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  • 7/29/2019 Top 5.docx


    Top 5: Universidades en California


    El estado de California, cuna del cine comercial, las palomitas, los parques temticos y los viedos,alberga instituciones de educacin superior de vanguardia y prestigio internacionales

    University of California, San Diego

    Muchas de las mejores y ms prestigiosas instituciones de educacin superior se sitan en


    Stanford vio nacer empresas globales como Hewlett-Packard, Cisco Systems, VMware, Yahoo!,

    Google y Sun Microsystems

    Estados Unidos es un destino muy popular en todos los aspectos. En el sentido acadmico, no se

    queda atrs, pues muchas de las mejores y ms prestigiosas instituciones de educacin superior se

    sitan en su territorio. Algunas triunfan en el terreno cientfico y tecnolgico, otras son las

    campeonas deportivas y algunas no pueden esconder su amor hacia el arte.

    A continuacin presentamos las cinco ms detacadas:

    Universidad de Stanford

    Ubicada en Palo Alto, California, es una reconocida universidad privada, admirada por sus logros

    nacional e internacionalmente. Stanford fue fundada en 1891 por Leland Stanford, magnate

    ferroviario y gobernador de California, y su esposa, Jane Stanford.

    Sus estudiantes y acadmicos la conocen como The Farm (La Granja), debido a que la universidad

    est situada en lo que sola ser la granja de cra de caballos de la familia de Leland Stanford.

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    La universidad abri sus puertas el 1 de octubre de 1891, con poco ms de quinientos estudiantes

    y quince docentes. Originalmente no se cobraba por estudiar en ella, y aunque la enseanza

    siempre ha sido mixta, el nmero de mujeres inscritas fue limitado por varios aos.

    Alcanz su popularidad hasta los aos 30, cuando Herbert Hoover, egresado de esta institucin,

    fue presidente de los Estados Unidos, y desde entonces no hizo ms que incrementar su prestigio

    con diversos proyectos en muy distintas reas. Stanford vio nacer empresas globales como

    Hewlett-Packard, Cisco Systems, VMware, Yahoo!, Google y Sun Microsystems. Adems, hasta

    ahora, esta universidad ha tenido veintisiete premios Nobel entre sus profesores de diversas

    disciplinas: nombres como Milton Friedman, Andrew Fire y Michael Spence figuran entre sus


    Esta institucin se encuentra entre las diez mejores universidades de los EE. UU. en las reas deingeniera informtica, economa y ciencias empresariales, derecho e ingeniera elctrica.

    Su mayor rival? La Universidad de Berkeley, con la que compite cada ao en el Big Game, un

    partido de ftbol americano en el que se enfrentan los equipos de ambas universidades.

    Ms informacin:

    Direccin: Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. United States of Amrica.

    Telfonos: +1-650-7232300 / 7232091

    Fax: +1-650-7252846

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.stanford.edu

    Universidad de Berkeley

    La Universidad de California con sede en Berkeley es una universidad pblica localizada en la

    ciudad que le da nombre, siendo la matriz y la ms antigua dentro de los campus de la Universidad

    de California. Se trata de la universidad pblica nmero uno en los Estados Unidos y en el mundo.

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    Fue inaugurada en Los ngeles en 1868, y comenz poco ms de cien hombres y ms de

    doscientas mujeres conformando su cuerpo estudiantil.

    Comenz a llamar la atencin del mundo acadmico internacional a principios y mediados del siglo

    XX, pues empez a destacar en las ciencias fsicas, qumicas y biolgicas. Descubrimientos

    recientes hechos en Berkeley incluyen el desarrollo de tecnologa asociada con Internet y el

    movimiento de programas en lnea gratuitos.

    En la dcada de los 60, la universidad cobr fama como principal centro de la izquierda

    universitaria estadounidense. Sucesos como el Movimiento Libertad de Expresin y la oposicin a

    la guerra de Vietnam surgieron en mentes estudiantiles de Berkeley.

    Cabe agregar que su biblioteca es la cuarta de tipo acadmico ms grande del mundo, despus de

    la Biblioteca del Congreso de Estados Unidos, la de Harvard y la de Yale, con ms de diez millones

    de volmenes y 70,000 libros privados.

    Ms informacin:

    Direccin: University of California, Berkeley, 110 Sproul Hall, #5800, Berkeley, CA 94720-5800.United States of Amrica.


