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  • Towards a Uni!ed Test Case Suite for Global Atmospheric Models Paul  A  Ullrich1,  Chris(ane  Jablonowski2,  James  Kent2,  Kevin  Reed3,  Mark  Taylor4,  Peter  Lauritzen5,  Ram  Nair5  1  University  of  California  Davis,  2  University  of  Michigan,  3  American  Geophysical  Union  Congressional  Fellow,  4  Sandia  Na(onal  Laboratories,  5  Na(onal  Center  for  Atmospheric  Research    

    Test Case 2: Non-Hydrostatic Flow Over a Mountain on a Small Planet

    Test Case 4: Baroclinic Instability

    The baroclinic instability of test of Jablonowski and Williamson (2008) examines a feature of great importance to midlatitudinal weather. The DCMIP test suite expands on the original test by adding both potential temperature and Ertel’s PV as tracer !elds. Since these quantities are preserved under transport, they should be equivalent to their dynamically computed counterparts. The test also provides the option for running on a reduced radius Earth, which leads to non-hydrostatic effects when the radius is reduced by a factor of X = 1000. Further, the DCMIP test suite adds the option for moisture (plus large-scale condensation) and a formulation which works under a full physics parameterization.

    Test Case 1: Advection Experiments


    Test Case 3: Non-Hydrostatic Gravity Waves on a Small Planet

    Test Case 5: Idealized Tropical Cyclone

    Test  Case  1-‐1:  Deforma8onal  Flow  

    Test  Case  1-‐2:  Hadley-‐Like  Circula8on  

    Test  Case  1-‐3:  Flow  Over  Topography  


    Velocity  Field  

    The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP) that was held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in August 2012 showcased many next-generation atmospheric models. One consequence of this summer school has been the development of a test case suite for intercomparison of dynamical cores. With participation from 18 current and upcoming atmospheric models, these test cases gave us the opportunity to compare and contrast differences in several different numerical formulations. The tests examine a variety of problems, including basic advection in 3D, simulations on a reduced planet at non-hydrostatic scales and tests incorporating basic moist processes and simpli!ed physics.

    The atmospheric dynamical core is the principal component of Earth system models and is responsible for solving the equations of motion in the global domain. It is widely acknowledged that standardized testing of dynamical cores is very important to verify consistency, accuracy and performance of atmospheric models. However, until recently, only a few test cases have been available for dynamical core intercomparison of model results in both the dry and moist formulations.

    This test case is a 3D extension of the deformational #ow test of Nair et al. (2011). It is a non-divergent #ow !eld which features fully 3D motion. The #ow !eld stretches the tracers to thin !laments and then reverses so as to return the tracers to their original position. A set of four tracer variables are speci!ed so as to test the ability of the transport scheme to preserve correlations and sharp gradients while also minimizing error norms.

    •  Nair,  R.D.,  and  P.H.  Lauritzen.  "A  class  of  deforma(onal  flow  test  cases  for  linear  transport  problems  on  the  sphere."  Journal  of  Computa(onal  Physics  229.23  (2010):  8868-‐8887.  

    •  Jablonowski,  C.,  and  D.L.  Williamson.  "A  baroclinic  instability  test  case  for  atmospheric  model  dynamical  cores."  Quarterly  Journal  of  the  Royal  Meteorological  Society  132.621C  (2006):  2943-‐2975.  

    •  Reed,  Kevin  A.,  and  Chris(ane  Jablonowski.  "An  analy(c  vortex  ini(aliza(on  technique  for  idealized  tropical  cyclone  studies  in  AGCMs."  Monthly  Weather  Review  139.2  (2011):  689-‐710.  

    •  Schär,  C.,  et  al.  "A  new  terrain-‐following  ver(cal  coordinate  formula(on  for  atmospheric  predic(on  models."  Monthly  Weather  Review  130.10  (2002):  2459-‐2480.  

    •  Ullrich  PA,  Jablonowski  C,  Kent  J,  Lauritzen  PH,  Nair  RD,  Taylor  MA.  2012.  Dynamical  Core  Model  Intercomparison  Project  (DCMIP)  Test  Case  Document,  URL  hbp://hydra-‐cog.fsl.  noaa.gov/site_media/docs/DCMIP-‐TestCaseDocument_v1.7.pdf.    

    This Hadley-like circulation tests the accuracy of coupling between the horizontal and vertical transport operators. It features a fully non-divergent 3D #ow !eld which mimics the mean circulation of the atmosphere. After 12 hours, the #ow reverses itself so that error norms can be computed at 24 hours. Since this #ow !eld and tracer distribution are smooth, the order-of-accuracy of the full 3D transport operator can be measured.

    This #ow !eld transports three thin cloud layers over rapidly varying topography. Models with terrain-following coordinates are known to perform poorly on this test due to spurious mixing between model levels. Error norms are computed after one complete rotation.

    By shrinking the Earth to a radius of 20 kilometers, non-hydrostatic effects are enhanced. This test case examines the ability of a model to simulate a steady #ow over a circular Schär-like mountain (Schär 2002). Test 2-1 features background solid body rotation with a maximum velocity of roughly 20 m/s. Test 2-2 uses a vertically sheared #ow (between 20 m/s and 80 m/s at the equator) which leads to a wave response of longer wavelength. When running this test, the wave completely encircles the Earth after 36 hours for the uniform solid-body #ow and 24 hours for the sheared #ow.

    Again by shrinking the Earth (reduction factor X = 125), non-hydrostatic effects are enhanced. The gravity wave test examines non-hydrostatic gravity waves triggered by a perturbation in the potential temperature !eld. The test is run for one hour, immediately prior to the wave completely encircling the globe. If this test is run in a hydrostatic model, the short wavelength features are no longer present. The phase speed of the propagating wave is known analytically, and so can be used to verify model correctness.

    The idealized tropical cyclone test of Reed and Jablonowski (2011) uses background conditions which are conductive to tropical cyclone development plus a simpli!ed physical parameterization suite which includes large-scale condensation, surface #uxes and a boundary layer parameterization. An idealized vortex is placed into the #ow which rapidly intensi!es producing many tropical cyclone-like features. This test case begins to bridge the gap between idealized test cases and more realistic simulations.

    This test can be run with either the simpli!ed physics suite or with full model physics. Maximum wind speed and minimum pressure are used for model intercomparsion, and to ensure that the model promotes development and does not allow over-intensi!cation.

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