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Winter 2012

The quarterly magazine of the Methodist Churches of Springdale, Wombourne and Gospel Ash

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Message from the Editor Helen Cooper

I’m afraid I have to begin this magazine with an apology. This year I

am have been, and remain, very much run off my feet. Knowing this

would be the case I issued warnings that Triangle articles in this edition

would be published unedited from the form they were sent in i.e. grammar,

spelling, and punctuation, and I’m afraid to say that I am remaining true to

my word. So, to all you English language pedants out there I can only

apologise, but if something does irk you then please take it up with the

person whose article it is, and not me!!!

In addition, in the absence of a minster there is no ‘Message from

the Manse’. Nothing has been volunteered for these past two editions but

if anyone feels that they would like to write the opening to the magazine

then please feel free to contact me.

With best wishes for the coming Christmas season.

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Contents (alphabetical order)

Anecdotes Christmas Thoughts to Finish 23 - 24

Village Hall Extension 15

News & Views Browsing on the Web 10

Cards for Good Causes 17 - 19

Fair Trade Update 9

‘Food for the Journey’ Weekend 11 - 12

Neighbourhood Policing 14

O Little Town of Bethlehem 8-9

SAD 12 - 13

Springdale Pastoral News 6 - 7

Springdale Vestry News 4

Wombourne Community Hymn Singing 7

Wombourne Vestry News 5

200 Years of Heritage at Gospel Ash 19 - 21

Poems/Prayers Announcing the Birth of Jesus 22

Bus Pass 16

Friendship Week 15

I am Wishing for You 22

People are oftenA 23

Stained Glass Windows 15

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Springdale Vestry News Sheila Evans, Senior Steward

As 2012 draws to a close we can reflect on the roller coaster range

of fortunes that Springdalers have experienced these last few weeks. We

have lost two of our long standing members Betty Sennet and Madge

Scrivens (who struggled to church just two weeks prior to her death) and

Ruth Tong who sadly died whilst in hospital. Their funerals were well sup-

ported by our congregation and our heartfelt condolences have been

given to their families.

Some of us attended the funeral and celebration service for Ken

Hawkins on 13th November who had been Minister here 1973-83.

On a happier note we enjoyed the arrival of Elin Weighton, daughter of

Caroline and Magnus and the marriage of Emma Partridge and Tom Varty

on 6th October. The Church was packed, the sun shone and Rev. Linda

Pearce was delighted with her first ‘marriage service.’

The celebrations continued, our Harvest Festival was held on 30th

September. Many thanks to all who helped in anyway. Wives held a party

to celebrate 50 years of ‘being’ and it was a delight to welcome back

some previous members.

The Church Anniversary (59th) was held on 14

th October with a service

of Holy Communion very ably led by Rev. Ivor Sperring.

We said ‘goodbye’ to Colin Turton who has done sterling service for

fourteen years as our Treasurer and ‘hello’ to Nicola Jones who has taken

over from him. Our thanks and good wishes to them both.

Finally a huge vote of thanks to members of the congregation who

have helped with our services, we are hoping to hear about a possible

appointment in February.

May I wish you all a healthy and happy festive season. God bless

you all.

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Wombourne Vestry News Jane Meddings, Senior Steward

On the first Sunday in September we welcomed the Rev Lawrence

Wallace to Wombourne. He has agreed to have ministerial oversight of

our church during the next 12 months and we are grateful to him for offering

us this time, especially as he holds down a busy job as Hospital Chaplain.

At that service we were also joined by members of Sedgley and Wombourne

Inner Wheel and Rotary clubs and in the evening we hosted the Circuit

Service, which was a celebration of local preaching. Presentations were

made to Alan Walker, who celebrated 40 years of local preaching and to

Alex Blackmore, who has achieved an incredible 60 years as a local

preacher. It was a privilege for us to be able to host this special service.

Our Ladies Day service was at the end of September and then we

celebrated Harvest at the beginning of October. Unfortunately, due to

unforeseen commitments at his chaplaincy, Lawrence was unable to lead

our service but David Lavender gave permission for it to become a reader

service and – as always – people were kind enough to contribute to the

service by helping with the readings and prayers. It has become some-

thing of a tradition to hold a “bring and share” lunch following our harvest

and this year was no exception. It is always good to spend time in food

and fellowship. The church was filled with a grand display of produce

which Brenda and Phil kindly took to the Good Shepherd that evening and

we know they will have put it to immediate use. It is quite incredible to

read about just how many people their ministry reaches out to – in the

month of August alone they handed out almost 6,500 food parcels and

this is just a part of what they do to help those in need in our city. Our toy

service in December will also support this charity.

