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Page 1: Transverse Abdominis Activation and its Role in Preventing Lower Back Pain

Transverse Abdominis Activation and its Role in Preventing Lower Back Pain

by Kyle Globuschutz, Jason Krupka, Troy Lounsbury, & Alex Ventre


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Today’s Goals-You will be able to list the TA progressions correctly following the lesson without referring to any handouts.

-You will be able to correctly explain the importance of TA activation for lumbar stability and preventing LBP following the lesson.

-You will be able to perform your appropriate level of TA progression with minimal verbal and tactile cueing following the lesson.

There will be a short verbal quiz following lecture


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As future RNs you will be:-Transferring patients

-Working in front of your body

-Working long hours at a time

-Other non-RN specific tasks

Why is this relevant to you?


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Prevalence of back pain with RNs-52% of RNs experience low back pain (LBP)

-12% quit nursing due to LBP

Why is this relevant to you?


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What Makes You Susceptible to Lower Back Pain (LBP)?- Poor body mechanics

- Poor posture

- Weak core muscles


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What makes up your core?!


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-Internal Oblique

-Transverse Abdominus (very important)

Muscles that make up the core


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-They are attached to Thoracolumbar Fascia and Linea Alba

-They have the ability to increase intra-abdominal pressure WITHOUT HOLDING YOUR BREATH

What do these muscles have in common?

Linea Alba

Thoracolumbar fascia


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The innermost of the four abdominal muscles

Most optimally aligned muscle for lumbar stability

Attached to the Iliac Crest, Xiphoid Process, Linea Alba, and Thoracolumbar Fascia

Fibers oriented horizontally

Actions include:Compress the ribcageIncrease intra-abdominal pressureIncreases spinal stability

What is the Transverse Abdominis?


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Immage from: http://www.thansworld.com/ONLINEanatomy_1/pages/section5/oi_trans_ab.htm 11

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Take out a piece of paper for a demonstration


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Disclaimer:Consult a physician before beginning an exercise program.If any of the exercises cause pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath, stop the exercises and consult a physician.


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Please refer to your handouts

Level 1: 10 second holds 10x

Level 2 :Bent unilateral leg fall out

Level 3 :Opposite LE on table: a) bent leg lifts to 90 degrees b) slide heel to straighten knee c) lift straight leg to 45 degrees



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Level 4: Use UE to hold opposite leg in 90 degrees hip flexion (add a, b and c) Level 5: Without UE assist hold opposite leg as above (add a, b and c)

Level 6: Bilateral LE movement a, b and c



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Use TA activation for normal daily activities:

- Sitting in class

- Picking up objects

- On the job responsibilities - What do you think of her posture?



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-Who can correctly explain the importance of TA activation for lumbar stability and preventing LBP

-Who can list the TA progressions in supine without referring to any handouts?

-Who can list the TA progressions in seated without referring to any handouts?

-Who can demonstrate TA progression’s with minimal verbal and tactile cueing. If you are at an adequate level, we will integrate TA activation during transfers and lifting.



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-Patient transferring techniques

-Bed mobility

-Surface to surface mobility-Bed to chair-Chair to toilet-Sit to stand-Floor to seated

Next Class


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