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  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State



    V. Transformation in the solid state

    J. McCord

    (mostly from Gottstein)

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Pure metals allotropic modifications

    Crystal structure of a metal is not necessarily stable at all temperatures

    Crystal structure determined by the lowest Gibbs free energy GBinding energy E 0 in metals relatively constant

    Differences in electronic structure responsible for instability in crystalstructure

    Phase transitions

    Allotropic modifications

    Several phase transformations in the solid state possible

    Example thermal expansion coefficient of iron


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    Allotropic modifications

    Fig. 5.1 Allotropic modifications of selected elements5.3

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Fig. 5.2 Cooling curve for pure iron(note F).

    Fig. 5.3 Temperature dependence of the latticeconstant of iron (note the different scale on theleft and right side).








    Similar temperature dependence for same structures Also phase transitions of different origin magnetic Fe transition

    Polymorphism of Iron


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Diffusion controlled phase transformationsin alloys

    Dissolution or precipitation of a secondphase on crossing of one phase boundary

    + (e.g. a' - b')

    Transformation of a crystal structureinto another crystal structure of the samecomposition on crossing two phase

    boundaries (e.g. c - d, c - d')

    Decomposition of a phase into severalnew phases on crossing (up to three)phase boundaries

    + (e.g. e - f, e' - f') Eutectoid decomposition (e" - f")

    Fig. 5.4 Phase diagram of a binary alloy AB with phasetransitions in the solid state.




  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Thermodynamics of decompositionFormation of new phase is from a homogeneous phase


    Two possibilities depending on

    Decomposition has the same crystal structure as , but has a different composition

    Precipitation has a crystal structure and a composition different from

    Fig. 5.5 Phase diagram of a binary alloy AB with phasetransitions in the solid state.


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Quasi chemical model (mostly enthalpy H )

    Gibbs free energy G = H - TS

    Enthalpy H given by the binding enthalpies

    H AA

    , H BB

    , H AB

    between next neighbor

    AA-, BB-, or AB-atoms

    Total binding enthalpy H m = N AA H AA + N BB H BB + N AB H AB

    N ij is the total number of bonds between atoms i and j (i = A,B and j = A,B ) N z = total number of atoms coordination number

    Exchange energy H 0 < 0 decrease in energy with AB

    Exchange energy H 0 > 0 increase in energy with AB

    Ideal solution with H 0 = 0

    ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( )

    2 2


    11 2 1


    1 1 2 12

    m AA AB BB

    AA BB

    H N z c H c c H c H

    N z c H cH c c H

    = + +

    = + + [ ]0

    12AB AA BB

    H H H H = +


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Mixing entropyS


    Entropy S = S v + S m S m

    Vibrational entropy S v (vibrational modes =independent of atomic arrangement)

    Possible arrangements m

    Mixing entropy

    S m > 0Symmetric with regard to c = 0.5

    Approaches c = 0 and c = 1 with infinite slope

    ( )ln 1 ln(1





    ! !


    m m

    m A B

    S Nk c c

    N N

    c c




    = +


    = Fig 5.6 Entropy of mixing for ideal solution. Notethat S approaches for c 0 and c 1 with +/-infinite slope. As a result, it is impossible toproduce perfectly pure crystals.

    / m S c

    A c B

    E n t r o p y o

    f m

    i x i n g

    S m


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Free energy of solid solution

    Fig 5.7 Concentration dependence of free energy of a solidsolution for different heat of fusion H 0.

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )0 ln 1 ln 11 1 2 12 AA BB m G NkT c c c Nz c H cH c c H c + + = + +

    ( ) ( ) ( )( )11 2 12 1

    g m m m c c

    G G c G c G c c c

    = + +

    Rule of common tangent

    1 2

    0dG dG dc dc


    1 2

    0dG dG

    dc dc

    = =


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Phase diagram with a miscibility gap

    Fig 5.8 Theoretical phase diagram of a solid solution with amiscibility gap.


    ( ) 01 exp zH

    c T kT

    Depending on the behavior of the solidus temperature

    Eutectic phase diagram (shown)Peritectic phase diagram

    Eutectic phase diagram

    c 1(T )


    solubility limit

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    The Au-Ni phasediagramliquid

    solid solution

    weight% Ni

    t e m p e r a

    t u r e

    ( C )

    Au-rich solid solution +Ni-rich solid solution

    Fig 5.9 Phase diagram of AuNi.

