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The OzBoy Files™

The TRUTH About 2002 Bali Bombings

The Blast Zone

Written By

Steve Johnson & Lloyd T Vance

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The Master Mind Behind 2002 Bali Bombings

Michael Harari Michael "Mike" Harari (born 1927) was an Israeli intelligence officer in the Mossad. Harari was involved in several notable operations, including the failed Lillehammer affair and the rescue of hostages at Entebbe. Harari began his intelligence work facilitating illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine after World War II. He then spent time in the army and Shin Bet before being recruited by the Mossad in the 1960s. During his time in the Mossad he ran agents in Europe, eventually advancing to the head of the Operations Branch. It was during this time that he helped build and lead teams in Operation Wrath of God, the Israeli response to the Munich Massacre in 1972. In what became known as the Lillehammer affair, Harari led a team into Norway where they believed Ali Hassan Salameh, the chief of Black September operations was living. After identifying and assassinating the target, it was revealed that they had killed an innocent waiter, Ahmed Bouchiki, who only resembled Salameh.

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While authorities arrested many of Harari's team, he escaped back to Israel. A Norwegian case against him was dismissed in January 1999 because of a lack of evidence. Despite this setback, Harari later scored two major successes for the Mossad. Before Operation Thunderbolt was launched in July, 1976, to free Israeli hostages at Entebbe International Airport, Harari supposedly took the disguise of an Italian businessman to enter and reconnoiter the airport. He also helped facilitate the use of Kenyan air bases to refuel Israeli planes returning from the rescue mission.

In January, 1979, Harari led a team that killed Ali Hassan Salameh in Beirut with a car bomb, the same man he had tried to assassinate in Lillehammer years earlier.

Michael "Mike" Harari (born 1927) was an Israeli Intelligence Officer in the Mossad. This is the only known picture of him since his younger days, he was in Bali to over see the Operation.

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“The Truth Never Lies!

If The Official Story About An Event Is True Which is Released To The Mainstream Media By Government Figures is The Truth – Then There is No Reason To Lie. Its Only if The Official Story Released To The Mainstream Media Is Lies, Then The Government Has To Resort To Telling Lies.”

The Freedom Collective™ is a group of like minded people dedicated to seeking peace and truth in a world of lies and deceit. Freedom Collective™ OZBOYFILE™ and associated logos and certain images listed are copyright Trademarks and are not to be copied or reproduced without express permission. The images contained within this publication are shown and used for illustrative purposes, have been found on public domain and have used for educational use only and no ownership is implied or intended unless stated specifically.

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The Truth About 2002 Bali Bombings Prefix…………………………………………………………………….. INTRODUCTION........................................................ Chapter One Trouble in Paradise....................................................… The setting of the stage for false flag terrorism Chapter Two Prelude to a Storm. ..................................................... Before Bali, the PNAC planners developed Sept 11 plan Chapter Three Who Stood to gain the most?...................................... The Planners? The Case Solvers? The Media? Who exactly benefited?

1) John Howard + Liberal Party popularity 2) Federal Police 3) Australian Defence Forces 4) Australian Security Agencies 5) Aust. State Police powers 6) Indonesian Police 7) Indonesian Military 8) Indonesian Security Agencies 9) The NeoCon agenda for The War on Terror 10) The Official Investigators

Chapter Four Just the facts.................................................................... Across the net the stories and eyewitness accounts surrounding the bomb(s) And the deliveries are rather numerous tales.. Chapter Five The Facts as I see them..................................................… Regardless of it all this is just my own opinion.

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Chapter Six Case by Case. Eyewitness accounts............................................................…… Chapter Seven Ten Bali and Sept 11 Coincidences....................................……….. Itemised 1-10 the TEN Sari Club and Sept 11 coincidences. Chapter Eight Why it CANNOT be a fertiliser truck bomb....................………………

1) The 1 Tonne fertiliser lie evidence 2) Bomb makers confession evidence 3) Crater physics evidence

Chapter Nine The Missing Kuta Street......................................................…….. Not Shown on ANY Maps anywhere. The missing street scrubbed from the maps. Chapter Ten How they Sold the Official Version..................................…………. Muslims are taking over the world. Aren’t they? Chapter Eleven The Al Qaeda DVD collection...........................................………… Every Terrorist threat to America stored electronically from Aal to Zydez. Chapter Twelve Dr Azahari – Man of Mystery............................................……….. Yet another seriously digital creation. Dr Azahari Husin. Chapter Thirteen The UN troops on mission that night..............................…………. Just how many UN troops were on Bali the night of the blast anyhow? Chapter Fourteen The hair that would not burn...........................................……… Graphic photos of microwave burns victims, Flash burns victims.

