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Page 1: TriFusion Newsletter - June.'08


JUNE 2008


This past month we have been receiving applications for our Tri Fusion Board of Director positions, because the first two-years term will be coming to an end in July. While we are thrilled that several of our current board members applied to represent Tri Fusion for another term, we are also blessed to have five new faces ready for the challenge! Most of this newsletter will be dedicated to introducing or re-introducing to these applicants to you.

• Our original board of directors from the beginning of Tri Fusion are Roger Thompson; president, Kevin Best; vice president, Kim Ellis; treasurer, Jessi Thompson; secretary, Kathi Best; social director, Mark Hodgson; event director, Jim Powers; membership director, Ben Greenfield; website director, Scott Ward; sponsorship director, Kirk Wood-Gaines; mentor director, Sam Picicci; clothing director, Greg Gallagher; assistant to all, and Natalie Gallagher; newsletter director.

• Five different Tri Fusion members have applied to join Tri Fusion’s board of directors for the upcoming two-years term and they are: Tiffany Byrd; clothing director, Tricia Cudney; social director, Steve Anderson; membership director, Tim Swanson; treasurer, and Phaedra Cote; Kids Club director.

• In addition to new applicants for our board of directors, several of our current board of directors members re-applied for the same position or applied to represent Tri Fusion in a different board of directors position. Those members are: Roger Thompson; president, Jessi Thompson; secretary, Jim Powers; vice president (change), Ben Greenfield; website director, Natalie Gallagher; newsletter director, Mark Hodgson; mentor director (change), and Greg Gallagher; event director (change).

Originally, we had anticipated that we would need to hold an election at our July membership meeting. However, the applications we received for board of directors positions were uncontested, so we do not need to vote as a general membership! We will be ready to go with our newest board of directors in August, when we move from our current board members to our new and renewed board members.

A very big “Thank You!” must be extended to the applicants for having the drive, energy, enthusiasm, interest and genuine concern that it takes to successfully represent a large multisport club such as Tri Fusion! Your dedication to our club is immensely appreciated and valued, because we need YOU!

Welcome to the Tri Fusion Newsletter Board of Directors Special Edition!

Steve & Tim,

page 3

Tiffany & Tricia,

page 2

Phaedra & Roger,

page 4

BoD, Sponsors,


page 12

Jessi & Jim,

page 5

Ben & Natalie,

page 6

Fatkinsons No More,

page 8

Greg & Mark,

page 7

Recipe & FYI’s,

page 9

Off Road Tri Tips & Nutrition Myths Debunked

pages 10 &11

Page 2: TriFusion Newsletter - June.'08


Board Position: Social Director

Name: Trish Cudney

Related Experience: I have organized the Parent Volunteer Luncheon at Brentwood Elementary for the past 2 years. I have also served on the social committee there and helped with various activities throughout the year.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: This club has had a huge impact on my life and I’m looking for a way to give back. This club is full of amazing people and I think this position would allow me to get to know them even better.

Time involved in multisport:___1_____ years ___8_____months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: ________years ____7_____months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position:I definitely have a social personality. I’m incredibly organized and responsible. I’m a hard worker, but I also like to have fun while I’m at it!

Board Position: Clothing Director

Name: Tiffany Byrd

Related Experience: I’m a seamstress so I would like to actually make the Tri Fusion clothes myself on my loom at home. I will sing songs to the gods of speed while I work so that all of you may race faster in your new team clothing.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position:

My involvement in this club has done a lot for me personally, so I’d like to give back to the group. Aside from that, I think that all the hard work has been done up to now (thanks, Sam!).

Time involved in multisport:___1_____ years ___8_____months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: ____1____years ____2_____months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position:

I’m a thorough and reliable person. Since the majority of the creative work has already been done, it seems that this board position will mostly require good organization to get orders tallied and then sort and distribute the orders when they arrive. I’m also good at communicating with others which will also be necessary to field clothing questions from members, communicate with the treasurer, and with the contacts at Sugoi. I’d also like to get feedback from members about additional casual clothing they’d like to see in the Tri Fusion e-store and take the initiative to make that happen!

