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Top 10 Marketing Mistakes Law Firms Make • Practice Alchemy

1. Not Understanding Today’s Legal Marketplace Fact Sheet: Legal Marketing Today

2. Thinking “Doing Good Work” Is Enough

3. Making Up Reasons Marketing Won’t Work

4. Thinking Marketing Means Shouting (It Doesn’t)

5. Treating Marketing as Witchcraft Rather Than a Science

6. Engaging in Activity, Not Accomplishment

7. Not Knowing The Numbers

8. Failing To Use SpecialistsTen Questions to Ask Your (Would-Be) Marketing Resource

9. Hiring Tacticians Not Strategists

10. Marketing After It’s Too Late

What to Do Next

Marketing Audit & Discovery FAQ













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Not Understanding Today’s Legal Marketplace

During the course of our conversations with thousands of law firms, one of the least understood things is how quickly the marketing landscape has evolved. This is of key importance, because your prospective clients are used to communicating with trusted brands (and new brands) in a certain way.

If you’re using outdated marketing methods, it’s like trying to communicate with them using smoke signals. They just won’t hear you. They’re too busy looking at their phones and engaging with the firms that are speaking the language of today.

There’s a clear trend - firms with an orientation towards adopting more current marketing strategies and technologies “pull away from the pack” and acquire a disproportionate amount of the available business.

Many firms are simply adopting a set of tactics which they’ve seen other firms doing. Those typically consist of a small list - networking, blogging, social media, and email marketing, with consumer firms adding SEO and PPC to the mix.

Unfortunately, if that is the sum total of your marketing this is far from effective. The legal industry is about ten years behind what legal prospects expect to see, and playing “follow the pack” only after 80% of the market has followed (which is what the list of tactics above is) is not the recipe for growing your firm.

We’ve compiled a fact sheet of legal marketing statistics to drive the point home. Yesterday’s marketing simply won’t be competitive today.



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Fact Sheet: Legal Marketing Today

Over 80% of prospective clients research firms online prior to engagement (for purely consumer practice areas, the number is over 92%)

53% of in-house counsel have completely disregarded retaining outside firms because of poor online presence

Over 65% of law firm prospects found online ratings/reviews to be “extremely or moderately influential in their decision” [Source: LexisNexis]

35% of all private practice attorneys obtain clients through social media, with this number increasing rapidly every year

Online reviews are critical for consumer practices: 69% of review readers say reviews must be written within 2-3 months to be relevant, and 48% of prospects will visit a website after reading current, positive reviews






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Thinking “Doing Good Work” Is Enough

Simply put, the adage “just do good work and the business will come” is a romantic idea; it’s not sound business advice today. While we have seen a few modestly successful referral-only practices, they are few and far between - and most notably, their revenue consistency is very poor.

As a precedent-driven profession, attorneys look to the past. However, we have to understand that the legal market of today is vastly different from thirty years ago.

Decades ago, being known for doing quality work was enough because there were fewer attorneys - and significantly less marketing being done by law firms. So those senior partners weren’t leading us astray, but their reality is not the same as ours.

Today the landscape is very different. There are over thirty thousand new lawyers entering the market every year. There are new marketing methods coming into use every year, creating significant noise in the marketplace.

Reframe doing good work as what it is - your responsibility to your client. It’s the right thing to do. But it is absolutely not marketing.



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Making Up Reasons Marketing Won’t Work

We have a curse, as attorneys. It’s our job to find all the little reasons why something might go wrong and dwell on those. Which is fantastic for our clients. But the curse is that it’s destructive to us as business owners.

In our thousands of discussions with attorneys, we find many of them falling back on a natural inclination to find reasons why something couldn’t work and applying that to marketing.

Common things we hear are:

“I tried doing [Marketing Tactic X] before, it doesn’t work”… But when we dig in, it wasn’t planned right, done right, done enough, or - more often than not - it was the wrong thing to do strategically (see Mistake #9 below). Treating a prior attempt that wasn’t done with best practices isn’t evidence that marketing doesn’t work.



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“My practice is different, marketing doesn’t work for it”You’re not the only practitioner in your practice area in the world. You’re not the only firm in your geography. Do you know of any firms in your practice or geographic area which are marketing? We’ll bet you do, because we’ve talked to thousands of firms in every practice area - and know what’s going on behind the scenes, even if you don’t see it.

Even our colleague dealing exclusively in contract disputes for international racehorse sales between family trusts (no, we’re not joking) found it works.

