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Excelsior Survey&

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Excelsior Data - Base



Forecasting of labour market needs in Italy takes place through the Excelsior survey, which is conducted by the Italian Union of the Chambers of Commerce (Unioncamere) and funded by the Ministry of Labour (through the European Social Fund). This survey is part of the official statistics produced on an annual basis within the Italian National Statistical System (SISTAN). 

Every year (since 1997) the survey covers a sample of over 100 ,000 private enterprises operating in Italy (180,000 private enterprises for quarterly survey) and provides detailed information on the characteristics of the labour demand in the country: in addition to the number of employees that the enterprises plan to recruit during the year and for next three months.The data available cover several qualitative aspects, among which:

• the specific occupations employers are looking for;• the educational level and the field of studies required;• the preferred age of candidates;• the experience;• the need to provide post‐entry training;• the difficulty of enterprises in recruiting the profiles required.

The Excelsior survey provides concrete support for:assessing the actual needs of enterprises and their changes over time;better matching between labour supply and demand;the definition of policies on education and professional training.

Excelsior Survey

Excelsior Survey



Quantity Survey

Main Field of researchEnterprises and recruitment forecast

Enterprise expecting to engage employees

Enterprise size class

Employment forecast

Employment balance

In-flows and out-flows forecast

Job profiles required


ISCO major groups

ISCO job profiles

Educational level and fields of study required

Educational level

Fields of study

Source: Unioncamere-Ministero del Lavoro, Sistema Informativo Excelsior 2013

Main field of research

Main field of researchMain characteristics of recruitment


Type of contract

Age group

Level of experience required

IT knowledge and use languages required

Replace analogue job profile and job profile existing in enterprise

Difficult to recruit

Training incoming

Recruitment forecast by sector of activity


Sector of activity

Recruitment forecast by sector of activity


Sector of activity

Source: Unioncamere-Ministero del Lavoro, Sistema Informativo Excelsior 2013

Main field of research

Are you Experienced?

Jobs creation for youth

How to help transition from school of education to work ?

Guidance service

Guidance ServiceThere are many different guidance services available to those who are either in school or trying to attend a school. The primary reason for guidance offices within any school is to offer services to students who need help with school or personal issues, as well as help guide them in the right direction when applying for schools, or applying for the school in which the guidance services are available. They can also help those with special learning needs set up plans to have in place to help the student succeed in all areas of their educational life.

How to build job’s experience ?

Jobs creation for youth

Internships, Summer Trainings and Volunteering Opportunities

Another good way to develop quality work experience is to look out for internships or summer trainings or even opportunities for volunteering in varied projects and events. If these trainings are paid, good for you, but even if they are not, they add tonnes about you to your resume.If you aspire to be a journalist or a writer, you could opt as a volunteer for your resident campus magazine, newspaper or even your college’s or department’s journal or newsletter.If you aim to be a social worker, you could be a regular visitor to old age homes, poverty stricken areas and homeless shelters. Similarly, if you aspire to get into stocks as a broker, you could look for summer training or an internship at a firm dealing in stocks and securities.

How to help transition from school of education to work ?

Career Guidance Service

Career Choice Assistance: Career guidance often involves assisting students and adults who are trying to choose a career. Career development

professionals may administer self assessmentinstruments or teach their clients how to use self-administered tools, to help them learn about their

interests, values, skills and personality type. They can educate individuals about how to explore occupations that are most suitable based on that

information and then ultimately teach them how to decide which one is the best choice.

Job Search Help: Helping you choose a career would be pointless if you didn't know how to find a job in your field of choice. Therefore career

guidance also consists of providing job search assistance. We generally don't learn these things in the classroom, so most people don't have these

necessary skills when they begin to look for employment.

How to help transition from school of education to work ?

Career Guidance Service

Resume Format and Resume Review

How to help transition from school of education to work ?

Career Guidance Service

Self Assessment with Career Counselor

Work Experience: Your First Job

Work Experience

Diego Rivera's 1931 frescoat the San Francisco Art Institute on Russian Hill

Exploring Jobs ProfileExploring Jobs Profile

Career Guidance Service

Centralinista Addetto tessile Operaio Meccanico Operatore Data-entry

Assistente Amministrativo Addetto Logistica

Assemblatore app. elettronici

PasticciereEducatore d’infanzia

Operatore di sportello

Addetto back Office

Addetto alle casse

Magazziniere Disegnatore CAD

Training Session Training Session


Career Guidance Service

Safety Privacy

Matching Student VS Firm

How to help transition from school of education to work ?