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Board Position: Membership Director

Name: Steve Anderson

Related Experience: Project Manager

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: The experiences I have had while in Tri-Fusion have been great. I understand there is a commitment that goes above and beyond just being a member and I feel this is a task I can handle. I would enjoy working to improve the club and getting more involved is the first step.

Time involved in multisport: 2 years 2 months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: 1 year 1 month

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position: I am always willing to lend a helping hand. I am a quick and enthusiastic learner. Plus I enjoy the positive atmosphere Tri-Fusion has created.

Strengths:I have ability to manage several projects at one time.I work in the design field and speak with clients on a regular basis.I am an active Tri-Fusion member.

Board Position: Treasurer

Name: Tim Swanson

Related Experience: Current job is in EWU Financial Services, where we handle all incoming financial transactions for the university

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: I love this sport and am passionate about generating more interest in the local triathlon scene. Any way I can make a positive impact to that end, I’m all for it!

Time involved in multisport:____3___ years ____6___months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: ___1____years ____8____months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position: Cash management, receipting/depositing large amounts of public funds, MS Excel proficiency, exceptionally detail oriented.

Strengths:- Positive attitude- Always willing to help out- Organized, attentive to details - Love this sport…I can’t get enough of it!

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Board Position: Kids Club Director

Name: Phaedra Cote

Related Experience: I’m already a part of the kids club committee as well as on the forefront- planning the kids triathlon. Not to mention, I have kids myself and they are “wanna-be triathletes”.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: I am very passionate about the sport of triathlon and even more passionate about exposing children to this life-changing sport. I believe it’s the best way for me, personally, to give back.

Time involved in multisport:____2____ years ________months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: ________years ______9___months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position: I have already been involved on the kids-club board and have a clear idea of what it takes to organize and successfully launch the first kids club meeting. I am excited to continually improve our “Tri-Fusion Kids” experience. I think we have the perfect avenue to have a great impact on the health and well being of our young triathletes-to-be.

Strengths: Enthusiastic, positive attitude, relate well with peers and children alike, a great vision for the future of our kids club as well as kids’ races, love for children & the sport of triathlon.

Board Position: President

Name: Roger Thompson

Related Experience: President of Tri Fusion for the past 2 year

Reason you would like to obtain the board position:

I have enjoyed the challenges we have been faced with in getting Tri Fusion up and running. It has also been a lot of fun and rewarding working with such a dynamic Board that is always able to see the big picture even if we all have differing opinions. I still feel I have the energy and drive for another term.

Time involved in multisport:__12___ years ________months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: ___2__years _________months

Strengths: I feel that I have a broad range of knowledge in the multisport arena. From events to sponsorships to membership, through the last 2 years I have gained a great deal of knowledge about the positive workings of this club and avoiding some pitfalls. As an athlete as well, I understand many of the needs of the members and work to maintain a balance of offerings for the elite athletes as well as the first timers.

Another strength is that I know Jessi Thompson.

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Board Position: Secretary

Name: Jessi Thompson

Related Experience: I’ve served as the Secretary for Tri Fusion for the last two years.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: Although this position can be a lot of work at times, I am passionate about the club and its members. I love the sport and feel like the club atmosphere is an incredible support system for members at every level. I believe I get back 10 fold what I put into it!

Time involved in multisport:____3___ years ____6____months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: ___2____years _________months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position:

I am good at multi-tasking and organization which seem to be the key reasons I feel like the last 2 years have been successful for me. I’m able to plan meetings, make agendas and minutes, answer lots of emails from members, and organize things like club insurance, communication with sponsors, and help with events, etc. all at the same time. I’m also a people person and I LOVE getting to have all the contact with the members. That’s honestly my favorite part of this job!

Board Position: Vice President

Name: Jim Powers

Related Experience: 2 years on Tri-Fusion Board as Membership Director, 5- ½ years on Spokane Guilds School Foundation Board- 4 years as VP and incoming President-elect for a 2 year term.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: After being involved in the initial start up of the club as a board member I would like to stay involved in the growth and helping with the direction of the club.