    High solidus temperature

    Phase diagram of asystem with limitedsolubility

    Miscibility gap

    Characteristic s

    Common G (c ) curve forboth components


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    System with two different phases and

    Fig 5.10 (a) Composition dependence of the free energy in a system with two differentphases and and (b) NbZr phase diagram

    weight% Zr

    t e m p e r a

    t u r e

    ( C )

    atomic% Zr

    Two phases and with different crystal structures Separate G (c ) curves for each phase G (c ) and G (c )

    Homogeneous or solid solution for c < c 1 or c > c 2 Phase mixture of and for c 1 < c < c 2




    c1 c2

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Nucleation and spinodal decompositionProcess of decomposition

    by a nucleation process Formation of nucleus is with equilibrium concentration of new phase

    by spontaneous or spinodal decomposition Equilibrium composition attained in the course of time Up-hill diffusion

    Fig 5.11 Connection ofdecomposition of a solutionwith its free energy. Thecurve's points of inflectionare at c w and c w.

    Decomposition wouldlead to an increase offree energy

    Decomposition leadsto a gain of energy(spontaneousdecomposition)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Fig 5.14 Schematic G( x ) curve for a fixedtemperature for the discussion.

    in more detail2

    2 0d G dc


    2 0d G dc

    Spinodal decomposition

    Nucleation and growth



    2 0d G dc


    2 0d G dc

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Nucleation vs. spinodal decomposition



    Fig 5.12 Schematic diagram of the change in concentration and dimensionsduring decomposition of a solution by (a) nucleation and growth and (b)spinodal decomposition.



    Nucleus + diffusion



    Continuous process

    Equal terminal state


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Concentrationprofiles f (t )

    Developing of periodic wave-likepattern

    Wave length of spinodallydecomposed structures is small!

    Fine lamellae composites




    8 min

    15 min

    23 min

    Fig 5.13 Numerically calculated concentrationprofiles for spinodally decomposed Al-37%Znaged at 100C for (a) 8 min., (b) 15 min., and(c) 23 min. The dashed lines indicate theequilibrium concentration of decomposition


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Fig 5.14 Schematic phase diagram and freeenergy curve of a solid solution when amiscibility gap occurs. G( T a) = free energy ataging temperature T a .



    Range of spinodaldecomposition


    2 0d G dc


    2 0d G dc

    ( )0


    AA BB

    w w

    H H

    kT c c




    Spinodal decomposition

    Nucleation and growth

    Spinodal curve c (T)


    Coherent spinodal line in reality deeperdue to elastic energy contributions.

    spinodal line


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Fig 5.15 Schematic phase diagram and freeenergy curve of a solid solution when a

    miscibility gap occurs. G( T a) = free energy ataging temperature T (same as 5.14). Thetypical decomposition procedure isillustrated. The sample is quenched from thesolid solution range ( ) to a certaintemperature T below the solubility limit intothe two-phase region ( + ).



    Range of

    nucleation andgrowth


    Region between the spinodal

    curve and the solubility limit onboth sides

    Undercooling T

    Occurrence of precipitation by

    1. Nucleation2. Growth

    Range ofnucleation

    and growth


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State




    Fig 5.16 Dependence of thefree energy of a sphericalnucleus on its radius.

    ( ) 3 24 4( )3t el

    g r r G r

    = +

    0 ,c c G

    r G r





    3( )c t el G

    g =


    G c

    G ~ r 2

    ~ r3


    2c t el

    r g


    Change of free energy G due to the formationof a spherical nucleus with radius r

    specific interfacial energy of the phaseboundary

    g t free energy gain per unit volume duringphase transformation

    el distortion energy per unit volume or elasticenergy density

    Critical radius

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Elastic distortion energy of a precipitate




    s h a p e

    f a c

    t o r

    aspect ratio c/b

    low el

    high el

    Fig 5.17 Elastic shapefactor for a rotationellipsoid with aspectratio c/b.

