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  • 8/13/2019 Todo Trios


    1.- Its time you learned to ______ up the fact that were losing Money.

    2.- You cant keep running away from difficult decisions . Its time to ______ the music.

    3.- I really cant ______ the idea of doing the whole thing again. 8

    1.- With this new government, there are signs that the economy is starting to _____ up.

    2.- I went to ______ over my friends new house last night.

    3.- My advice is never ______ back, just think about the future. 9

    1.- Tourist inevitable _____ to the main square in the old town.

    2.- A ____ of geese suddenly flew overhead.

    3.- Most of the farmers ______ have been infected with the mysterious virus. 10

    1.- I will try with all the ______ at my disposal.

    2.- The situation is by no ________ hopeless.

    3.- The llama is the ________ of transport in that part of the world. 11

    1.-I think its probably a question of _______ over the matter.

    2.- I dont suppose he would _________ if you borrowed hisbike.

    3.- I dont _______ standingdown if you think thats best. 12

    1.- The less ________ about this, the best.

    2.- Thats easier _______ than done.

    3.- He is ______ to be one of the richest men in the world. 13

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    1.- The birds build their nest in early September and begin to ______ their eggs two weeks later,

    always being look out for predators.

    2.- The press speculated whether the new tele- communication company was going to ______

    cables on the sea bed to improve the existing system.

    3.- On my responsibilities at home is to ____ the table in the evening 14

    1.- Marijuana isnt not regarded as a ______ drug. Thats why some countries are thinking of letting

    people use it, at least for medical purposes.

    2.- Its ______ to believe that here are no good people out there. Im sure you can find some good-

    natured individuals in this area.

    3.- Im trying to spare you learning things the _________ way. Follow my advice and you dont need

    to make mistakes. 15

    1.- Holmes, immediately spotted two _______ marks on the neck of the victim which he thought

    might have been left by the snake.

    2.- Dont __________ the hand that feed you. It was me who got promoted and now, Don, you are

    plotting behind my back. Shame on you!

    3.- Fred , can I have some of your apple?. Sure, have a _________ 16

    1.-Im absolutely ________ the horse will win the race. Theres no doubt about it !

    2.- It came as a shock to her husband when she tested ________ for a sexually transmitted disease.

    3.- The guru stresses the power of ________ thinking in his lectures, saying it helps to

    overcome problems and reduce stress. 17

    1.- It was one of the gangs member that ________ the agent has cover as he had seen him in

    uniform before.

    2.- Feeling tired, Linda put away the book _______ out the candle and went to sleep.

    3.- Separatists ________ up several bridges in the province sending a violent attack. 18

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    1.- Each time he grinned showing the girl his ______ teeth , she became more convinced that she

    didnt want to spend her days looking an octogenarian.

    2.- She brought herself a dog which gave her a _____ sense of security. It was small and couldnt

    bark loudly.

    3.-One _______ move and you will be pushing up the daises, so stay were you are. 19

    1.- I didnt know about her problems. They never came to my __________

    2.- The _________ on the wall of the building said No entry

    3.- Its next to impossible to organize relief at such short _______. We need some more time to

    make it work. 20

    1.- 1.- The house on the outskirt of the town was in a sorry ________ It desperately neededrenovating.

    2.- For years the two neighboring countries were in a ________ of war.

    3.- Those who came to the airport were able to see a few head of ______ coming out of the plane.


    1.- When in the pub, Frank usually ______________ up attractive girls sitting at the tables which

    makes his wife see red.

    2.- Im sorry Im so busy at the moment . Im up to my _________ in work.

    3.- Youve got tobe very careful doing business with the Russian. Hes a bit fishy. I advise you have

    ______ in the back of your head. 22

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    1.- She looked awful in her tattered coat with a big dirty _________ on the sleeve.

    2.- The towns anniversary was round the corner.To _________ the occasion, the officials built a

    huge bridge spanning the two banks of the river.

    3.- Ive have forgotten to put an exclamation ________ in this sentence. Such a mistake may cost

    you a low mark. 23

    1.- Running in the treadmill is said to be the most effective exercise that will _____ you calories likenothing else.

    2.- once youd downloaded the song, the copyright allows you to _________ a maximum of three

    CDs for your own use.

    3.- Connie, poor???? You must be joking. She has got money to _________ Wait till you see her

    mansion. 24

    1.- Ill tell you something Jane. Never trust men, they only offer _________ promises which they

    dont keep.

    2.- Despite the achievement, the athlete strongly believed that his life was ______ and without any


    3.- Did the customs officers really ask you to __________ your pockets and show their contents?


    1.- Its true that the pay in the ___________sector is higher but working for a governmental agency

    guaranties peace of mind.

    2.- Dont get me wrong, but I prefer keeping my professional and ________ life separate.

