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Page 1: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines


The Expert Consensus Guideline Series

Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies

Michael H. Allen, M.D.University of Colorado School of Medicine

Glenn W. Currier, M.D., M.P.H.University of Rochester School of Medicine

Douglas H. Hughes, M.D.Boston University School of Medicine

Magali Reyes-Harde, M.D., Ph.D.Comprehensive NeuroScience, Inc.

John P. Docherty, M.D.Comprehensive NeuroScience, Inc.

Data Collection and Analysis. Daniel Carpenter, Ph.D., Comprehensive NeuroScience, Inc.

Editing and Design. Ruth Ross, M.A., David Ross, M.A., M.C.E., Ross Editorial

Acknowledgments. The authors thank John Oldham, M.D., for his review and very helpfulcomments on the Behavioral Emergencies Survey; and Danilo de la Pena, M.D., and PaolaBreton for coordinating mailing of surveys and gathering of data.

Reprints. Reprints may be obtained by sending requests with a shipping/handling fee of $5.00per copy to: Expert Knowledge Systems, 21 Bloomingdale Road, White Plains, NY 10605.For pricing on bulk orders of 50 copies or more, please call Expert Knowledge Systems at(914) 997-4005.

Page 2: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


The Expert Consensus Panel for Behavioral EmergenciesThe following participants in the Expert Consensus Survey were identified from several sources: members of the AmericanAssociation of Emergency Psychiatry and individuals who have published research on emergency psychiatry or psycho-pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines reflect the aggregate opinions of the experts and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of eachindividual on each question.

Carlos Almeida, M.D.Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center–NewYork Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY

John Battaglia, M.D.University of Wisconsin Medical SchoolMadison, WI

Jon S. Berlin, M.D.Milwaukee County Mental Health ComplexMilwaukee, WI

Kathryn Beyrer, M.D.San Francisco General HospitalSan Francisco, CA

Suzanne A. Bird, M.D.Cambridge HospitalCambridge, MA

Richard E. Breslow, M.D.Capital District Psychiatric CenterAlbany, NY

Edmund Casper, M.D.Denver Health Medical CenterDenver, CO

Kenneth M. Certa, M.D.Thomas Jefferson University HospitalPhiladelphia, PA

K. N. Roy Chengappa, M.D.Western Psychiatric Institute and ClinicPittsburgh, PA

Christopher Chung, M.D.Harbor UCLA Medical CenterTorrance, CA

Robert Conley, M.D.University of Maryland at BaltimoreBaltimore, MD

Christos Dagadakis, M.D., M.P.H.Harborview Medical CenterSeattle, WA

David Daniel, M.D.Clinical Neuroscience of Northern VirginiaFalls Church, VA

Michael J. Downing, M.D.Parkland Memorial HospitalDallas, TX

William R. Dubin, M.D.Temple University HospitalPhiladelphia, PA

David Feifel, M.D., Ph.D.University of California–San Diego MedicalCenter, San Diego, CA

Avrim B. Fishkind, M.D.NeuroPsychiatric Center of HoustonHouston, TX

Peter Forster, M.D.Gateway Psychiatric ServiceSan Francisco, CA

Richard E. Gallagher, M.D.Westchester Medical CenterValhalla, NY

Saundra Gilfillan, D.O.Parkland Memorial HospitalDallas, TX

Rachel Lipson Glick, M.D.University of Michigan Medical CenterAnn Arbor, MI

Trude Kleinschmidt, M.D.McLean HospitalBelmont, MA

John J. Kluck, M.D.University of Colorado Health Science CenterDenver, CO

Dario LaRocca, M.D.Capitol Health SystemTrenton, NJ

Jean-Pierre Lindenmayer, M.D.Manhattan Psychiatric CenterNew York, NY

Stephen Marder, M.D.West LA Healthcare CenterLos Angeles, CA

Ricardo Mendoza, M.D.UCLA School of MedicineTorrance, CA

Karen Milner, M.D.University Michigan Medical CenterAnn Arbor, MI

Donna M. Moores, M.D.Cambridge HospitalCambridge, MA

Richard E. Myers, M.D.Pine Rest Christian Mental Health ServicesGrandville, MI

Ilena Norton, M.D.Denver Health Medical CenterDenver, CO

Ranga Ram, M.D.State University of New YorkBuffalo, NY

Michael P. Resnick, M.D.Providence Health SystemsPortland, OR

Michelle Riba, M.D.University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI

Ronald C. Rosenberg, M.D.North Shore University HospitalManhasset, NY

Erik Roskes, M.D.University of Maryland School of MedicineJessup, MD

Mark J. Russ, M.D.Hillside Hospital LIJMCGlenn Oaks, NY

Kathy Sanders, M.D.Massachusetts General HospitalBoston, MA

James M. Schuster, M.D., M.B.A.Behavioral Health OrganizationPittsburgh, PA

Roderick Shaner, M.D.Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental HealthLos Angeles, CA

Kren K. Shriver, M.D., M.P.H.Hudson River Psychiatric CenterPoughkeepsie, NY

James M. Slayton, M.D., M.B.A.Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Mental HealthCenter, Boston, MA

Victor Stiebel, M.D.University of Pittsburgh Medical SchoolPittsburgh, PA

Marvin A. Stone, M.D., J.D.United Behavioral HealthHouston, TX

Sally E. Taylor, M.D.University of Texas Health Sciences CenterSan Antonio, TX

Jan Volavka, M.D., Ph.D.NYU School of Medicine, Nathan KlineInstitute, Orangeburg, NY

Kathleen P. Whitley, M.D.University of Massachusetts Memorial MedicalCenter, Worcester, MA

Charles Parker Windham, M.D.San Francisco Mobile Crisis CenterSan Francisco, CA

A. Scott Winter, M.D.John Peter Smith Health NetworkFt. Worth, TX

Joseph Zealberg, M.D.Medical University of South CarolinaCharleston, SC

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Expert Consensus Panel...........................................................................................................2

Introduction: Methods, Summary, and Commentary..............................................................4

Treatment Selection Algorithm .............................................................................................22



Guideline 1: Initial Assessment...........................................................................................24

Guideline 2: Appropriate Emergency Interventions............................................................27

Guideline 3: Use of Restraints ............................................................................................30

Guideline 4: Use of Medication: Drug, Route of Administration, and Dose.......................33


Guideline 5: Initial Interventions for Agitation Due to a General Medical Etiology ...........37

Guideline 6: Initial Interventions for Agitation Due to Substance Intoxication ..................39

Guideline 7: Initial Interventions for Agitation Due to aPrimary Psychiatric Disturbance ....................................................................42


Guideline 8: Next Steps for Inadequate Response...............................................................46


Guideline 9: Medication Strategies for a Pregnant Woman Who Is Agitated,Psychotic, and Unresponsive to Direction......................................................48

Guideline 10: Initial Medication Strategies for a Violent and Unmanageable Child .............48

Guideline 11: Preferred Classes of Medication for an Agitated, AggressivePatient With a Complicating Condition ........................................................49

Guideline 12: Choice of Oral Atypical Antipsychotic for an Agitated, AggressivePatient With a Complicating Medical Condition...........................................50


Expert Survey Results and Guideline References....................................................................51

Page 4: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Introduction: Methods, Summary, and CommentaryMichael H. Allen, M.D., Glenn W. Currier, M.D., M.P.H., Douglas H. Hughes, M.D.,

Magali Reyes-Harde, M.D., Ph.D., John P. Docherty, M.D., Ruth W. Ross, M.A.


Objectives. Behavioral emergencies are a common andserious problem for consumers, their communities, andthe healthcare settings on which they rely to contain,assess, and ultimately help the individual in a behav-ioral crisis. Partly because of the inherent dangers ofthis situation, there is little research to guide providerresponses to this challenge. Key constructs such asagitation have not been adequately operationalized sothat the criteria defining a behavioral emergency arevague. The significant progress that has been made forsome disease states with better treatments and higherconsumer acceptance has not penetrated this area ofpractice. A significant number of deaths of patients inrestraint has focused government and regulators onthese issues, but a consensus about key elements in themanagement of behavioral emergencies has not yetbeen articulated by the provider community. Theauthors assembled a panel of 50 experts to define thefollowing elements: the threshold for emergency inter-ventions, the scope of assessment for varying levels ofurgency and cooperation, guiding principles in select-ing interventions, and appropriate physical and medi-cation strategies at different levels of diagnosticconfidence and for a variety of etiologies and compli-cating conditions.

Method. In order to identify issues in this area onwhich there is consensus, a written survey with 808decision points was developed. The survey was mailedto a panel of 52 experts, 50 of whom completed it. Amodified version of the RAND Corporation 9-pointscale for rating appropriateness of medical decisionswas used to score options. Consensus on each optionwas defined as a non-random distribution of scores bychi-square “goodness-of-fit” test. We assigned a cate-gorical rank (first line/preferred choice, second line/alternate choice, third line/usually inappropriate) toeach option based on the 95% confidence intervalaround the mean rating. Guideline tables were con-structed describing the preferred strategies in key clini-cal situations.

Results. The expert panel reached consensus on 83% ofthe options. The relative appropriateness of emergencyinterventions was ascertained for a continuum of behav-

iors. When asked about the frequency with which emer-gency interventions (parenteral medication, restraints,seclusion) were required in their services, 47% of theexperts reported that such interventions were necessaryfor 1%–5% of patients seen in their services and 32% for6%–20%. In general, the consensus of this panel lendssupport to many elements of recent Health Care Fi-nancing Administration regulations, including the tim-ing of clinician assessment and reassessment and theintensity of nursing care. However, the panel did notendorse the concept of “chemical restraint,” insteadfavoring the idea that medications are treatments fortarget behaviors in behavioral emergencies even when thecauses of these behaviors are not well understood. Con-trol of aggressive behavior emerged as the highest prior-ity during the emergency; however, preserving thephysician-patient relationship was rated a close secondand became the top priority in the long term. Oral medi-cations, particularly concentrates, were clearly preferredif it is possible to use them. Benzodiazepines alone weretop rated in 6 of 12 situations. High-potency conven-tional antipsychotics used alone never received higherratings than benzodiazepines used alone. A combinationof a benzodiazepine and an antipsychotic was preferredfor patients with suspected schizophrenia, mania, orpsychotic depression. There was equal support for high-potency conventional or atypical antipsychotics (par-ticularly liquids) in oral combinations with benzodiaze-pines. Droperidol emerged in fourth place in somesituations requiring an injection.

Conclusions. To evaluate many of the treatmentoptions in this survey, the experts had to extrapolatebeyond controlled data in comparing modalities witheach other or in combination. Within the limits ofexpert opinion and with the expectation that futureresearch data will take precedence, these guidelinesprovide some direction for addressing common clini-cal dilemmas in the management of psychiatric emer-gencies and can be used to inform clinicians in acutecare settings regarding the relative merits of variousstrategies. (Postgrad Med Special Report. 2001[May]:1–88)

Portions of this article were adapted with permission from Allen MH.Managing the agitated psychotic patient: a reappraisal of the evidence. JClin Psychiatry 2000;61(suppl 14):11–20

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The number of episodes of psychiatric care more thandoubled between 1970 and 1994 while the number ofinpatient beds was cut by half.1 This shift toward treatmentin the least restrictive setting, which was fueled by eco-nomic factors, has occurred in the context of increasingpublic concern about violence committed by individualswith severe mental illness in the community. Concern hasalso increased about the potential for physicians to abusetheir so-called police powers, and this had led to a debateon the use of physical and chemical restraints or seclusion.2

All these factors have created an urgent need to establishcoherent policy concerning the delivery of psychiatricemergency care that will help psychiatric emergency serv-ices balance the rights of patients with considerations ofsafety and good standards of care. However, the process ofdeveloping such policies is complicated by a number ofproblems. First, key constructs, such as agitation, have notbeen adequately operationalized,3 so that the criteria defin-ing a behavioral emergency are vague. Second, there are fewdata on which to base clinical policies, given the relativelack of research data in this area.

In a related development, payment for psychiatrichospital care is now often linked with dangerousness morethan need for treatment. This has led to an increasedconcentration of aggressive patients in the hospital andemergency setting.4 Mental health professionals are asked tomake rapid decisions about interventions in situations inwhich the safety of patients and staff may be at risk. In anextensive review of the literature, Fisher concluded thatrestraint and seclusion “work” in the limited sense that they“can prevent injury and reduce agitation.” However, Fisherand others have also described deleterious effects on pa-tients, who perceive such interventions as coercive andtraumatic.5–8

The perception that at least some use of restraint andseclusion is unnecessary was reinforced by the findingpublished by Way and Banks9 in 1990 that there was widevariability in the use of restraints and seclusion across sitesthat was accounted for by institutional culture rather thanby characteristics of individual patients. Relatively few dataare available on the actual extent to which restraint andseclusion are used in emergency settings. Based on theresults of a recent survey of approximately 50 psychiatricemergency services in the United States, it was estimatedthat 37.2% of patients presented involuntarily but thatonly 8.5% were restrained at any point during their time inthe emergency setting. The mean duration of restraintreported in this survey was 3.3 ± 2.9 hours.10

The controversy in this area was heightened by anumber of reports of patient deaths while in restraint orseclusion. In 1994, the New York State Commission on

Quality of Care reported 111 patient deaths over the 10-year period ending in 1993, a finding that led the Commis-sion to undertake a statewide review of restraint and seclu-sion practices.8 The controversy was further heightened bythe publication in 1998 of a 5-part series in the HartfordCourant entitled “Deadly Restraint,” which reported 142deaths of patients in restraint or seclusion over a 10-yearperiod and estimated that 50–150 such deaths occur eachyear.11 The New York State Commission and the NationalAssociation of State Mental Health Program Directors haveboth issued statements questioning the therapeutic value ofrestraint and seclusion and stressing their traumatic nature.8, 12

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) has alsopublished reports concerning adverse outcomes associatedwith the use of restraints and seclusion.13

Such concerns led the Health Care Financing Admini-stration (HCFA) to introduce interim final rules for condi-tions of participation for facilities receiving Medicare andMedicaid payments.14 These rules address patients’ rights ingeneral and specifically discuss issues related to restraint andseclusion. The Joint Commission on Accreditation ofHealthcare Organizations (JCAHO) has also producedregulations concerning the use of restraints and seclusion inpsychiatric and medical settings.15

Behavioral emergencies are not rare events. For exam-ple, it has been reported that there are approximately135,000 psychiatric emergency visits per year in New YorkState alone.16 Whether in the emergency room or in aninpatient psychiatric setting, immediate assessment andeffective intervention can reduce the danger to patients andstaff and more quickly speed patients to recovery. Behav-ioral emergencies are often traumatic for the patient andcan result in a humiliating and even injurious experience. Itis therefore important for clinicians to remember that theymust first do no harm.

Behavioral emergencies are complex situations. Rou-tine care generally involves a cooperative patient and ade-quate time to perform an assessment and to reachagreement with the patient on a course that maximizesbenefits and minimizes risk. By contrast, emergencies aredynamic situations; the diagnosis is often unknown orprovisional at best; there is a sense of urgency, limited timefor decision making, and a need both to intervene immedi-ately despite limited data and to change course rapidly asnew information becomes available, including responses toprior interventions. Any course of action or inaction mayhave serious adverse effects. Even an objectively goodresponse may leave the patient feeling traumatized andangered by the process.

Recent developments and innovations in pharmacol-ogy have combined with a rapidly changing regulatoryenvironment to increase the level of complexity and diffi-culty already inherent in managing behavioral emergencies.The subspecialty of Emergency Psychiatry is emerging in

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


the context of these demands. Unfortunately, high-quality,empirical data on the most effective and appropriate meth-ods of managing behavioral emergencies are quite limited.As a result, there are no comprehensive evidence-basedpractice guidelines on the best treatment approaches formanaging these situations. This has resulted in a need tocreate new and useful educational materials and programsto help train emergency physicians to meet current stan-dards for behavioral emergency treatment. We thereforeundertook a consensus survey of expert opinion on themanagement of behavioral emergencies.

In developing our survey and the guidelines thatappear in this publication, we had a number of importantgoals in mind.1. To help clinicians address the many overlapping and

complex factors involved in the management of be-havioral emergencies, such as varying local and statepractices governing the use of restraint and seclusion,the appropriate use of pharmacological agents, the se-lection and application of alternatives to physical re-straints, and the use of physical restraint itself.

2. To assist hospitals and clinics to establish policies forthe management of behavioral emergencies as has beenincreasingly mandated by regulatory requirements.

3. To assist hospitals and other clinical services to pro-vide structured staff training in the management ofbehavioral emergencies and the documentation of ad-herence to pertinent policies, as required by regulatoryagencies. Such educational resources are especiallynecessary because many emergency settings are veryactive venues for training and education. In a recentsurvey of Psychiatric Emergency Service administra-tors, more than 90% of respondents reported thatmedical residents rotated through their service and74% reported that their services were involved intraining medical students.10

4. To promote adoption and use of new knowledgeconcerning the treatment of acute behavioral dyscon-trol. Up to now, the integration of newer drugs andformulations into standard practice has been slow. Sucha lag in the application of new knowledge has a signifi-cant adverse impact on patients and their families.

5. To address 2 important issues that have not previouslybeen well addressed in educational protocols for be-havioral emergencies: the patient’s perspective and a fo-cus on specific diagnostic treatments. For the patientwho has lost control or is in danger of losing control,how the episode is resolved can have enormous impli-cations for the remaining course of illness. However,there has been little careful study on how patients expe-rience such episodes and which crisis intervention ap-proaches are preferred by patients. The lack of focus onspecific diagnostic treatments has led to the prolific useof “blanket” regimens, nonspecific treatments meant to

simplify decision-making by covering as broad a rangeof medical presentations as possible. Little attention hasbeen paid to developing treatment regimens that wouldbe more specific and appropriate for the underlyingcause of the behavioral emergency and would, as a re-sult, lead to a more rapid resolution of the problem un-derlying the behavioral emergency.


The contribution of expert consensus to practice guide-line development continues to evolve throughout medi-cine, alongside the “gold standard” of meta-analysis ofclinical trials and other experimental data. The sheernumber of possible combinations and sequences ofavailable treatments for many diseases makes it difficultto provide comparative recommendations based entirelyon clinical trial data.17, 18 A method for describing expertopinion in a quantitative, reliable manner to help fillsome of the gaps in evidence-based guidelines has beendeveloped. This method has been applied to a variety ofpsychiatric disorders.19–27

Creating the Surveys

We first created a skeleton algorithm based on a literaturereview. We sought to identify key decision points in themanagement of behavioral emergencies as well as a list offeasible options for intervention. We highlighted importantclinical questions that had not yet been adequately ad-dressed or definitively answered in the literature.28 A writtenquestionnaire was then developed with 61 questions with atotal of 808 options. We asked about the types of assess-ments, how to select the most appropriate emergencyinterventions, when and how to use restraints and medica-tion, and how to tailor selection of interventions to themost likely etiology of the behavioral dyscontrol. We alsoaddressed lack of adequate response to initial interventionand safety and tolerability issues, such as management ofbehavioral emergencies in pregnant women, children, andindividuals with complicating conditions.

The Rating Scale

For most of the options in the survey, we asked raters toevaluate appropriateness by means of a 9-point scale slightlymodified from a format developed by the RAND Corpo-ration for ascertaining expert consensus.29 (In some ques-tions, we asked raters to write in answers.) We explicitlyasked the raters to consider what would be the best possibleapproach for the first few hours of intervention in order notto have a negative impact on the clinician’s ability to diag-nose and then treat the disorder in continuing care. We

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asked the experts to draw on both their knowledge of theresearch literature (we did not provide a literature review)and their best clinical judgment in making their ratings,but not to consider financial cost. We presented the ratingscale to the experts with the anchors shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. The Rating Scale

Extremely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ExtremelyInappropriate Appropriate

9 = Extremely appropriate: this is your treatment ofchoice

7–8 = Usually appropriate: a first-line treatment youwould often use

4–6 = Equivocal: a second-line treatment you wouldsometimes use (e.g., patient/family preference orif first-line treatment is ineffective, unavailable,or unsuitable)

2–3 = Usually inappropriate: a treatment you would rarelyuse

1 = Extremely inappropriate: a treatment you wouldnever use

Figure 2 shows Survey Question 22 as an example ofour question format.

Figure 2. Sample Survey Question

22. Please rate the extent to which you would consider thefollowing options appropriate interventions for an im-minently violent patient. Note that by emergency medi-cation, we mean medication given without consent.Voluntary medication refers to medication given with thepatient’s assent or consent.

Show of force 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Unlocked seclusion (quiet room) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Locked seclusion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Emergency medication 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Physical restraints 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Voluntary medication 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Offer food, beverage, or other as-sistance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Verbal intervention 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Leave the area 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Composition of the Expert Panel

We identified 52 leading American experts in psychiatricemergency medicine. The experts were identified fromseveral sources: members of the American Association of

Emergency Psychiatry who are board certified and haveadministrative responsibilities for a psychiatric emergencyservice as well as academic affiliations and individuals whohave published research on emergency psychiatry or psy-chopharmacology. We offered a $500 honorarium. Panel-ists reported taking 2 or more hours to complete thesurvey.

We received responses from 50 of the 52 experts towhom the survey was sent. Of the respondents, 49 hold anM.D. degree and 1 a D.O. degree. 76% are male. Theexperts’ mean age was 47 years (S.D. 7.2, range 36–66),with a mean of 16 years in practice (S.D. 7.9, range 4–41)and a mean of 11 years in emergency psychiatric care (S.D.5.5, range 1–25). 70% reported spending at least half theirwork time seeing patients. 59% practice in a general hos-pital, 18% in a psychiatric hospital, and 4% in a V.A.medical center. Of those practicing in a general hospital,61% work in a separate psychiatric emergency service, 17%in a component of the medical emergency department, and22% as consultants to the medical emergency department.The respondents reported the following percentages ofpatients by diagnostic group:




Dual diagnosis 41 23 2–85Psychotic disorder 27 16 5–65Major depression 22 11 5–45Axis II disorder 17 12 1–50Bipolar disorder 14 6 5–25Primary substance abuse 14 10 5–50Other Axis I disorder 13 13 2–45Dementia 6 6 1–25No psychiatric disorder,

required social services 4 6 0–25

78% of the respondents’ departments sponsor clinical re-search. 24% of their psychiatric emergency services evaluatefewer than 250 patients each month, 41% 250–500 patients,and 35% more than 500 patients. The authors acknowledgethat many panel members were drawn from urban academicmedical centers, which may affect the applicability of theirrecommendations for rural settings. The respondents re-ported that a mean of 31% of patients were treated involun-tarily (S.D. 29%, range 0%–100%).

Data Analysis for Options Scored on the Rating Scale

For each option, we first defined the presence or absence ofconsensus as a distribution unlikely to occur by chance byperforming a chi-square test (P<0.05) of the distribution ofscores across the 3 ranges of appropriateness (1–3, 4–6, 7–9). Next we calculated the mean and 95% confidence inter-val (C.I.). A categorical rating of first, second, or third linewas designated based on the lowest category in which the

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


C.I. fell, with boundaries of 6.5 or greater for first line, and3.5 or greater for second line. Within first line, we desig-nated an item as “treatment of choice” if at least 50% ofthe experts rated it as 9.

Displaying the Survey Results

The results of Question 22 (figure 2) are presented graphi-cally in figure 3. The C.I.s for each treatment option areshown as horizontal bars and the numerical values are givenin the table on the right.

The Ratings

Treatment of choice

First line

Second line

Third line

No consensus

First-line treatments are those strategies that came out ontop when the experts’ responses to the survey were statisti-cally aggregated. These are options that the panel feels areusually appropriate as initial treatment for a given situation.Treatment of choice, when it appears, is an especially strongfirst-line recommendation (having been rated as “9” by atleast half the experts). In choosing between several first-linerecommendations, or deciding whether to use a first-linetreatment at all, clinicians should consider the overallclinical situation, including the patient’s prior response totreatment, side effects, general medical problems, andpatient preferences.

Second-line treatments are reasonable choices for patientswho cannot tolerate or do not respond to the first-linechoices. A second-line choice might also be used for initialtreatment if the first-line options are deemed unsuitable fora particular patient (e.g., because of poor previous response,inconvenient dosing regimen, particularly annoying sideeffects, general medical contraindication, potential druginteraction, or if the experts do not agree on a first-linetreatment). For some questions, second-line ratings domi-nated, especially when the experts did not reach any con-sensus on first-line options. In such cases, to differentiatewithin the pack, we label those items whose C.I.s overlapwith the first-line category as “high second line.”

