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SEMESTER: 2013 – B



- Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………1

- Periodic Table……………………………………………………………..…………………….…..2

- Elements………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

- Acids and Bases……………………………………………………………………………………...4

- Formulation……………………………………………………………………………………………5

- Cell Lab…………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

- Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………………….7

- Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………..8


An understanding of living organisms, including the human being have reached us through chemistry, the science dealing with materials, their composition, and the changes, which they undergo. Chemistry and chemical changes help us understand the human body. Chemistry fits into our lives. It offers new chemical frontiers and tells us what benefits may flow from them.

The periodic table is an arrangement of all discovered elements and organized according to their properties. It is very important in that it enables students and chemists around the world to understand the complexity of reactions, identification of the elements they are dealing with and tell the properties of the elements they are using.

A chemical element can be defined in one of two ways: experimentally or theoretically. Experimentally, an element is any substance that cannot be broken down into any simpler substance. Imagine that you are given a piece of pure iron and asked to break it down using any device or method ever invented by chemists. Nothing you can do will ever change the iron into anything simpler. Iron, therefore, is an element


The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, organized on the basis of their atomic numbers, electron configurations (electron shell model), and recurring chemical properties. Elements are presented in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus). The standard form of the table consists of a grid of elements laid out in 18 columns and 7 rows, with a double row of elements below that.

The periodic table we use today is based on the one devised and published by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869.

Mendeleev found he could arrange the 65 elements then known in a grid or table so that each element had:

1. A higher atomic weight than the one on its left. For example, magnesium (atomic weight 24.3) is placed to the right of sodium (atomic weight 23.0):

2. Similar chemical properties to other elements in the same column - in other words similar chemical reactions. Magnesium, for example, is placed in the alkali earths' column:




Mendeleev realized that the table in front of him lay at the very heart of chemistry. And more than that, Mendeleev saw that his table was incomplete - there were spaces where elements should be, but no-one had discovered them.

Just as Adams and Le Verrier could be said to have discovered the planet Neptune on paper, Mendeleev could be said to have discovered germanium on paper.


An element or chemical element is the simplest form of matter in that it cannot be further broken down using any chemical means. Yes, elements are made up of smaller particles, but you can't take an atom of an element and perform any chemical reaction that will break it apart or join its subunits to make a bigger atom of that element.

The first element on the periodic

table is hydrogen, which is the most

abundant element in the





The element with one proton is hydrogen. Helium contains two protons and is the second element. Lithium has three protons and is the third element, and so on.

Pure elements contain atoms that all have the same number of protons. If the number of protons is mixed, you have a mixture or a compound. Examples of pure substances that arenot elements include water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and salt (NaCl). See how the chemical composition of these materials includes more than one type of atom? If the atoms had been the same type, the substance would have been an element even though it contained multiple atoms. Oxygen gas, (O2), is an example of an element.


An acid is a material that can release a proton or hydrogen ion (H +). Hydrogen chloride in water solution ionizes and becomes hydrogen ions and chloride ions. If that is the case, a base, or alkali, is a material that can donate a hydroxide ion (OH-). Sodium hydroxide in water solution becomes sodium ions and hydroxide ions.

Properties of Acids

Taste sour (don't taste them!)... the word 'acid' comes from the Latin acere, which means 'sour'

acids change litmus (a blue vegetable dye) from blue to red their aqueous (water) solutions conduct electric current (are

electrolytes) react with bases to form salts and water evolve hydrogen gas (H2) upon reaction with an active metal (such as

alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, zinc, aluminum)

Properties of Bases

Taste bitter (don't taste them!) Feel slippery or soapy (don't arbitrarily touch them!) bases don't change the color of litmus; they can turn red (acidified)

litmus back to blue their aqueous (water) solutions conduct and electric current (are

electrolytes) react with acids to form salts and water

Examples of Common Acids

citric acid (from certain fruits and veggies, notably citrus fruits) ascorbic acid (vitamin C, as from certain fruits) vinegar (5% acetic acid) carbonic acid (for carbonation of soft drinks) lactic acid (in buttermilk)

Examples of Common Bases

detergents soap lye (NaOH) household ammonia (aqueous)


Formulation chemistry is the branch of manufacturing that addresses substances that do not react with each other, but have desirable properties as a mixture. These products include paints, varnishes, cosmetics, petroleum products, inks, adhesives, detergents, pesticides, and a broad range of household products.

Successful formulation requires a blend of art and science. Components are chosen for compatibility rather than reactivity. Formulation chemists think in terms of kilograms or tons rather than moles and place more emphasis on solubility than molecular weight.

Even though there are no chemical reactions involved, there are many aspects of chemistry present in a formulation. Some of the chemistry involved is thermodynamics of mixing, phase equilibria, solutions, surface chemistry, colloids, emulsions and suspensions. Even more important is how these principles are connected to adhesion, weather resistance, texture, shelf life, biodegradability, allergenic response and many other properties.


The living cell is a symphony of thousands of chemical reactions all miraculously timed and coordinated to perform all the functions necessary for life.

Amazingly, this symphony has only a few major players; only six elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur (sometimes called CHNOPS) make up about 98% of the mass of all living organisms.

Carbon is a unique element with the remarkable ability to form strong, stable chemical bonds with other atoms (keeps you from falling apart.) Each carbon atom can form four bonds with other atoms. (Sometimes, two atoms will form more than one bond between themselves making a double bond or even a triple bond.)

This bonding ability allows carbon atoms to form chains of almost unlimited length. These chains can be closed on themselves to form rings or may branch wildly. This gives variety to the kinds of molecules that carbon can form. Below are just a few examples of the many ways carbon chains can be arranged to form the skeleton for different molecules.


- The periodic table is so important because it arranges all the elements in a very organized and informative manner. Before the existence of the periodic table or elements, there was no single reference relating all the elements with one another.

- The experimental definition of an element can be explained by using a second definition: an element is a substance in which all atoms are of the same kind. If there were a way to look at each of the individual atoms in the bar of pure iron mentioned above, they would all be the same—all atoms of iron. In contrast, a chemical compound, such as iron oxide, always contains at least two different kinds of atoms, in this case, atoms of iron and atoms of oxygen.

- Ninety-two chemical elements occur naturally on Earth. The others have been made synthetically or artificially in a laboratory. Synthetic elements are usually produced in particle accelerators (devices used to increase the velocity of subatomic particles such as electrons and protons) or nuclear reactors (devices used to control the energy released by nuclear reactions).








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