“Marketing will make me look desperate, or will chase prospects away”This idea has so many problems with it, we’ve written Mistake #4 all about it, below!

If you’re finding yourself coming up with reasons why it won’t work, let us make a suggestion based on what we see the most successful and happy practitioners do. And that’s to think about marketing with a business-owner hat on. Instead of thinking spending time poking holes in marketing, find out how to make it work and who to help you make it work.

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Thinking Marketing Means Shouting (It Doesn’t)

Billboard and TV lawyers of the past have given legal marketing a bad name.

A significant number of attorneys are reluctant to do marketing because they feel it’s not consistent with the image they want to cultivate after having seen these aggressive advertisers.

That’s unfortunate, because effective marketing isn’t about shouting. It’s the opposite.

The best marketing is entirely consistent with how you want to be presented in the marketplace. Effective marketing is education-based marketing. This style of marketing is about sharing insights and knowledge with the purpose of building trust as someone who can help.

Now, there is an important distinction between the dense, citation-riddled journal style legal articles and education based marketing. Journal-style writing is usually entirely ineffective. Many lawyers revert to this kind of writing, feeling that it makes them appear smart. In reality, it does the opposite - it makes you less approachable by prospects.

Prospects today are used to consuming content that’s easy to digest. From infographics to social media, they are consuming things that are accessible to them. When they come across confusing jargon, they’re turned off - and they tune you out.



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Treating Marketing as Witchcraft Rather Than a Science

If you’re like many attorneys, you aren’t entirely sure why marketing initiatives haven’t worked for you in the past. This persists throughout the legal field because it’s very difficult for a firm to undertake enough marketing initiatives to see what works and what doesn’t. There’s simply too much going on, and understanding what works takes significant experience.

When a firm tries marketing in-house, it’s normal for the first several marketing attempts to not gain much traction. As a result, marketing feels unpredictable - and firms give up before gaining experience that will pay off for the long term.

It’s essential to understand that marketing done right is a science. You need to run enough experiments to understand what works and what doesn’t.

If you don’t feel like marketing is predictable for you, there are two ways to address the problem: either make the commitment to spending enough time and capital learning what works, or hire experienced people who have seen marketing across numerous firms and can short-cut your learning.



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Engaging in Activity, Not Accomplishment

Most firms are just “doing marketing stuff” rather than actually moving the firm forward. We call it “activity not accomplishment” - and how you choose to resource your marketing determines whether you’re treading water or moving forward.

Marketing falls into two broad categories. Accountable Marketing and Unaccountable Marketing. Every marketing strategy and tactic you use (or are considering using) falls into one of these buckets.

Accountable Marketing has a measurable return on investment. Whether the investment is dollars or time, you know with certainty that if you do (or spend) X, you get Y. For example (numbers for illustration only):

If I spend $98.56 in paid digital media, I get an appointment with a prospective client

If I spend 11.25 hours doing a specific set of three in-person networking activities, I get one referral.



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To be Accountable Marketing, the activity generating results must be specific, measurable, tracked, and reported.

Unaccountable Marketing is anything that isn’t accountable marketing. Often it’s a set of actions that are being done (often inconsistently) to “check the marketing box” rather than being results-focused. For example, a firm that generates business by referral but does not have a set of specific actions, that are measured, tracked and reported and are known to generate a referral after a certain level of effort, is doing unaccountable marketing.

As you might guess, we’re fans of Accountable Marketing - because it creates predictability in your business. With Unaccountable Marketing, you might get lucky (even a broken clock tells the right time twice per day) and think it’s working, but more often than not you’re spending valuable time, money, and focus on things that really aren’t helping your firm.

Unfortunately, we see that the vast majority of firms fall into the trap of using a grab-bag of Unaccountable Marketing. Then, months or years down the line, they have little to show for it.

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Not Knowing The Numbers07



Too many lawyers are scared of numbers. We didn’t get exposure to how to use numbers in law school, nor in our career as junior attorneys. As a result we tend to discount the critical role numbers play in our firms.

Some critical numbers are obvious - such as your profitability. If you aren’t paying attention to that, your firm could be out of business.

It’s essential to take it a step further, though - because profitability is a lagging indicator of choices you’ve already made. Profitability tells if your investment in client generation, your attention to client delivery, and committed expenses were good ones.

Most firms understand how to track their delivery (in terms of hours) and their expenses (since those are things they pay for) … But fail to quantify their client generation in the same way.

Quantifying your marketing fills this final gap and creates predictability in your firm.