    3.- What are you going to hear in this moment is _______ and you arent to revealthis information

    to anyone. 26

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    1.- Its easy . You have to _______ out unnecessary words in some of the sentences.

    2.- The vehicle looked a bit strange at the show. It was a __________ between a car and a


    3.- It didnt ________ his mind that Louise was a spy working for the Israelis. 27

    1.- The villagers are worried that the river may ________ its banks this year round. Last year vast

    area of farmland were under water.

    2.- it was a surgical strike. When the missile hit the target, the building _______ into flames.

    3.- Suddenly the door _________ open and the group of masked men rushed into the bank. 28

    1.- He saved thousands of Jews from the Holocaust when the country was under the Nazi rule, an

    extraordinary _____________ of courage in those times.

    2.- Look at you ! You are an adult, James __________your age and nobody will ever tell you that

    youre irresponsible.

    3.- We have to _____ immediately to help this war torn nation rebuild itself before its too late. 29

    1.- Would you be so kind as to _______ on the dotted line? I need to have your consent in black

    and white.

    2.- After much deliberation, the president decided to ______ the new legislation.

    3.- It took Miriam only a few days to learn the rudiments of _____ language to help the deaf. 30

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    1.- He turned to be an asset to the company, always _______ to help his colleagues when they felt

    overburdened with work.

    2.- Lisa has shown a _______ interest in martial arts. She has seen all Bruce Lee films.

    3.- I must say Im not that _________ on going out with Luke. He is a bit scruffy for my taste. 31

    1.- With high _________ rates, clients are not likely to borrow money from financial institutions.

    2.- He attended a few classes, but lost _______ and started hanging around with fishy people from

    the local boxing club.

    3.- The daily features all kind of topics of general _______ to the pubic. 33

    1.- At university Katy was a _______ student. Needless to say, she passed all her exams with flying


    2.- This new ______ of the car can reach 100 kpm in just 6 seconds.

    3.- I hate it when she tries to _____ herself on Britney Spears. She looks and sounds so unnatural!34

    1.- The country prides itself on having the most national parks and _________ reserves in the

    world, as has often been given as an example for others to follow.

    2.- Fiona gave the ________ away when she began giggling behind his back. This made him


    3.- They were sitting in the armchairs hunching over the desk and playing a _______ of chess. 35

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    1.- This pastry is disgusting . I wouldnt ever recommend that you _____ it. I think it might have

    gone off.

    2.- To tell the truth, you have bad ________ in clothes. Why dont you read some fashion


    3.- Red cars are a bit too extravagant for my ______ I prefer blue or light green. 37

    1.- He planned to stay in a box with 1000 scorpions for three months, an act which was supposed to

    put all the other entertainers in the __________

    2.- When the sun reaches the zenith, they wanted to find some ______ to escape from the

    scorching rays.

    3.- The artist uses a combination of light and _______ in his drawings to highlight certain recurring

    circles in our lives. 38

    1..- After a short period of severe winter, plants came to ______ again displaying their gorgeous


    2.- Moving west gave her a new lease of __________ . The climate was better and the people were

    more hospitable.

    3.- Lisas parents were unaware that she was leading a double _______. Actually nobody knew she

    had become a drug addict. 39

    1.- Yes, you are right. I shouldnt have reacted that way. I _______ you a sincere apology.

    2.- Dont forget you still _________ me 5 pounds. You wont get away with this!

    3.- They always feel extremely grateful for his kind help and support. In fact ,they think they

    __________ everything to him. 40

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    1.- Praise and your tender loving care can ___________ up your child self-esteem and help him to

    become a responsible person.

    2.- Let me think, officer. The man was in his late thirties , dark and of muscular ________, with a

    tattoo on his left arm.

    3.- Now that tension an radical hatred is out of the way, we need to ______ bridges between thetwo countries. 41

    1.- Living under a totalitarian _______ is always very difficult for free-thinking individuals.

    2.- If you go on feasting on junk food, its going to have a devastating effect on your digestive


    3.- The question whether there are intelligent living forms outside the solar _______ has always

    perplexed scientist as well as philosophers. 44

    1.- Take necessary precautions when travelling on public transport, somebody may pick your_______________.

    2.- He reached into the inside _________ of his jacket to produce his passport, but it was gone.

    3.- The whole town was his. Even the major was in his ________. In fact, nobody could challenge his

    position. 45

    1.- The story was that the shipwrecked survivor made it to a ___________ island.

    2.- A group of vultures were cycling over his head as he was making his way through the


    3.- I love you so much that I will never ________you for another woman, honey. My love is

    unshakable. 46

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    1.- He was exempt of military ________on grounds for his poor health.