We held our All Saintstide Memorial service on the morning of 28th

October and it was good to welcome families of church members who had

passed away during the year. The congregation wrote names of those

they wanted to remember on cards and hung them on the large cross at

the front of the church, and these remained a focal point throughout the

service. On Remembrance Sunday we were joined by members of the

uniformed organisations who presented their colours and joined us for

coffee and squash after the service and we sang a lovely new hymn

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which offered modern words to a traditional tune.

I have just come away from our church bazaar and as always thanks have

to go to all those who help in both the preparations and on the day but

especially to Gill who masterminds the whole operation. It is always a

morning to catch up with friends and acquaintances and I know the peo-

ple of Wombourne will have been generous as they supported our annual

fund raiser.

And so we look forward to Advent – by the time you read this, Christmas

will be nearly upon us. Let us not be so busy with the decorating, shop-

ping, baking, present buying and wrapping that we forgot those who will

not be looking forward to the festival, nor let us overlook the real reason

why we celebrate - let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush not

a last minute rush!!

Blessings to you all.

Springdale Pastoral News Jane Rawlings, Pastoral Secretary

Hi all, who can believe it another year is shortly coming to an end

and Christmas is only around the corner.

We have had a sad few months with the deaths of three of our

members Betty Sennitt, Madge Scriven and Ruth Tong. All three ladies

have been actively involved in the church over the years until health

meant they could not with us on a regular basis. At this sad time we think

especially of their families and friends who will find the coming months

and years difficult. May we all be comforted in the knowledge that they

are all with their Lord and are probably having a nice cup of tea and a

chat together.

On the 9th September we welcomed Owen Sherrington with

his family and friends to his baptism. May he continue to grow in the

knowledge that God is with him every step of the way.

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The baby boom continues with the safe arrival of Elin Lily Weighton

on 24th September a daughter for Caroline and Magnus. Also a beautiful

granddaughter for Penny and Dennis and Lisa and David. Audrey Moun-

tain has also become a great grandmother for the first time with the birth

of Autumn Mae on 14th November, which of course makes me a great

aunt for the first time also (how old does that make me feel!).

On a beautiful day on 6th October people packed into the church

for the wedding of Emma Partridge and Tom Varty. A glorious day was

had by everyone. Congratulations, may you both continue to grow in your

love of one another and enjoy a long and exciting life together. God bless

you both.

During the last few months I have been hearing about a number of

couples celebrating special anniversaries. So that I don't miss anyone out

or get the number of years wrong, I will just pass on our congratulations to

anyone who has celebrated a special day recently. May you all have

many more years together.

Well this is the last triangle for this year so may I take this opportunity

to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

God Bless

Community Hymn Singing at Wombourne Denis Beaumont

Wombourne Methodist Church is launching a coffee morning, followed

by community hymn singing on the first Thursday of the month, commencing

on Thursday 7th February. Coffee will be available from 10.00am to

11.00am, then community hymn singing will take place in the church from

11.00am to 12.00 noon. Come along and choose your favourite hymns,

meet friends and have a good time of fellowship.

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O Little Town of Bethlehem Brenda Shuttleworth

O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie!

The opening words of one of our best-loved Christmas hymns

which we will all sing at least once during the Christmas season, I have no

doubt. We love the hymn, I suppose, because it expresses so well the

wonder we feel about the incarnation, God made man.

But was it really so silent? People had travelled from far and wide

to register in their home district so the town was full to bursting; houses

offering shelter to relatives and the inns packed. As relatives and friends

gathered, we may expect that the town was alive with conversation. And

alongside this was the ever present watchful eye of the Roman army.

Today as then Bethlehem lives under occupation. It is a sobering

thought that this Christmas Mary and Joseph would not be able to travel

to Bethlehem unless they had managed to obtain a permit. As Arab-Israeli

citizens of Nazareth in the Galilee, it would be unlikely that they would be

granted permission to travel into the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Shepherds would not be keeping watch on the hillside – the area of

Beit Sahour, traditionally held to be the site of the shepherds fields, is now

overlooked by an Israeli settlement which encroaches over the hillside.