Time involved in multisport:______5__ years ________months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: _____1___years ___10______months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position: The experience and knowledge I have gained on the Tri-Fusion Board of Directors and also on the Spokane Guilds School Foundation Board have helped me have a thorough understanding of what is expected of the position. After watching what we have achieved in a short amount of time and the people that we have formed great relationships with, I am excited to be involved in the future of the clubs direction.

Strengths: Swimming, Biking , Running- well not so much swimming , but working at it! As far as the board position;-7+ years of combined experience as a board member -Passion for the sport

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Board Position: Website Director

Name: Ben Greenfield

Related Experience: Previous website director for the past two years.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: This is just the way I feel I can effectively contribute to Tri-Fusion team! And I’m a geek!

Time involved in multisport:________6 years ________months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: ______2__years _________months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position: Previous experience designing and maintaining the Tri-Fusion website and maintaining several additional personal and business websites.

Strengths: Basic HTML programming, web design, complete graphic design software suite which I’ve pilfered from my wife’s personal library, and a knowledge of how to run programs like forums, calendars, forms etc.

Board Position: Newsletter Director

Name: Natalie Gallagher

Related Experience: I have been the newsletter director for Tri Fusion for the past two years. I also create weekly newsletters for Northwood’s track & field team and Northwood’s cross country team while in season.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: I have enjoyed my position as newsletter director very much and feel that I am able to contribute positively to Tri Fusion by creating and updating our newsletter. Putting together relevant, informative, interesting and professional multisport news for my fellow teammates is fun and keeps me well informed as well!

Time involved in multisport:__newly - 2_ years ___6_____months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: _2 _______years _________months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position: I have a degree in secondary educational English. I am a published writer across different genres. I have a respectable degree of technological knowledge and I am able to use various publishing programs with ease.

Strengths: I feel I am able to design and create a publication that is interesting and informative for our readers and I thoroughly enjoy my job as newsletter director for Tri Fusion and wish to continue contributing as such!

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Board Position: Membership Mentor

Name: Mark Hodgson

Related Experience: Previously served a two year term on Tri-Fusion Board of Directors

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: I have been serving Tri Fusion since the beginning, and I would like to continue to give back by welcoming new members aboard!

Time involved in multisport:3 years 6_months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: 2 years _________months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position:

I think that I am outgoing, and very positive. The membership of tri-fusion has proven time and time again to be its greatest strength. What began as eight people sitting around a table discussing triathlon has now become a non-profit corporation with well over 100 active members. As membership mentor I would hope to continue to facilitate membership in such a way that Tri-Fusion could still grow as a club, but it could still maintain a “family” feel.

Board Position: Event Director

Name: Gregory Gallagher

Related Experience: Co-0rganizer of the Newman Lake 25k Run. Numerous years of volunteering at run and triathlon races. 17 + years of racing.

Reason you would like to obtain the board position: I feel that I have the knowledge and understanding of what a well-attended and fun race event entails. I have the vision for small and large details that are important to racers and I am able to consider all aspects of a successful racing venue. I would like to continue contributing to Tri Fusion in a way that affects a large number of our members.

Time involved in multisport:__17____ years _______months

Time as member of Tri Fusion: __2____years _________months

Positive qualities you possess to qualify you for this position: Attention to details, ability to listen to wants/needs of our members and others, initiative to build a positive racing atmosphere!

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“Fatkinson’s” to Ironmen in “09” by Michelle & Jay Huskinson

By February 2003, we had become morbidly obese. While overweight all of our adult lives, Jay‘s weight had soared above 300 pounds and Michelle’s had topped 260 pounds. We had always thought of ourselves as active people, but our lifestyle had become more and more sedentary. Food had become a major part of everything, camping meant camping food, hiking meant Camelbacks with snacks so on and so forth. As our weight continued to balloon out of control, we began to suffer a new onset of a variety of health issues. Jay began developing signs and symptoms of diabetes i.e; elevated blood sugars and peripheral neuropathy (painful numbness and tingling in his toes). Michelle developed chronic fatigue syndrome, labile moods and severe depression. Both of us were irritable and got to the point where we never felt good and had no energy. This is a viscous cycle- the more depressed you get, the more you eat and ultimately the worse you feel. This whole scenario was making us feel helpless as we tried diet after diet and the only result was more weight gain.

