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Page 1: Troup County Continuous System Improvement Plan Jan 22

District Priorities

Culture Focused on Success

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction


11/17/2017 - 11/17/22

Troup County Continuous System Improvement Plan

District Goals

Ensure all students achieve at their highest level of academic performance.

Provide a safe, secure, and wholesome learning environment.

Engage all students, staff, families, businesses, and the community in the educational process.

Maximize efficiency and productivity in pursuit of the system's mission.

Page 2: Troup County Continuous System Improvement Plan Jan 22

TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Actual 2017 Target 2018 Target 2019 Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022 Target 2023

CCRPI - TCSS 71.6 73 75 77 79 81 83CCRPI - Elementary 73.8 80 82 85 87 90 93CCRPI - Middle 63.8 65 68 71 75 79 83CCRPI - High 72 75 78 81 83 85 87Graduation Rate 77.9 84 86 88 90 91 92Attendance Rate (ES)(absent fewer than 6 days)

49.1 54 57 60 63 66 69

Attendance Rate (MS)(absent fewer than 6 days)

43.3 48 52 56 61 65 70

Attendance Rate (HS)(absent fewer than 6 days)

50.8 56 59 62 65 68 71

Teacher Retention Rate 83.6 84 85 86 87 88 89

Actual 2017 Target 2018 Target 2019 Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022 Target 2023

5th Grade Science >= Dev 69 69 71 73 75 77 80

5th Grade Science >= Prof 39 39 40 41 43 46 48

8th Grade Science >= Dev 64 64 66 68 70 72 748th Grade Science >= Prof 34 34 36 37 41 45 505th Grade Social Studies >= Dev 74 74 76 79 81 83 865th Grade Social Studies >= Prof 29 29 30 32 35 39 438th Grade Social Studies >= Dev 70 70 72 74 76 79 818th Grade Social Studies >= Prof 30 30 32 33 36 40 44Biology >= Dev 89 70 72 74 76 79 81Biology >= Pro 75 45 46 48 49 50 52US History >= Dev 75 75 77 80 82 84 87US History >= Pro 42 42 43 45 46 47 49

I. Culture Focused on SuccessCulture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. Targets

II. Rigorous and Relevant InstructionRigorous and Relevant Instruction will be measured by the new science and social studies Georgia Milestones

f ll h d h d l d f d l d h

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Actual 2017 Target 2018 Target 2019 Target 2020 Target 2021 Target 2022 Target 2023

5th English/Lang Arts >= Dev 67 69 71 73 75 77 805th English/Lang Arts >= Prof 30 33 36 40 44 48 538th English/Lang Arts >=Dev 72 74 76 79 81 83 868th English/Lang Arts >=Prof 33 36 40 44 48 50 53American Lit and Comp >=Dev 80 83 85 87 88 89 90American Lit and Comp >=Prof 41 45 47 50 52 55 58

Literacy will be measured by the ELA section of the Georgia Milestones, specifically 5th, 8th and American Literature and Composition. Targets for indicators are listed in the table below.

III. Literacy (reading, writing and vocabulary)

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

1. Design and implement an 8th gradeKeystone curriculum that encouragesstudent self awareness, career discoveryand pathway declaration.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education May-18 Keystone curriculum to

be used in 8th grade In Progress $55,000 Secondary Education

2. Refine the high school Capstonerequirement to include activitiesspecifically designed to preparegraduates for post-secondaryopportunities.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education May-19 Refined Capstone

requirements Not Started $2,000 Secondary Education

3. Administer WE Surveys two timeseach year and use the data to informculture and climate plans throughout theyear.

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and Assessment


District WE survey analysis of WE

Teach_WE Learn comparison

In Progress approx. $39,000 System Staff Development

4. Implement a comprehensive academicguidance process centered aroundpurposeful course selection aligned tocareer objectives and designed tomaximize post-secondary options.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education Aug-18

Description of academic guidance process, math

counseling guidance document (website)

In Progress $3,500 Secondary Education

5. Analyze data obtained from theelements of the CCRPI Climate StarRating to identify areas of improvementand revise school/system improvementplans.

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and Assessment


School Climate Star Rating worksheet with

each component broken down

In Progress Time/Personnel Office of Student Assessment

6. Continue to support theimplementation of Positive BehaviorIntervention Supports (PBIS) inparticipating schools.

Student Services Student Services Director May-23

Log of visits, participation in PBIS meetings and data


In Progress $15,000 Student Services

7. Attend 2018 Model SchoolsConference to identify best practices forimproving school and system culture.

Professional Development

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

Jun-18 List of Model Schools participants by school In Progress $100,000 System Staff


8. Monitor the effectiveness of disciplinemanagement plans in all schools. Student Services Student Services

Director May-19

Copies of the discipline management plans, quarterly behavior report by school

In Progress Time/Personnel Student Services

Culture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. In SY18 the CCRPI scores will increase in each division as follows - Elementary to 80, Middle to 74, High to 72 and overall to 76. The graduation rate will increase from 77.95 to 78. Students missing fewer than 6 days will increase as follows - Elementary from

49.1% to 54%, Middle - 43.3% to 48% and High 50.8% to 56%. The teacher retention rate will increase from 83.6% to 85%.

