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2 0 1 6 . A U G U S Ttheme: community

The Baltimore Station turns lives around. Weare an innovative therapeutic residential

treatment program supporting veterans andothers who are transitioning through the cycleof poverty, addiction, and homelessness to

self sufficiency.

In This Issue:Towson University Lacrosse Military

Appreciation Day

Upcoming Events

Praxis Golf Tournament

MMHA Golf Outing

Dayroom Renovations

City Limits Golf Open

Educating the Community

Suggested Reading

24th annual Homerun for Recovery

Fishing Trip with Eugene Monroe

Shootout for Soldiers

D.C. Smithsonian Trip

Staff Spotlight

Art Classes

Stars, Stripes, and Chow: Chili Edition

Volunteer Spotlight

Senator Barbara Mikulski Visits

Welcome New Volunteers

A Message from Our...

Towson University LacrosseMilitary Appreciation Day

Another Fundraising Record for 24th AnnualHomerun for Recovery !

On April 14, 2016, hundreds of our supporters gathered at PBRBaltimore at Power Plant Live to attend our 24th annual Homerun forRecovery fundraiser and helped us raise a record $117,000! All of thefunds raised at the event will directly support the men in our program. Participants enjoyed gourmet food and drinks, raffles, silent and liveauctions, music, and mechanical bull riding. This is the first year that TheBaltimore Station hosted our Homerun for Recovery fundraiser at PBRBaltimore. It was also the first year that we introduced mobile bidding. Needless to say, the new venue and bidding platform were a hugesuccess with our attendees!

"Our community continues to show its generosity for us each year,"said John Friedel, executive director of The Baltimore Station. "$117,000in donations is the most this event has ever raised and the funds will beinstrumental in support of our mission to turn lives around."

Homerun wouldn't be the success that it is year after year without thesupport of our sponsors. A BIG thank you to our presenting sponsorFortego, LLC and these generous and loyal businesses and individuals:Homerun-CONNOR, Len the Plumber, M&T Bank; Triple-AlbanCAT,Enterprise, Modu Tech, Odorite; Double-Atlantic Forest Products,CohnReznick, Clover Farms Dairy, Kelly, MECU, Parksite, SouthwayBuilders, The Bozzuto Group, The Nelson Company, Total HealthManagement, Tuxedo Pharmacy; Single-Arnold Consulting Group,Chinquapin Contracting, Dan Brothers Shoes, Deveas Family Dentistry,Family Health Centers of Baltimore, Federal Hill NeighborhoodAssociation, KeyTech, Multi-Management, Michael and Christie Myers,Steel & Wire, Transamerica, Beth Whitmer; Media-WBAL TV and Radio,98 Rock.

Be sure to keep an eye on our website and social media outlets for moreinformation as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Homerun forRecovery in April 2017. We guarantee it's an event that you won't wantto miss!

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Shootout for Soldiers raised $112, 950 for localprograms supporting veterans, including TheBaltimore Station. Shootout for Soldiers is a 24

On Saturday, April 16 The Baltimore Stationparticipated in Towson University's MilitaryAppreciation Day. Proceeds from the sale of acommemorative patriotic lacrosse helmet weredonated to our organization. We got a specialbehind the scenes tour of TU's athleticfacilities and met several of their coaches andplayers. We look forward to growing ourpartnership with TU and their committed staff,faculty, coaches and student athletes.


Upcoming Events

Saturday, September 24:Rock for Vets - The Holiday House presentsthe 4th annual Frank Hughes Jr. MemorialRock for Vets concert featuring The Kelly BellBand, Bastards of Reality, Cadillac Jump, CellOutz, Blue Collar Band and The Dolly Llamas!Doors open at 2:30 pm until .... Admission is a donation at the door. Allproceeds to benefit The Baltimore Station

Saturday, November 12:Stars, Stripes & Chow: Chili Edition, 1:00-5:00 pm; Gameday Warehouse, 1400 WarnerStreet

For additional information on any of theseevents, please contact Kim Callari at

[email protected]

Praxis Golf Tournament

Fishing trip with former Raven's Eugene Monroe!

