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Page 1: TORAH OHR BULLETIN March 9 March 15, 2018 Adar 23 Parashat ... · TORAH OHR BULLETIN March 9— March 15, 2018 ♦ Adar 23—28, 5778 Parashat Vayakhel- Pekudei /Shabbat M’vorchim


March 9— March 15, 2018 ♦ Adar 23—28, 5778 Parashat Vayakhel- Pekudei /Shabbat M’vorchim

Parasha page 516 Maftir page 838 Haftarah page 1218 Rabbi Benjamin S. Yasgur Phone (561) 479-4049 (Office ext. “0”) Rabbi Dr. Chaim Shapiro, Rabbi Emeritus Fax (561) 705-2047 Josh Samborn, President Website: Torahohr.shulcloud.com

Candle Lighting: earliest 5:13pm / standard 6:08pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:00pm

Shabbat Shacharit Schedule 7:30am-Hashkama Minyan (Beit Midrash) 8:30am-Main Sanctuary 9:00am-Upstairs Sanctuary

Latest time to recite the Shema is 9:34am this Shabbat. Shabbat Mincha: 5:50pm(followed by Seudah Shlisheet) Ma’ariv: 6:57pm Shabbat ends: (not before) 7:02pm

The Official Torah Ohr Office Hours are:

Monday - Thursday: 9:00am to 3:00pm

Friday: 9:00am to 12noon.

By observing these hours, you will allow our staff to better serve our growing kehillah.

Torah Ohr Sofer in Residence Rabbi Yerachmiel Askotzky Now thru March 16, 2018

Monday—Friday Torah Ohr, Century Village, Boca Raton

Contact to schedule Phone/Text(718)581-4648 Email: [email protected]

Shacharit Sun: 7:00am, 7:30am, 8:00am Mon: 6:50am, 7:30am, 8:00am Tues: 7:00am, 7:30am, 8:00am

Wed: 7:00am, 7:30am, 8:00am Thur: 6:50am, 7:30am, 8:00am

Fri: 7:00am, 7:30am, 8:00am

Weekday Schedule

Daf Yomi…...6:45am and after the 7:30am Minyan Chumash Class………………after 8:00am Minyan

Earliest Tallit/Tefillin (Sun-Thurs)……….6:49am* Earliest Tallit/Tefillin (Friday, Mar. 9)……5:55am Earliest Davening (Sun-Thurs)……………6:22am* Earliest Davening (Friday, Mar. 9)………..5:28am *NOTE: These are the latest times during the week

Mincha/Ma’ariv Sun—Thurs………..………..6:00/7:15pm Repeat Kriat Shema….….…..after 8:04pm Mishna Berurah Class………...…..6:40pm

_________________________ Hattie Thum Women’s Tehillim Group …..... Sunday, 9:00am

THIS WEEK Mon. Mar 12 Rabbis on Rotation: 10:00am (Cancelled)

Mon. Mar 12 New Member Committee Meeting 1:30pm

Mon. Mar 12 Understanding Your Adult Children: 8:00pm An Interactive Workshop: Presented by Yaakov Grunstein, Life Coach

Wed. Mar 14 NY Mets vs. Miami Marlins 1:00pm Spring training at Roger Dean Stadium, Jupiter. Men’s Club Thurs. Mar 15 Rabbi Yasgur presents “How to Kasher and 10:00am Prepare your “Kitchen for a Chag Kasher Pesach!”


Rabbi Yasgur will be available to arrange for the Sale of Chametz on the following days:

Sun. 3/11 Immediately after 8:00 Minyan Mon. 3/12 Immediately after 8:00 Minyan and 11-11:30am Tues. 3/13 Before late Mincha/Ma’ariv (6:45-7:15pm) and after late Mincha/Ma’Ariv Wed. 3/14 Before late Mincha/Ma’ariv (6:45-7:15pm) Wed. and after late Mincha/Ma’Ariv Thurs. 3/15 11:30am—12:15pm

To facilitate the process, please complete a copy of the form “Delegation of Power for Sale of Chametz” available in the Shul Lobby prior to meeting with the Rabbi. If you are traveling to Israel or another overseas destination, please request the special green Authorization Form available in the office.

- SEDER MATCHES - If you are in need of an invite to a Seder, or if you can invite a person in need of one, please call Pacy Ackerman (561)948-4072 or (845) 461-5406, or Bayla Ackerman (845)461-5405.

- MAOT CHITIM - Your assistance is needed to help the needy prepare properly for Pesach. Rabbi Yasgur will forward all donations for Maot Chitim to needy individuals (either directly or through recognized organizations). Checks should be made to Torah Ohr Charity Fund. Please mark “Maot Chitim” in the Memo line.


with Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur

How to Kasher & Prepare Your Kitchen for a Kasher Pesach!

