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Page 1: Toward a Validity Framework for Classroom Assessments · Toward a Validity Framework for Classroom Assessments A Presentation to the Roundtable in Second Language Studies Teachers

Toward a Validity Framework for Classroom Assessments

A Presentation to the

Roundtable in Second Language Studies Teachers College, Columbia University

Howard T. Everson

Professor, Educational Psychology Center for Advanced Study in Education

Graduate Center, CUNY

October 10-12, 2014

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Assessment in the Service of Learning

•  Assessment is the art & science of knowing what students’ know

•  Assessments provide “evidence” of students’ knowledge, skills & abilities

•  Evidence supports teachers “inferences” of what students’ know & can do

•  Inferences guide and inform instruction

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What is Formative Assessment?

•  Encompasses all those activities undertaken by teachers, and/or students, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities (Black & Wiliam, 1998).

•  Assessment carried out during the instructional process for the purpose of improving teaching or learning (Shepard et al., 2005)

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Why Focus on Classroom Assessment?

•  As instruction is occurring, teachers need information to evaluate whether their teaching strategies are working.

•  They also need information about the current understanding of individual students and groups of students so they can identify the most appropriate next steps for instruction.

•  Students need feedback to monitor their own learning success and to know how to improve.

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Make Students’ Thinking Visible

•  Students’ approach new learning with complex, but often incomplete, views of the world

•  If this initial understanding is not engaged, they often fail to grasp new concepts

•  Teachers need to “make visible” students’ pre-existing knowledge and incomplete understanding

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The Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment Triad

Assessment Triad


Curriculum Adapted from Pellegrino, Chudowsky, & Glaser, 2001.


Domain Based Model of Learning & Knowing

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Assessment Centered Elements

•  There are frequent opportunities to make students’ thinking visible through processes of formative assessment.

•  Teachers try to grasp where students

are in the development of their thinking and understanding of critical constructs, and well designed formative assessments can help.

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Advances in the Sciences of Learning

This represents a multi-disciplinary study of human and computer-based learning (e.g., computer science, cognitive science, educational psychology, linguistics & neuroscience)

•  Nature of expertise •  Learning with understanding •  Influence of prior knowledge •  Situated knowledge & understanding •  Multiple paths to knowledge acquisition •  Metacognitive knowledge

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•  Instructional design driven by cognitive & behavioral outcomes—what we want students to know & be able to do

•  From a learner-centered perspective we want to want to make inferences about student learning in the context of classroom instruction .

•  Instructional design is recursive & iterative process and ought to offer clues about the kinds of assessment tasks that will produce evidence of student learning.

Translating Learning Sciences

Instructional Design Principles

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Key Elements of a Learner-Centered Model

•  The outcomes of instruction •  What we want students to know •  What we want students to do •  Often referred to as Learning Objectives

•  The need for a Taxonomy of Learning Objectives based on our current understanding of both the disciplinary domain and human cognition—how students learn.

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Overview of Cognitive Processes

•  Remembering •  Short-term memory •  Long-term memory

•  Organization of Knowledge •  Declarative & Procedural Knowledge •  Knowledge Structures: Schema

•  Problem Solving: Use of Rule Making—establishing laws, principles, etc.

•  Reasoning & Thinking •  Inductive, deductive, abductive

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The Role of Learning Objectives

•  Learning objectives make clear what students ought to know and be able to do throughout the course of instruction

•  Typically organized around “big ideas” •  Focus on types of knowledge, skills and

abilities developed during the course •  Provide the basis for the learning

objectives that are used to guide the instructional sequence.

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Taxonomy of Learning Objectives

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Why Cognitive Models of Content Knowledge are Critical

•  Tell us what are the important aspects of knowledge that we should be teaching & assessing.

•  Give deeper meaning and specificity to learning objectives

•  Give us strong clues as to how knowledge can be deepened to promote enduring understanding

•  Suggest what can and should be assessed at points proximal or distal to instruction

•  Can guide instructional design and the development of systems of assessments

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Assessment: A Process of Reasoning from Evidence

Cognition-model of how students represent knowledge

Observations-tasks or situations that allow us to observe students’ performance

Interpretation-method of making sense of the data

Inference-judging what students’ know & can do


Observations Interpretation


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4 Core Design Principles

•  Developing depth of knowledge, & connecting to prior knowledge

•  Defining the roles of the Teacher & the Learner

•  Making students’ thinking visible •  Assessing student learning, informing


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Developing Depth of Knowledge

•  Students need a deep foundation of factual knowledge

•  They need to connect facts & ideas in the context of a conceptual framework

•  They need to connect concepts to prior knowledge to facilitate recall and application for problem solving

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Role of the Learner

•  Learning is a “constructive” process, active not passive

•  Students arrive with prior knowledge, often with incomplete understanding of the subject

