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  • 7/27/2019 Transamel Original


  • 7/27/2019 Transamel Original




    ofVon Schroedr

  • 7/27/2019 Transamel Original



    Dr. Bacstrolf a rcrerkg oD thc Buoara procGaa lrg yory lD-6cnloua, but, aeverthcleee, f rould c4llel 'n Lte reantD6 dlfferently;1t le llttle ronder thet the reqp{ Dt of the rlchcdete ahouldbe often rtgtekcn, by eyoD thc roat ecute end dlaccrnlag; for,thou6b 1n rouc polata they rerc pretty 6eaerelly agrccd, thclrpbilosophy rae erronloue ln Betry partlculare ead hardry eay troof then had eractly the aale ayetel, ead, beeldea, they rrotedeslgaedly lD aa obscure atyle. to corprehend thelr rrltlngelt 1g horeyer neccaaary to bave eore kaorledge of , aad to erprelntbeu by thelr orn phlroeophy, otberrree they +u rcnar D foreverhpenetreDle: f t ts also DeceaBary tlat thelr qulbblee be guardedagalnet.

    rn the rork before ue there le no euarl ahare of eophletry.Tbe euthor aaye that BoDesearched for the FIRST natter rrin Cl.n-+nabar, la the Re6ul.us of O end otber fooltsh tb1a6szrr lnd, after-+rarier nr rarn you not to ba led aatrey by the etar of Q ashappened to Dr. Eerdott.n end yet lt 1111 apcar, froa rbat follors,-l-tbat bls flrat ratter te nelther lore aor leee thaa O.

    The qnlbbrc reye bere: $ reauccd to e *l l pw sE rrrl er -b1blt e atarl but thLa le aot nthe ater tbrt corca fron the caet-ntftbc star of tbc rlse rGDln for euc'h tllt rourd bc uaprofltabre1n thle tork. Tbe East lean6 tbe eeetera e16n \f : la thl.s

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    bouse, eccordlng to frcaecus Phllalethr, tlc $ DecGaeery toTcoegulate the !f"f-.Cr-t"" fouad by the rlac rca; aory lstbe houae of Of : conacqucntly d ,. thc rctal that furnlsheetbe acttvc + . f,hend r" Jolaed to 6 eai thc tlil eroeerlypur1f1ed, lt le thea tla"rlttii&lr, nThesevcrfold radlated star-ntbc blghty purlfled bearealyQ."

    Accordlng to thl.e autbor ltbe ueed 1n preparlag tbe etellaearly ln tbe aornlag totards tbe day- do aot nteunderetand tbelords.rt Tbet le not tne{ only luat bc fouad 1ny but t-r rly ruat bc fouad ln Y tut tle tlteelf rN rEE MoRrrrG oF IEE IEAR, rbcn the O ls la that a1gn,for he Bay6, before, tbat rrre kaol aoue rbo had the natter, butae they dld not tdre lt AT TEE RrGET TrME t!e1r rabour rae lnyala.tr Alnost all rho bave rrote upon thls aubJect inslst uponthe aeceealty of procurlDg tbe natter, or at least oD beslnn{ agthe rork; rben the eun ls 1aT o" U , thougb the euthor ofcoElut'l PErLosoPBoRuMayg lf you only proceed rlgbt you rrrlsucceed ln any 88ao!rn

    rbcn the Baroa blde ue trtdce the eberl aad ret otbers take-l-the keraclrrt be olry lnthatea, tbet O r" uaed on tble rork aotoD r,ccount of the corporeal @ rhfcU 1e to be found ln lt.Rlch, specllena are eoletlnes rorked, upo! the beat for tbe eakeof tbe @ that ray be obtalned frou tbea, but tbc Alchenleteenploy thle aubJect because of lte ! "oc $ -not lts exteraattT

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    but lte retall lc nay they eyeD (eccordllg to tLta euthor)rehee use of thc ecorla ltaelfl aad lndecd ell of tben dcclerstbat ln tbe let. gcorla " Ogftr"y bc fouad.there he uakee the natterpblloeopby of the Alcbentats.

    apedr tbe leaguage agroee rlth tbeTbe corporeel O rbl,ch lt coatalns

    1a tbe alalleet pert of lts rorth- lt coatefna @ Itr POTEtrTIA,rhlcb, by a ekJ.llful artletr Day be drara fortb ln tbe lon ofeophlc Q ; rbereae had 1te uother the V-soagected 1t perfectlyit rould have been born only vulgar O r aad, thercfore uaflt fo rtbe 6reat rork, hertn6 no roae tbau a natural pcrfectlon Dece66aryfor its orn fornal crlstanCo It nl6ht bc used aa e fernentto recelve, ltaelf, a hlgber porer, but bas !o porer to eonnunlcateto other netals t l l l l t f lret recelvee lt.' { .

    Ifo nan values, 6 oo account of aay necbanlc use to rblchl t caa be appl led; for, alonel l t le useleee; and cyeD rhen usedln conbl.aetlon, 1s applled to bereby ray otber u6e than that ofbardenlng lead; but tbough ueelese ln the erts tt ls egtecledby tbe Alcbenlsts.

    Ue nor coEe to auotber qulbble; fo r though CIIIf,ABARbc lo tthe Barons FIRI|T ratter, HERCURTe Lte SECOf,D atter. -nBeadalJ. your thoughts on H r- ntrkr our phltoaophlcal O or @t'rrhlcb le as heavy as lead, but rttbout taete ot aharlneaas eadextrect out of lt, (bJr reane of H I e ccatral e n d|r. Byertractlng a central Q fron thet*, he latlaatea that trc $ to'r

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    bc onployed 1l thle gccoad rork nuat flrat bc rubllaed rlth colloDe r by rbtch reeDg tbeJl- of e 1a uattcd to tLc U la a coD-+crete fon, erroet or ertogether tree fror buldlty. rlc lllbc1l6 dletllred rrtb .0" F " dt"r butrer or 6 la obtdacarra troublod alhy V rhlcb rhcn rectlflcd la pcrfectly traaepateDt.flxfltb thle-lLertract lts ora sulphureoue ealua.tt thet la: eub-

    llne sr dlstlll tbe rcctlflcd butter frol thc flret acorle ob-telaed tn naklns "^"t1164.Eos of tcn he purl f les n" , i i l , hor of ten he rect l f les thebutter, bow often be cohobates the-.f l-up6a the @ of the scorlaebe does not luforu u6, but lt 1s probable tbree operatlons f,erefrequently repeated as he allore 2 uoathe for thle labour.

    Wben thls labour ls flnJ.abed you bave tbea obtalned frtbeJ'l-ofBasll iuers l1qu1d key. A cryatallne Vr ponderous as lead;and nor deeply tlnged likc O .,t By the rntnatlon recelvedthe dlstlllatlons fron the ecorlae- perbapa after dJ.8eetlngthe Barle. +Ee celLs thJ's purlfled, anluated llartlel butter of O "nSPfRfE Of U u, apparently for no other rcraon but becauee ln1-diatlllatton lt rlaes and cones over the recelvcr es r-n3r L gie5netters yelldlng aJl-coto oyer by the laEe proceea.

