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Trauma scoring system to predict mortality rate in emergency

departementAchmad Yani


• Trauma is a time-sensitive condition. Especially during the first hour of trauma management

• Assessment, Resuscitation and Definitive care are very important.

• Providing definitive care earlier at trauma centers has been shown to decrease mortality




First one Hour• assesment•Resucitation

•Definitive care TRAUMA CENTER


Two situations that occur in trauma patient care:

• They can be used in the field, before the patient reaches the hospital, to decide whether to send the patient to a trauma center.

• Clinical decision making when the trauma patient has just arrived at the emergency department ED

ClassificationAnatomic Score: Organ Injury Scale by American Association for the surgery of Trauma Abbreviated Injury Scale(AIS) Injury Severity Scale(ISS) Physiologic Score Revised Trauma Score (RTS Triage RTS (T-RTS) Mechanism, Glasgow Coma Scale, Age, and

ArterialPressure (MGAP) Glasgow Coma Scale, Age, and Systolic Blood Pressure(GAP)

Organ Injury Scale

Abbreviated Injury Scale(AIS)

Injury Severity Scale(ISS)• 6 body regions:

(1)head/neck(2)face(3)chest(4)abdomen / pelvis content (5) (6)extremities

• Maximum AIS for three regions• ISS=AIS1



• Maximum ISS 75• Any AIS=6 result in ISS= 75

Injury Severity Score Range 1-75

• If injury is assigned a 6 (unsurvivable), ISS automatically = 75

• Score Reflective of Injury Severity 1 - 9 Minor 10 - 15 Moderate 16 - 24 Moderate/Severe ≥ 25 Severe/Critical

Revised Trauma Score(RTS)

Calculating the RTS



RESPIRATORY RATE10-29 >29 6-9 <6

SYSTOLIC B/P>89 76-89 50-75 <50

GCS13-15 9-12 6-8 <6

1 +4 +1 = 6


Developed to reflect differences between adult & child physiology

Diminished emphasis on blood pressure Scores reflect size, airway patency, and

severity & multiplicity of obvious wounds Superiority over RTS is as yet unproven

Calculating the PTS

2 +2 -1+1+1 -1 = 4

Combination of Anatomic Score and Physiologic Score

• Trauma Score-Injury Severity Score(TRISS)• Ps=1/(1+e-b)• b= b0+b1*RTS+b2*ISS+b3*Age Index


Objective description of injuryHelp for decision making for clinicianPrediction of patient outcomeEvaluation the performance of care centerSearch for unexpected death

To Trau m a C en ter


A ssess A n a tom y & M ech an ism o f in ju ry

N o

G C S < 1 3 orS ys to lic B /P < 9 0 or

R esp ira to ry R a te < 1 0 o r > 2 9

M easu re V ita l S ig n s an d L O C

To Trau m a C en ter


A ssess A n a tom y & M ech an ism o f in ju ry

N o

G C S < 1 3 orS ys to lic B /P < 9 0 or

R esp ira to ry R a te < 1 0 o r > 2 9

M easu re V ita l S ig n s an d L O C

The Champion Trauma Triage Decision Scheme

The Champion Trauma Triage Decision Scheme

To Trau m a C en ter


A ssess fo r A g e an d P M H

N o

F a ll > 2 0 ' or C rash S p eed > 2 0 m p h or > 2 0 " D efo rm ity o f V eh ic le?R earw ard D isp lacem en t o f F ron t A xle?

E jec tion ? R o llover? D eath o f O th er O ccu p an t?P ed es trian h it a t > 2 0 m p h ?

P en etra tin g In ju ry to C h es t, A b d om en , H ead , N eck , o r G ro in ?2 o r M ore P roxim a l L on g B on e F rac tu res?

C om b in a tion o f B u rn s an d Trau m a?F la il C h es t?

To Trau m a C en ter


A ssess fo r A g e an d P M H

N o

F a ll > 2 0 ' or C rash S p eed > 2 0 m p h or > 2 0 " D efo rm ity o f V eh ic le?R earw ard D isp lacem en t o f F ron t A xle?