Thursday, March 15 from 10:00–11:00am


Please don’t be late for Shul!

Page 2: TORAH OHR BULLETIN March 9 March 15, 2018 Adar 23 Parashat ... · TORAH OHR BULLETIN March 9— March 15, 2018 ♦ Adar 23—28, 5778 Parashat Vayakhel- Pekudei /Shabbat M’vorchim


Refuah Shelaymah to: Susan Borger (Sarah Rosa bat Pesha), Julius Dorfman (Zelig ben Chana Freeda), Malka Silver Fuchs (Malka Shoshana bat Esther Beila), Avi Gilad (Avihu ben Leah), Robert Goodman (Ron Avraham ben Chaya Zlata), Alvin Greenfield (Avraham ben Pezel), George Heino (Rafael Yaakov Yissocher Noson ben Alta Elka), Bruce Lederman (Baruch Aharon ben Bashya), Malka Levy (Malka bat Leah), David Love (Dovid Yakov ben Raizel), Margareta Neulinger (Malka bat Esther), Heni Weisfogel (Esther Hena bat Gitel), Reuven Eliyahu ben Shaindel Malka.

LIFECYCLES Mazel Tov to: Doris and Seymour Ben-Zvi on the birth of a great-granddaughter.

Welcome New Members: Rita Gruber (from Hillcrest, NY to Suffolk C) Charles Meyers (to Dorset D).

Condolences to: Cheri Gross on the passing of her brother Mordechai Kafri ע'ה.

LEARNING SPONSORSHIPS A Year of Learning sponsored by friends of Bob and Carol Weissman in memory of Carol, Chaya Malka bat Yechiel Mordechai ע'ה A Year of Learning sponsored by the Wolverton friends of Rabbi Yasgur in memory of his beloved father, Harold Yasgur (Zvi Hirsch ben Yechezkel) הע'

AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please NOTE that sponsorship forms are due by Tuesday afternoon completely filled in. Information received after the cutoff date may not be included in the bulletin or made available to our Gabbaim for announcing. For example: for a Yahrzeit to be announced on a Wed. or Thurs., the form would need to be received by Tuesday of the previous week (9-10 days before the date of the sponsorship) to allow for our Bulletin printing time. Forms are available in the Lobby and online, and may be given to the Shul office or mailed to Torah Ohr noted “Day of Learning.”

Sponsored by In MEMORY of

A Month of Learning

2/23-3/23 Jill and Perry Meltzer her father, Yaakov ben Yosef ע'ה

2/24-3/24 Josh and Carol Samborn his mother and father, Chienna bat Aryeh Leib and Shmuel ben Baruch ע'ה ע'ה

2/24-3/24 Mel and Haren Haller his mother, Fayge bat Yaakov ע'ה

A Week of Learning

3/2-3/12 Evelyn and Isaac Blachor her mother, Perel Rivkah bat HaRav Menachem Mendel Eliezer ע'ה

3/6-3/16 Robert and Barbara Blashka his father, Avraham ben Moshe Dovid ע'ה

A Day of Learning Plus Torah Fund Dedication

3/9 Shirley and Marvin Weinstein her father, Akiva ben Zalman Meir ע'ה

A Day of Learning

3/9 Jerry and Rachelle Ebner his brother, Avraham ben Yizchak Issac ע'ה

3/9 Allen and Rosemary Katz his father, Yakov Dovid ע'ה

3/10 Sandi and Sidney Goldschmidt her father, Moshe ben Simcha ע'ה

3/10 Judah Klein his mother, Shprinza bat Avraham ע'ה

3/10 Milton and Marcia Fried his mother, Chava bat Tzvi Aryeh ע'ה

3/11 Herb and Judy Jeremias his father, Zev ben Chaim ע'ה

3/12 Alvin Ribiat his mother, Bayla bat Moshe ע'ה

3/12 Deborah and David Farber her mother, Sara bat Aharon HaLevi ע'ה

3/12 Zahava Baum Esther bat R’ Yaakov HaLevi ע'ה

3/13 Henry and Bonnie Staiman his father, Zvi ben Chaim ע'ה

3/13 Hermine and Marvin Becker her mother, Geeta bat tzvi ע'ה

3/13 Corinne Greenwald her father, Mordechai ben Yechiel Meir ע'ה

3/15 Hedy and Terry Augenbraun her father, Pinchas ben Chaim ע'ה

3/15 Raiselle Garfield her mother, Pessel bat Nachum ע'ה

Sponsored by in HONOR of

A Day of Learning

3/9 Katherine and Bernard Muschel Rabbi Benjamin Yasgur

SPONSORSHIPS SEUDAH SHLISHEET this Shabbat, March 10, is sponsored by Leona and Walter Friedrichs

in honor of Kenע'ה

and Bea Werden being honored by Israel Bonds.