This summer our residents took a once-in-a-lifetime fishing trip withformer Raven's offensive tackle Eugene Monroe. Monroe invited 40 ofour men and staff out on his boat in the Chesapeake Bay. Monroe'spresence made an impactful statement in changing our idea of what ispossible. Paul Martin, 14 year Program Manager at The BaltimoreStation, pointed out "The Station itself sits in the shadow of Raven'sstadium, both literally and figuratively. But light removes the shadow, andMonroe brought his celebrity into our corner of South Baltimoreeffectively stopping out the darkness. He removed some of the shameassociated with being in recovery and made those looking down lookup." However, this type of outing offers even more benefits than thesatisfaction of catching a fish (if you're lucky). Fishing is a low-impact physical exercise which combines mentalstillness and social camaraderie. This kind of mediation, known asPiscatorial Therapy, has actually caught some attention from scholarsnationwide. Clinical research has been done at the Universities of Mainand Utah which document an increase in healthy sleeping patterns andreduced stress levels in individuals who took a fishing trip. Decreasingyour stress level also offers better concentration, improved sleeping,lower pulse rates, and reduced cortisol rates which can go a long wayfor the wellbeing of someone with a substance use disorder. Stress is unavoidable, and sometimes even useful, but we each need totake the time to focus on self-care. Take a deep breath, go for a walk, ortake a trip outdoors in order to take a break from daily stressors. We caneach achieve our goals more successfully with a clear head and healthybody!

Shootout for Soldiers Cracks $1 Million Dollars!Despite the high humidityand threats of rain,participants of all agescame out by thethousands on June 22and 23 at St. Paul'sSchool in Brooklandvilleto show their love oflacrosse while supportingour veterans as theytransition back to civilianlife. Attendees visited TheBaltimore Station boothwhere they had anopportunity to learn moreabout what we do andhow their participation in

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hour lacrosse game event to support militarymen and women. The event takes place

throughout the summer in eight citiesnationwide, including Baltimore.

Praxis Engineering, a consulting, productsand solutions firm dedicated to the practicalapplication of software and systemsengineering technologies to ensure thesuccess of its customers, selected TheBaltimore Station as the recipients of fundsraised at their annual golf tournament. Thetournament was held on May 13, 2016 atCompass Point Golf Course in Pasadena. Staff and residents from The Station whoattended the tournament were able to meet andmingle with participants and raise awarenessof our program. All of the money donated toThe Baltimore Station from Praxis Engineeringwill go towards programs like art therapy,drama therapy and off site trips for theresidents, to name a few.

MMHA Golf Outing RaisesOver $10,000!

The Maryland Multi-Housing Association(MMHA) raised more than $10,000 for TheBaltimore Station at its 19th Annual GolfOuting held on June 9. 144 golfers gathered atMountain Branch Golf Club in Joppa, MD toshow their support for our organization. Participants enjoyed 18 holes of golf, food,drinks, raffles and giveaways. Moran's EliteTermite and Pest Management Company, Inc.was the lead sponsor of the event. This is thesixth consecutive year that MMHA has raisedat least $10,000 for The Baltimore Station, andthe ninth year that it has chosen The BaltimoreStation as the recipient of its Annual GolfOuting funds.


this incredible communityevent helps veterans rightin their own backyard. Abig attraction to TheBaltimore Station's boothwas Plinko. Built by a

former resident after the favorite game on the game show "The Price IsRight", attendees played Plinko to win Baltimore Station logoed items. Itwas a big hit, especially with the kids.

The Baltimore Station will receive 10% of the funds raised at Baltimore'sShootout for Soldiers which will directly support the men in ourprogram. Thanks to the volunteers who came out and staffed our boothfor the 24 hour period and to all of those who attended the event. It wasgreat to see some familiar faces out on the playing field too!

