsultations and small group settings.

    Establish and maintain eective, consistent communication with students, parents/guardians, teachers,school administration, and members o the community. This includes community outreach andconnections with community agencies and ASD services which address students social, cultural, andacademic needs.

    Work with partners to connect students with scholarships and postsecondary opportunities.

    Provide an Options Ater High School workshop, with emphasis on choosing a career and successullycreating a college portolio. Provide outreach and ollow-up support to students and amilies through avariety o communication modalities, including in-person, telephonic, electronic, and home visits.

    Assist students and amilies with transitions, including rural to urban, school-to-school, and middle to highschool.

    Collect complete 506 Forms, as well as all needed documentation. Timely and clear communication withamilies, guardians, school, and Title VII oce sta is expected.


    F506 FORMS


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook




    Coordinate, plan, and develop cultural activities with ASD and other agencies to enhance culturalawareness or all students and sta. We will collect data regarding the number o cultural activitiescompleted each quarter.

    Please reerence and promote Title VIIs culture video and utilize Title VIIs cultural blog and reerencelibrary.



  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook




    Provide rigorous Native language instruction

    Develop lesson plans, instructional materials, and provide individualized and small groupinstruction to adapt the curriculum to the needs o pupils

    Use current technology to enhance instruction

    Apply knowledge o current research and theory to Native language instruction

    Evaluate student language growth, keep appropriate records, and prepare progress reports

    Work as a partner with parents, amilies, and the community. Communicate regularly with parents toprovide outreach and ollow-up support to students and amilies through a variety o communicationmodalities, including in-person, telephonic, electronic, and home visits.

    Collect complete 506 Forms, as well as all needed documentation. Timely and clear communication withamilies, guardians, school, and Title VII oce sta is expected.



    C506 FORMS


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    Your overall supervisors areDoreen Brown, Executive Director of Title VII,and Jennifer Romer, Program Managerof Title VII.

    Your school placement supervisor will be your Principal, Curriculum Principal, or Lead Principal.

    Your evaluator will be school-based.

    Your schools Administrative Assistant can direct you to the right people or your keys, badges, oce space,parking permits, etc. The contact person can be dierent in every school.

    Title VII sta trainings are mandatory. You must sign up on My Learning Plan. Occasionally, you will beasked to participate in additional trainings, and your fexibility is appreciated. It is mandatory or all newlyhired sta to completeASD/EEO mandatory trainings.

    All staff trainings:

    Thursday, August 15th

    Friday, August 23rd

    Friday, October 11th

    Friday, December 20th

    Friday, March 7th





  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    It is mandatory to check your email daily. Important departmental correspondence and proessionaldevelopment tasks are regularly delivered via email. Please avoid large, bold, and/or scripted onts, excessiveormatting, emoticons, and the use o all-caps. Use appropriate grammar and remember to spell-check,reread, and review your email beore you click the send button. It is important to note that as Districtemployees, your emails are public record. Ask to be added to your schools email group and counselor emailgroup, i applicable. For more inormation on proper email etiquette, clickhere.

    All sta must have prior approval rom the oce beore working extra hours. At the time o request, it willbe determined i you will take fex time or overtime. Without prior approval, you will not receive ex time orbe paid for overtime. Title VII is currently not authorizing compensatory (comp) time.

    All completed original mileage reimbursement orms must be submitted to the oce or Doreenssignature, either monthly or quarterly. Please do not submit mileage orms to your principal. Remember,the Payroll Department will only accept original copies of your mileage reimbursement forms. The deadline orend-o-year mileage reimbursement is June 30th. Mileage to and rom your residence will not be accepted.Forms can be ound in the Forms and Publications Library on District Connect.

    Please check the Title VII website on a regular basis. Important inormation pertaining to our department,District, and Native community can be located here. Inormation posted to the website should be sharedwith amilies, teachers, and school sta.






  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook




    I you need oce or cultural supplies, call the oce at ext. 4445, or email Kerri to schedule a time or pick-up. I the item is small enough, we can usually send it via inter-District mail. I not, you will need to pick upyour supplies in person.

    The use o student pictures and names must ollow ASDs Media Release policy. Additionally, contact withany media group (including, but not limited to, radio, newspaper, television station, social media, etc.) mustbe approved by both Doreen and your Principal beforehand.

    Title VII may provide you with a laptop. All ASD employees are required to complete an ASD Laptop UserAgreement when signed out a laptop or proessional use. Please note that some schools may provide youwith a laptop rather than Title VII.

    Mandatory web-based applications:

    Microsot Outlook Web Access (ASD email)

    You will receive an email address at your time o hire ([email protected]). Activationmay take up to two weeks.

    District Connection (secure sta resource site)

    Accessible only using a District Internet connection or Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client(see instructions or setting this up on your computer here).




    mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Supplieshttp://www.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/MediaRelease.pdfhttps://webmail.asdk12.org/https://home.asdk12.org/index.asp?http://www.asdk12.org/media/anchorage/globalmedia/documents/payroll/VPN_Instructions.pdfhttp://www.asdk12.org/media/anchorage/globalmedia/documents/payroll/VPN_Instructions.pdfhttps://home.asdk12.org/index.asp?https://webmail.asdk12.org/http://www.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/MediaRelease.pdfmailto:[email protected]?Subject=Supplies
  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    CONTINUED3. GENERAL INFO Zangle (student inormation database)

    Access transcripts, schedules, parent/guardian contact inormation, attendance records, etc.Accessible only using a District Internet connection or Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client(see instructions or setting this up on your computer here). Community Counselors will need tosubmit a Zangle Access orm which will require Doreens signature. Youth Development Tutors willneed to work with their Principal or Administrative Assistant to access students assigned to themtrhough Zangle.


    Register or workshops and trainings.

    Google Drive

    File storage and synchronization service provided by Google, which enables cloud storage, lesharing, and collaborative editing. Please see Title VIIs Tech Guides or inormation on how toaccess and navigate Google Drive.