    Hard precipitate in a soft matrix

    Concentrations c and c - composition of matrix and precipitate

    Young's modulus E and Poisson ratio of the phase

    Atomic size factor (distortion depending on difference of lattice parameter with c)

    Form factor


    ( )1el E c

    c c b



  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Structure and shape of phase boundaries

    Coherent phase boundaries (low - high el )

    Lattice planes of the matrix continue through the precipitateElastic distortions

    Semi-coherent phase boundaries (low - lowering of el)Significant difference in lattice parameterInterfacial edge dislocations in the interface compensate the elasticdistortions

    Most lattice planes of the matrix continued through the

    Fig 5.18 Structure of (a) coherent, (b) semi-coherent, and (c) incoherent phase boundaries.

    (a) (b) (c)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Structure and shape of phase boundaries

    Incoherent phase boundary (large - no el)

    Crystal structure of both phases is different

    Orientations of matrix and precipitate are different

    Different crystal structureIncoherent interphase boundaryLarge interfacial energy hinders nucleation - large r c

    Fig 5.19 Structure of phase boundaries (a) coherent, (b) semi-coherent, and (c) incoherent.

    (a) (b) (c)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Nucleation and growththrough metastablestates

    Nucleation rate


    Increasing nucleation rate by

    lowering G c

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    G 1 > G 2 > G 3 > G 4 > G 5 > G 6

    Formation of thermodynamicallyunstable metastable states

    Guinier-Preston Zones GP-I, GP-II


    3c if G

    exp c G N kT

    solid-solution ( )


    f r e e e n e r g y

    Fig 5.20 Schematic diagram of the free energy change forsuccessive metastable phases. 5.23

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Existence of GP zones

    Limited temperature range for theexistence of coherent GP Zones

    Limited to lower temperatures

    Elimination of zones through thermal

    activation Number of Guinier-Preston zones

    decreases with rising temperatures

    Above a critical temperature onlyincoherent phases appear

    Fig 5.21 Temperature dependence of the equilibriumdensity N of Guinier-Preston zones (existence curve). Dueto insufficient diffusion, the thermodynamic equilibriumcannot be reached at low temperatures.

    Density N of GP zones


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    Age hardening in Al-Cu

    Age hardening process for strengthening of alloys Age hardened aluminum alloys

    Precipitation of a second phase during annealing of a supersaturated solidsolution

    Fig 5.22 (a) Al-Cu phase diagram and (b) detail of the Al-Cu phasediagram (Al-rich side) indicating how the annealing takes place forage hardening.




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    H a r d n e s s

    H b

    Age hardening

    curves Characteristic plateaus Increase in hardness

    Formation of coherent phasesGP-I - single Cu layers on {100} Allattice planesGP-II or several Cu layers on{100} Al lattice planes

    Further increase in hardnessFormation of partially coherentAlCu-phase ( ) Formation of incoherent Al


    ( ) not happening

    Decrease in hardness(increase in precipitation size)

    time (days)

    Fig 5.23 (a) Age hardening curvesof Al-4%Cu-1%Mg. (b) Sectionthrough a GP-I zone in AlCu.



    GP-I & II


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Phases in Al-Cu

    Fig 5.24 Crystal lattice of thesolid solution (a) , theequilibrium phase (b) , aswell as the metastable phases ' (c) and (d) " of the Al-Cusystem (Cu , Al )

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    equilibrium phase

    FCC Al phase



  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Annealing for age hardening of Al-Cu

    Fig 5.25 Annealing sequence for age hardening with corresponding change in

    microstructure for Al-Cu.5.28



    c (see. Fig. 5.22)

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    Time-temperature-transformation - TTT diagram

    TTT diagram forAlCu

    Supersaturated solid solution

    Fig 5.26 Sketch of a TTTdiagram. The time t required to reach aspecified state of precipi-

    tation (e.g., a givenvolume fraction) is deter-mined in an isothermalexperiment. In order toprevent precipitation thecooling rate for quenching

    has to be large enough toavoid an intersection of theT(t) curve and the kneedescribing the onset ofprecipitation.


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    Growth kinetics of precipitates

    Short times (X < 0.2)

    r : precipitate radius (assumption of spherical particle)X : precipitate volume fraction

    Long times (X > 0.9)

    Neighboring precipitates compete for remaining solute atoms


    B r D t

    X(t ) r

    3 2X( t ) t

    1 2e t / X ( t ) =

    Fig 5.27 Schematic diagram of the change in concentration and dimensionsduring decomposition of a solution by nucleation and growth.5.30

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    Growth kinetics of


    Fig 5.28 (a) Sketch of volume fraction of precipitates as function of time at constant temperature. Note thatnucleation gives rise to an incubation time. (b) Growth kinetics of C in -Fe. Solid line - precise theory;dashed line - dependence according to the shown equation fro X (t ) (c k concentration in the precipitate).

