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Page 1: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase

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Name 2 powers that are RESERVED for the states

Why is the Mississippi River important to America AND when did the US gain

control of it?

Page 2: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Antebellum Period

Before the Civil War

Page 3: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Westward Expansion

Manifest Destiny- idea that America should take over the continent to the


At first, the only Americans in the West were explorers and hunters. Soon, religious persecution pushed the Mormons to Salt Lake City. Then the discovery of Gold in California sped up the move West.

As the nation expanded West, it seemed as though Manifest Destiny would truly become a reality.

Page 4: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Northwest Ordinance 1787Established by the Articles of Confederation to create the process for admitting new states to the Union. These new states comprised the Ohio River Valley and slavery was NOT allowed in these territories.

Page 5: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Louisiana Purchase 1803Despite being a strict constructionist, Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon. This purchase doubled the size of the US and gave trade rights along the Mississippi River.

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Adams-Onis Treaty 1819Secretary of State Adams negotiated with the Spanish for Florida. Not only did the Spanish give up Florida, but the Spanish also dropped claim to the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, etc). In return, the Americans dropped their claim to Texas.

Page 7: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Texas 1845After Mexico won its independence from Spain, Southern American plantation owners began moving into the area known as Texas. Within a decade, enough Americans had moved to Texas that they declared themselves an independent nation, breaking away from Mexico.

Soon after, the Texans began asking to join the United States of America.

Page 8: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

The Alamo!!Remember the Alamo? When the Texans declared Independence from Mexico, Santa Ana’s troops attacked and destroyed the forces at the Alamo. This defeat ultimately caused the Texans to push harder for their independence.

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Texas (cont…)The United States was conflicted about Texas. Allowing Texas to join would mean adding another slave state, and angering the Mexicans who claimed the land.

In 1845 the Texas joined the Union as a slave state.

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Oregon 1846Great Britain ceded Oregon, Washington, Idaho and parts of Montana and Wyoming. This deal was part of a compromise where the British agreed to extend the Northern border along the 49th parallel all the way to the Pacific Coast. . (Canada)

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Mexican Cession 1848California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming join the union after signing the Treaty of Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War

Cession- the formal giving up of rights to property,

beliefs, claims

Page 12: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Mexican War 1846-1848The Mexican war had several causes, primarily the acceptance of Texas into the United States, border disputes between Texas and Mexico, and President Polk’s outspoken desire to acquire California and the Southwest.

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Mexican WarPresident Polk attempted to purchase the lands of California and New Mexico for 30 million. However, the Mexican government would not even listen to the offer.

Polk responded by sending 3,000 troops into Texas, to the Rio Grande River. The US had long held the Rio Grande as the boundary between Mexico and Texas, but Mexico considered the boundary the Nueces River. By positioning American troops on the Rio Grande, Polk was inciting violence, and an excuse for war.

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Mexican War (cont…)

Mexico considered Polk’s army, led by Zachary Taylor, an invasion. Soon the Mexicans skirmished with the Americans, prompting the US Congress to declare War in April 1846.

The War would include fighting in Texas, Mexico, California and New Mexico. The fighting ended when American forces took the Capital Mexico City from Santa Ana’s Troops.

Page 15: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848Mexico had few bargaining chips when it came to negotiating the end of the Mexican War. As a result, Mexico was heavily defeated:1) Mexico gave up Texas to the Rio Grande River2) New Mexico and California, making up 2/5 of Mexico, was signed over to the US3) US paid Mexico $15 million

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Gadsden Purchase 1853Five years after the Mexican War, the US bought 30,000 square miles of land in New Mexico and Arizona for $10 million. This purchase is known as the Gadsden Purchase, and eventually was where the transcontinental Railroad would be built.

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United States by 1853

Page 18: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

What is the meaning of this cartoon?


The Mexican eagle before the war The Mexican eagle after the war

Page 19: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

ReviewThe phrase “by military conquest, treaty, and purchase” best describes the

1. steps in the growth of American industry2. methods used to expand the territory of the United States3. Major parts of President Woodrow Wilson’s 14

points4. Causes of the US entry into the Korean War

Page 20: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

Review When President Thomas Jefferson acquired the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803, he demonstrated that he had modified his belief that

1. The constitution should be strictly interpreted2. The federal government should limit individual rights3. Adding territory would lead to regional rivalries4. Commercial development was the main goal of the federal


Page 21: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

ReviewManifest destiny was used to justify an American desire to

1. Limit the number of immigrants entering the country2. Control the area located east of the Appalachian

Mountains 3. Expand the United States to the Pacific Ocean4. Warn European countries against colonizing Latin America

Page 22: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.
Page 23: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.
Page 24: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.
Page 25: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.
Page 26: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.
Page 27: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.
Page 28: Trade from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. The Louisiana Purchase -marriage laws -school standards -traffic laws Bellringer Name 2 powers that are RESERVED.

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