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Page 1: TLC2016 - Driving Up Quality. Improving the quality of Blackboard Learn courses with an Exemplary Course Programme

Driving Up QualityImproving the quality of Blackboard Learn courses with an Exemplary Course Programme

Page 2: TLC2016 - Driving Up Quality. Improving the quality of Blackboard Learn courses with an Exemplary Course Programme

Driving Up Quality (Street…)

Improving the quality of Blackboard Learn courses with an Exemplary Course Programme

Page 3: TLC2016 - Driving Up Quality. Improving the quality of Blackboard Learn courses with an Exemplary Course Programme


Who we are

• Danny MonaghanSenior Learning [email protected] @Dan_LXIX

• Pete MellaLearning [email protected] @TheMella

• The University of Sheffield (South Yorkshire, UK)Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) TeamCorporate Information & Computing Services

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“It's not necessarily a technical issue, but some departments organise MOLE better than others.”

“MOLE is not easy to use. I don't think this is necessarily ITs fault though- information is put in different places and states opposing information about the same things e.g. assignment deadlines; more of a tutor problem. There is no consistency about how it is used across modules.”

“Teach professors how to better use MOLE as some of them use too many links to get to work.”

“MOLE is such a mess and hard to use. All the lectures are just all over the place and some not even updated.”

“MOLE is brilliant and the only way I can think of improving it involves the departmental staff - some lecturers don't organise where they upload files and it's frustrating to have a huge folder of random files.”

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Introductory presentation

Peer support between sessions

Show and tell

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“Really easy to access information; sorted into clear folders; just better than all other modules on MOLE so far!”

“Easy to navigate – other MOLE pages can be tricky to navigate.”

“Miles better than any other MOLE pages I have previously used.”

“[The course pages] are easy to navigate and are interesting. Helps to keep me engaged with the material.”

“The lectures slides were embedded in the page, with further explanations around them. This is much better practice than other modules where PowerPoints exist by themselves.”

“Pages were very interactive - this made understanding of material useful. Also liked the inclusion of videos, sample field notes.”

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• Improved courses!

• Great student feedback

• Greater consistency among lecturers’ courses

• Practice spreading among colleagues in departments

• Colleagues using their courses’ results as evidence in their professional accreditation (FHEA)

• Increased awareness and appreciation for Blackboard Learn’s capabilities

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• Getting it off the ground

• Lack of initial institutional buy-in

• Staffing issues

• Some confusion as to purpose of programme

• Some departmental processes for course structure do not match ECP rules

• Some peer review groups less engaged than others

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Introductory presentation

Peer support between sessions (in pairs)

Show and tell

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Introductory presentation

Loosely structured workshop

Peer support between sessions (in threes)

Show and tell

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What next?

• Use of alumni for feedback on future cohorts

• Promoting successes

• Faculty-focused sessions

• Implementing a new institutional course template using Exemplary practices

• Institutional-level awards

• Putting colleagues forward for Blackboard Awards

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Any questions?

• Danny MonaghanSenior Learning [email protected] @Dan_LXIX

• Pete MellaLearning [email protected] @TheMella

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