    It is mandatory to checkGoogle Drive daily. You will normally be emailed when something important isshared with you via Google Drive, or when something is shared with you that requires a response. Youwill oten be tasked to upload a le, collaborate on a document, or otherwise complete an assignment viaGoogle Drive. I you need assistance on accessing or navigating your Google Drive account, please see TitleVIIs Tech Guides.



  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook





    TO: Title VII Indian Education Employees

    Principals of Title VII Indian Education Schools

    FROM: Doreen Brown, Executive Director, Title VII Indian Education

    SUBJECT: Leave


    New employees become eligible for leave upon completion of the 75-day probation period.






    Principals signature, and scan or fax the completed form to Kerri Wood.

    B. LEAVE REQUESTS (vacations, medical appointments, wellness day, etc.)

    Please thoroughly review Section 401 - Annual Leave of your TOTEM Agreement.

    1. Complete a Leave Request Form at least 48 hours prior to your requested leave.

    2. Approval from both your Principal and the Title VII Executive Director is


    3. Leave will not be approved if the employee does not have leave accrued.


    If you need to be out of the building for any reason except your regular schedule, be

    sure to email Jennifer Romer and Kerri Wood to request your schedule change.


    home visits, and site visits.

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Sickhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Sickmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requesthttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdf
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    Please thoroughly review 300 Series - Leaves of your AEA contract.






    Principals signature, and scan or fax the completed form to Kerri Wood.

    *We do not provide substitutes when you are ill.


    Each school site allocates professional leave. You must request this from the building


    not provide subs.)

    1. Complete a Leave Request Form at least 48 hours prior to your requested leave.

    2. Approval from both your Principal and the Title VII Executive Director is


    3. Leave will not be approved if the employee does not have leave accrued.


    If you need to be out of the building for any reason except your regular schedule, be

    sure to email Jennifer Romer and Kerri Wood to request your schedule change.


    home visits, and site visits.


    Please thoroughly review Sections 600, 602, 604, 605, and 607-613 of your ACE contract

    regarding leave.



    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Sickhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Sickhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdf
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    principals signature, and submit the completed form to Kerri Wood.

    B. LEAVE REQUESTS (vacations, medical appointments, wellness day, etc.):

    1. Complete a Leave Request Form at least 48 hours prior to your requested leave.

    2. Approval from both your Principal and the Title VII Executive Director is


    3. Leave will not be approved if the employee does not have leave accrued.


    If you need to be out of the building for any reason except your regular schedule, be

    sure to email Jennifer Romer and Kerri Wood to request your schedule change.


    home visits, and site visits.

    cc: Todd Hess, Contract Administration

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Sickhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Leave-Requestmailto:[email protected]?subject=Sickhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdfhttps://home.asdk12.org/forms/uploads/Leave101.pdf
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  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    DEPARTMENT: Title VII Indian Education

    ACCOUNTABILITY: Title VII Executive Director


    WORK YEAR: 7 hours/day, 9 months/year

    Provides academic tutoring to eligible Alaska Native/American Indian students in and out o the classroom.Implements and evaluates individual specic educational plans, keeps and evaluates student records andtracks academic progress. Establishes and maintains eective communication with students, parents/guardians, teachers, school administration and members o the community.

    1. Provides academic tutoring in core subjects, primarily reading, writing, and mathematics.

    2. Collaborates with classroom teachers in determining the needs o students.

    3. Designs individual tutorial plans or students.

    4. Implements and evaluates tutorial plans, maintains and evaluates student records, and tracks

    academic progress.

    5. Collects and enters data required by Title VII and the Anchorage School District.

    6. Community outreach and connection with community agencies and ASD services that addressstudents social and academic needs.

    7. Coordinates, plans, and/or develops cultural activities with ASD and other agencies.






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    8. May perorm other duties as assigned.

    1. Minimum two years o college (Associates Degree or 48 credits), or completion o theparaproessional assessment test with a passing score o 459 or greater required.

    2. Must have basic computer skills.

    3. Experience working with children in an instructional environment, preerably with Alaska Nativestudents.

    4. Knowledge o Alaska Native cultures is required.

    5. Excellent organizational and record-keeping skills required.

    6. Ability to maintain eective communication with students, parents and guardians, teachers, schooladministrators, and members o the community.

    7. Precision in correct English language grammar and vocabulary usage, and ability to assist studentswith writing.

    8. Ability to read, write, and comprehend written instructions, correspondence, regulations, policies,and procedures.

    9. Ability to eectively present instruction and inormation to students, sta, parents, administrators,and the public.

    10. Ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide in all units o measurement, using whole numbers,common ractions, and decimals. Ability to compute ratios and percentages, and to draw andinterpret graphs.

    11. Ability to eectively present instruction in algebra, geometry, and basic mathematical concepts,including math exemplars and written problems.





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    1. Ability to serve as a liaison between the school, teachers, students, and parents and guardians.

    2. Demonstrated competency in the assigned academic areas.

    3. Willingness to train to use Online curriculum instruction.

    4. Attend parent-teacher conerences and meetings with parents and guardians o Native students.

    The physical demands described here are representative o those that must be met by an employee tosuccessully perorm the essential unctions o this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made toenable individuals with disabilities to perorm the essential unctions.


    Requires sitting, standing, bending, stooping, and stretching. Regularly required to use hands; requentlyrequired to stand, walk, and reach with hands and arms. Specic vision abilities required by this job includeclose vision and distance vision. May require liting o up to ten pounds.


    Must unction as a member o a proessional education team and be able to work cooperatively withclassroom teachers, as well as community members. Majority o workday will be spent in a regular

    classroom environment with moderate noise levels; however, student support may be required in othereducational settings.






  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    DEPARTMENT: Title VII Indian Education

    ACCOUNTABILITY: Title VII Executive Director


    WORK YEAR: Full-time, 188 days

    Assists Alaska Native and American Indian high school students with academic guidance and resourcesin order to acilitate academic achievement and eelings o social connection. This includes trackingstudent attendance, presenting resources to pass the High School Graduation Qualiying Exams (HSGQE),connecting students with postsecondary resources, tracking grades and communicating regularly withteachers, counselors, and parents and guardians, and maintaining a culturally responsive environment.