E jec tion ? R o llover? D eath o f O th er O ccu p an t?P ed es trian h it a t > 2 0 m p h ?

P en etra tin g In ju ry to C h es t, A b d om en , H ead , N eck , o r G ro in ?2 o r M ore P roxim a l L on g B on e F rac tu res?

C om b in a tion o f B u rn s an d Trau m a?F la il C h es t?

"W h en in D o ub t, C o n tac t M ed ica l C o n tro l."

C on s id er Trau m a C en te r


C on tac t M ed ica l C on tro l fo r A d vice

N o

A g e < 5 o r > 5 5 ?K n ow n C ard iac o r R esp ira to ry D isease?

"W h en in D o ub t, C o n tac t M ed ica l C o n tro l."

C on s id er Trau m a C en te r


C on tac t M ed ica l C on tro l fo r A d vice

N o

A g e < 5 o r > 5 5 ?K n ow n C ard iac o r R esp ira to ry D isease?

The Champion Trauma Triage Decision Scheme

Three Components of Trauma Triage Assessment

• Physiologic• Anatomic• Kinematic

Determine:•Glasgow Coma Scale•Systolic Blood Pressure•Respiratory Rate

Determine:•Glasgow Coma Scale•Systolic Blood Pressure•Respiratory Rate

Calculate:Revised Trauma Score (RTS)orPediatric Trauma Score (PTS)

Calculate:Revised Trauma Score (RTS)orPediatric Trauma Score (PTS)

Is RTS <11 or PTS <8?

Determine: if any of the following exist:Paralysis;Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle;Penetrating injury to chest, abdomen, head or neck;Two or more proximal long bone fractures;Unstable pelvic fracture;Open or depressed skull fracture;Burn associated with trauma

Determine: if there is associated fatality in same vehicle compartment

Determine: if there is associated fatality in same vehicle compartment







I. OLMC confirms RTS/PTS

II. OLMC considers patient transport to Trauma Center, using following guidelines:

a) If transport time by ground or air to Trauma Center is less than 30 minutes, patient should go to Trauma Center directly;

b) If transport time to Trauma Center is greater than 30 minutes, determine the difference in transport time between the Trauma Center and the most accessible hospital:

1) If difference is less than 10 minutes, consider transport to Trauma Center;

2) If difference is greater than 10 minutes, consider transport to most accessible hospital;

III. If, upon arrival in the ED,

a) Facility is not a Trauma Center, and;

b) Patient continues to satisfy criteria of Assessments One and Two, and;

c) Patient can be stabilized for further transport, then receiving ED clinician should provide only life-saving procedures (avoiding unnecessary diagnostics) prior to transport to Trauma Center unless he/she judges clinical situation to not warrant such transfer.

I. OLMC confirms RTS/PTS

II. OLMC considers patient transport to Trauma Center, using following guidelines:

a) If transport time by ground or air to Trauma Center is less than 30 minutes, patient should go to Trauma Center directly;

b) If transport time to Trauma Center is greater than 30 minutes, determine the difference in transport time between the Trauma Center and the most accessible hospital:

1) If difference is less than 10 minutes, consider transport to Trauma Center;

2) If difference is greater than 10 minutes, consider transport to most accessible hospital;

III. If, upon arrival in the ED,

a) Facility is not a Trauma Center, and;

b) Patient continues to satisfy criteria of Assessments One and Two, and;

c) Patient can be stabilized for further transport, then receiving ED clinician should provide only life-saving procedures (avoiding unnecessary diagnostics) prior to transport to Trauma Center unless he/she judges clinical situation to not warrant such transfer.


If pre-hospital providers are unable to definitively manage the airway, maintain breathing or support circulation, begin transport to most accessible hospital and simultaneously request ALS intercept and OLMC.

If pre-hospital providers are unable to definitively manage the airway, maintain breathing or support circulation, begin transport to most accessible hospital and simultaneously request ALS intercept and OLMC.


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