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Welcome to the California ACDA Summer Conference! 

The  California  ACDA  Summer Conference  at  ECCO  is  a  very  special gathering  of  choral  musicians  from throughout  the  state.  The  beautiful setting  and  intimate  atmosphere here have made for a wonderful tradition of mutual  support,  sharing  and  learning together for twenty‐eight years! 

Because  of  the  strong  spirit  of camaraderie that has developed, many attendees  come  back  year  after  year. This conference  is attended by a wide spectrum  of  choral  musicians representing every  facet and age  level of  the  choral  tradition.  You will most likely  find  many  friends  here  with 

whom you will have much in common. It makes no difference whether you are fresh out of college, a “seasoned” choral director, or retired; we all share a common passion and goal—to promote and nurture excellence  in choral music.  In  addition  to  workshops  by  our  headliners,  Marcia  and  Patrick Patton,  there  are  many  special  interest  sessions,  panel  discussions, conducting and voice classes, and group discussions  led by California ACDA members.  

It  is  our  hope  that  you  will  leave  ECCO  feeling  refreshed,  inspired,  and energized to begin a new year of music‐making!  



Program Contents 

  Program Schedule  Headliners & Presenters 

        Sunday  Acknowledgments 

        Monday  California ACDA Leadership 

        Tuesday  Past Headliners 

        Wednesday  Future ECCO Conference Dates 

      Student Scholarship Recipients   


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Program Schedule 


Sunday, July 27th    

3:00 – 6:00 pm  Registration  Lower Lyles West 


6:00 pm  Dinner  Lyles Dining Hall  

 6:45 pm  Orientation   First Timers: (for Professionals)    Lower Lyles West   First Timers: (for Students & Emerging Conductors)  Lower Lyles East 

7:00 pm   Plenary Session #1   Walters Chapel 

  “Packing for the Journey: Ports & Passages”  (Pat & Marcia Patton) 

8:30 pm  Presentation of the Swan Award  Walters Chapel 

  Chestnuts  (led by our distinguished Swan Award Winner) 

9:30 pm  Social Hour  Lyles Dining Hall 

9:30 pm              Registration open for late arrivals  Lower Lyles West  



Conducting and Voice Classes (Leaders and Locations) 

Advanced Conducting (Plenary Session 5)  (Pat Patton)  Walters Chapel 

Intermediate Conducting  (Patrick Walders)  Barton Room (Sherman) 

Beginning Conducting  (Jenny Bent)  Lower Lyles West 

Voice for the Novice Singer  (Lori Marie Rios)  Lower Lyles East 

Voice Masterclass  (Daniel Hughes)  Walters Chapel   


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Monday, July 28th  

7:30 am  Tai Chi Class  (Al Talberg)  Outside Lower Lyles   

8:00 am  Breakfast  Lyles Dining Hall  


9:00 – 10:15 am   Plenary Session #2  Walters Chapel 

  “Programming for the Rehearsal”      (Marcia Patton) 

10:30 – 11:45 am  Interest Sessions #1  

  Musical Imagination    Walters Chapel     (Robert Istad, California State University, Fullerton) 

  Soprano/Alto/Mudd: What to Do with Those Boys!  Lower Lyles West     (Roger Emerson, arranger, composer, educator) 

  Women’s Choir Reading Session  Lyles Dining Hall     (Jennifer Tibben, Artistic Director, Bella Voce) 

  Taking the Fear Out of Working with an Orchestra  Lower Lyles East     (Jonathan Talberg, California State University, Long Beach) 

  Building Community through Choir Retreats  Barton Room     (Tammi Alderman, San Marino High School) 



12:00 pm  Lunch  Lyles Dining Hall   


1:15 – 2:45 pm  Plenary Session #3  Walters Chapel 

  “Connecting With the Past: Stories and Styles”     (Pat Patton) 

3:00 – 4:15 am  Interest Sessions #1 (Repeated)  

  Musical Imagination    Walters Chapel     (Robert Istad, California State University, Fullerton) 

  Soprano/Alto/Mudd: What to Do with Those Boys!  Lower Lyles West     (Roger Emerson, arranger, composer, educator) 

  Women’s Choir Reading Session  Lyles Dining Hall     (Jennifer Tibben, Artistic Director, Bella Voce) 

  Taking the Fear Out of Working with an Orchestra  Lower Lyles East     (Jonathan Talberg, California State University, Long Beach) 

  Building Community through Choir Retreats  Barton Room     (Tammi Alderman, San Marino High School)  

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Monday, July 28th  (continued)  


4:30 – 5:45 pm  A Whole Lot of Nuts and Bolts 

  High School    Walters Chapel     (Keith Hancock , Tesoro High School) 

  Elementary School    Barton Room     (Tamara Stephens , Phillip Brooks School) 

  Junior High School/Middle School  Lower Lyles West     (Amanda Isaac, Norris School District) 

  Community Choirs    Lower Lyles East (Daniel Hughes, Artistic Director, San José Choral Productions) 

  Two‐Year College Panel    Lyles Dining Hall (Lou De La Rosa, facilitator, West Valley College) 

  Four‐Year College Panel    Coopman Room     (Robert Istad, facilitator, California State University, Fullerton) 


6:00 pm  Dinner  Lyles Dining Hall  

  7:00 – 8:30 pm  Plenary Session #4  Walters Chapel 

  “Programming for the Performance”       (Marcia Patton) 

8:45 pm   Ecumenical Worship Service  Walters Chapel 

    (Rick Fabian, All Saints Company) 

9:15 pm  Social Hour  Lyles Dining Hall   




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Tuesday, July 29th 



7:30 am  Tai Chi Class  (Al Talberg)  Outside Lower Lyles 



8:00 am  Breakfast  Lyles Dining Hall  


 9:00 – 10:30 am  Plenary Session #5  Walters Chapel 

  “Conducting Master Class”       (Pat Patton) 

10:45 – 12:00 pm  Interest Sessions #2 

  To Read or Not to Read—There Is No Question!  Barton Room     (Anne‐Marie Katemopoulos, Lincoln High School) 

  This Is NOT Your Grandfather’s Barbershop Style  Lower Lyles East     (Christopher Peterson, California State University, Fullerton) 

  Dalcroze Eurhythmics    Walters Chapel     (Jessica Schaeffer, MM Dalcroze Eurhythmics)  &      (Paula Zerkle, Moravian College, Pennsylvania) 

  Vocal Jazz: Repertoire = Success  Lyles Dining Hall     (John Byun, Riverside Community College) 

  Performance Practice in the English Renaissance  Lower Lyles West     (Jeffrey Benson, San José State University) 



12:15 pm  Lunch  Lyles Dining Hall   

 1:30 – 2:45 pm  Voice & Conducting Classes Part I   

  Advanced Conducting  (Pat Patton)  Walters Chapel 

  Intermediate Conducting  (Patrick Walders)  Barton Room (Sherman) 

  Beginning Conducting  (Jenny Bent)  Lower Lyles West 

  Voice for the Novice Singer  (Lori Marie Rios)  Lower Lyles East 

  Voice Masterclass  (Daniel Hughes)  Walters Chapel   

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Tuesday, July 29th  (continued) 



3:00 – 4:15 pm  Interest Sessions #2 (Repeated) 

  To Read or Not to Read—There Is No Question!  Barton Room     (Anne‐Marie Katemopoulos, Lincoln High School) 

  This Is NOT Your Grandfather’s Barbershop Style  Lower Lyles East     (Christopher Peterson, California State University, Fullerton) 

  Dalcroze Eurhythmics    Walters Chapel     (Jessica Schaeffer, MM Dalcroze Eurhythmics)  &      (Paula Zerkle, Movarian College, Pennsylvania) 

  Vocal Jazz: Repertoire = Success  Lyles Dining Hall     (John Byun, Riverside Community College) 

  Performance Practice in the English Renaissance  Lower Lyles West     (Jeffrey Benson, San José State University) 

4:30 – 6:00 pm  Plenary Session #6   Walters Chapel 

  “Children Will Listen”       (Marcia Patton) 

6:00 pm  Break   


6:30 pm  Social Hour  Lyles Dining Hall Deck 


7:00 pm  “GREAT GATSBY”  Lyles Dining Hall 

      Dinner and Dance! 




