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Page 1: Trinity Kings World Leadership: *(formerly petra int'l ministries): Servanthood: Leaders Who Fail to Practice Servant Leadership Become Self-Serving...

*(formerly petra int'l ministriesl

3' with a cause, David conquered Goriath; without one, he courd not conquer his own rust.4. vl,ith a(ause, Eliiah prayed down fire from heaven and beat 450 prophes of Baar; without one,he

ran in fear from a soliury woman, tezebel.

5' vllith a cause, Simon Peter preached a-t fenlelost and i,000 peopre were saved; witherrl one, he. denied he even belonged to the'crowd that followed lesus. , i,,,,..


I Kings 3:99 So give your servants a discerning heart to govern your people

and to distingu'sh (difference) between right and wrong'*Right or Wrong, Good or Bad Leadership*

Bishop Donald O Clay Jr. Elder Jim Balthrop Elder Milton Raiford

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