So the question to you as a firm owner is, have you created marketing dashboards that allow you to assess your firm’s future financial health?

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Most firms fail to appreciate the vast difference between hiring a true specialist and “Do It Yourself” efforts by non-specialists. Doing this means that firms not only have under-performing marketing, but are missing out on entire strategies that they could employ for success if their marketing team had a broader base of experience.

What might be most telling for firm owners is what top performing legal marketing firms do. As a firm specialized in legal marketing, and whose business is predicated on showing results over the long term, we don’t believe that there is a “swiss army knife” marketer who can do everything a firm needs.

Instead we have specialists who do just one thing - so they can become experts in it.

Think about it this way, if your firm’s marketing resource is spending just a handful of hours a week executing a long list of marketing tasks - do you really think they’ll be able to compete with someone whose entire full time job is doing just one of the things on your person’s task list?

Failing To Use Specialists0810


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Ten Questions to Ask Your (Would-Be) Marketing ResourceAre you preparing to interview a marketing resource - whether or internal or external (or making sure you have the right one)? Here are ten questions to ask to see if you’ve got one which will move the needle for you.*

*Note: If you don’t know the answer to some of these questions yourself, that’s fine - but then consider if you should get assistance managing marketing, since all of these items should be benchmarks of success and you need to understand them for your firm to be successful.

Ethics: Our marketing must comply with attorney advertising requirements. Can you tell me what Rule 7 [or Rule 1-400] says and how it could affect our firm’s marketing?

Performance: In your last engagement, what was your Appointment Commit?

Financial Return: What was the return on deployed capital (including the costs of hiring you) for your last firm for all marketing initiatives? How does this compare with other law firms like ours?

Campaign Structure: In your last position, how did your marketing campaigns take into account the average matter size for each type of prospect?






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Ethics: Our marketing must comply with attorney advertising requirements. Can you tell me what Rule 7 [or Rule 1-400] says and how it could affect our firm’s marketing?

Performance: In your last engagement, what was your Appointment Commit?

Financial Return: What was the return on deployed capital (including the costs of hiring you) for your last firm for all marketing initiatives? How does this compare with other law firms like ours?

Campaign Structure: In your last position, how did your marketing campaigns take into account the average matter size for each type of prospect?

Results From Social Media: How did you use social media to drive appointments for the firm? How many appointments per month can you prove were driven directly by your social media initiatives, and how did you structure those campaigns? What should we expect for a firm like ours compared to industry averages? (“Awareness” campaigns and social media publishing without channel attribution does not count)

Copywriting Skills: What was your email marketing open rate, and how does that compare with legal industry averages?







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Hiring Tacticians Not Strategists

Now that we’ve gone over the strategy and how the tactics fit together, it’s time to assess which tactics you should actually deploy.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer here. Just like it would be malpractice for you to give a conclusion to a prospective client without having done your diligence and truly understood their facts, the same thing is true for marketing.

Unfortunately, the legal marketing world is filled with providers that are selling what they have on the truck. That is, if you go to a legal website provider, they’ll try to sell you a website. Go to an SEO firm? They’ll tell you SEO is what you need. Go to a generalist provider? They’ll have a menu of options and will ask you your budget, and fill that number with things off the menu.

The fact is, this is all backwards.

As a law firm owner, you must think like a businessperson. And the correct business question is “based on my goals for the firm, what strategy should I deploy … and based on that strategy, what tactics will have a good return on investment.”

The proper way to do this is to:

1. Determine overall strategy

2. Understand what has worked across multiple personal injury practices

3. Account for geographic/market specific factors

4. Look at target ROI

5. Analyze the firm’s current marketing

6. Determine what the financial yield will be at different spend levels, so that the firm can make a smart decision about how much to spend

7. Choose tactics only after the above has been done



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Marketing After It’s Too Late

We all know that practicing law can become all-consuming. After taking care of clients, dealing with firm admin and (hopefully) having some semblance of a life, there’s not much time or energy left.

For too many firms, marketing is the thing that falls off the list first. The result is something every private practitioner has experienced - when there’s a client work lull, there’s finally time to market … But by then it’s too late, and stress over getting client work

You’ve probably heard the old adage: “The best time to plant a tree is a hundred years ago … The next best time is today”

The same is true for marketing. The best time to market is when you feel afraid to market, because

you already have enough work. What if the marketing works … how will I handle all the work?

Overcoming this fear is what separates firms that grow from those that don’t.

If you wait, odds are you’ll hit a lull and have to build the practice back up again.

