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Page 1: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Travelling abroad

What to know before you go ?

Page 2: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Every country has

the welcomer home

East or West,

like home

There is no place

its customs

The wider we roam

(travel) home is best

Page 3: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Why do people travel?


to discover

new places

to know customs,traditions

to learna language

to know the history, culture

to make friends

to visit new places

to meetpeople

to see the sights

Page 4: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Theme- Travelling

Have you ever travelled tо London ?

1-Learn about sights of London

2-Visit traveling agency

3- the customs

Page 5: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

visit a travel agencycheck the airline/ train schedule

buy a ticket / package holidays

read the travel leaflets

make hotel reservation

take maps tourist guides

pack many things

read Tips for visitors

Page 6: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Вставьте пропущенные слова в диалог.1 Expensive 2 tour 3Package holidays оr traveling alone 4 suggest 5cost 6 holidays 7 leafletAgent: Can I help you?

Passenger: Yes please. I’d like to go to Britain this summer .Where can I get some information about (1) _________ in London.Agent: Well, that” s quite easy ! What would you like to have a(2) ________ ?Passenger: I prefer alone .Thanks Give me please some 3---------- Agent: Of course . You will find a lot of information there , Passenger: Well I am fond of horse riding What can you 4-------?Agent: No problem, We have some special 5-------Passenger: Great !One more question .please! How much will it 6----------? Agent: Yes, nоt very 7------- In the leaflet you will 8------ all the prices.Passenger: Okay. I’d like to take them.(

Page 7: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Listen to the dialogTravel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?Visitor: Yes, please. I'd like to go to Britain this summer. Where can I get some information about holidays in Britain?Travel agent: Oh, that's quite easy. I'll give you some travel leaflets. You'll find lots of infor mation there.Visitor: Thank you. Um... I'm fond of horse riding. And I'd like to take a riding holiday. What can you suggest? Travel agent: No problem. We have some special tours.Visitor: Um... One more question, please. How muchwill it cost?Travel agent: In this leaflet you'll find all the prices. Visitor: Thank you.

soon.Travel agent: Bye.III. 4

Page 8: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Before planning the trip- remember!You must/ should/ ought to/ needn’t

Go to the customs !

Get a visa

Take a passport

Name the reason for travelling

Fill in the declaration

Ask customs officer

Tips for visitors leaflet

Page 9: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Russian travel agencies provide tourists with some leaflets.this information for Russian tourists similar to that in the Tips for Visitors leaflet? Translate the tips that are different..

Рекомендуем Вам ознакомиться с правилами для туристов.для поездки за границу в большинство стран Вам необходимо получить визукаждому туристу необходимо заполнить таможенную декларацию.если у Вас возникли вопросы о том, что необходимо указать в декларации - Вам следует обратиться за помощью к таможенному служащему.если у Вас есть какие-либо проблемы, Вам следует обратиться к Вашемутуристическому агенту.

Page 10: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Make dialog

Talk about their plans for the next holiday in London.

Make plans for a day around London.

Discuss the best way to make a tour of London.

Page 11: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Guided coach tours across LondonHow long are you planning to stay in Britain?What is the reason for your visit?What cities are you planning to visit in Britain?How long are you planning to stay in London?Where are you going to stay in London?Did you travel to Britain before? If so, how many times?

Page 12: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

learn about -sights of London-visit the customs/ travelling agency –

travelling agencytravelling agency

Page 13: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Guided coach tour across London

Page 14: Travelling abroad What to know before you go ?. Every country has the welcomer home East or West, like home There is no place its customs The wider we.

Thank you for the

lessonPlease write down your


do exercise 80, page 1


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