D.C. Smithsonian Trip

Residents and staff of The BaltimoreStation attended a group trip to our nation'scapital in June to view the museums andmonuments. Below is the winning journalentry submitted by Mr. Coley whichreflected on his experience during the trip:

"Courage to Change" by Kenneth Coley

There is no such thing as a trouble freelife. Life sometimes deals us a hand thatwe have no other choice but to play.However, often times we make choices in life that we have to live with.Some of the choices we make are so destructive and devastating in toour very existence; we become trapped by the very choices we made.Many times we fall into the trap to hopelessness. and often times wehave no faith that things will get any better. If we no longer want to live ahopeless life of hopelessness then it takes "Courage to Change".Courage is to face something when it looks like there is no hope and the"odds" are against you. No matter the problem or circumstances, there ishope. It takes courage to want to want to change.

We have to believe that we are not alone in any situation life brings. Whatwe might be going through at the present moment, someone has alreadybeen through. We are not alone because there is always help if we buthumble ourselves, turn from the problem and focus on the solution.When we ask for help we can't fight against help that's provided for us.The best treatment facility in Baltimore is The Baltimore Station. The staffgenuinely cares for the life of a homeless person and people period whohave no hope and living in a state of hopelessness. When I look at thestaff I see the "handy work of God".

The Baltimore Station staff helps people who want to be helped. Oftentimes, the staff helps individuals who don't want to be helped. A trip wassponsored by The Baltimore Station to Washington, D.C.; the capital ofthe United States. What stood out to me the most about the trip was whenI walked through the center of a place where two "men of courage" stoodand spoke. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a man of courage and PresidentBarrack Hussein Obama II another man of courage. On August 28th1963, at the Lincoln Memorial Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the "I havea dream" speech. He said that I have a dream that one day his childrenwon't be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of theircharacter. It took courage to make that speech. He wanted to change howpeople treated him and his family. He wanted to change how peopletreated each other. Dr. King's focus was on the solution not the problem.

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Dayroom Renovations atSouth Baltimore Station

The dayrooms have been upgraded at SouthBaltimore Station thanks to a grant from theReval Foundation. The entertainment roomrecieved bench seating, a new flatscreen TV,and a fresh coat of paint. Our library hadworkstations and shelving installed. Bothrooms look fantastic and get more use now withtheir upgrades!


City Limits Open Raises$3,200!

The Baltimore Station received $3,200 fromfunds raised at the 7th annual City LimitsOpen! The annual event took place onMonday, June 20 at The Timbers of Troy GolfClub. We enjoyed meeting all of the fantasticparticipants who were golfing to support ourprogram.


Educating the Community:AmeriCorp VISTA MarylandOut of School Time Network

One other man of courage was Mr. Barack Hussein Obama II the firstAfrican American in the history of the United States to become the firstBlack president of the United States of America. At the same mall but atthe opposite end by the capitol, President Barack Obama delivered hisinaugural address becoming he 44th president of the United States. Hismotto was "change, yes we can".

The trip to Washington D.C. motivated me further to have the "courage tochange", with in mind "I have a dream" and "yes I can" accomplish it.

Staff Spotlight: Cedric Hynson

Cedric is a Case Manager Trainee at ourBaker Street Station location. Herecently graduated from Coppin StateUniversity with a BS in Applied Psychologywith a concentration in Alcohol andSubstance Abuse. Cedric is truely aninspiration as he is a hard working anddiligent individual who you can always findwith a smile on his face. He remains positivein the face of a challenge and hasaccomplished so much in addition tograduation. We are very proud of you Cedricfor continuing to expand your education andwe are lucky to have you onstaff! Congratulations!

Art Classes at South Baltimore StationSince March 2016, TheBaltimore Station residentshave had an opportunity toparticipate in weekly artclasses. Sessions areconducted by artist andboard member Sandra Erbewho enjoys sharing thetherapeutic benefits of self-expression through art.