If you start today, before you need it - not only do you have the capital to invest in doing it right, but you’ll have prospects for growing your firm. For you, that could mean hiring associates to increase revenues, being more selective about matters you take, or raising rates … all because of the choices effective marketing brings your firm.



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What to Do Next

The next step in the marketing journey is to fully map out your plan of action. That involves a detailed analysis of where you are, the options available to you, and what your likely return on investment is for choosing different strategies and tactics.

Practice Alchemy offers fixed-price “Marketing Audit & Discovery” engagements to give you a complete understanding of your marketing options and provide you with a plan. You aren’t obligated to use our services to implement the plan.

If you’re interested in discussing this plan, contact us at [email protected]. For more information on our “Marketing Audit & Discovery”, also see the Frequently Asked Questions attached to this document

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Marketing Audit & Discovery FAQ

Who is the Audit & Discovery process for?This process is for law practices desiring a custom strategic plan that focuses on market leadership, client acquisition, and meeting the firm’s long term objectives. We only work with law firms, but the Audit isn’t limited to a practice area, geography or firm size. We’ve worked with partners in firms of all sizes, in all geographies, and all practice areas. At the end of this document you’ll see feedback on the process in their own words.

What will I get as a result of the Audit & Discovery process?The purpose of the Audit is to give you complete clarity on the marketing activities you must focus on in the upcoming twelve months to reach your practice’s strategic objectives. Our team will work with you to understand your unique practice, assets, network and goals. We’ll then analyze and synthesize thousands of factors about your practice, market, marketing and competition.

The output will be a comprehensive analysis of where your practice stands in the market, areas that need to be addressed (and which tactics aren’t worth

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your time and money). It’s accompanied by a written twelve-month marketing plan with specific quarter-by-quarter recommendations, including pricing proposals to have Practice Alchemy execute this plan for you.

There is no obligation to engage Practice Alchemy to implement the Plan. You are free to implement the recommendations yourself or have someone else do it.

Why is Practice Alchemy qualified to assess my marketing and make these recommendations?Practice Alchemy (http://www.practicealchemy.com) has analyzed the marketing of thousands of firms across the US, has executed campaigns sending millions of marketing pieces, and as a result has unique insight into what’s working for law firms today.

We are “For Attorneys, By Attorneys.” We understand what it takes to grow a law practice. Both our founder Raj Jha and CEO Jan Roos are attorneys who founded and grew successful law practices.

Practice Alchemy is a full-service marketing firm serving only law practices. Unlike generic, commodity providers that may be marketing for a dry cleaner one day, then attempting to market for attorneys the next, we understand the nuances – and ethical obligations – of attorney marketing.

How much effort will the audit take on my part? How long will it take before it’s complete?A typical Audit will take only a few hours of time for you. In order to provide an actionable plan, we need information that can be obtained over the telephone and with a questionnaire. Our research team can gather the majority of what we need (including competitive and market information) without you spending much time.

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However, it’s essential we understand from your firm’s goals, ideal client profile, what you’ve tried in the past, what’s worked and what hasn’t, and other information that’s unique to your practice. This allows us to fully customize our recommendations to match your strategic goals.

We typically interview you (as a group, if there are multiple partners) over the course of 60-90 minutes to get this information. Afterwards, in multi-partner firms we hold 30 minute follow-up 1:1 calls to understand personal networks of each partner so these can be maximized in our recommendations.

Afterwards, we may have specific requests for certain data that can be provided by you or your staff.

Our final report is delivered approximately seven business days from receiving all information from you and conducting the interviews.

Can’t you just send me a proposal to handle my marketing? We don’t send proposals without actually understanding what you need. We subscribe to the same philosophy your doctor does – that prescription without diagnosis is malpractice. Think about it, you wouldn’t recommend a legal strategy for clients without getting the facts, nor will we recommend a marketing strategy without doing our diligence.

The fact is, until both you and we have an understanding of the complete marketing landscape and options, making tactical recommendations will likely result in a misallocation of both your time and capital.

After working with hundreds of practices, we’ve also found that our most successful relationships are with attorneys with a strategic mindset – who want to fully understand their options, rather than making short-term tactical guesses without full knowledge of what will work in the long term.

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During the audit process we’ll also get a sense of what it’s like working together before committing to a long-term relationship.

In our experience, attorneys seeking proposals without a full understanding of their options and without actually experiencing working with a marketing partner are far more likely to fail at their marketing initiatives. Because our engagements don’t have long-term commitments (meaning we are only successful if you succeed), we are only interested in working with firms that understand that strategy comes before tactics, and who we feel are a good fit.