    'apeah hc la ouly deacrlblng the+etlca. Q bclonge to tbe fanalyoducee aI I thlnge, deetroye al l


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    thlngat rcuovates ell thlaga; butJLlundi la thc cfflclcat causeof el l theee chaages. 81re ee Thc doee notllag lteelf : ft le1l fect only the perlode of thc opcratlons of.rl-ruadlr rltboutrhJ'cb nothing ls produced, nothlng l lrce; 1t kll ls all that d1e,but oalt for thJ'e end, that by leans of corruptloa 1t lay producer6cD.cmt1on ead e ner llfe.

    lhet tbe anclcat phlloaophcre thue dcclere reepectlng aatureln general our euthor appllea part:tbe laboura upoD netale; for fron

    S tl"y ray be devouredr and by tbe coagulatton of tbe eaae -Jl-7nay afterrerde bc revlved to a Eore noble erlatence.The coagulatlou le probably acconpllehed by slnply lncloeLng

    aole of tbeJ'L of U t" a rpberlcal glase aad tbca d1.6estlnt ln aTproper beat for a aufllclent leagtb ol the. After tbe tlncture 1ellnlabcd the flrst the 1nD1be 1t dth the ea!e-cr- and agaln dlgestaad coagulate. Rcpeat the opcrattoa tlt1 the llacturc ls craltedaa hJ.gh ra you rl.ll lt. Aftcr tbe flret coegulatlon 1t 1111 proveSophlc O tut not a lPlacturer-aftcr tbe aecoad lt r11I be a Tlacture,end cvcry aucccodlnt llblbltt'oa ead flratloa ot coa6ulat1on, 1111hcrcaae 1t aot oDly la queltlty but 1r porer.

    Xhl.s.P.S. If you cnploy coalon O la tbc-o- of $ tfc ttrat coa$rlatlou 1111

    -61vc oDly eopblc O - ff you rork tltb edlatcd aopUc S rlthout?cornoD O the flret coa6uletloa ye1lde thc lodtclnc of tbc flrstorder, or a Tlacturc upon lO parte. ELD1a.

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    ![EE llErAI,g,

    Br $ILtXA!,t BASOr VOil SIEOEDER, F. R. 8.



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    |[he fs1lorln6 trenelatlon ls l.atctepcrecdrltb quotetlons frsn BrBtI Ve1cntlnc, l!. O.Tugel, lf. Pott etc. Accolpadci rlth r3lerkaby tbe tranalator. [hc rclarks elc hcluiodtra garllthcelc (fiua) to dl'attl8ul.r! thcu.

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    tlltur'r BAnorvor ScEnoDER

    rEltof or IEE norat SocIDnI rt IormtIilSTRUCrIOntconslnrrro


    iRITTEN Itr 1684.trofl PUBI.rSIED B[ trR. nOtE SCEoLIZEI|

    tunrDEnc 75r. E.

    rimsr.nrED tnou IEE cEnrdatrBr s. B. 179?.

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    $r lntcntlon le aot to entcr lnto Dlaputca es rJr tlne 1stoo prccloua for tbat; rhet I propocc rrtthg I herc acel aadpartly claboreted ryaelf, end en etlll crploycd 1a brl'gtagtbe sarc to pcrfcctlon.

    Altbou6h lt 1e bardly rortby a llaar a rhllc to br{.at eayproofe coaccrnl-nt the Reallty aud Erlstelce of our Artr yct 1lre rcre not to reatlon solethlatr our allclce rould by lanybe deened laabtlltyr therefore ahoet agalnet our lncllaatlonre aee ouraelvee obllged to relate a fer Tracte, tbe Truth ofrb1ch caanot be taken ln queetloD.

    It ls poeltlvely kaorn that TEEOPERASTUSARACELSUSaereII acqualated rlth the knorledge of traneuutlng $ and fi toto,TT@ ; th!.s hae even been attested by eone of hle eacules.

    RAYMUITDUSULLIIIS trauenuted a great quantlty of h tnto(O , rhlcb he gaye to Klng EEI{RI of ElfOLAltD, to eaable hln

    to aeelet other porero la rg-hk{ ag the EoIy LaDd fron the Turks;thls ls rell authentlcated ln Eletory, and tbere erlete yet aLetter rr.Ltten by the BaEe RAYMUI|DUSULLIUS to l(lng Eeary,rbere hc couente havlng furntebed O to tbc El.rtr aa he eaployedlt contrary to agrecrent, to 6o to rar rttb Ftence. lhroughth5.e Letter RAII{UIDIIS LULLIIIS raa put la th,e Torer of Loadon,aE a prlsoner of State.

    I havc aoe! several Rose troblea, rhlch have all beea naderbat aeed have re to quotef that @ nrocured by LIILLIUS. But

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    Eranplee of reuote thee? te heve pleaty of e leter datetoyo! bave no occaeton to go out of Gerla.ayl

    fboeoeyer doubte, let hln go to DRESDEf, n SAXOXT,endanlne the ao called, @ -nOUSn, end let b1n eaqnJ'rc rhat hae beentranelated ln thlt labratory, 1n thc tllcg of ELECTORAUGUSTUS,ELBCTORESS NIE and thelr Son CERISTIAIIUS I' and let bh eakfron rbere proceeded thoae auperb Du1ldlnga aGeD et Dreedca?ff f ,e, the unbellever, rante atl l l etronger proofer lct hl.ngo to the Electoral Llbrarles aad enqulre for tbe Chenlcal Acteaad Journale of the Mlddle and latter Ead of the IStb CEIITURTIand lf he 6oea to the Secret Chanceryr he rlll see euch aal.naense quantlty of uanuscrlpts and Lar6e Yoluneer aore rrlttenby the Elector AUGUSTUS lnselfr rhereLa he nay read hor frontlne to the the tlnging pordere rere elaborated and rbat lnnensequaatltlee of @ raa procured tbereby reekly, tbat he nay rellbc astonlshed, aa re have been oureelyeB.

    On the otber baad ln thc Ghalber of Publlc Accou-utsr rbereaII the lueaee Expenees rere set dom, for erectlug such !e6-nlflclent bulldlngs, he rl11 not flnd a slagle GROSCHENct doraas recelyed. For defraytDg euch GnorEous Expeneee.

    Such Bu1ldlnga rere tbe PALACES, STABLES, GARDEI|S, AUGUSTUS-BURGE tc; for erectlng then, the ExpeDaea flored fron the Sec-re t ChancerJr, as they recelved lt .frou the Oold-8OUSE.

    It ls rell knorn at VIENI{A that BAROI| CEAOShad a Porder


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    ln hla poeeeesloa, rbererlth he aade proJectlon ln preaencc ofour Late EI.|PERORERDII{AI|DII, rben Ele frp. }laJeety rbo raea Lover, a Ulee and good lan; lade BAROlfCBAOS COUlfI 0F TEEEMPIRE.

    BAROIfCEAOS ad aot uade the Tlncture hlraelf, but bad recelvedlt fron an EARL ol lLAIfSFfELD, ho ree a Gcneral at RAAB a EU!f-OIRIS, rho dledl and tbe Tlacture feII t.nto tbe bande of CEAOS.

    There ls at thls day a gold nedal ln the Ilperlal Cablnetof Curlosltles rb5.cb attests, that that @ ras nade out of U1n the presence of hls Iap. llaJlEty EERDfXAFDII . f

    The nany proJectlone rhtch have been nade at Vlenna rlth aTilcture of tbe rell klora WEIiTZELby hLs preeent Inp. l{aJiatyand by Dany otherer and that the said WEI|TZEL rae nade BARON0F'RIEI{BURG,are so f,reeh ln ueaory, that lt 1e auperlluoua torepeat lt here; Although BAROilREIIBURG could not prepare theTlncture no Eore than BARONCEAOS, rhlch ls rell knoln.

