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Why you should treat your clients

like a great hotel

treats its fitness center

Stuff in your hotel room is always super-expensive, isn’t it? $7 for a bottle of

water? That sounds reasonable.

Similarly, before working with you, your clients have had unreasonable

experiences elsewhere.

As a result, both hotel guests and your clients have to plan for the


Go to a great hotel’s fitness center, though, and you’re

treated like royalty.

Would you like a copy of the Wall Street Journal? It’s


Or maybe you’d prefer a copy of the local paper?

Heck, take two if you’d like.

Did you forget your earbuds? No problem! Keep them. No, seriously.

Keep them.

Haven’t brushed your teeth yet? Minty freshness is just

seconds away.

Feeling a little dried out? There’s enough body lotion here for you AND your entire extended family.

Care for a refrigerated towel to cool you down after your record-breaking workout?

Maybe an apple for the road?

The cost of these items is nominal, but in aggregate,

they form a great experience.

Take a lesson from a great hotel’s fitness center and create special experiences for your clients too.

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