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Wednesday, July 30th  


7:30 am  Tai Chi Class  (Al Talberg)  Outside Lower Lyles 


8:00 am  Breakfast  Lyles Dining Hall  

  9:00 – 10:00 am   Voice & Conducting Classes, Part II   

  Advanced Conducting  (Pat Patton)  Walters Chapel 

  Intermediate Conducting  (Patrick Walders)  Barton Room (Sherman) 

  Beginning Conducting  (Jenny Bent)  Lower Lyles West 

  Voice for the Novice Singer  (Lori Marie Rios)  Lower Lyles East 

  Voice Masterclass  (Daniel Hughes)  Walters Chapel 

10:15 – 11:45 am  Plenary Session #7  Walters Chapel 

  “Rehearsal Efficiency”       (Pat Patton) 

12:00 pm  Slide Show  Walters Chapel 


12:15 pm  Lunch and Farewell  Lyles Dining Hall   Your completed survey is your meal ticket!   










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Headliners, Presenters & Facilitators  

Dr.PatPattonholdstheDoctorofMusicalArts and the Master of Music degrees inChoral Conducting from the Conservatoryof Music at the University of Missouri inKansas City. He received the Bachelor ofMusic in Education degree from theUniversityofWyoming.


andworkshopclinician.SomeofhiscreditsincludeconductoroftheAll‐NorthwestACDAWomen’sChoir, theNorthwestDivisionACDA9thand10thgradehonorchoir, theMinnesotaMENCAll‐State9thand10thgrademixedhonorchoir,andAll‐StateHonorChoirs in Colorado, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,NorthDakota,Oregon,SouthDakota,Washington,WestVirginia,andWyoming.

Dr.PattonisanadjudicatorforHeritageMusicFestivalstravelingthroughout the United States every spring. He has traveled toLondon for that same company as an adjudicator of bands,orchestras,andchoirs.

Dr. Patton traveled to Brazil as conductor of the WyomingPartners Chorale and presenter of workshops in choralconductingandinterpretationtocollegeprofessors,teachers,andstudents.HelaterreturnedtoBrazilasaguestoftheUniversityofBrasiliaofferingworkshopsinchoralrehearsaltechniquesandcivic choir organization. In addition, he traveled professionallywiththeU.S.O.overseasentertainmentorganizationandthe“UpWithPeople!”showsservingasleadguitarist,vocalarranger,andmusicaldirector.

The Casper College Collegiate Chorale has joined forces onnumerous occasions for the presentation of majorchoral/orchestral works including the “Requiems” of Brahms,Verdi, andRutter, theDvorak “TeDeum”, theVaughan‐Williams“SerenadetoMusic”,andOrff’s“CarminaBurana”.ThechoirhasjoinedwiththeHelenaSymphonyandChorale inapresentationofthePoulenc“Gloria”“CarminaBurana”,Bernstein’s“ChichesterPsalms”aswellasmanyothermajorchoral/orchestralworks.In

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addition,thechoirjoinedtheCheyenneSymphonyandWyomingSymphony in Casper for performances of Beethoven’s “NinthSymphony”.

Dr.Patton’sensembleshaveperformedonnumerousoccasionsatthe Wyoming State Music Educator’s National Conference andregionalACDAconventions.Hehaspresentedworkshopsatboththe state and regional levels for MENC and ACDA. He has alsobeen featuredasguest tenorsoloistwith theCasperSymphony,CasperCivicChorale, and theHelenaSymphonyandChorale. Inaddition to the regularly scheduled concert series, Dr. Pattondirects the annual Casper CollegeMadrigal Feast and serves asco‐director of the Casper College Jazz Festival. He is an activemember of the National Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi, MusicEducators National Conference, and the American ChoralDirectorsAssociation. 




























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Marcia Patton has taught music at alllevels (K‐12) in Casper, Cheyenne, andNewcastle,Wyoming, and at Olathe NorthHigh School in Kansas. She is retired aschoraldirectoratKellyWalshHighSchool,wheremultiple choirs underher directionwere chosen to perform on state andregionalACDAandMENCconventions.

She foundedtheCasperChildren’sChoralein 1979, after moving from Cheyennewhere she conducted the Cheyenne

Children’sChorus.ShewasUSRegionalawardwinneroftheHighSchoolActivitiesMusicEducatorAward,andtwicerecognizedasWyomingNortheastDistrictMusicEducatoroftheYear.Shewasrecognized multiple times as an influential educator for theNatrona School District #1 Academic Awards. Marcia has beenhonoredtoreceivetheNCSD#1MedallionofExcellence,the2005CasperRotaryCommunityServiceAward,andthe2007awardasCasper’s “WomanofDistinction”. In2002shewas theWyomingTeacherof theYear, and in2010washonoredasDistinguishedAlumna from the University of Wyoming College of Arts andSciences.

Marcia is past president of Wyoming ACDA (American ChoralDirectorsAssociation),servedthreetermsasNorthwestDivisionRepertoire and Standards Chair forWomen’s Choirs, and is thecurrentChildren’sChoirDivisionChair. She foundedand serveson the board for the Wyoming ACDA Children’s State HonorChoir, now in its 18th season. Marcia was named a nationalchorus expert by MENC (Music Educators National Conference,nowNAME), featuredas January2009“ChoralDirectorofNote”byChoralDirectorsMagazine, andhaspresentedandpublishedinterest sessions nationally for ACDA (notably “The VenusFactor”). She serves as a choral adjudicator for Heritage MusicFestivals, judging festivals in California, Florida, Texas, Nevadaand Colorado. Her musical experience as a performer andclinician has taken her to Europe, Southeast Asia, China, Brazil,Canada,andacrosstheUnitedStatesasanhonorchoirconductorin Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri,Montana, NorthDakota, Oregon, and SouthDakota. For her 7thtrippromotingWyomingmusicians,sheconductedchoirsforthe2013 Wyoming Ambassadors European Tour. She recently ledmiddleschoolstudentstoAustraliaasadelegationof“PeopletoPeople.”

