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Page 1: Top ten things to discover in india article ppt

Top Ten Things to Do and Discover in India As a tourist destination, India offers a lot of things to do and discover. The list of options is big

and includes wildlife excursion, Ayurvedic rejuvenation, Yoga & meditation, backwater trail,

cultural enlightenment and shopping among others. In this article, I have given a list of top 10

things to do and discover in India for your kind perusal.

Recognized abodes of Royal Predators

Tourists visiting India with the purpose of wildlife sightseeing are mostly beguiled by tiger

reserves that are governed by ‘Project Tiger’ and are 42 in number. Most of these reserved

were the hunting grounds of erstwhile Indian maharajas. However, they were later converted

into national parks for the protection of wildlife species especially tigers. Some prominent

names for wildlife tours in India are Ranthambore National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park

and Kanha National Park.

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Yoga and Meditation

The concept of Yoga and meditation is mentioned in Vedas, Upanishads and ancient scriptures.

However, it was simplified and compiled by an ancient Indian sage Patanjali in the name of

Ashtanga Yoga. Over the course of time, this ancient Indian knowledge was spread of in the

western hemisphere and resulted in the influx of foreign tourists to learn and gain from its

advantages. Rishikesh in Uttarakhand is regarded as the best for Yoga tours in India.

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Ayurveda- The Indian Medical Science

Alike Yoga and meditation, Ayurveda too traces its roots from the ancient Indian civilization and

has earned worldwide recognition. This ancient art of healing has been extensively explained in

the Yajura Veda which prioritizes the good health over other social concerns. Prominent

hospitality chains in this country have sensed the need and popularity of Ayurveda among

foreign tourists. Therefore nearly every luxury hotel today offers the facility of Ayurveda spa to

provide holistic wellness to the guests. Ananda in the Himalayas is the best place to visit during

Ayurveda tours in India.

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Kerala Backwaters

Talking about south India tours and the name of Kerala is always on the priority list. One of the

must do things in Kerala is sailing through the palm fringed backwaters on board Kettuvallams.

It is truly a journey of a life as you get to experience local food, culture and exotic flora and


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Cultural Exposure

India can be rightly called the ‘Land of Diverse Faiths’. Religion in this country has not only

originated but has also arrived from far eastern and western countries. This has created an

exciting medley and harmony hardly seen anywhere else. The best part is that every religion is

venerated by another one. You may find several Hindu pilgrims arriving in Ajmer Shariff.

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Adventure trail

A significant chunk of tourists around the world loves to live on the edge of thrill and

excitement. India, especially in the Himalayas, immense opportunities are available in terms of

adventure sports such as Paragliding, white water rafting, trekking, ice skiing and mountain


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Souvenir Shopping

Most people have an urge for shopping that they can’t resist and if you are on a holiday, this

urge knew no bounds. Every region in India has a specialty that you would like to take back as a

souvenir. These souvenir items make you recall the memories of your holiday trip.

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Beach Delight

The fact that the 7,517 long coastline of India accounts for around 1/5th of the country’s total

tourist revenue is quite enough to adjudge the potentiality of beach tourism. The most popular

spot for beach tourism is Goa. While Anjuna and Baga are widely acknowledged as the party

destination, Varca is south Goa is popular owing to its world class resorts.

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World Heritage Sites

India is home to some breathtaking beautiful edifices that can be rightly called benchmark for

modern architects. Owing to their architectural brilliance, beauty and creativity, UNESCO has

accorded them the status of World Heritage Site. Taj Mahal, Ajanta & Ellora, Konark Temple,

Elephanta Caves and Khajuraho Temples are few examples of that.

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Luxury Trains

The latest travel phenomena doing rounds in the western hemisphere is of luxury train

travelling. Treading the similar path, India too has a fair share of 6 luxury trains crisscrossing

culturally potent and historically significant destinations in different parts of India. The most

popular among all is the Maharajas’ Express featuring a presidential suite spanning over entire


India is land studded with beauty, culture and history. The above mentioned list of options will

help you choose your favorite theme while opting for India tours.

If you are looking forward to experience the beauty and culture of India, do take reference from

this list of top 10 things to do and discover in India. Enjoy your dream Holidays in India.

For more Visit: http://www.indianholiday.co.uk/

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