Third-line treatments are usually inappropriate or usedonly when preferred alternatives have not been effective.

No consensus. For each item in the survey, we used a chi-square test to determine whether the experts’ responseswere randomly distributed across the 3 categories, whichsuggests a lack of consensus. These items are indicated byan unshaded bar in the survey results.

Statistical differences between treatments. While we didnot perform tests of significance for most treatments, thereader can perform an “eyeball” test to see whether C.I.soverlap (indicating no significant difference betweenoptions by t-test). The wider the gap between C.I.s, thesmaller the P value would be (i.e., the more significant thedifference). In some questions there are striking and im-portant differences within levels, which we occasionallypoint out. Often, however, differences within levels are notsignificant from a statistical perspective. Also, there aresometimes no statistical differences between choices at thebottom of first line and those at the top of second line.

Figure 3. Results of Survey Question 22

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Verbal intervention 8.5(1.0) 76 94 6 0

Voluntary medication 8.4(1.0) 65 98 2 0

Show of force 8.1(1.2) 51 92 8 0

Emergency medication 7.7(1.8) 45 82 10 8

Offer food, beverage, or other assistance 7.4(1.9) 39 78 18 4

Physical restraints 6.8(2.0) 27 65 27 8

Locked seclusion 6.4(2.2) 23 54 31 15

Unlocked seclusion (quiet room) 6.4(2.2) 21 56 29 15

Leave the area 3.2(2.5) 4 14 22 631 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %



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From Survey Results to Guidelines

After the survey results were analyzed and ratings assigned,the next step was to turn these recommendations into user-friendly guidelines. We distinguish 2 levels, preferred op-tions and alternate options, that generally correspond tofirst- and higher second-line ratings. Whenever the guide-line gives more than 1 treatment in a rating level, we listthem in the order of their mean scores. As an example, thefull results of the question presented above are shown onpage 60 and are used in Guideline 2B: Interventions for anImminently Violent Patient (p. 27). As initial strategies inthis situation, the expert’s treatments of choice are verbalintervention, voluntary medication, and a show of force. Asnoted in the legend of the guideline table, bold italicsindicate a treatment of choice rating, an especially strongopinion. Other first-line options are offering food, bever-age, or other assistance and emergency medication. Highsecond-line (alternate) options are the use of restraints orlocked or unlocked seclusion.

Degree of Consensus

Of the 739 options rated on the 9-point scale, consensuswas reached on 617 options (83%) as defined by the chi-square test. When there is no first-line recommendation,we choose the highest-rated second-line option as the“preferred” treatment and indicate this in the guideline.


We have employed the expert consensus survey method inan attempt to describe an inherently complex, nonlinearprocess in which a variety of actors are potentially engagedin a number of conflicting parallel processes within a com-pressed time frame. Furthermore, the clinical problem weare addressing here differs from others for which thesemethods have been used.18–26 Most of the treatment algo-rithms on which previous expert consensus guidelines havebeen based begin with a diagnosis, whereas this set ofguidelines must deal with situations in which the diagnosisis unknown. Hence, many of these guidelines on behav-ioral emergencies are derived from the results of questionsthat involved forced decisions based on various assump-tions about urgency, cooperation, amount of availableinformation, diagnostic confidence, and individual riskfactors.

What do the survey results tell us about the state ofoptimum practice in treating behavioral emergencies? Inthe following sections, we summarize the key recommen-dations from the guidelines and consider how the experts’recommendations relate to the available research literature.The complete set of data from the survey is presented onpages 51–88. The guidelines derived from the data are

presented on pages 24–50. A summary of the key recom-mendations is presented graphically in the TreatmentSelection Algorithms on pages 22–23.

Readers are referred to a recently published supple-ment for more detailed discussions of the research literatureon the acute care of agitated psychotic patients.30 Note thatliterature in this area is relatively limited, because studies ofagitation in emergency settings are difficult to justify ethi-cally and are also difficult to conduct from a practical pointof view. This was a major reason why this survey of expertopinion was undertaken.

Initial Assessment

The goal in a behavioral emergency is to facilitate theresumption of a more typical patient-physician relation-ship, with an emphasis on informed consent and long-termtreatment outcome. Target symptoms associated withagitation interfere with assessment and treatment during aperiod when immediate intervention appears to be neededbecause of dangerous behavior or warning signs of suchbehavior. Since assessment clearly plays a key role in se-lecting the most appropriate intervention in a behavioralemergency, we asked the experts about the kinds of assess-ments they considered most appropriate.

A key step in the initial evaluation is to identify themedical etiology for the agitation, if one is present. This isespecially important, because available data suggest thatdelirium, in particular, should be managed according to theunderlying etiology, if it can be identified. If the psychiatricemergency service personnel are responsible for performingthe initial medical evaluation, the experts consider it mostimportant to obtain vital signs, a medical history, andperform a visual examination of the patient. They alsoconsider a urine toxicology screen and a cognitive exami-nation (e.g., a Mini-Mental State Examination) key assess-ments to perform. If the patient is a woman of childbearingage, the experts also recommend obtaining a pregnancytest, since this will have a bearing on subsequent treatmentselection, especially if medication is needed. The expertsgave somewhat less support to more complete forms ofphysical examinations, probably reflecting issues related totime constraints and availability of personnel. Obviously,the level of examination will depend on the specific signsand symptoms with which a patient presents. More com-plete evaluations will be indicated in some circumstances,and may also be indicated later in the patient’s treatment.

According to the HCFA interim final rules, the dis-tinction between what is considered a chemical restraintversus a treatment appears to hinge on whether medicationis being given as part of a plan of care for the patient’scondition or merely to control the patient’s behavior. TheHCFA document specifies that “A drug used as a restraintis a medication used to control behavior or to restrict the

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patient’s freedom of movement and is not a standardtreatment for the patient’s medical or psychiatric condi-tion” (42CFR 482.13(e)).14 A subsequent HCFA bulletin31

(for “guidance only”) appears to suggest that the distinctionbetween a chemical restraint and treatment is the extent towhich the patient has been assessed and medication pre-scribed as part of a plan of care. To create such a plan ofcare, the experts consider a brief assessment leading to thedetermination of a general category of presentation (e.g.,intoxication, psychosis) adequate. A more comprehensiveassessment leading to a specific diagnosis was also sup-ported but may be impractical for various reasons. Theexperts believe that such assessments are most appropriatelyperformed by attending psychiatrists, preferably withtraining or experience in emergency psychiatry, by psychi-atric residents, or by nurses with psychiatric experience oradvanced training.

Before intervening with medication, the experts con-sider it most important to determine if there is a causalmedical etiology that should be managed first, to review thepatient’s records if available, and to determine if substanceabuse may be complicating the presentation. The expertsconsider it appropriate but less imperative to obtain ahistory of the patient’s previous medication response, if thisinformation is available, and to determine the patient’streatment preferences.

What Is Considered a Treatment Versus a Restraint

We asked the experts to rate a number of interventions interms of whether they consider them a form of treatment.We defined a treatment to mean an intervention thatfollows from an assessment of the patient and a plan of careintended to improve the patient’s underlying condition.Nearly all the experts strongly agreed that medication usedto treat a specific psychiatric diagnosis would be considereda treatment rather than a chemical restraint. A majority ofthe experts also felt that medication used to treat symp-toms, even in the absence of a clear diagnosis, would beconsidered a treatment. There was less agreement on howto view other interventions, such as unlocked or lockedseclusion or physical restraint.

In a separate question, we asked the experts howstrongly they agreed or disagreed with a number of state-ments about what can be considered a treatment (Question12, p. 55). As described in the previous section, the HCFAinterim final rules specify that a medication must be pre-scribed as part of a plan of care to be considered a treat-ment. Three quarters of our panel rejected the notion thatsuch a plan of care is necessary to consider medication atreatment. Instead they endorsed the idea that administer-ing medication in a behavioral emergency is a form oftreatment and comports with the standard of care. Theythus appear to be more in agreement with the JCAHO

guidelines on restraints and seclusion,15 which reject theconcept of chemical restraint, maintaining instead that if amedication is used to treat behavioral symptoms, then itcan be considered a treatment.

Voluntary Versus Involuntary Treatment

We also asked the experts about what constitutes voluntarytreatment (Question 12, p. 55). For the most part, theexperts feel that any dose of oral medication to which apatient assents in an emergency situation can be consideredvoluntary. They rejected the idea that the situation is socoercive that any medication must be considered involun-tary even if it the patient appears to accept it.

Defining a Behavioral Emergency

We asked the experts specifically what types of presenta-tions they feel justify use of emergency intervention (invol-untary medication or physical restraint). The experts wouldalways consider it appropriate to initiate an emergencyintervention when a patient is directly threatening orassaultive. They would usually consider initiating suchinterventions for a patient with a constellation of symptomsthat includes refusal to cooperate, intense staring, motorrestlessness, purposeless movements, affective lability, loudspeech, irritability, intimidating behavior, aggression toproperty, and demeaning or hostile verbal behavior. Theywould sometimes consider emergency interventions forpatients with only some of these symptoms and behaviors,with their willingness to consider more restrictive interven-tions increasing as the behavior suggests an increased po-tential for violence. The experts do not consider anemergency intervention appropriate for a patient whodisplays only a refusal to cooperate with unit routine andintense staring.

We also asked the experts what methods they use todocument the need for an emergency intervention. Most ofthe experts (83%) use unstructured clinical observation andassessment; a good number (39%) also use structuredchecklists. Only 4 of the experts indicated that they usestructured rating scales for this purpose.

Selecting Emergency Interventions

We attempted to determine the relative value of differentinitial strategies in dealing with a patient who appearsimminently violent. There was strong support for efforts toreduce tension and de-escalate the crisis by approaching thepatient in a calm and solicitous manner. Therefore, theexperts recommend beginning with the least paternalistic oraggressive approaches—verbal intervention, offering food,beverage, or other assistance, or voluntary medication—before moving to more intrusive strategies. The experts

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believe these initial interventions are associated with theleast risk of acute injury and negative long-term sequelae.Their next step would be a show of force. If those inter-ventions were not successful, the experts would then con-sider use of emergency medication or physical restraints orseclusion. They do not recommend leaving the patientalone, which the experts consider to be associated with thegreatest risk of injury and negative sequelae.

In terms of the goals of different interventions, theexperts consider safety issues (e.g., control of aggressivebehavior) somewhat more important in the short-term,whereas they place more emphasis on collaboration be-tween patient and physician and honoring the wishes of thepatient in achieving the most favorable long-term outcome.

We asked the experts about their perceptions of con-sumer preferences. The experts believe that consumersconsider oral medication most acceptable, followed byinjectable medication or seclusion, but that they do not favorthe use of physical restraints. Among the various classes ofmedications, the experts believe that benzodiazepines andatypical antipsychotics are most acceptable to consumers.These responses agree with the results of a survey of patientpreferences in a psychiatric emergency service, which foundthat patients favored medication over restraint or seclusionby a 2:1 margin, that their first choice was generally benzo-diazepines, and that almost one third of the respondentsconsidered conventional antipsychotics a last resort.32

Use of Restraints

When to use restraints. As noted above, the experts con-sider restraints a last resort. The HCFA interim rules14

specify that use of restraint for “managing behavioralemergencies is allowed only when all less restrictive meas-ures have failed and unanticipated severely aggressive ordestructive behavior places the patient or others in immi-nent danger…” We asked the experts about situations inwhich they felt that the use of physical restraints wasappropriate. They consider them extremely or usuallyappropriate in situations in which patients pose an acutedanger to other patients, bystanders, staff, or themselves.They consider restraints sometimes appropriate to preventan involuntary patient from leaving prior to assessment ortransfer to a locked facility. The experts would not gener-ally consider use of physical restraints appropriate in othersituations, such as a patient who has a history of previousself-injury or aggression but does not appear to pose anyimmediate risk at the moment, when adequate resourcesare not available to supervise the patient adequately, tomaintain an orderly treatment environment, or to preventa voluntary patient from leaving prior to assessment. 47%of the experts reported that emergency interventions(parenteral medication, restraints, seclusion) were re-quired for 1%–5% of patients seen in their services, and

32% said they were required for 6%–20% of patients.This means that, in this sample, more than 80% of pa-tients are managed without the need for parenteral medi-cation, restraints, or seclusion.

Personnel issues. There are basically 3 different sets of per-sonnel involved in the restraint process. First, someonemakes the decision to initiate restraints. Then, a group ofstaff members physically places the patient in restraints.Finally, a face-to-face assessment is done to evaluate theneed for restraints. The HCFA interim rules state thathospitals should have a protocol “to specify who can initiaterestraints or seclusion in an emergency prior to obtaining aphysician’s or licensed independent practitioner’s order.”They further specify that “a physician or other licensedindependent practitioner must see and evaluate the need forrestraint or seclusion within 1 hour after the initiation of theintervention.” However, this regulation has caused someconfusion, since the categories of providers who are licensedas independent practitioners vary from state to state. To tryto clarify the situation, we asked the experts who they be-lieve can most appropriately initiate restraints and whoshould perform the subsequent face-to-face evaluation. Inboth situations, they believe that attending psychiatrists orpsychiatric residents, preferably with training and/or experi-ence in emergency psychiatry, or nurses with psychiatricexperience or advanced training are the most appropriatepersonnel both to initiate restraints and perform subsequentface-to-face evaluation. It should be noted that there was lesssupport for psychologists and physicians in other specialtiesperforming these functions, and that the experts generallydo not consider it appropriate for social workers, licensedcounselors, or unlicensed clinical staff to perform thesefunctions, given the current state of training of these catego-ries of providers. The experts are in agreement with theHCFA rules that 1 hour is the most appropriate minimuminterval between when a patient is put in restraints (orseclusion) and the initial face-to-face evaluation is per-formed. There have been some objections to this 1-hourrule, mainly because of logistical difficulties, from theAmerican Medical Association and the American PsychiatricAssociation; it is therefore interesting that the experts con-firmed that this is the appropriate standard of care.

We also asked the experts some questions about themechanics of placing and maintaining a patient in re-straints. The experts consider nursing staff and trainedsecurity officers the most appropriate personnel to partici-pate in actually placing a patient in restraints, although theywould also consider physicians sometimes appropriate.They do not consider untrained security personnel appro-priate to perform this function. They would generally useleather restraints, but would also consider cloth or othersoft restraints, with less support for the use of plastic andvelcro restraints or restraint chairs.

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Duration of episode. The HCFA interim rules specify thatrestraint orders are limited to 4 hours for adults.14 Theexperts favored an interval of 2 hours (69% first line) butalso supported 4 hours (57% first line). This may reflectthe pattern of regulations already in place in the stateswhere the panel members practice.

Intensity of monitoring. The experts recommend continu-ous monitoring while a patient is in restraints (either inperson or using a combination of audiovisual and directpersonal observation). Many of the experts also consideredin-person evaluation at 15 minute intervals reasonable, butthey do not support longer intervals (30–60 minutes)between observations. The HCFA interim final rulesspecify continuous audio and visual monitoring while inrestraints.14 The JCAHO regulations specify continuous in-person monitoring for individuals in restraints (with con-tinuous audiovisual monitoring allowed after the first hourfor patients in seclusion).15

Use of medication while in restraints. We also asked theexperts about the appropriateness of using medicationwhile a patient is in restraints. If the patient becomescalmer in restraints, the experts are divided as to whether touse no medication or to offer oral medication. They wouldnot recommend parenteral medication in this situation.However, if a patient continues to be violent and agitatedin restraints, the experts strongly support the use of paren-teral medication in combination with the restraints andwould also consider using oral medication in this situation.They would not consider it appropriate to leave such apatient unmedicated in restraints. Overall, these recom-mendations appear to reflect the experts’ view that the goalin this situation is to use medication to minimize time inand/or complications of restraints.

Use of Medications

Factors influencing selection. A number of factors mayinfluence selection of a specific medication for use in abehavioral emergency. These include diagnostic oretiologic considerations, issues related to effectiveness orside effects, and pragmatic considerations related toroute of administration, onset and duration of action,and available formulations. The experts consider thefollowing factors most important in the selection of aninitial emergency medication: availability of an intra-muscular (I.M.) or liquid formulation, speed of onset,the patient’s history of response to the medication ifknown, production of clinically useful sedation, limitedliability for dangerous or intolerable side effects, andpatient preference. Secondary but still important con-siderations are the likelihood that the medication se-lected would promote long-term compliance and the

availability of a depot formulation of the medication fora patient who has a history of noncompliance.

Effectiveness. We asked the experts to compare the effec-tiveness for decreasing agitation and the level of sedationassociated with 4 types of medications that are often usedin the psychiatric emergency setting: droperidol, lorazepam,haloperidol, and atypical antipsychotics. The experts con-sider droperidol, lorazepam, and haloperidol the mosteffective agents for decreasing agitation, followed by theatypical antipsychotics. The experts considered lorazepamand droperidol most sedating, followed by haloperidol andthe atypical antipsychotics.

There is very little evidence in the literature of differen-tial effectiveness among the different conventional antipsy-chotics that cannot be accounted for by dosage levels orpharmacokinetics. The largest number of studies have beendone with haloperidol,33, 34 though a number of studies havelooked at other antipsychotics, including thiothixene,35

molindone,36 and loxapine,37, 38 and have found comparableeffectiveness with haloperidol. Although chlorpromazine isoften mentioned for behavioral emergencies because of itssedative side effects, haloperidol has been found to be supe-rior to chlorpromazine at usual doses.39, 40

Droperidol is a butyrophenone approved by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that is availableonly for parenteral administration and has been used pri-marily in anesthesia. There is strong anecdotal support forthe use of droperidol as a calming agent in behavioralemergencies.41 One of the few placebo-controlled studies ofdroperidol demonstrated its effectiveness for agitation.42

However, only 3 studies comparing droperidol to otheragents have been done, all of which have methodologicalproblems.43–45 The largest prospective, randomized study ofagitation compared droperidol to lorazepam and foundthat droperidol produced greater sedation than lorazepam.45

However, this study was open label and only looked at 3outcome measures: an idiosyncratic improvement rating,need for additional medication, and total time in theemergency department. Another study43 used total BriefPsychiatric Rating Scale Score (BPRS)46 as the criterion forneed for additional injections and found that subjectstreated with haloperidol required more injections that thosetreated with droperidol to reach a BPRS of 17 or less.Thomas et al44 found that I.M. droperidol had a fasteronset of action than haloperidol but that the 2 medicationswere equivalent in effect at 1 hour. These studies seem tosuggest that droperidol is certainly faster and perhaps morepotent but not necessarily more efficacious.

The atypical antipsychotics are associated with a muchlower risk of extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) than high-potency conventional antipsychotics. Although they arerecommended as the first-line agents for treatment ofschizophrenia in most situations,23 they have not up to now

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been as widely used as the conventional agents in emer-gency settings. This may be due in part to the slower titra-tion schedules recommended for some of these agents andthe fact that, until very recently, none of the atypical agentswas available in an I.M. formulation.

Data on the use of atypical agents in psychiatric emer-gency settings or on their use to treat acute aggression oragitation are very limited. However, a number of studies inmore chronic care settings have demonstrated that theatypical antipsychotics appear to be more effective than theconventional antipsychotics in treating aggression andagitation.47–55

A recent study examined the relative efficacy, safety,and tolerability of oral risperidone (liquid concentrate) pluslorazepam versus I.M. haloperidol plus lorazepam.56 This is1 of the only studies of atypical antipsychotics in the emer-gency setting that has been published to date. Both treat-ment groups showed improvement over time, with nosignificant differences between the groups. One patient inthe haloperidol group developed a dystonic reaction; therewere no adverse reactions in the risperidone group. Olan-zapine has also recently become available in a wafer thatdissolves to form a liquid in the oral cavity.

New acute I.M. formulations of atypical antipsychot-ics will also be available in the near future. These wereinvestigational at the time the survey was done and theguidelines were being developed. Published studies haveappeared for acute I.M. forms of both olanzapine andziprasidone but have focused mainly on the treatment ofpsychosis and safety issues, rather than agitation or behav-ioral emergencies.57–59

Studies concerning the use of benzodiazepines inpsychiatric emergencies suggest that they are at least aseffective as haloperidol alone. Most of the studies have beendone with lorazepam,45, 60–64 but controlled data have alsobeen published concerning midazolam,65 clonazepam,66 andflunitrazepam.67 Studies comparing 5 mg of haloperidolwith 2 mg of lorazepam found that the 2 agents wereequal on some measures,60, 62, 63 but that 2 mg of lorazepamwas superior on measures of aggression62 and clinicalglobal improvement.63 Flunitrazepam 1 mg was comparedwith haloperidol 5 mg and found to be superior using theOvert Aggression Scale as a measure of outcome.67 Midazo-lam 5 mg was reported to be superior to haloperidol 10 mgin its effect on a measure of motor agitation.65 These studiessuggest that benzodiazepines used at the doses that are cur-rently usual in emergency settings may be more effective thanhaloperidol. Battaglia et al 60 found lorazepam used alone tobe more sedating than haloperidol used alone.

Use of combination treatment. The most common medi-cation strategy in psychiatric emergency settings today isthe use of haloperidol and lorazepam in combination(usually 5 mg haloperidol and 2 mg of lorazepam in the

same injection).68 Although this strategy is generally consid-ered to be safe and effective, research evidence concerningthis practice is very limited, with only 2 randomized, con-trolled studies comparing the use of the combination versusthe component agents alone published to date.60, 61 Thesestudies found that the combination was more effective earlyin treatment, but that differences in treatment tended todisappear within 2–4 hours, perhaps because additionaldoses were given in the interval. One study56 has also beendone that compared a combination of haloperidol andlorazepam with a combination of risperidone and loraze-pam and found they were equally efficacious (see discussionin preceding section).

When asked about the advantages of using combina-tion treatment, the experts consider the most importantpotential benefits to be greater efficacy for symptoms ofarousal, faster onset of action, and reduced side effectliability. The authors note that the limited literature isinconclusive as to whether combination treatment doesindeed produce these benefits. However, the literature doesappear to support the advantage of being able to use lowerdoses of each of the component medications, thus reducingthe liability for side effects, especially from haloperidol64;the experts also rated this as another benefit of this strategy.

Onset. Time to onset is also an important characteristic. Inmanaging the agitated and potentially violent patient, fasteronset may reduce the chance of injuries and the need for,or time in, restraints. We therefore asked the experts toconsider the speed of onset of a number of medications andformulations that are used in psychiatric emergency set-tings. The experts consider intravenous (I.V.) medicationof any class to have the fastest onset of action, followed bythe I.M. medications midazolam, lorazepam, haloperidol,and droperidol (we did not include droperidol among theoptions for this question but have added it to this list basedon the literature, as discussed below). The next highestratings for speed of onset went to the I.M. medicationschlorpromazine, thiothixene, loxapine, and diazepam, fol-lowed by liquid (concentrate or orally dissolving) formula-tions of antipsychotics. These findings generally agree withthe research literature, which reports that I.V. administra-tion of most compounds is associated with an onset ofeffect in 1–5 minutes. However, the experts did not givestrong support to the idea of making I.V. access available inpsychiatric emergency settings. This may reflect the factthat I.V. access requires a different staffing pattern and thatit is only rarely available in psychiatric emergency services.10

Although I.M. administration is generally slower than I.V.,I.M. droperidol is absorbed so rapidly that there is notmuch difference between I.V. and I.M. administration interms of speed of onset.69 The onset of haloperidol is usu-ally reported to be 30–60 minutes and it has been foundthat the effect of haloperidol was still rising at 1 hour when

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the offset of the droperidol was already beginning.44 In thesame study, it was reported that subjects treated withdroperidol spent significantly less total time in the emer-gency department than those treated with lorazepam (5.9versus 8.6 hours). These rapid and profound effects aredoubtless the reason this agent is commonly used in certainparts of the country. However, droperidol is not consideredto be a part of the usual treatment of any psychiatric con-dition, which would seem to place it more in the class of achemical restraint than a medication treatment. It shouldalso be noted that droperidol was recently withdrawn fromthe European market due to concerns about prolongationof the QTc interval.