I. Culture Focused on Success

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

Culture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. In SY18 the CCRPI scores will increase in each division as follows - Elementary to 80, Middle to 74, High to 72 and overall to 76. The graduation rate will increase from 77.95 to 78. Students missing fewer than 6 days will increase as follows - Elementary from

49.1% to 54%, Middle - 43.3% to 48% and High 50.8% to 56%. The teacher retention rate will increase from 83.6% to 85%.

I. Culture Focused on Success

9. Review and revise discipline matrixand board policies. Student Services Student Services

Director May-19Revised discipline matrix and board

policiesNot Started Time/Personnel Student Services

10. Support schools in the developmentand implementation of strategies toimprove attendance.

Student Services Student Services Director May-18

Narrative of the implementation of

strategies in schoolsIn Progress $1,000 Student Services

11. Research and implement innovativemodels and alternative placements forstudents who are not respondingacademically and/or behaviorally to thecurrent model.

Professional Development

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-19Narrative of options

that are available and plan to implement

In Progress Time/PersonnelOffice of

Curriculum & Instruction

12. Collaborate with the community toprovide Trauma Informed Communitytraining.

Professional Development

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

Jun-18 Schedule/agendas of trainings In Progress Time/Personnel

Office of Curriculum & Instruction

13. Research and implement professionallearning strategies that support thesocial/emotional needs of students.

Professional Development

Health Services Coordinator May-19

Summary of professional learning

offerings, agendas/sign-in sheets of professional

learning provided

Not Started $1,500 System Staff Development

14. Design and implement a high schoolsummer transition program to supportrising 9th grade students thatemphasizes high school familiarization,study strategies, content remediation,and post-secondary opportunities.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education Aug-18

Written proposal of program, activities,

timelineIn Progress $30,000 Secondary


15. Implement an innovative schedulingmodel designed to develop independenceand support long-range academic goalsetting for middle school students.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education May-18 Master schedule sample

for middle schools In Progress $7,000 Secondary Education

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

Culture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. In SY18 the CCRPI scores will increase in each division as follows - Elementary to 80, Middle to 74, High to 72 and overall to 76. The graduation rate will increase from 77.95 to 78. Students missing fewer than 6 days will increase as follows - Elementary from

49.1% to 54%, Middle - 43.3% to 48% and High 50.8% to 56%. The teacher retention rate will increase from 83.6% to 85%.

I. Culture Focused on Success

16. Research and implement strategies that improve postsecondary transitions (e.g. the creation of an electronic portfolio, internships, interview skills, etc.).

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education May-18

List of strategies and examples of

implementatioin of strategies that improve

post secondary transitions

In Progress $2,000 Secondary Education

17. Increase job embedded opportunities for students (e.g. WBL, apprenticeships, internships, economic skill development, etc.).

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education May-19

List of job embedded opportunites for

studentsIn Progress Time/Personnel Secondary


18. Provide quarterly professional learning for Response to Intervention to ensure process, procedures and a student focused approach is implemented.

Exceptional Education

Director of Exceptional Education

May-18Agendas/sign in sheets

for quarterly professional learning

In Progress $4,500 Exceptional Education

19. Incorporate exceptional education teachers in the Response to Intervention process to ensure students are receiving interventions and services as needed.

Exceptional Education

Director of Exceptional Education

Sep-17 Agendas/Sign in sheets of RTI meetings In Progress $1,500 Exceptional


20. Revise Response to Intervention administrators’ and Tier III chair manuals based on feedback from RTI facilitators, administrators, RTI chairs, and teachers.

Exceptional Education

Director of Exceptional Education

May-19 Revised Response to Intervention Manual In Progress $500 stipends Exceptional


21. Facilitate professional learning communities for all personnel to build consistent understanding and support of the RTI purpose and process.