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Tammi Alderman is director of Choral/VocalMusic at San Marino High School. She is alsoAdjunctProfessorofMusicCSUFullertonSchoolofMusicwhere she is auniversity supervisorofstudentteacher.Inthesummers,Ms.Aldermanison the choral faculty at Arrowbear SummerMusic Camp and the ChoralAdvantage programthrough the Pacific Chorale and CSU Fullerton.Ms.Aldermanhastaughtcollege,highschooland

middle school choirs in Colorado and California for thirteenyears.Choirsunderherdirectionconsistentlyreceivethehighestratings in festivals and competitions, locally and nationwide.Students from her choirs have been selected as members ofhonor choirs at regional, state, divisional and national levels ineveryyearofherteaching.

Tammi serves on the California Board of the American ChoralDirector'sAssociationastheAll‐StateHonorChoirsCoordinator.She has also served as the Chair ofHigh School Repertoire andStandards,andcoordinatorofYouthandStudentActivities.

Tammi is the assistant conductor of the Long Beach CamerataSingersandhasperformedasachorusmemberandsoloistwiththeDonaldBrinegarSingersandtheUSCChamberSingers.Sheisalso frequently called upon as an adjudicator and clinician forchoralsessionsandfestivalsinthegreaterLosAngelesarea.

She holds both her Master and Bachelor degrees in ChoralConducting and Music Education from Washington StateUniversity where she studied with Drs. Lori Weist, Julie Wieckand Paul Klemme. Tammi is a doctoral candidate at theUniversity of Southern California Thornton School of MusichavingcompletedhercourseworkandexamsforaDMAinChoralMusic.

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JeffreyBensoniscurrentlyDirectorofChoralActivities at San José State University in SanJosé,California.Previously,Dr.BensonservedasDirector ofChoralActivities andFineArtsDepartment Chair at H‐B WoodlawnSecondaryPrograminArlington,Virginia.TheWashington Post hails his choirs for singing“withanexquisiteblend,subtletyofphrasing,

confidentmusicianshipand fully supported tone…thatwouldbetheenvyofsomeprofessionalensembles.”

Dr.BensonhasservedascoverconductorfortheGrammyaward‐winning Washington Chorus, where he helped to prepare theensemble for Maestros Julian Wachner, Leonard Slatkin andMarvinHamlisch. In2006,Bensonwas invitedtoLaUniversidadAmericana in Managua, Nicaragua to assist the university informingthefirstacappellachoirattheinstitution.

Choirsunderhisdirectionhaveperformedonmultiplestateandregional conferences of ACDA and NAfME and have touredthroughout the United States and Europe, including invitedperformancesatTheJohnF.KennedyCenterforthePerformingArts, The White House and Washington National Cathedral.RecentlyDr. Benson’s choirs havebeen invited toperformwithAndrea Bocelli, the Los Angeles Festival Orchestra and theSkywalker Orchestra. In 2006, theWoodlawn Chamber Singersunder Dr. Benson’s direction were the only high school choirinvited tosingontheNationalConferenceofChorusAmerica inWashington,DC.

Dr. Benson is an activemember of theNational Association forMusicEducation,theAmericanChoralDirectorsAssociation,andtheNational Collegiate Choral Organization,where he currentlyserves as California National Board Representative. In 2002,ACDA recognized Benson with the first annual Colleen KirkAwardforhisoutstandingachievementasayoungconductor.

A formermember of the Choir ofMen andBoys atWashingtonNationalCathedral,Dr.Bensonisanactivesingerandafrequentguestconductorandclinician.Bensonwillconductseveralhonorchoirs on both coasts including appearances at Lincoln Center,Avery Fisher Hall and The Kennedy Center in 2013‐14. SantaBarbaraMusic Publishing recently released one of Dr. Benson’s

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folksong arrangements under the Charlene Archibeque ChoralSeries.

BensonreceivedhisMastersdegreeandhisDoctorate inChoralConducting/MusicEducationfromTheFloridaStateUniversityand his Bachelors degree in Music Education from New YorkUniversity. 





































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JennyBent,DMA, istheDirectorofChoralActivities at Sonoma State University. Sheis also Project Manager of Chanticleer’ssummer program, Chanticleer inSonoma. She is a graduate of BostonUniversity (BM in Voice Performance, MM

in Choral Conducting, MM in Voice Performance) and theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign (DMA in ChoralConducting and Choral Literature). Her teachers include AnnHowardJones,FredStoltzfus,RuthAnnSwenson,DavidBurnakis,SusanOrmont, and JeroldSiena. Shehasalsoworkedwith suchchoir eminences as Robert Shaw, Joseph Jennings, MatthewOltman,PeterBagley,DennisKeene,andJulianWachner.

In California, Jenny Bent’s choirs have received much acclaim,earningunanimoussuperiorratingsandcommandperformancesat choral festivals throughout the Bay Area and receivinginvitations to perform at such venues as Carnegie Hall andLincolnCenterinNewYorkCity.Shehastenyearsofexperienceasahighschoolmusiceducator,mostrecentlyhavingservedastheDirectorofVocalMusicattheMarinSchooloftheArts.From2002‐2007 she was the artistic director and conductor of theaward‐winning teen treblechoir,Chantons.Dr.Bentalsoservedon the voice faculty of the Boston University TanglewoodInstitute, which is part of the Tanglewood Music Center, thesummerhomeoftheBostonSymphony.

In addition to her academic work, Jenny Bent serves as anadjudicator for such organizations as the California MusicEducators Association, the American Choral DirectorsAssociation, Golden State, and a clinician for choirs throughouttheBayAreaandbeyond.ShealsoenjoyshostingtheradioshowThe Choir Loft on KRCB, the Sonoma County National PublicRadioaffiliate. 









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JohnByun receivedhisBachelorsofMusicinVocalPerformancefromtheUniversityofCalifornia, Irvine and hisMasters in ChoralConductingfromCaliforniaStateUniversity,LongBeach.HeisthedirectorofChoralandVocal Activities at Riverside City College,where he directs the Chamber Singers andthe Vocal Jazz Ensemble. Mr. Byun is also

the artistic director of the Temecula ValleyMaster Chorale andthe RiversideMaster Chorale. He has been the guest conductorforseveraldistricthonorchoirs,theSCVAMen’sHonorChoir,theCentral California Women’s Honor Choir, Texas Honor ChoirRegion9, theClarkCounty,NVHonorChoir,andadjudicator forthe Kiwani Choral Festival in Vancouver. The RCC ChamberSingers have performed at the ACDA Western DivisionalConferenceinTucsonandtheNationalConferenceinChicagoandat the NCCO (National Collegiate Choral Organization) nationalconference in Colorado. They often have opportunities toperformwithspecialguestartistssuchasDonShelton(memberoftheHi‐Lo’s),GrammyAwardWinnerJonSecadaandaschorusfortheStarWarsinConcert.Mr.ByunrecentlylaunchedtheJohnByun Choral Series with Pavane Publishing, O vos omnes byRichardBurchardandONataLux,BornofLightbyKevinMemleyandWitnessbyStaceyGibbs.HeresidesinTemecula,CAwithhiswifeMaryandchildrenMikailandJade. 


















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LouDeLaRosa,DirectorofChoralandVocalStudies at West Valley College, received hisBA Music in Voice and MA Music in ChoralConducting from SanJose State Universitywhere he studied with Dr. CharleneArchibeque.He has taughtmusic in San Josefor 29 years, thirteen of which were atAbraham LincolnHigh School, an Academic,Visual & Performing Arts Magnet, where heserved as the Music and Performing ArtsDepartment Chair. He was named Teacher

oftheYear in1991and2002,andreceivedcommendationfromtheWVCAcademicSenateforCommunityInvolvementin2010.

