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TravelWise West Midlands Website Launch


Andy ThorpeSandwell MBC

How did we get here?• Finally, we can launch the TravelWise West Midlands

website….once again!

• Address is the same as before:www.travelwisewestmids.org.uk

• Based on the innovative Community TravelWise website

• Also schools, residential developments and companies – 5 website addresses potentially!

• Needed to bring all websites under one umbrella / portal

Why did we start the journey?• Same as most organisations, to provide information

• How to travel in healthy and environmentally friendly ways and provide information about TravelWise activities

• To overcome the barriers to accessing helpful but “buried” information, ie many websites/pages

• Not just well-meant words on sustainable travel

• We needed a useful tool for use by the public etc

Which direction?

• The website provides information on:

- sustainable travel and TravelWise

- different methods of transport in particular areas

- news and events

- carbon, calories and car costs calculators

- links to the Company, School, Residential and Community areas with own travel related web pages

• Where do you want to go?

Which direction?

Sustainable travel and TravelWise

• Banner on the right hand side

• Navigation bar “About TravelWise” and “Smarter Choices?”

Which direction?Travel Information

• Mode of transport – specific pages with journey planners

• Map or list for district based information, banner - “Go to…” for more

• Can go straight to a district page from the home page - drop-down list on the right

• Coming soon – “Alternatives to Travel” flag and page

Which direction?News and Events

• Use navigation bar on home-page

• Most recent story highlighted, plus a link to the ACT TravelWise news page - regularly updated national news

• For events either click on calendar dates or look at the list - all the main sustainable travel events are listed

Which direction?

Calories, Carbon and Car Costs Calculators

• What can be saved when travelling by different methods of transport

• Use links at the base of the home-page

Which direction?Company, School, Residential and Community Areas

• Please feel free to register your organisation!

• From homepage click on “enlist your business today” - wizard is available to help with setting up page

• “Get Directions” - quickly plan journeys

• Dedicated travel page for staff, visitors, interviewees

• Can be used for travel surveys, useful for Travel Plans

Where do we want to go next?• Useful resource, but still room for improvement

• Increase number of visits from the general public, employees, residents, schools, community groups

• Companies and business parks to register with the site…..and then to tell others about how useful it is!

• Website to be regarded as the main reference point for general journey planning

It’s your turn to drive!• Bound to be mistakes so please let us know

• Would like to make improvements to the website, to ensure effective connection with people

• When using the website and promoting it to people, think about possible different approaches then let us know:

[email protected]@birmingham.gov.ukwww.travelwisewestmids.org.uk “Contact Us”

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