    Fax: +1-510-6427333

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.berkeley.edu

    University of California, Los ngeles

    Mejor conocida como UCLA, este gran complejo educativo consta de 163 edificios en un extenso y

    muy bien mantenido campus, que alberga el College of Letters and Science, adems de 11

    escuelas para estudios de posgrado que imparten clases a ms de 36 mil estudiantes.

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    La universidad aparece en todos los listados de las mejores instituciones de enseanza superior a

    escala nacional y global, obteniendo en promedio, el tercer puesto en los Estados Unidos en

    educacin a nivel doctorado. A esto se suma que la Biblioteca UCLA, con ms de 8 millones de

    volmenes, est entre las tres mejores en los Estados Unidos.

    A principios de 1900, era la Escuela de Maestros del Sur de California, pero se transform la

    Universidad de California, Los ngeles en 1919. La construccin del campus que hoy conocemos se

    realiz en 1927, y en la siguiente dcada aument el nmero de licenciaturas y maestras

    impartidas por la universidad. Destaca en las siguientes disciplinas: arte, arquitectura, educacin,

    estudios de la informacin, ingeniera y ciencias aplicadas, leyes, negocios, polticas pblicas e

    investigacin social, educacin, cine y televisin, medicina, enfermera, odontologa y salud


    Ms informacin:

    Direccin: University of California, 405 Hilgard Avenue Box 951361 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1361

    Telfono: +1-310- 825-4321

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.ucla.edu/

    University of California, San Diego

    Ubicada en el suburbio de La Jolla, San Diego, es parte del sistema de la Universidad de California

    desde 1959 y fue construida alrededor del Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

    UCSD se encuentra entre las mejores universidades del pas en materias relacionadas con lamedicina y las ciencias, en singular el programa de biotecnologa, que es el tercero en la nacin.

    Tambin destaca en teatro y danza (tercer puesto de acuerdo con U.S. News and World Report) e


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    Desde su creacin, la universidad ha sido la ms prestigiosa de las universidades que se

    encuentran en San Diego. UCSD tiene seis colegios de primer ciclo: Earl Warren College, Eleanor

    Roosevelt College, John Muir College, Revelle College, Sixth College, y Thurgood Marshall College.

    Ms informacin:

    Direccin: University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, Dept 0021, La Jolla, CA 92093-

    0021. United States of Amrica.

    Telfono: +1-858-5344831

    Fax: +1-858-5345723

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.ucsd.edu

    University of Southern California

    Si te preguntabas dnde estudiaron personalidades del cine de la talla de George Lucas o Ron

    Howard, aqu tienes la respuesta. Coloquialmente nombrada Southern California o simplemente

    USC, esta institucin fue fundada en 1880, lo que la convierte en la primera universidad privada de

    investigacin en California.

    Se trata de una de las universidades estadounidenses ms selectivas: en 2006, por ejemplo,

    solamente 2700 alumnos consiguieron matricularse, de entre 34000 que lo intentaron, de acuerdo

    con un estudio de U.S. News and World Report.

    Localizada en el centro de una ciudad cosmopolita, USC es una de las instituciones educativas con

    poblacin estudiantil ms diversa: cuenta con estudiantes de los 50 estados de Unin Americana,

    as como de ms de ciento quince pases.

    Adems de sus mltiples mritos acadmicos, USC destaca en el mbito deportivo, teniendo el

    segundo lugar en ttulos de campeonatos universitarios, adems de tener 86 trofeos de la NCAA.

    Los equipos deportivos de la Universidad de Southern California se hacen llamar los Trojans, que

    compiten en la Pacific Ten Conference de la NCAA.

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    Ms informacin:

    Direccin: University of Southern California, 700 Childs Way, SAS Room 218, Los Angeles, CA


    Telfono: +1-213-7401111.

    Fax: +1-213-740-7577.

    E-mail admisiones pregrado: [email protected]

    E-mail postgrado y alumnos internacionales: [email protected]

    Web: http://www.usc.edu

    Como puedes ver, el estado de California, cuna del cine comercial, las palomitas, los parques

    temticos y los viedos, alberga instituciones de educacin superior de vanguardia y prestigio

    internacionales. No importa si tu pasin son los deportes, las ciencias o las artes, en California hay

    una institucin para ti: no olvides que este estado alberga un elevado porcentaje de extranjeros,

    muchos de los cuales son estudiantes. Ingresar a estas universidades es ms sencillo de lo que

    parece, adems de que varias de ellas son pblicas y ya no tendras que preocuparte por pagar

    costosas colegiaturas. As que por qu no sumarse a esta poblacin?