His choirs regularly receive first‐placeawardsatnationalmusicfestivals and competitions, the most recent being UnanimousSuperior at the Napa ChoralClassic in 2011. In 2001, both hisConcert Choir and Chamber Choir were named FestivalSweepstakeswinnersfrommorethan250choirsthatperformedallseasoninMusicfestOrlando,Florida.

His choirs have performed in theKennedyCenter andCarnegieHall, as well as venues on tour in Europe, Florida, Hawaii, andthroughout California. While atWest Valley College, Lou hascollaboratedwithnumerouschoirsincludingTheChoralProject,Australian Voices, San Jose State University Choirs, SantaClaraUniversity Chamber Singers, Symphony Silicon ValleyChorale, Santa Clara Chorale, Viva La Musica, and has guestconductedTheWinchesterOrchestraofSanJose,TheSantaClaraChoraleandSymphonySiliconValleyChorale.

BeginningwithhisappointmentaschoraldirectoratWestValleyCollege in 2004, Lou De La Rosa’s vision for the vocal musicprogram has been to make WestValley College a destinationschool for two‐year college students seeking to major in vocalmusic. To that end, students from as far away as Petaluma andGilroycometostudymusicatWestValleyCollege,andmanyhavetransferredto institutionssuchasSFConservatory,UCLA,Biola,WichitaState,MannesCollegeofMusicaswellasSJSUandSCU.

Lou De La Rosa has actively served his peers on professionalorganizations:elevenyearsontheSanJoseTeachersAssociationRepresentative Council; eightyears on the CMEA Bay SectionBoardofDirectors;sixyearsontheExecutiveBoardofDirectors

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for theMusicAssociationofCaliforniaCommunityColleges; andheisinhisthirdyearontheExecutiveBoardofDirectorsfortheCalifornia chapter of theAmericanChoralDirectorsAssociation.LouhasorganizedhonorchoirsandchoralfestivalsforCaliforniaACDAandCMEABaySection, andhasbeenguest conductor fornumeroushonorchoirsthroughouttheState.Heisavocalmusicadjudicator for ACDA, CMEA, Heritage Festivals, and otherorganizations. 



































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Withover425titles inprint,and11millioncopies in circulation, Roger Emerson is aprofessional composer and arranger withover 900 choral titles in print and over 30million copies in circulation.He is themostwidely performed composer/arranger ofpopularchoralmusicintheworldtoday.Hisworks include the choral arrangements ofJosh Groban’s “You RaiseMe Up,” “Season’sofLove,” fromRENT, “DefyingGravity” from

WICKED, “Joyful, Joyful” fromSISTERACT, “Don’t StopBelievin’”fromGLEE, aswell as best selling choral arrangements, “Didn’tMyLordDeliverDaniel,” “O SifuniMungu” and “Riversong.”Mr.Emersonhasbeen the recipient ofASCAP’s StandardAward for20 years running and his works have been performed at theWhite House, Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center, and hasbeen applauded by environmental groups for his musical,Assignment:Earth,WhatKidsCanDoToSaveThePlanet.He is inconstant demand as a lecturer on popmusic and the changingvoice and has appeared at numerous MENC and ACDAconferences.

His contribution to theTeen SeriesMusicalswas recognized byinclusion in the Grammy balloting for 1987. In that same yearQuincy Jones applauded him for his work on Hot Summer, atribute to Donna Summer. Joe Preposo of Sesame Street famegaveRoger the supreme compliment onhis arrangement of thehit, Sing when he said, “Finally, someone has done somethingcreativewithmysong!”












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Richard Fabian is President, All SaintsCompany,SanFrancisco.

Hewas educated at theChoate School andYale University, where he graduatedSumma Cum Laude with ExceptionalDistinctioninChineseStudiesin1965.

He won a Mellon Fellowship to Clare College, CambridgeUniversity,England:thereearnedanM.A.in(modernEuropean)Historyin1967.PreparedfortheEpiscopalianpriesthoodattheCollegeoftheResurrection,Mirfield,England,andreceivedM.Div.from the General Theological Seminary in New York in 1970.During seminary, he assisted at the Church of St Edward theMartyrinEastHarlem,beginningaworkingpartnershipwithFrDonaldSchell,amarriedEpiscopalpriestthatcontinuestoday.

HereturnedtoYale,serving1970‐1976asEpiscopalChaplainatYale, Lecturer in History, and Resident Fellow of SaybrookCollege.He re‐built a bankrupt chaplaincy in collaborationwithFr.Schellandstudentvolunteers.

HemovedtoSanFranciscoin1976asChaplaintotheEpiscopalBishop of California.With the Bishop’s encouragement in 1978,FabianandSchellfoundedStGregoryofNyssaEpiscopalChurchin a rented chapel. In 1995 St Gregory’s built a new sanctuarydesigned by John Goldman at De Haro & Mariposa Streets onPotreroHill:thesanctuaryhasreceivedanAmericanInstituteofArchitectsawardforthebestreligiousarchitectureintheUnitedStates, and repeatedattention in theNewYorkTimes, aswell asnationalchurchperiodicals.

StGregory’s liturgydrawswidelyfrommanytraditions,andhasan international reputation as a center for the development ofChristian worship. Services feature high participation, opendiscussion,much congregationalmusic, and congregational folkdance. The 330 members welcome mixed lifestyles (singles &families,straight&gay)andarecomparativelyyouthful(averageage 44). A weekly volunteer food pantry distributes groceriesfrom the altar to 300 needy families. Education for adults andchildrenfillseachweek’scalendar.BishopWilliamSwing,formerBishop of California, calls St.Gregory’s “theEpiscopal Church ofthefuture.”FabiansteppeddownasFoundingRectorin2008.

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Fabian taught New Testament and Liturgics at the CaliforniaSchool for Deacons for 24 years. He is a member of theinternationalSocietasLiturgicaandtheNorthAmericanAcademyofLiturgy,andleadsworkshopsintheUnitedStates,Canada,andEurope.HehhaspresentedseminarsontheteachingofJesusandPaul at San Francisco Zen Center and numerous EpiscopalParishes.Co‐Chairs thediocesanLiturgyandMusicCommission,andservesontheDiocese’sChinaFriendshipCommittee.

Fabian’s church music compositions are published in variousEpiscopalian service books:Hymnal1982;ChurchHymnalSeriesV; Music for Liturgy II. Articles on worship appear inencyclopedias and journals: The Complete Library of ChristianWorship(vol.III‐V);Open;MinistryJournal.

He pursues a second calling as Board Chairman of Echo RockVentures,aCaliforniafirmbuildingtelecommunicationsfacilitiesintheUnitedStatesandLatinAmerica.

HepursueshislifelonginterestinChinathroughlanguagestudy,travel and art, supplying paintings and furniture for museumexhibits.HehaseditedNewSongsonAncientTunes:19thand20thCentury Calligraphy and Painting from the Richard FabianCollection.(Honolulu 2007) He has visited China a dozen timesrepresenting the Episcopal Church, lecturing at academicconferences,andtouringmuseumsandhistoricsites.

