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Page 1: Transitioning Data from Legacy Systems into QuickBase
Page 2: Transitioning Data from Legacy Systems into QuickBase

Transitioning Data from Legacy Systems to QuickBase

John Head & Ken Lamey

PSC Group, LLC

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① About Us

② Legacy Data

③ Application Modernization

④ Migration & Integration Options


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① What does Application Modernization mean and why do you care?

② What types of applications migrate best to QuickBase?

③ What tools & resources are available to migrate and integrate data to QuickBase?

3 things you will learn in this session

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About Us1

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① Evangelist & Business Development

② 24 years experience

– 19 Consulting, 5 sales

③ Speaker at conferences and user groups around the world

– 50+ sessions

④ IBM Champion (5 years)

⑤ Specialize in Application Modernization & Integration

John Head

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① Consulting Manager for the PSC Group

– 17 Years consulting for PSC

– QuickBase and Cloud Rapid Application Development

Solutions Owner at PSC.

② 24 years of consulting experience architecting, developing and

implementing business solutions for over 100 organizations.

③ Experienced in converting, integrating, exporting, importing

data between applications on all platforms.

Ken Lamey

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PSC is a business and IT consulting firm

specializing in strategy and integration.

We match experienced professionals with

proven and emergent technology to

design, deliver, and service customized

solutions. We turn IT into an effective

strategic resource that improves

efficiencies and work streams, delivers a

measurable return on investment, and

grows companies.

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Legacy Data2

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In computing, a legacy system is an old method, technology, computer system, or application

program, "of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated computer system." Often a pejorative

term, referencing a system as "legacy" often implies that the system is out of date or in need of


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legacy_system

Definition: Legacy System

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① Many are band-aided together and guarantee business silos.

② Maintenance and staffing costs are high and growing.

③ Compliance and regulatory concerns abound.

④ Limited functionality limits innovation and growth.

⑤ Purely data-driven architecture prohibits access to business content.

Pain Points of working with Legacy Systems

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① Unhappy Users

② High Cost

③ Lack of integration; reports & dashboards difficult

④ No chance for innovation

Impact of Legacy System Usage

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How did we get here?

•Doing the same things better


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How did we get here?

•Doing the same things better


•Doing new thingsInnovation

•Doing new things that make the old ones obsolete


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① Users are not happy with bad applications

② Users find options to bypass legacy systems

③ Front Office / Systems of Engagement first systems users replace

④ Solves User’s problems; mobile, fast, etc.

⑤ Creates new silos and lack of integration

Impact of Shadow IT & Citizen Development

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Application Modernization3

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Application Update PaceSystem of Record vs. System of Engagement

Sales and Marketing

Customer Service

Business Analytics




Front Office is moving fast



Data center


Back Office is lagging

Moving to


Not Moving

to Cloud

34% 31%


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The Application Disruptors


Modern Workflow



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① Legacy data combines data, presentation, and logic

② Modern development separates these

③ Allows for decoupling, integration, and future


④ Rapid updates from vendors doesn’t impact application


Data vs. UX vs. Logic/Workflow

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Our MethodologyInventoryExisting

Application Portfolio

Categorize and Prioritize

Estimate Modernization


Determine Landing Platform

Network Impact Analysis

Data Center Impact Analysis

Define Security Model on

Landing Platform

EstablishTools &


Application Transformation

Data Transformation



Develop Support and Staffing Plan

Application Modernized!

Reduce Licensing of Legacy


Define Governance


Modify Infrastructure

Establish Development Environment

Specify and Procure

Production Hardware and


Analysis & Design

Prepare for a more data driven, mobile, social and dynamic future

Identify opportunities to enhance processes, workflow and security

Technical Analysis

Business Value Analysis

Cultural Change Analysis

Develop Training Plan and Materials

Train End Users on Modernized






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More people have cell phones than running water.