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    Gossip isnt all bad new study finds its social and psychological benefits

    By Yasmin Anwar, Media Relations | January 17, 2012


    For centuries, gossip has been dismissed as salacious, idle chatter that can damage reputations

    and erode trust. But a new study from the University of California, Berkeley, suggests rumor-

    mongering can have positive outcomes such as helping us police bad behavior, prevent

    exploitation and lower stress.

    Gossip gets a bad rap, but were finding evidence that it plays a critical role in the maintenance of

    social order, said UC Berkeley social psychologist Robb Willer, a coauthor of the study published

    in this months online issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

    Study finds gossip has an upside

    The study also found that gossip can be therapeutic. Volunteers heart rates increased when they

    witnessed someone behaving badly, but this increase was tempered when they were able to pass

    on the information to alert others.

    Spreading information about the person whom they had seen behave badly tended to make

    people feel better, quieting the frustration that drove their gossip, Willer said.

    So strong is the urge to warn others about unsavory characters that participants in the UC

    Berkeley study sacrificed money to send a gossip note to warn those about to play against

    cheaters in economic trust games. Overall, the findings indicate that people need not feel bad

    about revealing the vices of others, especially if it helps save someone from exploitation, the

    researchers said.

    We shouldnt feel guilty for gossiping if the gossip helps prevent others from being taken

    advantage of, said Matthew Feinberg, a UC Berkeley social psychologist and lead author of the


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    Rumor has it gossip can be good for you (California Golden Overtones; song by Adele & Ryan


    The study focused on prosocial gossip that has the function of warning others about

    untrustworthy or dishonest people, said Willer, as opposed to the voyeuristic rumor-mongering

    about the ups and downs of such tabloid celebrities as Kim Kardashian and Charlie Sheen.

    In a series of four experiments, researchers used games in which the players generosity toward

    each other was measured by how many dollars or points they shared. In the first experiment, 51

    volunteers were hooked up to heart rate monitors as they observed the scores of two peopleplaying the game. After a couple of rounds, the observers could see that one player was not

    playing by the rules and was hoarding all the points.

    Observers heart rates increased as they witnessed the cheating, and most seized the opportunity

    to slip a gossip note to warn a new player that his or her contender was unlikely to play fair. The

    experience of passing on the information calmed this rise in heart rate.

    Listen to KQED Forum discussing Can gossip be good?

    Passing on the gossip note ameliorated their negative feelings and tempered their frustration,

    Willer said. Gossiping made them feel better.

    In the second experiment, 111 participants filled out questionnaires about their level of altruism

    and cooperativeness. They then observed monitors showing the scores from three rounds of the

    economic trust game, and saw that one player was cheating.

    The more prosocial observers reported feeling frustrated by the betrayal and then relieved to be

    given a chance to pass a gossip note to the next player to prevent exploitation.

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    A central reason for engaging in gossip was to help others out more so than just to talk trash

    about the selfish individual, Feinberg said. Also, the higher participants scored on being

    altruistic, the more likely they were to experience negative emotions after witnessing the selfish

    behavior and the more likely they were to engage in the gossip.

    To raise the stakes, participants in the third experiment were asked to go so far as to sacrifice the

    pay they received to be in the study if they wanted to send a gossip note. Moreover, their sacrifice

    would not negatively impact the selfish players score. Still, a large majority of observers agreed to

    take the financial hit just to send the gossip note.

    People paid money to gossip even when they couldnt affect the selfish persons outcome,

    Feinberg said.

    In the final study, 300 participants from around the country were recruited via Craigslist to play

    several rounds of the economic trust game online. They played using raffle tickets that would be

    entered in a drawing for a $50 cash prize-an extra incentive to hold on to as many raffle tickets

    as possible.

    Some players were told that the observers during a break could pass a gossip note to players in

    the next round to alert them to individuals not playing fairly. The threat of being the subject of

    negative gossip spurred virtually all the players to act more generously, especially those who had

    scored low on an altruism questionnaire taken prior to the game.

    Together, the results from all four experiments show that when we observe someone behave in

    an immoral way, we get frustrated, Willer said. But being able to communicate th is information

    to others who could be helped makes us feel better.

    Other coauthors of the paper are UC Berkeley psychologists Dacher Keltner and Jennifer Stellar

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    Evans Hall (UC Berkeley)

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Evans Hall as seen from Sather Tower in 2007.

    Panoramic view from Evans Hall, September 2010.