    2.- Our network of garages make it a point to __________ all cars regardless of where they came


    3.- The food is excellent here, but the _______ leaves much to be desire. 47

    1.- Claire was visible shaken by the assault and it took a while before she managed to ______ down

    and tell him what had happened.

    2.- The genocide was describe as totally unexpected , but it shouldnt have . Expert had warned thatthe relatively peaceful atmosphere was only the _______ before the storm.

    3.- Nick took pleasure in going to the park which, for him, was an oasis of _____ in his hectic and

    tumultuous life. 48

    1.- Im really worried about our father. Hes getting old fast and now he seems to be in ______


    2.- _______ old Mike fins hard to rubbish shoulders with his peers. No wonder his parents feel sorry

    for him.

    3.- If I were you , I wouldnt buy it. Look at this material. Its obvious its of _______ quality. 49

    1.- I think you may have to act _________ a peacemaker.

    2.-_________ a point of principle, I think its Mary who should speak first.

    3.- I see this _______ a final chance of peace. 50

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    1,- I dont think the agreement will work in its present ______________.

    2.- The four countries ____________ the United Kingdom.

    3.- What _______________ of alliance do you want? 51

    1.- He survive 12 years in prison __________ to die of a heart attack the day after he was released.

    2.- If we had ________ planned more carefully, we wouldnt be in this mess.

    3.- Please welcome to one and ________ George Clooney. 52

    1.- There was an intense ___________ for places!

    2.- There was a phonein _________ for which the first prize was a seat at the final.

    3.- This governments policy is to encourage ____________ between business. 53

    1.- When the management refused to blow down to the workers demands, they ______________

    a general strike.

    2.- Realizing that the situation was getting out of hand, the president _______________ in troops o

    restore order in the capital.

    3.- He pulled up his lorry in the middle of the road, got out and ran to the damage car. Fortunately ,

    the driver, a young woman was still alive . He immediately ____________ an ambulance. 54

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    1.- I know what may cheer you up. Lets see a good comedy . It ll certainly ________________

    you in a good mood.

    2.- Little children with their unpredictable behavior always __________________ my patience to

    the test

    3.- George dont you think that I ve ____________ on some weight recently?. Honey, I loveyouanyway! 55

    1.- Miranda was surprised when she saw her signature on the dotted _____________ She cant be

    that stupid to sign the document.

    2.- The unemployed were standing in a ___________ queue for their turn to take free soup from

    the charity.

    3.- Hurry up, the president is on the _______________________ and wants to talk with you. 56

    1.- Scientist were astonish when the volcano which had been dormant for the last 200 yearsbecame ______________ again endangering the lives of the inhabitants of the island.

    2.- The captain died on _________ service in Vietnam War.

    3.- Despite her advanced age, she was very ____________________, still on the go pottering round

    in the garden and jogging every day.57

    1.- His father took pains to inculcate a _______ of duty in his heart. Later he came to be a

    responsible person.

    2.- Its not intelligent that you need to choose friends. Its common _________ that can safeguard

    you against certain individuals.

    3.- Entering this old German bunker , visitors can ____________________ the atmosphere of

    conspiracy that prevailed in the place during the last days of the Nazis regime.58

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    1.- Can you lend me some money. Im stone ___________ at he moment.

    2.- With the support of his family he eventually ______________________ his smoking habits for


    3.- The curtains went down and the audience _____________ the silence with a thunderous

    applause. 59

    1.- The local community was appreciative of the businessmansgenerous gesture to improve the

    state of the school. he really ____________________ the day by donating more than 100000


    2.- The working day was drawing to a close.He ___________ all the documents he had made so

    far by clicking the icon and left the office.

    3.- She ____________________ enough money to enjoy life to the full without having to work for

    the rest of her days. 60

    1.- Ive got something to tell .. fire away Im all __________________

    2.- his pleas for more money spend on education tell on deaf _______________

    3.- Im afraid I cant see you tomorrow . Im up to my ____________ in work. 61

    1.- The aim of this task is to ___________________ your knowledge of vocabulary.

    2.- The drug company has decided not to ___________ its products on animals in the future.

    3.- In order to ________ out his new theory, the scientist has taken over the university laboratory.


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    1.- In the __________ term , there is very little chances of funding for further research into the


    2.- there will be a _________ break after the next lecture to give students the chance to grab a


    3.- After climbing to the top of the stairs, the elderly professor was rather ________ of breath.63

    1.- The scientist proposal to do further research into his subject has been _______ by the financial


    2.- When there is a total eclipse, the moon completely __________ out the light of the sun.

    3.- The road to the airport has been completely __________ by the overturned lorry. 64

    1.- If the college buys its computer equipment in bulk, it might get a special ________________ from

    the supplier.

    2.- There has been a great ___________ of the money invested in research into the global warning in

    recent years.