The citizens of Beit Sahour live with the constant threat of settler violence

and house demolitions.

Magi travelling from the East would find the separation barrier [a 20

m high wall around Bethlehem] an obstacle. Goodness knows how their

camels would get through the turnstiles!

As we prepare for the coming of the Prince of Peace into our world

at Christmas, let us spend time to pray in solidarity with the living stones;

Palestinians and Israelis who work tirelessly to build peace with justice in

the Holy Land, particurarly in the municipality of Bethlehem.

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I think of Nader and his team at the YMCA in Beit Sahour who plant

olive trees in vandalised orchards and who offer rehabilitation pro-

grammes to child prisoners who have been held illegally in Israeli jails. I

think of Rania and her team at the Sumud Story House, partners with Pax

Christi, who work with women from the villages around Bethlehem, build-

ing confidence and teaching practical skills. I think of Zoughbi Zoughbi

and his team at Wi’am, the conflict resolution centre which sits beneath

the shadow of the wall and where children work on programmes that give

them respite from the tensions of living under occupation. I think of all

those men who queue patiently in the darkness waiting for the Gilo check-

point to open so that they can go to work in Jerusalem.

O Little town of Bethlehem - we pray for your peace.

Fair Trade Update Brenda Shuttleworth

On 30th November the Mayor of Wolverhampton was presented

with a certificate which had been awarded to the City Fair Trade Partnership

by the Fair Trade Foundation. Dr. Barbara Gwinnett received the award

on behalf of the Partnership at the Fairtrade Supporters Conference in

London in October. The award recognised the achievements of the

Partnership in outreach and networking.

The Partnership recently submitted evidence to renew our Fair

Trade City status with the Fair Trade Foundation. We were particularly

commended for the fair trade fashion show which is an ongoing feature in

our Just Fayre - particular congratulations and thanks are due to Elaine

Jones from Cranmer for the energy she gives to this aspect of the fayre.

The churches have always been a very important part of fair trade

in Wolverhampton and as the city seeks to expand its work in fair trade to

reach its development goals, our commitment is vital.

Thanks are due to all of you who support the fair trade movement

both in our churches and in the wider community.

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Browsing on the Web Jackie Neison

Well- can you believe it, me doing that. Looking for a poem for Po-

etry Group, the task set was find a poem or poet from Southern Africa.

Well, no name sprung to mind for me to delve in my poetry anthologies-

Plan A not productive. So, try Plan B- the web. I googled Table Mountain

poems and up came Walking in Crickhowell. Don’t go there, too long to

explain, suffice to say I found a suitable poem. I didn’t lose too much time

“playing” with the computer to find it but that’s the trouble ten minutes

can soon lose you an hour of your time, or longer. However, this deviation

enabled me to come across this little quote (Crickhowell again’) Perhaps

parents or grandparents should pin this up for children (and teenagers)

to see, and take note themselves.

“So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,

Go throw your TV set away

And in its place you can install

Alovely bookshelf on the wall”

R.Dahl. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The moral of this tale.

We need technology- we can’t close the stable door, but we can

choose to use all these tools wisely and not let them run our lives. Let’s

chill - and listen to the silence, read a book , talk to people, or heaven

forbid write a letter (handwriting, of course).

Jackie Neilson. 20.11.12.

P.S. This wont become a habit, I get a bit cross having to wait and

fiddle, . As Shirley

Conran (Superwoman fame) once said “Life’s too short to stuff a mushroom. ”

Enjoy life.

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‘Food for the Journey’ Weekend Lesley Cook

“Sharing the Good News - Communicating the Gospel in Word and

Action” was the title of the weekend that we spent at Swanwick in September.

We being Liz Green, Lucy, Helen, and Lesley Cook from Springdale. We

were joined by Methodists and Anglicans from all around the Midlands. It

was so interesting to meet so many different Christian folk round the dinner

table and we thank the Committee for providing us with yet another

opportunity for lay people to learn together ecumenically.

The weekend was led by Kathy Galloway, Graham Maule and

Joanne Love from the Iona Community based in Glasgow. Kathy, former

leader of the Iona Community and now head of Christian Aid, Scotland,

gave two key-note speeches about communicating the Gospel the Iona

way – with a great emphasis on justice and peace. Graham Maule – you

will have seen his name in our hymn books – and Joanne led two work-

shops on Worship and there were also two opportunities to sing Iona

songs, often in four-part harmony, worship morning and evening and

other small group sessions. Did we have time to eat?! Yes – the meals

were splendid and very filling and the bedrooms most comfortable.