    Evans Hall is the statistics, economics, and mathematics building at the University of California,


    Contents [hide]

    1 Academic importance

    2 Architecture

    2.1 Construction

    2.2 Safety concerns

    3 Aesthetic complaints

    4 Rumors and legends

    4.1 Suicides

    4.2 Unabomber

    5 References

    [edit]Academic importance

    Evans Hall is also the building in which the original vi text editor was programmed.[citation


    Evans Hall also served as the gateway for the entire west coast's Internet access during the early

    stages of the Internet's existence; at the time, the backbone was a 56kbit/s line to Chicago.

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    In addition there is a basement computing facility often referred to as "The Dungeon." The

    printers are named with various underworld overtones such as Styx, Cerberus, and Charon, as well

    as The Unaprinter, presumably in reference to Ted Kaczynski's short tenure at Berkeley.



    Evans Hall is situated at the northeast corner of campus, just east of Memorial Glade. It was built

    in 1971 and is named after Griffith C. Evans, chairman of mathematics from 1934 to 1949 who

    combined the fields of mathematics and economics. The architect was Gardner A. Dailey.[1]

    In the 1990s, this building saw significant renovation including seismic retrofits and a new paint

    job.[1] Today, the building sports a blue-green exterior with orange-red accents.

    [edit]Safety concerns

    As part of the University's New Century Plan, the building is recommended for demolition and

    replacement, due in part to its unsafe earthquake readiness rating.[2] In 2000, it was proposed

    that two shorter buildings replace Evans Hall.[1]

    Although Evans Hall's seismic rating is poor, the rating is common on the UC Berkeley campus with

    over fifty buildings sharing the rating.[1] A rating of poor translates to that a major earthquake

    would likely cause "significant structural damage and appreciable life hazards".[1]

    During the early 2000s, because of rusting of the frame of the building, "large pieces of concrete

    began falling off the face of Evans Hall without warning".[1] Repairing the building cost two milliondollars.[1]

    [edit]Aesthetic complaints

    Evans Hall was voted one of the ugliest buildings in UC Berkeley by its student body.[citation


    Evans Hall is known for its large number of windowless classrooms.[1] The Chronicle of Higher

    Education has called it "an imposing concrete structure that most people on the campus wouldlike to see demolished".[1] Former chancellor Robert M. Berdahl has described the building as

    without "stirrings of pride in placement, or massing, or architectural design.[1] Some complain

    the building disturbs the view of the San Francisco Bay.

    Math related murals have been painted inside the building in protest against its aesthetics.[1]

    Evans Hall was repainted a gray-green so that the building would blend into the Berkeley hills.[1]

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    [edit]Rumors and legends


    A series of students at the university have committed suicide at Evans Hall, primarily by jumpingoff one of the higher floors of the building.[3] This has led some to believe the building is

    haunted.[3] It has also spawned an untrue rumor that the University has put a "suicide alarm" on

    the tenth floor of Evans Hall.[4]


    There is a widespread rumor that math professor Theodore Kaczynski taught in Evans Hall. He

    would later become an environmental terrorist known as the Unabomber. Official publications

    from the University have repeated the rumor.[5] In reality, it is impossible that Kaczynski taught in

    Evans Hall as he left the University in 1969 and the building was not constructed until 1971.[6][1]

    He actually had his office in temporary buildings that have since been torn down.[7]

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    Stanford or UC Berkeley or UCLA 1 year - 24 posts -Latest 0 Goods | 13 No Goods |RSS


    1. Economist


    It is less than a month away from making that big decision, I am accepted to all three finance PhD programs,

    and two of them will have a surprise, not knowing what to do, I accepted all 3.

    All B-schools and have 4 year fellowship, same price pretty much.

    Which one should I really pick, Parents say Berkeley, I love LA, Professors say Stanford. I am confused.

    Please answer, if you are a student at any of these 3 schools. I have an undergrad in Math and grad in

    Engineering Statistics. Don't know much about Finance.


    2. Economist


    I'm at UCLA and love it. Campus is too awesome compared to pass up.

    It is less than a month away from making that big decision, I am accepted to all three finance PhD programs,

    and two of them will have a surprise, not knowing what to do, I accepted all 3.

    All B-schools and have 4 year fellowship, same price pretty much.

    Which one should I really pick, Parents say Berkeley, I love LA, Professors say Stanford. I am confused.

    Please answer, if you are a student at any of these 3 schools. I have an undergrad in Math and grad in

    Engineering Statistics. Don't know much about Finance.1 YEAR AGO#QUOTE0 GOOD 1 NO GOOD

    3. Economist


    I'm at UCLA and love it. Campus is too awesome compared to pass up.