Just after Christmas 2002, Jay was talking to a co-worker who was just as large, but was full of energy and had begun to drop weight. This is when Jay learned about Atkins-not just the misconceptions everybody likes to quote. He began to learn how it really worked. He bought the book and spent a couple of weeks trying to get Michelle to read it with him and finally she did. More out of support for him then because she was interested. After reading the book, Michelle decided to join Jay for a trial of the Atkin’s Nutritional Plan February 16th, 2003. That was the day our lives would change forever.

Over the next 10 months Michelle would lose 90 pounds and Jay would lose 120 pounds. We began looking for things to do that we would never have conceived before.

Things like the Polar Plunge, running races like 5k’s and 10k’s. We would later throw around the ideas of marathons and jokingly talked about how amazing it would be to do an Ironman. But, these were never solid plans. Jay had developed a foot injury which derailed exercise, caused weight gain for both of us, and ultimately Jay’s weight began to creep up again.

Fast forward to June 2007- I was not working out regularly and we were unsure about what we were going to do. We knew we had a good plan for losing weight, but, we had no direction in terms of working out. Basically the way we had been doing things had become boring and provided no challenge or adventure. We went to the Ironman expo for Ironman CDA and Jay became inspired and proposed that perhaps we could do Ironman in the future. Michelle hesitated only because we had planned on doing the Portland Marathon in ‘07 and those plans were cancelled due to a lack of training. It was at that moment that I realized that I had let Michelle down by not enduring to get back on track with the diet and exercise after my injury. I took Michelle in my arms right there in the middle of the Ironman expo and with tears in my eyes I apologized for letting her down and promised her that we would do what needed to be done to do Portland Marathon. I asked her if she would commit to Ironman CDA in 2014- we would be 45 then and this would allow us the time needed to get ready.

To seal the deal, and as a symbol of our commitment, I bought her the ‘basic” M-Dot necklace she wears daily. With the promise that; when she crosses the finish line she will get the M-Dot with a diamond and gold chain at the finish line. We began working with our coach Ben Greenfield who did metabolic testing and only did minor adjustments to our diet, but completely overhauled our

workout regimen. Two-a-day workouts became the norm and we affectionately referred to it as “Death by Ben” as we were sure he was trying to kill us! Last year we did our first ten mile run, half marathon and most importantly, our first triathlon. This is where we found the “challenge and adventure” we had been looking for. Where the prospect of Ironman became a passion and not merely a goal. Through Ben we were introduced to Tri-Fusion and became members in November of

2007. We were welcomed in with open arms. Since working with Ben and joining the club with all of the training runs and swims, Jay has dropped an additional 50 pounds and Michelle an additional 20 pounds. It has been an amazing year for us, both physically and emotionally. Losing weight alone was not enough, we needed direction, a challenge and some adventure to complete our lifestyle transformation. Through Ben we have the roadmap, trouble -shooting help and through Tri-Fusion we have an amazing support system. But, most of all we have each other and thanks to this new lifestyle we’ll have each other for a much longer time than if we had let the “Fatkinson’s” continue to rule our lives.

As of June ‘08 Jay is clear of all diabetic signs and symptoms- blood sugars are normal and the neuropathy has completely resolved. Michelle no longer suffers with irritability and severe depression and has more energy than she knows what to do with. We are on track for the Portland Marathon this year and we are signing up for Ironman CDA 2009!! Thanks Ben! Thanks Tri-Fusion!

Page 9: TriFusion Newsletter - June.'08


A Well-Rounded MealFrom Phaedra Cote

Pineapple & Cilantro Chicken

Ingredients: * 6 skinless, boneless chicken breasts * 5 limes, juiced (approx 3/4 cup) * 1 bunch cilantro-finely chopped * 1/2 cup warmed honey * 1 Corona Beer * 1 16 oz can crushed pineapple with juice * 1 tbsp minced garlic * fresh ground salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a 13x9 baking dish, add chicken and marinade for 3-4 hours or more. Grill until done (approx 15 minutes). When serving, slice avocados and lay on top of chicken.