    3.- Some people complain about having to walk home in the dark , but for me its no big _______ 65

    1.- As the weather deteriorated , it became obvious that we would have to ________ back and find a

    hotel in the town wed just pass through.

    2.- When you see the hotel on your left, you need to ________ right immediately afterwards.

    3.- If you____________________ the piece of paper over, youll see my address on the back.66

    1.- Terrys in the__________ _of applying for a new job with a pharmaceutical company.

    2.- Scientist are developing a new ___________________ that will allow minerals to be extracted

    from waste.

    3.- You must check the temperature at each stage in the cheese- making ___________________67

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    1.- Noemi is a very approachable woman and people find her ___________ to talk to.

    2.- My grandmother thinks that I have a very ________ life compared to her experience of being a


    3.- Its __________ to see how so many people support the local team who have done so well in

    recent seasons. 68

    1.- I suspect that the new tax on airline fuel is really aimed at raising revenue rather than at _______

    the planet !

    2.- If you buy goods online, you will be ___________ yourself the effort of going to the shops.

    3.- Fiona was rather extravagant and _________ regularly did not come easy to her. 69

    1.- They asked George to take ___________ of the project.

    2.- There is a small____________________ for using a swimming pool.

    3.- Melanie was put in __________ of ordering stationary for the whole office.

    1.- This bag comes from the companys mid- priced _________ of accessories.

    2.- The mountain ________ in the Tibet is one of the most familiar images in the natural world.

    3.- there is a wide ________ of food available in restaurants in London. 70

    1.- Under the new law, cigarettes can only be advertised at the __________ of sale.

    2.- Please hurry up and get the ___________. Im leaving in five minutes.

    3.- Its often hard to grasp the ___________ Bens trying to make. He never thinks before he

    speaks. 71

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    1.- I was at a loss to know what to say when she told me the bad news.

    2.- the company made a huge _________ of over $ 10 million last year.

    3.- After the accident , graham suffered from a temporary _________ of memory. 72

    1.- The boss set a upper _________ for the amount of overtime anyone could do in the week.

    2.-We dont have extra money . Our finances are stretched to the limit.

    3.- Theres no _____________ to what you can achieve if you really try. 73

    1.- Remember to keep your ______ on the weather so that you dont get caught in the rain.

    2.- they bought the shares with an _______ to making a quick profit.

    3.- Although they knew about the planned party, the boys parents decided to turn a blind

    ________ and let it go ahead. 74

    1.- Rules about the use of kitebuggies on the beach only apply during the tourist season.

    2.- If you want to get good results at the end of the year, you need to _________ yourself to your


    3.- Anyone interested in the job is invited to _________ before the last day in June. 75

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    1.- Your keyboard needs to stand on a _______ surface at a confortable distance away from the


    2.- Whichever type of car you hire, with this deal you pay a _________ rate of 30.00 per day.

    3.- The landscape to the south of the resort is rather _______ and uninteresting compared to the

    hilly area to the north. 76

    1.- According to a recent _________ the number of science graduates is likely to fall in the future.

    2.- Nolf decided to turn one room in his new flat into a _________ so that he could keep his work

    and his family life separate.

    3.- In the 19th century , it was not usual for wealthy people to devote themselves to a life of study.


    1.- It is ______ to find a shop that gives truly personal service this days.

    2.- One CD by that group is no longer available in the shops and was classed as ________ in the

    online auction.

    3.- I have joined an organization that is dedicated to helping preserve ________ species of

    butterfly. 78

    1.- The office staff couldnt get the new printer to _______properly.

    2.- unfortunately , Tims idea for a new office layout didnt ________ out in the end.

    3.- Clare has to _________ towards a solution to the problem over several months. 79

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    1.- Tom and Angela were disappointed not to receive a _________of cutlery as a wedding present.

    2.- The college is drawing up a __________ of rules regarding in the library the use of computer


    3.- Elsa has been collecting star wars figures for 12 years and needs one more rare figure to

    complete the ________.80

    1.- As sales continue to decline Patrick had no ________ but to close down the business.

    2.-At the new shopping center , customers will find a wide ______ of goods on display.

    3.- although Sally Green would have been Pauls choice for the job , other members of the

    interview panel had different ideas. 81

    1.- So did you ________ any conclusions once youd completed your research into theissue?

    2.- People not need to learn how to ___________ these days as most designs can be created on a


    3.- To decide who had won the first prize, the organizers of the competition decided to _______ the

    names out of a hat. 82

    1.- Tonys story about the dog was rather boring and failed to ________ the groups attention.

    2.- We didnt take the car on holiday as the boat wasnt large enough to __________ all our


    3.- Clarice went on to ______ a number of responsible positions in the company before her

    retirement in 2005. 83

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    1.- I dont know how dangerous the jungle is if you go, you ll have to take your _______.