Participants have an opportunity to experience personal breakthroughs,self-reflection / self-discovery, emotional healing, stress relief and, mostimportantly, just plain fun in a relaxed, supportive atmosphere.

A painter who enjoys creating works in oils, acrylics, watercolor andcharcoal, Sandra discovered her ability to express her emotions throughart following a personal tragedy in 2005. While not a licensed arttherapist, Sandra enjoys helping students face personal challengesthrough artistic self-expression. In working with the residents of TheBaltimore Station, her greatest joy is helping the men relax, relieve stressand communicate through creative self-expression while listening to jazzand blues.

Students enjoy appearances by guest artists, including one of ourorganization's multi-talented volunteers, Jerry Hazelwood, author andillustrator of The Healing Hands of Time. Jerry's unique book features

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AmeriCorps VISTA members participated in aday of service at The Baltimore Station on May27th. The Maryland Out of School Time(MOST) Network serves as a statewideintermediary sponsor for AmeriCorps VISTAprojects supporting more and better afterschooland summer programs for Maryland youth.MOST VISTA members work to build capacityfor out of school time and youth developmentorganizations. The MOST Network provides awrap around, holistic experience for VISTAmembers and placement sites, including anon-site orientation led by their VISTAcoordinator and VISTA leader, monthlyprofessional development trainings,opportunities to participate in service projectsand volunteer actions, and ongoingassessment and feedback. During their dayof service, the VISTAs had an opportunity tolearn about the mission of The BaltimoreStation and meet our residents. They alsoplanted seeds in the roof top garden at the 140W. West street facility. This, as well as workdone by other volunteer groups, will enable theresidents to enjoy fresh vegetables. Theirexposure to The Baltimore Station will enablethe VISTAs to better serve their projectsthroughout all of Maryland.


SuggestedReading "The MagicStrings of FrankiePresto" by MitchAlbom

This read wasrecommended byArlene Hackbarth.

sketches of the many "hands" at The Baltimore Station, including thoseof staff and residents. Jerry worked tirelessly for several months tocreate the sketch book which merges Willie Nelson's lyrics of "TheHealing Hands of Time" with the experience of our residents and staff atThe Baltimore Station. Jerry generously donates book proceedsexclusively to benefit The Baltimore Station. (To purchase copies,contact Kim Callari, Director of Development and Communications, [email protected]).

To date, resident class members have created vision board collages,mandalas, watercolor and colored pencil art, freehand drawings and"super hero" sketches. Coming soon, the men will participate in apainting party style class where each resident is provided an easel,canvas, paint and brushes and invited to paint along with Sandra.

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to be a guest artist, assist students

during class, or donate art supplies, please contact Sandra Erbe, at

[email protected].

Stars, Stripes, and Chow: Chili Edition


Saturday, November 12, 20161-5 pm

Gameday Warehouse1400 Warner Street

Bring your family and friends to our2nd annual event which featuressome of the best chili in the greaterBaltimore area! Tickets are $40each and includes food, drinks, chilisamples, activities for kids, liveentertainment by The Klassix and somuch more! Kids 10 and under areF R E E ! Tickets go on saleSeptember 1st! Check our websiteand social media outlets for more


Volunteer Spotlight: Goodbye & Good Luck Greg!As I prepare to turn over the reins of TheBaltimore Station's volunteer program tosomeone else, I would like to take a moment tothank all the volunteers that have come throughThe Baltimore Station during my time here. It ishard to highlight one group or one individual,because every volunteer at The BaltimoreStation has had an impact on me, and moreimportantly on every resident. Regardless of

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we are always grateful for ...For the year 2016 we will be highlightingspecific high priority needs in the newsletter. A more exhaustive wish list can be found onThe Baltimore Station's website.

August - Athletic shorts, belts, backpacksSeptember - Jackets, coats, and other coldweather clothing items.

Please note that if you are planning on doing adonation drive or other activity benefiting TheBaltimore Station during the holidays, contactKim Callari as soon as possible. The holidaysare a busy time of year at The BaltimoreStation. Also there have been some changesregarding what kind of items can be receivedduring that time of year. Thank you!