Exceptional Education

Director of Exceptional Education

May-19 Agendas/sign in sheets of PLC's Not Started Time/Personnel Exceptional


22. Implement the revised Teacher Induction Program to increase teacher retention.

Professional Development

Director of Federal Programs May-18

Written procedure/protocol of

Teacher Induction Program

In Progress $42,000 Title II, Part A

Funding (If Available)

23. Implement a Leader Induction Program.

Professional Development

Director of Federal Programs May-18

Agendas/Sign In sheets, written

procedure, protocols of program

In Progress Time/Personnel System Staff Development

24. Provide leadership development training for teachers who aspire to work in leadership positions.

Professional Development

Director of Federal Programs May-18 Agendas/Sign in sheet

of training provided In Progress $6,000 Title II, Part A

Funding (If Available)

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

Culture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. In SY18 the CCRPI scores will increase in each division as follows - Elementary to 80, Middle to 74, High to 72 and overall to 76. The graduation rate will increase from 77.95 to 78. Students missing fewer than 6 days will increase as follows - Elementary from

49.1% to 54%, Middle - 43.3% to 48% and High 50.8% to 56%. The teacher retention rate will increase from 83.6% to 85%.

I. Culture Focused on Success

25. Implement a professional learning cohort for assistant principals who aspire to be principals.

Professional Development

Director of Federal Programs May-19

Agendas/Sign in sheets of cohort meetings, written protocol of cohort expectations

In Progress $10,000 Title II, Part A

Funding (If Available)

26. Research discuss and remove barriers that impede the mission of the district.

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-23 Summaries of stakeholder feedback Not Started Time/Personnel

Office of Curriculum & Instruction

27. Develop and implement a program evaluation system to better ensure improvement and accountability across all programs.

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and Assessment

DirectorMay-19 Written program

evaluation system Not Started Time/PersonnelOffice of School Improvement

and Assessment

28. Coordinate with the local authorities to create and implement an effective truancy protocol.

Student Services Student Services Director May-18

Agendas for community/school truancy protocol

meetings through out the year

In Progress Time/Personnel Student Services

29. Revise job descriptions to reflect district professional qualification requirements and post job descriptions on public site.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer May-18 New/Revised job

descriptions posted In Progress Time/Personnel Human Resources

30. Analyze employee data to create a plan for leadership advancement.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer Jun-23 Plan for leadership

advancement In Progress Time/Personnel Human Resources

31. Develop and implement an employee engagement program to promote diversity and inclusion and provide professional learning for administrators.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer May-18 Agendas/sign-in sheets

for professional learning Not Started $5,000 Human Resources

32. Revise and continue implementation of TCSS rewards and recognition program to promote and celebrate looking successful and being successful (include attendance).

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer May-18 List of recognitions In Progress $3,000 Human


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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

Culture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. In SY18 the CCRPI scores will increase in each division as follows - Elementary to 80, Middle to 74, High to 72 and overall to 76. The graduation rate will increase from 77.95 to 78. Students missing fewer than 6 days will increase as follows - Elementary from

49.1% to 54%, Middle - 43.3% to 48% and High 50.8% to 56%. The teacher retention rate will increase from 83.6% to 85%.

I. Culture Focused on Success

33. Develop and implement a model forjob embedded ethical decision making toinclude relevant professional learning forall employees.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer May-18 Agendas/sign in sheets

for professional learning Not Started $1,500 Human Resources

34. Host an Attendance Campaign tohighlight the importance of being inschool.

Public Relations Public Relations Director May-22

Buttons, quotes, success stories, press release, social media


In Progress Time/Personnel Public Relations

35. Activate a Realtor Campaign to reachout and develop the relationship betweenTCSS and local realtors.

Public Relations Public Relations Director May-22

Surveys, marketing materials, press

release, SWOT analysisNot Started $1,000 Public Relations

36. Activate Hiring Campaign. Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer; Public Relations


May-18Marketing Materials, press release, SWOT

analysis, surveysNot Started $3,000 Human


37. Rollout new TCSS branding to includevision, tagline and logo. Public Relations Public Relations

Director May-19

Vision, tagline, logo, press release, surveys,

videos, updated website, social media

In Progress $10,000 Public Relations

38. Train Operations personnel on PBISso they can understand and help toimplement school based strategies.


Assistant Superintendent of Maintenance and


May-19 Agendas/sign in of trainings Not Started Time/Personnel Maintenance &


39. Provide adequate resources to allowa culture of high expectations andimplement techniques within theorganization to promote positive andefficient operations.

Finance Chief Financial Officer June-18

Budget Line Items that support a Culture

Focused on Success - professional

development (leaders and teachers), WE

Surveys, Model Schools

In Progress Time/Personnel Finance

40. Support a Culture Focused onSuccess by providing information to theschool Wellness Committees andresearching new products to be sold asSmartSnacks.

School Food and Nutrition

School Food and Nutrition Director Jun-18

Documentation of information provided to Wellness Committees

and lists of SmartSnacks sold

In Progress Time/Personnel School Food & Nutrition

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

Culture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. In SY18 the CCRPI scores will increase in each division as follows - Elementary to 80, Middle to 74, High to 72 and overall to 76. The graduation rate will increase from 77.95 to 78. Students missing fewer than 6 days will increase as follows - Elementary from

49.1% to 54%, Middle - 43.3% to 48% and High 50.8% to 56%. The teacher retention rate will increase from 83.6% to 85%.