    1. Minimum Bachelor o Arts/Bachelor o Science in Social Work, or a two to our year degree inHuman Services, or ve years o related experience working with youth.

    2. Prociency in routine oce automation and oce productivity sotware is required.

    3. Possession o Alaska drivers license and reliable transportation is required.

    4. Experience working with Alaska Native peoples and knowledge o Alaska Native cultures is required

    5. Experience working in a large school setting is benecial.

    6. Ability to network with proessionals involved in postsecondary education and employmentagencies.

    7. Must be sel-motivated, organized, and reliable.





  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    1. Able to assist amilies and students in transitions rom rural to urban Alaska.

    2. Able to sit or prolonged periods, lit up to ten pounds, and occasionally move up to 25 pounds.

    3. Able to communicate with all levels o management, administration, and other District personnel.

    4. Experience in confict resolution is essential.

    5. Able to maintain eective written and oral communication with students, parents and guardians,teachers, school administration, and members o the community.

    6. Knowledge o Anchorage community resources is essential.

    7. Able to evaluate student records and assist with developing and implementing services whichaddress social, academic, and cultural needs.

    8. Collects and enters data required by Title VII and the Anchorage School District.

    9. Able to perorm other related duties as required.




    8. Must be able to perorm other related duties as required.

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    Jennier will send an email to Principals introducing all newly hired sta prior to your arrival at theschool.

    Request that your Principal introduce you to sta at the next all-sta meeting.

    Send another email, pre-approved by your school Principal, to your entire school sta introducingyoursel and explaining the role you will ll. Include a short list o goals, objectives, and how yourservices can be utilized. For additional guidance, please reer to your new sta orientation older.

    Introduce yoursel in-person and explain Title VII services to school personnel. Do this at a acultymeeting and individually.

    Ask to be added to the school counselors email lists and attend meetings which are open tocounselors and other sta members.

    Schedule a meeting with your school Principal. He or she will acquaint you with your schools

    policies. It is important to explain your Title VII services to him/her.

    Another key person to introduce yoursel to is the Administrative Assistant (AA). He or she can assistyou with school badges, parking permits, space, etc. The secretary and/or registrar are alsoimportant to meet, as they have a direct impact on 506 collection at student registration.

    Begin going into classrooms as soon as possible, while simultaneously working on your schedule.Familiarize yoursel with the daily schedule o events in your school, including lunch and recess,pullout times, the nurses schedule, etc.

    Find out what other special service programs are in your school, e.g., Title I, English LanguageLearners (ELL), Special Education, etc. Request schedules or these programs, they will assist youwith your own scheduling.




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    6. GETTING STARTEDCONTINUED Ask i you are expected to contribute time during recess, hall monitoring, busing, lunch, or other

    shared duties. Expectations will vary between each school, however these duties are usuallydistributed equally among sta.

    Familiarize yoursel with your schools calendar. Be aware o upcoming events that may intererewith your tutoring schedule, e.g., standardized testing, school assembles, etc.

    Send an introductory letter to parents (reer to the example given to you).

    Know when sta meetings are scheduled. Sta meetings are an important method ocommunication within the school district. Find out i you are expected to attend. Attending the stameetings will make you eel a part o the school. You may need to adjust your schedule or sta-meeting day.

    You are required to participate in school-based in-services.

    Know the school rules and procedures that students must obey. Be an active member o the schoolaculty by enorcing them.

    Know the schedule o extracurricular activities in your school. I you know the schedule you canactively encourage student involvement. You may wish to sponsor an activity that your students areinvolved in.

    Learn your schools procedure or checking in and out o the building.

    Keep an emergency procedure pamphlet in your room and amiliarize yoursel with your schoolsemergency procedures.




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    6. GETTING STARTEDCONTINUED Some schools may provide unding or supply purchases. Ask your Administrative Assistant i this is

    available to you.

    Organize your work area so that it suits your tutoring needs. You may be sharing a room with otherschool sta.

    Set up student les and become acquainted with the paperwork. Remember, all student inormationis condential. Create a secure place to store your laptop and condential les. I you have questionsabout condentiality, contact Jennier.

    Make the Title VII Indian Education Program in your school visible! Create bulletin boards, fyers,posters, and make announcements that will increase awareness o your services. Make your spacewelcoming or potentially reluctant students. The Title VII poster should be displayed in a locationwhere students can see it.

    Carla will print you a Title VII Indian Education student list. Included will be students who areeligible, pending, parent declined, and not eligible. Make sure that each student has a 506eligibility orm on le beore providing services. You may not provide direct services to students whodo not have an eligible 506 Form on le. I you have questions about eligible students, contact Jennier

    Sta should collect completed 506 Forms or Alaska Native and American Indian students who are

    missing them. You will receive a missing 506 Forms list rom Carla. Please reer to your EectiveScheduling template, provided to you during your rst sta training o the school year, or guidanceon the time and eort you should devote to 506 Form collection.

    Begin developing relationships with your students amilies. What do they see as strengths and areaso concern? What goals do they have or their child(ren)?

    When a student is eligible or more than one program, be prepared to consult with other programrepresentatives to determine the most appropriate placement or that student.




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    Your schedule must include the ollowing or each time slot:

    The number o students being seen

    Grade level(s)

    Subject (s)


    Classroom number

    Whether the student is an inclusion (I) or pull-out (P)

    You must include a lunch break and two 15-minute breaks in your schedule. You may not combineyour lunch with your breaks.

    You must upload a copy o your schedule toASD Google Drive and share it with Jennier by themandated deadline. You are also required to deliver a copy to your school Principal. I permanentchanges are made to your schedule, promptly edit them in Google Drive.