    2.- The _________ are that the zoo will be forced to close.

    3.- Doing the course will certainly improve your ______ of getting a job. 84

    1.- She is in no ___________ to undertake such a physically demanding trip.

    2.- He was allowed lo leave the country on ________ that he returned within three weeks.

    3.- Anyone suffering from serious medical__________ should think twice before undertaking

    strenuous physical exercise. 85

    1.- The team is now back to full _________ after a number of injuries to take players last month.

    2.- Its always an advantage to be able to negotiate from the position of _____________

    3.- Its easy to understand the ________ of public feeling the use of nuclear energy. 86

    1.- I have absolutely no ______ what he means!

    2.- Can you give me a general _________ of what your plans are ?

    3.- He still makes mistakes, but I think hes got the right _______ now . 87

    1.- He has shown no ___________ in taking part in the trek across the mountains.

    2.- I believe that it is in the public ___________ that the fact of the situation are made known.

    3.- There is a disturbing lack of ________ in recycling in the area where I live. 88

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    1.- My clothes feel very _________ since I lost weight.

    2.- I had to pay for a cup of coffee with 20 e note because I didnt have any ______ change.

    3.- The little girl had had a ________teeth for some weeks and on Friday evening it finally came out.


    1.-During the concert, tori suffered an unexpected ______ of memory for a few minutes.

    2.- The owners do not accept any responsibility for _____ or damage to vehicles parked in this car


    3.- When Jason set up his own business he expected to make a _______ for a few months. 90

    1.- Chole realized that it was pointless arguing with her boss any further because they were clearly

    not of the same ______ on the issue.

    2.- The good thing about having such a close friend is that I can always read his ________and never

    have to ask him what he thinks.

    3.- The fact that hed offended Tania had been on Terrys ______ for some time.91

    1.- Looking at Barrys assignment , you get a real _______ of the pride he takes in his work.

    2.- There is no ____________ in washing the car before the journey, it ll only need doing again

    when we get there.

    3.- Fortunately , Louis had the __________ to check the brakes before he rode off on the bike he

    had borrowed. 92

    1.- Fiona had a free afternoon , so was able to give the problem her full _____________

    2.- The new research has been the subject of a considerable media _______ recently.

    3.- I think we should bring the problem to the __________ of the local council. 93

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    1.- Sarah has to admit that mindgym was a ________ she had never come across before.

    2.- The local politician hoping to be re-elected for a second __________of office.

    3.- I think that in the short __________ we should concentrate on keeping the service running. 94

    1.- The date of the opening of the new museum has been ______ for the next September.

    2.- A research project has been ______ the task of investigating whether time travel already exists.

    3.- Beverly has ______ out at dawn, determined to find the archaeological site before lunch time.


    1.- On his trip across the USA, Brett didnt make it to San Francisco because he ran out of


    2.- With the benefit of hindsight we can see that the invention was years ahead of its _____

    3.- Its not that Sally was wrong, she just didnt choose a good _________to bring up the subject. 96

    1.- Contributions to the international charity appeal have __________ one million dollars.

    2.- Enric _____________ over, pick up the photograph and realized he was looking at himself as a

    small boy.

    3.- In the 1970, Britain only had three TV channels and popular programs often reached an

    audience of over 20 million. 97

    1.- There is no ________ of doing further research into time travel as its clear never going to be

    possible .

    2.- On entering the old castle, you get a real _______ of history and how life must have been in the


    3.- Penny was so absorbed in the sci-fi novel that she had lost all _______ of time passing. 98

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    1.- The college principal said that he _______ to bring the catering facilities up to date.

    2.- We decided to ask the lecturer exactly what he _______ when he used the world


    3.- Of all the awards that the actress won during her career, the Oscar ________ the most to her.


    1.- It is _______ to assume that the shares will increase in value in the long term.

    2.- She didnt know what to buy for his birthday but thought a book taken will be a ____________bet.

    3.- I cant give you any money now because its all locked away in the _______________ 100

    1.- She was born in the _______ north of Scotland.

    2.- Unfortunately, profits fell _______ short of what was expected.

    3.- her explanation sounded rather ______ fetched and I dont think I believe it. 101

    1.- A train crashed into a car on the _______ - crossing last night.

    2.- Hes a very _______ - headed person and never panics in a crisis.

    3.- The book only analyses the data on a very basic ____________. 102

    1.- After winning the quiz, the team were in __________ spirits.

    2.- The minister made a _________ -profile visit to the north of the country.

    3.- Its ______ time you settled down to some serious studying.103

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    1.- The plan to build a new airport do not take into _______ its effect on the environment.

    2.- On no _______ are you to leave the office door unlocked.

    3.- I keep most of my savings in a deposit ___________________104

    1.- I hurt my _________ while climbing.