The experts’ recommendations agree with the litera-ture concerning the rapidity of effect of I.M. formulationsof lorazepam, midazolam, and haloperidol, while I.M.diazepam and chlordiazepoxide are absorbed slowly anderratically, so that they are not recommended for this use.70

The authors note that published pharmacokinetic datasuggest that some oral preparations are absorbed morerapidly than some parenteral preparations.70

It should be noted that the rapid offset of droperidol’seffect may be a disadvantage, since it may leave the patientuncovered during transfer and admission to subsequentservices, whereas the duration of effects of the other anti-psychotics and lorazepam may be more suitable for thispurpose.

Route of administration. The experts consider speed ofonset and reliability of delivery the 2 most importantfactors to consider in choosing a route of administration;they also consider patient preference quite important.When asked which route of administration they wouldprefer to use to treat a behavioral emergency, assuming themedication is available in both oral and I.M. formulations,the experts gave their highest ratings to oral liquid concen-trates, orally dissolving formulations, and I.M. formula-tions. Oral tablets were not preferred, presumably becauseof slower onset and the risk of “cheeking.”

The experts’ recommendations are consistent with theresults of another recent survey of approximately 50 direc-tors of psychiatric emergency services, in which the major-ity advocated the use of oral medication whenever possible,with liquid formulations preferred to tablets because oftheir more rapid onset and because it is easier to verifycompliance with liquid medication.10 In that same survey,the medical directors estimated that only 1 in 10 patients intheir emergency services require an injection. It has beenreported elsewhere that most agitated patients will assent tooral medications.71 As noted earlier, the experts felt thatconsumers’ first preference in an emergency situation is oralmedication. The HCFA rules14 specify that “chemicalrestraint” be considered a last resort, suggesting that oralmedication should be offered to the patient first, if possible.

When asked about factors that limit their willingnessto use an I.M. formulation, the experts considered risk ofside effects, mental or physical trauma to the patient, andthe danger of compromising the patient-physician relation-ship most important.

When asked about their preferences among the oralatypical antipsychotics, the experts prefer risperidone andolanzapine, with quetiapine an alternate choice (note thatziprasidone had not yet been approved at the time of thissurvey and was therefore not included as an option) andwould prefer to use a liquid formulation of the atypicalantipsychotic.

Dose levels and frequency. The experts’ recommendationsconcerning dosing levels and intervals between doses aresummarized in Guideline 4H (p. 36). The experts recom-mend a minimum single dose of 1.0 mg and a maximumsingle dose of 10 mg for haloperidol; in a separate questionthe experts indicated that they considered a dose equivalentto 2.0–5.0 mg haloperidol most appropriate as initialtreatment (either oral or parenteral) for a patient with abehavioral emergency. The experts recommend a mini-mum single dose of 0.5 mg of lorazepam and a maximumsingle dose of 2 mg; in a separate question, they recom-mend a dose of 2.0 mg of lorazepam (or its equivalent) toachieve the same degree of benefit as would be obtainedwith a dose of 5.0 mg haloperidol.

Only 3 studies have compared different doses of medi-cation for agitation, all of which looked at haloperidol.33, 34, 39

Baldessarini et al72 combined the results of these studies andproduced a dose-response curve. Their results suggest that asingle dose of 7.5–10 mg of haloperidol might be expectedto produce the most benefit possible with fewest side effects,and that higher doses, which are associated with an in-creased incidence of side effects, are not likely to producemuch additional benefit. These findings are consistent withthe experts’ recommendations.

The literature concerning the most appropriate initialdoses of benzodiazepines for agitation is very limited. Mostpublished studies concerning the use of lorazepam inagitation have used a dose of 2.0 mg. There is, however,some controversy in the literature as to the most appropri-ate dose of benzodiazepine with which to begin in a be-havioral emergency. Bienek61 discussed the use of a higherinitial dose of 3–4 mg, which would seem to agree with theresults of Baldessarini’s meta-analysis,72 which supportedthe use of 7.5 mg haloperidol as a starting dose.

Selecting Interventions Based on Etiology/Diagnosis

Agitation in patients who present in a psychiatric emer-gency setting may be associated with several differentetiologies. Identifying the underlying cause of the patient’sagitation can help the clinician more accurately tailor the

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intervention to the presentation. We therefore asked theexperts to recommend the most appropriate interventionsfor patients with agitation due to 3 general classes of sus-pected etiology: a general medical condition (e.g., delirium,HIV encephalopathy), substance intoxication (e.g., withcocaine, PCP), and a primary psychiatric disturbance (e.g.,schizophrenia, mania). For each situation, we asked theexperts what general strategies they would begin withduring the first hour after presentation in 1) a very agitated,uncooperative patient whose behavior appears to requireimmediate intervention to prevent injury to self or others,and 2) a patient who is agitated but responsive to directionand does not appear to present an immediate danger to selfor others.

General medical etiology. If a patient is very confused anda general medical etiology is suspected, the experts rec-ommend taking vital signs, gathering history from thefamily or other sources, talking to the patient if possible,performing a visual examination of the patient, requestinga consultation from the medical emergency department,and performing tests such as pulse oximetry, blood glucoseand a toxicology screen. If the patient’s behavior appears torequire immediate intervention to prevent danger to self orothers, the experts would next consider intervening withphysical restraints, administering parenteral medication oroffering oral medication, and performing a focused orcursory physical examination. If the patient is responsiveto direction and does not appear to pose any immediatedanger to self or others, the experts consider performing afocused physical examination a first-line strategy, pre-sumably because the patient is more likely to cooperatewith such an examination. They do not recommend theuse of parenteral medication or physical restraints for acooperative patient.

If it is decided to use medication, either oral or paren-teral, to treat agitation in a behavioral emergency thatappears to have a general medical etiology, the majority ofexperts would begin with a conventional antipsychotic, abenzodiazepine, or a combination of the 2. Among oralmedications, 43% also consider risperidone a first-lineoption in this situation. If a parenteral medication isneeded, 44% also consider droperidol first line.

Available data suggest that delirium should be man-aged according to the underlying etiology, if this can beidentified. Delirium due to a general medical etiology hasusually been treated with high-potency conventionalantipsychotics. For example, Breitbart et al found thatconventional antipsychotics were superior to lorazepam inefficacy and side effects in a group of prospectively de-fined patients with AIDS delirium.73 As reported in theExpert Consensus Guidelines for the Treatment of Agitationin Older Persons with Dementia,22 a panel of experts on thetreatment of dementia in older patients recommend

conventional high-potency antipsychotics for deliriumdue to a general medical etiology (e.g., congestive heartfailure, urinary tract or upper respiratory infections) inpatients with dementia, with risperidone a high second-line choice.

Substance intoxication. If it is strongly suspected that thepatient’s agitation is associated with substance intoxicationand the patient’s behavior appears to require immediateintervention to prevent danger to self or others, the expertsrecommend attempting to take vital signs, talking to thepatient if possible, gathering history from the family orother sources, performing tests such as a toxicology screen,and a visual examination of the patient. High second-lineinterventions in this situation (presumably interventionsthe experts would recommend performing next) are offer-ing oral medication or administering parenteral medica-tion, performing a cursory physical examination, andtesting for breath alcohol content.

Note that the use of restraints received higher ratingsfor an uncooperative and imminently violent patient whosesymptoms appear to have a medical etiology (e.g., a patientwith delirium) (restraints rated first line by 67% of theexperts) than for a patient whose symptoms appears to berelated to substance intoxication (restraints rated first lineby 51% of the experts but third line by 43%). This differ-ence may reflect a number of concerns, including worrythat a delirious patient may wander, concern about the riskof vomiting and aspiration in an intoxicated patient, and areluctance to use medication that might increase confusionin a delirious patient.

The experts’ recommendations are similar for a patientwho is responsive to direction and does not appear to poseany immediate danger to self or others, except that theyconsider testing for breath alcohol content first line in thissituation and they would be more inclined to perform afocused physical examination and to observe the patient andwait for the substance intoxication to resolve or else to offeroral medication. The experts do not recommend the use ofparenteral medication or restraints for a cooperative patientwho does not appear to pose a danger to self or others.

If it is decided to use oral or parenteral medication totreat agitation associated with substance intoxication, theexperts give the strongest support to the use of a benzodiaze-pine alone. For stimulant or hallucinogen intoxication, thenext choice would be a benzodiazepine plus a high-potencyconventional antipsychotic. A report in the literature suggeststhat individuals who abuse stimulants may be more prone toEPS,74 which may be the reason that the experts prefer ben-zodiazepines in this situation (i.e., antipsychotics are notlikely to have any special benefits for this population but maybe more likely to cause EPS). Cocaine toxicity may alsoinvolve seizures, and the experts may prefer benzodiazepinesto antipsychotics for their protective effect in this situation.

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The preference for benzodiazepines in the treatment ofhallucinogen intoxication may reflect the experts’ recognitionthat some hallucinogens are anticholinergic and their wish toavoid treating the patient with another drug with anticholin-ergic properties or that might require the use of an adjunctiveanticholinergic agent for EPS.

The experts had no first-line recommendations fortreatment of agitation due to alcohol intoxication, but didrate a benzodiazepine alone as high second line. The slightpreference for benzodiazepines for patients intoxicated withalcohol may reflect the fact that a component of with-drawal may be contributing to the agitation for which thebenzodiazepine might be specifically indicated. The Ameri-can Psychiatric Association Guideline for the Treatment ofSubstance Use Disorders75 recommends benzodiazepines foralcohol withdrawal states. The HCFA bulletin31 referred toearlier in this article also mentions the use of benzodiaze-pines for behavioral disturbances associated with alcoholwithdrawal as an appropriate use of medication for treat-ment rather than as a chemical restraint.

There was not much support for the use of any medi-cation in patients intoxicated with opioids. This may reflectthe belief that patients intoxicated with opioids are usuallynot agitated enough to risk adding a medication that mightcause unwanted sedation or respiratory depression.

Primary psychiatric disturbance. If the presentation orhistory suggest that the patient’s agitation is due to a pri-mary psychiatric disturbance and the patient is uncoopera-tive and appears to require immediate intervention toprevent danger to self or others, the experts recommendattempting to take vital signs, talking to the patient ifpossible, gathering history from the family or other sources,administering parenteral medication or offering oral medi-cation, a visual examination of the patient, and performingtests such as a toxicology screen. High second-line inter-ventions in this situation (presumably interventions theexperts would recommend performing next) are interven-ing with physical restraints to ensure patient safety andperforming a cursory physical examination.

The experts’ recommendations are similar for a patientwho is responsive to direction and does not appear to poseany immediate danger to self or others, except that theexperts do not recommend using parenteral medication orrestraints in this situation.

The experts’ recommendations for medication to treatagitation that appears to be due to a primary psychiatricdisturbance depend on the provisional diagnosis. We willfirst describe their recommendations for oral medicationsand then review those for parenteral agents.

If it is decided to use an oral medication to treat apatient with a provisional diagnosis of schizophrenia ormania, the experts recommend a benzodiazepine plus ahigh-potency conventional or atypical antipsychotic. High

second-line options for schizophrenia or mania are mono-therapy with risperidone, a high-potency conventionalantipsychotic, or olanzapine. Monotherapy with a benzo-diazepine is also a high second-line option for a patientwith a provisional diagnosis of mania.

There were no first-line recommendations for oralmedication for a provisional diagnosis of psychotic depres-sion or personality disorder. High second-line recommen-dations for psychotic depression are a benzodiazepine usedeither in combination with an atypical or conventionalantipsychotic or alone, or risperidone alone; a benzodiaze-pine alone is rated high second line for personality disorder.A benzodiazepine alone is the first-line recommendationfor a provisional diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD).

If it is decided to use a parenteral medication to treat apatient with a provisional diagnosis of schizophrenia, theexperts recommend a benzodiazepine plus a high-potencyconventional antipsychotic as first line, with a high-potencyconventional antipsychotic alone a high second-line option.

If it is decided to use a parenteral medication for apatient with a provisional diagnosis of mania, a benzodia-zepine in combination with a high-potency conventionalantipsychotic or used alone is first line, with a high-potencyconventional antipsychotic alone high second line. For aprovisional diagnosis of psychotic depression, a benzodiaze-pine plus a conventional antipsychotic is first line, with abenzodiazepine alone a high second-line option for paren-teral treatment. There were no first-line recommendationsfor a provisional diagnosis of personality disorder ; a benzo-diazepine alone or in combination with a high-potencyconventional antipsychotic is high second line. For a provi-sional diagnosis of PTSD, a benzodiazepine alone is thefirst-line recommendation, with a benzodiazepine com-bined with a high-potency conventional antipsychotic highsecond line.

There are situations in which an immediate response isrequired but no data are available on which to base even aprovisional diagnosis. If it is decided to use an oral medica-tion in this situation, the experts consider a benzodiazepinealone first line and a benzodiazepine plus a high-potencyconventional or atypical antipsychotic high second line.There was no first-line consensus on choice of parenteralmedication when there are no data on which to base amore specific provisional diagnosis; high second-line op-tions are a benzodiazepine alone or in combination with ahigh-potency conventional antipsychotic.

Note that oral high-potency conventional antipsy-chotics used alone did not receive much support in mostsituations and that the experts gave equal or greater supportto the atypical antipsychotics for patients with a primarypsychiatric etiology. These results are consistent with therecommendations presented in the recently publishedExpert Consensus Guidelines on schizophrenia23 and

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mania,25 in which atypical antipsychotics were generallypreferred over conventionals for the treatment of schizo-phrenia and in which atypicals received equal or greatersupport for use in psychotic mania and were preferred forthe treatment of nonpsychotic mania. See Ghaemi76 for areview of recent findings concerning the role of atypicalantipsychotics in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

Among parenteral medications, high-potency conven-tional antipsychotics used alone received somewhat moresupport, perhaps because of the lack of injectable atypicalantipsychotics at the time of the survey. However, theywere generally viewed as inferior to benzodiazepines alone.

In a survey of emergency psychiatrists, it was reportedthat, if a mood stabilizer is needed in this setting, 90%would use divalproex/valproate, while only 8% wouldchoose lithium and only 2% another mood stabilizer.10 Wedid not, therefore, ask about choice of mood stabilizer inthis survey, but we did ask about dosing strategies fordivalproex. The experts clearly favor divalproex dosingstrategies that employ higher doses over usual titration.They would recommend either beginning with 20 mg/kgand continuing until blood levels are available or startingwith a loading dose of 30 mg/kg for 2 days, followed by20 mg/day beginning on day 3. Factors that would encour-age the experts to use a loading dose strategy for divalproexinclude history of response to divalproex in the past, nor-mal liver function tests, and a desire on the part of thepatient and family to try to avert hospitalization. Theexperts consider the use of a loading dose appropriate for alltypes of manic episodes, probably reflecting the fact thatlithium is not generally used in emergency settings and thatloading doses of divalproex may help to stabilize the patientmore quickly.77

Next Steps If There Is an Inadequate Response

If a patient was initially treated with a single agent, either abenzodiazepine alone or an antipsychotic alone, and therehas not been an adequate response after 45–60 minutes,the experts recommend either proceeding to a combinationof a benzodiazepine and an antipsychotic or giving anotherdose of the initial agent alone. They would also considergiving a dose of the medication that was not yet tried.

We also asked the experts when they would recom-mend changing medication strategies—switching to adifferent agent or using a combination of agents if they hadbegun with a single agent.

If the patient was initially treated with a single agent,the experts would recommend a change of strategy after 2doses of the single agent have been totally ineffective (i.e.,the patient is still extremely agitated and uncooperative) or3–4 doses have been only partially effective (i.e., the patientis somewhat calmer but is still not able to converse withcaregivers or take oral medication).

If the patient was initially treated with a combinationof an antipsychotic and a benzodiazepine, the expertsappear to be willing to continue the same treatment strat-egy somewhat longer, probably reflecting the more limitedoptions available at this point. In this situation, they wouldrecommend a change of strategy after 3 doses of the com-bination have been totally ineffective or 4 doses have beenonly partially effective.

Safety and Tolerability

In general, differences in the effectiveness of the variousmedications in the first few hours are hard to discern. Inthis situation, considerations of safety and tolerance be-come more important in selecting a particular medication.As we noted earlier, it is very important to first do no harm.

Pregnancy. We asked the experts about the most appropri-ate medication strategies for a pregnant woman who isagitated, psychotic, and unresponsive to direction and forwhom immediate medical intervention is judged necessaryto prevent harm to the mother or fetus or to reduce thedeleterious effects that the stress of agitation may have onthe maternal-fetal system. In this situation the expertsclearly prefer a conventional high-potency antipsychotic(rated first line by 76% of the experts), probably reflectingthe much larger database concerning the use of this type ofagent and the lack of teratogenicity reported for high-potency conventional antipsychotics.78 There was also somesupport for the use of benzodiazepines alone (rated first lineby 40% of the experts) and for droperidol (rated first lineby 35% of the experts). The experts’ recommendationsconcerning choice of antipsychotics for a pregnant patientagree with the recommendation for treating psychoticdepression in pregnant women in the recently publishedExpert Consensus Guidelines on the Treatment of Depressionin Women 2001.27 It is interesting that, while the FDA ratesconventional and atypical antipsychotics similarly in theirUse-in-Pregnancy ratings79 (category C: “risk cannot beruled out”), the experts were less willing to endorse the useof atypical antipsychotics, presumably because of lessexperience with these agents in pregnant women. Notethat, in selecting an atypical antipsychotic for a pregnantwoman in this setting, the experts showed a slight prefer-ence for risperidone.

Children. The experts had no first-line consensus on themost appropriate medication strategy for a child who isunmanageable and violent. A low-dose benzodiazepine oran antihistamine received high second-line ratings in thissituation. The experts’ responses probably reflect the desireto be as conservative as possible in terms of safety and tominimize antipsychotic exposure in treating a child. If anantipsychotic is needed, the experts showed a slight prefer-

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ence for risperidone or olanzapine over a conventionalantipsychotic and they would prefer to use lower doses ofthe antipsychotic.

It should be noted that, while the experts support theuse of a combination of an antipsychotic and a benzodiaze-pine in a number of other emergency situations (seeGuidelines 5–7), they would not generally recommend useof combination medication for children.

Complicating conditions and side effects. The experts’recommendations for choice of medication classes whencomplications are present are consistent with the generalliterature. The experts would avoid using high-potencyconventional antipsychotics in patients with a history ofEPS. They are reluctant to use benzodiazepines in patientswith a history of substance abuse/dependence or drug-seeking behavior. However, the authors note that a benzo-diazepine rather than an antipsychotic is recommended fora patient with a significant blood alcohol level, whichprobably reflects the experts’ concern about withdrawalsyndromes and the risk of seizures. As noted earlier, thisrecommendation is consistent with the examples providedin the HCFA bulletin concerning the treatment of alcoholwithdrawal.31 Note that benzodiazepines may be initiatedeven while alcohol is still present in the patient’s system.Benzodiazepines are also preferred for patients with ahistory of seizures (e.g., because of substance or alcoholabuse). Although concerns have been raised on theoreticalgrounds about the risk of respiratory depression whenbenzodiazepines are used in combination with alcohol orother sedatives and about the possibility of behavioraldisinhibition with benzodiazepines, these concerns are notreflected in the high ratings the experts generally gavebenzodiazepines throughout the survey nor are they sup-ported by the research.80 The experts would use benzodia-zepines with caution in patients with chronic obstructivepulmonary disease or in frail older patients. It should alsobe noted that the experts prefer atypical antipsychotics toconventional antipsychotics for frail older patients. Theexperts preferred benzodiazepines to antipsychotics forpatients with cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defects,probably because of concern about adverse effects oncardiac function. Atypical antipsychotics are preferred forpatients with mental retardation/developmental delay. Thisagrees with the recommendations in the Expert ConsensusGuidelines on the Treatment of Psychiatric and BehavioralProblems in Mental Retardation, in which atypical antipsy-chotics were strongly preferred over conventional antipsy-chotics for the treatment of agitation, aggression, or self-injurious behavior in this population.26

We also asked the experts which of the atypical anti-psychotics they would use, if it is decided to use an atypical,when a variety of complicating conditions are present.Their recommendations are consistent with the literature

and the side-effect profiles of the specific medications. Aswould be expected, the experts do not recommend olanza-pine for patients with diabetes or concern about weightgain and they prefer quetiapine for patients with a historyof EPS. Risperidone is preferred for delirious patients,probably because the other atypicals have anticholinergicproperties that might increase confusion and sedation. Theexperts did not rate any of the atypical antipsychotics firstline for patients with seizures, probably reflecting the lackof significant differences in the potential for seizures amongthe atypical antipsychotics other than clozapine and alsothe experts’ preference for using benzodiazepines ratherthan antipsychotics in this patient population (see above).


When does an emergency exist? In this survey, the authorshave “piloted” an empirical approach to this question—that is, most of the experts would advocate an emergencyintervention in a given set of circumstances. This case-based approach might be expanded to include a widervariety of scenarios using this methodology.

Structured approaches to assessment should also beexamined. A number of the experts in our expert panelreported that they use structured instruments, although fewuse rating scales per se. The lack of a good operationaldefinition of agitation, much less of an emergency, alsoconstitutes a significant barrier to both social and scientificprogress in this area.

Given the existence of an emergency, who decideswhat to do? The core problems in a behavioral emergencyare the perceived need to do something immediately andthe lack of agreement between the individual at the centerof the emergency and those responsible for managing it.This guideline is an effort to reach an agreement amongproviders. But how do we deal with the problem of agree-ment between patients and providers? Strategies with anarrow focus on the technical issues that determine short-term outcome may do so at the cost of relationship issuesthat influence long-term outcome. No medication that isnow available has a large enough immediate effect to out-weigh the importance of facilitating collaboration betweenpatient and provider over time. Although the attitudes andbehaviors that foster autonomy and respect are difficult toincorporate into guidelines, there is evidence from oursurvey that providers would use information concerningpatient preferences if it were available.

Since communication in emergencies is problematic, anumber of communication strategies can be envisioned.Strategies that are popular in the consumer community areadvance directives, wellness and recovery action plans, andother methods of care planning driven by the individualconsumer. Another solution would be to develop a “guide-

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line” based on a consumer perspective—a document simi-lar to this one that would attempt to represent the con-sumer attitudes and beliefs that might operate in abehavioral emergency if they could be communicated toproviders. There is a striking lack of information on thistopic. Research is also needed concerning the influence ofrace, ethnicity, and culture.

What data are available suggest that consumers under-stand the need for emergency interventions but often feelfrightened and abandoned in the midst of them. In thisrespect, recent regulations that stress continuing contactwith the patient during the episode and debriefing after-ward may bring improvement in this area. The inclusion ofconsumer perspectives in the training of providers shouldhelp to sensitize providers and peer counselors. Advocatesand families can also give providers proxy data that mighthelp avoid or shorten episodes.

Can we also narrow the gap between consumers andproviders on pharmacological management issues? A surveyof a representative “expert panel” of consumers with per-sonal experience with restraint, seclusion, or emergencymedications would be very instructive. Given the relativelymodest differences between available agents, consumerpreferences, as manifested either in individual advancedirectives or credible consumer surveys, could play thedeciding role. The results of this expert survey and of anolder survey of consumers32 suggest some convergence ofopinion concerning the preferential use of benzodiazepines.A new survey of consumers that includes the newer atypicalantipsychotics is needed.

Even as tremendous strides are made in the treatment ofpsychiatric illness, behavioral emergencies will continue to bea problem because of their tendency to occur outside theusual context of health care. This will remain a difficult andcontroversial area of practice because it involves limitationson patient autonomy and control, although it is hoped thatbetter practices will contribute to improvement in this area.This guideline is dedicated to a new climate of increasedrespect and an effort to move from control to care.


These guidelines can be viewed as an expert consultation,to be weighed in conjunction with other information andin the context of each individual patient-physician relation-ship. The recommendations do not replace clinical judg-ment, which must be tailored to the particular needs ofeach clinical situation. We describe groups of patients andmake suggestions intended to apply to the average patientin each group. However, individual patients will differgreatly in their treatment preferences and capacities, historyof response to previous treatments, family history of treat-ment response, and tolerance for different side effects.

Therefore, the experts’ first-line recommendations certainlywill not be appropriate in all circumstances.

We remind readers of several other limitations of theseguidelines:1. The guidelines are based on a synthesis of the opinions

of a large group of experts. From question to question,some of the individual experts would differ with theconsensus view.

2. We have relied on expert opinion precisely because weare asking crucial questions that are not yet well-answered by the literature. One thing that the historyof medicine teaches us is that expert opinion at anygiven time can be very wrong. Accumulating researchwill ultimately reveal better and clearer answers. Clini-cians should therefore stay abreast of the literature fordevelopments that would make at least some of ourrecommendations obsolete. We hope to revise theguidelines periodically based on new research informa-tion and on reassessment of expert opinion to keepthem up-to-date.