    Student data is available through your Principal or classroom teachers. Your participation inanalyzing student data and collaborating with teachers to identiy materials, methods, and resourcesis imperative to provide academic and cultural support to Native students

    Culture is a undamental component o student identity, and cultural enrichment activities are at the hearto the Title VII Program. Promoting a strong cultural identity, coupled with culturally responsive practices,are proven major actors in enhancing academic achievement and resilience in Alaska Native students. Asa part o Title VII, you have an enormous capacity to impact the lives o our students as a liaison betweenyour students classrooms and the rich diversity o Alaska Native heritage.





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    Teaching methods that use reerences to a students culture help the student understand mainstreamculture. A culturally responsive education addresses attitude, environment, curriculum, teaching strategies,and amily and community involvement. For more inormation, please utilize the tools located here.

    There are innite kinds o enrichment events and activities that you can coordinate, and we have a varietyo resources available to you to help you implement them. Remember that culture is dynamic and all-encompassing. This means that its constantly changing, not solely dened by the artiacts you see inmuseums, and it infuences virtually every aspect o a persons lie, not just arts and crats. We encourageyou to be creative.

    Art Projects

    We are lucky to have so many talented and artistically inclined sta members. Many have sewnkuspuks (doll-size is a good place to start), button blankets, mittens, and elt ornaments. We alsohave instructions and materials or basket-making, beading, carving, and Eskimo yo-yos. You canalso invite parents and community members to help or teach students.

    Book Clubs or Reading Groups

    Choose culturally relevant books, or books by Alaska Native/ American Indian authors, to read

    and discuss with students, parents, and/or elders. Check our resource library, cultural blog, or yourschools library or ction books and novels. Create thought prompts or discussion questions to getstudents talking.

    Culinary Projects

    Ask parents to create a amily dish that students can bring to share in the classroom. You canorganize a Tasting Alaska night where students can sample dishes rom all over the state. I yourschool has a Home Economics room, you can request to use it to teach students how to create thedishes themselves.


    Several o our sta members have encouraged students to participate in dance events, or ormed adance group at their school. We have contacts that are involved in proessional dance groups andwould be happy to volunteer with students to start you o. Sta members with dance experience arealso wonderul resources. Remember that there are many dierent types o Alaska Native dance, notjust Yuraq, or Eskimo dancing.



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    Digital Storytelling

    Have students create iMovies or podcasts about their culture and what it means to them. I you needhelp with this, you can askLauren, Jennier, orASDs IT department.

    Field Trips

    Field trips are a great way to expand the horizons o student learning. Some sites that areparticularly eager to host students are theAnchorage Museum and theAlaska Native HeritageCenter.

    Film Screenings

    Make use o the many lms we have in our resource library, or check our blog or other lms thataddress culturally relevant themes. In November, we host weekly Lunch and a Movie eventsin honor o Alaska Native Heritage Month, and weve made our thought prompts or lms wescreened available, as well as where to nd the lms. You can organize lm screenings or yourstudents, a class, parent groups, or the whole school.

    Guest Speakers

    We maintain an expanding database o Alaska Native and American Indian speakers who will comeinto classrooms and talk about their talents, proessions, and what their culture means to them.You can invite storytellers, artists, employees o Native Corporations, proessors, graphic novelists,rappers, elders, and even Olympic athletes. Speakers can be tied into virtually any topic, lesson, orcurricular unit.


    Most schools have a culture night or showcase, especially during Native Heritage Month. I not, takethe initiative and organize it yoursel.



    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Digital-Storytellingmailto:[email protected]?subject=Digital-Storytellinghttp://www.asdk12.org/informationtechnology/http://www.anchoragemuseum.org/http://www.alaskanative.net/http://www.alaskanative.net/https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByQDbOfir78NMk1XMVpweGhGUTA&usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByQDbOfir78NMk1XMVpweGhGUTA&usp=sharinghttp://www.alaskanative.net/http://www.alaskanative.net/http://www.anchoragemuseum.org/http://www.asdk12.org/informationtechnology/mailto:[email protected]?subject=Digital-Storytellingmailto:[email protected]?subject=Digital-Storytelling
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    Title VII sta should make themselves available to meet and greet new amilies throughout the year. Whena student transers into a dierent ASD school, contact that schools Title VII sta person or collaboratewith other Title VII sta to nd connections or that student. The intention o this process is to conveyrespect, caring, and a continuum o support.

    Contact with parent/guardians is important or building an ongoing relationship with the school. The goalis to encourage amilies to participate in the educational progress o their child, and to provide them withthe inormation and tools to navigate the ASD system.

    Contact each parent/guardian at least once a quarter about their student, in order to nurture strongrelationships with amilies.

    It is essential to begin with positive statements about the student when contacting amilies toaddress student progress.

    All sta are encouraged to attend school unctions (e.g., back-to-school picnic, open house, amilyunctions). These are excellent ways to meet and build rapport with amilies. You must seek priorapproval rom your Principal and Jennier or any additional hours.

    Parent-teacher conerences are held at the end o the rst and third quarters. You are required toattend as many parent-teacher conerences as your schedule allows. I you have questions regardingprotocol or parent-teacher conerences, please email Jennier (hyperlink).

    Especially in a situation where you have a strong connection with a student or a amily, it isimportant that you make yoursel available or IEP or student intervention meetings. This givesadditional advocacy and voice to Title VII amilies, and allows them to eel supported.





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    Title VII sta members will be occasionally expected to make home visits. The Principal and Jenniermust be consulted prior to making a home visit. Home visits are an excellent way to meet amiliesand discuss the student progress, successes and problems. However, this should only be done in thecompany o another sta member.

    Title VII oce sta will electronically send you inormation or opportunities or parent/guardiansand/or students. These documents are pre-approved and must be disseminated to students.

    Your assistance with personally inviting parent/guardians to monthly Native Advisory Committeemeeting is important. We need parent and high school student input to urther meet the academic

    and cultural needs o our students.

    All parent/guardian contacts need to be recorded on the general data sheet.

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    APROJECT KIL II(kuh luh)

    Project KiL II (boyin Denaina Athabascan) is a three-year project (2011-2014) that will meet the uniqueeducational needs o Alaska Native boys. KiL II is an expansion o the Anchorage School Districts ProjectKiL which, since 2008, has resulted in academic gains and narrowing o the achievement gap. Project KiL

    seeks to demonstrate that culturally responsive eduction or preschool to 5th grade Alaska Native boysresults in higher academic outcomes.