Cilantro-lime Rice

Ingredients: * 2 cups white rice (I prefer a shorter grain white rice-it makes the best sticky rice and works better for leftovers as it does not dry out) * 3 1/2 cups chicken broth * 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lime juice * 1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped * 1 tbsp minced garlic (seeing a pattern here?) * 2 tsp Tabasco brand green pepper sauce * fresh ground salt and pepper to taste

Cut off top and bottom of pineapple and then cut skin off of outside. Lay pineapple down and cut into 2 inch slices. Grill 5 minutes per side. This needs no marinade. It's delicious.

Throw it all together and you've got dinner! The hardest job of this whole meal is juicing the limes. It's a pain in the butt however, DO NOT use "pre-squeezed lime juice". NO NO NO. There is absolutely no comparison. What I often do is, squeeze a bunch of limes and keep the juice in the fridge. It keeps well. A green salad with a light, citrus dressing would go well with this. I'll work on that! :)


Reminder! Register your kids for the Kids Triathlon on July 26th @ www.tri-


#2 Reminder! Register your kids for

the Tri Fusion Kids Club, contact

[email protected]

Wanted: A VOLUNTEER to

create and maintain a web page devoted to the

Tri Fusion Kids Club! Contact [email protected]

ASAP Please!

Page 10: TriFusion Newsletter - June.'08


Off-Road Triathlons: Five Tips for a Faster Off-Road Bike LegBy Nick White, CTS Pro Coach

As the competitive season hits its stride and you find yourself prepping for races rather than another training session, it’s important to remember that success in off-road triathlons isn’t completely about fitness. You’ve got to have the skills to pay the bills, and the competitor who produces the most power at lactate threshold doesn’t always reach the finish

line first. In off-road triathlons, dexterity, skill, balance, and experience combine with fitness and endurance to produce a much different set of challenges than you experience during a classic road triathlon. It’s often the competitors who run and ride smarter races that end up standing on the podium.Fortunately for you, you can still learn how to race intelligently and limit wasted time and effort. And the biggest gains in your racing IQ come from the skills you can develop for the mountain bike leg. Take some time to practice the following tips and then execute them on the mountain-bike leg of the race. Done right, these small tips could shave minutes off your bike split time and deliver you to the run with fresher legs.

Don’t kill the momentum.Use the brakes sparingly and efficiently in order to maintain your forward motion. Control your speed into turns rather than pedaling hard right up to them and then braking hard. You want to conserve as much of your momentum as possible, but when you brake hard into a turn you often come to something close to a complete stop. This means you’ll have to use a tremendous amount of power to get back up to speed as you exit. And try to keep your wheels rolling through the turn; power-sliding is not only bad for the trail, but it burns off more speed than you think.

Pick a quick line.There are usually more tight turns during the bike section of an off-road race than your typical road triathlon. Poor lines are slow lines, and seconds add up to several minutes when you make bad choices on a technical course. For downhill switchbacks, you’ll want to enter the turn wide, cut to inside of the turn at its apex, and exit wide. On uphill switchbacks, start wide and steer your front wheel through the outside of the turn. And on bends that are 90-degrees or shallower, keep a light grip on the brakes and be nimble over the bike; you’ll be surprised how much speed you can carry through these turns.

Increase your cadence.Because of our focus on three disciplines, triathletes have a limited capacity for power production on the bike. The power available can be produced in two ways: through pedaling at high cadence and low resistance, or in low cadence and high resistance. High-resistance pedaling means that your body recruits more fast-twitch muscle fibers to do the work. You generate a lot of power, but these muscle fibers fatigue quickly. As endurance athletes, you mostly rely on slow-twitch muscle fibers that can fire repetitively and nonstop for hours, but only at lower resistance levels that come from pedaling at a higher cadences (90-100 rpm). By pedaling faster you’re actually holding the fast-twitch muscle fibers—necessary for explosive power—in reserve for use on steep hills, fast transitions, and the sprint to the finish.