There is so much I could tell you about – all relevant to the life and

worship of our own churches – but I will just choose a few highlights.

I enjoyed a session led by Graham on “Worship as Best Experience” –

what would you have said was your best experience of worship? Why?

Our responses were many and varied but most of us thought it was when

music, sound, drama, participation, openness to the Holy Spirit and surprise

all come together. Graham gave us five elements which should all be part

of worship.

Sound. (One voice, many, instruments, drums, hammering of nails)

Silence. (With help as to what to do in that silence)

Symbol. (communion, candles, cross, stones)



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The most dispensable, and often least memorable, is “words”. What do

you think?

At the end of this session we performed an interesting and, for some,

quite scary exercise. But it was certainly memorable! We heard the story

of Jesus healing a paralysed man at the Pool of Bethzatha (John 5: 1-18)

In groups of four we were given the roles of Jesus, the healed man, a

Pharisee, and a man not healed that day and we were then asked to have

various conversations. Can you imagine what they had to say to each

other? We certainly felt we had really understood that particular bible pas-


Kathy’s final lecture moved us all greatly. She used the story of Jacob and

Esau to reflect on the struggles of the rich and the poor in the world today.

She encouraged us, as Christians, to live an alternative way – to look at

the difference between our needs and our wants, with a warning that ad-

vertising can make our wants into needs. We should bring up our children

not to idolize money and the latest gadgets, but to try to take small ac-

tions which can bring about change to the inequality of our country and of

our world.

Look out for the next “Food for the Journey” session in 2014. It will only

be a day session, but they are always worthwhile.

SAD Bernard Davis

Are you a SAD person? I am not asking if you are disconsolate,

unhappy or miserable; but do you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder? I

do and I am so glad that Advent occurs in December when we have our

shortest hours of daylight.

Advent and the Christmas season help me to get through the darkest

period of winter. I don’t do any gardening but I have time to reflect on the

real meaning of this time.

The season of Christmas is not about being frantic: how many

cards must I write, how can I save on postage by hand delivery, how

many presents must I buy? It is about spiritual values.

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I like the beginning of Advent. We start on the first Sunday ( 2nd of

December this year) and light the first candle which reminds us that we

are the people of God. Jesus said that we must be in the world but not of

it. If we are in the world we can be his hands, his heart, his ears, his eyes

and can look to see where we can help. We must, however, live by his

values and standards and not live by the corrupt standards of this world.

When the candle is lit I am reminded that Jesus is the light of the

world. His teaching brings light into a world darkened by evil. There are

many people who are like sheep without a shepherd. They wander about

aimlessly and cannot enjoy life. I could cite many instances of disaffected

youth and older members of society. One recent case comes into my

mind. A young lady aged sixteen got so drunk that she got off the train at

the wrong station. She then leaned against the train in her drunken state

and the guard gave the signal for the train to move off, He thought she

had stepped away from the train. Unfortunately she fell to her death.

How sad for her family!

Each Advent Sunday a candle is lit and the emphasis changes.

The second candle is lit for the prophets and there are many wonderful

references to Jesus especially in Isaiah. The third candle is for John the


Baptist who was to prepare the way for Jesus. On the fourth Sunday we

remember Mary who readily agreed to become the mother of Jesus with

the words “ I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said”

She had complete trust in God and in Gabriel’s message.

I hope you all enjoy the beautiful Advent hymns and Christmas carols,

our Advent candle liturgy and our special services and have time to reflect

on God’s love in sending Jesus to be the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Yours in Christ.

Congratulations to Norman and Sheila Priest, who are celebrating there

Golden Wedding Anniversary on the 1st of December.

From Laura Priest

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Neighbourhood Policing Nicola Jones The Local Neighbourhood Police have offered some advice about

helping to keep to ourselves safe at this time of year and deterring others

from breaking in.

Check your back gardens. Ask yourself, ‘How would I do it?’ Majority of

burglars enter via the rear of the property. How would they get into the

back garden? Do you have broken fence panels? Gate unlocked? Do you

back onto natural escape routes like canals / walkways / paddocks / railway

lines. Is my shed locked? Burglars will use your garden tools to prise open

doors and windows. Invest in prickly bushes / hedges at vulnerable

access points. ‘As good as razor wire’ a burglar once told me after he had

scaled a fence in his summer shorts.