    Our goals are to:

    Narrow the academic achievement gap or Native boys.

    Improve school attendance or Native boys.

    Create a more culturally inclusive climate in the project schools that will empower boys to excel inschool and in lie.

    We seek to accomplish this through:

    Family Nights

    Family Nights bridge the cultural communication divide between the school system and amilies.

    Club KiL

    Club KiL Meets twice a month at project schools that build Social Emotional Learning skillsthrough engaging culturally responsive activities that eature Alaska Native and American Indianpresenters, artists, and storytellers.

    Family Rec Days

    Once a month, project amilies come together in an active and engaging aternoon.


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    Casual conversations about a boys hopes, dreams, and goals that involve their support network oparents, amily, riends, and school support. This is an artistic process that helps boys think aboutwhat is important in their lie now and understand how to reach their dreams.

    Proessional Development

    Proessional development is oered to school sta that develop culturally responsive educationalpractices and teaching strategies that best serve the unique learning styles o boys.

    Project KiL II is administered in eight elementary schools: Airport Heights, Alaska Native Cultural CharterSchool, Mountain View, Muldoon, North Star, Susitna, Tyson, and Wonder Park.

    Title VII Youth Development Tutors are encouraged to support and inorm school sta, project boys andtheir amilies o project activities, news, and updates. For more inormation, call (ext. 4837) or email BeverlyGroskreutz, Project Manager.

    (boo heexh t ut)

    Project Puqigtut II (smart peoplein C/Yupik) is a 21st century success program or Alaska Native and Amer-ican Indian high school students in the Anchorage School District. Puqigtut II oers Online core courses thatare rigorous, engaging, and that are adapted and inused with culturally responsive elements that make contentconnections or Native students. Puqigtut II provides a hybrid Online learning environment by blending On-line curriculum with ace-to-ace teacher and tutor instruction time during Smart Sessions. Coordinators hostSmart Sessions at local high schools afer school. Online teachers are available or ace-time once a week every

    other week during the school year. Puqigtut II can help with transportation to and rom Smart Sessions. Laptopsand Internet keys are also available or students to check out. Puqigtut II is a great opportunity or Native highschool students who want to get ahead on credits, or who are at risk o ailing or dropping out. Puqigtut II helpsstudents get on-track to graduate!




    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Project-Khttp://www.asdk12.org/depts/IndEd/projects/puqigtut/http://www.asdk12.org/depts/IndEd/projects/puqigtut/mailto:[email protected]?subject=Project-K
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    7. PROGRAM INFOSome o the courses Puqigtut II oers include:

    Alaska Studies

    US History

    World History

    English 9

    English 10

    English 11

    Algebra I



    Lietime Personal Fitness


    Summer internships

    For more inormation, call (ext. 3995) or email Mary Boyden, Administrative Assistant.



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    8. NATIVE ADVISORYThe purpose o the Native Advisory Committee (NAC) is to review and make recommendations to theTitle VII Indian Education Program and the Anchorage School Board relating to the education o AlaskaNative and American Indian K-12 students District-wide. The committee is comprised o parent/guardianso Alaska Native and American Indian students enrolled in the Anchorage School District, Alaska Nativeand/or American Indian high school students, and teachers o Alaska Native and American Indian students.These meetings are open to the public. Please encourage your parents to get involved. More inormationcan be ound on the Title VII website.

    Meeting Dates and Locations:

    Thursday, August 1st, 2013 | 5:30-8:00 PMASD Education Center, Orange Room

    Thursday, September 19th, 2013 | 6:00-8:00 PMASD Education Center, Orange Room

    Thursday, October 10th, 2013 | 6:00-8:00 PMASD Education Center, Orange Room

    Thursday, November 21st, 2013 | 6:00-8:00 PM

    ASD Education Center, Orange Room

    December 2013: No Meeting

    Thursday, January 16th, 2014 | 6:00-8:00 PMASD Education Center, Orange Room

    Thursday, February 27th, 2014 | 6:00-8:00 PMASD Education Center, Orange Room

    Thursday, March 20th, 2014 | 6:00-8:00 PM

    ASD Education Center, Orange Room

    Thursday, April 17th, 2014 | 6:00-8:00 PMASD Education Center, Orange Room

    May 2013: Elections, TBA

    For more inormation, call (ext. 4445) or email Kerri Wood, Administrative Assistant.page46

    http://www.asdk12.org/depts/inded/NAC/mailto:[email protected]?subject=NACmailto:[email protected]?subject=NAChttp://www.asdk12.org/depts/inded/NAC/
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    8506 FORMS

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    9. 506 FORMS

    A Title VII Student Eligibility 506 Form is:

    Required or a student to be eligible or Title VII services.

    Provides unding or Title VII Indian Education program.

    Not mandatory or parents. Parents can decline eligibility.

    Has an expiration date in upper right corner. Make sure to use current orms.

    A two-sided orm. Please copy both sides.

    Not to be written on except by the parent. Exceptions are noted below.

    Only kept on le at the ASD Title VII, Indian Education Oce.

    Does not expire once it is lled out.

    Do not write directly on the 506 Form. There are two exceptions:

    1. To add the student ID number (in the upper right corner).

    2. Using a highlighter to indicate what needs to be completed.

    Aim for 100% 506 collection for your school(s). Verify all elds are lled out correctly before sending your formto the Title VII ofce.

    1. Student ID number is written in the upper right corner, below the expiration date.

    2. Spelling/legibility o the students name is clear - you may clariy with a sticky note.

    3. Students date o birth.



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    9. 506 FORMS4. Name o the individual with tribal membership is written and relationship is checked.