    You're a typical grad student. Your experience is limited by excessive study of mathematical theory.

    Berkeley and Stanford have awesome campuses too.


    4. Economist


    It is less than a month away from making that big decision, I am accepted to all three finance PhD programs,

    and two of them will have a surprise, not knowing what to do, I accepted all 3.

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    All B-schools and have 4 year fellowship, same price pretty much.

    Which one should I really pick, Parents say Berkeley, I love LA, Professors say Stanford. I am confused.

    Please answer, if you are a student at any of these 3 schools. I have an undergrad in Math and grad in

    Engineering Statistics. Don't know much about Finance.

    Funny. Let me guess you did all your campus visits last night. Either that or you said that you would be going

    the university (to each one of the universities) around April-May (when the decisions come out) and that

    might get you into trouble.

    A third alternative that I propose is that you were accepted for a janitorial job and in that case you should

    say yes to all three of them.


    5. Economist


    ^ you had too many drinks my friend, it is time to go to bed for you. ^ incoherent gibberish.


    6. Economist


    Stanford >>> Berkeley >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UCLA


    7. Economist


    I have a master's degree in the custodial arts.


    8. Economist


    ^ you had too many drinks my friend, it is time to go to bed for you. ^ incoherent gibberish.

    PhD admissions were completed months ago.


    9. Economist


    Yea this guy is trolling us hard.


    10. Economist


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    Stupid useless troll


    11. Economist


    troll stupid, no good.


    12. Economist


    I know you're a troll, but anyways

    two of them will have a surprise, not knowing what to do, I accepted all 3.

    You may have a surprise too. Given that you're not allowed to turn down a funded offer for a funded offer,

    without having prior permission from the school whose acceptance you are withdrawing, after the 15th of

    April you may find yourself going from 3 funded acceptances to zero.

    All B-schools and have 4 year fellowship, same price pretty much./blockquote>

    Don't believe this either. There's no way that UCLA or Berkeley are giving you anywhere close to what GSB is

    offering.1 YEAR AGO#QUOTE0 GOOD 2 NO GOOD

    13. Economist




    14. Economist


    I was always impressed by the grad students in the Berkeley finance department.


    15. Economist


    OP, **** off to TM


    16. Economist


    2011 Finance Placements & Number of Nobel Laureates


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    1) Wharton

    2) MIT, Sloan

    3) Boston College

    4) Norweigian School of Economics

    7 Nobel laureates in Econ/Finance



    1)Federal Reserve, Board of Governors

    2) Stanford University

    3) University of Texas, Austin

    4) Duke University

    5 Nobel laureates in Econ/Finance



    1) Boston University

    2) University of New South Wales

    0 Nobel laureates in Econ/Finance


    17. Economist




    18. Economist




    19. Economist


    WOW what a shitty troll post!

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    **** OP, seriously? It's ****ing AUGUST and the best you can come up with is this shit? The average undergrad

    should be able to come up with material more creative than this crap. Please use your brain next time.


    I know you have it in ya... those creative juices... I mean your mom was hella 'creative' last night when she

    was polishing my knob and then some...


    20. Economist


    Stanford more or less = Berkeley >>>>>>>>>> UCLA.


    1. Economist


    if you are liberal or canadian, go to cal. if you don't like poverty, go to stanford. if you like tv, go to ucla.


    2. Economist


    Stanford and Berkeley are in Tier A, Stanford with stellar PhD and MBA, Berkeley with decent PhD and MBA.

    UCLA is moving fast to Tier B, in both programs, all the old geniuses are now dead wood. The new ones are

    all from Econ background and not worth anything.


    3. Economist


    Is this the shot they teach you at UCLA?

    WOW what a shitty troll post!

    **** OP, seriously? It's ****ing AUGUST and the best you can come up with is this shit? The average undergrad

    should be able to come up with material more creative than this crap. Please use your brain next time.


    I know you have it in ya... those creative juices... I mean your mom was hella 'creative' last night when she

    was polishing my knob and then some...1 YEAR AGO#QUOTE0 GOOD 0 NO GOOD

    4. Economist


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    canadians love berkeley because it full of whackadoodles like themselves


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    General Educational Development[1][2][3][4](GED) tests are a group of five subject tests which,

    when passed, certify that the taker hasAmericanorCanadianhigh school-level academic skills.