Other active passions include music and athletics. Swims dailyandcompeteson threeSanFranciscoBayArea teams.Won fivegoldmedalsattheGayGamesinAmsterdam(1998)andSydney(2002); swam roughwater races at Maui and Waikiki. Bicyclesoften, and cycled the 580‐mile California AIDS Ride from SanFrancisco to LosAngeles in 1999, 2001 and 2008. Inwinter hesnowboards in Colorado and the Sierras. Plays the harpsichord,andsupportsBayAreabaroquemusicgroupsasaboardmemberand zealous concert‐goer. St Gregory’s Church hosts musicconcertsandfolkdanceeventsthroughouttheyear.

Fabian’s fatherdied in1999, andhismother in2008;his sisterandbrother‐in‐lawarehorseranchersinArizona.FabianlivesinSan Francisco’s Cow Hollow. Several of his godchildren livenearbyandarehischiefjoy.

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Mr.KeithHancock is in his 12th year teachingthis year, all at Tesoro High School. In his timethere,hehasbuiltthechoralprogramupfrom35students in two choirs to 200 students in fivechoirs. In 2012, Mr. Hancock was awarded theSecondaryVocalMusicTeacheroftheYearbytheOrangeCountyDepartmentofEducation.TheTHSMadrigalsunderhisdirectionrecentlyacceptedan

invitation to perform at the 2012 ACDA Western DivisionConvention,oneof thehighesthonors forahighschoolchoir inthe U.S.The Madrigals also won the 2008 Golden State SouthChoral Competition, and in 2011, A Cappella won the GoldenState South Women's Choral Competition.Madrigals and ACappellaperformedtheMozartRequieminCarnegieHallinNewYork in 2009 and again in 2012. In 2005, 2010, and 2011, thebarbershopquartetunderhisdirectiontookfirstplaceintheFarWesternDistrictHigh SchoolQuartet Championship.Tesorohasbeenrankedinthetop100ofallhighschoolmusicprogramsbythe Grammy Foundation. The Tesoro choirs have never earnedless than superior at a festival, and the choirs tour annually,performing locally as well as international locations such asSpain, England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, andMexico. In addition to his work as the choral director andguitar/commercial music instructor at Tesoro, he has vocaldirectedandplayedpianoforthelasttwelvemusicalsatTesoro,LegallyBlonde(OCCappiesBestMusical),MeandMyGirl,GuysandDolls, Fiddler on theRoof (OCCappiesBestMusical), Crazyfor You, How to Succeed..., Into the Woods, My Favorite Year,Seussical, Das Barbecü, and Lucky Stiff. He alsoworkswith thetheaterartsdepartmentpreparingstudentsforvariousfestivals.

InadditiontohisworkatTesoro,Mr.HancockhasservedontheConservatoryofMusicfacultyatChapmanUniversity.PerforminghasalwaysbeenapartofMr.Hancock’slife,andhehasstarredinsuch shows as Snoopy!, Godspell, TheMystery of EdwinDrood,Annie,PeterPan,TheSoundofMusic,FiddlerontheRoof,Oliver!,andHello,Dolly,andheperformedtherolesofCurly(Oklahoma)andMarius(LesMiserables) inrevueperformancesatChapmanUniversity.Hehasalsoperformedseveraltimesasasoloistwiththe Cypress Pops Orchestra, and onstage at the Orange CountyPerforming Arts Center and the Hollywood Bowl. Mr. Hancock

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holds a M.A. in Education and a B.M. in Music Education andChoral Conducting (Summa cum Laude) from ChapmanUniversity,wherehewasaPresidentialScholarandwasawardedthe Choral Conducting and the Music Education Awards. Inaddition,hehasmusicandcomputersteachingcredentials,andiscertified in theKodalymethodology.He also received extensivemusicaltheatretrainingwhileattendingtheOrangeCountyHighSchooloftheArts.InadditiontoworkingatTHS,Mr.HancockisthemusicdirectoratCompassBibleChurchinAlisoViejoandisaprofessionalportraitandweddingphotographer(seehisworkatwww.belcantophotography.com).Healsodoesfreelanceworkasapianist,vocalist,accompanist,arranger,andrecordingengineer.HeisamemberoftheAmericanChoralDirectorsAssociationandSouthern California Vocal Association. Mr. Hancock has beenmarried to his beautiful wife and fellow music teacher, Carly,since2003,andtheyhavetwosons,JoelandChase.

























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Daniel Hughes is in constant demand as aconductor, accompanist, coach and choralclinician. He serves as the Artistic Director &Conductor of San José Choral Productions (anorganizationwhosevisionis“tohealourworldthrough music and words”) where he directsMenharmonics — a critically‐acclaimed men’schorus dedicated to celebrating diversity,creating community, and forming fellowshipthroughqualitymusicalperformance;aswellas

the internationally award‐winning ensemble The Choral Project— a mixed‐voice vocal ensemble specializing in dramatic,conceptual performance of high‐level choral music from themedieval period to the contemporary — whose mission is “toconnect to one another through choral theater, education andmusical excellence.” Under his direction The Choral Project hasreceivedworldwiderecognition,performing tostandingovationcrowds in the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, England,Scotland,Wales, and Spain. The ensemble has also received topprizes in internationalcompetitions throughout theworld.TheyhaverecordedsevencompactdiscsontheGothicRecordslabel.

In addition to his work with San José Choral Productions, Mr.Hughes also serves as the Chancel Choir Director for Los AltosUnited Methodist Church, in Los Altos, CA— a 2,500member,multi‐staff church that features two adult choirs, two youthchoirs, two children’s choirs, and a resident orchestra. Hugheshas directed many sessions in Vocal Pedagogy and ConductingTechnique for the American Choral Directors Association, theAmerican Guild of Organists, the California Music Educators’Association, and GALA Choruses. He has been a regularadjudicator for theCaliforniaGolden StateChoral Competitions,andhasconductedhonorchoirsandfestivalchorusesthroughoutthewestcoast.Collaborationsincludeinternationalperformanceswithwell‐knownensemblessuchasCanadianBrass,CostaRica’sCaféChorale,TheAustralianVoices,theSanFranciscoGayMen’sChorus, concertswith thecriticallyacclaimedSan JoséChamberOrchestra, and creative work with award winning Broadwaycomposer & lyricist Stephen Schwartz. Hughes’s concertappearances includeperformancesatLincolnCenter (NewYorkCity), Caulkins Opera House (Denver), Gusman Concert Hall(Miami),andDaviesSymphonyHall(SanFrancisco).

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Hughesbeganstudyingpianoandcompositionattheageoffour.Hehasextensivetraininginpianoandvoice,andholdsaMasterof Arts degree in Conducting. 1st place ~ Conductor’s ChoiceRound,2ndplace~RequiredPiecesRound,and3rdplace~FolkCategory(2007CaliforniaInternationalChoralCompetition);2ndplace ~ Mixed Choir competition (58th annual InternationalEisteddfod); 4th place ~ Small Ensemble Category (35thInternational Choral Competition, Gorizia, Italy); the 2nd placeaward (ACDA National Student Conducting Competition); theChristina CadenaMemorial Accompanying Scholarship; and theCaliforniaArtsScholarAwards forpianoandcomposition.He isalso a recipient of Arts Council Silicon Valley’s 2013 Artist’sLaureate Award (“On Stage” category), The American PrizeAward for Choral Direction, and a 2010 Silicon Valley Arts &BusinessAwardfor20+yearsofexcellenceintheartsintheSanFrancisco Bay Area. He is an accomplished composer andarrangerwithacatalogueofnearly100works,andhashisownchoral series through Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Mr.Hughes’s biography is featured in Who’s Who in America. HemaintainsaprivatemusicstudiointheBayArea.  