    Wbat DOCTOR ELVETIUS at tbe EAGUE elated to ne rltb blaora nouth; rany Jreara ago, rhen I pal'd hla a rlalt, eyery oaenay read ln hl-s orn publlcatlon. (tne Golden Calf)

    BAROilWAGNOR CKO, rho dcparted thle ltfe only laat Jrear,bad, a Tlncture, rhereof I graln tranelutcd J l/2 \,of any ln-rperfect retal lnto pure @ .end fLred l58O parts.

    The rhole Clty of PRAAG,

    Coneequently .l part tranauuted

    EaDy rlee DeD, and aen of Rank caa

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    teetlfy the truth of thle, to rhol tbs Baron ebored the frane-nutatlon rltbout fearr and lade then preeeute of euall pleccs,ae Teetlnonles of the Trutb of tbe Art.So nuch I knor tbat the Barone Tlncture raa elaboratcd VIA

    a flret and thcn ualtcd rltb eI and obaervlng thc dc6rcee

    lack, rhlte, yellor and red col-ours and. raa nultl.pllcd by the saue $t"t V. Thle Tlncturerae of a very flery corour.

    -t-The Baron de lTagner Ehore tr\rnace rae an Athenor bullt of

    brlcke and ras flred rlth cbercoal.There are at present llvlng poaaeaaora, BoEe of tben are Ey

    frlends, otbers f only knor, but f cannot devulgc thelr DaEeB,rhllst they are llrlng.

    I knor oDe auongst then, rho, but a vsrJr fer yearB ago,rae very poor, bu t at present J.s a very dlfferent naD.

    FRAIfKFORT ad AIISPIIRGcan teII long etorlee concernlng thlsna!,teO"oa ). At flret f rould not belleve Ltn, that berae a poaaeaaor, because he d1.d [ot 1ued1ately dlscover hh-self., and f kner hJ.s forner Indlgencet

    Men generally lake use of thetr good fortune accordlnt tothelr geal.us and latural capaclty.

    It le yet freeh !.n reuory, that ao t long rto r Eol-Ieadcr,a goldsnlth, of the DaEe of SOi{HER eelded 1n VfEilI{A, rho flred

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    out or a rlncture ol H a J trrroPurc ) .I bave lade tbe Er'perhant rlth ry ol! baade; I have aenhls Hedl.cl'ue under tro forn6.

    The flrst, rbereof he gave aole to the Lord Blahop et lfeust-+rFedt, ree a trey $ r rbrcb I lavo dleaolved ln colnon V r and

    found that lt conaleted ot 9 parta of eelta and I Part of affed rhlte uetall lc oBBeEce.

    The other redlclDe raa a red ffied glaesr lhereof he 6avesone to one of the Counlesarles of hls I lp. MaJesty.

    I have otce BeeD thc operatlon of prepatl4 tbe Medlclnetrhlcb rae perforned ln 16 houra, ln a strong A, ro tbe openalr, on account of the polsoDoua fuuee.

    Tbe Basls of the Medlclne tl6 e flxed OOt rhlcb flratlontI found, had been nade rlth Borax la a g.

    The tlaglng porder proceeded fron e.A "t ? or of Verdlgreeceaad ron T7 ; t .In our daye re aleo had tn DIORAVIA certalD petaonr rho

    durl-ag a CErlElfltATIOnof ? hours, after havlng Ceueated "ot" )prevlouely la ordcr to reuder lt conpact ea tbey caII ltr GD-Erlched lt eo ruch rtth a graduatlug O r tbat 5 parte out of 4rere flred aad tlnged lnto good,O r of ncarly 24 Carot.

    to do etlll Eore tban relate Pactat re rlll couunlcatehere aa erperl.uentl rhlch rftl prove et olce thAt our Ar t tB true.

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    Erperluent to denoastrate the poaelbllty end Truth of l{et-elllc Traasautatlon.

    ' lan Copper2 q, or accotdlng?t{e1t the 2 retale to6ether, then graaulata the !lBB, ee ls

    cuetonaryr la ruch ae tble rclghe tekc Z[d, p, r dr lt rcllln a 6, so tbat l t nay lay 1a we 61 ee tf t t rerc JS.S..

    Place tbey'Qln a .!i. heat, ald d,lstlll tbe V fron thefnlrture lnto a Recelver rlth I r and you 1111 flld and eee thenatter La thetrfiflorlng togetber llke a gur, rhJ'ch 1a of aseasy fuslon as Bees rax and burae lf set oa flre,

    Th1.enatter proJect lnto ureJ,:teafi o! l tcat and copetl lt,Iand you rIlI obtaln a pure aetal, rhJ.cb dl'esolve f" V, and aeaalL proportlon of flne @ dll fall dora 1l tbe \fiaolutloa;hatf of lrour ) t" becore volatlle, aad by tble volatllteatlon

    -\f J) you ulght learn eoretbJ.ng. f could couunlcate eoacthln6useful bere, lf f had a nlnd to connunlcate lndlacrlnenately,but I oBly raat'io prove here the poeslbtlty of a partlel trana-rutatlon of eone eaall quantlty of ) l.nto OOt the lnrer ofthe.r\ of O .Tf requeet also the unbellevlng Chedcal artlsts or aucbLovcre aa are full of doubts, to try that colloa ead lell knora

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    lehc pur nrc ) 1n flu.lge I part or | , ,coullor\Ut Lr

    *-Ioajeh pleces, ae thlck as a etru, or a lltt le thJ'cker, A,A.353ED otv tlapa the rbltc of ra cgg, thcn roll thcr

    about ln tbe l111a6s of ) , eo that ptclty of tbc ) tttlagaatlehe oa tbe M iL rouad. Prace tbcee plccce lrto e 6reas.rcFody, and ua.heap even J.$.1 rlth flllnge and pleces of 17 ,aad lay then very regularry. 77

    Apply an Alenblc on the body, unluted; pnt tbe body dccpilto tbe .1'..., aad tn sucb a DaDBer tbat you nay here 1t !.ayour poter to 61ve A et the Top oyer tbe aleublc, ae rell aeunder the bo(y. Thug ananged begta rlth tout A "t the Top,but very 8rad,ually tbe flrst 2 bours, afterrards glve A o"aot,rhtch lncreaeeuntlt ao" Y n v" ff corea over lnto e Rc-celver hr f furl of V ; 'nlad thrt the plpe of the alenblc goe6deep tnto the Recelver and tbat you lute nothlag, or JroEr veeeelrust ebeolutely fly to pleces.

    In a day the operatlon 1s perforaed.After tbe veeeela are coored, take yo,,t ) out of thc body,| . ' trc 7h- plcccs, ee oary theE

    ry entlre J'n the bodyr ald lookIf you aelt this ln a Itr, you r1I1 flnd a atran6e aort

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    of ) r rhlcn $doce aot dlesolv re lt 1r ) IIXI.tor tcll lc hor thla pytbegorcu Trenarutetl'oD of Bodlra

    end Sptrlts bee happcacd?Oculer Denoaetratloa 1111 nor coavhcc you, I bopet(see TusctaErperlrents arrhH."u ) ."d O .)

    (r ebelr6tvc tbeu hereafter.)., nO" operatlon of tbe Adepta dlffera rccordln8 to tbe eubJect,rD,lcb ls aot alrays oae and tbc eene. (Stahl colllrae thlo.)