    The initials GED have also been used on diplomas to mean General Education Diploma, General

    Equivalency Diploma[5][6][7][8]orGraduate Equivalency Degree.

    The GED Testing Service, a joint venture of the American Council on Education and Pearson, is the

    sole developer for the GED test. The test can be taken by paper or on computer, but tests must

    be taken in person. Jurisdictions award a Certificate of High School Equivalency or similarly titled

    credential to persons who meet the passing score requirements. Passing the GED test therefore

    gives those who did not complete high school the opportunity to earn their high school equivalency


    More than 18 million people have received a GED credential since the program began. One in

    every seven Americans with high school credentials received the GED test credential, as well as

    one in 20 college students. Seventy percent of GED recipients complete at least the 10th grade

    before leaving school, and the same number are over the age of 19, with the average age being


    In addition toEnglish, the GED tests are available inSpanish,French, large print,audiocassette,

    andbraille. Tests and test preparation are also offered to persons incarcerated and on military

    bases in addition to more traditional settings. Individuals living outside the United States, Canada,

    or U.S. territories may be eligible to take the GED Tests through private testing companies.



    1 History of the GED testing program

    2 How the test works

    o 2.1 Language Arts: Writing

    2.1.1 Part I

    2.1.2 Part II

    o 2.2 Social studies

    o 2.3 Science

    o 2.4 Language Arts: Reading

    o 2.5 Mathematics

    3 Test administration

    o 3.1 Cost

    o 3.2 Students with disabilities

    o 3.3 International testing

    4 Passing the GED testing battery

    5 Future developments of the GED

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    6 See also

    7 References

    8 Further reading

    9 External links

    [edit]History of the GED testing program

    In November 1942, the United States Armed Forces Institute asked the American Council on

    Education (ACE) to develop a battery of tests to measure high school-level academic

    skills.[10]These tests gave military personnel and veterans who had enrolled in the military before

    completing high school a way to demonstrate their knowledge. Passing these tests gave returning

    soldiers and sailors the academic credentials they needed to get civilian jobs and gain access to

    post-secondary education or training.

    ACE revised the GED Tests for a third time in 1988.[10]The most noticeable change to the series

    was the addition of a writing sample, oressay. The new tests placed more emphasis on sociallyrelevant topics and problem-solving skills. For the first time, surveys of test-takers found that more

    students (65%) reported taking the test with the intention of continuing their education beyond high

    school, rather than to get better employment (30%). A fourth revision was made in 2002 to make

    the test comply with more recent standards for high-school education.[10]

    [edit]How the test works

    The GED comprises five tests: "Language Arts: Writing", "Social Studies", "Science", "Language

    Arts: Reading", and "Mathematics".

    To ensure fairness, all Official GED Testing Centers must adhere to the uniform testing standards

    specified by the American Council on Education, including adherence to the provisions oftheAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990or theCanadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    Local policies determine whether students must take all five tests in one day. Some locations divide

    the tests among two or more days, and testing days are not always consecutive.

    [edit]Language Arts: Writing

    [edit]Part I

    The "Language Arts: Writing" test portion is divided into two parts, of which the first

    coverssentencestructure, organization,usage, and mechanics. Test-takers read text from

    business, informational, and instructional publications and then correct, revise, or improve the text

    according toEdited American Englishstandards (or equivalent standards in Spanish and Frenchversions). Test-takers have 75 minutes to complete the 50 items in Part I.

    [edit]Part II

    This part of the "Language Arts: Writing" test requires the student to write anessayon an assigned

    topic in 45 minutes. Persons who finish Part I early may apply the remaining time to their essays. A

    passing essay must have well-focused main points, clear organization, and specific development of

    ideas, and demonstrate the writer's control of sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, word

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    choice, and spelling. There is no minimum word count.[citation needed] The essay should be long enough

    to develop the topic adequately. Assigned topics are always an opinion or perspective that does not

    require special knowledge, such as the influence of violent music on teenagers or the advantages

    and disadvantages of living without children.

    [edit]Social studies

    This test coversAmerican history,world history,civicsandgovernment,economics,

    andgeography; 70 minutes are allotted for the 50 questions.

    In the social studies test, test-takers read short passages and answermultiple-choicequestions.

    Some passages come from such documents as theDeclaration of IndependenceandU.S. Supreme

    Courtdecisions. Many questions use graphs, charts, and other images, such as editorial cartoons,

    along with or instead of written passages.

    Questions involving economics as well as civics and government rely heavily on practical

    documents, such as tax forms, voter-registration forms, and workplace and personal budgets.

