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Page 1: Track Supporting Documents directly in Vision with TDM · Vision Document Management vs. Transactional Document Management Transactional Document Management Can be attached to transactions

Track Supporting Documents directly in

Vision with TDM

Dennis McGuire

Custom Solution Developer VI-31

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Transactional Document Management (TDM)


Attaching Documents to the Info Centers

Uploading Documents to Transactions

Administration of TDM

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Transactional Document Management Overview

Dennis McGuire

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What is Transactional Document Management?

Transactional Document Management work within the info center records, AP Vouchers, Expenses, Units, and other transactions.

Vision refers to these attached documents as supporting documents.

Supporting documents display in reports, review screens and approval dialogues.

The files are stored in a FILESTREAM database and does not require an additional tier to support.

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Vision Document Management vs. Transactional Document Management

Transactional Document Management

Can be attached to transactions

Images and PDFs can appear in

reports and supporting documents

Files are managed directly within


Uses SQL FileStream database to

store the files (does not require an

additional server)

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Vision Document Management

Allows version control

Only works for Info Center Records

Can apply security to the files


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TDM support timeline

Uploading image for Expenses, Expense Report

and Invoicing (7.1)

See support documents in Vendor Review (7.2)

View supporting document in Project review. Add

the PDF link to the document expense report


Purchasing (7.4)

Expense line approvals (7.5)

AP Invoices (7.5)

Info Centers and Units (7.6)

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Transactional Document Management and Info Centers

Dennis McGuire

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Supported Documents

Attach files directly to the Info Center record.

Support in User Defined Info Centers

Can create your own categories to track the files

All files types are supported except:

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.PIF Batch Files Power Shell Scripts Extensions

.APPLICATION .CMD Visual Basic Extensions

.MSI .MSP Java File Extensions




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Categorizing the Attachments

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Before uploading

documents decide how

you will categorize the


Keep the scope of

documents to only ones

that appear with most, if

not all, projects.

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Project Info Center

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The old files tab becomes the new Links tab. All of

the original linked files can be found here.

Each Info Center has

a new Attachments

tab. The grid allows

the upload of multiple


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Standard Info Centers

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Units , Accounts, and Text

Libraries do not have the

Attachments tab

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User Defined Info Centers

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The Info Center Properties

“Attachments Grids” checkbox adds

the file attachment capability to the

Info Center

The Attachment tab

available in User Defined

Info Centers.

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Leverage the Attachment Feature

Projects Ideas

• Tracking Forms

• Safety Form

• Worksite Checklist

• Contracts


• Resume Document

User Defined Applicant

• Track Applicant Resume Document

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Uploading Documents to the Transactions

Dennis McGuire

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Transactions Which Support Transactional Document Management

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Vision allows you to upload supporting documents to

these transactions:

• Purchase Order Transactions

• AP Vouchers

• AP Disbursements

• Expense Reports

• Units (Transaction Center only)

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Uploading Documents into Expenses from Billing

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• Documents uploaded in the Transaction

Center cannot be deleted.

• Upload new documents in Interactive Billing

with Role Security access rights

The upload dialogue allows

• upload additional documents

• view the current documents,

• change the description, and

• determine whether the document

is printed with the invoice

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Uploading Documents in the Expense Report

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Associate All: Connect the

selected receipts to all of the

available line items.

Select check box: associate the

uploaded document to the

selected line item.

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Touch Expense Support

Attach a document directly from the

Touch Expense App.

Conveniently snap a photo of the receipt

and attached directly to the expense

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Uploading Documents into Unit Transactions

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With 7.6 you can attached

images to the unit

transactions and have

them flow over to the


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Uploading Documents into Transactions:Uses and Suggestions

Besides receipts you can add additional

information to the invoice, such as:

• Deliverable documents

• Copy of the original contract

• Cover page

Implement Touch Time/Expense and iAccess to

increase usage and convenience for your staff

to upload the required receipts.

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Uploading Documents into TransactionsAP

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Capture a note or

a deliverable site

image by adding

the image to an AP

or Unit transaction

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Reporting and Displaying Supporting Documents

Dennis McGuire

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Displaying Supporting Documents on Invoices

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These documents flow into the invoice

based on the options in Billing

Terms\Billing Backup dialog

Reporting supports these file types:

• jpg, gif, png, tif, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx

Converts the file types to PDF

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Displaying Supporting Documents on Invoices

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If the Billing backup is enabled in billing terms then

you can choose to review the supporting document

in the preview. Note it will show a link to a

converted PDF version of the uploaded document

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Displaying Supporting Documents on Invoices

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Directly from the interactive billing

screen view the supporting documents

available on the invoice.

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Invoice Review

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Clicking on the Preview

Invoice button shows the

supporting documentation if

allowed in the billing terms

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Project Review

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View all the support

documents in Project

Review by drilling down

on the transaction.

Project Review is a useful

one stop shop for

reviewing project

transactional documents.

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Employee Expense Summary Report

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Employee Expense Report Detail

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Employee Expense Posting Log

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Administration of Transactional Document Management

Dennis McGuire

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Administration of TDM

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The Files Administration

provides a useful tool

for searching for a


Filter by application,

person who uploaded,

date uploaded or the

file description.

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Administration of TDM

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Default max size is

50MB. TDM can support

up to 128MB. For larger

options you will need to

adjust the Web.Config

Non-SaaS clients should

carefully follow the

performance suggestions

outlined in the Technical

Installation Guide

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Dennis McGuire

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Info Centers can now store important, easy-to-

find documents

Adding Support Documents to transactions is

easy and effective in tracking important

receipt and invoice information

Transactional Document Management can

save time and money.

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Please submit a survey for this session via the

mobile app.

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Check out these Insight Presentations:

Check out these Insight Presentations

– VI-14: Customer Spotlight: Seeing Your

Business in 4D with Vision - Win, Plan, Manage

and Profit

– VI-74: Customer Spotlight: Achieving Enhanced

Operational Efficiency and Coordination with

Vision CRM

– VI-47: Streamline Accounts Payable with Vision

– VI-46:Tune Up Your Project Management with

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Come visit the SilverEdge booth in the Expo Hall to discuss further!

Dennis McGuire

SilverEdge System Software, Inc.

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