I. Culture Focused on Success

41. Ensure that students with allergies or disabilities are offered appealing food choices that meet their unique nutrition requirements.

School Food and Nutrition

School Food and Nutrition Director Jun-18

Documentation of the types of food provided for differing student


In Progress Time/Personnel School Food & Nutrition

42. Provide customer service training to Nutrition staff to ensure that all students are treated as welcomed guests.

School Food and Nutrition

School Food and Nutrition Director Jun-18

Documentation/Sign in sheets of training

provided to nutrition staff

In Progress Time/Personnel School Food & Nutrition

43. Encourage a Culture Focused on Success by recruiting, training and retaining qualified drivers so that students are delivered to school and home in a timely and efficient manner without having to hold buses or double bus routes.

Transportation Department

Transportation Director May-23

Retention records, documentation of route

efficiencyIn Progress To Be

DeterminedTransportation Department

44. Promote a Culture Focused on Success by designing physical and digital learning space in media centers that adapt to diverse and evolving learning opportunities.

Operations Maintenance Director Jun-20 Record of furniture and

technology updates In Progress Time/Personnel Maintenance & Operations

45. Receive feedback from teachers and staff on how technology can better support their unique learning environment.

Technology Department Technology Director Jun-19

Record of teacher feedback concerning

technology needsIn Progress Time/Personnel Technology


46. Continually evaluate and identify areas of the content filter that can be less restrictive to better support the learning environment.

Technology Department Technology Director Jun-19

Documentation of how the content filter can be

less restrictiveIn Progress Time/Personnel Technology


47. Continue with new construction and renovation projects that keep students safe and secure in their learning environment and able to focus on success at school.

Maintenance Maintenance Director Jun-23

Documentation of projects in progress,

completed and upcoming

In Progress Maintenance & Operations

48. Regularly scheduled and preventative maintaince will be completed so that instructional time is not disrupted due to equipment or building issues.

Maintenance Maintenance Director Jun-23 Schedule of

maintenance In Progress Time/Personnel Maintenance & Operations

49. Continually evaluate saftey in facilities and update/add security measures as needed so stakeholders are safe in the learning environment.

Maintenance Maintenance Director Jun-19 Documentation of

updates In Progress Time/Personnel Maintenance & Operations

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

Culture Focused on Success will be measured by CCRPI, Graduation, Attendance and Teacher Retention. In SY18 the CCRPI scores will increase in each division as follows - Elementary to 80, Middle to 74, High to 72 and overall to 76. The graduation rate will increase from 77.95 to 78. Students missing fewer than 6 days will increase as follows - Elementary from

49.1% to 54%, Middle - 43.3% to 48% and High 50.8% to 56%. The teacher retention rate will increase from 83.6% to 85%.

I. Culture Focused on Success

50. Monitor the implementation of thenew work order system to ensure fasterwork order completion.

Maintenance Maintenance Director Jun-19 Stats of work order

completion time In Progress Time/Personnel Maintenance & Operations

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

1. Implement newly designed TCSSScience Curriculum Maps (K-12).

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Documentation of pacing guides, test blue prints, common assessments

In Progress Time/Personnel Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

2. Use newly developed TCSS ScienceCommon Assessment results to informinstruction.

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 District "high level" view to include standard analysis and item analysis to determine if standards are taught to the

appropriate depth of knowledge and review test

item accuracy

In Progress SchoolCity$94,307.50

(action 2, 4, 7)

Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

3. Implement newly designed TCSSSocial Studies Curriculum Maps (K-12).

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Documentation of pacing guides, test blue prints, common assessments

In Progress Time/Personnel Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

4. Use newly developed TCSS SocialStudies Common Assessment results toinform instruction.

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 District "high level" view to include standard analysis and item analysis to determine if standards are taught to the

appropriate depth of knowledge and review test

item accuracy

In Progress $94,307.50 Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

5. Use 2018 GMAS data to informrevisions to TCSS Science curriculummaps and common assessments.

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and

Assessment Director

July-18 Written analysis of 5th, 8th, Biology and Physical Science


Not Started Time/Personnel Office of School Assessment

6. Use 2018 GMAS data to informrevisions to TCSS Social Studiescurriculum maps and commonassessments.

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and

Assessment Director

July-18 Written analysis of 5th, 8th, US History and Economics

Not Started Time/Personnel System Staff Development

II. Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction will be measured by the new science and social studies Georgia Milestones assessments. With the new assessments in SY18 the goal is that the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" and "proficient or above" will be maintained as follows:Social Studies % at "developing or above" - 5th-74%, 8th-70%, US

History-75%. Social Studies % at "proficient or above" - 5th-29%, 8th-30%, US History-42%. Science % at "developing or above" - 5th-69%, 8th-64% and Biology-70%. Science % at "proficient or above" - 5th-39%, 8th-34% and Biology-45%.