    1 2e

    1 2e

    t /

    t /

    X ( t )






    incubationtime &


    3 2X(t ) t

    1 2e t / X ( t ) =




    ( )1 301 3 2

    31 /

    B B B /


    D c c D

    c R


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Ostwald ripening Competitive" precipitate coarsening Driving force is a decrease of the total interface boundary energy

    Flux of atoms from the higher to lower chemical potential (from small

    to large particles) Spherical particles : determined by the curvature of the surface

    Average particle size

    1 2

    1 12 B


    c kT

    r r c

    = =

    Fig 5.29 The contribution of the interfacial energy leads to a chemical potential difference betweenparticles of different size. This causes a solute diffusion current from small to large particles.


    Radi r 1 and r 2 b equilibrium concentration for a flat

    interface boundary (r infinity) atomic volume


    23 B if B

    B D c

    r r t T

    D t k


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Eutectoid decomposition and discontinuous

    precipitation Precipitation processes by nucleation and growth of individual nuclei

    Alternatively Solid state phase transformation proceeds by motion of a reaction front

    Eutectoid decomposition and discontinuous precipitation1. One phase decomposes into two different phases with different composition

    2. Morphology of the phase transformation is a lamellar structure

    3. Concurrent precipitation occurs by exchange of atoms via short-rangediffusion


    Pearlite reaction in steel

    Decomposition of C-rich fcc - -Fe in low-carbon -Fe and cementite (Fe 3C)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Lamellar microstructure Decomposition of Fe-0.8%C-X

    Microstructure is determined by transformation rate

    Lamellar structure ferrite ( -Fe) and cementite (Fe 3C)

    Fig. 5.30 Microstructure of eutectoidally decomposed Fe-0.78%C-0.97%Mn. (a) Cooledslowly (solidification at 680C), (b) cooled rapidly (solidification at 639C) and (c) incipientforming of pearlite with advancing carbide lamella in Fe-0.8%C (iron carbide lamella are

    light colored, ferrite lamella dark colored).

    slow cooling rate fast cooling rate

    (a) (b) (c)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Mechanism of lamella formation

    Fig. 5.31 Illustration of the principle of

    lamella generation during eutectoiddecomposition.

    new -crystal nucleus

    Reaction initiated at a grain boundary

    Nucleation favored

    Assumption: Decomposition of +

    phase forms the first nucleus

    Local change of concentration

    nucleus is generatedLocal change of concentration

    Lamellar microstructure

    Thickness of the lamellae is determined bythe range of diffusion

    Lamellar spacing l decreases with increasingtransformation rate R 1l

    R 5.35

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Schematics of laminar growth (Fe-C)

    Fig. 5.32 Lamella arrangement and carbon concentration distribution in growthdirection during the pearlite reaction. A depletion or enrichment of C occurs at the

    moving phase boundary, leading to a transverse diffusion.



    t r a n s v e r s e

    d i f f u s i o n


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Discontinuous precipitation

    Fig. 5.33 Reaction front duringdiscontinuous precipitation in Al-2.8%Ag-1%Ca.

    Reaction at the transformation front + Only one new phase is formed (precipitation of )

    Nucleation starts at grain boundaries

    Discontinuous precipitation Generation of lamellar microstructure

    Grain boundary migration (similar to recystallization)

    Grow through concurrent grain boundarydisplacement in a lamellar morphology

    Chemical driving force

    Increase by (pre) plastic deformation

    Analogous reverse process - dissolution ofprecipitates by moving grain boundaries during the

    recrystallization of two-phases5.37

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    Martensitic transformation

    Increasing cooling rates

    Diffusivity slows down

    For high cooling rates diffusion fails to accomplish the necessary

    concentration changes Suppression of phase transformation

    Increase of supercooling of unstable phase

    Driving forces for transformation increase drastically. Phase transformation with change of crystal structure (Fe-C from fcc to bcc)

    Spontaneous change of crystal structure without change of concentration

    Spontaneous phase transformations without concentration change

    Martensitic transformations

    Despite the name it is not only occurring in the Fe-C system, when the formationof ferrite is suppressed.


