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Ethnic Conflicts2015 Special Edition

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom

against kingdom (Matthew 24:7a).”

Sign #3Ethnic Conflicts

Jesus Foretold 2 Categories of Warfare

that will take place until His return…

Warfare(According to Matthew 24:6 & 7)

Wars & Rumors of Wars

Matthew 24:6

Ethnic Disputes

Matthew 24:7

General warfare Battles Fights Strife Quarrels Rumors of war

Ethnic disputes Ethnic cleansing Civil wars Tribal warfare Racial strife World wars Kingdom disputes Annihilation

Today, there are Over 50 conflicts in our world…

Many, if not most, Involve fighting between various


#1Israel/Palestinian Conflict

Many believe a 3rd Intifada is underway



Israel’s move comes after the EU decided

on November 11 to label goods imported from Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

So Why Does This Conflict Matter

So Much?

Psalms 83 & Ezekiel 38-39

That’s Why

Psalms 83

Ezekiel 39

#2ISIS’ War Against the World



ISIS Wants to Wipe Out Shia Islam


ISIS Wants to Wipe Out Christians

The gates of Hell will not

prevail against the Church!

-Jesus (Matthew



ISIS Wants to Wipe Out the West

Besides their obvious savagery, why is this

conflict so Significant?

2 Timothy 3 &Revelation 20 That’s Why

2 Timothy 3


#3Russia vs. Turkey

Russia Turkey

Largest Country in World Located at the crossroads of Europe & Asia.

Nearly 144 million people (9th highest populated country)

77 million strong

Covers N. Asia & much of E. Europe Primarily Asia but covers come of S.E. Europe

Nation’s history began with East Slavs Oldest permanently settled region inworld- Anatolian people (Hattians & Hurrians)

Official Religion- Orthodox Christianity No official religion; secular state; predominantly Muslim (99.8 % of pop)

Possesses the largest stockpile of WMD’s

Longstanding alliance with the U.S.

why is this conflictSignificant?

Some Bible Prophecy Teachers Believe

Turkey will Produce the AntiChrist

#4Shia vs. Sunni Muslim

Shia Sunni

Believes the proper successor as Caliph was Muhammed’s Son-in-Law.

Believes the proper successor as Caliph was Muhammed’s Father-in-Law.

2nd largest branch of Islam. Comprise 10-13% of the world’s Muslim population.

Largest branch of Islam- 87-90% of the world’s Muslim population.

68-80% live in: Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, & India. Largest percentages live in: Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt,Yemen, Syria, UAE, Qatar, Turkey

Twelver Shia is the largest branch of Shia Islam (85%).

5 Pillars of Sunni Islam

Believe in the hidden Imam or Mahdi, a Messianic figure, who will one day return & make the world


Believe in the 7 articles of faith & the oneness of God. Emphasis on the Hajj to Mecca & saying 5

prayers a day.

Besides the Obvious,why is this conflict


The Bible Provides valuable information

on Many of these Muslim Countries…

Iran- Predominantly Shia Muslim

Iran (Persia) will form an alliance with other Muslim countries & invade Israel.

Egypt- Predominantly Sunni Muslim

Sounds like the Arab Spring??

Syria- Predominantly Sunni Muslim

Iraq- Predominantly Sunni Muslim

#5America’s Race War

America has a dark history of racial


From 1861-1865, America’s civil war was fought between

the North & South-Slavery Was Eliminated, but

Segregation continued until the 1960s

Racial Tensions continue to run deep…

And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid

waste; and any city or house divided against

itself will not stand.”

Matthew 12:25

Just a few of the many ethnic disputes happening in our

world today:


Brazil- Ethnic Kayapo and Pataxo


Israel- Palestinian Intifada



Afghanistan- Ethnic Hazara



Iran- Ethnic Azeris

Syria- ISIS- Kurds, Christians, Arabs

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even

so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”

- Matthew 24:32-33

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