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

II. Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction will be measured by the new science and social studies Georgia Milestones assessments. With the new assessments in SY18 the goal is that the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" and "proficient or above" will be maintained as follows:Social Studies % at "developing or above" - 5th-74%, 8th-70%, US

History-75%. Social Studies % at "proficient or above" - 5th-29%, 8th-30%, US History-42%. Science % at "developing or above" - 5th-69%, 8th-64% and Biology-70%. Science % at "proficient or above" - 5th-39%, 8th-34% and Biology-45%.

7. Provide training on the utilization ofdata and data analysis tools to guideinstructional planning (SchoolCity,Reading Inventory, TCSS CommonAssessments, and State LongitudinalData System)

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and

Assessment Director

May-19 Log and sign in sheets of trainings provided in SchoolCity, Reading

Inventory, TCSS Common Assessments and State

Longitudinal Data System

In Progress $94,307.50 Secondary and Elementary Ed.

8. Purchase materials and equipmentfor enhancements that support newcurriculum and program development atthe secondary level.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

May-18 Inventory of new materials and equipment purchased

In Progress $150,000 Secondary Education

9. Contract with the InternationalCenter of Leadership in Education toconduct Instructional Practice Reviewsat each school and use results to reviseexisting school improvement plans.

Professional Development

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Written feedback of Instructional Practice Review,

School Improvement revisions to include

Instruction Practice Review

In Progress $48,750 System Staff Development

10. Provide 4 to 6 days of ICLEExecutive Coaching for system andschool administrators

Professional Development

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Calendar of date, time, schools and particpants in ICLE Executive Coaching


In Progress $266,500 System Staff Development

11. Use external and internal experts toanalyze portions of the existing TCSSMath Curriculum and identify actionsneeded to bring them to a level ofexpected rigor and relevance; identifycomprehensive, aligned math resourcesto pilot in identified schools

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

July-18 Report of actions needed to bring TCSS math curriculum

to expected rigor and relevance, list of

comprehensive, aligned math resources to pilot, identified schools to pilot "new" math


In Progress $5,000 System Staff Development

12. Provide professional learning forcertified staff in utilizing math resources to be piloted in select schools.

Professional Development

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Agenda/Sign in sheets for professional learning


Not Started $5,000 System Staff Development

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

II. Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction will be measured by the new science and social studies Georgia Milestones assessments. With the new assessments in SY18 the goal is that the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" and "proficient or above" will be maintained as follows:Social Studies % at "developing or above" - 5th-74%, 8th-70%, US

History-75%. Social Studies % at "proficient or above" - 5th-29%, 8th-30%, US History-42%. Science % at "developing or above" - 5th-69%, 8th-64% and Biology-70%. Science % at "proficient or above" - 5th-39%, 8th-34% and Biology-45%.

13. Pilot math resources in select schools

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-19 Documentation of resources and schools that will pilot

newly aligned math resources

Not Started Time/Personnel Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

14. Offer purposeful and authentic learning experiences for middle school students through the development and implementation of core content-rich electives aligned to high school pathways

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

May-20 Middle School Course description or selection guide

In Progress FY18 $100,000FY19 $30,000FY20 $30,000

Secondary Education/

Federal Grants (Title IV, Part A)

15. Align existing course offerings (core, dual enrollment, and CTAE) to meet student needs and better meet the employment needs of local businesses

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

June-20 Narrative of local business employment needs and

course offering alignment

Not Started FY18 $73,000FY19 $425,000FY20 $30,000

Secondary Education

16. Provide on-going training in the use of instructional technology to all staff.

Technology Department

Instructional Technology


June-23 Agendas/Sign in sheets, schedule of trainings

In Progress Time/Personnel Technology Educational


17. Implement technology /instructional technology plan to support the integration of technology in the classroom.

Technology Department

Instructional Technology

Coordinators; Technology


June-23 Technology Plan In Progress Time/Personnel Technology

18. Media Specialists in collaboration with teachers will provide Digital Citizenship lessons to all students using the Nearpod platform.