3. The guidelines are financially sponsored by the phar-maceutical industry, which could possibly introduce bi-ases. Because of this, we have made every step inguideline development transparent, reported all results,and taken little or no editorial liberty.

4. These guidelines are comprehensive but not exhaustive;because of the nature of our method, we omit someinteresting topics on which we did not query the expertpanel.

Despite the limitations, these guidelines represent asignificant advance because of their specificity, ease of use,and the credibility that comes from achieving a very highresponse rate from a large sample of the leading experts inthe field.


Advances in public health do not always require technologi-cal breakthroughs or long periods of waiting for new data.Immediate gains can be made by increasing the speed withwhich best practices are implemented. Guidelines offer arapid means for communicating a distillate of expert opin-ion. When reaching a clinical decision point, practitionersand patients can use guidelines to generate a menu of reason-able choices and then select the option that is judged best foreach individual. This process drives the next round of expertopinion and the next round of empirical studies.


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64. Salzman C, Green A, Rodriguez-Villa F, et al. Benzodiazepinescombined with neuroleptics for management of severe disruptivebehavior. Psychosomatics 1986;27(suppl 1):17–22

65. Wyant M, Diamond B, O’Neal E, et al. The use of midazolamin acutely agitated psychiatric patients. Psychopharmacol Bull1990;26(1):126–9

66. Chouinard G, Annable L, Turnier L, et al. A double-blindrandomized clinical trial of rapid tranquilization with I.M. clona-zepam and I.M. haloperidol in agitated psychotic patients withmanic symptoms. Can J Psychiatry 1993;38(suppl 4):S114–21

67. Dorevitch A, Katz N, Zemishlany Z, et al. Intramuscularflunitrazepam versus intramuscular haloperidol in the emergencytreatment of aggressive psychotic behavior. Am J Psychiatry1999;156(1):142–4

68. Binder RL, McNiel DE. Emergency psychiatry: contemporarypractices in managing acutely violent patients in 20 psychiatricemergency rooms. Psychiatr Serv 1999;50(12):1553–4

69. Cressman WA, Plostnieks J, Johnson PC. Absorption, metabo-lism, and excretion of droperidol by human subjects followingintramuscular and intravenous administration. Anesthesiology1973;38(4):363–9

70. American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information28:24:08. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health SystemPharmacists, 1998

71. Currier GW. Atypical antipsychotic medications in the psychiat-ric emergency service. J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61(suppl 14):21–6.

72. Baldessarini RJ, Cohen BM, Teicher M. Significance of neuro-leptic dose and plasma level in the pharmacological treatment ofpsychoses. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988;45(1):79–91

73. Breitbart W, Marotta R, Platt MM, et al. A double-blind trialof haloperidol, chlorpromazine, and lorazepam in the treatmentof delirium in hospitalized AIDS patients. Am J Psychiatry1996;153(2):231–7

74. van Harten PN, van Trier JCAM, Horwitz EH, et al. Cocaineas a risk factor for neuroleptic-induced acute dystonia. J ClinPsychiatry 1998;59(3):128–30

75. American Psychiatric Association. Practice guideline for thetreatment of patients with substance use disorders: alcohol, co-caine, opioids. Am J Psychiatry 1995;152(suppl 11):1–59

76. Ghaemi SN. New treatments for bipolar disorder: the role ofatypical neuroleptic agents. J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61(suppl14):33–42

77. Hirschfeld RM, Allen MH., McEvoy JP, et al. Safety andtolerability of oral loading divalproex sodium in acutely manicbipolar patients. J Clin Psychiatry 1999;60(12):815–8

78. Altshuler LL, Cohen L, Szuba MP, et al. Pharmacologic man-agement of psychiatric illness during pregnancy: dilemmas andguidelines. Am J Psychiatry 1996;153(5):592–606

79. Medical Economics Company. Physicians’ Desk Reference.Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Company; 2000.

80. Salzman C. Use of benzodiazepines to control disruptive behav-ior in inpatients. J Clin Psychiatry 1988;49(suppl):13–5

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series

Patient cooperative?

Patient dangerous?








Initial EvaluationVital signsMedical historyBrief visual examBrief psychiatric assessment

to determine general category ofproblem (e.g., delirium, intoxication,primary psychiatric disturbance)

Initial InterventionsTalk to the patient.Offer assistance.

Treatment of a Behavioral Emergency

Show of force

Reconsider diagnosis

Consider oral medicationFirst evaluate for:

drug allergieshistory of adverse reactionscontraindicationscausal medical etiologysubstance abuse

Further EvaluationEspecially third-party information

Continue with evaluationand treatment

Identify and treatunderlying causeif possible.

Use restraints and/or parenteral medication asneeded to ensure safetyand facilitate examination.

Be alert for emesis orseizures.

Patient cooperative?

Patient dangerous?






Patient cooperative?

Patient dangerous?




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Substance Intoxication

Stimulant BNZ bnz +hpca BNZ bnz +hpcahpca hpca

Alcohol bnz bnz

Hallucinogen bnz BNZ bnz + hpcabnz + hpca

Opioids * *

Other/Unknown substance * *

General Medical Etiology hpca hpcabnz bnz

bnz + hpca

Primary Psychiatric Disturbance

No data BNZ bnz +hpca bnzbnz + aa bnz + hpca

Schizophrenia BNZ + HPCA risperidone BNZ + HPCA hpcaBNZ + AA hpca


Mania BNZ + HPCA bnz BNZ + HPCA hpcaBNZ + AA hpca BNZ


Psychotic depression bnz + aa BNZ + HPCA bnzbnz + hpcabnzrisperidone

Personality disorder bnz bnzbnz + hpca

PTSD BNZ BNZ bnz + hpca

Oral MedicationsPREFERRED Alternate

Parenteral MedicationsPREFERRED Alternate

Summary of Preferred Medications by EtiologyHPCA/hpca = high potency conventional antipsychoticBNZ/bnz = benzodiazepineAA/aa = atypical antipsychotic

*No medications received strong support for these indications.

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series



Guideline 1: Initial AssessmentPlease note that this guideline refers to a situation in which a psychiatrist has assumed responsibility for the care of a patient.It refers to a situation in which a patient is agitated, uncooperative, or dangerous in ways that prevent the assessment thatmight otherwise be recommended. The same factors that interfere with assessment may compel the psychiatrist to intervenewith only limited data available. As such, it is intended to provide guidance as to those procedures the panel considered themost efficient, practical, and useful in detecting a causal or contributory medical condition and promptly directing furtherefforts toward medical rather than psychiatric care. It is not intended to define a minimum medical assessment or to limitmedical assessment in any way. Procedures with the highest ratings might be viewed as most critical and should be at-tempted quickly in all cases. Those with lower ratings may occur later in the process and in some cases may be deferred toanother setting. However, the ultimate scope of medical assessment and care in a particular setting is defined by a facility’smedical staff and is described in written policies and procedures for which this guideline is not intended as a substitute.

1A. Initial Medical Evaluation1

The experts consider vital signs, medical history, urine toxicology screening, a cognitive examination (e.g., Mini-MentalState Examination), and a visual examination the most important procedures to include as part of an initial medical evalua-tion of a patient presenting to the psychiatric emergency service, assuming they were responsible for performing such anassessment. The experts also consider pregnancy testing an extremely important assessment for fertile women, especiallywhen medication treatment is being contemplated.

A physical examination also received high ratings. Obviously, the level of examination will depend on the specific signs andsymptoms with which a patient presents. More complete evaluations will be indicated in some circumstances, and may alsobe indicated later in the patient’s treatment.* The second-line rating given to other procedures (e.g., CBC/electrolytes) isconsistent with findings that such tests do not appear to improve outcomes in this situation. The experts would not gener-ally recommend (third-line rating) routinely performing an electrocardiogram, computed tomography, or chest radiographyas part of the initial medical evaluation, unless specifically indicated.

bold italics = assessment of choice

Rank order of medical screening procedures

Vital signs

Medical history

Visual examination of patient (i.e., eyeballing)

Urine toxicology screening

Cognitive examination

Pregnancy testing for fertile women

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medical clearance)

Focused methodical physical examination

*For more detailed discussion of assessment issues, readers are referred to American College of Emergency Physicians ClinicalPolicies Committee. Clinical policy for the initial approach to patients presenting with altered mental status. Ann Emerg Med1999;33:251–81.1Question 20

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1B. Scope of Psychiatric Assessment Necessary to Create a “Plan of Care” 2

Current regulations mandate that, for a medication to be considered a treatment rather than a chemical restraint, it must beadministered in the context of an assessment and plan of care. We asked the experts what type of assessment they consideredadequate to create such a plan of care. Most of the experts supported a brief assessment leading to determination of a generalcategory (e.g., intoxication, psychosis). A more comprehensive assessment leading to a specific diagnosis is also appropriatebut may be impractical for various reasons. Screening examinations that might be used for triage or Emergency MedicalTransportation Labor Act purposes and that lead only to identification of major symptoms were not supported. Presuma-bly, if only data of this quality were available, a medication intervention might be considered a restraint.

The experts think that these assessments are appropriately performed by attending psychiatrists with training and/or experi-ence in emergency psychiatry, other psychiatrists, or psychiatric residents. Preferences in order after that were for nurses withpsychiatric experience or advanced training, other physicians, psychologists, residents in other specialties, and social workers.Nurses without psychiatric experience or advanced training, licensed counselors, nurses aides, and technicians and otherunlicensed staff were viewed as inappropriate to perform this function.

We also asked the experts how they currently document the need for emergency intervention. Most of the experts (83%)indicated that they use unstructured clinical observation and assessment, while a good number (39%) also use structuredchecklists. Only 4 of the experts use structured rating scales.3

bold italics = personnel of choice

Preferred Also consider

Type of assessmentneeded to create aplan of care

Brief assessment leading to determination of ageneral category (e.g., intoxication, psychosis)

Comprehensive assessment leading toa specific diagnosis

Most appropriatepersonnel to performsuch an assessment

Attending psychiatrists with training and/orexperience in emergency psychiatry

Attending psychiatrists without training and/orexperience in emergency psychiatry

Psychiatric residents

Nurses with psychiatric experience oradvanced training

2Questions 15 & 163Question 24

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1C. Other Information to Obtain Before Intervening With Medication4

Before intervening with medication in a patient presenting with a behavioral emergency, the experts believe that it is mostimportant to determine if the patient has any drug allergies, history of adverse reactions to the medication the clinician isconsidering using, or medical contraindications to medication. They also think it is very important to determine if there is acausal medical etiology that should be managed first, to review the patient’s records if they are available, and to determine ifsubstance abuse may be complicating the presentation. The experts consider it appropriate but less imperative to obtain ahistory of the patient’s previous medication response, if this information is available, and to determine the patient’s treat-ment preferences.

bold italics = information of choice

Most important initial information to obtain Also useful

Determining if patient has any drug allergies

Determining if there is a causal medical etiology that should be managedfirst

Determining if patient has history of adverse reactions to the medicationyou are considering (e.g., neuroleptic malignant syndrome)

Determining if a medical contraindication to medication is present(e.g., use of low-potency conventional antipsychotics in seizuredisorder)

Locating and reviewing prior patient records (if available)

Determining presence of substance abuse

Obtaining a history of prior medicationresponse (if available)

Determining patient preference fortreatment

4Question 21

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Guideline 2: Appropriate Emergency Interventions

2A. Range of Behavioral Emergencies and Appropriate Responses5

We asked the experts about the appropriateness of initiating an emergency intervention (medication or restraints) forpatients with a range of clinical presentations. As shown in the graphic below, the results reflect a continuum, with theexperts increasingly supporting the use of emergency interventions as patients move from quiet negativism to overt hostility.As patients’ behavior suggests an increased potential for violence, the experts are increasingly likely to consider more restric-tive interventions. The experts do not consider an emergency intervention appropriate for a patient who displays only arefusal to cooperate with unit routine and intense staring.

APPROPRIATENESS of initiating emergency intervention

Rarely Sometimes Usually Always

Refusal to cooperate with unit routine and intense staring

plus motor restlessness and purposeless movements

plus affective lability and loud speech

plus irritability and intimidating behavior

plus aggression to property (e.g., slamming doors) and demeaning or hostile verbal behavior

Patient directly threatening or assaultive

5Question 23

2B. Interventions for an Imminently Violent Patient6

The experts consider the following interventions of choice for an imminently violent patient: verbal intervention, voluntarymedication (medication given with the patient’s assent or consent), and a show of force. Emergency medication (medicationgiven without patient consent) and offering food, beverage, or other assistance were other first-line options. The expertswould next consider the use of physical restraints or locked or unlocked seclusion (high second-line options). The authorsnote that, even for a patient who appears imminently violent, the experts recommend beginning with less paternalistic oraggressive interventions.

bold italics = intervention of choice

Preferred initial interventions Alternate interventions

Verbal intervention

Voluntary medication

Show of force

Emergency medication

Offer food, beverage, or other assistance

Physical restraints

Locked or unlocked (quiet room) seclusion

6Question 22

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2C. Relative Importance of Potential Benefits of Different Interventions7

We asked the experts which factors were most important to consider in selecting an acute intervention, both in terms of theshort-term goal they want to achieve and in terms of promoting the most favorable long-term outcome. The experts clearlyconsider safety issues more important in the short-term, while they place more emphasis on collaboration between patientand clinician and considering the wishes of patient and family in fostering better long-term outcomes.

bold italics = factors of choice

Most important factors to consider in order of importance

In achieving short-term goal For a favorable long-term outcome

Control of aggressive behavior

Collaboration between patient and clinician wheneverpossible

Protecting the community

Collaboration between patient and clinician wheneverpossible

Honoring the wishes of the patient

Control of aggressive behavior

Control of undesirable behavior

Honoring the wishes of the patient

Control of undesirable behavior

Protecting the community

Honoring the wishes of family members7Question 3

2D. Relative Risk of Various Acute Interventions for a BehavioralEmergency8

We asked the experts to rate the various types of interventions for acute behavioral dyscontrol in terms of both acute risk ofinjury during the intervention and long-term risks of traumatic sequelae. The experts felt that leaving the patient aloneinvolved the highest level of risk and that voluntary medication was the least risky intervention.

RISK associated with emergency intervention

Least Some Greatest

Voluntary medication

Emergency medication

Combination of physical restraints and medication


Observation without further intervention

Physical restraints

Leaving the patient alone

8Question 13

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2E. Perceptions of Consumer Preferences: Types of Interventions9

We asked the experts to rate different types of interventions based on their perception of consumer preferences. While theexperts clearly felt that consumers would find oral medications most acceptable and physical restraints least acceptable, theywere divided as to how they thought consumers would consider injectable medication and seclusion.

bold italics = treatment of choice

Most acceptable interventions Second-line interventions Least acceptable (third-line) interventions

Oral medication Injectable (parenteral) medication


Physical restraints

9Question 59

2F. Perceptions of Consumer Preferences: Classes of Medications10

We asked the experts to rate different classes of medications based on their perception of consumer preferences. The expertsfelt that consumers would prefer treatment with benzodiazepines and atypical antipsychotics, with conventional antipsy-chotics and droperidol only receiving lower second-line ratings.

bold italics = treatment of choice

Preferred medications Lower second-line medications


Atypical antipsychotics

Conventional antipsychotics

Droperidol10Question 60

2G. Perceptions of Effect of Restraints onLong-Term Adherence to Treatment11

There was no clear-cut consensus among the experts as to the effect of chemical and physical restraints on patients’ long-term adherence to treatment, although a larger percentage felt that they are likely to have a negative impact (38% stronglyagreed that restraints are likely to have a negative impact on long-term adherence, versus 23% that they do not have aneffect and 15% that they have a positive effect).

11Question 1

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Guideline 3: Use of RestraintsIn the survey, we asked the experts a number of questions about when and how to use restraints and the effect their use islikely to have on patient outcomes.

Frequency of restraints: We asked the experts what percentage of patients they think are likely to require the use of re-straints, seclusion, or parenteral medication in the psychiatric emergency service.12 Of the 19 experts who answered thisquestion based on actual data from their services, 9 (47%) reported that these interventions were likely to be required for1%–5% of patients, 6 (32%) for 6%–20% of patients, and 4 (21%) for 21% or more of patients. This means that, in thissample, more than 80% of patients are managed without the need for parenteral medication, restraints, or seclusion.

12Question 5

3A. When to Use Physical Restraints13

Situations in Which Physical Restraints Are:

Extremely or usually appropriate Sometimes appropriate Rarely or never appropriate

Acute danger to other patients,bystanders, staff, or self

To prevent an involuntary patientfrom leaving prior to assessment ortransfer to a locked facility

A history of previous self-injury oraggression

Lack of resources to supervise patientadequately

To maintain an orderly treatmentenvironment

To prevent a voluntary patient fromleaving prior to an assessment

13Question 6

3B. Staff to Initiate and Order Restraints or Seclusion14

The experts feel that psychiatrists, psychiatric residents, and trained nursing staff (RNs/LPNs with psychiatric experienceand/or training or higher level qualifications) are the main personnel who should be involved in deciding to place patients inrestraints or seclusion and in performing assessments to confirm the appropriateness of and necessity for restraints. TheHCFA interim final rules specify that “a physician or other licensed independent practitioner must see and evaluate the needfor restraint or seclusion within 1 hour after the initiation of the intervention.” However, this regulation has caused someconfusion, since the categories of providers who are licensed as independent practitioners vary from state to state. The authorsnote that there was less support for psychologists and physicians in other medical specialties performing these functions. Theexperts do not consider it appropriate for social workers, licensed counselors, or unlicensed clinical staff to make these sortsof decisions or perform these assessments, given the current state of training of these categories of providers.

bold italics = personnel of choice

Preferred Alternate

Attending psychiatrists*

Psychiatric residents

RNs/LPNs with psychiatric experience and/or training

Nurse practitioners

Master’s level nurses

*Training and/or experience in emergency psychiatry preferred14Questions 17 & 18

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3C. Staff to Participate in Placing a Patient in Restraints15

The most appropriate staff to actually place a patient in restraints are nurses and trained security officers, although theexperts also think it is sometimes appropriate for physicians to participate. They do not believe untrained security officersshould be involved in placing a patient in restraints.

Participating Staff

Extremely or usually appropriate Often or sometimes appropriate Rarely appropriate

Nursing staff

Trained security officers

Physicians Untrained security officers

15Question 7

3D. Most Appropriate Equipment for Restraint16

Leather restraints were preferred by the majority of the experts (75% first line), followed by cloth or other soft restraints(52% first line). There was less support of the use of plastic and velcro restraints (44% first line) and restraint chairs (29%first line).

16Question 8

3E. Use of Medications for a Patient While in Restraints17

If a patient becomes calmer and quiets down when put in restraints, the experts are divided between using no medication oronly oral medication; they would not generally recommend parenteral medication in this situation. However, if a patientcontinues to be violent and extremely agitated while in restraints, the experts strongly support the use of parenteral medica-tion in combination with the restraints. They would also consider using oral medication in this situation. They do notconsider it appropriate to leave such a patient unmedicated in restraints. Overall, the experts responses appear to reflect theview that the goal in this situation is to use medication to reduce time in and complications of restraints.

bold italics = treatment of choice

Patient continues to be violent and extremely agitatedin restraints

Patient becomes calmer and quiets down in restraints

Physical restraint plus parenteral medication

(Consider use of oral rather than parenteral medication)

Physical restraint alone or in combination with oralmedication*

*High second line17Question 14

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3F. Levels of Monitoring and Observation for an Adult PatientWhile in Restraints or Seclusion18

The experts consider continuous monitoring most appropriate, either in person or using a combination of audiovisualand personal observation. Many of the experts also consider in-person evaluation at 15 minute intervals reasonable(rated first line by 49% and treatment of choice by 8%). The experts do not support longer intervals (30–60 minutes)between observations.

Level of Monitoring and Observation

Most appropriate Appropriate Not appropriate

Continuous audiovisual monitoring(e.g., using closed circuit TV) within-person evaluation every 15 minutes


Constant observation (sitter)

In-person evaluation at 15-minuteintervals

In-person evaluation at 30-minuteintervals

In-person evaluation at 60-minuteintervals

18Question 11

3G. Time Periods for Evaluation and New Orders for Restraints19

We asked the experts to rate the appropriateness of a range of time frames for initial in-person evaluation and for giving neworders for restraints. The experts recommend that no more than 1 hour should elapse between the time when a patient isput into restraints or seclusion and the initial in-person evaluation is done by an M.D. or licensed independent practitioner(L.I.P.). There was also some support for a 2-hour minimum, but longer intervals were not considered appropriate by mostexperts. The experts believe that new orders should be required every 2–4 hours in order to continue restraints (with 37%considering 2 hours the interval of choice versus 22% for 4 hours).

We also asked the experts how they would define a new episode of restraint. They gave substantial support to the idea thateach episode of restraints or seclusion should be considered a new episode, requiring new orders and a face-to-face evalua-tion. There was some support for the idea of being able to remove and return a patient to restraints or seclusion within asingle 4-hour period without reassessment and a new order on the basis of fluctuating levels of agitation. However, theexperts strongly disagreed with the idea that orders for restraints should be valid for 24 hours.20

Minimum time between when patient is put in restraints or seclusion and initialin-person evaluation by M.D. or L.I.P.

1 hour

Time period for requiring a new order to continue restraints 2–4 hours19Question 920Question 10

Value of debriefing. The experts strongly agree that debriefing patients and staff after an episode is helpful in preventingfuture episodes and reduces the traumatic consequences of seclusion or restraints for patients, but they do not supportproviding exploratory psychotherapy in the immediate aftermath of the events.21

21Question 19

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Guideline 4: Use of Medication: Drug, Route of Administration, andDose

4A. Factors Determining the Initial Choice of Medication22

The experts consider the following factors most important in determining the selection of an initial emergency medication(medication that is needed because of the urgency of the situation): availability of an I.M. formulation or liquid formula-tion, speed of onset, the patient’s history of response to the medication, production of clinically useful sedation, limitedliability for causing intolerable or dangerous side effects, and patient preference. They would also consider the likelihoodthat the medication would promote long-term compliance with treatment and the availability of a depot formulation of themedication if the patient has a history of noncompliance. The authors note that the experts are less concerned about conti-nuity with the next phase of treatment or liability for milder, more tolerable side effects, and that they do not consider cost asignificant factor in selection of initial medication.

bold italics = factors of choice

Most important factors to consider Other factors to consider

Availability of I.M. formulation

Speed of onset

History of medication response

Produces clinically useful sedation

Limited liability for causing intolerable or dangerous side effects

Patient preference

Availability of liquid formulation

Promoting long-term compliance

History of noncompliance and availability of adepot formulation

22Question 52

4B. Rationale for Using Combination Treatment23

When a combination of a benzodiazepine and an antipsychotic is used, the experts indicated that greater efficacy, rapidonset of action, and reduced side-effect liability were the most important potential benefits. The authors note that theliterature is inconclusive as to whether combination treatment actually produces these benefits, although the literature doesappear to support the advantage of being able to use lower doses of each of the component medications.

Most important factors to consider Other factors to consider

Greater efficacy for symptoms of arousal

Faster onset of action

Reduction of side effects

Ability to use lower doses of each of the component medications

Inducing sleep

Greater efficacy for underlying condition23Question 53

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4C. Medication Characteristics24

We asked the experts which of the 4 types of medication (droperidol, lorazepam, haloperidol, atypical antipsychotics) theyconsidered most effective for decreasing agitation and producing sedation. The experts gave first-line ratings to droperidol,lorazepam, and haloperidol for decreasing agitation and to lorazepam and droperidol for producing sedation. Although theexperts gave high ratings to droperidol in these areas, consistent with findings in the literature, droperidol is not widely usedbecause it is not available in oral form and has not been used routinely for psychiatric indications in the United States. Thisis reflected in the experts’ ratings of droperidol in Questions 31, 36, and 39, where some experts rated it treatment of choicewhile others considered it third line (see Guidelines 5–7).