Now check your windows and doors. Are they secure? If secure are

they weak? Window locks are good, but don’t leave the key in them.

Where’s the bin? Lets not give the criminal a leg up through the

window. If they get in they want to be quick.

Don’t leave valuables / cash in sight. Make them difficult to find.

Where do you hide your wallet/handbag . Lets not be obvious. Imagine -

That treasured ring, watch, brooch, earrings, and necklace in the posses-

sion of someone who will sell it for a Tenner! House insurance does not

cover sentiment.

We are fast approaching Christmas – Our burglars know that our

houses are going to be filled to the rafters with presents wrapped ready

under the tree for the neighbourhood police sergeant. Please do all you

can to protect them.


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Village Hall Extension

Official Opening 27th April

Please note that the village hall will be closed until the opening. It will be

closed again after being opened, but will be open temporarily on the 24th

for a rehearsal of the opening, after which it will be closed until the Opening.

It will remain closed for a while after the opening, after which opening

times and closing times will be as normal.

This article was found in a Parish Magazine by John Philpott.

Stained Glass Windows

People are like stained glass windows,

Shining when the sun is out.

But when dark,

Their true beauty only shows

If there is a light within.

Displayed at St. Peter’s Mission, Minehead, Somerset.

Jackie Neilson.

Irish Friendship Week

May there always be work for your hands to do,

May your purse hold a coin or two,

May the sun always shine on your window pane,

May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain,

May the hand of a friend always be near you,

May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

Anon. Found in a book. Jackie N.

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Bus Pass

They gave to me a bus pass

and said “Go where you like,

we know the days have come and gone

when you could ride your bike.

“Your carbon footprint’s shrinking

when you leave the car at home.

So come with us, get on a bus

And let us help you roam.”

But I’ve been here for ages,

And a bus I haven’t seen,

I’m feeling cold and turning blue

Instead of going green!

I had an urge to wander

And to venture far and wide,

I’d packed myself a lunch

That I could peck at on the ride.

Now I’m not one to get upset,

Nor one to make a fuss,

But it’s no use to have a pass

If you don’t have a bus!

I’ll wait a little longer,

After all, I’ve come this far.

But if it doesn’t come by twelve,

I’m off to fetch the car. Pam Davies

Pauline Hotchkiss came across this in The People’s Friend Annual

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It’s All In The Cards

It’s been a funny sort of year, as my Mother was fond of saying.

Thankfully, the predicted (by some) Dickensian winter failed to materialise.

An unexpectedly warm and sunny March raised our hopes of a glorious

summer. And then we shivered and dripped our way through one of the

wettest summers on record. Only a successful and inspiring Olympic

celebration raised the national spirits – and now here we are – winter

again! Not surprisingly that, writing in late September, I’ve heard so

many people say ‘I really don’t want to think about Christmas this year!’

So, with economic gloom still wrapped around the country, how will

we celebrate Christmas 2012? Will it be a more muted celebration,

reflecting the difficult times in which we are living? Will we see a general

drawing back from the commercialisation of the season, the frenzied

getting and spending, the hassle and extravagance? And, if many do opt

for a simpler Christmas this year; wouldn’t that be rather a good thing?

After all, the message of Christmas is Love, Joy and Peace – commodities

that really aren’t available to buy in shops!

My guess is that, when the time comes, boats will be pushed out,

but maybe not so far as in former years. My own ’must haves’ will include:

‘The Tree’ with my favourite decorations – essential

Mince pies – in moderation

Chocolate – obviously

Lots of Christmas carols – but at home, not in the shops

And, of course, sending many Christmas cards with the annual ex-

change of news with friends near and far.

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I love keeping in touch in this way, and regular readers will know that by

Christmas cards I mean CHARITY CHRISTMAS CARDS, because they

do so much good and give such value for money. And, as always, the

biggest and best selection of Charity Christmas Cards in Wolverhamp-

ton is to be found at the


Multi Charity Christmas Card Shop

In St Peter’s House Coffee Shop

Exchange Street (just off Queen Square)

Open from 29 October to 13 December

Monday to Friday 10.00am to 3.00pm

Saturday 10am to 1pm

You will find a huge range of cards from more than 25 local and

national charities and a happy band of volunteers to help you make your

choice. There’s a wide selection of Christmas goods too – Advent Calendars,

wrapping paper, small gifts and stocking fillers. Something for everyone

and all very reasonably priced too.