    5. Enrollment number provided, or copy o documentation attached is written.

    6. Name and address o organization maintaining membership, or BIA CIB is attached.

    7. Parent/guardians signature and date.

    8. Parent/guardians address and phone number.

    9. Copy o documentation attached ( i there is not an enrollment number written on the orm).

    I anything is incomplete, meet with the parent/guardian to have them ll in missing inormation. I theycannot meet you at school, then plan to make a home visit. Do not send an incomplete but signed 506Form home to be completed. I you do, chances are it will not come back.

    Student Lists

    The student ID number is the seven-digit number next to a students name in Zangle.

    The ethnic codes guide us to students who may be eligible.

    There are a variety o conditions o students 506 Forms and specic actions to take in each case.

    I there is no orm on le, collect the 506 orm.

    I the student is eligible or service - it is okay to provide services

    I the student has identication pending - do not provide services, pursue a complete Form

    I the parent declined services - do not contact the amily or provide services

    I the student is not eligible - do not provide services.


    Student inormation is only shared on a need-to-know basis. Here are some ideas to help keep studentdetails private (especially in emails):


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    9. 506 FORMS Use the students initials and ID number

    Use as little identiying inormation as possible, including institutional names

    Say a student instead o their name when explaining a situation

    I you need more clarication, call Carla at ext. 4449.

    Prep the Form for Success!

    Highlight what needs to be lled out. This type o writing is allowed.

    Include a current sample 506 Form on the back o the parent letter.

    Include the current parent letter and 506 Form in new-to-District and Kindergarten registrationpackets.

    Check Zangle to see i the student needs a 506 Form.

    Develop Relationships

    Always use a pleasant and riendly tone o voice

    Remember: In sight = on your mind

    Post a list on your computer screen o students who are missing 506 Forms. Make phone callsregularly. Be riendly and eventually you will develop a rapport with the amily.

    Keep notes in your 506 Plan about contacts made with amilies, along with dates and details or yournext step.

    Be positive about Title VII opportunities -- amilies may not know about the services available in theevening, summer, or higher grades



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    9. 506 FORMS Talk to parents in the spring about the paperwork you will need to collect at registration or

    incoming kindergarteners that all.

    Enlist Help

    Request that school oce sta to tell you immediately when Alaska Native or American Indianstudents register. The best time to collect the 506 is in person with parent/guardian(s).

    Ask teachers to tell you when a new Alaska Native or American Indian student arrives in class. The

    beginning o the students time at school is the best time to collect 506 orms and to help the studentacclimate to school.

    I a student does not need our services, you can say something like this to the parent:

    How ortunate that your student doesnt need these services. Would you be willing to help Title VIIhelp other children?

    Many parents and guardians are very willing to help others. It is also OK i they are not.

    Show appreciation to students who return a orm to you. It is not easy to navigate the backpackvortex and the kitchen table vortex!


    Let the Title VII oce know immediately i you are having challenges with a specic orm. We canbrainstorm with you and come up with new strategies.

    Mail orms home with a return mail envelope included. Make a phone call to the parents so they willexpect the letter.

    Ask the teacher to help you collect the orm, but be sure that the teacher is a good spokesperson orTitle VII is culturally sensitive, or this can backre.

    Ask your Principal make the contact i you have exhausted other possibilities.


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    9. 506 FORMS Make home visits, or tell the parent by phone to anticipate a home visit i the orm is not returned.

    In most instances a home visit is not needed. But be prepared to ollow through!


    Work registration in the all to catch amilies in the building. Look or:

    New-to-District students


    Returning students who are still missing 506 Forms

    Parent-Teacher Conferences

    The schedule or conerences is usually posted in the oce the week prior to conerences. Ask ora copy o each teachers schedule, highlight your students, then make a prioritized schedule o theconerences to attend.

    Let teachers know you would like to collect a 506 Form at their meeting with a students amily.This will set you up or success. Remember, 15 minutes is short, and teachers have to cover a lot omaterial.

    Maximize your time and catch amilies in the hallway as they wait or their conerence time.

    You can oten catch parents picking up their kids ater school - even i they dont have a conerence.

    Be prepared. Keep you eyes open and your list o missing orms handy, along with a pen and extraorms. Parent/guardians show up at unusual times.

    Set up a table near the ront door and look ocial. Parents may think they have to check in withyou. Collect the orm rom parents beore they go to the classroom. Give directions to everyone whoneeds it.


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    9. 506 FORMSDid You Know?

    Parents are sometimes wary o pull-outs, especially those with students in Kindergarten and1st grade. They may not want their child singled out or missing academic instruction. I youthink a parent may have these concerns, ask them to tell you what specic concerns they have. Iappropriate, reassure them that you will honor their wishes or their child. This will help them eelcomortable enough to complete the 506 Form.

    Preschool students with an eligible 506 on le can attend the Evening Program as long as theirparent stays with them. Our programs are always developing, so we may oer preschool services in

    the uture.

    There is a large amount o paperwork to ll out at registration, and this increases i the amilyhas more than one student in the District. Many amilies get rustrated or tired by the volume opaperwork, and may not stop to ask clariying questions about the 506 Form. Always ollow up withparents i they write Not Eligible or Declined. Diplomatically clariy the parents intention. Agood question to ask may be:

    Is there a BIA card or Certicate o Indian Blood or the child, parent, or grandparent?

    Sometimes a parent tells another sta person at the school that they would like to decline TitleVII services. Contact that parent and clariy their intention. You know more about what we oerthan any other person at the school, and with diplomacy, you can determine i the parent really isdeclining services, or is simply under-inormed. They may be interested in hearing more about TitleVII services at your school, or our othe porgrams. Many elementary amilies have older students who

    could benet rom Project Puqigtut or example, or our sta at secondary schools.

    What is Title VII Indian Education?

    Title VII is a ederal grant program which oers servies to assist the District and amilies in their support oAlaska Native and American Indian students.



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    9. 506 FORMSWhy are 506 Forms important?

    We collect 506 Forms to veriy students eligibility or our services, and to secure ederal unding (theamount o our unding is based on the number o orms we receive). Every orm counts!

    What services and programs ds Title VII offer?

