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Page 1: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

-. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz Assessmen-t-

~· - -~; ( Al I ~eeks). _q-~i,,-~

· ~--' My Daily Cleaning Plan ~ ~, , . . Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme

TRANSITION PASSPORT DaHy Living, At. Home, My Cleaning Plan






@2013 n2y Unique Learning System4'

Daily Jobs:

Weekly Jobs:

Daily Jobs:

Weekly Jobs: -

Daily Jobs:

Weekly Jobs:

Daily Jobs:

Weekly Jobs:


Daily Jobs:

Weekly Jobs:





Page 2: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

' {i)

_M_y_D_a_il_y _C_le_a_n_in_g_P_l_an __ ~"-_i_~i~_t) 1

· , Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home ifeline


wash dishes

; J ~~lg. . ·'•-•--:· •;::__ .. _

sweep the floor

! wipe off

countertops ..1:~:-_i ~

mop the floor

l take out the


i, wipe off


J! --~ wipe off the


M7\ put away


. ~ -

Bathroom: clean the


@ wipe off

counters and mirrors

__, o----- : ---

wipe out sink

IPJJ _ji ~ ~

clean the tub / shower

r;,-~7 :;

mop the floor

l put away

clutter 1:11

Bedroom: wash sheets

and pillowcases

pick up dust clothes

wash dirty clothes

e put away


©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, Af Home, My Cleaning Plan

Page 3: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION


.. ----~· _M_y_D_a_ily_C_le_an_i_ng_P~la_n __ ~---;~_f_i , . . Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home


Living Area:

dust put away clutter



~ ,

wipe down glass

rr:;;=i ~

Rooms in My House: -


=a -


!!rr~ Bedroom


~lq] ~

Living Area - --·· ----- .. ·-···· ..

·. Di ,(Bl.:

... .-~--·-•---- -

©2013 n2y TRANSmON PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daffy Uving, At Home, My Cleaning Plan

Page 4: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION



_M_y_C_le_a_n_in_g_P_la_n ____ ~"-~_,~:-:,--.:~_.~ Transition Passport/ Daily Living / At Home

List the rooms in your house. List daily jobs for each room. List weekly jobs for each room. If jobs are shared, write names next to each job. Write these daily and weekly jobs on the daily cleaning · plan presented on the next page.

Rooms in my House: Daily Jobs: Weekly Jobs:






©2013 n2y TRANSffiON PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, At Home, My Cleaning Plan

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· . · ;' 1felme

_Pu_t_A_w_a_y_F_oo_d _____ ~ •' Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

1 ~ Put leftovers in containers.

2 ~~ Cover with lids or ~ plastic wrap.

3 Put leftovers in the refrigerator

4 Put away other food items. ,

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daffy Living, At. Home, Put Away Food

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. . 1fehne

s_e_t_Ta b_le ~ ___ ______ ~ Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

1 2 3 • ••A Count the people eating.

B Get out.,.---- plates.

Uu Get out - cups. '

ti Get out sets of silverware. >

0 Get out __ napkins.

@--- !., ··� ·•(1 vj-':_I - ~ll ··._t ~~ r--

Get the Table Setting Guide•.-

Set the table.

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System'" Da~y Uving, Af Home, Set Table

Page 7: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

. . 1felme

Set Table ~~~-~-J, ~ Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home



I I ~

- ~

,: i ,,::·" ·. ! /J; - .. : I

;\::<(.... .·. ~

'<~~t~i{ ,. ,, . I "· .... "\ ~ .. ~", ' / '; '.. ' .. :··~ . '~ '\/\•'. . . r~

·,,' ':'•,;~ '\'·,.' . ·/ :~ . ,,, .. '•,

···/: ~ ..... ··:, . .,,,,. ij

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Fork Knife

I 1 ~ }I, ·f\l ii~ a ~ m· ·;·. ! ~/.I -


Plate (

:1 ·~

f~ -.::.\IL :. i ''Ii;

<' .· il -···M

. ~';



© 2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Learning System• Dally Living, At Home, Set Table

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·. ·. · 1fehne

_sw_e_e_p_F_lo_o_r _____ ~ ____ !_~~ Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

1 :~~~-\• -

Get the broom and dustpan. ~

2 .. - ..

~--···.•··-,·~--~ .••• - G'!I :..•

. ~:,ea_ ~ •.•• . ,. ~-;ij.-~ :·.-• .t,_~ ~ · .. _ ~--

Sweep the dirt into a pile.

3 Sweep the pile into the dustpan.

4 ~ .. ,.J

CJ Empty the dustpan into the trash can.