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Amanda Isaac lives up to the moniker “crazymusiclady”andlovesit!Shecurrentlyteaches2nd& 3rd grade classroommusic at three elementaryschools and directs twelve choral groups rangingbetween5th through8th grades, fourofwhich areat the juniorhigh, in theNorris SchoolDistrict inBakersfield,CA.Mrs.IsaacholdsbothaBAandMAinMusic fromCSUChico andKodály CertificationfromMcNeeseStateUniversity.Sheistheincoming

PresidentofherlocalMEA,co‐chairofhercounty’sannualhonorchoir, hosts an annual middle school choral festival and holdsactive memberships in CMEA, ACDA, and OAKE. Her choirsregularlyearnsuperiorsatfestivalsandherstudentsparticipateincounty,division,andnationalhonorchoirs.AmandaisalsotheDirector of Music for First Congregational Church, UCC inBakersfield. Outside of musical pursuits, she enjoys simplepleasureswithherfamily. 


























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Dr. Robert Istad is Associate Professor andDirector of Choral Studies at California StateUniversity, Fullerton where he conducts theUniversity Singers and Women’s Choir inaddition to teaching courses in conducting,advanced interpretation and literature. Underhisdirection,theCSUFUniversitySingershaveperformed all over the world, includingengagements at the 2012 Ottobeuren Festival

ofMusic, the 2012 Eingen Festival ofmusic, a performance forUNESCOinPisa,Italy,andintheworld‐famousLisztAcademyofMusic in Budapest, Hungary. Most recently, he and his singerswerefeaturedatthe2012ACDAWesternDivisionConferenceinReno,Nevadaandthe2013ACDANationalConferenceinDallas,Texas. Hehasprepared choruses forGustavoDudamel and theLosAngelesPhilharmonic,CarlSt.ClairandthePacificSymphonyOrchestra,Esa–PekkaSalonenandtheLosAngelesPhilharmonic,NicholasMcGeganandthePhilharmoniaBaroqueOrchestraandKeithLockhartandtheBostonPopsEsplanadeOrchestra,aswellas conductors Vasilly Sinaisky, Sir Andrew Davis, BramwellTovey, Thomas Wilkins, John Williams, Richard Kaufman, EricWhitacre,WilliamLacey,GiancarloGuerrero,MarinAlsop,GeorgeFenton, Robert Moody, John Alexander, William Dehning, andDavidLockington.Dr. IstadreceivedhisBachelorofArtsdegreein music from Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, hisMasterofMusicdegreeinchoralconductingfromCaliforniaStateUniversity, Fullerton and his Doctor of Musical Arts degree inchoralmusicattheUniversityofSouthernCalifornia.HestudiedconductingwithDr.WilliamDehning,JohnAlexanderandDr.JonHurty. Istad is also the Artistic Director of the Long BeachCamerataSingersandLongBeachBachFestival, is theAssistantConductor of the Pacific Chorale, and is in demand as anadjudicator, guest conductor and guest clinician throughout thenation. 







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Anne‐MarieKatemopoulos has taught atAbrahamLincoln for the past twenty‐three years, where sheteachessixchoirs,coachesthesingersinthemusicaltheatre productions, and serves as the chair of theMusicDepartment.SheisagraduateofSanJoséStateUniversitywithaB.A.inMusicPerformance(Voice)andanM.A.inChoralConducting.

Miss Katemopoulos is the recipient of numerous awards andaccolades,includingtheCarmenDragonMemorialScholarshipinConductingfromtheCSUSystemandChevron,theDistinguishedAlumnusawardfromtheSJSUSchoolofHumanitiesandtheArtsAlumni Association, and Teacher of the Year for Lincoln HighSchool, among others. In her spare time, she loves reading,travelingandherguiltypleasure,facebook.  




























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ChristopherPetersonisProfessorofMusicat California State University, FullertonwherehedirectstheCSUFConcertChoir,theTitanMen’s Chorus, and teaches classes inchoral music education. In spring 2011 hewas named the 2010‐2011 Cal StateFullerton ASI Outstanding Educator of theYear.Dr.Petersontaughtmusicinthepublicschools of Maine for nine years, including

elementary, middle, and high school music instruction. From2001–2007hewasAssistantProfessorofMusicattheUniversityof Wisconsin‐Milwaukee, and during that time he was alsoconductor of theMilwaukeeYouthChorale, a high schoolmixedhonor choir affiliatedwith theMilwaukeeChildren'sChoir. He istheauthorofarticlespublishedintheMusicEducatorsJournal,isacontributingauthorforthetextbookseriesExperiencingChoralMusic, published in the United States by Glencoe, and is SeriesEditor, composer, and choral arranger for Hal Leonard’s CloseHarmony Series for Men and the Close Harmony Collection.Recentlyheheld thepositionof StateChoralRepresentative forthe California Music Educators Association (CMEA), and iscurrentlytheCMEASouthernSectionPresident.Petersonisalsothe current SouthernRegional Representative for the CaliforniaChapteroftheAmericanChoralDirectorsAssociation(ACDA).Dr.Petersonmaintainsanactivescheduleasachoralclinician,guestconductor,andjudgeforfestivalsandchoralperformanceeventsacross theUnited States and internationally. In that capacity hehas been invited to thirty states, five Canadian Provinces, andeightcountries includingEngland,Sweden,Germany, Japan,andNewZealand.Inhissparetime,ChrissingsbasswiththeMastersofHarmony,eight‐timeInternationalMen’sChorusChampionsofthe Barbershop Harmony Society. He earned the Bachelor ofScience in Music Education from the University of SouthernMaine, and the Master of Music in Choral Conducting from theUniversityofMaine.HeearnedtheDoctorofPhilosophyinChoralMusic Education and Conducting from Florida State UniversitywherehestudiedwithRodneyEichenberger,AndréThomas,andCliffordMadsen. 




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Dr. Paula Ring Zerkle is an associate musicprofessor and the Director of Vocal Music atMoravianCollegeinBethlehem,Pennsylvania.Sheconducts Moravian Choir and Vocalis, a small acappellachoralensemble.She teachesconductingandmusicianship and was the faculty advisor toDelta Omicron, an international music honors

fraternityfor10years.ZerkleisaPhiBetaKappagraduateoftheUniversity of California at Berkeley with a B. A. in Music andFrench.ShereceivedtwoM.M.degrees inchoralandorchestralconductingfromtheStateUniversityofNewYorkatStonyBrook,and has a doctorate in choralmusic from IndianaUniversity inBloomington, Indiana. She has studied Dalcroze Eurhythmics attheLongySchoolofMusicforseveralsummersandcontinuestoexplore the connection between Dalcroze movement andconductinggestures.Zerkleisanadjudicator,clinician,andguestconductor for choral festivals, competitions, and workshops inPennsylvania and surrounding areas. She is a member of theAmerican Choral Directors Association, College Music Society,International Alliance for Women in Music, InternationalFederation for ChoralMusic, and theMusic Educators’ NationalConference, and has been nominated for two awards by theConductors’ Guild. Zerkle was a member of the board of thePennsylvania chapter of the American Choral DirectorsAssociationfortwoyears,wheresheorganizedtheannualWorldMusic Honor Choir. Before coming toMoravian, she taught andconducted at Lewis‐Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho andMountUnionCollegeinAlliance,Ohio. 