Practice your balancing act.Keeping the rubber side down seems to be a fairly easy and obvious way to improve your bike split time, but the gnarly trails featured in some off-road triathlons, make it easier said than done. Improving your balance on the bike is a function of being comfortable moving around the cockpit of your bike. Sliding up to the nose of the saddle and putting your weight over the handlebars (great for steep climbing), sliding off the back of the saddle to keep your weight back on descents, and leaning the bike to the right or the left while keeping your body vertical are all skills that you’ll need to maneuver your bike while out on a technical race course. To practice, simply go to a grassy field and ride around at super slow speeds, holding a line through a turn, and eventually riding in a tight circle as slow as you possibly can to mimic a narrow switchback turn. The slower you can ride without falling, the better your bike balance and the faster you can ride over rough terrain.

Get on a road bike.Technique on the mountain bike is a huge component in maintaining speed during an off-road triathlon, but you still have to be a strong rider. Due to the very nature of

mountain biking with its uneven terrain, it’s hard to produce the long and steady efforts necessary to boost your aerobic capacity. For that, it’s best to hop on your road bike when your training schedule calls for intervals lasting several minutes or more.

Page 11: TriFusion Newsletter - June.'08


Top Ten Nutrition Myths (Part I)By Jill Weisenberger exposes some long standing nutrition myths

Published Tuesday, May 27, 2008, @ www.ironman.com

Myth #1: Eating late at night will make you fat.Fact: Calories are calories--no matter what time they're eaten. There is no magic hour in which your body decides that incoming calories must be stored as fat. If you routinely overindulge after dinner, it's the overindulging that's sabotaging your weight-control efforts, not the hour on the clock. For some people, the "no calories after 8 p.m." rule is an effective diet strategy because it means they take in fewer calories and less saturated fat over the course of a day. But what if dinner is late or you're hungry before bed? By all means, eat. Feed and fuel your body. No harm is done if you're balancing your calories over the day and not scarfing down junk food. Finally, if you train in the evening, eating at night is not optional: You must to replace the nutrients you've just lost. Depending on the activity, you'll need water, electrolytes, carbohydrates and protein.

Bottom Line: What you eat--and how much--is far more important than when you eat it. But do make a point to spread your food intake out over the day to sustain your energy.

Myth #2: Eating extra protein builds muscle.Fact: "To build muscle, you must have three key components: adequate calories, a good intake of protein and a good strength program," says registered dietitian and American Dietetic Association spokesperson Roberta Anding, a certified specialist in sports dietetics. Without enough calories, "some of the dietary protein will be used as an energy source." Likewise, protein intake beyond your needs will either be stored as fat or burned for energy.The timing of your protein is important. "After resistance training, consuming a source of protein, such as whey, along with some carbohydrate has been shown to build muscle," Anding adds.

Bottom Line: To build muscle, you need to eat a healthy diet, which includes a normal amount of protein, and strength train regularly.

Myth #3: Cholesterol-free foods are heart-healthy.Fact: While it's a good idea to limit egg yolks, whole milk, liver and other high-cholesterol foods, it's just not that simple, says Dina Kimmel, New Jersey-based registered dietitian and nutrition counselor. Even more detrimental to your blood-cholesterol levels are the amounts of saturated and trans fats you eat. There are plenty of supermarket shelves that contain no cholesterol, but are rife with artery-clogging saturated and trans fats. Scrutinize the nutrition facts panel carefully to see what's in your cholesterol-free margarine, shortening, cookies or crackers. Chances are good that they're loaded with either saturated or trans fats, or both. The FDA allows a product to claim cholesterol-free on its label if there are no more than 2 milligrams cholesterol and 2 grams saturated fat per serving, but there's no limit on trans fat. And your portion may be bigger than the listed serving size, so your meal could be serving up a not-so-healthy dose of fats.

Bottom Line: Load up on nature's heart-healthy foods--whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds--to avoid artery-cloggers. And read a product's nutrition panel carefully.

