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  • Transport through ballistic chaotic cavities in the classical limitPiet BrouwerLaboratory of Atomic and Solid State PhysicsCornell UniversitySupport: NSF, Packard Foundation Humboldt Foundation With: Saar RahavWesleyanOctober 26th, 2008

  • Ballistic chaotic cavities:Energy levelslevel densitymean level density:depends on sizeConjecture:Fluctuations of level density are universal and described by random matrix theoryBohigas, Giannoni, Schmit (1984)valid ifL

  • Spectral correlationsCorrelation functionRandom matrix theoryAltshuler and Shklovskii (1986)This expressionfor e 1 only;Exact result for all e is known.b: magnetic field

  • Ballistic chaotic cavities: transportlevel densityconductance G

  • Ballistic chaotic cavities: transportlevel densityconductance GG is random function of (Fermi) energy e and magnetic field bMarcus group

  • Ballistic chaotic cavities: transportlevel densityconductance GConjecture:Fluctuations of the conductance of an open ballistic chaotic cavity are universal and described by random matrix theoryBlmel and Smilansky (1988)

  • Ballistic chaotic cavities: transportlevel densityconductance GConjecture:Fluctuations of the conductance of an open ballistic chaotic cavity are universal and described by random matrix theoryBlmel and Smilansky (1988)Requirement for universality:Additional time scale in open cavity: dwell time tD( )

  • Conductance autocorrelation function21Correlation functionRandom matrix theoryJalabert, Baranger, Stone (1993)Efetov (1995)Frahm (1995)Pj: probability to escape through opening jL

  • This talk Semiclassical calculation of autocorrelation function for ballistic cavity Role of the Ehrenfest time tE

    Recover random matrix theory if tE > tD (classical limit).

  • Semiclassicsconductance = transmission = 1 reflectionRj: total reflection from opening jaa, b: classical trajectoriesAa: stability amplitudeSa: classical actionMiller (1971)Blmel and Smilansky (1988)

  • Semiclassicsconductance = transmission = 1 reflectionRj: total reflection from opening jMiller (1971)Blmel and Smilansky (1988)a, b: classical trajectoriesAa: stability amplitudeSa: classical actiona

  • Conductance fluctuationsNeed to calculate fourfold sum over classical trajectories.

    But: Trajectories a1, b1, a2, b2 contribute only if total action difference DS is of order h systematicallya

  • Conductance fluctuationsa1 b2b1 a2a1 b1b2 a2Need to calculate fourfold sum over classical trajectories.

    But: Trajectories a1, b1, a2, b2 contribute only if total action difference DS is of order h systematicallySieber and Richter (2001)

  • Conductance fluctuationsa1 b2b1 a2a1 b1b2 a2a1 b1b2 a2a1 b2

  • Conductance fluctuationsa1 b2b1 a2a1 b1b2 a2a1 b1b2 a2a1 b2This contribution vanishes for chaotic cavity

  • Conductance fluctuationstEtEDuration of small angle encounter with action difference DS ~ h is Ehrenfest time tE:l: Lyapunov exponentAleiner and Larkin (1996)

  • Conductance fluctuationstEtErandom matrix theory if tE
  • Conductance fluctuationst1t2a1 b2b1 a2t = t1, t2action differences accumulated between encounters:

  • Conductance fluctuationst1t2a1 b2b1 a2probabilities to enter/escape through contacts 1,2action differencesurvival probability

  • Conductance fluctuationst1t2a1 b2b1 a2action differencesurvival probabilityJalabert, Baranger, Stone (1993)Brouwer, Rahav (2006)Heusler et al. (2007)

  • Classical LimittEtEl: Lyapunov exponentrandom matrix theory if tE
  • Classical LimittEtETwo encounter give factor

  • Classical LimittEtEtEtEtE

  • Classical LimittEtEtEtEtOverlapping encounters give factortEBrouwer and Rahav (2006)

  • Classical LimittEtEtEaction differencefactor from encounterstpsurvival probability

  • Classical LimittEtEtEBrouwer and Rahav (2007)random matrix theoryclassical limittp

  • Conductance fluctuations

    Tworzydlo et al. (2004)Jacquod and Sukhurukov (2004)2 var g102 103 104M~kFLBrouwer and Rahav (2006)Obtain var G by setting e = e, b = b:var G in classical limit still given by random matrix theory(but not correlation function!)

  • Summary: Classical LimitOther quantum effects Weak localization Shot noise Statistics of energy levels Proximity effect Quantum pumps Interaction effects

    Anderson localization from classical trajectories (tE=0)Altshuler-Aronov correctionSNgBConductance fluctuations of an open ballistic chaotic cavity remain universal in the classical limit kFL , but they are not described by random matrix theory

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theoryLandauer formula Sa,b: classical action Aa,b: stability amplitudesJalabert, Baranger, Stone (1990)ab|Aa,b|2: probabilitytransmission matrix t Green function path integral stationary phase approximation a, b: classical trajectories; a and b have equal angles upon entrance/exitappendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theoryd g: Trajectories with small-angle self intersectionSieber, Richter (2001)appendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theoryd g: Trajectories with small-angle self intersectionSieber, Richter (2001)a,ba,bappendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theoryd g: Trajectories with small-angle self intersectionSieber, Richter (2001)a,ba,bStretch where trajectories are correlated: encounterappendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theoryd g: Trajectories with small-angle self intersectionSieber, Richter (2001)a,ba,bPoincar surface of sectionstable, unstable phase space coordinatesStretch where trajectories are correlated: encounterencounter: |u| < umax, |s| < smaxasmaxubumaxsappendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theoryd g: Trajectories with small-angle self intersectionSieber, Richter (2001)a,ba,bPoincar surface of sectionstable, unstable phase space coordinatesStretch where trajectories are correlated: encounterencounter: |u| < umax, |s| < smaxasmaxuumaxsbbappendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theorya,ba,basmaxuumaxssu: invariantsymplectic areabappendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theorya,ba,basmaxuumaxssu: invariantsymplectic areaSpehner (2003)Turek and Richter (2003)Heusler et al. (2006)bappendix 1

  • Weak localization: semiclassical theoryAB A, B: Phase space points (x,y,f) at beginning, end of self encounter Parameterize encounter using action difference DS (= symplectic area)t12 : typical classical actionBrouwer (2007)Exact in limit kFL at fixed tE/tD.appendix 1

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