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Chapter Fifteen The Comparisons................................................................…… Compare Hiroshima and Sari Club Compare 911 and Sari Club Cars Chapter Sixteen The Bali Nuke Email..........................................................……….. Email from 5 days after reporting a “Video” of the Sari club White flash explosion. Conclusion

Over the years in trying to write and bring you this book, the real perpetrators behind these attacks have tried to silence us, including Ex – Editor of Jakarta Post, Robert S Finnegan. They tried to poison Robert with what we now believe to be Plutonium. Allot of people have been assassinated since 11th Sept 2001, London Bombings and other Attacks which have occurred, so just remember this, there is people like Bob, Steve and Lloyd and many others risking their lives to get you the truth.

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Prefix Its important people read and understand the following essay about what is False Flag Terrorism, I am sorry I cannot help people get their heads around it, and are to brain washed, under mind controlled by The Government and lying Mainstream Media to believe their Government, Police and Military would ever kill their own people in “COLD BLOOD” What can I say people? You have two choices. A) Believe your Government, Politicians, Police, Military and the lying Mainstream Media, which have been caught lying since when Adam was a boy or

B) Stand up, become an Independent Thinker, think logically, laterally and outside the box, trust nobody and you do your own investigations, research and you will find the truth.

What is False Flag Terrorism? http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Terrorism The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

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Understanding False Flag Terrorism False Flag Attacks are basically Population Control measures, put into place they install fear and makes any subject or population easy to control. Definition: - False Flag Terrorist Attack False Flag operations are covert operations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colours that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peacetime for example, during Italy's strategy of tension. Basically there are two ways to pull off a False Flag Terrorist Attack 1) Recruit a small team to carry off the attack, this way is very risky because they leave their fingerprints behind which stand out like dogs balls to experienced researchers and investigators. The real perpetrators are easier to identify, point out and expose, and makes it easier also to trace back to the higher ups that ordered, sanction the attacks to go ahead. E.G Corrupt Politicians, Military People and Intelligence Chiefs.

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2) The other way in which to carry off a False Flag Terrorist Attack is doing it under cover of running some Police, Military Drill this way is more effective, the real perpetrators are harder to identify point out, thus harder to have it traced back to the higher ups the chain who ordered and sanction the attacks. E.G Corrupt Politicians, Military People and Intelligence Chiefs. They hide their finger prints within by carrying out the False Flag Attack at the same time, same place as running Police & Military Drills thus hiding out amongst 100’s even thousands who are participating in the Drills. In many cases your really recruiting others in the operation of doing the attacks and little do people realize they have just helped the real perpetrators carry off the attacks and have been the saps.

There is another reason why the real perpetrators carry off attacks at the same time as running drills and that’s to stop the countries Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies from fighting back and doing their job from letting these attacks from going ahead. This is where we catch them every time when doing our research and investigations and how we know something is a False Flag Terrorist Attack they carry them out while running these drills. The chances of a Terrorist Attack happening at the same time, place as a drill going on is 13 pass a trillion odds of it happening, so coincidence cannot be explained away that easy.

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Evidence Governments Have Used False Flag Terrorism Governments Admit To Carrying Out False Flag Terrorist Attacks Forget the claims and allegations that false flag terror - governments attacking people and then blaming others in order to create animosity towards those blamed - has been used throughout history. This essay will solely discuss government admissions to the use of the False Flag Terror. For example:

• The CIA admits that it hired Iranians in the 1950's to pose as Communists and stage bombings in Iran in order to turn the country against its democratically-elected president

• Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind "evidence" implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this)

• The well-respected former Indonesian president admitted that the government probably had a role in the Bali bombings

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• The former Italian Prime Minister, an Italian judge, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admitted that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.