22 Source: http://www.corvallisadvocate.com/2013/0523-more-people-


Image: Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Impact of Mobile

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People look at their photos 1,500x

each week

They spend 177 minutes on their

phone per day

Source: http://www.kpcb.com/insights/2013-internet-trends

Image: Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Impact of Social

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Decision Point

ArchiveLeave As


IntegrateMigrate /


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Integration: Process of attaining close and

seamless coordination between several

departments, groups, organizations, systems,


Soruce: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/integration.html#ixzz47gtISC00

Migration: involves moving a set of

instructions, programs and/or data from one

platform to another.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_migration

Integration vs. Migration

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Migration & Integration Options4

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Notes/Domino to QuickBase

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① 30+ year old customer base

② Email + Custom Applications

③ Millions of Notes/Domino applications still in use


④ As companies migrate to other email platforms, application

migration opportunity

Notes/Domino to QuickBase

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① Document Library (ships with product)

② Discussion Library (ships with product)

③ Teamroom (ships with product)

④ Custom Forms

⑤ Workflow Applications

Typical Notes/Domino Apps that Migrate to QuickBase Easily

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Demo – Lotus Notes Migration to QuickBase

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SharePoint to QuickBase

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① SharePoint is 15 years old

② Started as document library, transition to application


③ Microsoft transitioned development model in SP 2013

– Traditional (Server-side) vs. App Model (Client-side)

④ Major shift with Office365 / SharePoint Online

SharePoint to QuickBase

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Microsoft SharePoint is in a time of transition. IT leaders responsible for SharePoint initiatives must evaluate the

specific functional needs they have, as well as their level of risk avoidance.


① Microsoft's strategic commitment to the cloud with SharePoint Online has created the imperative for IT

leaders to re-evaluate SharePoint's role in their workplace technology road map.

② Microsoft's new app model has limited the ability to customize SharePoint Online compared to

SharePoint deployed on-premises, so IT leaders must reconsider how to use SharePoint.

③ Microsoft's focus on SharePoint Online means IT leaders have to factor in risk tolerance, organizational

culture and migration complexity when assessing its suitability.


SharePoint Outlook from the Analysts

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IT leaders:

① Examine your SharePoint use cases to determine suitable options. SharePoint Online is suitable for a range of use

cases, from basic tasks such as file sharing through to highly collaborative, content-centric processes such as RFP


② Explicitly revise governance plans and communicate guidance on what SharePoint Online should and should not be

used for.

③ Involve your legal, risk and compliance teams to determine whether the risks of SharePoint Online are acceptable to

your organization.

④ If SharePoint Online falls short of these measures, consider whether it would make more sense to continue using

SharePoint on-premises, choose an alternative vendor/platform or adopt a hybrid approach (on-premises for existing

custom workloads, Online for new, more generic work).


SharePoint Outlook from the Analysts

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① Document Libraries

② Lists

③ Basic Workflow

SharePoint Apps that Migrate to QuickBase Easily

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Demo – SharePoint Migration to QuickBase

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Integrating with QuickBase

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① Not Application Integration

② Does Not Start with Technology

③ IBM: “Data Integration involves discovery, cleansing,

monitoring, transforming and delivery of data from a

variety of sources.”

Data Integration

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• Need a Specific Calculated Approach

• Reduce Data Complexity

• Improved ROI of Data Through Unified


• Increased Access to Data

Data Integration Plan

• Simplified Data Collaboration

• Understanding of Data Means Smarter

Business Decisions

• Data Integrity Improvements

• Make your Data Live

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① QuickBase Sync

② workato

③ Zapier

④ Flow and Others

⑤ Custom

QuickBase Integration Tools

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Demo – QuickBase Integration

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① What is Application Modernization mean and why we care

② What types of applications migrate best to QuickBase

③ Demonstrations of tools that help you integrate with and migrate to QuickBase

What we learned

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Thank You


John Head

331.684.7114 | [email protected]

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