•  Knowing what you know, and what you don’t know is key

•  Views of one’s “intelligence” are central

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Teacher as Instructional Designer

•  Teachers have depth of subject-matter knowledge

•  Connecting to students existing knowledge—becoming “learner centered”

•  Teaching for understanding, rather than retrieval of facts & bits of information

•  Assumptions about intelligence and transfer of learning

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Instructional Design Principles §  Design instruction to promote depth of

knowledge & understanding §  Build on students’ prior knowledge §  Organize content around “big ideas” to develop

a “schema of expertise” §  Promote enduring understanding §  Identify learning standards & instructional

objectives §  Factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge,

reasoning with content, problem solving (application)

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Instructional Strategies •  Active learning. A process in which students are actually

engaged in learning (other than take notes and follow instructions). It may include inquiry learning, cooperative learning, or student centered learning.

•  Inquiry learning. The process of engaging students in the process of exploration and asking and answering questions to acquire new knowledge and skills.

•  Assessment. A tool for understanding what students are learning. Assessments provide feedback to the instructor that informs instruction and to the students to inform learning behaviors.

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Assessment  Design  Desiderata  

•  Assess the full range of the teaching objective and/or learning standards including standards that may be difficult to measure.

•  Be able to measure the full range of student performance, including the performance of high and low performing students.

•  Provide data to inform instruction, sharpen interventions and teaching strategies Provide data for measures of growth.

•  Incorporate innovative approaches to assessing students’ competencies.

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What  is  an  Assessment  Framework?    

•  An overarching document that provides a starting point for a constructive conversation between the teacher and the learners about the nature of the learning objectives

•  Describe how formative assessments provide a window into students’ thinking, and identify KSA’s that need to be strengthened.

•  The frameworks represent a vision driven by the learning objectives and the expected student performances.

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Guiding  Principles  

•  Classroom teachers as instructional designers are responsible for developing the assessment frameworks, i.e., they define the scope & depth of the domain, and describe the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be assessed—including the form and format of their formative assessments and the preliminary achievement levels

•  The assessment framework then builds from the course syllabus and other available descriptions of the content to be learned, and the level of mastery expected.

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Guiding  Principles  Continued...

•  A framework ought to provide preliminary achievement level descriptions—and may do so using rubrics and other scoring criteria

•  A formative assessment framework provides a sufficient level of specification of the KSAs to guide the design of the items and tasks presented to students.

•  The framework ought to be flexible enough to warrant periodic revisiting over the course.

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Goals  for  Assessment  Frameworks  

Take aways… •  They build a tangible link among the

curriculum, instruction and assessment designs—serving as a unifying tool.

•  Promote student learning by making students’ cognition and achievements visible

•  And, serve as a tool to improve classroom teaching.

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Key References Andrade, H.J. & Cizek, G. (Eds). (2010). Handbook of formative assessment. New York, NY: Routledge. Black, Paul & Dylan Wiiam. (2012). Developing a theory of formative assessment. In John Gardner (ed.), Assessment and learning, 2nd ed., 206-229. Los Angeles: Sage. Bonner, S. (2013). Validity in classroom assessment: Purposes, properties, and principles. In J. H. McMillan (ed). SAGE Handbook of Research on Classroom Assessment. Los Angeles, Sage. Bransford, John D., Ann L. Brown, & Rodney. R. Cocking (eds.). (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school (expanded edition). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Brookhart, Susan. (2003). Developing measurement theory for classroom assessment purposes and uses. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices 22(4). 5-12. Hill, K. & McNamara, T. (2011). Developing a comprehensive, empirically based research framework for classroom-based assessment. Language Testing 29(3). 395-420. Moss, Patricia. (2003). Reconceptualizing validity for classroom assessment. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices 22(4). 13-25.

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Key References Pellegrino, James W., Naomi Chudowsky & Robert Glaser (eds.) (2001). Knowing what students know: The science and design of educational assessment. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Purpura, James E. (2013). Cognition and language assessment. In A. Kunnan (ed.), Companion to Language Assessment, III:12:86:1452–1476. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Purpura, James E. & Carolyn E. Turner. Forthcoming. Learning-oriented assessment in Language classrooms: Using assessment to gauge and promote language learning. New York, NY:Routledge, Taylor & Francis. Shepard, L. A. (2008). Formative assessment: Caveat emptor. In C. A. Dwyer (Ed.) The future of assessment: Shaping teacherin and lelaning (pp. 279-303).Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Turner, E. 2012. Classroom assessment. In Glenn Fulcher & Fred Davidson (eds.), Handbook of Language Testing 65-78. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Wiiam, D. (2011a. Embedded formative assessment. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press Wilam, D. & Thompson, M. (2008. Integrating assessment with instruction: What will it take to make it work. In Carol A. Dwyer (ed.), The future of assessment: Shaping teaching & learning, 53-82. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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