    Ia reepect to Books ny oplnloa le tLle: fbo aoeyer bas agood Poundatlon, lay becoDe Eore perfect by etudyt but Be thatklore notb1n6, rfIl Dever becone poaaesaed of a tlncture, byreadlng elonel Bccauee the Phlloeophera atyle !'e thl.e: Thcykcep tbe eubJect a profound Secretr ald telI tbelr proccsa cd6-latlcally, and to hlader aD erlrerlenced opcrator fron dlacoverlu6

    Lttbelr ratter, tbey lnternlr coEDoD peratlone rltb \n F,or S[ana thus lead you fron one Labyrlntb l.nto anotber, andatlll they rrlte tbe Truth, but lnteralx 1t rltb Sophlstry.

    Ubere they epedr too openly, tbere ls Deceptlon, but rherethey rrl.te eal6natlcally, tbere lays coacealed, the Trutb..

    The roet hoaeet aad platn1st lrlters ere RAIIIUI|DUSUttIUSaad BASILIUS VALEilTIIWS, but you read all the good authore aadrtnd rhcrc tbey agr-ee ta tbc raln polntr and thcn you luat sn-deaver to obtalD a O. and.a- of U out of oac tubJcct only.f(lR. TUGEL l.vce ue such a DrocGs6, to prepare e 6cau5.16J1-9f

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    U eDde phttosopr, (h or e by one operetloa oaly, frol crudcfRed Caladaarts fror AfX LA CEAPEIIE; thla-Cf- sg $ , aeya l{R.?tEGEt rltl pcrforn eYerJr opcratlonr rhlcb eYatl Bealllue; hls.-rt-of U ".o posalbly do; f aball bereeftcr 61vc you tbl'a Pro-+cces of !m. IUGEL dtb aeveral other valueblc opentlolsr froaLte udvcreal ead erpcrhentel ChJnletry.

    BASILIUS ln alt bls lrltlnge bea 1r oac partlcular placeoalJr aared openly the true and loet rnlvernl aubJect.J-ore and 6 )fho soever takea thle nlneral subJectr rlll neverthelesebe decelved, as BASfLIUS does not tell you TEE CEARAC8ERorTRERIGET TIMEr rhereby you are to kaor aad at rhat tlne youare to get THE GEllUIl{ESUBIECT.

    Tlthout sucb knorledger to kaor the naae of tbe eubJectrerely, ie of Do use, as the natter varlea 1a dlfferent EJ.DoE.

    If you caa 6et the rlght subJect ard kaor hor to ertractthe-rr-of U out of lt, you bave all that l 'a needful.fBERtrEARDIISREVISAtrUSeacbes rbat to do rltb your--rt-of

    rore p1alnly, lf you crn but obtal'a hl's ald our geaul.aeunlvereal nlneral aubJect.

    Otberrlee every subJect requlree a dlffcrelt operetlon andpur1f1catlon, rhJ.cb lay epPear etrange to a! urlerPerl'encedartlet.


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    le eleo thet of Count BERtrARDREyISAr, quoted by BARoltSCERODER,erd ls Ers FAV0IIRTTE IIBtEcr rleo, ret rB rerr corc 1n Lcrc,ee h eay otb.cr place; )nBesl.llus of tratural and Superaatural Thlagern f,euburg

    gerEen edlt: 1694-p. 241.I Ed. note-Tbls tract 1e lacluded,ln nThe Iaet UlIl ead?estanent of Baslllus Velentlnugtr.

    rrrakc la tbe naEe of God e red qulckslrver ore, rhlcb rooke rlkeChaabar, aad tbe best gold ore (thls ie hungarlan $ lda,grlnd. then togetber, before tbey have been ln tbe A .xttPour upoD tbls nlred poldcre, aa O% of E nad,epcr ,BGout ofrr l { fconnoapurlfted aad eubllred U (t.c.:[,-] dlgeet lt for a rbole+llonth, and you 1111 obtaln an ertractlon, rhlch 1e beavealy.rfDlatlrL the Llquor geltly lD a Barn: vaporls, aad the pbregna111.1cone overr rhllst the ponderoua o3 renatne 1n the bottonof the glaes bgdJ'.

    trnTbls Ob&teeolvee all the netale 1n a noucnt.trPourgradually and rlth cautlou, ! tlnes ae nucb rectrJ.Vto

    lrthta ob , d16est then to6etber, unttl tbe ntxture 1e bcconeblood red, aad becone perfectly Ereet.nrl" S,VporE. fron thc db , aad pour freeh J.V.R,opon the eaaeOb , dtgeet agalnl and the dO *t t becoue atll1 slecter, pourtfe SV,off agala aad ner S.V.opoo t'he conoalyc, and, dlgcat, and

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    coDtlnue l.a tbl.e LaDner by dulclfylng tfe $ , ultll at. # a"qulte satureted and le becoae areet ead la red re a Ruby, endtrareparent.rAfter evorJr dlgestlon you lust dlstlll tO.J.Utrou the & 1na Bala: vep:; rblch r1I1 core oyer very clear l lkc !.rrlfor take the rola1trl.ng ruby rcd treaaparcat Llquor and pour

    ud dlettll la aehcs prettyore over lnto the RecelYer,d e lnto one Llquor, rhilst

    rrlf you dlsaolve O to thl.s trebluay flr the rbole tnto auch a Tlncture, rtrl,cb r1I1 heal Dleeeeesand procure Rlcbes abundantly.tt(thls ls a Vla hunlda, a6 are all the proceases of Frater BAS-rrrus)

    BAROIISCERODERontlnues thue: The Raye of Sun ald l{oon aadthe llllusDcee of the Stare act aad penetrate the Eartb contlauallyby reane ot A "aa [, aad neet torarde the ccntt"r A of tbeV. Fron rbence they ar repelled lu Vapoure torarde tbeSuperflclee or Clrculferencc all rouad.

    In paeelnt theJr hpregaate ead lnapleaate tbc Subtenenaouep ena fon lt latg a Sallne Eeeence. (rerenbcr BECHORSCDIPUSCEIIfiCIIS hJ-s renarkable erpreeelo.n thcre 1 t.a thc foregotng nac : )

    Thie Sallne Eesence 1e further contrectcd by eucccedlagyapours and becolee a ponderoue retallt" !, rblch re call

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    t ,

    QUICKSILVER, td outlt to bc nercd the tlret rctel.rbls Ii , by further lnaplaeatloa by auccer(lng vrlnure 1rgredually't!'xed lato O ot 2 .. Tbe generetlon of Hetals cotlelcee tolarde the Ceater of

    the Eertb aad terrllatee torerds the superflclca. Tbc acerortbs Mctala ley torerde th,e Superflclee, the lcet thct do 5rlcld,tle rcason ls, that they are rclote fror thc Gcntrel Eeet rndlore erpoEed to the preeolnt atuoepbere, rhlcb Lladers thelrllaturatlon aad Elxatlon. Accordlng to thl'e phllocopty tbe anc-lents bave proceedcd, and tbey bave looked for lutature SubJects,Iaylng not eo eeep ae tbe prccloue Hetale.

    Take therefore tbat rblcb 1n tbe oplnJ'on of len 8eEs vlleand nnrorthy, and let alone tbat rblch ls preclorBo (so ealrsde Ia Br:le. )

    Sone aen haye aougbt for the flret uatter end fallea lntoaulberLess abeurdl tles.

    Sone have eought ln Ur.Lne, la Ercrcreate, ln Ealr, Der,ln a Slhe rhlch ls collected 1a etagnatlng lrtcre, la varlousrtaerele aad, aarte, tn llatlve clnaabar, 1n tbe Regulug of Artl-roly rnd other foolleh thhge.