Administrative Staff

George Boddy, Assistant Vol. [email protected]

Kim Callari, Director of Development &[email protected]

Kiera DeNoyer, Development [email protected]

Karen Graham, Human Resources [email protected]

Arlene Hackbarth, Clinical [email protected]

Greg Hartman, Volunteer [email protected] Kelly Kalatucka, Quality [email protected]

Michael Fannon, Facility [email protected]

John Friedel, Executive [email protected]

Trina Winfield, Director of [email protected]

140 W. West St., Baltimore, MD 212301611 Baker St., Baltimore, MD 21217

T : (410) 752 - 4454 / F : (410) 752 - 4123www.baltimorestation.org

what activity they undertake, volunteers help the residents move forwardin their recovery. The volunteers of The Baltimore Station do not come into simply feed those that are dealing with difficult circumstances, insteadthey offer a hand that says "I am here for you, and someone cares". Ithas been my pleasure to work with the countless groups and individualsthat come in to this vital work. Thank you all for the impact that you havehad and will continue to have. The volunteer program will continue tohelp the residents of The Baltimore Station turn their lives around andknowing that gives me hope.

One person can speak for many.One voice of truth can change the future.

One action, taken with conviction and compassion, can changereality.

May your path be blessed, as you walk into the future.May your footsteps continue to benefit others.

Senator Barbara Mikulski Visits The StationU.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski visitedwith staff and residents on Friday,May 27 to learn more about ourprogram and to see first-hand thehousing and support services weprovide to homeless veterans andothers. She also announced federalfunds to reduce veteranhomelessness in Maryland andacross America. As member of theSenate Military Family Caucus andSenate Veterans Jobs Caucus,Senator Mikulski has fought to meetthe compelling human need ofveterans so they have the care and benefits they have earned anddeserve.


Team Red, White, and BlueCohnReznick

Praxis EngineeringOptioLabs

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Executive Director, John FriedelSummer is traditionally a time for vacations, travel, gardening, cookouts, family gatherings andrelaxation. At The Baltimore Station, we have been enjoying all of those American traditions. Asdetailed in this newsletter, you can see the variety of trips and events which our residents andstaff have been able to partake in.

Much of our ability to offer these cultural and social experiences comes from the generosity andthoughtfulness of our larger community. Fortunately, these individuals, corporations, familiesand Board members believe that our men need the opportunity to experience all of the thingsthat most of us take for granted. Being a part of the community is a hugely important part of ourresidents' journey and reintegration to society.

We welcome everyone to be a part of our community. From hosting a cookout at either of our locations, sponsoring anevent, field trip, offering an afternoon of service, or just visiting I believe that you will find that for as much as you give,you will receive much more back.

I wish everyone a safe and joyful summer.

Clinical Director, Arlene Hackbarth"You know what I am interested in? Your un-covery of things and discovery of where youare in the midst of all of this." Heidi Waltos, RN, MSN, Psychotherapist. Residents and staff were both saddened by the death of one of our residents in June. We cametogether to remember Mike, and also to share our grief. For many years, our men were taughtto hide their pain and therefore learned to mask it through drugs and /or alcohol. But here, inour shared community, they are learning that loss and pain are normal emotions and to feel painis to be alive. They are "un- covering "a part of them that had been lost in a place where there issafety in doing so.

Our community is also helping the men to "discover "who they are". We are continuously exposing them to newexperiences - fishing and museum trips, as well as classes in subjects such as art and cooking, so that they canexpand their world and, in doing so, expand how they see themselves. At the end of our recent formal dinner , one of themen showed me pictures that the men were taking of themselves dressed in shirts and ties , and he remarked that "we feel like real men tonight ". To which I replied "You are, and always have been, real men." For him, as well as manyothers, it is the start of a journey towards finding themselves again.

A community of men discovering their self worth, their value, their strength: That is The Baltimore Station.

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