Myth #4: Eating fish is the best way to get heart-healthy omega-3 fats.Fact: The omega-3 family is credited with myriad health benefits, ranging from promoting brain development in infants to improving cognitive function in the elderly, but it is perhaps most recognized for its role in shielding the heart from disease. Fish and marine-based supplements are the only ways to get EPA and DHA, two important omega-3 fatty acids. However, walnuts, flaxseed, canola oil, soybeans and some other plant foods offer ALA, a third omega-3 fatty acid. You need all three types of omega-3 fats for optimal health. Plant-based omega-3 fatty acids offer distinct benefits you won't get from fish. Without ALA, you'd have scaly skin and problems with hair growth and wound healing. There is even evidence that diets rich in ALA decrease the risk of fatal ischemic heart disease (the result of narrowing or hardening of the arteries, which impedes blood flow).

Fish or marine-based fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are recommended by many organizations, including the American Heart Association, to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease because of their strong triglyceride-lowering effect, says Penny Kris-Etherton Ph.D., R.D., professor of nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. In addition, it appears that the marine-based omega-3 fats are especially important in aiding cognition."Based on the evidence we have at this point, I recommend that people include all omega-3 fatty acids in their diets," says Kris-Etherton.

Bottom Line: For optimal health, include both fish- and plant-based omega-3 sources in your diet.

Myth #5: Athletes don't get osteoporosis.Fact: "Your sport may determine your risk for osteoporosis," says registered dietitian and certified personal trainer Cathy Leman, owner of NutriFit, a nutrition and fitness consulting company in the Chicago area. Osteopenia--low bone mass, which precedes osteoporosis--is fairly prevalent among women who participate in sports that place a significant emphasis on low body weight, such as gymnastics and dance, Leman says. When female athletes over-exercise and limit their calorie intake, they frequently lose their menstrual cycle. When these three things occur together--called the female athlete triad-- women are at a high risk of developing osteoporosis and calcium won't do any good, says registered dietitian Lisa Dorfman, certified specialist in sports dietetics. The triad has been reported to occur in 12 to 15 percent of elite athletes and at least 5 percent of normally active females. Although both running and strength training decrease the chance of osteoporosis, they won't protect against the disease if the triad occurs. Also, there are many nutrients beyond calcium important to bone health including vitamin D, vitamin K and magnesium.

Please look for Part II of this article, including the last five nutrition myths, in the next newsletter edition!

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Board of Directors

• Kathi Best - Social Director• Kevin Best - Vice President• Kim Ellis - Treasurer• Greg Gallagher - Exotic Dancer• Natalie Gallagher - Newsletter Director• Ben Greenfield - Website Director• Mark Hodgson - Team Event Director• Sam Picicci - Uniform Director• Jim Powers - Membership Director• Jessi Thompson - Secretary• Roger Thompson - President• Scott Ward - Marketing Director• Kirk Wood-Gaines - Mentor


We would like to extend a

generous thank you to our

truly amazing sponsors!

The Board of Directors, Sponsorsand The Calendar of Upcoming Events...

June/July CalendarTraining Opportunities=>

North Spokane --

Monday - Friday @ 5:30-7 am: Masters Swim at Whitworth College $75/month

Tuesday evenings: BLTs @ 5 & 6 @ rotating places around 7-Mile. Watch the Tri Forum for details!

Saturdays @ time TBA: Probable outside bike ride meeting location & time posted weekly on the Tri-Forum.

Mon. & Wed. evenings @ 5:30: Open water swim, starts at the Liberty Lake Village Beach. Always a variety of swimming levels, so please feel welcome to join the fun!


• June 21: Trailblazer Sprint at 1 pm at Medical Lake, WA

• June 22: Ironman Coeur d’ Alene!!! at Cd’A, Idaho @ 7 am.

• June 29: Plunge, Pedal & Plod Sprint at Witter Pool, Spokane, WA

• July 4: Firecracker Triathlon (Sprint) at Elma, WA

• July 6: Lake Stevens 70.3 at Lake Stevens, WA

• July 13: Valley Girl all women’s triathlon at Liberty Lake, WA

Upcoming Events=>

Clinics: Wednesday, July 23: Nutritional

Seminar at Champion Sports @ 6:30 pm!

Next Membership Meeting:July 16th, 2008 @ 6:30 p.m.: General membership meeting at location TBA.

Next Tri Fusion Kids Club Meeting: Wednesday, July 9th @ Brentwood Elementary from 6:15-7:45 p.m.

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