As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: "You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security" (and see this)(Italy joined NATO in 1949, years before the bombings occured)

• As admitted by the U.S. government, recently declassified documents show that in the 1960's, the American Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on a plan to blow up AMERICAN airplanes (using an elaborate plan involving the switching of airplanes), and also to commit terrorist acts on American soil, and then to blame it on the Cubans in order to justify an invasion of Cuba.

See the following ABC news report; the official documents; and watch this interview with the former Washington Investigative Producer for ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. There are many other instances of False Flag Attacks used throughout history proven by the historical evidence. See this http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/01/former-national-security-advisor-war-on.html

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And This http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#As_pretexts_for_war And this http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/ARTICLE5/index.html The above are only some examples of governments admitting to using False Flag Terror. You can't call it a conspiracy theory when the government itself admits it. And this is not just ancient history:

• Jimmy Carter's former National Security Adviser - Zbigniew Brzezinski - told the Senate that a terrorist act might be carried out in the U.S. and falsely blamed on Iran to justify war against that nation

• A retired 27-year CIA analyst who prepared and presented Presidential Daily Briefs and served as a high-level analyst for several presidents, would not put it past the government to "play fast and loose" with terror alerts and warnings and even events themselves in order to rally people behind the flag

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INTRODUCTION Welcomed people to The OzBoy File – The Truth About 2002 Bali Bombings, this book has been over 8 years in the making, researching, investigating, collecting all the evidence, proof. Remember at the end of the day myself Steve and other researchers don’t have to prove anything or provide any evidence its for The Government, Police, Military, Intelligence Services and the lying Mainstream Media to give you the people all that material. As researchers, investigators its our job as ordinary folk like you that when a story doesn’t make sense and sound like a load of crap and horse s*** as concerned citizens that’s when we step in and say hey wait a minute that is all lies, rubbish. That is why Researchers – Investigators like Steve Johnson and Lloyd T Vance are called names “Conspiracy Theorist” with the implications trying to imply we are lying or creating stories, or somehow escaped from a mental hospital. As evidence above proves we have been right allot of times, Mainstream Media “0” times so who has the more creditability? So sit back and enjoy reading The OzBoy File – The Truth About 2002 Bali Bombings as we. Cover eye witness stories and first hand accounts of what people saw, felt and heard that night. We also cover the other numerous theories on the internet and look into the validity of each claim.

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From the initial claims to the most recent, the twists and turns resembles a Hitchcock thriller. The Lies. The Story. The Evidence. Who said what, when, and how it was said. Chapter ONE TROUBLE IN PARADISE

It was the most awful scenario imaginable, a bombing a nightclub in a peaceful island getaway retreat. At a nightclub well known to be frequented by Australians. The Most Incredible scenes and images, as horrific injuries unusual for this typical "planned carnage" began to appear. Experts were left baffled.

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Skin doctors and world re-known specialists had never ever seen such horrific types of injuries. It was a very unconventional device from the outset. We retrace this event every Step of the way. From the initial investigation to the later events of terrorism that has continued on the islands of Indonesia. When one remembers the Bali Bombings in 2002, we recall the story we were told from an Australian perspective, which was completely through the eyes of the Media. Print Media, Television Media, and of course Internet and Radio, first hand accounts, eye witness testimony, Police statements do we really think we got the full picture about what was really going on? Really? At first glance the case appears neatly wrapped up. Mad Islamic suicide bomber from local angry youth religious group blows himself up and a whole heap of Westerners. However is the story ever as simple as that? When one looks into all of that data, looks into the material facts and scientific data from the event, analyses the eye witness statements, the statements made since then and all the of photographic evidence, one begins to get a disturbing picture that the official story of Jamaa Islamiyah part time chicken farmers making a lethal military device, is nothing more than thin veil of carefully concocted lies.

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There was more than one bullet fired from the grassy knoll outside the Sari club that night on Kuta Beach. The real "bombers" got away from Bali Ngurah Rai Airport that night Leaving a trail, a trail that we have found. The smoke and smoulder at the site has long since faded away into memory. It has since been renovated with a memorial built and most people continued on with their lives unaware of the "extra information" that was seeping out through the cracks in the "official story" since then. We have found numerous theories, many wild stories and some amazing facts about Bali that may shock you. Of all the Bali theories one thing is certain, The Official Version is full of lies. Just the same as with the Sept. 11th there’s always zero evidence to support such assertions. These similar kinds of attacks around the world, one has to look into the heart of the crime and ask Who Benefited? Who Stood To Gain Most? What circumstances were leading up to the event?