Page 3: TORAH OHR BULLETIN March 9 March 15, 2018 Adar 23 Parashat ... · TORAH OHR BULLETIN March 9— March 15, 2018 ♦ Adar 23—28, 5778 Parashat Vayakhel- Pekudei /Shabbat M’vorchim


The Ruth Fruchter/Berdie Schiffenbauer Women’s Amen Group Rosh Chodesh Davening will resume for the Month of Sivan on Tuesday, May 15, 2018

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kosher Food Pantry Drive: Our semi-annual food drive is beginning this week. We accept donations of non- perishable, unopened packages of pre-Pesach foods, or Mishloach Manet extras, or any items you don’t wish to take north. The cartons are in the Lobby. If necessary, Sharon Segal (561-477-2951) will pick up your donations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Reminder to our Snowbird Members: Please be sure to notify the Post Office when you head North (or return South) so as to ensure you receive mail in a timely fashion.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALERT!! Since many congregants have allergies, asthma, and other breathing difficulties, we would appreciate it if men and women would

refrain from using perfume, cologne, etc. when coming to Shul. Thank you.


Derech Eretz: Our shul policy is that there are no “reserved” seats at any of our services (except the few officially so designated). No one already seated should be told he or she must move. Seats may not be held for late-comers. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.


Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Nisan Mar 17

Mon. Mar 19 Sisterhood Open Meeting -Book Review by 11:00am Mira Sennet: "The History of Love" by Nicole Krauss. Mon. Mar 19 One Torah: Pre-Pesach Haggadah Night—An 8:00pm Evening of Unity and Learning. Presentation will include Rabbi Yasgur and several local Rabbis. Boca Raton Synagogue

Sun. Mar 25 Pre-Pesach Communal Kashering event 9am –12pm Adolf and Rose Levis JCC Kitchen 9801 Donna Klein Blvd, Boca Raton

Thur. Mar 29 Search for Chametz

Fri. Mar 30 Fast of the First Born, Erev Pesach, First Seder

Shabbat Second Seder Mar 31

Fri. Apr 6 Seventh day of Pesach

Shabbat Eighth day of Pesach—Yizkor Apr 7

Thur. Apr 12 Yom Hashoah Holocaust Memorial Service 2:00pm Temple Beth Shalom

Apr 13-14 Scholar in Residence Shabbat Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider, “Celebrating 70 Years of the State of Israel”.

Wed. Apr 18 Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims 7:15 pm of Terror. Program followed by Mincha and Festive Ma’ariv in honor of Yom Ha’atzmaut.

Thur. Apr 19 Yom Ha’atzmaut Israel Independence Day 7:45 am Festive Shacharit (1 Minyan only) 9:30 am Breakfast with live entertainment, $10/person

SEFER TORAH FUND DONATION (through March 5, 2018)

Shmuel and Henya Hadassah Novick in memory of their neighbor and fellow congregant, Nathan Stark ע'ה Larry and Arleen Soberman in memory of his mother, Ronne Soberman ע'ה Lynn Rappaport in memory of her great-grandson, Shlomo Rappaport ע'ה Sandra and Marty Levine in memory of Rabbi Yasgur’s father, Harold Yasgur ע'ה Jack and Adele Kaufman in memory of his father, Eliazer ben Yaakov ע'ה Judi and Martin Engel in memory of her mother, Lilliyan Reich ע'ה Alan and Helen Baker in memory of his father, Max Baker ע'ה Harriet Schertzer in memory of her mother, Esther Grossman ע'ה Harriet Schertzer in memory of her father, Jacob Grossman, ע'ה Harriet Schertzer in memory of her daughter-in-law, Helene Schertzer ע'ה Carol and Paul Schwartz in memory of our member Anne Klar’s sister, Betty Billig ע'ה Eva and Ivan Nelson in memory of her mother, Bertha Wunsch ע'ה Harriet Goldman in honor of Jack Prince’s birthday Sandra and Marty Levine in honor of Jack Prince’s birthday Toby and Sidney Perris in honor of Jack Prince’s birthday Tamar and Gerry Goldfischer in honor of Jack Prince’s birthday Martha and Abraham Gittler in honor of Jack Prince’s birthday David and Bella Adler in honor of the marriage of Esta Shepetofsky and Rabbi Moshe Kranzler Tamar and Gerry Goldfischer in honor of the marriage of Esta Shepetofsky and Rabbi Moshe Kranzler Shelly and Bill Roth in honor of Eva and Dave Love Sandra and Marty Levine in honor of Robert Goodman Harold and Gilla Saltzman in honor of Rabbi Kenneth Chelst

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