    Academic tutoring, cultural enrichment activities, summer programs, student internships, career andpostsecondary training and exploration, and the Native Advisory Committee (or parents, teachers, andhigh school students) are just some o the opportunities that we oer.

    How many Alaska Native and American Indian students are there in the District?

    More than 8,500.

    Where can I nd the current 506 Form?

    The Title VII website

    The District Connect Forms and Publications library

    Which students do I collect forms from?

    Alaska Native and American Indian students, as identied via ethnic codes given at registration, or verballyby the amily or student.

    Who is eligible for our services?

    A student who has a complete, eligible 506 Form on le with our department. Enrollment in Title VII doesnot obligate a student to participate.

    Why should I collect 506 Forms if there are no Title VII staff assigned to my school?

    All eligible students can utilize our District-wide programs and services, including our Evening Program,Summer Enrichment Program, and ater-school tutoring. All schools can also access our supplementalcultural enrichment resources.

    How much of the form needs to be completed?

    All o the requested inormation is required.


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    9. 506 FORMSWhat do I do with an incomplete form?

    Please ollow up with the parent or guardian by meeting at the school. I that is not possible, then plan ahome visit. Do not send the incomplete orm home, chances are it wont come back! I you need assistance,call (ext. 4449) or email Carla.

    Ds Title VII provide services to Canadian Indians, Central/South American Indians, or Native Hawaiians?

    No, our grant only allows us to provide services to eligible Alaska Native and American Indian students.

    What if a parent or guardian ds not have the documentation to complete a 506 Form?

    Ask the parent or guardian to ll out the 506 Form as completely as possible, and politely inquire about thepossibility o acquiring documentation. A great question to ask is whether there is a Certicate o IndianBlood (CIB) or the child, parent or grandparent. This is an automatic qualier. I they do not possess a CIB,but would like to apply or one, provide them with the Bureau o Indian Aairs contact inormation sheet.In any case, attach a brie note regarding the circumstances surrounding the partial orm when you send itin.

    What if students are adopted or in foster care?

    It is great to ask whether or not there is a Certicate o Indian Blood (CIB) or the child. Have the parent orguardian ll out the 506 Form as completely as possible. Foster parents may sign a 506 Form. They may beable to collect inormation at a meeting with the birth parent, or rom the caseworker. Caseworkers may becontacted ater speaking wot a oster parent. This is usually the most timely strategy.

    In the case o adoption, the adoptive parents may know the requisite inormation, or be able to contactthe Bureau o Indian Aairs in Anchorage to start the process o obtaining a CIB. Have the parent orguardian ll out the orm as completely as possible and politely inquire about the possibility o acquiringdocumentation. Attach a brie note regarding the circumstances to the partial orm when you send it to theTitle VII oce.

    In both o the above cases, the student will all o o your Missing 506 list i you let Carla know about thestudents status.

    I the parent or guardian intends to track down documentation, the orm will be marked IDpending or the school year until a completed 506 Form is provided.


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    9. 506 FORMS I the parent cannot provide documentation, the the orm will be marked not eligible. Any ID

    pending orms rom the previous year will be changed to not eligible. This can always be reversedi the parent or guardian provides a complete 506 Form.

    I the parent cannot provide even a partially completed 506 Form, email Carla with the studentsinitials, ID number, and a brie note.

    Do I need to collect a 506 Form for students who are enrolled in special programs, or who are receiving support

    services from other departments?

    Yes. There are many reasons a amily with a student in these situations may choose to complete a 506 Form:

    The student may receive services at school, including academic assistance and/or culturalenrichment, in an area outside o their IEP parameters.

    The student may participate in Title VIIs District-wide extracurricular programs.

    A completed 506 Form will help provide services to other Alaska Native and American Indianstudents.

    What if I sent a form home, called the family to follow up, and still have not received the form back?

    Remember, not returning a orm is not a reusal o services. The kitchen table vortex and the backpackvortex are strong. Brainstorm with other Title VII sta, make a plan, and try again. Call Carla at ext. 4449 iyou need assistance. Persevere.

    How often ds a 506 Form need to be collected?

    Once! A complete orm remains on le until that student graduates rom our District, or ages out.

    Where ds the signed 506 Form get led?

    Signed 506 Forms are led at the Title VII oce at the ASD Ed Center.

    Are any copies made of the original 506 Form?

    No. The 506 Form is a ederal orm and is not copied once the parent/guardian completes it.


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    9. 506 FORMSWhat should I do if a parent or guardian declines to complete a 506 Form?

    Parents can choose not to complete a 506 Form. Partial 506 Forms and/or emails with students ID numbersand initials may be sent to Carla, along with a brie explanation. The students record will be noted asparent declined, and their name will all o o your Missing 506 list.

    It is important to realize that diplomatic questions can sometimes lead to a completed orm. Ask theparent/guardian to tell you what they are concerned about. They may have declined services because theydont understand one or more o the ollowing:

    What Title VII services are, and how they are used at the school

    The breadth o extracurricular support Title VII oers students rom Kindergarten throughgraduation

    The act that eligibility does not obligate a student to utilize Title VII services.

    Example 1:

    Some parents are wary o pull-outs, especially those who have students in Kindergarten through

    1st grade. They may not want their child singled out, or missing academic instruction. I you thinka parent may have these concerns, ask them. I appropriate, reassure them that you will honor theirwishes or their child. This can help a parent eel comortable enough to complete the orm.

    Example 2:

    Preschool students with an eligible 506 Form on le can attend the Evening Program as long as aparent stays with them. Also, we may oer preschool services in the uture. Our programs are alwaysdeveloping.

    However, remember that i a parent or guardian tells you they do not want more inormation and they wish

    to decline eligibility, thats that. Send Carla the inormation, and do not attempt to contac the parent again,or any parents who have already been ocially marked parent declined on your student list.

    What should I do if a teacher or other staff member says that a parent declined Title VII services?

    Have a diplomatic conversation with the parent to clariy their intention. Communicate the results o thatconversation with Carla.


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    9. 506 FORMS

    Introduce yourself

    Hello, my name is _________________________, I am the Title VII (Youth Development Tutor/Community Counselor at _________________________.

