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Tolerance is the ability to get along with others despite differences


DiffusionThe spread of items or ideas

3 Types of Diffusion

Hierarchical- spread from leader to leader

Expansion- spread from person to person

Relocation- somebody moves and takes the idea with them


A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.







Group of people descended from Abraham through his son Isaac

Exodus Moses led the

people out of Egypt back to Israel

After years of wars, they conquered Jerusalem

Split of Israel Half of the lands the

Jews had acquired were conquered. The kingdom split into two.

The tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained in Judah.

Diaspora After the Romans

conquered Jerusalem, the Jews were scattered around the globe.

How were Jews treated?

Forced to leave Jerusalem Persecuted during the Middle Ages Murdered during the Holocaust

Why? Closed group Related by ethnicity Intolerance Scapegoats



A religion whose followers believe Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the world.

Spread of Christianity

Spread of Christianity


The first Roman Emperor to become Christian.

Issued the Edict of Milan in 313.

Spread of Christianity

Great Schism (1054) Split between East and West West= Roman Catholic

East= Eastern Orthodox

Spread of Christianity


Catholic leaders sent knights and other soldiers to capture the Holy Land of Jerusalem.

Reformation Pastor Martin Luther

argued against the Catholic Church

He was excommunicated, but protected by a German Lord

Many sects broke away from there


Henry VIII The English King

that severed ties with the Catholic Church

Spread of Christianity

Christian Beliefs One God Jesus Christ is the

Savior of the World Ethics Authority Christmas Easter Saint Days



A religion whose followers adhere to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed.

Mohammed was visited by an angel (Gabriel) who restored the teachings of God to Earth.

Born in Mecca, he was driven out because of his teachings.

Later, he was invited back. Translated into heaven in Jerusalem

Five Pillars of Islam The Creed (faith in

Allah) Pray five times a

day Fast during the

month of Ramadan Almsgiving Pilgrimage to Mecca

Islamic Division After Mohammed

died, there was controversy over who should take his place.

Those who favor his son-in-law Ali= Shia

Those who favor election= Sunnite


Hinduism Indo-Aryans invaded

India Society began to

structure itself Religion started to

form Religious text=

Vedas and Bhagavad Gita

Caste system

Caste system

Beliefs Monism- everything

in the world is the of the same essence of God

Maya- the illusion of the world

Reincarnation- rebirth of souls, perhaps in different forms

Dharma- doing one’s moral duty

Karma- good or bad force created by a person’s actions

Nirvana- ultimate peace and spiritual growth

-end of reincarnation


Siddhartha Gautama

Born 563 BC in northern India Wealthy prince (had no wants) Four passing sights Great Renunciation Enlightenment=first Buddha

Four Noble Truths All life is suffering Suffering is caused

by desire Giving up desires

frees people from suffering

The was to renunciation of desire is the Eightfold Path

Eightfold Path

Right Views-seeing life as it really is Right Intentions- striving for perfection Right Speech- avoiding lies and gossip Right Living- avoiding harming others Right Effort- seeking to prevent evil Right Mindfulness- awareness of self Right Concentration- meditation

Goal of Buddhism= Nirvana

Chinese TraditionalConfucianism, Taoism, Ancestor Worship

Taoism (Daoism) Laozi- wanted

people to come into harmony with the Dao

Accepting of life as it is

Contemplation of nature



Confucius (551-479 BC)- taught respect for family and reverence for the past

Everyone should perform the duties of his or her role

5 Key Relationships

Husband and Wife Father and Son Oldest son and younger brothers Ruler and subject Elders and juniors


People are bad They can be controlled by rewards and


Worship of Ancestors Belief that ancestors

influence a person now and should be respected.

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