Technology Department

Instructional Technology


June-20 Record of Digital Citizenship lessons

In Progress $1,760 Elementary/ Secondary


19. Develop and implement a business mentor program, aligned to student career goals at the high school level.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

June-20 Written narrative of business mentor program

Not Started FY18 $1500FY19 $1500FY20 $1500

Secondary Education

20. Increase dual enrollment (MOWR) opportunities that lead to college/university academic or elective transfer credit and technical college degrees/certificates.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

June-20 List of dual enrollment course offerings

In Progress Time/Personnel Secondary Education

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TCSS Continuous System Improvement Plan School Year 2018 - 2023

Page 14 of 20

Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

II. Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction will be measured by the new science and social studies Georgia Milestones assessments. With the new assessments in SY18 the goal is that the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" and "proficient or above" will be maintained as follows:Social Studies % at "developing or above" - 5th-74%, 8th-70%, US

History-75%. Social Studies % at "proficient or above" - 5th-29%, 8th-30%, US History-42%. Science % at "developing or above" - 5th-69%, 8th-64% and Biology-70%. Science % at "proficient or above" - 5th-39%, 8th-34% and Biology-45%.

21. Evaluate existing Advanced Placement program to define the purpose, effectiveness, and expected outcomes associated with a high quality program that maximizes post-secondary opportunities for students.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

May-19 Written results of findings and recommendations

In Progress FY18 $7,000FY19 $20,000FY20 $20,000

Secondary Education

22. Facilitate professional learning communities for teachers of gifted students.

Exceptional Education

Director of Exceptional Education

May-18 Agendas/sign in sheets for PLC's

In Progress $3,000 Gifted Education

23. Refine the elementary gifted peer review process to ensure student identification process and procedures are consistent across all schools.

Exceptional Education

Director of Exceptional Education

May-18 Revised written procedure for the indentification of gifted


In Progress $1,500 Gifted Education

24. Analyze and revise comprehensive performance evaluation system.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer

May-18 Comprehensive evaluation system

Not Started Time/Personnel Huma Resources

25. Provide professional learning for administrators in the use of systems to support and develop employees

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer

May-19 Schedule, agendas, sign in sheets for trainings

Not Started $2,500 Personnel Budget

26. Develop, implement and manage an aligned human capital selection and placement process.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer

May-20 Written selection and placement process for human


Not Started $5,000 Personnel Budget

27. Create student-led videos for success that support rigorous and relevant instruction.

Public Relations Public Relations Director

May-22 Student-led videos for success and branding

In Progress Time/Personnel Technology

28. Train operations on rigor/relevance/relationships overview so they can understand and help to implement school based strategies.

Operations Assistant Superintendent of Maintenance and


May-19 Agendas/sign in sheets of trainings

Not Started $8,000 System Staff Development

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

II. Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction will be measured by the new science and social studies Georgia Milestones assessments. With the new assessments in SY18 the goal is that the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" and "proficient or above" will be maintained as follows:Social Studies % at "developing or above" - 5th-74%, 8th-70%, US

History-75%. Social Studies % at "proficient or above" - 5th-29%, 8th-30%, US History-42%. Science % at "developing or above" - 5th-69%, 8th-64% and Biology-70%. Science % at "proficient or above" - 5th-39%, 8th-34% and Biology-45%.

29. Provide adequate resources to ensure that training is available to guide instructional practices in an ever-evolving classroom.

Finance Chief Financial Officer

June-18 Budget for initiatives that support the district priority of

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction - ICLE

professional development, executive coaching,

instructional practice review, purchase of materials for

science and social studies, support HR and PR efforts to promote rigorous

and relevant instruction

In Progress Time/Personnel Office of Finance

30. Support student academic success by decreasing hunger through the Breakfast in the Classroom programs.

School Food and Nutrition

School Food and Nutrition Director

June-23 Documentation of number of students eating breakfast, Breakfast in the Classroom


In Progress $2000 to $5000 per school

Federal School Nutrition Funds;

some grant funding available

31. Continue to support student academic success through the summer by expanding the Summer Feeding Program which provides meals to camps and programs.

School Food and Nutrition

School Food and Nutrition Director

June-23 Documentation of number of student meals served at

summer programs

In Progress All costs are offset by revenue received

Federal funding received

through the Seamless Summer Program

32. Support student learning in health and science by offering nutrition education information to schools that request it.

School Food and Nutrition

School Food and Nutrition Director

June-23 List of schools that request nutrition education

information, documentation of information provided

In Progress Time/Personnel Service provided through

Chartwells as part of annual


33. Support student academic success by increasing the number of Evening Meal Programs and thereby providing students an opportunity to have dinner, do homework or play in a safe environment after school hours.

School Food and Nutrition

School Food and Nutrition Director

June-23 Documentation of number of meals provided and schools

where the program is provided

In Progress All costs are offset by revenue received

Federal Funding received

through the CACFP program

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible Timeline Artifacts Progress

Report Status Cost Funding Source

II. Rigorous and Relevant Instruction

Rigorous and Relevant Instruction will be measured by the new science and social studies Georgia Milestones assessments. With the new assessments in SY18 the goal is that the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" and "proficient or above" will be maintained as follows:Social Studies % at "developing or above" - 5th-74%, 8th-70%, US

History-75%. Social Studies % at "proficient or above" - 5th-29%, 8th-30%, US History-42%. Science % at "developing or above" - 5th-69%, 8th-64% and Biology-70%. Science % at "proficient or above" - 5th-39%, 8th-34% and Biology-45%.