We then asked the experts to rate the speed of onset of a number of different types of medications and formulations. Forspeed of onset, the experts gave first-line ratings to I.V. medication of any class, followed by fast-acting I.M. medications(midazolam, lorazepam, haloperidol, droperidol*). Their next highest ratings went to the medium-speed I.M. medications(chlorpromazine, thiothixene, loxapine, diazepam), followed by liquid (concentrate or orally dissolving) formulations ofantipsychotics. However, the authors note that published pharmacokinetic data suggest that some oral preparations areabsorbed more rapidly than some parenteral preparations.**

bold italics = treatment of choice

First line Higher second line

Most effective fordecreasing agitation




Atypical antipsychotic

Most sedating Lorazepam



Atypical antipsychotic

Fastest onset of action I.V. medication of any class

I.M. midazolam, lorazepam, haloperidol,droperidol*

I.M. chlorpromazine, thiothixene, loxapine,diazepam

Orally dissolving or liquid concentrateformulations of antipsychotics

*We did not ask about I.M. droperidol in this question but the authors have included it here based on the literature.

**American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information 28:24:08. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health System Pharma-cists, 199824Questions 54–56

4D. Choice of Oral Atypical Antipsychotics25

The experts consider risperidone and olanzapine the first-line choices for emergency medication among the oral atypicalantipsychotics, with 48% rating risperidone treatment of choice and 21% rating olanzapine treatment of choice.

Preferred agents Alternate agents




25Question 50

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4E. Important Factors in Choosing Route of Administration26

The experts consider speed of onset and reliability of delivery the 2 most important factors to consider in choosing a route ofadministration for emergency medication. They also consider patient preference important.

bold italics = factors of choice

Most important factors High second-line factors

Speed of onset

Reliability of delivery

Patient preference

Interactions with other medications26Question 27

4F. Preferred Routes of Administration27

The preferred routes of administration for medications to treat behavioral emergencies are oral liquid concentrate, orallydissolving formulation, and I.M. Oral tablets were only a second-line option. In keeping with the lower ratings given toI.V.s, the experts did not give strong support to making I.V. access available in psychiatric emergency service settings (19%first line and 43% second line).28 The authors note that this may reflect the fact that I.V. access requires a different staffingpattern and is rare in psychiatric emergency settings. Among the atypical antipsychotics, oral liquid concentrate was ratedthe formulation of choice (100% first line).29

Preferred routes

Oral liquid concentrate or orally dissolving formulation

I.M.27Question 2628Question 2529Question 28

4G. Factors Limiting Use of I.M. Medication30

We asked the experts which factors would make them most likely to avoid use of an I.M. formulation. Their responsesclearly indicate concern about the possible adverse effects of the use of I.M. medication on the patient and the therapeuticrelationship.

Limiting factors in order of importance

Risk of side effects

Mental trauma to patient

Compromising patient-physician relationship

Physical trauma to patient

Exposure to contaminated needles

Effects on long-term compliance30Question 57

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4H. Dosing Levels31


Minimum singledose(mg)

Maximum singledose(mg)

Minimum intervalbetween doses


Maximum total dosein 24 hours


Would never usethis medication

in PES*

Chlorpromazine 25 100 74 500–900 37%

Diazepam 2 10 75 30–50 22%

Droperidol 2.5 5 54 15–25 26%

Haloperidol** 1.0 10 58 25–50 0%

Lorazepam*** 0.5 2 53 10–15 2%

Loxapine 10 50 78 100–175 50%

Midazolam – – – – 90%

Olanzapine 2.5 10 110 20–30 4%

Perphenazine 2.0 16 66 36–56 24%

Quetiapine 25 100 102 300–575 33%

Risperidone 0.5 2 91 6–10 4%

Thiothixene 2 10 78 25–45 40%

*psychiatric emergency service

**The experts consider a dose equivalent to 2.0–5.0 mg haloperidol most appropriate as initial treatment (either oral or parenteral)for a patient with a behavioral emergency.32

***In initiating treatment with a benzodiazepine in a behavioral emergency, the experts recommend a dose of 2.0 mg of lorazepam(or its equivalent) to achieve the same degree of benefit as would be obtained with a dose of 5.0 mg of haloperidol.33

31Question 6132Question 3233Question 33

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Guideline 5: Initial Interventions for Agitation Due to a GeneralMedical Etiology

5A. Choice of Initial Strategies for Agitation Due to a General Medical Etiology 34

We asked the experts to recommend the strategies they consider most appropriate to begin with during the first hour after apatient presents with a behavioral emergency that is believed to have a general medical etiology.

For a patient who is uncooperative and whose behavior appears to require immediate intervention to prevent injury to self orothers, the experts recommend attempting to take vital signs, gathering history from family or other sources, talking to thepatient, visual examination of the patient, requesting consultation with the emergency medical department, and performingtests such as pulse oximetry, blood glucose, and a toxicology screen. High second-line interventions in this situation (pre-sumably interventions the experts would recommend performing next) are intervening with physical restraints, administer-ing parenteral medication or offering oral medication, attempting to transfer the patient to the medical emergencydepartment, and performing a focused or cursory physical examination.

The recommendations for a patient who is agitated and confused but responsive to direction and does not appear to presentan immediate danger to self or others are similar, except the experts consider performing a focused physical examination firstline in this situation, and do not recommend the use of parenteral medication or physical restraints (both rated third line).This reflects the fact that the most aggressive treatments drop to third line when the patient is at least somewhat cooperative.

bold italics = interventions of choice

Patient confused, uncooperative, and requiresimmediate intervention

Patient confused but responsive to direction; noimmediate danger to self or others


Vital signs

Gather history from family or other sources

Talk to the patient

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”)

Request consultation with medical emergencydepartment

Perform tests such as pulse oximetry, bloodglucose, toxicology screen

Vital signs

Talk to the patient

Gather history from family or other sources

Perform tests such as pulse oximetry, bloodglucose, toxicology screen

Request consultation with medical emergencydepartment

Focused methodical physical examination

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”)


Intervene with physical restraints to ensure patientsafety

Administer parenteral medication

Attempt to transfer patient to the medicalemergency department

Focused methodical physical examination

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medicalclearance)

Offer oral medication

Attempt to transfer patient to the medicalemergency department

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medicalclearance)

Complete history and physical examination

Offer oral medication

34Question 29

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


5B. Initial Choice of Oral Medication for Agitation Due to a GeneralMedical Etiology 35

If it is decided to offer oral medication to treat agitation in a behavioral emergency that appears to have a general medicaletiology, there was no first-line consensus among the experts as to the most appropriate medication with which to begin. Amajority considered a conventional antipsychotic, a benzodiazepine, or a combination of the 2 as first line, and 43% ratedrisperidone as first line.

High second-line choices Also consider

High-potency conventional antipsychotic alone*

Benzodiazepine alone**

Benzodiazepine + high-potency conventional antipsychotic

Risperidone alone

*Rated treatment of choice by 15% of the experts

**Rated treatment of choice by 26% of the experts35Question 30

5C. Initial Choice of Parenteral Medication for Agitation Due to a GeneralMedical Etiology 36

If it is decided to intervene with parenteral medication to treat agitation in a behavioral emergency that appears to have ageneral medical etiology, the experts prefer a high-potency conventional antipsychotic or a benzodiazepine or a combinationof both (rated high second line). An alternate choice is droperidol alone.

High second-line choices Also consider

High-potency conventional antipsychotic alone*

Benzodiazepine alone**

Benzodiazepine + high-potency conventional antipsychotic*

Droperidol*** alone

*Rated treatment of choice by 21% of the experts

**Rated treatment of choice by 25% of the experts

***Note that droperidol was withdrawn from the European market due to concerns about QTc prolongation after this survey wascompleted.36Question 31

Page 39: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



Guideline 6: Initial Interventions for Agitation Due to SubstanceIntoxication

6A. Choice of Initial Strategies for Agitation Due to Substance Intoxication37

We asked the experts to recommend the strategies they considered most appropriate to begin with during the first hour aftera patient presents with a behavioral emergency that is believed to be due to substance intoxication.

For a patient who is uncooperative and whose behavior appears to require immediate intervention to prevent injury to self orothers, the experts recommend attempting to take vital signs, talking to the patient, gathering history from family or othersources, performing tests such as a toxicology screen, and visual examination of the patient. High second-line interventionsin this situation (presumably interventions the experts would recommend performing next) are offering oral medication oradministering parenteral medication, performing a cursory physical examination, and testing for breath alcohol content.

First-line recommendations for a patient who is agitated and intoxicated but responsive to direction and who does notappear to present an immediate danger to self or others are similar, except that the experts consider testing for breath alcoholcontent first line in this situation. High second-line recommendations in this situation are to perform a focused or cursoryphysical examination and to observe the patient and wait for the substance intoxication to resolve or to offer oral medica-tion. The use of parenteral medication or restraints, which were both rated second line in the first situation, are third-lineoptions for the patient who is responsive to direction and does not appear to present immediate danger to self or others.

bold italics = interventions of choice

Patient intoxicated, uncooperative, and requiresimmediate intervention

Patient intoxicated but responsive to direction;no immediate danger to self or others


Vital signs

Talk to the patient

Gather history from family or other sources

Perform tests such as toxicology screen

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”)

Vital signs

Talk to the patient

Perform tests such as toxicology screen

Gather history from family or other sources

Breath alcohol content (e.g., Breathalyzer exam)

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”)


Offer oral medication

Administer parenteral medication

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medicalclearance)

Breath alcohol content (e.g., Breathalyzer exam)

Focused methodical physical examination

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medicalclearance)

Observe patient and wait for substanceintoxication to resolve

Offer oral medication37Question 34

Page 40: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


6B. Initial Choice of Oral Medication for Agitation Due to SubstanceIntoxication38

We asked the experts about choice of medications for an intoxicated patient who is extremely agitated and definitely appearsto require some intervention. If it is decided to offer oral medication to treat agitation in a behavioral emergency thatappears to be due to substance intoxication, the experts give the strongest support to the use of a benzodiazepine alone, withthis option receiving the highest number of treatment of choice ratings for each class of substance. For stimulant intoxica-tion, a benzodiazepine alone is first line, followed by the combination of a benzodiazepine plus a conventional antipsychotic.The same recommendations were made for hallucinogen intoxication, although they were only rated high second line. Theexperts did not give high ratings to any oral medications in the treatment of alcohol, opioid, or other or unknown substanceintoxication. The lack of support for use of medications in these situations may reflect specific characteristics of these pa-tients (e.g., patients intoxicated with opioids may not be agitated enough to require medication for sedation and there mayalso be concern about additive effects). The slight preference for benzodiazepines for patients intoxicated with alcohol mayreflect the fact that a component of withdrawal is contributing to the agitation for which the benzodiazepine might bespecifically indicated. The preference for benzodiazepines in the treatment of hallucinogen intoxication may reflect knowl-edge that some hallucinogens are anticholinergic and the wish to avoid treating the patient with another drug with anticho-linergic properties or that might require the use of adjunctive anticholinergic medication. Note the experts did notrecommend the use of low-potency conventional antipsychotics, such as chlorpromazine, in any situation.

Suspected substanceof abuse First-line medications High second-line medications Also consider

Stimulant Benzodiazepine (BNZ)alone

BNZ + high-potency conventionalantipsychotic (HPCA)

HPCA alone

BNZ + atypical antipsychotic(AA)

Risperidone alone

Alcohol BNZ alone HPCA alone

Hallucinogen BNZ alone


HPCA alone


Opioid No medications recommended

Other or unknown HPCA alone

BNZ alone38Question 35

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6C. Initial Choice of Parenteral Medication for Agitation Due to SubstanceIntoxication39

We asked the experts about choice of medications for an intoxicated patient who is extremely agitated and definitely appearsto require some intervention. If it is decided to intervene with parenteral medication to treat agitation in a behavioralemergency that appears to be due to substance intoxication, the experts again give the strongest support to the use of abenzodiazepine alone. For stimulant or hallucinogen intoxication, a benzodiazepine alone is first line, followed by thecombination of a benzodiazepine plus a conventional antipsychotic. A conventional antipsychotic alone is another highsecond-line option for stimulant intoxication. The experts had no first-line recommendation for alcohol intoxication but didrate a benzodiazepine alone as high second line. The experts did not give first- or high second-line ratings to any parenteralmedications in the treatment of opioid, or other or unknown substance intoxication Benzodiazepines as a class generallyseem to be preferred for patients with substance abuse.

Suspected substanceof abuse First-line medications High second-line medications Also consider

Stimulant Benzodiazepine (BNZ)alone

BNZ + high-potency conventionalantipsychotic (HPCA)

HPCA alone

Droperidol alone

Alcohol BNZ alone BNZ + HPCA

HPCA alone

Hallucinogen BNZ alone BNZ + HPCA HPCA alone

Droperidol alone

Opioid BNZ alone

HPCA alone


Other or unknown BNZ alone

HPCA alone

BNZ + HPCA39Question 36

Page 42: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Guideline 7: Initial Interventions for Agitation Due to a PrimaryPsychiatric Disturbance

7A. Choice of Initial Strategies for Agitation Due to a Primary PsychiatricDisturbance40

We asked the experts to recommend the strategies they considered most appropriate to begin with during the first hour aftera patient presents with a behavioral emergency that is believed to be due to primary psychiatric disturbance.

For a patient who is uncooperative and whose behavior appears to require immediate intervention to prevent injury to self orothers, the experts recommend attempting to take vital signs, talking to the patient, gathering history from family or othersources, administering parenteral medication or offering oral medication, visual examination of the patient, and performingtests such as a toxicology screen. High second-line interventions in this situation (presumably interventions the expertswould recommend performing next) are intervening with physical restraints to ensure patient safety and performing acursory physical examination.

First-line recommendations for a patient who is agitated but responsive to direction and who does not appear to present animmediate danger to self or others are similar, except that the experts do not recommend using parenteral medication orrestraints in this situation.

bold italics = interventions of choice

Patient agitated, uncooperative, and requiresimmediate intervention

Patient agitated but responsive to direction; noimmediate danger to self or others


Vital signs

Talk to the patient

Gather history from family or other sources

Administer parenteral medication

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”)

Offer oral medication

Perform tests such as toxicology screen

Vital signs

Talk to the patient

Offer oral medication

Gather history from family or other sources

Perform tests such as toxicology screen

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”)


Intervene with physical restraints to ensure patientsafety

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medicalclearance)

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medicalclearance)

Focused methodical physical examination

40Question 37

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7B. Initial Choice of Oral Medication for Agitation Due to a PrimaryPsychiatric Disturbance41

If it is decided to intervene with oral medication to treat agitation in a behavioral emergency that appears to be due to aprimary psychiatric disturbance, the experts’ preferences depend on the provisional diagnosis. If there are no data on whichto base a provisional diagnosis, the experts consider a benzodiazepine alone first line and a benzodiazepine plus a high-potency conventional or atypical antipsychotic high second line. For a patient with a provisional diagnosis of schizophreniaor mania, the experts consider a combination of a benzodiazepine plus a high-potency conventional or atypical antipsychoticfirst line. For a patient with a provisional diagnosis of schizophrenia, high second-line options are monotherapy with ris-peridone, a high-potency conventional antipsychotic, or olanzapine. High second-line options for a provisional diagnosis ofmania are monotherapy with a benzodiazepine, a high-potency conventional antipsychotic, olanzapine, or risperidone.There were no first-line recommendations for a provisional diagnosis of psychotic depression or personality disorder. Highsecond-line recommendations for psychotic depression are a benzodiazepine used either in combination with an atypical orconventional antipsychotic or alone or risperidone alone; a benzodiazepine alone is rated high second line for personalitydisorder. A benzodiazepine alone is the first-line recommendation for a provisional diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD). Note that high-potency conventional antipsychotics used alone did not receive much support in most situations.

Provisionaldiagnosis First-line medications High second-line medications Also consider

No data Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone BNZ + high-potency conventionalantipsychotic (HPCA)

BNZ + atypical antipsychotic (AA)

HPCA alone

Risperidone alone

Schizophrenia BNZ + HPCA


Risperidone alone

HPCA alone

Olanzapine alone

BNZ alone

Mania BNZ + HPCA


BNZ alone

HPCA alone

Olanzapine alone

Risperidone alone




BNZ alone

Risperidone alone

Olanzapine alone

HPCA alone


BNZ alone BNZ + AA

Risperidone alone


Olanzapine alone


BNZ + HPCA41Question 38

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


7C. Initial Choice of Parenteral Medication for Agitation Due to a PrimaryPsychiatric Disturbance42

If it is decided to initiate parenteral medication to treat agitation in a behavioral emergency that appears to be due to aprimary psychiatric disturbance, the experts’ preferences depend on the provisional diagnosis. If there are no data on whichto base a provisional diagnosis, there was no first-line consensus on choice of medication; high second-line options are abenzodiazepine alone or in combination with a high-potency conventional antipsychotic. For a patient with a provisionaldiagnosis of schizophrenia, the experts consider a combination of a benzodiazepine plus a high-potency conventionalantipsychotic first line, with a conventional antipsychotic alone a high second-line option. For a patient with a provisionaldiagnosis of mania, a benzodiazepine in combination with a high-potency conventional antipsychotic or used alone is firstline, with a high-potency conventional antipsychotic alone high second line. For a provisional diagnosis of psychotic depres-sion, a benzodiazepine plus a conventional antipsychotic is first line, with a benzodiazepine alone a high second-line option.There were no first-line recommendations for a provisional diagnosis of personality disorder; a benzodiazepine alone or incombination with a high-potency conventional antipsychotic is high second line. For a provisional diagnosis of PTSD, abenzodiazepine alone is the first-line recommendation, with a benzodiazepine combined with a high-potency conventionalantipsychotic high second line. Note that, among parenteral medications, high-potency conventional antipsychotics usedalone received somewhat more support, perhaps because of the lack of injectable atypical antipsychotics at the time of thesurvey. However, they were generally viewed as inferior to benzodiazepines alone.

Provisionaldiagnosis First-line medications High second-line medications Also consider

No data Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone

BNZ + high-potency conventionalantipsychotic (HPCA)

HPCA alone

Droperidol alone

Schizophrenia BNZ + HPCA HPCA alone BNZ alone

Droperidol alone

Mania BNZ + HPCA

BNZ alone

HPCA alone Droperidol alone

Psychotic depression BNZ + HPCA BNZ alone HPCA alone

Personality disorder BNZ alone


HPCA alone

PTSD BNZ alone BNZ + HPCA42Question 39

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7D. Factors Affecting the Decision to Use a Loading Dose of Divalproex43

In an earlier survey of emergency psychiatrists,* it was reported that, if a mood stabilizer was needed in this setting, 90%would use divalproex/valproate, while only 8% chose lithium and 2% other mood stabilizers. Therefore, we did not askabout choice of mood stabilizer in this survey, but did ask the experts about divalproex dosing strategies. In deciding to use aloading dose of divalproex to treat a manic episode in a psychiatric emergency, the experts consider the patient’s history ofprevious response to divalproex, normal liver function, and patient’s and family’s desire to try to avert hospitalization themost important factors to consider. The experts support using divalproex loading doses in all types of manic episodes,probably reflecting the fact that lithium is not generally used in the emergency setting, as noted above, and that loadingdoses of divalproex may help stabilize the patient quickly.

bold italics = treatment of choice

Most important factors High second-line factors

Patient has responded to divalproex in the past

Liver function tests are normal

Patient and family are eager to try to avert hospitalization

Current episode appears to be mixed mania

Current episode appears to be dysphoric mania

Current episode appears to be classic euphoric mania

*Currier GW, Allen MH. American Association for Emergency Psychiatry Survey 1: Psychiatric emergency service structure andfunction. Presented at the American Psychiatric Association Institute for Psychiatric Services, New Orleans, LA, October 30–November 2, 1999.43Question 44

7E. Dosing Strategies for Divalproex44

The experts clearly favor divalproex dosing strategies that employ higher doses over usual titration (e.g., beginning with 250mg tid and titrating as tolerated). The experts note that a loading dose strategy (i.e., beginning with 30 mg/kg) receivedquite strong support for use in the emergency setting (rated treatment of choice by 24% of the experts while beginning with20 mg/kg was rated treatment of choice by 28%).

Preferred strategies

Initiate at 20 mg/kg and continue until blood levels are available

Loading dose: 30 mg/kg for 2 days, followed by 20 mg/kg beginning on day 3*

*Very high second-line option44Question 45

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series



Guideline 8: Next Steps for Inadequate Response

8A. Strategies After Nonresponse to Either a Benzodiazepine or anAntipsychotic Alone45

If a single agent, either a benzodiazepine alone or an antipsychotic alone, was used as the initial medication intervention andthere has not been an adequate response after 45–60 minutes, the experts recommend either giving a combination of abenzodiazepine and an antipsychotic or giving another dose of the initial agent tried. They would also consider giving a doseof the agent not yet tried.

Preferred strategies Alternate strategy

Give a combination of a benzodiazepine and anantipsychotic

Give another dose of the initial agent tried

Give a dose of the agent not yet tried (benzodiazepine ifyou began with an antipsychotic, antipsychotic if youbegan with a benzodiazepine)

45Question 40

8B. When to Change Strategies After Nonresponse to Single Agent Alone46

We asked the experts when they would recommend changing medication strategies (i.e., switching to a different agent,using a combination of agents) if a patient were not responding to treatment with a single agent (e.g., an antipsychotic or abenzodiazepine), assuming that the goal is to get to the point where the patient is sufficiently improved to be able to con-verse with caregivers and take oral medication. The experts recommend changing strategies after 2 or more doses of medica-tion have been totally ineffective or after 3–4 doses of medication have been only partially effective. The experts wouldconsider making a change after 2 doses of medication that have been only partially effective.

Changing medication strategies is recommended Consider changing strategies

After 2 doses of medication have been totally ineffective*


After 3–4 doses of medication have been only partially effective**

After 2 doses of medication have been onlypartially effective

*By totally ineffective, we mean that the patient is still extremely agitated and uncooperative.

**By partially effective, we mean that the patient is somewhat calmer but is still not able to converse with caregivers or take oralmedication.46Question 41

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8C. When to Change Strategies After Nonresponse to a Combination of anAntipsychotic Plus a Benzodiazepine47

We then asked the experts when they would recommend changing medication strategies if a patient were not responding totreatment with a combination of medications (e.g., an antipsychotic plus a benzodiazepine), assuming that the goal is to getto the point where the patient is sufficiently improved to be able to converse with caregivers and take oral medication. Theexperts recommend changing strategies after 3 or more doses of the combination of medications have been totally ineffectiveor after 4 or more doses of the combination have been only partially effective. They would consider making a change after 3doses that had been only partially effective or 2 doses that had been totally ineffective. The experts’ ratings for this questionreflect their willingness to continue treatment longer when they have begun with a combination of medications, reflectingthe more limited options available at this point.

Changing medication strategies is recommended Consider changing strategies

After 3 doses of the combination of medications have beentotally ineffective*

After 4 doses of the combination of medications have beenonly partially effective**

After 2 doses of the combination of medicationshave been totally ineffective

After 3 doses of the combination of medicationshave been only partially effective

*By totally ineffective, we mean that the patient is still extremely agitated and uncooperative.

**By partially effective, we mean that the patient is somewhat calmer but is still not able to converse with caregivers or take oralmedication.47Question 42

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Expert Consensus Guideline Series



Guideline 9: Medication Strategies for a Pregnant Woman Who IsAgitated, Psychotic, and Unresponsive to Direction48

We asked the experts what medication strategy they would recommend for a pregnant woman for whom immediate medi-cal intervention is judged necessary (i.e., to prevent the mother from harming herself or her unborn child or to reduce therisk of deleterious effects due to the stress of agitation on the maternal/fetal system). The experts rated a high-potencyconventional antipsychotic alone as the first-line option for such a patient (rated first line by 76% of the experts). Noconsensus was reached on other options that were ranked second line, although a benzodiazepine alone was rated first lineby 40% of the experts. Among the atypicals, the experts showed a slight preference for risperidone. The authors note that,although droperidol received fairly low ratings overall, 35% of the experts rated it first line and 13% rated it treatment ofchoice in this situation.

48Question 43

Guideline 10: Initial Medication Strategies for a Violentand Unmanageable Child49

We asked the experts to recommend the most appropriate medication strategy for a child with oppositional defiant disorderwho is unmanageable and violent, attempts to bite the nurses, and does not respond to therapeutic hold or other lesserinterventions. There was no first-line consensus on the most appropriate medication in this situation, although a low dosebenzodiazepine or an antihistamine were high second-line options. An antipsychotic alone received lower second-lineratings, while the experts do not generally support the use of combination treatment (49% would rarely or never use it). Theexperts’ responses probably reflect the desire to be as conservative as possible in terms of safety and to minimize antipsy-chotic exposure when treating a child. If an antipsychotic is needed, the experts show a slight preference for risperidone orolanzapine over a conventional antipsychotic and they prefer to use lower doses of the antipsychotic.