Why not make choosing your cards an occasion? Bring your

friends and, having made your purchases, treat yourself to coffee

and one of the St Peter’s House delicious scones.

‘Buy once, give twice’ is a CARDS FOR GOOD CAUSES motto.

By buying charity cards not only will you be sending season’s greetings to

friends and family but you’ll also be contributing to the much needed

funds of your favourite good causes. CARDS FOR GOOD CAUSES

guarantees to return at least 75p out of every £1 to the charities whose

cards it sells.* In these straitened times, when every penny counts, that’s

real value for money and the charities you support in this way will be very,

very grateful.

We look forward to seeing you this Christmas season. You can buy

online too! Visit www.cardsforgoodcauses.co.uk

M. E. Smith

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*CARDS FOR GOOD CAUSES (CFGC) pays the participating charities

(or their trading subsidiaries) at least 75p in every pound from their card

sales, less the VAT payable on the amount retained by CFGC. The re-

tained amount covers CFGC’s costs of running the temporary charity

Christmas card shops. In addition to these costs, the participants have to

pay for the production and distribution of their cards.’

200 Years of Methodist Heritage at Gospel Ash Tom Butler

The first records of Gospel Ash are recorded on the Dudley Circuit

Plan for the year 1827. At that time meetings were held in a small Farm

House the home of Mr John Southall. It must be assumed that meetings

had been taking place for some time before that, therefore there has been

Methodism in Gospel Ash for about 200 years.

The first chapel was built in 1830 on land given by Mr Southall, who

also hauled the bricks. The cost of this building was £80. The chapel had

five pews seating four people, the other seats were plain benches and it is

said the building could accommodate 70 people. This must have been a

real crush, so you had to get there early to get a good seat. There was no

organ, no heating and no lamps, lighting only by candles. When oil lamps

were provided in the 1860s with evening services packed to the door, the

lamps would not work properly due to poor ventilation! (No health and

safety in those days). A need for bigger and more spacious accommodation

became apparent. Due to the generosity of local Land Owners the present

building was opened in 1884, having cost £500 to build. At first the present

building had oil lamps and a combustion stove which was placed just to

the right of the doors as you enter the church. This must have been a

good incentive to arrive early during the winter to get a good seat, however

there were seat rents!

In those days the organ (a Harmonium) was placed under the pulpit

before being moved to the side of the building where the present organ

now resides. The combustion stove was replaced and central heating

installed, fuelled by a coke furnace. Unfortunately one cold winter in the

late 1940s the boiler froze and burst. The Sunday services were then continued in

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what is now the Community Room for some considerable time until an

electric heating system was installed. The community room was heated

by a coal fire, so if you sat at the front you were cooked but if you sat at

the back you were frozen, however an electric heater at the rear helped to

keep the cold at bay. Of course, some of this was before my time and

these details are from records and old photographs.

Roy Walton our Senior Steward has been attending Gospel Ash

from a baby. Roy’s Grandfather, Mr Gibson was one of the founding fathers

of the present building and he was followed by his children who also

played the organ up until their deaths, so Roy is the third generation who

attended. We give thanks for Roy’s family who gave so much leadership

to the chapel over the years.

But what of the life of the church? There was a thriving Sunday

school with anniversaries on a raised platform. Christmas parties for the

Sunday school children and an annual coach outing to the seaside each

year. Later the members went out for a meal on a summer evening and

attended house fellowships.

Fund raising was also high on the agenda during the 60s and 70s

and concerts and jumble sales aided the funds to change some of the

outdated equipment. The ministry of the church still continue and looking

back has been instrumental in the lives of so many people, some who

have used their Christian experience in the countries they emigrated to

and others becoming ministers in other denominations.

I only started to attend Gospel Ash as a child when my family

moved to Bobbington in 1945. The first Sunday after moving we all

walked from Bobbington to Gospel Ash, as petrol was still rationed.

During the ensuing years many events have taken place either to

raise money or to improve our mission in the community. To this end 10

years ago a decision was made to bring the premises into the 21st century. A

great effort took place and the rear premises were enlarged and modernised,

with much financial help from Land Fill Trusts and the premises are now

widely used by the local community and the Wolverhampton Circuit and

surrounding Circuits for quiet days and meetings.