    BASILIUS Dalea the natter openly l.E one plecc, rherc besaya: Reclpe.p. (p. 2,41)but aa be doec not tcl l the Slgneaad rhen Jrouue to tdre the true natterr you rlll crr Doyortbeleas.

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    I kaor lors thrt hevc thla rrttcr, but er thcy dl'd eot tekclt et the rlght the, tbelr llbour la ta vdn.

    A grcat dlfflculty mlaea, rhea you rced thc DhlloaophcrsBooL,er hrt thcy bavc not every olc lede tLclr Stonc or Tlacturefron the roet Ualvcreal l.llnerel llattqr, tberctorc tbclr operatlooeend procoasce dlffcr, end tbclr thctures elao, ao thet tbs oncdoce uot tlngc eo hl'ghty rE tbc othcr, Dor ioce rycry Tlncturcact on all lctale, ae the roet unlvereal does aad ougbt to do.Tberefore oDe phlloeopber doee not alraye rrlte llke thc othcrcoacoralag bJ.a flret rettcr or eubJect and proc6aa, rhlch 1e tobc notcd to avold rDrore.

    In rcgard to 8EE l{0ST UXMRSAI SITBIECT ut of rhl'ch RAI-llUllDUS ttLLfUS, BERIIEA,RDIISouea TREVIS$ruSaad BASILIUS VAI-Elt[IltUS bave rade the nost untvereal Tlacture, lt ls aaled ELECT-RI'M MMATURI'M.

    (ror re aro ae rJ'ee eB re rare, before re heerd thla uanel)Art ruet begln rbere f,ature left ber rork uatln1'ebed, tble

    le the plelneet Deecrlptlon the phlloeopbera have ayer glvenua of tblo unlvereal latter.

    There ue lely roaderful oplnloDa colccrr5'ag tbe loet unl-vcrsel eubJcct of the Phlloaophcra; I for ly part an not lncllnedto deny or contredlct rhat f have Doyer experlenccd; It ts Get-telar that tbcre 1e aad does exlatl lnicpeadaet of our ualversalrlneral eubJect, a unl.ycraalJ\-151str lnfueca end lnslnuateslteelf lnto evert lletrlr, end frol rLtcbJl- al l ThLnga bave

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    thclr Llfe ead Erlatencc. It lc e purcr eubtllr vtvlfylug-n- ; I beve BoEe klorledgc of thc rtrtuea end potera of thl-eQ -rr- , ln regard to ve6etablca, aalra1a, end r!.ncreIe, endsupposc aole klor bor to do lore rlth tbla unlvercal-G1-tben

    do.Sole rccelvc thle.^6\-la t[e forl of V I loro llke a SeIt,

    rlcn the Sky l.s Scrcne and clear,.clthcr by reene of lnrtlcularglaeees by epplylag beat, or by leyLat certalu l,tagneta, aucbas !lur{s, huaan blood, l{l.ncrals or llctelllc eabea; or by leenaof drrore, ettrectl'ng thrt-n-by u16bt ald by day; rh5.ch rurtbe putrlfled aad purlllcd rhlch purlflcattoa 1e a Maatcr plece,aa thc Sl'tne of perfcctloa and purlty ere rcll to be nlnded;afterrards lt 1s to be nultlplted by 1ta orn prlnclple ln In-flaJ.tun and ruet laetly be feraented rfth O or 2. ThereforeI rlll aot dleturb any oBes 6ood Ideas concernlag eucb e noetuntyereal prlaclple or Splrlt, lf be hae lorc klorledge of lt ,tban I have; ead I ruat confeea, thet.fi- Uurtdl has of lete61ven Ee rany ecrloue Tboughtel But there 1e enotber latterla the rlncral Klngdol rbereln tbat sane unlvereal..cu l{uadl 1elost ploetlfully lnfuecd, end rbcreln he drells undetcrll.acdand la 1n Spfid.tual operatloa end ln full course to becone el{ctal, yet bae Deyer been e }letal yet eor cyeD I l{lneral.

    TLls our truc eld gcnulne rettcr; aone bavc aaled lt LItTItl,tAIIRI.

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    To obteh theJt-of $ out of our rettcr.flekc TEE t,tA[tER, rhlch BASIT$S VALEIIIrIUS (p. 241) bas

    aercd, end atnd that lt be Alf UIRIPE EI,ECTRUM, ad you cenaototr, tbe opentlon teecbce ltaelf.

    rne ln our Art, therefore bend

    Est ln Mercurle qul.equld quarult Sapleltcel trothlag ln the

    llto lte otn nature, because lt le PRII{U}IEtrSOF I.{ETALS.Thls te COUI|TBERIIARD REVISAIfS Fountaln or Solvene, florJ-ng

    fron a bcautlful 7 fold radlated. Star-prepared fron a hlghlypurlflcd heavenly Yltrlol.

    Ibla aattcr ruet be talan ln tte E1evatloa that 1e lot bcforel t le r1pe. . .

    Seek tlerclore thts tettcr la an opeD unlockcd aubJcct,early 1a the nornln6 torarde the-day, do aot underatand tbeeerords rroagly although tbe great and Wlee do not eeteen thlatblng, and throl lt aray; you take the abcll and let tben keeptbe Kerncl.

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    Try lt by A-d V, aad tbe sDokcead 1I1 erett dll tcacbyou, rbat you hevc to bope or orpgct frol Jrour ratter.

    Ihe Colour 1e beautlful, aad ehors by thc royal 6arnelt,thrt eorethlng great le hldden thcreln. FoIIor hll, untll youeee IBE SIAR 0n TEE IISE HEf, beceuae tble le ea lnfalllbletokel of rpproacblng Fellclty; but I rara you aot to be lcd aa-trey by the ster of Anthonyr ae Eeppcled to Dr. Ecrdott, becaueelt le aot evcry Star, thet shore thc rl.ght patb, but thet Steralone, rhlcb colea F:ROMHE EAST, and dt.d never feIl on theEartb, but renalna atandlng rlght over the Eouae, rhcreln theKlog of the uorld ras bora. our natter hae bcen generated bythe Rays of tbe sua and the ltooa, and corslets of V, rLtch onaecount of l ts lnterlal Forn ls not yet lnepleeated.

    OUR I,IATTERSPEAI(S TEIIS:Becauge r rae Deyer born, they lade Ee a Khg. rf ny notber

    had brou6ht re lnto the rorrd, uy crorn rould have been loet.It le true, ao Da! valuee le, because aothlag la uade out

    of ner bu t I an eeteeued and vaLued tbere the Stonq of the Phllo-eophers l'e prepared.

    Second proceaa conceraln6 the prcperattonof our.J'uof H .TroDocus vOlr RCFFhae, la hte proceae, plel'aly deacrlbed the

    Ertractloa of tle $ 1a1-J'l-. (you Dave tDrt Drocoga ln coelun-1-Phlloeopborun usc.)

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    Taks our phlloaophlcal tlltrc or pblloaophtcel (h, rLlchle ee heavy ea Lead, but rlthout tagte or aherpneaa, crtractout of lt a central Q end lahe thcrcof e troublcd alhy V ,rectl ly 1t unt1l 1t ls pcrfectly tranaperent.

    ultb thle JL crtract 1ta ora eulphurcoue aalaa, nlld youreerf,becausc t 1e e atrolg poleoa. Rectlfy 1t of lta laecer aadyour.4t- of V le nade ead BAIifLIUS L1e llquld Eey oUtetnca,Tlt le a cryatall lne traasparcat !, aa polderoue as Lead, aadlte Colour le d,eeply tlaged l1ke O.. ITS USE.

    do relt ead dleaolve llkc Icerreln rnd 1a radlcally dlesolvcdor U coMMUNrsurJL of ., 'TTla nultlplyed 1n Inflaltua.

