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  • 1. Topic 5 Acids in Action

2. Topic 5.1Acids in Action

  • What does thepH scalemeasure?
  • What pH numbers refer toacids ?
  • What pH numbers refer toalkalis ?
  • What is the pH number for a neutral solution?

3. Topic 5.1Acids in Action

  • What colour does the pH paper turn with astrongacid?
  • What colour does the pH paper turn with aweakacid?
  • What colour does the pH paper turn with astrongalkali?
  • What colour does the pH paper turn with aneutralsolution?

4. Topic 5.1Acids in Action

  • What happens to the pH number when anacid is diluted?
  • What happens to the pH when analkali is diluted ?
  • What pH is thelimitfordilution of either an acid oralkali?

5. Topic 5.1Acids in Action

  • What are .
  • three commonacidsfound inthe household?
  • three commonalkalisfound inthe household?
  • three commonneutral solutionsfound inthe household?

6. Topic 5.1 Ext Acids in Action

  • What is the formula for...
  • hydrochloric acid?
  • nitric acid?
  • sulphuric acid
  • phosphoric acid?
  • carbonic acid?

7. Topic 5.1 Ext Acids in Action

  • Can acidsconductelectricity ?
  • What kind ofbondingdo acids have?
  • Whationis common to all acids?
  • Is thisionpositive or negative?
  • Whationsare present inhydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid?

8. Topic 5.1 Ext Acids in Action

  • Acids have a higherconcentrationof whichion ?
  • Alkalis have a higherconcentrationof whichion ?
  • Dilutinganacid reducesthe number of which ions?

9. Topic 5.2Acids in Action

  • How is anacid made?
  • How is analkalimade?
  • What condition/property isneededto make an alkali?
  • What type ofoxides do not formalkalis?
  • WhatpHdo these oxides give?
  • Whationis common to allalkalis ?

10. Topic 5.2Acids in Action

  • What is the formula for...
  • sodium hydroxide?
  • calcium hydroxide?
  • potassium hydroxide

11. Topic 5.2Acids in Action

  • Whatsubstance , presentinfuelscontributes toacid rain?
  • What is thegas producedcalledthat causes acid rain?
  • What does acid rain do totheenvironment ?

12. Topic 5.2 Ext Acids in Action

  • What is thenameof the process that can split up an acid back into its elements?
  • Whatelementforms at the negative electrode?
  • Whathappensat thenegative electrode toproduce this elementfrom its ion?
  • What is thisreaction called?

+ + + + - - - - + - - + - + + + + - - - 13. Topic 5.2 Ext Acids in Action

  • What is ad.c currentandwhyis it used in electrolysis?
  • Whenhydrochloricacidis electrolysed,what forms at thepositiveelectrode?
  • Whathappensat thepositive electrode to produce this element?
  • What is thisreactioncalled?

14. Topic 5.2 Ext Acids in Action

  • Whensulphuric acidis electrolysed, what forms at thepositiveelectrode?
  • Whatforms at the negative electrode ?
  • What is this overallreactioncalled?

15. Topic 5.3Acids in Action

  • Whichmetalscan react with an acid?
  • Wherein thereactivity series(Data book pg 7) would you find these metals?
  • When a metal reacts with an acid what are theproducts?
  • Write out this generalequation and LEARN.

16. Topic 5.3Acids in Action

  • How could it be proved thathydrogengas is given off?
  • How could therateof these reactions be increased?
  • Whydoessulphuric acidreact faster than hydrochloric and nitric acid? (CLUE THINK OF THE FORMULA)

17. Topic 5.3Acids in Action

  • Whattype of metal saltis formed when hydrochloric acidis used? sulphuric acidis used? nitric acidis used?

18. Topic 5.3 ExtAcids in Action

  • Copy and complete the following and write balanced formulae equations
  • Magnesium + Hydrochloric
          • acid
  • Iron + Nitric acid
  • 3. Zinc+ Sulphuric acid

19. Topic 5.3 ExtAcids in Action

  • Answers
  • Magnesium + HydrochloricMagnesium+ Hydrogen
          • acid chloride
          • Mg + 2HCl MgCl 2 +H 2
  • Iron + Nitric acidIron nitrate + hydrogen
          • Fe + 2HNO 3 Fe(NO 3 )2 +H 2
  • 3. Zinc+ Sulphuric acid Zinc sulphate + Hydrogen
          • Zn + H 2 SO 4 ZnSO 4 +H 2

20. Topic 5.4Acids in Action

  • What is thenameof thereactionwhen an acid iscancelledby a another substance?
  • What is abase ?
  • Name three types ofbase? (THINK OF THEREACTIONS YOUHAVE SEENFROM 5.4)

21. Topic 5.4Acids in Action

  • What are theproductsformed when ametal oxidereacts with anacid ?
  • What are theproductsformed when ametal carbonatereacts with anacid ?
  • Write out these general word equations and LEARN THEM.

22. Topic 5.4 Ext Acids in Action

  • Whatgasis produced when a metalcarbonatereacts with an acid?
  • Why is anexcessof metal carbonate added to the acid?

Residue Filtrate 23. Topic 5.4 Ext Acids in Action

  • How do you know when the acid has beencompletely neutralised?
  • What will thefiltratecontain?
  • Whatcompoundis found in the residue ?

Residue Filtrate 24. Topic 5.4 ExtAcids in Action

  • What are theproductsformed when copper carbonate reacts with sulphuric acid?
  • Write the word and balanced formula equation for this reaction
  • Copper+Sulphuric
  • carbonateacid

25. Topic 5.4 ExtAcids in Action

  • Copper+SulphuricCopper+Water+Carbon
  • carbonateacid sulphatedioxide
  • CuCO 3+ H 2 SO 4 CuSO 4+H 2 0+CO 2

26. Topic 5.4 ExtAcids in Action

  • What are theproductsformed when copper oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid?
  • Write the word and balanced formula equation for this reaction
  • Copper+Hydrochloric
  • oxideacid

27. Topic 5.4 ExtAcids in Action

  • Copper+HydrochloricCopper+Water
  • oxideacid chloride
          • CuO + 2HCl CuCl 2+H 2 0

28. Topic 5.5Acids in Action

  • What is thenameof thereactionwhen an acid iscancelledby a anothersubstance?
  • What is abase ?
  • Name three types of base? (THINK OF THE REACTIONS YOU HAVE SEEN FROM 5.4)

29. Topic 5.5Acids in Action

  • Why is a pipette used instead of a measuring cylinder?
  • Whatadvantagedoes a burette have over a pipette?

30. Topic 5.5Acids in Action

  • What is the name of thetechniquein which a burette and pipette are used to neutralise an acid?
  • Why is anindicatorused?
  • What is thecurvein theacid or alkali called?
  • Where should this curve bewhen filling a pipette accurately?
  • What is meant byconcordant results ?

31. Topic 5.6Acids in Action

  • What is the name of the reaction in which two solutions react to form aninsoluble salt ?
  • How can the insoluble product beseparatedfrom the mixture?
  • Where is information on insoluble salts found?
  • What is meant byspectator ions ?

32. Topic 5.7Acids in Action

  • What is theformula massand how is it obtained?
  • What is thegram formula massequal to?
  • What is concentration?
  • What are the units used?

33. Topic 5.8Acids in Action

  • What is the equation thatrelatesmoles and mass ?
  • What is the equation thatrelatesvolume, concentrationand moles ?

34. Topic 5.9Acids in Action

  • What is theequationused intitrations ?

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