5 Put away the broom and dustpan.

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System'" Daily Living, Af Home, Sweep Floor

Page 9: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION












w_a_sh_D_is_h_es ____ _....~:~ Transition Passport I Daily Living /-At Home . :'


[ •ih · I Start with a clean sink.

~- Put a plug in the sink.

l,t< Run warm water in the sink.

~ Add a small squeeze of dish soap.

. T~ Fill the sink half full with water.

0 d ~ Put the dishes in the sink. 1

4 Wash each item with a dishcloth.

~:{ Rinse each item in clean, warm water.

Put clean dishes in the dish rack.

I Drain the sink. I I I ~ I Rinse the sink. I I I ~ •

©2013 n2y TRANSffiON PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, At Home, Wash Dishes

Page 10: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION


·. . tfehne

\/;_a_c_u_u_m_F_l_oo_r _____ ~ ~ . Transition Passport/ Daily Living/ At Home

1 \ Get the vacuum.

2 Plug the vacuum cord into the outlet.

3 Vacuum all carpeted areas .

4 .

f00 Unplug the vacuum cord.

5 f

JCJ Wrap the cord around the vacuum.

6 Put away the vacuum.

©2013 n2Y TRANSmON PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, Af. Home, Vacuum Floor

Page 11: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

. . · 1felme

_Em_pt_y_T_ra_s_h ____ ..... ~ J\ I Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

1 Pull the trash bag out of the trash can.

& Tie the bag. 2 Put the bag into the large ~'-I· 3 trash can or dumpster.

Get a new trash bag. /. a ' 4

5 ' / ,~

CJ Put the new bag in the trash can.

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, At Home, Empty Trash

Page 12: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION









_Fo_o_d_P_re_p ______ ~ ~1 Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home . : ·




Wash hands before working with food.

Find recipes.

Read recipe directions.

What food items will you need?

What appliances will you need?

What cooking tools will you need?



Estimate preparation times.

Estimate serving sizes and portions.

© 2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System8 Daily Living, At Home, Food Prep

Page 13: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

. -.- -1felme

Dust ~ -Tr-an-si-tio-n-Pa-ss_p_ort_/_D_ail-y L-iv-ing-/-At_H_om_e __ ......_.~ .. --

1 A___rrn- Get the dust cloth A IJiTr


0 -.. I I I I and dust spray.

o,·.::::· ··---. __ A'li+l= I

2 I I

··-A I ITTT Spray the cloth with I I I II I I I If I I

I I I I I dust spray.

Dust bookshelves, desks 3 and other surfaces.

Put the dust spray 1 1 1 �� �� 4 and cloth away. Ori

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System- Daffy LMng, At Home, Dust

Page 14: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

·. ·. · 1felme

_D_ry_D_is_h_e_s _____ ~ ~ Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

1 Get a wet dish or utensil.

2 ~ G o""

Dry well.

3 Put away.

4 ~ ~ Repeat with all dishes and utensils.



© 2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique learning System" Daily Living, At Home, Dry Dishes

Page 15: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

"--~ . . 1felme

__ J?fO c_1e_ar_T._a_bl_e _____ ~ Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

1 ~f-G Take all dishes off the table.

2 Scrape food off of plates into the trashcan.

3 Empty drinks into the sink.

4 Put all dirty dishes by the sink.

Wipe table crumbs into 5 the trashcan.

6 Spray and wipe the table. '.

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System'" Daily Living, At Home, Clear Table

Page 16: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION









. . · 1felme

_M_-op_F_lo_or _______ ~ !, Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

Get a bucket of warm water and floor cleaner.

Measure the cleaner and add it to the water.

~, ~~ jt,.;

Get a mop and put it in-the bucket of water.

--r .

Wring out the mop. '

i ""

Mop all areas of the floor. >


' ' . lb Empty the water from the bucket.


Rinse the mop and bucket with clean water.

Put away the mop and bucket.


©2013n2y TRANSmON PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily LMng, At Home, Mop Floor

Page 17: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

Clea-n Bathtub · . : Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home


1 Put on rubber gloves.

2 Remove items from the bathtub.

3 ' ~ Spray the cleaner in the bathtub.


4 ~ Scrub the bathtub.

5 ~

t:-;2 Rinse the bathtub.