34. Prepare students to receive rigorous and relevant instruction by encouraginga safe environment on the bus thatallows students to arrive at schoolready to learn

Transportation Department

Transportation Director

May-23 Documentation of disruptive bus incidents that may

interfere with student learing upon arrival at school

In Progress Time/Personnel Transportation

35. Maintain a safe and dependableschool bus fleet so that students aredelivered to school in a ready state ofmind to learn.

Transportation Department

Transportation Director

May-23 Documentation of bus maintenance, service checks,

preventative measures to maintain a safe fleet

In Progress $90,000 per bus Transportation

36. Implement 1:1 for grades 3 - 12countywide.

Technology Department

Technology Director

June-19 Record of 1:1 guidelines for schools

Not Started $3.5 million E-SPLOST

37. Investigate a student internprogram at the high schools tointroduce students to computermaintenance and repair.

Technology Department

Technology Director

June-22 Record of guidelines, protocols for student


Not Started Time/Personnel Technology

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible

Timeline Artifacts Progress Report

Status Cost Funding Source

1. Provide professional learning for all certified staff on reading and writing across the curriculum (International Center for Leadership in Education 3 days per school, 2 executive coaching days per school).

Professional Development

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Agendas, Schedule, Sign In Sheets for trainings

provided to staff

In Progress $321,750 System Staff Development

2. Maximize Read 180 and System 44 results by following a non-negotiable data monitoring time line for using formative data to inform instruction (schools 2 times each month and system quarterly).

Curriculum & Instruction

System Level Read 180 and

System 44 Coach

May-18 Agendas/Minutes of Read 180/System 44 data


In Progress Time/Personnel Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

3. Administer Reading Inventory to generate three Lexile measures per student each school year.

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and

Assessment Director

May-18 High level report of proficiency growth by

district and school - 2 times each year

In Progress $135,567 Office of Student Assessment

4. Provide training on setting Lexile goals from information obtained through the Reading Inventory.

School Improvement

and Assessment

School Improvement and

Assessment Director

May-18 Agendas/Sign in sheets of provided trainings

In Progress Time/Personnel Office of Student Assessment

5. Incorporate the use of Lexile data to inform student incremental goals aligned to post secondary plans.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

May-19 Lexile growth reports and goal setting

Not Started Time/Personnel Secondary Curriculum

6. Provide bi-annual training and on-going coaching for kindergarten, first and second grade teachers on using iRead formative data to inform instruction.

Elementary Education

Director of Elementary Education

May-18 Schedule, agendas, sign in sheets of training/coaching


In Progress $50,000 System Staff Development

7. Provide monthly training and on-going coaching for kindergarten, first and second grade teachers on implementing the Phonics with a Purpose program and using formative data to inform phonics instruction.

Elementary Education

Director of Elementary Education

May-18 Agendas, sign in sheets for on-going coaching sessions

In Progress Time/Personnel Elementary Education

8. Provide literacy focused extended learning programs for identified students.

Elementary Education

Director of Elementary Education

Jul-18 Outline of extended learning programs to

include schools, schedules, and activities

In Progress $200,000 System Staff Development

Literacy will be measured by the ELA section of the Georgia Milestones. In SY18 the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" as measured by the Georgia Milestones will increase in 5th from 67% to 69%, in 8th from 72% to 74% and in American Lit from 80% to 83%. The percent of students achieving at "proficient or above" will increase in 5th from

30% to 33%, in 8th from 33% to 36%, and in American Lit from 41% to 45%.

III. Literacy (reading, writing and vocabulary)

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible

Timeline Artifacts Progress Report

Status Cost Funding Source

Literacy will be measured by the ELA section of the Georgia Milestones. In SY18 the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" as measured by the Georgia Milestones will increase in 5th from 67% to 69%, in 8th from 72% to 74% and in American Lit from 80% to 83%. The percent of students achieving at "proficient or above" will increase in 5th from

30% to 33%, in 8th from 33% to 36%, and in American Lit from 41% to 45%.

III. Literacy (reading, writing and vocabulary)

9. Analyze extended learning programsannually to inform/plan for futureextended learning offerings.

Elementary Education

Director of Elementary Education

May-23 Written report of data analysis used to determine

the effectiveness of the programs

In Progress Time/Personnel Elementary Curriculum

10. Analyze Lexile levels of secondarymaterials and develop a plan forreplacement, if needed.

Secondary Education

Director of Secondary Education

May-19 Written report of findings, Lexile levels and replacement plan

Not Started FY18 $10,000FY19 $45,000

Secondary Education

11. Revise 3rd grade - 12th gradeEnglish Language Arts curriculum toinclude a vertical writing component and common assessments.

