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Page 1: Trainingand development
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According to Seyfarth(1991), some authors extend the explanation of in-service training and staff development by distinguishing between training and development. For them, training typically refers to teaching technical employees and non teaching staff how to perform their present jobs effectively and efficiently. This perspective is based on the defect or deficiency orientation that seems to pervade in-service education. In contrast, staff development refers to teaching professionals and administrators the necessary skills for present and future positions in the organization which is a growth-oriented view. The defect view inhibits the development of the human potential as it is basically a linear process, and only addresses very limited specific concerns. On the contrary, the growth approach implies that the teaching-learning process is complex, and involves many interacting and interlocking elements.

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The defect perspective assumes that school personnel are out-of-date, and whatever problem can be fixed like any ordinary machine. In contrast, the growth approach recognizes that school personnel are continuous learners; acknowledges personnel in a humanistic rather than mechanistic perspective; considers that staff or personnel development is not a single event.

Lunenberg and Ornstein(2000) provide a compromise view about learning and development. They do not make a distinction, and refer to both types of intervention (training and development) collectively as training. They argue that both terms have the same objective which is to help all people in the organization, whether teaching or non-teaching, to develop their potential by learning new knowledge and skills, as well as enhancing previously learned ones. To them, training and development are two sides of the same coin, or currency directed to the same goal: effective instruction in school.

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The limited view of in-service education for teachers is reflected in the scope of the in-service training program of the Department of education, Culture and sports specified in the Congressional Commission on Education, or EDCOM (1993). In the report, in-service training refers to any planned school activity intended to enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of teachers which may take the form of any or a combination of workshops, seminars, conferences, conventions, summer institutes, and meetings. Specifically, the various types of in-service training programs are designed to provide teachers the opportunity to upgrade and update knowledge and competencies directly related only to curriculum and instruction as indicated by the following concerns (the Congressional Commission on education, 1993, p. 17:

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1. Orientation to new concepts, objectives, values, curricular innovations, and educational policies

2. Upgrading of skills and competence in methodology and content in different areas

3. Evolvement of models, strategies, methods, guidelines, and instruments

4. Monitoring and evaluation of projects and curriculum innovations

5. Planning and programming in curriculum development, instructional evaluation, and action research

6. Enrichment, production, and utilization of materials

7. Problem identification and evolving proposal for possible solutions

8. Sharing and enriching knowledge and experiences, and information dissemination

9. Strengthening of inter-agency cooperation and collaboration

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This focus on correcting deficiencies is a response to the findings by EDCOM that basic education teachers still exhibit poor academic preparation in general. For instance , based on the evaluation conducted in connection with the Secondary Education Development Program(SEDP) in 1991, secondary school teachers were not competent in the subject that they were teaching. They could answer correctly five out of 10 questions in English and in Filipino, and six out of 10 questions in science and in math which underscored the urgent need to improve the mastery level of teachers in these subjects. The premise is that through in-service training, this defect could be corrected, and better performance would ensue.

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Even the specific proposal by the President Commission on Educational reform (PCER, 2000) to strengthen teacher competencies at the basic education level is primarily a deficiency orientation. PCER proposed the implementation of Project TEACH or Teacher Empowerment to achieve Competence and Humaneness. The objectives of the project, which imply lack of certain skills, and competencies (i.e., use of technology, reading, critical thinking) that need to be addressed, illustrate the deficiency view.

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These are to develop the teacher as (p. 55):

1. an IT teacher who is adept at using new learning technologies as means of enhancing the teaching-learning process;

2. a reading teacher; 3. a critical and creative

teacher; and 4. a values education teacher

imbued with the ideals of integrity, honesty, patriotism, and work ethics.

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On the other hand, the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (n.d.) explains that faculty development has a three-fold-focus —the faculty as a teacher, the faculty as a scholar and professional, and the faculty as a person which varies the former. When the emphasis is on the faculty as a teacher, the program offered is geared toward the instructional supervision. When it is on the teacher as a scholar and professional, the program assists in career planning and professional development is scholarly pursuits such as writing grants, publishing, committee work, administrative work, and supervisory skills, among others. When the stress is on the faculty as a person, the program provides training in wellness management, interpersonal skills, stress and time management, assertiveness development, and other concerns which address the individual’s well-being.

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In some schools in the Philippines, the holistic approach to faculty development includes activities geared not only toward physical, emotional, and mental development, but also toward spiritual development. Thus. In many Catholic schools, the annual activities include recollections or retreats for the faculty members’ spiritual growth. This orientation can be gleaned from the following activities clustered into five major areas formulated by a group of educators from various member schools of the Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP). These activities have been identified when this group attended a graduate summer program (April-May, 2004) at the College of Education of De La Salle University (see Table 17).

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What is not open to question is the idea that whatever the focus is, the underlying philosophy of faculty development is the recognition that faculty members are the driving force behind the institution. As such, all teachers deserve every assistance they need. They must be as productive as possible to ensure the optimum effectiveness and productivity of the institution which is measured by the quality of its delivery of services (instruction, research, and outreach) to its clientele.

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Objectives Activities

Professional Development

1.To update and upgrade the knowledge of the faculty members in their respective fields of specialization.2.T o enhance the teaching skills of the faculty members.

1.Enrolment in graduate programs2.In-house and off-campus seminar-workshops3.Demonstration lessons4.Orientation for new teachers5.Action research

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Social-Cultural Development

1.To expose teacher to “low-stress and “non stress” activities.2.To promote healthy working relationships in the organization.3.To deepen community awareness and involvement.4. To enhance home school relationship.5. To develop appreciation of the richness of the Philippines culture.

1.Field trips2.Recreational activities such as ballroom dancing and parties3.Sports festival (Volleyball, bowling, basketball, etc.)4.Community Day5.Family Day Celebration6.Team-building Activities7.Cultural shows (folk dancing, musical concerts, etc.)

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Personality Development

1.To help teachers develop self-confidence in dealing with students, peers, administrators, and parents.2.To develop health consciousness among the faculty.3.To help teachers recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and deal with them appropriately

1.Seminar workshop on public speaking, power dressing, social graces, art of listening, proper diet, and nutrition, good grooming, and coping with stress2.Group dynamic sessions on self-awareness3.Aerobics

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Curriculum Development

1.To enhance skills in syllabus-making, lesson planning, and test construction.2.To enhance the skill in integration of different concepts.

1.Seminar-workshops on syllabus-making, lesson planning, test construction.2.Demonstration lessons on how to integrate different concepts.

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Spiritual Development

1.To deepen the Christian spiritually of the faculty.2.To strengthen relationship with the lord.3.To have a sense of renewal, and view teaching as a calling from God.4.To deepen the knowledge and devotion to Mary.

1.Retreats and recollections2.Pilgrimage3.Involvement in Basic Ecclesial Community(BEC)4.Bible sharing5.Living rosary6.Colloquium on teaching ministry

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