    The preparatlon of thts-c\ of U t" the great Sccret of theTPhlloeophere; oa tbls hcad they are eIl sllent, aDd altboughr rrlte eonerbat darkly lysclf, yet lt rlrl be clear enough totboee that bave learned fron ay rrttlngs to knoi TEr TRIIE osrIIITIVERSALATTERT8 our natter shors, lteelf, rhat nust bc douetherertth.

    f caII lt by lte proper nane a -.(L of U , rblch others haveexpreeaed by ealgnatlcal naneal ltor ae ro il" preparatlon ofthle-tLof V does conalst the flret rork, therefore be dtrlgentfand pay attentlon to thls flret operatlon, rhlcb ray be done

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    YerJr rell ln tro aontbe tlne.TheJl- of U epeaka thua;Tf eu a rolf rbo devoure al l ttlngei I thlret after the blood

    of ry cbtldren (tbe netale) therefore I an called, Devorer ofChlldrcn. I eat, kll l and tear to plccee, aad return Llfe tothoee I heve kl'llcd.

    f,othing caa llve rltboutXhateoever deslres Llfe,

    All that ls l.l.rlng calls uere; yet ao one knore hor toflret of ny Coat. Tbereforenan obtalna a elght of ne.

    !r ald al l that dlee, I klI I .lust flret be burted rl.thl.n ne.

    Father ald is dalIy aourlebed byobtalu r etcept he hae etrlpped ae

    it happene but eeldon that aay

    ( I have lever been able to dtecover the ltffERAL UIff VBSAL SU&IECTof Baron Y. Schroder. I haye alrays doubted betreen CAI^AMIilASfS,CIMIABAROREr and AIIRfPUEIfIUI.| r Orplaeat. Ae far aa ny knowledgereaches tbey are all three valuablc SubJects, but after aII,not one of tbe three dght be the rlght ratter used by Baronschroder, couat Bernard and laay others, arongat the nore nodernadepts. ra order to nehe thle racs roro colplete, r rllr glveyou rhat I flnd 1n Potts Cbcrletry coDcerdng ORPIHENT,butflret rrrr explala BAROISOERODERSra paoceaa, ae appllcableto Orptneat, aB far ae f en eble, although la eoue placee itaeena ae 1f be reaat # orr.rou have obeerved that the BaroD aaya that BASrLrus nenea

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    l t opcnly, rhcre be aaye; Reclpe. p.Thla la the old Ealburg E{lt. pege 2{t, rbere BISILIUS aays:

    Rectpe or take ln the laEe of Ood A REDQUICKSILVERORE rhlchIooke ttucfi, end the beat Q ore, rblcb Jrou crD flnd. +Ubat caD te ndre of tble clae but net.ZZ and hun6ar. O ,rhlcb grrerally contelne O . *

    tor re nuat ul.ad tbrt BASfLIUS extracta these 2 oree rlthH" _S1ar Ob or Llquor nadeof +fnatlve or art i f lclal conelete of

    aenlnal prlnclplee of al l tbe uetalg. Theee 2 prlnclples arecertalnly the noet honogeneoue and noet natural Keys to dlesolvetbe aetale radlcally, ln order tbat deatb and Regeneration layfol lor.

    BIRON SCERODERalls h1s eubJect aa unrlpe Electrun, sodoeE Paracelaus rbo nanee lt ELECTRUI.!{InERALE Itll,tATURU}t.

    L-b -t-{a lgplPrHElffuM as rert ee\\ ore ead 6r" an TMMATuRE LECTRUM,at-r !rhere the flrst netalllc p"Gffpfea lro found, but no netal yetbrought to perfectlon by neturc. Such ore6 es actually con-taln netal, can not be called ELECIRUI{MMATURUMT

    Then he seye frrltbout $ notUlg ceD be donelrf noto thlefoD rccouat of BASILIUSIS proceee end PUI8S, hcreafter.rhrt be reaneby-rr-of Y , le splrrtuar f , or the $t"t

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    vapour, eltbcr before lt 1g rurrdnt bi r or j,rrrL16 $ rcaucee, F i H-flato a pr"r p ot-n-, aa BASItIus' radc onc of tr', for er-trectt'ag lle U ena $ out of bla tro orea.TfCoacernlng the rultlpllcatlln Inflnltun, RfPLEI lentlone tlyou rorelbor. Ee eaye thet blc

    I\uthcr bc aays;Take for thte natter ln aa open unlocked eubJect, tlnl,y rNTEE MORllItfcTOUARDSEE DAY. (}h 1s ertretly open, and cooeaofrou tb,e East, fron Turky.)

    Take tbe Shell, aad let tben keep tbe Kernal. (thls I donot uaderatand.)

    ![be saoke and 111 euell rlrr teach forr (tnte 1e appllcableoto ol+.)o?he colour 1e beauttfurr aad ehore by the Boyel 6arlent, tbat

    eonethl,nggreat le Lldden tbereln. (Xatlve$f" a noet beautltulo@ cotoured ore, follated or laterleaved rlth scarret aad OcoIoIIRED LEAVES.

    Follor hlr untll you aee tbe ster of tbe rlge lrlen. ThatStar alone rhlch conea FROMf,E EiST eholg tbe rtght patb.(l t seere tbat he bae taae a?ll + etetletua r1.ich caa be doae,-6as Porl Ba]re; the star contng froa tbe Eaet, ralr elrude to the

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    aubJect conlag lron the Levart, fron lurky, a8 re bave very Ilttleof 1t 1n tbe Weet of Europe, eB Mr. Pott obeervee.)(rbere the natter speakGtor. . . . .o. f do not ulderatend tbe leanln6.)


    [ahe our pbllosoph. O o" phllosoph. O, rhlch le aa heavy.cas lead. (o.t4 la notbln8 Dear eo poaderoug ea lead, not eveDoLas heaYy ae 6.)

    Ulthout taste or eharpDEeo tro f"ot ) Extract out of lta Celesttal @ e aDd nake thereof a troubled SlLuy or rlecousV, rect l fy l t , unt l l l t le perfect ly transparent.

    (tbls ls tbeJ'L,ot H , or U phllosopborunSlupler.)f1Wlth tble Jr- satilct ITS Om{ SULPEUREOUS}lIl,l,A;nlnd youraelf ,becauee t le a stroag poleoa. (wor ft fe $ phllosopb: dupler,Slve.an{rat t r i . ) Rect l fy l . t of the Foeeer ctc. ctc.

    It J.s a Cryetall lae transparent p, ea poDderousas Lead,and lts Colour 1s deeply tlnged llke O .(nor re nust eranlne rbat Hr. Pott teachee us la DISSERTATIOflSCEYMIQUESE MOm HR. POTT, Tone I ar Parie. 1759. rol. I pagel4O. Saye l{r. Pott: nRlelgallun or Aurtplnentun te e dneral ofa @ colour, dlvlded 1n Safron end Scarlet Goloured Lenella,procee&lag fron tbe $eoue Vapoure.conblned rlth the volatl le?nercurlal very penetratlng Splrlts, rhlch readere thJ.e nlaeral

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    ertrenely propor to open the netals. Soue hevc cdled lt Ser-datacb,

    PLIIIUS 1n Lls f5 goof of ilatural Eletory, aayg: tbrt tbcrccrlete a process rbereby O le lade by neaae of orplaent; a pro-ceee rhlch lnvlted the Dnpcror CAI,ICIILA,e prlac vory coyeteousof Rl'chee, to cauee aone rea to rork e grcat quantlty of orplnent;by rhJ.ch operatlon pcrfect O rea procured, but eo snall a quen-tlty tbet tbe Euperor had reaeon to repent of hle evarlce.