Curriculum & Instruction;

School Improvement

and Assessment

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-20 Revised pacing guides, curriculum maps and common assessments

Not Started $40,000 System Staff Development

12. Evaluate the the current Pre-Kcurriculum for effectiveness.

Curriculum & Instruction

Director of Elementary Education

May-19 Narrative of results of and recommendations

Not Started Time/Personnel Elementary Curriculum

13. Build system level Read 180,System 44, and iRead instructionalcoaching capacity with one additionalinstructional coach.

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Record of hiring new instructional coach

In Progress $60,000 Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

14. Provide Read 180, System 44, andiRead instructional coaching based onfeedback provided by schools/teachers.

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-19 Agendas/sign in sheets and log of trainings

Not Started Time/Personnel Elementary & Secondary Curriculum

15. Collaborate with members of TroupCounty Center for Strategic Planning toincrease the number of pre-k studentsserved in Troup County and to provideextended learning programs forstudents.

Curriculum & Instruction

Assistant Superintendent of

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Learning

May-18 Documentation of meetings, agendas,

correspondence showing collaboration

In Progress Time/Personnel Elementary Curriculum

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible

Timeline Artifacts Progress Report

Status Cost Funding Source

Literacy will be measured by the ELA section of the Georgia Milestones. In SY18 the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" as measured by the Georgia Milestones will increase in 5th from 67% to 69%, in 8th from 72% to 74% and in American Lit from 80% to 83%. The percent of students achieving at "proficient or above" will increase in 5th from

30% to 33%, in 8th from 33% to 36%, and in American Lit from 41% to 45%.

III. Literacy (reading, writing and vocabulary)

16. Utilize the Jungle Bus to provideearly literacy resources to students andfamilies in Troup County.

Federal Programs

Parent and Family

Engagement Coordinator

May-19 Documentation of Jungle Bus Routes, schedule of

days and stops, record of books given out

In Progress $10,000(Annually)

GOSA Grant (Governor's

Office of Student Achievement),

Community Grants

17. Promote media and technologyliteracy through collaboration withteachers and learning opportunities forstudents.

Technology Department

Instructional Technology


Jun-23 Lesson plans and reading promotions

In Progress Time/Personnel Technology

18. Provide annual professional learningin the area of literacy to exceptionaleducation teachers in designinginstruction (adapting, as appropriate,the content, methodology or delivery ofinstruction) to address the unique needs of students with disabilities.

Exceptional Education

Director of Exceptional Education

May-20 Agendas/Sign in sheets for documentation of

professional learning

In Progress $165,000 IDEA Funds

19. Conduct staffing needs assessmentto inform purposeful recruiting of newstaff to meet current needs.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer

May-20 Narrative of results of staffing needs assessment

In Progress Time/Personnel Human Resources

20. Develop and implement a strategicstaffing plan based on needsassessment.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer

May-19 Strategic staffing plan based on staffing needs


In Progress Time/Personnel Human Resources

21. Revise job descriptions to reflectdistrict professional qualificationrequirements and post job descriptionson public site.

Human Resources

Chief Human Resource Officer

May-18 Revised job descriptions posted to public site

In Progress Time/Personnel Human Resources

22. Host monthly “A Week of Literacy”campaign to highlight TCSS literacyinitiatives.

Public Relations Public Relations Director

May-20 Literacy initiatives on social sites, Students and teachers excelling in

literacy initiatives/teaching across the curriculum,

Routes of the Jungle Bus posted, Literacy Quote of the Week on social site,

Press Release

In Progress Time/Personnel Public Relations

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Action Step Department/ Group

Person Responsible

Timeline Artifacts Progress Report

Status Cost Funding Source

Literacy will be measured by the ELA section of the Georgia Milestones. In SY18 the percent of students achieving at "developing or above" as measured by the Georgia Milestones will increase in 5th from 67% to 69%, in 8th from 72% to 74% and in American Lit from 80% to 83%. The percent of students achieving at "proficient or above" will increase in 5th from

30% to 33%, in 8th from 33% to 36%, and in American Lit from 41% to 45%.

III. Literacy (reading, writing and vocabulary)

23. Provide adequate resources toensure an environment for sustainablegrowth in student measures.

Finance Chief Financial Officer

Jun-18 Budget for initiatives that support the district priority

of literacy - ICLE professional development,

Read 180/System 44/Reading Inventory platform and coaching, support HR staffing for

literacy, support PR efforts to promote literacy, work

with maintenance and operations to provide necessary pieces of extended learning


In Progress Time/Personnel Office of Finance

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