High second-line choices

Low-dose benzodiazepine

Antihistamine (e.g., diphenhydramine)49Questions 46 & 47

Page 49: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



Guideline 11: Preferred Classes of Medication for an Agitated,Aggressive Patient With a Complicating Condition50

The experts’ recommendations for choice of medication classes when complications are present are consistent with thegeneral literature. The experts would avoid using high-potency conventional antipsychotics in patients with a history ofextrapyramidal side effects. They are reluctant to use benzodiazepines in patients with a history of substanceabuse/dependence or drug-seeking behavior. However, the authors note that a benzodiazepine rather than an antipsychoticis recommended for a patient with a significant blood alcohol level, which probably reflects the experts’ concern aboutwithdrawal syndromes and the risk of seizures. Note that benzodiazepines may be initiated even while alcohol is still presentin the patient’s system; the experts do not appear concerned about respiratory depression in this setting. Benzodiazepines arealso preferred for patients with a history of seizures (e.g., because of substance or alcohol abuse). The experts would usebenzodiazepines with caution in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or in frail older patients. It should alsobe noted that the experts prefer atypical antipsychotics to conventional antipsychotics for frail older patients.

bold italics = treatment of choice

Complicating condition Preferred classes* Alternate classes Not recommended(rated third line)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) HPCA AA BNZ

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect BNZ HPCA


Delirium HPCA AA

Dementia AA


Frail old age AA HPCA BNZ

History of akathisia BNZ



History of tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignantsyndrome, dystonic reactions, or parkinsoniansymptoms


Mental retardation/developmental delay AA

History of “drug seeking” behavior or drug abuse ordependence




History of seizures BNZ AA

Patient with significant blood alcohol level who alsohas prominent signs of alcohol withdrawal


*HPCA = high-potency conventional antipsychotic; AA = atypical antipsychotic; BNZ = benzodiazepine50Question 48

Page 50: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Guideline 12: Choice of Oral Atypical Antipsychotic for anAgitated, Aggressive Patient With a ComplicatingMedical Condition51

Just as in Guideline 11, the experts’ recommendations for choice of atypical antipsychotics when complicating conditionsare present are consistent with the literature and the side-effect profiles of the specific medications. As would be expected,the experts do not recommend olanzapine for patients with diabetes or concern about weight gain and they prefer queti-apine for patients with a history of extrapyramidal side effects. Risperidone is preferred for delirious patients, probablybecause the other atypicals have anticholinergic properties that might increase confusion and sedation. The experts did notrate any of the atypical antipsychotics first line for patients with seizures, probably reflecting the lack of significant differ-ences in the potential for seizures among the atypical antipsychotics other than clozapine and also the experts preference forusing benzodiazepines rather than antipsychotics in this patient population (see Guideline 11). In general, when a patientwith a complicating condition presents with a behavioral emergency, risperidone appears to be the preferred atypical anti-psychotic. The 2 exceptions were a preference for quetiapine for patients with a history of extrapyramidal side effects, oramenorrhea and/or galactorrhea.

Complicating condition Preferred atypicalantipsychotics

Alternate atypicalantipsychotics

Not recommended(third line)

Delirium Risperidone

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect Risperidone


Dementia Risperidone Olanzapine


Concern about weight gain Risperidone Quetiapine Olanzapine

Personal history of diabetes Risperidone Quetiapine Olanzapine

Family history of diabetes Risperidone Quetiapine

History of tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignantsyndrome, dystonic reactions, or parkinsoniansymptoms, or akathisia

Quetiapine Olanzapine

Mental retardation/developmental delay Risperidone Olanzapine


History of amenorrhea and/or galactorrhea Quetiapine Olanzapine

History of seizures Risperidone



Frail older patient Risperidone51Question 51

Page 51: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



Expert Survey Results and Guideline References

Based on your understanding of the literature and clinical experience, what effect do you believe use of chemical or physicalrestraints has on patients’ long-term adherence to treatment? Rate your level of agreement with the following options, giving

your highest ratings to those you agree with most strongly.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Has a negative impact on patients’ long-termadherence to treatment

5.6(2.0) 6 38 50 13

Does not affect patients’ long-term adherence totreatment

4.4(2.4) 4 23 38 38

Has a positive impact on patients’ long-termadherence to treatment

4.1(1.8) 0 15 48 38

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Please give your highest ratings to the factors you consider the most important causes of recidivism in psychiatric emergencyservices.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Substance abuse 7.8(0.8) 19 94 6 0

Medication nonadherence 7.5(1.4) 29 88 13 0

Lack of insight into illness or need for treatment 7.2(1.6) 27 71 27 2

Lack of appropriate case management(e.g., assertive community treatment)

7.1(1.4) 15 73 25 2

Unstable living environment 7.0(1.1) 10 77 23 0

Lack of community services 7.0(1.8) 19 66 30 4

Homelessness 6.9(1.4) 13 65 33 2

Insufficient length of inpatient stay 6.0(1.7) 6 42 50 8

Insufficient use of long-acting (depot) injectablemedication

5.2(1.7) 0 25 52 23

Patient prefers to use emergency services 4.8(1.9) 2 19 52 29

Lack of insurance 4.7(1.8) 2 15 60 251 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %



Page 52: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Rate the importance of considering the following factors when selecting an acute intervention for a patient presenting with abehavioral emergency: 1) in terms of your short-term goal and 2) as your guiding principle for achieving a favorable long-

term outcome. Give a 9 to the single factor you consider most important in each case.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

In achieving short-term goal

Control of aggressive behavior 8.4(0.9) 58 94 6 0

Collaboration between patient and clinicianwhenever possible

7.9(1.2) 40 90 8 2

Protecting the community 7.4(1.5) 27 81 15 4

Control of undesirable behavior 6.8(1.4) 8 63 38 0

Honoring the wishes of the patient 6.3(1.2) 0 53 45 2

Honoring the wishes of family members 5.4(1.3) 0 19 73 8

For a favorable long-term outcome

Collaboration between patient and clinicianwhenever possible

8.6(1.0) 79 94 6 0

Honoring the wishes of the patient 7.4(1.0) 10 85 15 0

Control of aggressive behavior 7.3(1.6) 21 77 21 2

Control of undesirable behavior 6.7(1.9) 17 63 30 7

Protecting the community 6.5(1.8) 10 58 33 8

Honoring the wishes of family members 6.0(1.5) 4 31 65 41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Rate the extent to which you consider each of the following interventions a form of treatment. By treatment, we mean anintervention that follows from an assessment of the patient and a plan of care intended to improve the patient’s underlying

condition. Give higher ratings to those you consider a treatment.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Medication used for the treatment ofa specific psychiatric diagnosis

8.7(0.8) 82 98 2 0

Medication used to treat symptomsin the absence of a clear diagnosis

7.1(1.6) 22 69 27 4

Medication used to treat the target symptoms ofpotentially dangerous behavior only

7.0(1.8) 24 61 35 4

Unlocked seclusion or time out 6.0(2.2) 16 47 31 22

Chemical restraint 5.8(2.8) 22 43 31 27

Physical restraint 5.5(2.6) 22 39 33 29

Locked seclusion 5.1(2.7) 16 39 27 351 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Based on your understanding of the literature and your clinical experience, what percentage of patients do you think arelikely to require the use of restraints, seclusion, or parenteral medication in the psychiatric emergency service (PES)? Check 1

answer only.

N Never 1%–5% 6%–20% >20%

19* 0 9 (47%) 6 (32%) 4 (21%)*Includes only those respondents who indicated that their answer was based on actual data from their service.







Page 53: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



Rate the appropriateness of each of the following as a reason for physically restraining a patient. If you would never use aphysical restraint under any circumstances, check here and skip to the next question.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Acute danger to other patients/bystanders 8.2(1.4) 65 90 8 2

Acute danger to staff 8.2(1.5) 63 90 8 2

Acute danger to self 7.6(1.9) 51 78 16 6

To prevent an involuntary patient from leavingprior to transfer to a locked facility

5.8(2.9) 22 51 27 22

To prevent an involuntary patient from leavingprior to assessment

5.2(2.9) 16 41 27 33

A history of previous self-injury or aggression 2.9(1.9) 0 7 24 70

Lack of resources to supervise patient adequately 2.3(1.9) 4 4 12 84

To maintain an orderly treatment environment 2.2(1.5) 0 0 18 82

To prevent a voluntary patient from leaving priorto assessment

1.8(1.8) 0 4 10 86

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Rate the appropriateness of the following personnel participating in the act of restraining a patient. Give higher ratings tothose you consider most appropriate to participate.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Nursing staff 8.1(1.4) 57 88 10 2

Trained security officers 7.6(1.9) 43 82 14 4

Physicians 6.7(2.0) 24 59 33 8

Untrained security officers 2.5(1.6) 0 0 24 761 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Rate the appropriateness of the following methods of restraint. Give higher ratings to those you consider most appropriate.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Leather restraints 7.0(2.5) 38 75 10 15

Cloth or other soft restraints 6.4(2.5) 25 52 33 15

Plastic and velcro restraints 5.8(2.6) 15 44 36 21

Restraint chair 4.7(2.5) 5 29 34 371 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %







Page 54: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Rate the appropriateness of the following increments as the minimum time between when a patient is put into restraintsor seclusion and the initial in-person evaluation by an M.D. or licensed independent practitioner (L.I.P.).

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

1 hour 8.1(2.0) 73 86 8 6

2 hours 5.2(2.7) 10 37 31 33

4 hours 3.1(2.5) 6 10 27 63

8 hours 1.6(1.6) 0 6 4 901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Rate the appropriateness of the following periods for requiring a new order to continue restraints for a patient.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

2 hours 6.9(2.4) 37 69 16 14

4 hours 6.3(2.6) 22 57 27 16

8 hours 3.1(2.5) 6 14 16 69

24 hours 1.8(1.8) 2 6 4 901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

What time period did state regulations in your jurisdiction stipulate during 2000? 7.8 (15.6) hrs

Rate the level of your agreement with the following statements concerning episodes in which patients are put intorestraints or seclusion.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Every episode of restraints or seclusion should beconsidered a new episode and require new orders

and a face-to-face evaluation.

6.7(2.6) 31 69 15 17

Agitation fluctuates, therefore patients can beremoved from restraints or seclusion andthen returned without reassessment and

reorder within 4 hours.

4.7(2.9) 16 35 24 41

Orders should be valid for 24 hours.Patients may be placed under restraints

during this interval as needed.

2.4(2.1) 4 6 16 78

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Taking into consideration the safety of both patient and staff, rate the appropriateness of the following levels ofmonitoring and observation for an adult patient in restraints or seclusion.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Continuous audiovisual monitoringwith in-person evaluation every 15 minutes

7.4(2.2) 42 88 4 8

Constant observation (sitter) 7.2(2.2) 44 71 23 6

In-person evaluation at 15-minute intervals 5.8(2.3) 8 49 35 16

In-person evaluation at 30-minute intervals 3.1(1.8) 0 6 24 69

In-person evaluation at 60-minute intervals 1.6(1.3) 0 0 10 901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %






Page 55: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



When an individual presents in an agitated state and appears imminently dangerous, which of the following assumptionsis most appropriate? Assume that you have determined that some intervention is required and summoned the staff

necessary to intervene in various ways. Give your highest ratings to the statements with which you most strongly agree and yourlowest ratings to those with which you most strongly disagree.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Defining a treatment

Administering medication in a behavioralemergency is a form of treatment and

comports with the standard of care.

7.2(2.1) 34 74 17 9

There is a high likelihood the individual is sufferingfrom a mental disorder with high levels of arousal.

The specific diagnosis may not be known butmedications are likely to benefit the state of arousal

associated with any presumptive diagnosis.

6.5(2.3) 22 63 22 14

The individual may or may not be suffering from amental disorder. Medication ordered prior to a

reasonably detailed assessment and specific plan ofcare directed at the disorder cannot be considered a


4.9(2.6) 12 33 24 43

Unless it is administered in the context of apreexisting assessment and plan of care that

includes medication for potentially dangerousbehavior, medication for a behavioral emergency is

chemical restraint rather than treatment.

4.5(2.7) 10 29 31 41

Defining voluntary

If a patient assents to a dose of oral medication inthese circumstances, it can be considered voluntary.

7.0(2.0) 24 76 16 8

If a patient is given parenteral medication in thesecircumstances, it must be considered involuntary

unless the patient evinces a choice in favor ofmedication.

5.4(2.5) 8 41 31 29

If a patient does not actively refuse parenteralmedication (I.M. or I.V.) in these circumstances, it

can be considered voluntary.

4.5(2.4) 4 20 39 41

If a patient assents to a dose of oral medication inthese circumstances, it must be considered coerced.

2.7(1.8) 0 8 14 78

This is such an inherently coercive situation thatany medication must be considered involuntaryeven if the patient appears to accept medication.

Only an advance directive indicating that thepatient had previously formed the intent to accept

the treatment might mitigate against this view.

2.6(2.0) 2 6 18 76

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


Page 56: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Taking into account both acute risk of injury during the intervention and the long-term risks of traumatic sequelae, ratethe level of hazard/risk you believe to be associated with each of the following types of interventions for acute behavioral

dyscontrol. Give your highest ratings (7–9) to those interventions that you believe are associated with the greatest risk of acuteinjury or long-term negative sequelae. Note that by emergency medication, we mean medication given without consent. Voluntarymedication refers to medication given with the patient’s assent or consent.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Leaving the patient alone 7.2(2.2) 40 73 15 13

Physical restraints 6.3(2.1) 16 55 35 10

Observation without further intervention 6.0(2.4) 14 51 24 24

Seclusion 5.6(2.0) 4 36 45 19

Combination of physical restraints andmedication

5.5(2.4) 12 45 35 20

Emergency medication 4.4(2.4) 10 20 33 47

Voluntary medication 2.9(1.9) 4 4 22 731 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Rate the appropriateness of the following medication strategies for a patient who has been put in physical restraintsdepending on the patient’s current condition.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Patient continues to be violent and extremelyagitated in restraints

Physical restraint + parenteral medication 7.8(1.9) 50 88 6 6

Physical restraint + oral medication 5.9(2.4) 18 55 20 24

Physical restraint alone without medication 2.4(1.9) 4 4 14 82

Patient becomes calmer and quiets down inrestraints

Physical restraint alone without medication 6.5(2.1) 21 58 29 13

Physical restraint + oral medication 6.4(2.0) 18 53 39 8

Physical restraint + parenteral medication 3.8(2.5) 6 16 29 551 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Current regulations mandate that for medication to be considered a treatment (rather than a chemical restraint) it mustbe administered in the context of an assessment and plan of care. Which of the following levels of assessment do you

consider necessary to create such a plan of care? Give a 9 to the type of assessment that you consider the most appropriate.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Brief assessment leading to determination of ageneral category (e.g., intoxication, psychosis)

7.7(1.4) 39 82 18 0

Comprehensive assessment leading toa specific diagnosis

6.1(2.9) 39 53 20 27

Psychiatric screening to identify general nature ofthe patient’s symptoms

5.6(2.3) 8 47 27 27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %





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Rate the appropriateness of the following staff to perform the evaluation you rated most highly in question 15.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Attending psychiatrists with training/experiencein emergency psychiatry

8.9(0.3) 96 100 0 0

Attending psychiatrists withouttraining/experience in emergency psychiatry

7.1(1.2) 6 73 27 0

Psychiatric residents 6.8(1.0) 4 73 27 0

RNs/LPNs with psychiatric experience/training 5.8(1.4) 0 31 65 4

Nurse practitioners 5.4(1.7) 0 31 54 15

Master’s level nurses 5.1(1.7) 0 18 65 16

Any licensed physicians 4.8(1.6) 0 14 57 29

Psychologists 4.4(2.1) 0 19 48 33

Residents in other specialties 4.0(1.5) 0 6 57 37

Social workers 3.6(2.0) 0 6 51 43

RNs/LPNs without psychiatric experience ortraining

3.0(1.4) 0 0 31 69

Licensed counselors 2.9(1.7) 0 2 33 65

Nursing assistants/psychiatric technicians 2.5(1.5) 0 0 24 76

Unlicensed clinical staff 1.4(0.9) 0 0 4 961 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Please rate the appropriateness of the following staff being able to place patients in physical restraints or seclusion.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Attending psychiatrists with training/experiencein emergency psychiatry

8.4(1.4) 80 94 4 2

Psychiatric residents 7.0(1.6) 16 80 14 6

RNs/LPNs with psychiatric experience/training 6.9(1.8) 22 67 27 6

Attending psychiatrists withouttraining/experience in emergency psychiatry

6.8(1.9) 14 71 16 12

Nurse practitioners 6.3(1.9) 8 56 33 10

Master’s level nurses 6.0(1.9) 10 47 41 12

Any licensed physicians 5.1(2.1) 4 27 53 20

Residents in other specialties 4.7(2.0) 2 16 55 29

Nursing assistants/psychiatric technicians 4.3(2.4) 2 23 38 40

Psychologists 4.2(2.2) 2 19 36 45

RNs/LPNs without psychiatric experience ortraining

4.1(1.8) 0 12 49 39

Social workers 3.0(2.0) 0 4 35 61

Licensed counselors 2.8(1.8) 0 2 33 65

Unlicensed clinical staff 1.8(1.5) 0 4 8 881 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %





Page 58: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Which staff do you believe has the specific training and skills to perform face-to-face assessments to determine theappropriateness of and necessity for restraints? Please rate the appropriateness of the following staff to perform such


9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Attending psychiatrists with training/experiencein emergency psychiatry

9.0(0.2) 96 100 0 0

Attending psychiatrists withouttraining/experience in emergency psychiatry

7.5(1.2) 18 84 16 0

Psychiatric residents 7.3(1.0) 12 86 14 0

RNs/LPNs with psychiatric experience/training 6.0(1.8) 4 51 39 10

Nurse practitioners 5.6(2.0) 2 46 40 15

Master’s level nurses 5.4(2.0) 0 37 47 16

Any licensed physicians 5.2(1.9) 2 19 65 17

Psychologists 4.7(2.3) 2 25 42 33

Residents in other specialties 4.6(1.7) 0 10 61 29

RNs/LPNs without psychiatric experience ortraining

3.6(1.7) 0 6 44 50

Social workers 3.3(2.1) 0 8 35 57

Nursing assistants/psychiatric technicians 3.2(1.7) 0 2 38 60

Licensed counselors 2.7(1.8) 0 4 25 71

Unlicensed clinical staff 1.6(1.0) 0 0 6 941 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

How strongly do you agree with the following statements about debriefing. Give a 9 if you strongly agree and a 1 if youstrongly disagree with the statement. Use intervening ratings to indicate levels of agreement in between.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Debriefing patients and staff is helpful inpreventing future episodes.

7.2(1.7) 22 73 24 2

Debriefing patients reduces the traumaticconsequences of seclusion or restraint.

7.1(1.7) 29 65 33 2

Exploratory psychotherapy focusing on traumaticevents should be provided in their immediateaftermath in the clinical setting in which the

events occurred.

2.6(1.7) 0 6 16 78

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %




Page 59: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



Assume that you are responsible for the initial medical evaluation and assessment of a patient presenting to the PES.Please rate the appropriateness of including each of the following procedures as part of the initial medical assessment in

the absence of focal physical complaints.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Vital signs 8.9(0.3) 90 100 0 0

Medical history 8.4(1.2) 71 90 10 0

Urine toxicology screening 8.0(1.2) 46 92 6 2

Cognitive examination 7.9(1.2) 46 94 6 0

Pregnancy testing for fertile women 7.3(2.1) 46 73 19 8

Visual examination of patient (i.e., eyeballing) 6.9(3.0) 57 70 6 23

Cursory physical examination (i.e., medicalclearance)

6.7(2.1) 27 60 27 13

Focused methodical physical examination 6.7(1.8) 19 57 36 6

Complete history and physical examination 6.0(2.5) 27 44 33 23

CBC/electrolytes 5.8(2.3) 15 45 34 21

Electrocardiogram (EKG) 3.9(2.1) 2 13 38 50

Computed tomography (CT) of the head 3.5(1.9) 0 4 40 56

Chest radiography 3.3(2.0) 0 6 32 621 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Please rate the importance of gathering the following information before you intervene with medication in a patientpresenting with a behavioral emergency. Give a rating of 7–9 to those items that you consider absolutely essential.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Determining if patient has any drug allergies 8.1(1.3) 56 90 10 0

Determining if there is a causal medical etiologythat should be managed first

8.1(1.1) 50 90 10 0

Determining if patient has history of adversereactions to the medication you are considering

(e.g., neuroleptic malignant syndrome)

7.9(1.0) 38 92 8 0

Determining if a medical contraindication tomedication is present (e.g., use of low-potency

antipsychotics in seizure disorder)

7.9(1.2) 42 83 17 0

Locating and reviewing prior patient records(if available)

7.1(1.4) 21 66 32 2

Determining presence of substance abuse 7.1(1.7) 21 67 29 4

Obtaining a history of prior medication response(if available)

6.9(1.6) 19 65 29 6

Determining patient preference for treatment 6.5(1.6) 2 65 27 8

Determining a specific psychiatric diagnosis 5.5(2.1) 6 38 46 17

Locating advance directives if there are any 5.4(2.1) 7 35 37 28

Performing a complete physical examination 5.1(2.1) 10 23 50 271 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %






Page 60: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Please rate the extent to which you would consider the following options appropriate interventions for an imminentlyviolent patient. Note that by emergency medication, we mean medication given without consent. Voluntary medication

refers to medication given with the patient’s assent or consent.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Verbal intervention 8.5(1.0) 76 94 6 0

Voluntary medication 8.4(1.0) 65 98 2 0

Show of force 8.1(1.2) 51 92 8 0

Emergency medication 7.7(1.8) 45 82 10 8

Offer food, beverage, or other assistance 7.4(1.9) 39 78 18 4

Physical restraints 6.8(2.0) 27 65 27 8

Locked seclusion 6.4(2.2) 23 54 31 15

Unlocked seclusion (quiet room) 6.4(2.2) 21 56 29 15

Leave the area 3.2(2.5) 4 14 22 631 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Please rate the appropriateness of initiating an emergency intervention (medication or restraints) for a patient with each of thefollowing clinical presentations. Give a 7–9 to those situations in which you would generally use an emergency intervention, a

4–6 to those situations in which you might or might not use such an intervention depending on other factors, and a 1–3 to thosesituations when you would not generally consider such an intervention appropriate.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

f) Patient directly threatening or assaultive 8.8(0.4) 86 100 0 0

e) Same as d) plus aggression to property(e.g., slamming doors) and demeaning

or hostile verbal behavior

8.0(1.0) 39 92 8 0

d) Same as c) plus irritabilityand intimidating behavior

6.9(1.3) 12 65 35 0

c) Same as b) plus affective labilityand loud speech

5.4(1.5) 0 29 61 10

b) Same as a) plus motor restlessnessand purposeless movements

4.3(1.6) 0 8 55 37

a) Refusal to cooperate with unit routineand intense staring

3.2(1.6) 0 2 35 63

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

On the basis of which of the following do you currently document the need for emergency interventions (medication orrestraints)? Check all options that apply.

n %

Unstructured clinical observation and assessment 40 83%

Structured checklist 19 39%

Structured rating scale 4 8%

If a brief, clinically useful structured checklist were available, would you use it to document your assessment of the need for emergency interventions?