    Ifeverthelcss l4 !3 relght of orplnent bad been coavertedlnto O . Tble proc86 baa never bcea attelpted alace says PLfIIUS.

    Tbere ie ln Turky a Slngle Valn orplueat, rLlcb furnlshesall rhat ls eold l'n Europe. (there le aleo a FACTICfOUSORPI!.lElfTnade aad eold ln London, rhl-ch the palntere uee. )

    Orplnent Le a brlt t le ore, and dlapoeed ln Lauella l lke TeIk,rboee leaves are strered rltb eaady part lclee; lte colour ls aftne yellor of a greealeb Hue; soEe parte ere frequcntly of abeautlful Scarlet Colour.

    fhLs kLnd of Sandarach ls preferred ebove otbere by A1chyalsts.Thla Sandaracb by lts beautlful Colour reaerblce natlve U| .*rft ls a nlneral resultlag fron a euperflclal nlrture of Oti

    ^'and 4).TfUe $ ls corpoeed of e phlogletlc f end the unJ.versal acld.?Tbe oo le conposed of rltrlfLebfe f aad of e 6rcat quantlty ofvolatl le, f luld, Dercurlaf f. Or ln plaln terns; tta OO Le

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    corposed of a netel end lf thc {"oo" rcrcurlel Y fouad 1ascaQ. fdro corpoecd of thls f,unlted

    srya llR. PO!T.Orphent coatelne a letelllc lsrcurtd rubatrace; rhca treated

    1r tbc Arrab aoap ead ql , 1t furatghel rt,rtee brltllrnt-rra tlne D, but eo eubtlI, tbrt thc A eotaura lt 1l tlnc.oObald conceatrated flxed alcallae Lyee dlaeolve lt, ae rcllas tbcy do Oo .If you futnlnat"+r1th O , the + ln the* t" destroyed,aad thcre renalne an oo aL ftl ftxed by the alcalleed O .

    Thle netter nlred rltb U to fuelon, readere lt rhlte, butTtakee aray lte nalleablllty. tlo"elted rlth fat, or aoap, ora# of F o" eny flred alcall, obecrvl'ag the {rnger of lts polBon,Tglves a netalIlc brllllant ,rlt .AThe (\ ualtee rtth the ftred alcall and forua a ecorla, h1ehf+coloured, the BaEeaa the Scorla of O.

    Egg abells contaln partlcularly TEE l,tOSTFIXED VITRIFIABLEPRTl{CIPLE.(fron the enall pebbles, rbJ.ch tbc Een erallore, aad rhlch eloae61ves hardnese to tbe shell; deny the forle.'.i.or grevclr endthelr Eggs bavc eltber ao ahell et e11, ol I very eoft onc, IlketLln rh1te red leather; I have seen ttc Erpcrheat; GLAIIBERoD-eequently 18 rtght, lben he epedca ao hlghly of hle LIQUOR nd

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    you put to 1t1 aDd tboae Detala, rbeD eftertatd,e treated and41at111edper@ rlth {= rotr r aetall rc OEor butter la the

    YIIRUI'I SILICUS, for ltrlat ol vohtll Ttncturea; TUOEL ryE thoaare )

    sPxRtIroIUS tvea a proccaa o rake a dl.f ll aw,+thc aays; rakc I ? t:*tj.r@arrlS rurrroatcd, o6ctber, 42of Lbrtor. d ,t t J or 6 cbercoell relt theac lagred. togcthcrla e @, Uot berere of tbe OO fuaee, aai you 1111 bave a ,fl.Tbe il of +aa rell ea thc ll ot oo peDctratea$ nakee1trhlte and,brltt1e, oD account of lta [t"f Y.When sucb ^ t|lh a relted,, lt l.rblblf "r r the t{etala, rhl'cb

    aaneEanneras 1f you had used n6d .. The ll .rc|. or of Q'o abeorb retals qulcker tban tne t ot

    6 , and rend,ere he netale Eore volatlle. fbe @ 1n aO"olorhen detached frou lts A t" ae vloleat a poleoa aa coELoDorD,1'for len or beaata.

    (ButvruuII took 112h of &flaely p+ora flne $ . f put tu" tro I lato e 6laas tO, aad dred theaby ahalrlry, ffeft, rhosc lcck rust be rlde; I have placed tbe

    Aln tbe cellar, rhere I lct 1t retaln 24 hours, to attractnoleture; efterrarde f placed, rylOtt e .J-J.foto."", ard burrl.edlt pretty deep ln the .','.'. r adapted, a large recelyer and, ruted,

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    tbe Jotal.n6s cercfully, ea tbc firree, tf they abould acepe,proye rortel, rhen rccclved.la thc lunge.

    r bave bc6on rttb I ycry gentle A.t flret rhrch r lacrcascdgrad,uelly; tbc raae tn the 4Q w]-fe and bolls ead a-6r- co!c6oYCl llke c.lear V r rhoee quaatlty 1a ratoalahlng, conelderlngtht tfc+to."d+t are both dry pordera.

    r fouad tbla-a-- cqually ebuadant, rhel r had aot attractedla tbe ccllar.

    sone carr ttuLs.r.r- r rhlch nuat afterrarde be rectlfled per se,rlth thc aane precautlone, rD o$or Butyrul.

    fte epeclflc gravtty 1e equ1l to tbat of U , and lt enokesfcontetantly.Alter ttsLsJL en # ""r" over, rhlcb floated uDoD he.Jr-,and lourd abeolutely lot nlr rltb tbe-O-, artbough r ehook the

    6laes above IOO tlnes.Eacreaslag tbe A f obtalned a good quantlty "t &, rhlcbsubrloed lteerf 1n the aeck end upperpart ot 'jaelfralaoa tbere

    renalned a glall @ r contalnlag the sand,yfrnteralxed rlthtle olo.6

    AGRfCOLAgl.ves tbe follortng ptoceas; !tl.t equl'l quentltlescrdered aeparetly, put the nlredrce tl a cellar durlag d anaP.

    Tbea place W"1fu ln a .'.;.pot, adapt a toouy recelver rblch

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    lutc cerefully to $a@; bcgln rlth r, yory grntlG A, rhlcbdo aot lacreaac bcfore you 6ec lt necceartyr eld e ycllor subtlLeuOO or .Jr- dll. cole overr rhlcb alokce coatlaue,lly, ead coasulea

    6$ alelforatea ) f. dlgcatlon, but lt te too ruch vot-tbercln, ao tbat lt tuet be rctlred, erd by tbeae Deana


    eeveral tlnee upon lteColour. ff you dl.etl l l

    rcta ls l lhc " A.Tblealtll-acdyou obtel.a A TEITE O or LUI|A ElXt.

