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Page 1: Total hip replacement at patients with high congenital hip ... · Total hip replacement at patients with high congenital hip dislocation ... The problem of high congenital dislocation

ÓÄÊ 616-001-07-08(035)

Total hip replacement at patients with high congenital

hip dislocation (literature review)

A.Yu. Buniatyan

The problem of high congenital dislocation remains actual because of high amount of patients,

rate of complications and disabilities. Different classifications, approaches and treatment

methods have been suggested for this disease.

Ìåäèöèíñêèé Âåñòíèê Ýðåáóíè, 2013, 2(54), 31-40

Page 2: Total hip replacement at patients with high congenital hip ... · Total hip replacement at patients with high congenital hip dislocation ... The problem of high congenital dislocation

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