6 ~ Put items back in the bathtub. ,,,


©2013 n2y TRANSmON PASSPORT Unique Leaming System- Daily Living, At Home, Clean Bathtub

Page 18: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

· .. .-,relme

_c_he_c_k_a_nd_R_ep_la_· c_e ____ ~ @····· Transition Passport/ Daily Living / At Home

1 Check the paper towels. Is the roll empty?

I Get a new roll of paper towels. I I 2 I I Put it on the paper towel holder. I 3 I I

4 6 Th row away the old roll of paper towels.

5 . ~ Check the toilet paper. Is the roll empty?

I s I n~ I Get a new roll of toilet paper. I I 7 I ~ I Put it on the toilet paper holder.

8 6 Throw away the old roll of toilet paper.

Check the soap bottle. 9 I m Is it empty?

Get a new bottle of soap. 10 16 11 Put it on the sink.

Throw away the old bottle of soap. 12 ,~ © 2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, At Home, Check and Replace

Page 19: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

.. 1felme


1 Take dirty laundry to the laundry room.

2 . ~ . ' ~:.:, .. ' .. .. -':·

.- _-_,# -~ ••. -'•, •.•• __ _;

Check the clothing labels.

3 ••• lll ;{AA . •• •

Sort the laundry into piles.

4 .... ,.. ·, . ,+-

:,ti. .

Check clothing . (zippers, buttons, pockets, belts)

5 ?'~ Jt Treat stains.

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• DaHy Living, Clothing, Laundry Steps

Page 20: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

' :-1-1--1---~-___,I .... P_o_u_r_la_u_n_d_ry_s_o_a_p_to-lin_e_i_n_c_a_p ____ I [

2 Pour laundry soap into the washing machine.

3 Add bleach to whites if needed.

4 cm~ ~

Put sorted laundry into the washing machine. '

; ....---.--------1 i 5 NiJ Close the door.




~ Turn on the power button.

J Set the water temperature.


Push the start button. ____________ ..._ ___________ ___., 8 I i ~. ~ '

9 I.IN, ~ =

Take clothes out of the machine when done.

©2013 n2Y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System8 Daily Living, Clothing, Laundry Steps

Page 21: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION









. . Transition Passport / Daily Living / Clothing 1felme

B~d Check/clean the lint filter.

. ~ . - ..

--- ----··----··•-··· ---

Look at the clothing labels .

~!J •• Put clothes in the dryer .

. ~ ~

' Put in the dryer sheet.

I )

Close the door.

A Set the timer for minutes.


~ '.

Start the dryer.

. . ~ Fold or hang clothes when the

dryer stops .

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, Clothing, Laundry Steps

Page 22: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

·. : 1felme

~,~ _c_1e_a_r c_ou_n_te_r_s ____ ~ J?E Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home

1 �� DI� Put all food items away. I;'

Scrape food off of plates ~ 2 into the trash can. ~

3 ~ Put all dirty dishes by the sink.

Wipe counter crumbs into 4 the trash can.

~ Spray and wipe the ~ounters. 5

© 2013 n2Y TRANSmON PASSPORT Unique Leaming System"' Daffy Living, At Home, Clear Counters

Page 23: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

.. ,_,\:· Clean Windows and Mirrors ~ Ji] . . .· Transition Passport I Daily Living / At Home ,,__ __ 1fehne

1 Get the glass cleaner and paper towels.

2 .... ,,u !


Spray the glass cleaner on the mirror/window.

3 Wipe the mirror/window with a paper towel until it is clean and dry.

4 6 Throw away the dirty paper towels.

5 Put away the glass cleaner and paper towels.

©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System'" Dany Living, At Home, Clean Windows and Mirrors

Page 24: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION

A:\~~,no....- _c_1e_an_Ti_o_il_et _____ ~'---ij_ . . Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home 1fehne

1 ~ (} Put on rubber gloves.

2 6 ~ Take items off of the toilet.

3 ~ · Squirt cleaner in the bowl.

4 Clean the toilet bowl with a brush.

5 Flush the toilet.

© 2013 n2y TRANSmoN PASSPORT Unique Leaming System• Daily Living, At Home, Clean Toilet

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·· 't,-r _c_1e_a_n _S_in_k ______ ~ ~ . . - Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home rfelme ·

1 l!f"O Spray the cleaner in the sink.

2 . ~ Wipe the sink clean with a paper towel .

3 6 · Throw away the paper towel.


©2013 n2y TRANSITION PASSPORT Unique Leaming System8 Daily Living, At Home, Clean Sink

Page 26: -. Travi6i+ion/ Vocatioval -tasKS 7o · svpr,cw·+ t-he Lutz … 1 and 2 Transition-Vocational... · 2020-05-14 · Transition Passport / Daily Living / At Home -1felme . TRANSITION


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