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LoriMarieRios is inher7th year asAssociateProfessor of Music at College of the Canyons,where she conducts the Chamber Singers andVoices of the Canyons. She also administratesthe Individualized Voice Program and teachesvoice. Lori Marie is currently President of theCalifornia chapter of the American ChoralDirectorsAssociationandservesontheregional


PriortoherappointmentatCOC,shedirectedthechoralprogramat La Cañada High School. Her choirs have appeared at theAmerican Choral Directors Association Regional (2004) andNational Conventions (2007). The choirs at La Canada alsoperformed at the CaliforniaMusic Educators Conferences. From1991–1999,shewasDirectorofChildren’sMusicatSt.MargaretMary Parish School. Lori Marie also is an adjunct professor atPasadenaCityCollegeandtheChoralEducationWorkshophostedbyCaliforniaStateUniversity,Fullerton.Shehastaughtvoiceandgraduate‐levelconductingatCSULosAngeles'summergraduateprogram and is a facultymember and Assistant Director of thechoral‐vocal facultyof the IdyllwildArts SummerProgram.LoriMariehaspreparedchorusfortheLosAngelesBachFestivalandtheDonBrinegarSingers.ShemadeherWaltDisneyConcertHalldebut in2006as the soprano soloist inMozart’sRequiem.As asinger, Lori Marie has worked under such conductors as PaulSalamunovich, Don Brinegar, Jonathan Talberg, and GrantGershon.

Additionally, Lori Marie has presented workshops for theAmerican Choral Directors Association, the Nevada MusicEducatorsAssociation,andtheCanadianRockyChoralEducationAssociation. She is in high demand as a choral clinician, guestconductorandadjudicator.Shehasconducteddistrictandstate‐wide honor choirs and will be conducting the Reno All‐StateMiddleSchoolHonorChoir later in2014.LoriMariealsositsonthe Los Angeles Bach Festival Board of Directors. She holds aMaster'sofMusic degree inConductingandVocalPerformancefromtheUniversityofNevada,RenoandaBachelor'sofMusicinChoral Studies. She wishes to thank her past teachers andmentors, including Don Brinegar, BruceMayhall, Vance George,and Rodney Eichenberger for her continued personal andprofessionalsuccess.

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Travis Rogers has been the choral musicinstructor at Napa High School since1980. Under his tenure, the program hasquadrupled in student enrollment andexpanded from three to six choral classofferings.

The Napa High Choirs annually involve nearly400singersonapublichighschoolcampusthatenrolls1,800studentsingrades9‐12.Wellover

half of the singers in the program are young men. Ensemblesfrom the NHS choral music program have traveled extensively,including nine international performance tours, and have wonnumerous honors, including eleven Golden State choralcompetitionfirstplaceawards.

Mr.Rogershasbeenamemberof theCaliforniaACDABoardofDirectors for the past sixteen years and has served theorganization as President, Summer Conference (ECCO)Chairperson,conferenceaccompanist,andpresenter.Inaddition,He has served the choral community in northern and centralCaliforniaforoverthirtyyearsasanadjudicatorandclinicianandhasconductednumeroushonorchoirs.

His interestsession"HighSchoolYoungMen: Nowthatyougot'em,whatareyougonna'dowiththem?"willfocusonrecruiting,managing,motivatingandleadinghighschoolmaleswithlittleorno prior singing experience to success in the choralart.Repertoirethathas"worked"inbeginningtoadvancedmaleensemblesatNapaHighSchoolwillbeincludedinthesessionaswell.  












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JessicaSchaefferisanactiveprofessionalteacher and harpist in the Bay Area. Shereceived her formal musical education atInterlochen Center for the Arts, AspenMusic Festival and School, NorthwesternUniversity (B.M. Harp Performance).

Jessica'spassionformusicpedagogyandaccessibilityleadhertothestudyofDalcrozeEurhythmicsatTheLongySchoolofMusicwhere she earned an M.M. and Certification in DalcrozeEurhythmics. She has served as faculty with the ConcordConservatory of Music and Tufts University Preparatory MusicProgram. A multi‐dimensional musician, Jessica continues toexplore and develop the many facets of music‐making withothers,beitperformingwithherduoTheHarpoons,collaboratingwith medieval musicians, or working with her colleagues topromoteDalcrozeEurhythmics. 

























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TamaraStephenshasbeenaK‐8teacherfor13years. She is themusic director at The PhillipsBrooks School in Menlo Park, California whereshe teaches general music pre‐K through fifthgrade, beginning band, and the Phillips BrooksChorus. Her students have participated in boththe ACDA and OAKE national honor choirs.Tamara is the director of “Repertoire”with thePeninsula Girls Chorus. She holds a master’sdegreeinmusiceducationfromtheUniversityof

Arizona and a BA in vocal performance fromWhitman College.Shewasamemberof theSanFranciscoSymphonyChorus from2009‐2013. Tamara was a member of the vocal jazz ensemble“Half Dozen of the Other” touring nationally and featured withLindaRonstadt inseveralperformancesandrecordings.Tamarais Kodály certified in levels I and II and is amember of OAKE,ACDA,andCMEA. 

























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Al Talberg brings a lifetime of teaching,enthusiasm, empathy, and positivity to hiscurrentpositionasatravellingT’aiChiteacher.He has taught the energy focusing and healthimproving tenets and techniquesofT’ai Chi tothousands of students of all ages for over adecade.84yearsyoung,Alteaches18classesaweek, and looks forward to sharing andinspiring people through his “positive outlookon life and a vision of the future that includes


A former camp counselor and director,Wayne State UniversityAlum,KoreanWarveteran,ownerofamedicalsupplycompany,salesmanofprecisiontools,avidbridgeandpokerplayer,Tigers,AngelsandLakersfan,AlishusbandtoCarolfor60years,fatherto Sheri, Barry and Jonathan, grandfather to Michael, Anthony,andKayla, step‐grandfather toMikeandAlex, great‐grandfatherto Brianna and Andrew and friend to just about everyone he’severmet. 























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Dr.JonathanTalberg,DirectorofChoral,Vocal,andOpera Studies and Associate Director of theConservatory, is conductor of the nationallyrenowned CSULB Bob Cole Conservatory ChamberChoir. He has twice conducted at the MusicEducator'sNationalConferenceregionalhonorchoir,

at the 2008 and 2012 American Choral Directors WesternConvention and 2009 and 2013 National Collegiate ChoralOrganization Conferences, at numerous All‐State choir concerts,andinvariousvenuesthroughoutEuropeandAsia,includingtheSistine Chapel, St. Peter's and St. Mark's Basilicas in Italy, theKarlskirche inVienna, theMatyasTemplom inBudapest, andatthe Great Hall of the People in China. In constant demand as aguest conductor,hehasworkedwithall levelsof singers—fromelementary to professional—throughout the United States andEurope.HehaspreparedchoirsfortheCincinnatiSymphony,theLong Beach Symphony Orchestra, the Los Angeles MasterChorale, the Pacific Symphony and the Pasadena Pops. Dr.Talberg isMusicDirector at First Congregational Church of LosAngeles, where he conducts both the Cathedral Choir and theCathedral Singers, a 16‐voice professional chamber choir thatsings weekly in service. He also serves as director of the LosAngeles Bach Festival,which celebrated its 80th anniversary inOctober.