    2.- Its at the _________ of the page.

    3.- Ill have to _________ the bill. 105

    1.- The ________ I heard of him was that he was living in Hasting.

    2.- Shes awful, I hope weve seen the __________ of her.

    3.- The rain is expected to _______ all the week. 106

    1.- Have you got the time for another ________ of drinks before we go.

    2.- There was 15 of us all _____________ the table.

    3.- It was disappointed to see the police ________ on his critics. 107

    1.- She showed me a computer which is said to __________ my particular needs.

    2.- police are interviewing a man who said to _________ the description of the attacker.

    3.- Does anyone _________ to the name of Devlan? 108

    1.- Someone ________ into the back of my car yesterday .

    2.- Halfway down the motorway we ________ out of petrol.

    3.- Mr. Jones _________ the company single-handedly for many years. 109

    1.- I tried to understand the instructions but they didnt make _____________

    2.- Having a close family is important because it gives a child a _________ of security.

    3.- It isnt difficult to understand if you use your common _________110

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    1.- I think its lack of communication which is at the ________ of the problem.

    2.- Id need a calculator to work out the square _____________

    3.- The main ingredients are tomatoes and a mixture of different _____________ vegetables.111

    1.- Some scientist discoveries are made by pure chance and penicillin is a _______ in point.

    2.- The report makes a strong _________ of investing more in research and development.

    3.- Pack your _______ the night before to save time in the morning. 112

    1.- It has a reputation as a ________ chip company and should be a very safe investment.

    2.- The decision came completely out of the _________ , it wasnt expected at all.

    3.- Her hands were_______ with cold when she came in from playing in the snow. 113

    1.- Unfortunately , politics cant be reduced to an exact ________ and the unexpected can often


    2.- I enjoy reading novels especially detective stories and __________ fiction.

    3.- They are talking on a new lecturer in the social __________ department. 114

    1.- After the owners death , the castle became the property of the state and in due ________, it

    was opened to the public.

    2.- The meeting of the two world leaders changed the _______ of the history.

    3.- He decided to take a refresher ______ to improve his driving. 115

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    1.- She left the company of her own free _______ and no one puts any pressure on her.

    2.- They confessed to the crime but afterwards they claimed that they had been forced to against

    their _______

    3.- You have to stick to your diet to lose weight which can take a lot of _________ power. 116

    1.- There is a theory that political events in one place will often ___________ off similar events in


    2.- The __________of the riots was the governments proposal to reduce wages.

    3.- He took out the pistol took aim and squeezed the ____________________ 117

    1.- The book has a very complicated plot which is difficult to follow on the first reading.

    2.- In 1605, a group of conspirators hatched a desperate ______ to murder the entire government

    by blowing them up with a gun powder.

    3.- They used a line graph to _______ the patients reaction to the new drug. 118

    1.- We cant know what the future may ____________ so its a waste of time worrying about it.

    2.- They decided to ___________ a special meeting to discuss the new project.

    3.- They managed to escape from the building just before the fire really took __________ 119

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    1.- Later in the program we have high light of two big matches played earlier today : Ajax met

    Juventus while Barcelona _______________ on Porto.

    2.-The weight lifter who allegedly__________________ performance enhancing drugs has been

    named today.

    3.- On my doctors advice, I __________ up yoga in order to relax .120

    1.- The transfer of Mario Rossi to Manchester United has been approved by the__________ ofdirectors.

    2.- The new pool has a slide, water chute and diving _____________________

    3.- In any games of chess, the queen is the most powerful piece on the whole _______________


    1.- Right now Evans is very __________ in confidence. She needs to start winning a few races again.

    2.- There was a disappointingly ____________ turnout for the youth clubs open day.

    3.- When you are cycling up a steep hill you will need to be in a __________ gear. 122

    1.-___________________ the earth down around the roots after youve planted the flowers.

    2.- Jims Dad took him out into the middle of the pool and showed him how to____________


    3.- Ive got my photos drying out on the kitchen floor, so whatever you do, dont ________ on

    them. 123

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    1.- Unbelievablewhat an amazing ___________ around ! Smith has come from behind to take the

    gold medal.

    2.- As Id never played this card gave before, the others let me have another ________________

    3.- .. and Walton showed a _____________ of speed that left his opponents for dead. 124

    1.- I t only takes one small accident to ___________up the traffic for several hours.

    2.- The new Atlantic airbus will ____________ about 700 passengers.

    3.- Like it or not , it is the train and not the car which will __________ the key to the future of

    domestic travel . 125

    1.- Why dont you just get the goods delivered to your house , and ______________ yourself a two-

    hour car journey into the city center?

    2.- By driving at 70 km/h instead of 100 , you can ______________ a lot of petrol!