    AGRICOLABayB that the foregotag procees la of POPPIUS;adds that le blackened by thls process but aot enrlchedO , and that tDcrc la no beneflt fror th1s dlgeetlon. Ee

    tbet th5.eLlquor bas aore rapport rltb But6i, aad thet lf youcohobate tbls yellor O%or^Jrouro3 oD becone of a ruby

    ae blood.$r- ntred,-J1- froa EI.IERIL f s 6f ) tlte natter 1111 tlve you aa 03 ae reO

    to hpregaate the-au rlth lta orn tfxcd $ I coatalned |'a the @ ,produces a dark rca o$ r rblch 6lvee rrr"Tr proofs of the Dreaenceof @ ,ln eral l quant l t les.

    By ncana of thts red body: The partlal tralenutatlon of O1nto O f" certalnly denoaetretable.

    BAROIISCERODER,hon re bave quoted geyeral tlaee, telle ue,that 6one dletl l l t [orrahF, untl l tbey obtaln tberefron agolden of , rbereln they dlgeet a CaIx ot 2; but the Baroa adds:

    orr @uthl.e @ or

    AGRICOLAa!rs alao: Tbat he knore, tb"t+ 5 anddJ.stllled aad cob,obatid upon thelr otD @ , la order

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    tbat the enarr trlflrc of @ obtrlned by thle proceaa, doee aotpay 1ta orpDCsr t f

    TLta 1e rhat r bave colrccted, frol porr; lt eeens the proces6of nalrlng a Butyr. *t , rhlcb ls done Ln one day, caanot bc thatof BARONcERoDERr hlch takee 2 nonths, beetdea that re lrby no Eeala certaln tbat*t" the Baronta SubJect.

    BA3OtrSCERODERoatlnuee thue:Uho soever rants to nake a Tlacture, nuet get e lfercurlal llenetruun,rhlcb bae tbe porer to open aad deatroy netale, to ertnct thelr4,", aad to unlte and forn rlth tben a Cheos.-|. Thla Mercurler llenatrurrr ceD be nade untveraally out of theprlnun Eas of U t tDet ls out of the Lhue, a6 ue have nentloaedfbeforer aad thle 1s the nost perfect ptoceas, by rhlch afteruardsa unlveraarly tlnglng nedlclae ls rade. Thoee rho prepars a-Jr- of UTfron aay othcr Electrur lnnaturun; obtaln only lnrtlcurar and notualvarsal l[lncturae.

    There ls nothlag Doarer relatcd to netalltc nercurlee tbanurlaoua.lL . Tbe urluous -61-s and Qs reduce netals elther lntoaa unreduclble natter or lato a rkaorledge and eppllcatlon of guchle the prlnclpre out of rhlch tbe tlaghg and trangnuth6 porerdoee procced. Ia all Alchydcal operatlone you luat alao obaerve:

    l. l fot to undcrtake deetructlve.calcluatlons of the tetale,rhtcb ln reaolvht tbe bodlee deatroy tbe netalllc U .f

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    ) t

    2. fo purlfy toru retcrlehrectlfy very Th1lg.

    4. l{ost Laboura icpend uponctplea, therefore nothlng ruet bctle Poeceg.

    aa rucb ea poaalblc, ead to

    the Corpoaltlon of the J prln-reJectcd fror thc nattcr, but

    I do aot doubt but tberc are othcr tctlods to cleboretc T1l-cturcst Ubo has the neane and tlue, end llvee long clon6h totry evcry procees? As l{ature le lrerf,austlblet

    Ubrt I have rrltten, I have either aeeD or claborated rltb[y o;! baade.Aa;rone that poseeaeee theJt-of S , cra rGry aoon accolplleh1-partlcular Traasnutatlona, lndependcat of the Oreat fork; partlc-

    ulars florlu6 fron tbe genulne Fountaln are profltable, othereare not go,

    It 1s also truer that the porer to attract and connrlnlgstotha So1ar A cen proceed FROMto OTBERBUT TEE I,IERCURIAL RItf-.FCIPILE. Thle le la overJr netalllc bod.y, ead by thie partlcularTlncturea ca! be nade; becauae tbe Phlroeophlcrl $ amrs lteelfln varloue ehapee end Forne, ead ln aa Daay crrrerTelt porers;eorettnse aa a ruanlng U , et ot'rat other tl'lee aB e hudd JL- oteopher Bees tbe SopEc S ln e dlffereat Forl, eccordlng to the1-uatter be rorke upon.

    Tbe true sopblc p DoEsEEAT TsEtF aad 1c . A. Vurgar+ls cold.

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    tltbout a l{ercurlal ledl.un 1t te dlfflcult or perhape llposalblc,to claboretc cltbcr partLculer or untvcreal Tllcturce.

    TEE SOPEIC IERCURIESust bc lrpretnatcd rlth r pure SolarA , rbl.ch $ luat be tekca frol gucb bodlca ea poaeeea a Solarf - r.$.: Be not eurprlsed, lf I claae tbe urlroue gs erolt the'rrercutlal lenstruural ISACUSEOLL$IDUS rtrectcd the lettlllcA. rlth url'aous acnatruuls.tl . The Art of al l parttcular aediclaes coaalets ln thet the

    Sulpbure be ertracted out of letal l lc bodlee, radlcally opened.2. Thet eucb Sulpbura be hlgbly pur{.fled end ecparated fron allterreetrlal Foecce.5. Tbat Jrour-.(L et althou6h they ebould be conoelvea, be pre-pared fron purlf led laterlala, and.eeparated fron ell phlegla.4. that 1f D 1e to be tranenuted by a part lcular Tlncture,eucb O U" flrat prepared.Anongst aII cbenlcaL laboure Cclentatlol 1a the toat dlfflcult;there le ao lan rho can caII Llreelf e l{aeter 1n Ccrentatlons.

    lbe eafest and eureet partlcular lransnutetlona arc such,rhere, la Vla Bualda, 2 Llquors lrc dlgeated eld lteturetcd to-6etber.

    Thc Solat A 1e tound ln other letele end rl.aarals rg [email protected] 15 years ago I preacnted.the f,lag (about 1669) of Eng-

    rand a Goblet of Ruby glaea, rhlch glaes I had tlagcd by proJectlon.

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    fhoee tbet kaor hor to cleboretc I Eorcurlel leastruun froaDa.Dt8El; l f thcy klor hor to apply l t , they rey obteln unlversalTlnctureer end they dll eee guch curlous phcaoucue, ac Tlncturescntlrely retal l lc do not produce.

    Our ualvcreal ldneral ratter, rhllat la lte crude atatc, basIatc1y lade a 6reat lolse la GerneDy rlo!6st aore phyalclaae.

    In EIGLAID thrt Bmro rattcr hae also letely been praleed byphyslcal people above other nedlchee.

    Yet ao body knors rhat he hae ln handsl tbey undertake pre-paretlons aad conectloas, and they do lore barn than good, lnepolllag the latter.

    If they took the ratter Ill fTS CRUDESIAIE, and used lt so ,provlded they kaer hor to chuse and eelect the genulae natter,they rould effect nuch Eore 6ood.

    In EIGLAI{Dour natter le dear lnd acarce, but ln Oernanyebundant enough, end rhoeoever knore lt rltl, ftnds lore of thetrue ratter tban of tbe felae or spurloue.

    BERRHARDUSREVISA^f,US nd tbe llttle Treetlaes ENCEIREDIONPEYSICAE RESTITITTAE ead ARCAI|UII PEIIOSOPEfAE BERUETICAE underth,e aane of SPES l{EA IN AGlf0, bavc dlecrlbed our procaas rlthour ratteD lB plalnly ae poeslble.


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