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Martensitic transformations

    Structural change Metal or alloy

    fcc hcp Co, Fe-Mn

    fcc bcc Fe-Ni

    fcc tetragonal bcc Fe-C, Fe-(Mn, Cr, Ni,...)-C

    fcc tetragonal fcc In-Tl, Mn-Cu

    bcc hcp Li, Ti, Zr, many Ti and Zr alloys

    bcc distorted hcp Cu-Al

    bcc tetragonal fcc Cu-Zn, Cu-Sn

    bcc orthorhombic Au-Cd

    tetragonal orthorhombic U-Cr


    Table 5.1 Important

    martensitic transformations

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    Mixed microstructureSpontaneous change of the crystal structure Change of volume and shape Suppressed change of composition

    Transformation proceeds by successive displacive transformations of needleor lath shaped regions into the new crystal structure

    Consecutively transformed regions are limited in their spatial extent by priortransformed regions

    Fig 5.34 Martensite andretained austenite in anFeNiAl-alloy


    austenitization-temperature 850C

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Existence range of

    martensite Volume fraction of the martensite

    phase depends on the temperatureto which the material was quenched

    Not dependent on time

    Ms - martensite start1% martensitic volume fraction in

    the microstructure Mf - martensite finish

    99% martensitic volume fraction

    Range of existence of martensitedepends on composition Fig. 5.35 Existence curve of martensite in Fe-0.45%C.

    Ac3 is the temperature of beginning transformation toaustenite during heating. In practice M s , and M f are

    determined by martensite contents of 1% and 99%,respectively.

    austenitization temperature 850C

    t e m p e r a

    t u r e

    ( C )

    martensite content (%)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Composition range

    Fig. 5.36 Concentration dependence of the range ofexistence of martensite in FeNi.

    Ms - martensite start As austenite start

    Ms decreases with increasingconcentration

    Fe-C Decomposition on annealing into

    ferrite and cementite Not retransforming to austenite

    By plastic deformation the differencebetween the transformation starttemperatures M s and A s can bereduced (M d and A d).Martensitic transformationaccompanied by deformation



  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Bain model of martensitic formation

    Fig. 5.37 The Bain-model of martensitic formation in the FeC system and the correspondingorientation correlation of austenite and martensite after Kurdjumov-Sachs. The open circles indicatepossible positions of carbon.

    Crystallographic relationships observed during martensitic transformation in thesystem Fe-C - Bain model

    Transformation from fcc to bcc bcc unit cell tetragonally distorted in the presence of carbon

    a) Center of two next neighbor fcc unit cells (lattice parameter a 0) contains a

    tetragonal body-centered unit cell (bct)

    (a) (b) (c)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Bain model of martensitic formation

    Fig. 5.38 The Bain-model of martensitic formation in the FeC system and the correspondingorientation correlation of austenite and martensite after Kurdjumov-Sachs. The open circles indicatepossible positions of carbon.

    b) Obtaining a bcc unit cell from a bct unit cell by compression along the c directionand stretching in the plane perpendicular to the c direction (volume change ofabout 3 to 5%)During martensite transformation the atomic positions change only slightly andnext neighbors remain next neighbors after phase transformation.

    c) Bain correspondence is substantiated by X-ray crystallography investigations that

    confirm an orientation relationship Fe-C {111} || {110} and ||

    (a) (b) (c)


  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Complicated irrationallyindexed Habit planes

    (not described by simpleBain model)

    Fig. 5.39 Stereographic representation of the Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation relationship. The stereogram is centeredon (111) fcc || (011) bcc . The unmarked neighboring pairs ofpoles would superpose exactly for the Bain orientation. Theydo not do so for the Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation.

    {111} || {110}



    Kurdjumov-Sachsorientation relationship

    L i

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Martensitic transformation of Fe-C -lattice transformation from fcc to bct

    C stabilizes phase C austenite is located on the

    octahedral interstitial sites of the ironlattice

    After transformation the carbon

    atoms are located only on the c axis lattice parameter in the c-directionincreases, i.e. tetragonal martensite(bct) is formed

    Fig. 5.40 Dependence of the lattice parameters of austenite and martensite on carbon content

    Lattice parameters






    weight % C

    a x i s r a

    t i o c

    / a

    a a x

    i s l e n g

    t h ( 1 0 - 1 0 m


    a o r c a x

    i s l e n g

    t h ( 1 0 - 1 0 m



  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Mechanism of martensite transformation

    Fig. 5.41 (a) Illustration of a martensitic transformation fcc hcp by shear deformation, i.e., stackingsequence changes from ABAB... to ABCABC... . (b) Shearing within a matrix. (c) Internal plasticdeformation of the transformed phase to keep the original shape. (d) Martensite crystal a M betweentwo grain boundaries.