    3.- Im trying to ______________ up for a tripto Canada, so I cant afford to buy much at the

    moment. 126

    1.- The Department of transport have _______________ a deadline of 1 June for completion of the

    new motorway.

    2.- Because of the strike by air traffic controllers delays are ___________ to continue well into next


    3.- The trains in Switzerland are so punctual you can __________ your watch by them. 127

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    1.- The train was delayed because of ice on the _____________

    2.- After the accident there was a solid ____________ of cars stretching back for several miles.

    3.- In the new initiative announced today, police are to take a harder _____________ on speeding

    motorists. 128

    1.- After a while the ___________ we had been following became thick undergrowth.

    2.- Right now I want you to run twice around the ____________________ for a warm-up.

    3.- Sorry , I ve rather lost _________________ of my argument. 129

    1.- It took us three hours of hard climbing to reach the ______________________

    2.-Being promoted to manager is undoubtedly the ____________ of my career to date.

    3.- A special_________________ of the leading economic countries has been cancelled. 130

    1.- When the agreement is finally signed by all parties, you will receive the _________ to the house.

    2.- The self-study edition of the book comes with a __________ so you can check all your answers.

    3.- His ability to persuade people is the ____________ to his success. 131

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    1.- The second flat I saw was in a terrible _______________.

    2.- His physical condition is improving , but Im not sure about his _________ of mind.

    3.- The funeral of President Mawaka was attended by heads of ________________ from all over

    the world. 132

    1.-The A 23 out of the city affords a spectacular _______________ of the lake.

    2.- Id like to look to look at the house again, with a _______________ to moving in shortly.

    3.- You wont find a better housethan that one; Thats my ___________ anyway. 133

    1.- O.K., lets _____________ on and try to reach the top by lunchtime.

    2.-These trousers are specially designed so that you dont need to iron and ___________ them.

    3.- if you _________________ the button here, youll activate the alarm system. 134

    1.- Glaciers provide vital evidence of climate ________________________

    2.- What you need is not pills but a simple ________________ of scene.

    3.- If you need money , theres some spare _______________ in my coat pocket. 135

    1.- Grassland and Savannah ______________ a substantial part of South Africa.

    2.- Its a long journey Lets take some book to _________________ the children.

    3.- The protesting students intend to ___________ the Holmes Building. 136

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    1.- The vet said the ___________________ on the dogs face was not cancerous.

    2.- She had a __________________ in her throat and a tear in her eye when she said goodbye.

    3.- Get up and do some work , you lazy ____________. 137

    1.- Many of the wildebeest didnt make it and ________________ half- way across the river.

    2.- My voice was _____________ out by the sound of builders drilling.

    3.-I __________________ my meal in sauce to hide the better taste. 138

    1.- The falconer trained the hawk to fly in a perfectly _____________ line.

    2.- So lets get this ___________________; you say you saw the man break in through the window.

    3.- Why cant you just give me a ___________________ for once in your life. 139

    1.-Barry was very complicated individual who easily _____________ offence.

    2.- I _________________ to the job immediately and felt like Id been doing it all my life.

    3.- After 36 of fighting, the invading forces finally _____________ the city. 140

    1.- After quarrelling with David, Martina was _______________ to tears.

    2.- It was a ___________________ but I think Leupers just won it from Collins in second place.

    3.- In such sweltering heat , it was unbearably _________________ and humid on the underground.


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    1.- Janes father _________________ with rage when she told him she was pregnant.

    2.- Events in oil producing countries______________ the confidence of investors.

    3.- The lion__________ its magnificent mane and gave an almighty roar. 142

    1.- John and Mary met at university, and theyve been going _____________ for almost five years.

    2.- __________________ on- Is that what you really want to do ?

    3.- He has been an ______________ decline in the number of male applicants. 143

    1.- I just cant imagine my Dad _______________ me down the aisle in church to get married,

    said Maggie.

    2.- Michael Shumacker is currently ______________ the drivers championship.

    3.- She emerged from the stable ____________ a beautiful black horse. 143

    1.- Michael Jackson is bringing out a new _________ called Hopeless Love

    2.- Its difficult for anyone with criminal ___________ to get a job.

    3.- The police are keeping a ____________ of all cars which enter in the area. 144

    1.- The group have benefited from considerable media ________________.

    2.- Maria didnt find John attractive , but was rather flattered by his _______________ .

    3.- Its been brought to my __________ that there have been a number of theft from the office.


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    1.- Like all opera singers, Pavarotti has an imposing ____________________

    2.- She showed great ______________ of mind and led the children calmly downstairs to safety.

    3.- There was a huge police ______________ at the football match. 146

    1.- My favorite _____________in the play is where Uncle Toby breaks a priceless vase.

    2.- No thanks, discos are not really my ______________.