Yes = 47, No = 1






Page 61: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



I.V. access is available in nearly all medical settings and we would like to know your opinion of the value of having I.V.access available in PES settings. Rate your level of agreement with the following statement, giving a higher rating if you

strongly agree and a lower rating if you strongly disagree.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

I.V. access would be valuable in PES settings 4.7(2.2) 9 19 43 381 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Assume that you have decided to intervene with an emergency medication that is available in oral, I.M., and I.V.formulations and that appropriate nursing staff is available to initiate and maintain I.V. access. Which route of

administration would you prefer to use in this situation? Rate the appropriateness of the following routes of administrations.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Oral liquid concentrate ororally dissolving formulation

7.7(1.8) 45 84 12 4

I.M. 7.4(1.8) 35 78 16 6

Oral tablet 5.8(2.3) 6 47 35 18

I.V. 5.1(2.5) 8 33 35 311 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Rate the importance of the following factors in your choice of route of administration. Give your highest ratings to thefactors you consider most important.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Speed of onset 8.2(1.1) 59 94 6 0

Reliability of delivery 8.2(1.0) 49 96 4 0

Patient preference 6.9(1.6) 18 71 27 2

Interactions with other medications 6.5(2.2) 16 69 18 12

Avoid potential staff exposure to infection byneedle sticks

5.9(2.2) 12 49 31 20

First pass effect 5.6(1.9) 6 35 51 141 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Assume that you have decided to use an atypical antipsychotic to treat a patient in a behavioral emergency. Which type offormulation would you prefer to use in this situation? Rate the appropriateness of the following routes of administration.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Oral liquid concentrate 8.4(0.8) 55 100 0 0

Orally dissolving formulation 7.7(1.6) 43 83 15 2

Oral tablet 5.8(2.0) 4 53 27 201 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %







Page 62: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


AGITATION DUE TO A GENERAL MEDICAL ETIOLOGY. A patient presents to the PES who is agitated andconfused. Based on your initial assessment, you strongly suspect that the patient’s symptoms are related to a general

medical etiology (e.g., delirium, HIV encephalopathy). There is no indication of substance intoxication or a primary psychiatricdisorder. Please give your highest ratings to the intervention or interventions you consider most appropriate to begin with,depending on the patient’s level of cooperativeness. If you would begin with more than 1 intervention at the same time, please givethese equal ratings.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Patient agitated, confused, and uncooperative;behavior appears to require immediateintervention to prevent injury to self or others

Vital signs 8.7(0.7) 78 98 2 0

Gather history from family or other sources 7.9(1.3) 45 90 10 0

Talk to the patient 7.5(2.2) 61 76 16 8

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”) 7.5(2.4) 59 76 12 12

Request consultation with emergency medicaldepartment

7.3(2.1) 43 82 6 12

Perform tests such as pulse oximetry, bloodglucose, toxicology screen

7.2(1.9) 33 73 20 6

Intervene with physical restraints to ensurepatient safety

7.0(2.0) 29 67 24 8

Administer parenteral medication 6.9(2.0) 20 65 27 8

Attempt to transfer patient to the emergencymedical department

6.8(2.5) 37 65 18 16

Focused methodical physical examination 6.6(1.9) 19 55 38 6

Cursory physical examination(i.e., medical clearance)

6.5(2.2) 22 57 24 18

Offer oral medication 6.0(2.3) 16 47 35 18

Complete history and physical examination 4.9(2.5) 10 29 41 31

Put patient in seclusion and order a chart toreview history

4.0(2.7) 6 27 18 55

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %




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9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Patient agitated and confused, but responsive todirection; does not appear to present animmediate danger to self or others

Vital signs 8.9(0.5) 94 98 2 0

Talk to the patient 8.8(0.6) 82 100 0 0

Gather history from family or other sources 8.1(1.0) 50 96 4 0

Perform tests such as pulse oximetry, bloodglucose, toxicology screen

8.1(1.1) 48 96 4 0

Request consultation with emergency medicaldepartment

7.4(2.1) 45 82 6 12

Focused methodical physical examination 7.4(1.7) 41 76 22 2

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”) 6.9(2.7) 50 69 13 19

Attempt to transfer patient to the emergencymedical department

6.5(2.3) 31 57 31 12

Cursory physical examination(i.e., medical clearance)

6.5(2.3) 25 63 19 19

Complete history and physical examination 6.4(1.9) 20 49 43 8

Offer oral medication 6.2(2.5) 22 53 29 18

Administer parenteral medication 4.0(2.2) 2 14 39 47

Put patient in seclusion and order a chart toreview history

3.5(2.6) 4 20 16 63

Intervene with physical restraints to ensurepatient safety

2.7(1.9) 2 6 19 75

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Based upon your initial assessment of the patient described in question 29, you decide to intervene by offering oralmedication to treat the agitation before providing further medical intervention. Assume that the patient is able and

willing to take oral medication. Please rate the appropriateness of the following initial medication strategies.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

High-potency convent. antipsychotic (AP) alone 6.4(2.1) 15 64 21 15

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone 6.3(2.7) 26 62 17 21

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 5.8(2.6) 15 50 25 25

Risperidone alone 5.5(2.2) 9 43 40 17

BNZ + atypical AP 5.0(2.6) 10 27 42 31

Olanzapine alone 4.5(2.0) 2 19 47 34

Loxapine alone 3.9(2.3) 2 17 35 48

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.8(2.1) 2 10 40 50

Quetiapine alone 3.6(2.0) 2 13 33 54

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.3(2.4) 2 13 25 63

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.5(2.1) 2 8 17 75

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.4(1.5) 0 2 21 771 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %






Page 64: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Based on your initial assessment of the patient described in question 29, you decide to intervene with parenteralmedication to treat the agitation before providing further medical intervention. Assume the patient is not able or willing

to take oral medication. Please rate the appropriateness of the following initial medication strategies.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

High-potency convent. antipsychotic (AP) alone 6.6(2.3) 21 65 21 15

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone 6.2(2.8) 25 60 17 23

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 6.2(2.6) 21 56 23 21

Droperidol alone 5.5(2.7) 16 44 29 27

Loxapine alone 3.8(2.7) 4 23 25 52

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.3(2.3) 4 10 31 58

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.2(2.4) 2 13 27 60

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.2(2.0) 2 6 13 81

Low-potency conventional AP alone 1.6(0.9) 0 0 4 961 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

What initial dose level of medication, either oral or parenteral, would you select for the patient described in question 29?Please rate the appropriateness of dose levels as exemplified by the following doses of haloperidol. If you would use

another medication, consider an equivalent dose level of that medication.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

5.0 mg haloperidol 7.1(2.0) 29 71 22 6

2.0–4.0 mg haloperidol 6.7(2.0) 14 67 24 8

1.0 mg haloperidol 4.9(2.5) 12 29 37 35

6.0–10.0 mg haloperidol 3.6(2.4) 2 12 33 551 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Assume that you have decided to treat an agitated patient with lorazepam and want to achieve the same degree of benefitas would be obtained with a dose of 5.0 mg of haloperidol. Based on your knowledge of the literature rather than what is

considered usual practice, give a rating of 9 to the dose level you feel is most equivalent to 5.0 mg of haloperidol and then rate theother dose levels as appropriate.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

2.0 mg lorazepam 8.0(1.6) 53 86 12 2

1.0 mg lorazepam 6.2(2.4) 17 60 23 17

3.0 mg lorazepam 4.6(1.9) 0 17 52 31

4.0 mg lorazepam 3.1(2.0) 4 8 17 751 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %





Page 65: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



AGITATION DUE TO SUBSTANCE INTOXICATION. A patient presents to the PES who is very agitated. Basedon your initial assessment, you strongly suspect that the patient’s symptoms are related to intoxication with a substance

of abuse. Please give your highest ratings to the intervention or interventions you consider most appropriate to begin with,depending on the patient’s level of cooperativeness. If you would begin with more than 1 intervention at the same time, please givethese equal ratings.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Patient agitated, confused, and uncooperative;behavior appears to require immediateintervention to prevent injury to self or others

Vital signs 8.8(0.6) 86 98 2 0

Talk to the patient 7.8(1.9) 61 82 14 4

Gather history from family or other sources 7.8(1.3) 37 92 6 2

Perform tests such as toxicology screen 7.6(1.7) 45 78 20 2

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”) 7.5(2.3) 55 78 12 10

Offer oral medication 6.8(2.0) 23 67 25 8

Administer parenteral medication 6.7(2.1) 22 59 35 6

Cursory physical examination(i.e., medical clearance)

6.7(1.9) 24 57 35 8

Breath alcohol content (e.g., Breathalyzer exam) 6.3(2.5) 29 51 35 14

Focused methodical physical examination 5.8(1.7) 8 33 61 6

Restrain patient until intoxication resolves 5.2(3.1) 22 51 6 43

Complete history and physical examination 4.4(1.9) 2 20 45 35

Put patient in seclusion and order a chart toreview history

4.4(2.6) 4 31 23 46

Observe patient and wait for substanceintoxication to resolve

4.1(2.7) 8 25 19 56

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %




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Expert Consensus Guideline Series



9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Patient agitated and confused, but responsive todirection; does not appear to present animmediate danger to self or others

Vital signs 9.0(0.2) 96 100 0 0

Talk to the patient 8.7(0.7) 84 98 2 0

Perform tests such as toxicology screen 8.4(1.0) 65 96 4 0

Gather history from family or other sources 8.0(1.2) 43 92 6 2

Breath alcohol content (e.g., Breathalyzer exam) 7.8(2.1) 61 86 4 10

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”) 7.2(2.7) 57 71 14 14

Focused methodical physical examination 6.8(1.4) 16 61 37 2

Cursory physical examination(i.e., medical clearance)

6.8(2.2) 31 67 23 10

Observe patient and wait for substanceintoxication to resolve

6.6(2.2) 22 61 29 10

Offer oral medication 6.2(2.3) 20 51 31 18

Complete history and physical examination 5.9(1.8) 8 45 37 18

Administer parenteral medication 3.6(2.3) 0 12 31 57

Put patient in seclusion and order a chart toreview history

3.6(2.7) 4 21 21 58

Restrain patient until intoxication resolves 2.3(1.8) 0 6 10 841 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %




Page 67: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



AGITATION DUE TO SUBSTANCE INTOXICATION. Based upon your initial assessment of the agitated andintoxicated patient described in question 34, you decide to intervene by offering oral medication to treat the agitation.

Assume that the patient is able and willing to take oral medication. Please rate the appropriateness of the following initialmedication strategies depending on the substance of abuse involved.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Stimulant (e.g., amphetamine, cocaine)

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone 7.5(1.8) 40 79 19 2

BNZ + high-potency conventional antipsychotic(AP)

6.5(2.4) 21 60 25 15

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.9(2.4) 10 51 33 16

BNZ + atypical AP 5.5(2.6) 6 50 25 25

Risperidone alone 5.3(2.6) 6 44 29 27

Olanzapine alone 4.5(2.5) 2 31 33 35

Loxapine alone 3.9(2.7) 4 23 29 48

Quetiapine alone 3.7(2.3) 0 13 38 50

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.6(2.5) 2 19 19 63

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.5(2.4) 2 18 20 61

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.5(2.2) 0 10 12 78

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.5(1.9) 0 6 14 80


BNZ alone 5.9(2.9) 29 51 24 24

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.0(2.9) 12 39 29 33

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 4.4(2.7) 6 24 31 45

Risperidone alone 4.3(2.7) 2 31 22 47

BNZ + atypical AP 4.0(2.5) 0 24 29 47

Olanzapine alone 3.5(2.4) 0 20 22 57

Quetiapine alone 3.2(2.2) 0 10 27 63

Loxapine alone 3.2(2.3) 0 14 22 63

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 2.8(2.0) 0 8 22 69

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 2.7(2.1) 0 10 12 78

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.1(1.9) 0 6 8 86

Low-potency conventional AP alone 1.9(1.4) 0 2 12 861 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


Page 68: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series



9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Hallucinogen (e.g., LSD, PCP)

BNZ alone 6.9(2.2) 27 75 15 10

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 6.3(2.4) 22 57 30 13

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.6(2.3) 8 44 40 17

BNZ + atypical AP 5.3(2.7) 11 46 26 28

Risperidone alone 4.9(2.4) 2 34 38 28

Olanzapine alone 4.0(2.3) 0 21 43 36

Quetiapine alone 3.6(2.3) 2 13 37 50

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.3(2.2) 0 15 26 59

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.3(2.1) 0 8 33 58

Loxapine alone 3.3(2.2) 0 4 38 57

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.4(1.8) 0 2 23 75

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.4(1.9) 0 4 21 74


BNZ alone 4.6(2.7) 12 29 31 41

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 4.2(2.5) 2 22 37 41

High-potency conventional AP alone 4.2(2.7) 8 27 24 49

BNZ + atypical AP 3.8(2.4) 2 20 28 52

Risperidone alone 3.8(2.7) 6 21 19 60

Olanzapine alone 3.0(2.0) 0 8 25 67

Loxapine alone 2.8(2.2) 0 10 13 77

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 2.8(2.0) 0 8 25 67

Quetiapine alone 2.8(1.9) 0 4 26 70

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 2.6(1.9) 0 8 14 78

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.2(1.7) 0 4 15 81

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.0(1.4) 0 0 10 901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Other or unknown (e.g., inhalant,sedative/hypnotic)

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.1(2.8) 10 35 35 29

BNZ alone 5.1(2.8) 19 38 27 35

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 4.9(2.5) 9 30 39 30

Risperidone alone 4.3(2.8) 10 27 31 42

BNZ + atypical AP 4.2(2.4) 0 23 36 40

Olanzapine alone 3.3(2.0) 0 6 42 52

Loxapine alone 3.3(2.3) 0 13 31 56

Quetiapine alone 3.1(2.1) 0 9 36 55

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.1(2.2) 0 13 23 64

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 2.9(2.2) 0 11 19 70

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.1(1.8) 0 6 11 83

Low-potency conventional AP alone 1.9(1.4) 0 0 13 871 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


Page 70: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


AGITATION DUE TO SUBSTANCE INTOXICATION. Based upon your initial assessment of the agitated andintoxicated patient described in question 34, you decide to intervene with parenteral medication to treat the agitation.

Assume that the patient is not able or willing to take oral medication. Please rate the appropriateness of the following initialmedication strategies.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Stimulant (e.g., amphetamine, cocaine)

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone 7.5(1.8) 38 77 19 4

BNZ + high-potency conventional antipsychotic(AP)

7.0(2.2) 32 79 13 9

High-potency conventional AP alone 6.2(2.4) 15 65 19 17

Droperidol alone 5.6(2.9) 16 53 16 31

Loxapine alone 3.9(2.8) 0 28 21 51

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.6(2.5) 2 19 28 53

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.4(2.3) 0 13 29 58

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.5(2.2) 0 13 9 79

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.1(1.7) 0 4 13 83


BNZ alone 6.1(2.7) 24 55 22 22

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 5.4(2.7) 13 44 31 25

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.4(2.8) 12 45 29 27

Droperidol alone 4.8(2.8) 7 39 20 41

Loxapine alone 3.3(2.5) 0 19 17 64

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.0(2.2) 0 10 21 69

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 2.9(1.9) 0 6 27 67

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.0(1.8) 0 6 10 83

Low-potency conventional AP alone 1.7(1.3) 0 2 6 92

Hallucinogen (e.g., LSD, PCP)

BNZ alone 7.1(1.7) 21 77 15 8

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 6.7(2.4) 26 68 19 13

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.7(2.4) 6 49 30 21

Droperidol alone 5.3(2.7) 12 45 24 31

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.7(2.4) 2 17 30 53

Loxapine alone 3.5(2.5) 0 13 33 54

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.3(2.1) 0 8 35 56

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.5(2.2) 2 9 17 74

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.2(1.7) 0 2 21 771 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line


BNZ alone 5.3(2.7) 13 48 19 33

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.2(2.5) 11 36 34 30

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 5.1(2.4) 7 37 33 30

Droperidol alone 4.6(2.7) 9 28 28 44

Loxapine alone 3.3(2.5) 0 15 23 62

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.1(2.2) 0 13 19 68

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 2.9(2.1) 0 7 28 65

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.3(2.0) 0 6 13 81

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.0(1.7) 0 2 17 81

Other or unknown (e.g., inhalant,sedative/hypnotic)

BNZ alone 5.8(2.5) 17 49 30 21

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.8(2.5) 13 52 28 20

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 5.7(2.3) 13 39 41 20

Droperidol alone 5.0(2.7) 14 30 35 35

Loxapine alone 3.3(2.5) 0 13 33 54

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.2(2.2) 0 15 20 65

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.1(2.1) 0 7 33 61

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.1(1.8) 0 7 7 87

Low-potency conventional AP alone 1.9(1.2) 0 0 11 891 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


Page 72: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


AGITATION DUE TO A PRIMARY PSYCHIATRIC DISTURBANCE. A patient presents to the PES who is veryagitated. Based on your initial assessment, you strongly suspect that the patient’s symptoms are related to a primary

psychiatric disturbance. There are no findings suggestive of substance abuse. Please give your highest ratings to the intervention orinterventions you consider most appropriate to begin with, depending on the patient’s level of cooperativeness. If you would beginwith more than 1 intervention at the same time, please give these equal ratings.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Patient agitated and uncooperative; behaviorappears to require immediate intervention toprevent injury to self or others

Vital signs 8.6(0.8) 73 94 6 0

Talk to the patient 8.1(1.6) 69 82 16 2

Gather history from family or other sources 7.8(1.0) 33 92 8 0

Administer parenteral medication 7.7(1.4) 37 84 14 2

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”) 7.7(2.0) 59 82 10 8

Offer oral medication 7.6(1.8) 38 83 13 4

Perform tests such as toxicology screen 7.2(1.8) 33 69 29 2

Intervene with physical restraints to ensurepatient safety

7.0(2.2) 39 71 20 8

Cursory physical examination(i.e., medical clearance)

6.6(1.8) 18 61 29 10

Focused methodical physical examination 5.6(1.9) 8 31 56 13

Put patient in seclusion and order a chart toreview history

4.6(2.8) 6 38 21 42

Complete history and physical examination 4.2(1.7) 0 6 54 40

Patient agitated but responsive to direction;does not appear to present an immediatedanger to self or others

Vital signs 8.8(0.6) 86 98 2 0

Talk to the patient 8.7(0.6) 82 100 0 0

Offer oral medication 8.1(1.0) 39 96 4 0

Gather history from family or other sources 8.0(1.1) 43 94 6 0

Perform tests such as toxicology screen 7.6(1.4) 39 80 18 2

Visual examination of patient (i.e., “eyeballing”) 7.2(2.5) 53 71 12 16

Cursory physical examination(i.e., medical clearance)

6.5(2.1) 20 59 24 16

Focused methodical physical examination 6.3(1.8) 12 51 39 10

Complete history and physical examination 5.4(2.1) 12 31 47 22

Administer parenteral medication 4.3(2.3) 2 18 39 43

Put patient in seclusion and order a chart toreview history

3.4(2.7) 4 19 19 63

Intervene with physical restraints to ensurepatient safety

2.3(1.6) 0 0 18 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %






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AGITATION DUE TO A PRIMARY PSYCHIATRIC DISTURBANCE. Based upon your initial assessment of thepatient described in question 37, you decide to intervene by offering oral medication to treat the agitation. Assume that

the patient is able and willing to take oral medication. Please rate the appropriateness of the following initial medication strategiesdepending on the provisional diagnosis. Assume you have no other information about the patient’s history.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

No data

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone 7.4(1.8) 39 78 20 2

BNZ + high-potency conventional antipsychotic(AP)

6.2(2.3) 16 55 29 16

BNZ + atypical AP 6.0(2.3) 13 46 42 13

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.4(2.6) 8 43 33 24

Risperidone alone 5.4(2.5) 8 39 37 24

Olanzapine alone 4.6(2.4) 4 29 35 37

Quetiapine alone 3.9(2.3) 0 19 31 50

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.8(2.5) 2 19 28 53

Loxapine alone 3.7(2.6) 2 22 24 53

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.3(2.1) 0 13 27 60

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.8(2.2) 2 8 20 71

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.4(1.8) 0 6 18 76


BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 7.4(1.7) 24 82 14 4

BNZ + atypical AP 7.1(1.9) 25 75 19 6

Risperidone alone 6.7(2.2) 21 65 25 10

High-potency conventional AP alone 6.5(2.2) 20 61 27 12

Olanzapine alone 6.0(2.2) 14 49 37 14

BNZ alone 5.8(2.3) 16 43 37 20

Quetiapine alone 4.8(2.4) 4 30 43 28

Loxapine alone 4.5(2.7) 4 35 25 40

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.4(2.6) 6 27 33 41

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 4.2(2.2) 0 18 43 39

Low-potency conventional AP alone 3.3(2.2) 0 10 31 59

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 3.3(2.4) 2 15 21 651 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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Expert Consensus Guideline Series



9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line


BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 7.2(1.9) 29 71 22 6

BNZ + atypical AP 7.1(2.0) 20 69 24 6

BNZ alone 7.0(2.1) 29 69 24 6

High-potency conventional AP alone 6.1(2.3) 17 50 38 13

Olanzapine alone 6.0(2.3) 12 45 43 12

Risperidone alone 5.9(2.2) 8 41 47 12

Quetiapine alone 4.4(2.3) 2 21 46 33

Loxapine alone 4.4(2.7) 4 29 27 44

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.3(2.6) 6 27 31 43

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 4.1(2.3) 0 20 37 43

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 3.3(2.5) 2 15 26 60

Low-potency conventional AP alone 3.2(2.3) 0 14 22 63

Psychotic depression

BNZ + atypical AP 6.7(1.9) 10 61 31 8

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 6.4(2.0) 16 53 39 8

BNZ alone 6.2(2.4) 20 53 35 12

Risperidone alone 6.0(2.1) 8 45 43 12

Olanzapine alone 5.7(2.3) 8 43 43 14

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.7(2.4) 8 42 42 17

Quetiapine alone 4.8(2.5) 4 28 45 28

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.2(2.4) 4 20 35 45

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 4.0(2.3) 0 20 35 45

Loxapine alone 4.0(2.6) 2 27 23 50

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.9(2.3) 2 6 27 67

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.7(2.1) 0 4 27 691 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Personality disorder (e.g., borderline orantisocial)

BNZ alone 6.8(2.2) 31 65 24 10

BNZ + atypical AP 5.4(2.4) 2 41 37 22

Risperidone alone 5.3(2.6) 6 43 31 27

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 5.2(2.5) 6 37 37 27

Olanzapine alone 5.1(2.7) 8 41 29 31

Quetiapine alone 4.7(2.5) 4 28 43 30

High-potency conventional AP alone 4.7(2.5) 2 33 33 35

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.7(2.4) 2 18 27 55

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.7(2.3) 2 16 27 57

Loxapine alone 3.7(2.7) 6 22 24 53

Low-potency conventional AP alone 3.0(2.2) 0 8 27 65

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.9(2.2) 2 6 31 63

Posttraumatic stress disorder

BNZ alone 7.8(1.7) 43 90 6 4

BNZ + atypical AP 5.2(2.5) 6 35 35 31

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 5.0(2.5) 4 33 37 31

Risperidone alone 4.6(2.4) 2 24 43 33

Olanzapine alone 4.4(2.5) 4 25 38 38

Quetiapine alone 4.4(2.4) 2 26 40 34

High-potency conventional AP alone 4.3(2.2) 2 14 49 37

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.8(2.4) 2 16 35 49

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.6(2.2) 0 17 27 56

Loxapine alone 3.4(2.6) 4 16 27 57

Low-potency conventional AP alone 3.1(2.2) 0 10 25 65

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.9(2.3) 2 10 24 651 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


AGITATION DUE TO A PRIMARY PSYCHIATRIC DISTURBANCE. Based upon your initial assessment of thepatient described in question 37, you decide to intervene with parenteral medication to treat the agitation. Assume that

the patient is not able or willing to take oral medication. Please rate the appropriateness of the following initial medicationstrategies depending on the provisional diagnosis. Assume you have no other information about the patient’s history.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

No data

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone 7.1(2.0) 27 75 19 6

BNZ + high-potency conventional antipsychotic(AP)

7.1(2.0) 29 69 22 8

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.9(2.5) 12 51 31 18

Droperidol alone 5.3(2.8) 11 41 27 32

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.0(2.6) 4 20 31 49

Loxapine alone 3.8(2.6) 4 19 29 52

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.1(2.1) 0 8 29 63

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.4(2.0) 2 6 20 73

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.2(1.9) 0 4 14 82


BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 7.9(1.5) 49 84 14 2

High-potency conventional AP alone 6.6(2.2) 21 58 31 10

BNZ alone 5.9(2.3) 10 46 35 19

Droperidol alone 5.7(2.8) 17 50 26 24

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.8(2.6) 6 31 37 33

Loxapine alone 4.2(2.6) 2 22 35 43

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.9(2.4) 0 17 31 52

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.9(2.2) 2 12 18 69

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.8(2.1) 0 10 17 73


BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 7.8(1.7) 41 84 10 6

BNZ alone 7.3(1.8) 31 73 20 6

High-potency conventional AP alone 6.1(2.4) 14 53 33 14

Droperidol alone 5.6(2.6) 12 44 35 21

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.7(2.8) 4 35 27 39

Loxapine alone 4.0(2.5) 2 17 38 46

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.7(2.4) 0 16 29 55

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 3.1(2.4) 4 12 20 67

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.7(2.2) 0 8 16 761 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Psychotic depression