Study Visit in Local Firm


Ecologia Soluzione Ambiente è portatrice di un'esperienza che si sviluppa dal 1966.Dalla depurazione delle acque civili e industriali, si è specializzata negli anni fino a offrire un'ampia gamma di soluzioni alle principali esigenze di amministrazioni pubbliche, multiutility, aziende e privati su cinque macro-aree di attività:

Depurazione e trattamento acque reflue

User isole ecologiche attrezzate

Renting & Service Cassonetti

Bonifiche ambientali

Demilitarizzazione armi convenzionali e non

Meeting Jobs Testimonial


       Fabio BalestrieriInstallatore - installatrice montatore - montatrice di sistemi elettrico - elettronici.flv(7926Kb)


Federica SobriProgettista di software industriale.flv(11338Kb)


Flavio BellettiCostruttore - costruttrice su macchine utensili a CNC.flv(6593Kb)

•        Giorgia BonizzatoTecnico - tecnica di laboratorio chimico.flv(10542Kb)


Mariangela FeboTecnico - tecnica di programmazione della produzione industriale.flv(8370Kb)


Stefania AntonelliOperatore - operatrice di magazzino.flv(8588Kb)

How to help transition from school of education to work ?

EU Youth Unemployement Rate

Job creation for youth

European Strategy 2020

Job creation for youth


Career Opportunities for youth?

Job creation for youth

Career Opportunities for youth?

Job creation for youth

FlexibilityOne of the biggest traits of the job front today it that there is a high degree of flexibility and it is easier to move spirally between jobs than it was a decade back. In fact, a lot of employers are encouraging diversity at workplace, both in terms of skill as well as educational background.

Career breaksCareer breaks are also frequently heard of, when previously a person did not dare discontinue his or her regular job for anything in the world. The bottom line is that a snug, comfortable and high salary job is no more the be-all and end-all of life.

The PlanThe job should be mutually rewarding in terms of growth, yours as well as the organization’s for which you work. A SWOT analysis at this stage can reveal unexpected results.Sort your goals into long term and short term category. Develop the skill areas in which you think you are deficient.

Anticipate challenges and rise up to them.As a company markets its products, so you need to market your capabilities in order to find the right employer for yourself.

Don’t lose heart and persevere constantly towards creating the right niche for yourself.


VET in Emilia-Romagna• Upgrading the education level

• reintegrate disadvantaged youth who need a second chance

• Help student in social and economics disavantaged.




L.R. 5/2011 art.2 : IeFP Principles:• policies that increase the demand for labour while at the same time increasing the employability or the

“integrability” of young women and men into the labour market.:

– Good JOBS,

– Quality JOBS for youth,

– Civil and Politics right (CITIZENSHIP).

• Empowerment skills and capabilities• Education and training are the foundation of future

employability of young people• Gives possiblity to identify the job of their interest.

The IeFP system likes a regional network of LLL.


Best Work Songs For Labor Day

Our Soundtrack

1.   "Working Class Hero"-- John Lennon 2. "Let's Work"-- Mick Jagger3. "Cleaning Windows"--Van Morrison 4.  "Welcome To The Working Week"--Elvis

Costello5. “Workingman’s dead"– Grateful Dead6.  "Chain Gang"--Sam Cooke 7.  "Working On The Road"--Ten Years After8. "Career Opportunities"--The Clash 9. "Maggie's Farm"--Bob Dylan10. “A Well Respected Man” - The Kinks11. "She Works Hard For The Money"--Donna Summer

Key Words

Jobs Glossary




job creation

transitions decent jobs

social protection mechanisms Your first EURES job

economic crisis


Europe 2020 strategy

Youth on the Move

Youth Opportunities

labour mobility


aged between 18-30


job matching

left school too early

Youth Guarantee




continued education

new skills and competences

transition from school of education to work

network precarious jobs

Poor labour

Gap generation




Salvatore Giametta - [email protected]


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