PriortohisappointmentatCSULBin2000,Dr.TalbergservedasConducting Assistant to the Cincinnati Symphony and theCincinnatiPopsandasprincipal choral conductoratArrowbearMusicCamp.Beforegraduateschool,hetaughthighschoolchoirinOrangeCountyandattheLosAngelesCountyHighSchoolfortheArts.Aten‐yearmemberof theCaliforniaACDAboard,he iscurrentlyservingasPast‐President.HeisalsoaneditoratPavaneMusic Publishing, where a choral series is published under hisname.

Ofthemanyhatshewearseachday,theoneheismostproudofisasmentortothenextgenerationofchoralmusicians.AlumsoftheBobColeConservatoryChoralStudiesprogramare teachingatelementary,middleandhighschools,aswellascommunityandfour‐year colleges throughout the country. Recent Bob ColeConservatorygraduatesarecurrentlyearningtheirdoctoratesinchoral music at the University of Michigan, the College‐Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati, Indiana

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University, the University of Kentucky, the University of Iowa,andtheUniversityofSouthernCalifornia.

Dr.TalbergreceivedhisBMinChoralConductingfromChapmanUniversity andhisMMandDMA inChoralConducting from theUniversity of Cincinnati's College‐Conservatory of Music. Hecompletedapost‐doctoralfellowship,graciouslyunderwrittenbythe Oliver Family Foundation, with the Cincinnati SymphonyOrchestra, Cincinnati Pops, and the May Festival Chorus. Histeachers include Roger Wagner, William Hall, Earl Rivers, JohnLemanandElmerThomas. 























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JenniferTibbenservesastheconductoroftheReno Philharmonic Chorus. She currentlymaintains anactiveprivate voice studio in theReno area and serves as the choir director atDamonte Ranch High School. She is also amember of the faculty at the University of

Nevada,Reno,servingasavoiceinstructor.ShereceivedherMMinVocalPerformance fromUNR inMay1997. She receivedherBA from Gustavus Adolphus College, May 1992, withmajors inmusicandbiology.

As a conductor, Jennifer serves as the Artistic Director andconductor of Bella Voce, a select community women’s choralensemble. She has received a Sierra Arts Foundation grant forherworkwithBellaVoce.Inthefallof2010,Jenniferfoundedacommunity men’s choral ensemble, Orfeo. She also currentlyconducts the adult choir at Lutheran Church of the GoodShepherd.JenniferhassungoperaroleswithUNRLyricOpera,aswell aswithNevadaOpera. Shehas also served as soloistwiththeRenoChamberOrchestra,RenoBaroqueEnsembleandwiththeRenoPhilharmonicOrchestra. She is a frequent recitalist inthe area. Jennifer serves as the American Choral DirectorsAssociation Western Division Women’s choir Repertoire andStandardschair,and isanactivememberofbothACDAand theNationalAssociationofTeachersofSinging. 

















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A native of Buffalo, NY, Patrick Waldersmaintains an active career as a professionalvocalist, music educator, church musician,clinician, and conductor.He isDirector of ChoralStudieswithin the School ofMusic and Dance at

SanDiegoStateUniversityconductingtheAztecConcertChoirandSDSU Chamber Choir. He teaches undergraduate and graduateconducting classes, literature courses, and ear training. Hisresearch interests include Vocal Pedagogy, diction, and rehearsaltechniques in ensemble settings, and how dance and movementrelatestoconductinggesture.HeisFounderandArtisticDirectorofthe annual San Diego Summer Choral Festival designed to giveteachers,churchmusicians,students,amateurs,andprofessionalsahigh‐quality summer choral performing outlet. His wife and hefounded a non‐profit arts organization called the SanDiego ProArteVoices which is the Ensemble‐in‐Residence at the SanDiegoSummer Choral Festival. The San Diego Pro Arte Voices exists tobring the arts together, providing traditional and cutting‐edgeperforming outlets for artists and audiences. Dr. Walders is onfaculty for the Chorworks Summer Music Workshop based inWashington,DCanddirectsVociperl’Arte,aprofessionalchamberchoir supplementing theworkshop.Highly active in theAmericanChoral Directors Association, Dr. Walders is a past‐President ofVirginiaandisacurrentmemberofCaliforniaACDA.HeservedasDirectorofChoralActivitiesatJamesMadisonUniversity(Virginia)forsevenyearswherehedirectedtheaward‐winningJMUChoraleand Madison Singers, developing the largest undergraduate andgraduatechoralprogram in thecommonwealth.For four seasons,he was the Associate Conductor of the National PhilharmonicChorale,andArtisticDirectoroftheNationalPhilharmonicSingersbasedatthestate‐of‐the‐artPerformingArtsCenteratStrathmore(Washington,DC).Dr.Waldershasbeenaprofessionalsoloistandchorister throughout the northeastern United States and morerecently, in southern California. Currently, he is amember of theBach Collegium San Diego, Pacific Bach Project, and Orpheus. Dr.Walders holds a bachelor's degree in music education from theState University of New York (SUNY) College at Fredonia, amaster'sdegree inchoralconducting fromtheWestminsterChoirCollege and a doctorate in conducting from the University ofMaryland‐CollegePark.Hehastaughtpublicschool(7‐12thgrade)inwesternNewYorkandisapublishedarrangerofchoralmusic.Heispassionateaboutteachingfutureandcurrentmusicteachersanddirectors,enablingthemtobesignificantambassadorsnotjustforchoralmusic,butforallartforms.

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 RyanBlauvelt,AshliRulien,ClarieEdelmann &theJWPepperStaff SheetMusic

JanLanterman Registrar

TravisRogers Accompanist

KenAbrams PartyPlanning

BurtVasché HospitalityChairperson

FresnoPianoGallery GrandPiano http://www.fresnopianogallery.com




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California ACDA Leadership  

Executive Board 



Regional Representatives 





Events & Communications 



Repertoire & Standards Chairs 








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Past ECCO Headliners 

1986 DonaldNeuen1987 EphEhly1988 WestonNobleandCharlotteAdams1989 PaulSalamunovich1990 RalphWoodwardandBarbaraTagg1991 RenéClausenandJeanAshworthBartle1992 HughSanders1993 RodneyEichenberger1994 Jo‐MichaelScheibeandLynnGackle1995 WilliamHatcher1996 AlbertMcNeil1997 MackWilberg1998 AliceParker1999 WestonNobleandBettyBertaux2000 AntonArmstrong2001 PaulSalamunovichandSharonPaul2002 AndréThomas2003 RenéClausen2004 EphEhly2005 JingLing‐Tam2006 Jo‐MichaelScheibe2007 HenryLeck2008 Z.RandallStroope2009 RodneyEichenberger2010 RolloDilworth2011 JoshuaHabermann2012 JoeMillerandDoreenRao2013 GeoffreyBoers


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Future ECCO Dates 

July26–29,2015 EdithCopley,Headliner



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ECCO 2014 Student Scholarship Recipients 










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