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 7.2(2.0) 31 73 18 8

BNZ alone 6.5(2.2) 18 59 27 14

High-potency conventional AP alone 6.0(2.3) 12 47 41 12

Droperidol alone 4.8(2.5) 7 30 37 33

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.3(2.6) 4 31 22 47

Loxapine alone 4.0(2.6) 2 23 33 44

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.6(2.2) 0 12 35 53

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.6(2.0) 2 8 18 73

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.2(1.7) 0 4 20 76

Personality disorder (e.g., borderline orantisocial)

BNZ alone 6.8(2.3) 29 67 18 14

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 6.0(2.7) 18 57 20 22

High-potency conventional AP alone 5.1(2.6) 10 37 33 31

Droperidol alone 4.8(2.8) 12 40 21 40

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 4.0(2.6) 2 22 27 51

Loxapine alone 3.7(2.6) 4 20 24 55

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.3(2.2) 0 12 24 63

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.6(2.0) 2 6 18 76

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.4(2.0) 0 8 16 76

Posttraumatic stress disorder

BNZ alone 7.6(1.9) 39 86 8 6

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 6.0(2.8) 14 59 16 24

High-potency conventional AP alone 4.8(2.4) 4 27 45 29

Droperidol alone 4.3(2.6) 5 26 35 40

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 3.9(2.6) 2 24 29 47

Loxapine alone 3.6(2.5) 4 12 37 51

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.2(2.1) 0 10 27 63

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 2.5(2.1) 2 8 16 76

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.3(2.0) 0 6 16 781 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


Page 78: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Nonresponse to initial medication. Assuming you have not achieved an adequate response to initial medicationtreatment for a behavioral emergency after 45–60 minutes, please rate the appropriateness of the following strategies as

the next step. Assume you initially treated the patient with either a benzodiazepine or an antipsychotic alone.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Give a combination of a benzodiazepine andan antipsychotic

7.6(1.5) 35 82 16 2

Give another dose of the initial agent tried 7.1(2.0) 29 78 16 6

Give a dose of the agent not yet tried(benzodiazepine if you began with an

antipsychotic, antipsychotic if youbegan with a benzodiazepine)

6.4(1.8) 14 61 31 8

Give droperidol if not yet tried 5.4(2.5) 14 35 40 261 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Nonresponse to initial medication. At what point would you change medication strategies if a patient is not responding?Rate the appropriateness of trying a different medication strategy (switching to a different agent, using a combination of

agents) in each of the following situations. Assume you began treatment with a single agent (e.g., an antipsychotic or abenzodiazepine) and that your goal is to get to the point where the patient is sufficiently improved to be able to converse withcaregivers and take oral medication.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

After 3 doses of medication have been totallyineffective*

8.0(2.0) 63 88 4 8

After more than 4 doses of medication have beentotally ineffective

7.9(2.6) 82 86 2 12

After 4 doses of medication have been totallyineffective

7.9(2.4) 71 86 2 12

After more than 4 doses of medication have beenonly partially effective**

7.7(2.6) 63 82 6 12

After 2 doses of medication have been totallyineffective

7.5(1.9) 45 80 14 6

After 4 doses of medication have been onlypartially effective

7.4(2.3) 47 76 14 10

After 3 doses of medication have been onlypartially effective

7.0(2.0) 29 73 20 6

After 2 doses of medication have been onlypartially effective

6.0(1.9) 8 43 45 12

After a single dose of medication has been totallyineffective*

5.3(2.3) 10 39 29 33

After a single dose of medication has been onlypartially effective

4.1(2.2) 0 12 47 41

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %*By totally ineffective, we mean that the patient is still extremely agitated and uncooperative.**By partially effective, we mean that the patient is somewhat calmer but is still not able to converse with caregivers or take oral medication.







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Nonresponse to initial medication. We would like you to consider the same question as in 41, but this time rate theappropriateness of trying a different medication strategy in each of the following situations, assuming you began

treatment with a combination of medications (e.g., an antipsychotic plus a benzodiazepine).

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

After more than 4 doses of the combination ofmedications have been totally ineffective

8.1(2.3) 80 88 2 10

After 4 doses of the combination of medicationshave been totally ineffective

8.0(2.0) 69 88 4 8

After 3 doses of the combination of medicationshave been totally ineffective

8.0(1.6) 55 88 10 2

After more than 4 doses of the combination ofmedications have been only partially effective

7.8(2.4) 67 82 8 10

After 4 doses of the combination of medicationshave been only partially effective

7.3(2.2) 41 73 18 8

After 3 doses of the combination of medicationshave been only partially effective

6.8(2.0) 24 61 33 6

After 2 doses of the combination of medicationshave been totally ineffective

6.7(1.8) 16 65 29 6

After 2 doses of the combination of medicationshave been only partially effective

5.3(1.9) 8 29 47 24

After a single dose of the combination ofmedications has been totally ineffective

4.3(2.0) 4 14 41 45

After a single dose of the combination ofmedications has been only partially effective

3.2(1.8) 0 4 35 61

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

A pregnant woman presents to the PES who is agitated, psychotic, and unresponsive to direction. You feel that thepatient is at serious risk to harm herself, her unborn child, or staff, and that immediate medication intervention is

necessary. Rate the appropriateness of each of the following medication strategies to treat the patient in this situation.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

High-potency conventional antipsychotic (AP)alone

7.1(2.2) 29 76 14 10

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) alone 5.3(2.8) 19 40 29 31

Risperidone alone 4.9(2.6) 6 33 33 33

BNZ + high-potency conventional AP 4.7(2.7) 8 29 35 37

Droperidol alone 4.6(3.1) 13 35 26 39

Olanzapine alone 4.3(2.4) 0 21 40 40

Quetiapine alone 4.0(2.2) 0 15 46 40

Loxapine alone 4.0(2.8) 2 25 25 50

Mid-potency conventional AP alone 3.9(2.5) 2 20 31 49

BNZ + atypical AP 3.8(2.6) 4 18 29 53

Low-potency conventional AP alone 2.7(1.9) 0 6 18 76

BNZ + mid-potency conventional AP 2.5(2.0) 2 6 18 76

BNZ + low-potency conventional AP 1.9(1.6) 2 2 8 901 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %







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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


A patient presents to the PES with an acute manic episode. The patient has a history of bipolar disorder. You areconsidering using loading doses of divalproex to stabilize the patient. Rate the importance of the following factors in

supporting the decision to use loading doses in the PES, giving your highest ratings to the factors you consider most important.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Patient has responded to divalproex in the past 8.3(1.0) 59 96 4 0

Liver function tests are normal 7.7(1.3) 35 80 20 0

Patient and family are eager to try to averthospitalization

7.2(1.4) 14 71 27 2

Current episode appears to be mixed mania 6.7(1.5) 8 63 33 4

Current episode appears to be dysphoric mania 6.6(1.5) 6 57 39 4

Current episode appears to be classic euphoricmania

6.2(2.0) 14 47 43 10

History suggesting that substance use contributedto the current episode

5.0(2.3) 6 29 39 33

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Assume you have decided to treat an agitated patient with divalproex. Rate the appropriateness of initiating divalproexusing the following dosing strategies.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Initiate at 20 mg/kg and continue until bloodlevels are available

7.3(2.0) 28 83 11 7

Loading dose: 30 mg/kg for 2 days, followed by20 mg/kg beginning on day 3

6.9(2.1) 24 69 22 9

Usual titration 5.2(2.4) 9 34 38 281 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

A 10-year old child who has been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder is brought to the emergency departmentfrom a group home. The patient is unmanageable and violent, attempts to bite the nurses, and does not respond to

therapeutic hold or lesser interventions and you decide that medication is needed. Please rate the appropriateness of the followingas initial medication strategies in this situation.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Benzodiazepine (BNZ) 6.8(2.1) 33 58 33 9

Antihistamine (e.g., diphenhydramine) 6.3(2.2) 12 60 26 14

Antipsychotic 5.1(2.3) 5 33 40 28

Combination of a BNZ and an antipsychotic 4.2(2.5) 2 26 26 491 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %





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Please rate the appropriateness of the following specific medications and dose levels for the child described in question46. If you would use a combination of a benzodiazepine and an antipsychotic, rate the appropriateness of the different

types and dose levels of these medications.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Antihistamine (e.g., diphenhydramine) 6.4(2.3) 20 63 25 13

Benzodiazepine LOW DOSE 6.2(2.4) 25 50 35 15

Benzodiazepine AVG DOSE 5.5(2.1) 8 35 48 18

Risperidone LOW DOSE 5.3(2.4) 8 44 31 26

Olanzapine LOW DOSE 5.2(2.5) 11 32 42 26

High-potency conventional antipsychotic (AP)LOW DOSE

4.7(2.3) 8 20 48 33

Quetiapine LOW DOSE 4.6(2.7) 8 35 22 43

Olanzapine AVG DOSE 4.0(2.1) 0 13 41 46

Risperidone AVG DOSE 3.9(2.1) 3 10 44 46

Mid-potency conventional AP LOW DOSE 3.8(2.3) 0 13 36 51

Quetiapine AVG DOSE 3.7(2.1) 0 8 38 54

High-potency conventional AP AVG DOSE 3.7(2.2) 3 13 33 55

Low-potency conventional AP LOW DOSE 3.5(2.4) 3 18 18 65

Loxapine LOW DOSE 3.4(2.2) 3 8 39 53

Loxapine AVG DOSE 3.1(2.0) 0 8 32 61

Mid-potency conventional AP AVG DOSE 3.1(1.8) 0 8 31 62

Low-potency conventional AP AVG DOSE 3.0(2.2) 5 8 23 701 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Assume that you have decided to initiate medication for a patient who is agitated and aggressive, but who also has 1 ofthe following conditions. In this question, we want to know about your choice of classes of medication. Rate the

appropriateness of using the following classes of medications to treat the patient in the presence of each of the conditions listedbelow.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

High-potency conventional antipsychotic(e.g., haloperidol)

Delirium 7.9(1.6) 47 94 2 4

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 7.4(1.4) 29 85 13 2

Dementia 7.1(1.7) 19 74 21 4

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect 6.8(1.6) 15 71 21 8

History of drug abuse or dependence 6.6(1.7) 10 65 29 6

History of “drug seeking” behavior 6.4(2.0) 8 63 27 10

Frail old age 6.3(2.0) 13 55 28 17

Mental retardation/developmental delay 5.9(1.9) 4 48 38 15

History of seizures 5.7(1.7) 4 35 56 8

Patient with significant blood alcohol level withprominent signs of alcohol withdrawal

4.8(2.4) 8 29 38 33

History of akathisia 3.4(1.7) 0 4 40 56

History of tardive dyskinesia, neurolepticmalignant syndrome, dystonic reactions, or

parkinsonian symptoms

2.5(1.5) 0 2 21 77

Atypical antipsychotic (e.g., risperidone,olanzapine)

Dementia 7.6(1.4) 35 88 10 2

History of akathisia 7.3(1.3) 19 79 21 0

Mental retardation/developmental delay 7.3(1.5) 19 77 21 2

History of drug abuse or dependence 7.0(2.0) 23 77 15 8

Frail old age 7.0(1.8) 23 73 23 4

History of “drug seeking” behavior 7.0(2.2) 25 77 10 13

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6.9(1.8) 20 65 33 2

Delirium 6.6(1.9) 15 63 28 9

History of tardive dyskinesia, neurolepticmalignant syndrome, dystonic reactions, or

parkinsonian symptoms

6.4(2.0) 13 58 31 10

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect 6.3(2.0) 9 59 30 11

History of seizures 6.1(1.7) 4 46 46 8

Patient with significant blood alcohol level withprominent signs of alcohol withdrawal

5.0(2.0) 2 21 52 27

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line


History of tardive dyskinesia, neurolepticmalignant syndrome, dystonic reactions, or

parkinsonian symptoms

7.9(1.3) 42 90 8 2

Patient with significant blood alcohol level withprominent signs of alcohol withdrawal

7.9(1.7) 50 85 10 4

History of seizures 7.9(1.2) 40 88 13 0

History of akathisia 7.6(1.5) 40 79 21 0

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect 7.4(1.6) 30 81 13 6

Mental retardation/developmental delay 5.6(2.0) 15 29 56 15

Delirium 4.6(2.5) 11 23 38 38

Dementia 4.3(2.2) 4 19 42 40

Frail old age 4.1(2.3) 4 15 35 50

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 3.9(2.0) 2 13 38 50

History of drug abuse or dependence 3.7(2.5) 4 19 21 60

History of “drug seeking” behavior 3.3(2.3) 0 13 23 651 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Assume that you have decided to treat a patient who is agitated with an antipsychotic. Rate the appropriateness of usinga prophylactic anticholinergic medication (e.g., benztropine) for a patient treated with the following medications.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Conventional antipsychotic alone 7.0(1.9) 27 67 27 6

Conventional antipsychotic + benzodiazepine 5.6(2.2) 8 35 40 25

Atypical antipsychotic alone 3.4(2.1) 4 10 21 69

Atypical antipsychotic + benzodiazepine 2.8(2.1) 4 6 23 711 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Assume that you have decided to initiate emergency medication for a patient who is agitated, hostile, and aggressive withan oral atypical antipsychotic. Rate each of the following atypical antipsychotics as your first choice in this situation.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Risperidone (Risperdal) 7.9(1.6) 48 83 13 4

Olanzapine (Zyprexa) 7.4(1.3) 21 81 19 0

Quetiapine (Seroquel) 5.4(2.1) 4 34 51 151 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %





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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Assume that you have decided to initiate emergency medication using an oral atypical antipsychotic for a patient who isagitated and aggressive, but who also has 1 of the following conditions. In this question, we want to know about your

selection of medications within the class of atypical antipsychotics. Rate the appropriateness of using the following atypicalantipsychotics to treat a patient with each of the conditions listed below.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line


History of tardive dyskinesia, neurolepticmalignant syndrome, dystonic reactions, or

parkinsonian symptoms

7.0(1.8) 17 81 13 6

History of akathisia 6.9(1.8) 13 72 21 6

Mental retardation/developmental delay 6.6(1.6) 11 52 46 2

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect 6.5(1.6) 7 58 38 4

History of amenorrhea and/or galactorrhea 6.4(1.9) 11 60 29 11

Dementia 6.4(1.6) 13 43 55 2

History of seizures 6.3(2.0) 9 59 28 13

Frail old age 5.8(1.8) 4 39 52 9

Delirium 5.7(1.8) 4 31 58 11

Family history of diabetes 4.6(2.1) 7 17 54 28

Personal history of diabetes 3.5(2.0) 2 7 37 57

Concern about weight gain 3.1(2.0) 0 9 28 64


Dementia 7.7(1.4) 40 81 17 2

Delirium 7.6(1.4) 33 87 11 2

Mental retardation/developmental delay 7.3(1.4) 20 78 20 2

Family history of diabetes 7.2(1.6) 20 76 18 7

Personal history of diabetes 7.1(1.7) 20 80 11 9

Concern about weight gain 7.1(1.8) 17 72 21 6

Frail old age 7.0(1.7) 20 70 24 7

History of seizures 6.8(2.0) 20 72 17 11

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect 6.7(1.6) 13 58 38 4

History of akathisia 5.8(1.8) 6 34 53 13

History of tardive dyskinesia, neurolepticmalignant syndrome, dystonic reactions, or

parkinsonian symptoms

5.7(1.9) 6 43 45 13

History of amenorrhea and/or galactorrhea 5.4(2.2) 7 29 47 241 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %


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9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line


History of akathisia 7.2(1.7) 26 70 28 2

History of amenorrhea and/or galactorrhea 7.2(1.6) 27 68 30 2

History of tardive dyskinesia, neurolepticmalignant syndrome, dystonic reactions, or

parkinsonian symptoms

7.1(1.7) 28 65 33 2

Family history of diabetes 6.5(1.7) 11 59 36 5

Mental retardation/developmental delay 6.5(2.0) 13 56 38 7

History of seizures 6.2(1.8) 11 51 42 7

Personal history of diabetes 6.2(1.8) 9 55 39 7

Concern about weight gain 6.2(2.1) 15 54 37 9

Dementia 6.1(2.2) 20 50 39 11

Frail old age 5.8(1.9) 2 40 49 11

Delirium 5.7(2.0) 2 35 53 12

Cardiac arrhythmia or conduction defect 5.5(1.9) 0 41 48 111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Assuming you have decided to use emergency medication for a patient who is agitated, rate the importance of thefollowing factors in determining your initial choice of medication for the first intervention. Give your highest ratings to

those factors you consider most important.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Availability of I.M. formulation 8.3(1.2) 60 96 2 2

Speed of onset 8.2(1.1) 54 96 4 0

History of medication response 8.1(0.9) 43 96 4 0

Produces clinically useful sedation 7.6(1.5) 33 85 13 2

Limited liability for causing intolerable ordangerous side effects

7.3(1.9) 38 75 19 6

Patient preference 7.2(1.2) 17 77 23 0

Availability of liquid formulation 7.1(1.3) 15 65 35 0

Promoting long-term compliance 6.6(1.9) 23 56 35 8

History of noncompliance and availability of adepot formulation

6.2(2.1) 15 49 36 15

Continuity with the next phase of treatment 5.9(1.7) 6 38 52 10

Limited liability for causing mild, tolerable sideeffects

5.7(2.0) 7 48 33 20

Family preference 5.2(1.9) 2 26 49 26

Cost 4.0(2.1) 0 13 40 481 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %




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Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Rate the importance of the following factors in deciding to use a combination of a benzodiazepine and an antipsychotic.Give your highest ratings to those factors you consider most important.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Greater efficacy for symptoms of arousal 8.1(1.0) 46 96 4 0

Faster onset of action 7.2(2.0) 36 72 21 6

Reduction of side effects 7.0(1.6) 13 71 25 4

Ability to use lower doses of each of thecomponent medications

6.8(2.0) 21 69 19 13

Inducing sleep 6.8(1.8) 21 63 31 6

Greater efficacy for underlying condition 6.7(1.8) 17 54 40 61 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Please rate the following medications in terms of their efficacy for decreasing agitation. Give your highest ratings to thosemedications that you consider most efficacious in decreasing agitation.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Droperidol 7.9(2.0) 62 86 10 5

Lorazepam 7.9(1.3) 38 89 9 2

Haloperidol 7.2(1.6) 19 74 21 4

Atypical antipsychotic 6.2(1.6) 6 45 45 111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Please rate the following medications in terms of the degree of sedation they induce at typical doses. Give your highestratings to those medications you consider to induce the greatest degree of sedation.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Lorazepam 8.0(1.3) 40 90 8 2

Droperidol 7.7(1.9) 49 84 12 5

Haloperidol 6.1(1.4) 0 54 40 6

Atypical antipsychotic 6.1(1.3) 2 40 58 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %





Page 87: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines



Please rate the relative speeds of onset of action of the following preparations. Give your highest ratings to thepreparations you consider to have the fastest onset of action.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

I.V. medication of any class 8.8(0.5) 87 100 0 0

I.M. midazolam 7.5(1.0) 14 77 23 0

I.M. lorazepam 7.5(0.7) 6 92 8 0

I.M. haloperidol 7.0(1.1) 2 71 27 2

I.M. chlorpromazine 6.2(1.7) 2 51 40 9

I.M. thiothixene 6.0(1.5) 2 41 46 12

I.M. loxapine 6.0(1.6) 2 40 50 10

I.M. diazepam 5.8(2.2) 2 49 30 21

Orally dissolving formulation of antipsychotic 5.8(1.5) 0 38 50 12

Oral liquid concentrate of antipsychotic 5.7(1.6) 0 36 49 15

Oral benzodiazepine tablet 4.7(1.5) 0 6 72 21

Oral antipsychotic tablet 4.2(1.6) 0 4 62 341 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Please rate the extent to which the following factors would limit your use of an I.M. formulation. Give your highestratings to those factors that would make you most likely to avoid use of an I.M. formulation.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Risk of side effects 6.6(2.1) 22 61 30 9

Mental trauma to patient 6.1(2.2) 11 52 30 17

Compromising patient-physician relationship 6.0(2.3) 15 48 35 17

Physical trauma to patient 5.8(2.0) 9 33 54 13

Exposure to contaminated needles 5.6(2.3) 15 37 39 24

Long-term compliance 5.3(2.3) 9 36 38 271 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

If an I.M. formulation of an atypical antipsychotic were available, rate the importance of the following characteristics interms of the usefulness of such a formulation in a PES. Give your highest ratings to those characteristics you would

consider most useful.

9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Safety superior to currently available agents 8.4(0.8) 58 100 0 0

Efficacy superior to currently available agents 8.3(0.9) 54 94 6 0

Continuity with longer-term treatment 6.8(1.8) 17 67 25 8

Cost 4.3(1.8) 0 15 42 441 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %






Page 88: Treatment of Behavioral Emergencies - NASDDDS · pharmacology. Of the 52 experts to whom we sent the behavioral emergencies survey, 50 (96%) replied. The recommenda-tions in the guidelines

Expert Consensus Guideline Series


Consumer preferences. In your opinion, from the perspective of consumers based on the data we have, rate the followinginterventions in terms of your assessment of patient preferences. Use a 9 = most highly acceptable/preferable and a 1 =


9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Oral medication 8.5(1.0) 69 96 4 0

Injectable (parenteral) medication 5.3(1.6) 0 31 52 17

Seclusion 4.7(2.2) 4 26 40 34

Physical restraints 2.4(1.5) 0 0 19 811 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Consumer preferences. In your opinion, from the perspective of consumers based on the data we have, rate the followingmedications in terms of your assessment of patient preferences. Use a 9 = most highly acceptable/preferable and a 1 =


9 5 % C O N F I D E N C E I N T E R V A L S Tr of 1st 2nd 3rdThird Line Second Line First Line Avg(SD) Chc Line Line Line

Benzodiazepines 8.4(0.9) 66 94 6 0

Atypical antipsychotics 7.2(1.1) 13 72 28 0

Conventional antipsychotics 4.9(1.5) 0 17 60 23

Droperidol 4.2(1.8) 0 12 49 391 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 % % % %

Dosing levels: Please write in the following information for how you would use the medications listed below in a PESsetting: minimum and maximum doses you would use as initial single doses, minimum interval to wait between doses,

and the total dose you would use in a 24-hour period. Record the dose levels as p.o. mg equivalents. If you would never use thismedication in a PES setting, check the box in the last column.


Minimum singledose(mg)

Maximum singledose(mg)

Minimum intervalbetween doses


Maximum total dosein 24 hours


Would never usethis medication

in PES

Avg (SD) Mode Avg (SD) Mode Avg (SD) Mode Avg (SD) Mode n %

Chlorpromazine 41.2 (37.4) 25 159 (135) 100 74.3 (70.7) 60 716 (420) 1000 17 37%

Diazepam 3.3 (1.5) 2 11.1 (4.3) 10 75.3 (76.2) 30 42.1 (19.5) 40 10 22%

Droperidol 2.4 (1.3) 2.5 7.8 (4.1) 5 54.1 (41.4) 30 20.6 (10.3) 20 11 26%

Haloperidol 1.7 (1.5) 1 9.1 (4.0) 10 58.5 (59.3) 30 35.3 (20.0) 30 0 0%

Lorazepam 0.7 (0.5) 0.5 3.1 (1.4) 2 53.2 (62.1) 30 11.9 (5.1) 10 1 2%

Loxapine 11.0 (6.3) 10 36.4 (26.4) 50 77.6 (70.3) 60 143 (83.1) 100 22 50%

Midazolam 0.9 (0.3) 1 5.7 (4.0) 10 23.3 (11.5) 30 35.0 (43.6) 10 37 90%

Olanzapine 3.5 (1.4) 2.5 13.0 (5.7) 10 110 (160) 60 26.6 (8.9) 30 2 4%

Perphenazine 3.8 (1.9) 2 13.6 (5.8) 16 66.5 (58.4) 60 46.0 (18.5) 64 11 24%

Quetiapine 39.0 (34.8) 25 163 (116) 100 102 (132) 60 452 (248) 400 15 33%

Risperidone 0.7 (0.5) 0.5 3.2 (1.6) 2 90.7 (126) 60 8.3 (3.8) 10 2 4%

Thiothixene 3.3 (2.1) 2 12.2 (6.3) 10 77.8 (88.1) 60 36.0 (16.5) 30 19 40%






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