    3.-Reporting from the __________ of the accident is Channel 4 Jeremy Charles. 147

    1.- On his latest ______________________, he has collaborated with several other great pianists.

    2.- After his ____________________ from prison, Golding promised to go straight.

    3.- I experienced a great _________________ of pain after the treatment. 148

    1.- Channel 4 will, as ever be _______________ the election as it happens.

    2.- The P.M. was accused of ______________________ a disastrous economic policy.

    3.- Coverage of the sport is postponed ________ the sudden death of President Gonzalez. 149

    1.- It remains to be seen whether Signar Riva __________________ a controlling interest in his

    business empire if he become P.M.

    2.-As legal executor in this matter , Mr. Tomlison ______________ the right to claim compensation


    3.- And its gold ! Muller ______________ the title which he won in Sydney. 150

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    1.- Yesterday s poll shows a significant _________________of public opinion away from the


    2.- Workmen came to remove the faulty _________________ from the park.

    3.-Ive only been here for two days, so I havent quite got back into the _____________ of things

    yet. 151

    1.- The _________________________ to ban fox hunting was rejected by five votes.

    2.- And now well see the goal again in slow _____________________

    3.-The constant swaying _________________ of the ship made Jan feel seasick . 152

    1.-You can rely on the P.M. to take ________________ of the situation.

    2.- A new ________________ measure has been announced to stem the tide of illegal immigrants

    flooding the country.

    3.- The police were accused of heavyhanded crowd______________ tactics. 153

    1.- Lets go down to the river. Its really nice _____________ for a picnic.

    2.- Im afraid Im goingto be late . Im having a ______________ of bother with my car.

    3.- The evening in black pool was the only bright _______________ in an otherwise disappointingholiday 154

    1.- Im so tired Im finding it difficult to keep my __________________ on my work.

    2.- If you can cast your mind back to lesson two , youll remember we were talking about body


    3. My daughter is very ill , so Ive got a lot on my ____________ right now. 155

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    1.- Perhaps I could talk to you later in privateIts a personal ______________________

    2.- Its only a ______________________ of time before the city falls to the rebels.

    3.- Dealing with problems like that is all just a ________________ of being firm. 156

    1.- Its very upsetting news ,as she was a very _____________________ friend.

    2.- Its rather ____________________ for me havent you got anything cheaper?

    3.- As the boat lurched from side to side , we held on for _____________ life. 157

    1.- Police suspect that the shopkeeper had a __________________________ in the robbery.

    2.- Come on, concentrate on the job in ____________ and dont get distracted.

    3.- never ever raise your _____________________ against me again ! 158

    1.- When we had finished acting , the teacher gave us a _________________ out of ten.

    2.- The teacher told Jeremy off for making a __________________ on Emmas notebook.

    3.- Elka has only been in the office for three months , but already she has really made her

    __________________ 159

    1.- We were very pleased with Susans effort. She _______________ herse lf very well to the task in


    2.- Incidentally , the comment I have just made to Smith _________________ equally to everybody

    in this room.

    3.- I really hope my sister ________________ for that new job; Shed be so good at it.160

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    1.- Ive virtually_________________ any ambition I ever had of becoming a teacher.

    2.- I _______________ out of college after one term and went travelling around the world instead.

    3.- On police advice , Mr. Bartello has __________________ the changes he brought against his

    neighbors. 161

    1.- Mr. Ross , our old history teacher ________________ his classes with a road of iron!

    2.- The judge _________________ that Newton had acted in self defense and instructed the jury to

    find him not guilty

    3.- Police have not ___________ out the possibility of murder in this case 162

    1.- The entire workforce at Holman Avionics downed tools today, in ___________ of two sacked


    2.- Ill come along to your speech , if you like and give you some moral _________________

    3.- If you need help , put your hand up and I or Mrs. Kent , the ________________ teacher will

    come to you. 163

    1.- It would ________________ a lot of strength to lift that boulder.

    2.- I find his views on foreigners very hard to ______________

    3.- I hope the burglars didnt ________________ anything valuable. 164

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    1.-Sue has not really been _____________ at school this term.

    2.- The pullover ______________ when I washed it.

    3.- I ____________________ out my arm as far as it would go. 165

    1.- I _____________ to leave as early as possible.

    2.- I ________________ Sally Fields for the past of chairperson.

    3.- I ______________ setting up another meeting for next Thursday. 166

    1.- I hope youve got enough ____________ to work at that desk.

    2.- Theres a large storage ________________ under the stairs.

    3.- Theres a _________________ here for you Emma , if you want to sit down . 167

    1.- Erica thought for a ____________ and then dropped the ring over the bridge.

    2.- From that __________ on, their relationship was never quite the same.

    3.- At the last ______________ they decided to pull out the competition. 168

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