I’m considering doing [SEO / Pay Per Click / Website redesign / etc.]. Shouldn’t I just do that?Maybe, but these are all tactics, not strategies. Even if a tactic might work to a degree, we have found that picking a specific tactic without context often results in a poor deployment of a firm’s time and capital.

That is, even if the tactic works, usually there are better marketing investments.

The tactics-first mindset is prevalent because nearly all vendors in the legal market are attempting to put practices in generic boxes, and pushing products because that’s what they have to sell … Without considering the unique nature of your practice, and unique experience you bring to the table. Likewise, many legal publications and talks focus on individual tactics because they’re a one-way medium and can’t do analysis about your specific situation.

Instead, Practice Alchemy is a full-service firm. Unlike an agency, we don’t charge a percentage of your marketing spend - so instead of having incentives to get you to spend more, our sole incentive is to create plans that generate the highest return possible for your firm and prove value on an ongoing basis.

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Thus, we consider the entire spectrum of strategies for your unique situation and make recommendations that maximize your results, rather than putting you in a pre-defined “marketing product box” that may not be best for you.

If your practice is looking for a quick fix or commodity solution, rather than a strategic plan that works for the long term, we aren’t a good fit for you.

Can you tell me what kind of return on investment I’ll get if I implement the recommendations in the audit report?No two audit reports are the same – because your local market, personal network, and experience is unique. Thus two attorneys who may appear similar (due to practice area, and even geography) and think they would have the same marketing plan may to their surprise have different optimal marketing strategies and ROI once we dig in.

In one extreme example, an attorney we work with had made a commitment to his late father, also an attorney, to never use paid advertising – which in his practice area was the quickest path to growth. We recommended a book publication strategy to position him as an authority (we help him author and publish the book with a minimum of time on his part). A different strategy, different timeline, but returns come in the form of higher fees from better market positioning.

In another case we had the full range of options available to us, for an attorney with a rock-solid network from decades in the community but little outbound marketing effort previously. When we deployed the strategy we developed for him, he paid for an entire year of marketing with us in his first month.

In your case your existing network, preferences, and expertise will determine what we recommend and will determine the ultimate return on investment and timeline of the strategy.

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Regardless, our goal is to create a plan that over the long term results in a return on deployed capital of at least 3x.

Why should I do the Audit now? I’ve got a lot going on, maybe I should do this later.Our experience (from over 6,000 discussions with law firms) is that two things happen with firms who do not move forward with us when we first speak.

First, those firms usually call us 12 – 24 months later when their workload is at a low point, and they finally feel urgency to begin marketing. In this case, the problem is that they’re starting from scratch at a point when the firm feels the need for quick results – meaning that attorneys opt for short-term tactics, and compromise the firm’s long term growth.

Second, we find back-burnering marketing is indicative of a firm’s attitude towards growth, and they tend to be less successful with any marketing they later attempt. We only succeed when our

clients succeed, so we decline to work with firms that demonstrate a lack of priority on growing their business. From our years of experience, a lack of decisiveness is correlated to not meeting the firm’s revenue goals.

The best time to market is before you have a lack of billable work, and even if you feel time constrained. Every practitioner feels like there isn’t time (our founder Raj did, too in his practice). Firms thinking strategically about growing take the time to understand their options now, firms not doing so are letting the market pass them by.

If you feel “full” today, you can still market and use the additional lead flow to be more selective about matters (taking higher-quality clients), increase rates, and grow the business – far preferable to waiting until there isn’t enough work and thus less capital to invest in effective marketing.

Our recommendation is that even if you aren’t sure you want to deploy a marketing program today, at least understand what it will look like so you’re prepared.

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We find that most firms, once they see their plan, discover strategies they didn’t know existed before – and are excited about the possibilities for their practice in the near term.

Do I have to hire Practice Alchemy to implement the recommendations contained in the Audit report?

No, you don’t. You can take the recommendations in the Audit and implement them yourself.

However, during this process you’ll see the depth of our expertise and the breadth of our services, see how we can free up more time for you by providing a fully-managed marketing solution, and get a sense of why we are an obvious choice to work with – but you aren’t obligated to do so.

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Contact UsEvery firm’s situation is different. We’re here to help you apply what you’ve learned to your situation.

Reach out to us at [email protected] or (209) 322-4529 to discuss what’s possible for you

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