    Topics such asglobal warmingandenvironmental lawalso are covered.


    This 80-minute test of 50 multiple-choice questions coverslife science,earth science,space

    science, andphysical science. It measures the candidate's skill in understanding, interpreting, and

    applying science concepts to visual and written text from academic and workplace contexts. The

    test focuses on what a scientifically literate person must know, understand, and be able to do.

    Questions address theNational Science Education Content Standardsand focus on environmental

    and health topics (recycling,heredity, andpollution, for example) and science's relevance to

    everyday life. Students should expect to see tables, graphs, charts, and diagrams, as well as

    complete sentences.

    Most questions on the "Science" test involve a graphic, such as a map, graph, chart, or diagram.

    Subjects covered includephotosynthesis,weatherandclimate,geology,magnetism,energy,

    andcell division.

    [edit]Language Arts: Reading

    This 65-minute, 40-question test examines a test-taker's ability toreadand understand texts similar

    to those encountered in high-school English classrooms. The test has five fictionand

    twononfictionpassages, each about 300400 words long. The fiction passages include portions of

    a play, a poem, and three pieces of prose. The nonfiction passages may come from letters,

    biographies, newspaper and magazine articles, or such "practical" texts as manuals and forms.

    Each passage is followed by questions that assess reading comprehension, as well as the test-

    taker's ability to analyze the text, apply the information given to other situations, and synthesize newideas from those provided.

    Questions do not require test-takers to be familiar with the larger piece of literature from which the

    excerpt is taken, the author's other works, literary history, or discipline-specific terms and



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    This 90-minute, 50-question test has two equally weighted parts, the first of which allows candidates

    to use calculators, while the second forbids their use. Candidates must only use the calculators

    issued at the testing center.

    Forty of the 50 questions are multiple-choice; the other 10 use an alternate format, requiring the

    test-taker to record answers on either a numerical or coordinate-plane grid. Both portions of the test

    have questions of both types. The test booklet offers a page of common formulas as well as

    directions for completing the alternate-format items and using the calculator.

    The test focuses on four main mathematical disciplines:

    Number operationsand number sense

    Measurement andgeometry

    Data analysis,probability, andstatistics

    Algebra, functions, and patterns

    [edit]Test administration

    There are more than 3,200 Official GED Testing Centers in the United States and Canada. Testing

    centers are most often inadult-educationcenters,community colleges, andpublic schools. Students

    inmetropolitan areasmay be able to choose from several nearby testing locations.

    Official GED Testing Centers are controlled environments. All testing sessions take place in person

    (not online) according to very specific rules, and security measures are enforced. Breaks may be

    permitted between tests, depending on how many tests are being administered in a session. There

    may be restrictions on what test-takers may bring into the testing room.

    There are approximately 25 different editions of the GED Tests that may be in circulation. This

    measure helps catch test-takers who may becheating. As with anystandardized test, the various

    editions are calibrated to the same level of difficulty.


    The cost of the GED for test-takers varies depending on the state. The most reliable and up-to-date

    information regarding any given area's current testing costs and policies may be found by

    contacting the local testing center or the department of education.

    In some areas, there is no charge to students who wish to receive the GED. In Arkansas, for

    example, there is no charge to students who pass a practice test .[11]In Connecticut, veterans and

    students under age 21 take the test for free; depending on their local GED board, students can also

    take preparation courses for free and/or receive a free copy of the official preparation textbook.[12]

    In other states, the test-taker must pay for the cost of the test. Fees in 2008 ranged from $7.50 at

    North Carolina's community colleges[13]to more than $150 in California.[14]There may be a fee for

    registering for the exam, and then a separate fee for rewriting any failed section. The test-taker may

    retake a section until the expiration date of the exam, generally the last day of that year or the next


    [edit]Students with disabilities

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    Disabled persons who want to take the GED Tests may be entitled to receive reasonable testing

    accommodations. If a qualified professional has documented the disability, the candidate should get

    the appropriate form from the Testing Center:

    Physical disabilityandchronic-healthdisability (such asblindness, low vision, hearing

    impairment, and mobility impairment): "Request for Testing AccommodationsPhysical/Chronic Health Disability" form

    Learning or cognitive disability(such asdyslexia,dyscalculia, receptiveaphasia, and written-

    language disorder): "Request for Testing AccommodationsLearning and Other Cognitive

    Disabilities" form

    Emotionalormental-healthdisorder (such asbipolar disorder,Tourette's syndrome,

    andschizophrenia): "Request for Testing AccommodationsEmotional/Mental health" form

    Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder(inattentive type, hyperactiveimpulse type, or

    combined type): "Request for Testing AccommodationsAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

    Disorder" form

    The candidate should return the completed form to the GED Testing Center. Each request isconsidered individually. If accommodations are approved, the local GED testing examiner will

    conduct the testing with the approved accommodations. Accommodations are provided at no extra

    charge. Accommodations may include, but are not limited to:


    Brailleor large-print tests

    Vision-enhancing technologies

    Use of video equipment

    Use of a talking calculator or abacus

    Use of a sign-language interpreter Use of a scribe (a person who writes down the test-taker's answers)

    Extended testing time

    [edit]International testing

    The Maine Department of Education, through a contract with the GED Testing Service of the

    American Council on Education, awards a Maine High School Equivalency Diploma to those

    candidates who have successfully tested throughPrometric's International GED Testing

    Program.[15]Prometric offers a computerized version of the test at various locations worldwide. The

    test-taker can set dates on available weekdays throughout the year.[16]

    On February 1st, 2013, Prometric will stop delivering the International GED testing service.

    However,Pearson VUEwill undertake it after February 13, 2013.[17][18]

    [edit]Passing the GED testing battery

    Possible scores on an individual test within the GED battery, like those on an individual section of

    theSAT, range from a minimum of 200 to a maximum of 800. A score of 800 on an individual test

    puts the student in the top 1% of graduating high school seniors. ACE issues recommendations for

    what constitutes a minimum passing score for any given sub-test (currently 410) and for the test as

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    a whole (currently 2250, i.e. an average of 450 per test across all five sub-tests). Although most

    GED-issuing jurisdictions (for the most part, Boards of Education of U.S. states) adopt these

    minimum standards as their own, a jurisdiction may establish higher standards for issuance of the

    certificate if it chooses. Many jurisdictions awardhonors-level equivalency diplomas to students

    meeting certain criteria higher than those for a standard diploma in a given jurisdiction. Some

    districts holdgraduationceremonies for GED Tests passers and/or awardscholarshipsto thehighest scorers.

    Colleges that admit based upon high school grades may require a minimum score on the GED for

    admittance based upon the GED. For example, Arizona State University requires an average sub-

    test score of 500 in addition to the certificate.[19]

    If a student passes one or more but not all five tests within the battery, he or she needs only retake

    the test(s) s/he did not pass. Most places limit the number of times students may take each

    individual test within a year. A student may encounter a waiting period before being allowed to

    retake a failed test. Tests must be completed by the expiration date, which is generally every 2

    years on the last day of the year.

    The GED credential itself is issued by the state, province, or territory in which the test taker lives.

    Many government institutions and universities regard the GED as the same as a high school

    diploma with respect to program eligibility and as a prerequisite for admissions. The United States

    military, however, has explicitly higher requirements in admissions for GEDs to compensate for their

    lack of a traditional high school diploma.[20]Likewise, economic research finds that the GED

    certification itself (i.e. without further postsecondary education or training) does not create the same

    labor market opportunities available to traditional high school graduates.[21]

    Some[who?] believe the test is easier than it should be, and some employers look down on it as a

    form of degree lower than a high-school diploma. Others believe the GED is harder than it should

    be; according to GED Testing Service statistics from the 2003 GED Statistical Report, the numberof candidates who tested, completed, and passed the tests declined in 2002 and 2003. This decline

    is attributed to the new tests being more difficult.

    The most common criticism is of the test battery's mainly multiple-choice format. Others [who?] argue

    that the reading-comprehension test is too simple, and that there are too many basic operations on

    themathematicsportion and not enough advancedalgebraandgeometryquestions.

    In response to this criticism, the test was revised in 2002 to make it more difficult to pass. One of

    the most important revisions made it more difficult to guess correct answers from the choices

    provided. This greater degree of difficulty is achieved by requiring students to show the process for

    finding the correct answer to a question, rather than simply providing a correct result. For example,

    a typical mathematics question will not ask what the second leg of a right-angledtriangleis whenthe lengths of the first leg and the hypotenuse are given. Instead, It will ask for the formula that

    should be used to find the correct answer. This requires the student to use algebra and geometry to

    explain their answer.

    A number of the questions also contain such options as "Not enough information given", "None of

    the above", and "No correction is necessary" as possible answers. These are found mostly in the

    "Mathematics" and "Language Arts: Writing: Part I" tests.


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