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Download - tobacco


Fer lara.

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•Tobacco and cigarettes and tar

•Carbon Monoxide

•Other Tobacco products


•Early effects

•Social and Emotional Health effects



•Respiratory Diseases

•Cardiovascular Diseases

•Other health problems

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•Physical dependence

•Drug addiction

•Psychological dependence





•Using medicines

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•Peer pressure



•Ways to refuse tobacco products.

•Positive peer pressure

•Social health



Products: Tobacco, cigarettes and


100% expanded




Tobacco per cigarette 363 mg 667 mg

Tar per cigarette 12.4 mg 21.7 mg

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Products:Carbon Monoxide

Is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless

gas that is slightly lighter than air. It is

toxic to humans and animals when

encountered in higher concentrations.

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Other tobacco products What are other tobacco products?

Other tobacco products are any tobacco products, other than

cigarettes, which are used for smoking or chewing, or both, and

snuff. This includes, but is not limited to, cigars, snuff, pipe

tobacco, cigarette tobacco, blunt wraps, and chewing tobacco.

Cigarette papers are not considered other tobacco products.


Effects: Early effects


Infertility and impotence


Cardiovascular disease and other diseases of the arteries

Gangrene, often resulting in the loss of limbs

Various cancers, especially lung cancer

Less oxygen to the brain and heart

Shortness of breath

Increased blood pressure

Gum disease

Smelly breath and stained teeth Index: 1

Effects: social and emotional


Emotional effects are mood swings, and addiction.

Therefore, if your supply ends you may have a

terrible mood swing.

Social effects are that you can separet of your

family and friends.

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Diseases: cancer

Cancer is a group of diseases in which the body

produces abnormal cells derived from the tissues

themselves more or less close to the original from

which they originate, and can behave in different

ways, but generally tend to bring the death to the

person who comes without proper treatment.


Diseases:Respiratory disease

Respiratory disease is a medical term that encompasses

pathological conditions affecting the organs and tissues that

make gas exchange possible in higher organisms, and

includes conditions of the upper respiratory tract, trachea,

bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, pleura and pleural cavity, and

the nerves and muscles of breathing. Respiratory diseases

range from mild and self-limiting, such as the common cold,

to life-threatening entities like bacterial pneumonia,

pulmonary embolism, and lung cancer.

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Diseases:Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular disease is a class of diseases that involve

the heart or blood vessels.Cardiovascular disease refers to

any disease that affects the cardiovascular system,

principally cardiac disease, vascular diseases of the brain

and kidney, and peripheral arterial disease. The causes of

cardiovascular disease are diverse but atherosclerosis

and/or hypertension are the most common. Besides, with

aging come a number of physiological and morphological

changes that alters cardiovascular function and lead to

subsequently increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even

in health asymptomatic individuals.

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Diseases:other health problems

Allergies and Immune System


Birth Defects & Genetic Problems

Bladder, Kidneys & Urinary Tract


Bones, Muscles & Joints

Brain & Nervous System


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Glands, Hormones, and Diabetes

Heart & Lungs


Learning & Emotional Problems

Sight, Speech & Hearing


Stomach, Intestines & Liver

Teeth & Mouth

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Nicotine is a SoulSeek client written in Python, based on the

PySoulSeek project by Alexander Kanavin. It features,

among other things, a completely rewritten graphical user

interface which uses the PyGTK-2 toolkit and a less strict

user request policy.

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Adiction:Physical dependence Physical dependence refers to a state resulting from chronic

use of a drug that has produced tolerance and where

negative physical symptoms of withdrawal result from abrupt

discontinuation or dosage reduction.Physical dependence

can develop from low-dose therapeutic use of certain

medications such as benzodiazepines, opioids, antiepileptics

and antidepressants, as well as misuse of recreational drugs

such as alcohol, opioids and benzodiazepines. The higher

the dose used, the greater the duration of use, and the

earlier age use began are predictive of worsened physical

dependence and thus more severe withdrawal syndromes.

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Adiction:drug adiction

Drug addiction is a dependence on an illegal drug or a

medication. When you're addicted, you may not be able to

control your drug use and you may continue using the drug

despite the harm it causes. Drug addiction can cause an

intense craving for the drug. You may want to quit, but most

people find they can't do it on their own.

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Adiction:Psychological dependence

In the APA Dictionary of Psychology, psychological

dependence is defined as "dependence on a psychoactive

substance for the reinforcement it provides."Most times

psychological dependence is classified under addiction.

They are similar in that addiction is a physiological "craving"

for something and psychological dependence is a "need" for

a particular substance because it causes enjoyable mental


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Withdrawal is the group of symptoms that occur

upon the abrupt discontinuation or decrease in

intake of medications or recreational drugs.

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A relapse is when you do the same thing, but are unable to

stop yourself because you make a negative judgment of your

abilities or culpability. As a result, you abandon your efforts

to quit smoking.

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Is the process of discontinuing the practice

of inhaling a smoked substance.Cessation

can be achieved with or without assistance

from healthcare professionals or the use of


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Quitting:using medicines

Medicines can double your chances of quitting - although

this is still a 20 per cent success rate at 12 months, rather

than 10 per cent.

There are three types of pharmaceutical products to help you


nicotine replacement therapy

buproprion (Zyban)

varenicline (Champix).

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Why people use:peer presure

People use peer pressure to dare kids in school to do things

they do not want to do. Most of the time the people who dare

people are to scared to do the dare themselves so they dare

other people to see if they will do it. And if they don't the

person who gave the dare will call them names or insult

them until they do what they wont and most of the time the

person who finally gives in to the dare gets in trouble and the

darer doesn't because in the US there is freedom of speech.

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Why people use:modeling

The people use modelig because they

want to be like them, if the model

smokes, the person will smoke.

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Being tobacco free:Ways to

refuse tobacco products.

1. just say no

2. give a reason

3. leave

4. Change the subject or influence others

with you not smoke or use tobacco

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Being tobacco free:Positive peer


Here are some good things friends can pressure each other

to do:

Be honest

Avoid Alcohol

Avoid drugs

Not smoke

Be nice

Respect others

Work hard

Exercise (together!)

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Being tobacco free:Social health

social health is less intuitively familiar than that of

physical or mental health, and yet, along with

physical and mental health, it forms one of the

three pillars of most definitions of health.

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smoking is a

step to liberty.

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