    { { }111 0001fcc hcp =Shear deformation (diffusionless transformation)

    Simplest case Co: fcc hcp

    Invariant plane (Habit plane)

    (a)(b) (c) (d)




  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Shape change

    Shape changes lead to elastic compatibility strains in the immediateenvironment of the martensite plates

    Reduced by plastic deformation within the martensite via glide and twinning

    Overall deformation corresponds to a shear parallel to an undistorted plane Undistorted plane {111}fcc = (0001) hex during the cobalt transformation

    Habit plane irrational for Fe-C

    Fig. 5.42 The formation of martensite changes the shape of a the original crystal (a) by shear(b) slip (c) or twinning (d) in martensite can largely compensate for this shape change.

    (a) (b) (c) (d)



  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Plastic deformation during martensitic


    Fig. 5.43 (a) Formation of a characteristic surface texture by martensitic transformation.(b) Plate martensite in Fe-33.2%Ni with internal twinning.

    Martensitic transformation causes a substantial plastic deformation Compression and stretching of the unit cell by shear deformation

    Shape change of the transformed region

    Surface relief





    TTT diagram and

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    TTT diagram andmartensitictransformation

    Fig. 5.41 TTT-diagram of an alloy steel (Fe-C-Cr) with cooling curves. Different cooling rates yieldmartensite (1), pearlite (2) or bainite (3). Only for very low cooling rates occurs the transformation atequilibrium temperature (F - ferrite; P - pearlite; M, - martensite start)

    Special material properties areachieved by martensitictransformation

    Not isothermal!

    Cooling rate must be high enough

    to avoid the pearlite or bainitereaction.

    1. Martensite

    2. Pearlite

    3. Bainite time (sec)

    t e m p e r a

    t u r e

    ( C )



    end of trans.

    martensitic start


    austenization temperature 970C

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State


    Shape memory effect

    Characteristics Regaining original after deformation by a respective heat treatment

    Requirements1. Martensitic transformation with M s As (very little hysteresis)

    2. Deformation only by martensitic transformation and twinning, i.e.,suppression of dislocation slip

    Alloys: AuCd, Fe 3Pt, NiAl, NiTi (Nitiniol)

    Cooling through the transformation temperature M f Crystallographically equivalent variants are adjusted in such a way that the

    shape of the specimen remains unchanged

    After deformation - material heated to temperature A f Martensite disappears and original shape is restored


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    Shape memory effect




    quenched inwater

    (T < M f)reaction to


    reversiblestrain limit

    reheatinginto the -zone

    martensiteand suitable


    stress inducedgrowth ofvariants austeniteformation and



    Fig. 5.44 Schematic illustration of the shape-memory-effect works in a single crystal.


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    Pseudo- or superelasticity

    Similar effect to shape memory effect (same materials)

    Introduction of martensitic phase by applied mechanical stress

    Large strain

    Good damping properties - energy of mechanical impact consumed by themartensitic transformation

    Fig. 5.45 Typical stress strain curve of a superelastic material (in comparison to steel).


    stress(arb. units)

    austenite to martensitetransformation


    Comparison (a)

  • 8/9/2019 Transformation in the Solid State



    shape-memory effectand superelasticity

    Fig. 5.46 (a) (c) Schematic illustration of themechanism of the shape-memory effect andsuperelasticity, in which solid lines represent theshape-memory path and dotted lines representthe superelasticity path. Martensite forms upon

    cooling below M f . However, the macroscopicshape of the sample does not change becausedifferent crystallographic equivalent forms occurwith the same frequency. Application of anexternal stress induces the growth of thecrystallographic variant that causes the largest

    shear deformation in the direction of the appliedstress. At high stress only this variant survives.Heating above Af gives rise to a transformationinto the original phase and hence to shaperecovery.


    (b) (c)


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