    May I speak to the parent or guardian o _________________________ about some paperwork or theAnchorage School District?

    When you are speaking with the correct person

    I provide support services through Title VII Indian Education here at _________________________.These services include cultural activities (give examples) and academic tutoring on an as-needed basis.

    In order to be eligible to use these and other Title VII services, students need to have a completed eligibilityorm on le.

    I am sending home an eligibility 506 orm or _________________________ today in their backpack.There is an example orm attached. Would you please ll it out and send it back tomorrow?

    Wait or a response rom the parent:

    My student doesnt need services.

    Do you know about our other programs? We have many opportunities outside o the school day orstudents in Kindergarten through 12th grade (give examples, Evening Program, Summer EnrichmentProgram, Native Advisory Committee, etc.)


    It is great that your student is dong so well. These orms are how we access unding or a wholerange o services we oer. Can you help me to help other students who may need extra support?

    I lled out the orm already.



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    9. 506 FORMSCheck the students cumulative older and/or check with Carla at the ofce. Then call them back.

    I double checked on the orm. There is not a copy o the students 506 Form on le, so we dont havea complete eligibility orm or you child. I apologize. Would you be willing to complete another one?It would really help.

    Wait or a response rom the parent.

    I dont have the documentation.

    Is there a Certicate o Indian Blood or the student, parent, or grandparent?

    Wait or a response rom the parent.


    Please ll out the 506 Form as completely as possible. Since you have a CIB, you can writeCIB is attached on the other line on the orm, then attach a copy o the CIB to thecompleted 506 Form.


    Encourage the parent to contact the Bureau o Indian Aairs (BIA) here in Anchorage. Eveni their child is American Indian rom the Lower 48, the BIA can provide contact inormationor the correct regional BIA agency.

    We will mark the student as ID pending i you are seeking documentation. I you think you wontseek urther documentation, we will note that your student is not eligible. Will you seek urtherdocumentation?

    Wait or a response rom the parent.


    Great. You can complete the 506 Form at the time you receive documentation,


    Okay. I you ever decide do decide to pursue documentation, you can complete the 506


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    9. 506 FORMSForm at the time you receive it.

    Thank you or your time.


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    Title VII Indian Education5530 East Northern Lights Anchorage, AK 99504 907-742-4445 http://www.asdk12.org/depts/IndEd/index.asp

    August 2013-2014 School Year

    Dear Parent/ Guardian,

    Are you, your child, or his/her grandparent an enrolled member of an American Indian Tribe, Band or Group? Alaska Native Tribe or Corporation?


    Do you, your child, or his/her grandparent have a Certificate of Indian Blood?If so, your child can enroll in the Title VII Indian Education Program!

    Our goal is to support American Indian and Alaska Native students to meet and exceed state

    academic and cultural standards. Upon enrollment, your child may be eligible to participatein various (K-12) programs, including:

    Academic tutoring Cultural Enrichment Summer Programs Student internships and apprenticeships Scholarships, career and post-secondary training, and exploration Native Advisory Committee


    FORM (506 form). Please complete this form and return the original, signed form to

    your childs school office. Please include an enrollment number or a copy of CIB orTribal ID with the completed 506 form.

    The 506 form is needed to generate federal funding for the Title VII program.Enrollment inthe program does not obligate a student to participate.

    Perhaps your family does not have documentation or declines eligibility for Title VII Indian

    Education services. Please write no documentation or decline, the students name anddate of birth on the form and return it to your school office. If you acquire documentation or

    change your mind, please contact the Title VII Indian Education office at 742-4449

    Information about current programs and upcoming Native community events is available

    through our newsletters, the QR code below, or online at www.asdk12.org/depts/IndEd. Forfurther questions, please call 742-4449.


    Doreen BrownExecutive Director, Title VII Education Program

  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook


    OMB Number: 1810-0021

    Expiration Date: 04/30/2013



    WASHINGTON, DC 20202


    Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Title VII, Part A, Subpart 1

    Parents: Please return this completed form to your child's school. In order to apply for a formula grant under

    the Indian Education Program, your child's school must determine the number of Indian children enrolled. Any

    child who meets the following definition may be counted for this purpose. You are not required to complete or

    submit this form to the school. However, if you choose not to submit a form, the school cannot count your childfor funding under the program. This form will become part of your child's school record and will not need to

    be completed every year. This form will be maintained at the school and information on the form will not be

    released without your written approval.

    Definition: Indian means any individual who is (1) a member (as defined by the Indian tribe or band) of an

    Indian tribe or band, including those Indian tribe or bands terminated since 1940, and those recognized by the

    State in which the tribe or band reside; or (2) a descendent in the first or second degree (parent or

    grandparent) as described in (1); or (3) considered by the Secretary of the Interior to be an Indian for any

    purpose; or (4) an Eskimo or Aleut or other Alaska Native; or (5) a member of an organized Indian group that

    received a grant under the Indian Education Act of 1988 as it was in effect October 19, 1994.

    NAME OF CHILD ____________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________(As shown on school enrollment records)

    School Name ___________________________________________ Grade _____________

    NAME OF TRIBE, BAND OR GROUP________________________________________________________

    Tribe, Band or Group is: (check one)Organized Indian Group

    Federally Recognized, State Meeting #5 of the

    _____ Including Alaska Native _____ Recognized _____ Terminated _____ Definition Above

    Name of individual with tribal membership: _____________________________________________

    Individual named is (check one): _____ Child _____ Child's Parent _____ Child's


    Proof of membership, as defined by tribe, band, or group is:

    A. Membership or enrollment number (if readily available) _________________________ OROther (explain) _____________________________________________

    Name and address of organization maintaining membership data for the tribe, band or group:


    I verify that the information provided above is accurate:

    PARENT'S SIGNATURE _______________________________________ DATE ____________________

    Mailing Address _______________________________________________ Telephone _________________

    Notice: Public Reporting Burden Notice on Reverse Side

  • 7/27/2019 Title VII Staff Handbook



    According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a


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