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While the membership is small we have still tried to maintain a

sense of mission such as the once monthly coffee mornings and Harvest

Festival at the Vineyard and last year the “Come to the Manger” event at

the Old Barn, with our friends from the parish church at Bobbington. This

event will continue this Christmas and in all of this we have been ably

supported by friends from the Springdale and Wombourne churches as

well as those farther afield. Over the years the members have repaired

roofs, taken down wobbly chimneys, replaced drains, repaired and replaced

water pipes all good fun. Gospel Ash is a special place and has an aura

that can be felt, as those who have worshiped there can testify. As one

person put it the very walls of this chapel are soaked with the prayers of

the faithful.

However, at this sad time of having to close the premises, I have

been greatly privileged to have worked with, talked to and worshiped with

some incredible Christian people at Gospel Ash. These people I would

refer to as true Saints as they demonstrated to all, their Christian faith in

their daily lives to all who met them. It is through them that my life and

faith has been developed, deepened, strengthened and enriched and they

will always remain in my memories. While it is sad to see the closure of

this beautiful Chapel we must give thanks for all the lives that have been

touched and changed by the people who have passed through its doors.

‘Tis Jesus the first and the last,

Whose spirit will guide us safe home;

We’ll praise him for all that is PAST

And TRUST Him for all that’s to COME.

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I am wishing for you... Bishop Remington

I am wishing for you this day a happy Christmas. I would send you

those gifts which are beyond price, outlast time, and bridge all space. I

wish you all laughter and pure joy, a merry heart and a clear conscience,

and love which thinks no evil, is not easily provoked, and seeks not its

own; the fragrance of flowers, the sweet associations of holly and

mistletoe and fir, the memory of deep woods, of peaceful hills, and of the

mantling snow, which guards the sleep of all God’s creatures. I wish that

the spirit of Christmastide may draw you into companionship with him who

giveth all. Come, let us adore him.

Announcing the Birth of Jesus

An angel then told Joseph,

Through dream, “Be not afraid!

Take Mary now and love her,

She is God’s faithful maid.”

“And through the Holy Spirit

She will conceive a child,

Emmanuel, God with us,

So it is prophesied.”

“He will be known as Jesus,

An ancient, sacred name,

For He will save forever

The world from sin and shame.”

Matt. 1 v18-25.

Gospel in Rhyme.

D. Elwyn Davies.


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People are often… Kent M Keith

“People are often unreasonable and self-centred. Forgive them

anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind

anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your

best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was

never between you and them anyway.”

Christmas Thoughts to Finish…

Every year we celebrate the holy season of Advent, O God. Every year

we pray those beautiful prayers of longing and waiting, and sing those

lovely songs of hope and promise. Karl Rahner

The supernatural birth of Christ, his miracles, his resurrection and ascen-

sion, remain eternal truths, whatever doubts may be cast on their reality

as historical facts. David F Strauss

Christmas, children is not a date. It is a state of mind. Mary Ellen Chase

The earth has grown old with its burden of care, but at Christmas it always

is young, the heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair, and its soul full of

music breaks the air, when the song of angels is sung. Phillips Brooks

There are lots of Grinches out there that would like nothing better than to

take any references to religion our of the holiday season. Ernest Istook

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish

peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of

Christmas. Calvin Coolidge

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Deadline for the next edition of Triangle is

Sunday 24 February, 2012

Remember! No photocopies! Please check copyright and gain permission where necessary! Email if you can - it makes things so much easier! Please hand in your articles directly, or via your stewards, to Helen Cooper. Alternatively, follow the link on the Springdale website in the “contacts” section (www.springdalechurch.org.uk) or just email to triangle[at]springdalechurch.org.uk

If you haven’t got any charity in your heart you have the worst kind of

trouble. Bob Hope

Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our

childhood days, recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth, and transport

the traveller back to his own fireside and quiet home! Charles Dickens

When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings

at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings

with legs? Gilbert K Chesterton

Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we

give, it’s Christmas. Dale Evans

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. Roy Smith

Expectancy is the atmosphere for miracles. Edwin Louis Cole

To perceive Christmas through its wrappings becomes more difficult with

every year. E B White

The real evidence for Jesus and Christianity is in how Jesus and the

Christianity based on him manifest themselves in the lives of practicing

Christians. Lionel Blue

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