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And what circumstances followed? Looking at it from an Australian involvement perspective, this is THIS BOOK will do just that. Piece the Bali Bomb Puzzle together over a chronological timeline. Piece by Piece. Bit-by-Bit. Read on as we show Who Really did it. Why they did it. And How They Did it. The Blast Zone at Bali Ground Zero event. The damage inflicted similar to a micro-nuke device.

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A second blast at Paddys bar and also another third device goes off at US consulate at approx except this one a "False Flag" harmless device at the same time. It is high time this book is written in Australia and the Australian people Deserve to know THE truth. What was the story with the smiling bomber Amrozi? There was something more going on there for sure. Didn’t anybody ask what was going on with that? There certainly appeared to be collusion with the Indonesians and the suspects from early on in the Australian perspective. However we all Deserve the REAL truth, not some warm, fuzzy concocted truth made up in the offices of corrupt politicians or government agencies or media offices, trying to portray Australia in this imaginary world they want to impose upon the average Australian psyche. Why could it possibly be that as you read right now, have we The Australian people been betrayed? Not only by our Australian Politicians elected to work for us “We The People” but also have we been betrayed by Police, Military and Intelligence agencies in Australia and others whose duty it is to uphold the law, and protect us the Australian people from harm. It would appear that they along with the entire Australian media have lost the ability to investigate a story.

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To ask FOR PROOF when the politicians spin their stories. These disgraceful pollichickens certainly owe ‘”We the Australian People” an answer on why they betray us? Why have they been lying to us? How about the Politicians who lied to us about Weapons of Mass Destruction being in Iraq and a direct threat to the world. Now that they have been found to betray the world in a resource grab, who is there now to stop them and call them to justice. Chapter TWO 9-11 Prelude to a Storm The day the world changed forever... Sept 11th changed a lot of things for a lot of people. It marked the next phase in the Neo-con push for a "War On Terror" to swing into gear and invade the resource rich nations for their oil deposits. The War on Terror all started with the following words

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“You are either with us or You’re with the Terrorists” – George W Bush – The definition of “Terrorist” was never the same after that statement. It was already defined in New Terror Laws which were waiting on the desks of leaders from America, Australia, Canada, England, and Israel all they needed was for Sept 11th 2001 to happen and used that self inflicted Terrorist Attack as a pretext to start the ball rolling. For those who still think when reading the Terrorist Laws, they are meant for crazy fanatical Muslims, think again! Terrorist is defined as anybody who disagrees with The Government of the day and Government policies of the party.

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General Pinoche` from Chile, South America and a few other dictators Throughout history followed the same course, introduced laws making it an Offence against the state, for anybody who disagrees with the State and regime. The same script has been followed with these Anti Terror Laws, they are meant for “We The People” to be used against us, to shut us up, lock us up if we disagree with what they the politicians do. The “War On Terror” plan is clearly spelt out in the PNAC documents (Plan For A New American Century) and the plan involves America to invade up to 60 Countries, including Australia and put the “Oil & Gas” supplies under American Multi National Corporations Control for the sheer greed of these Company’s to make huge profits, also for America to control the earths natural resources. Think about it? “He Who Controls The Worlds Resources – Control The World” so it is nothing short of a power grab, America has been doing this for the last 50 years since WW2 All these “Oil & Gas” contracts would be put through Halliburton KRB, which people within the George W Bush – Dick Cheney US Administration and outside corrupt politicians and business friends all have, shares in. So they are guaranteed of profits whichever way it worked out, with Company revenues going up and thus their share portfolio would rise in price also company shareholder dividends.

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“War on Terror” is a cover for Rich and Powerful to Loot the World” From the thousands arrests around the world of “terrorists” the Islamophobic headlines and “expert” analysis on news outlets such Fox, BBC, Sky News, and other Murdock and Zionist owned Media outlets, the actual number of convictions are miniscule. Even those that are convicted, there are great doubts about the trial procedures and evidence presented. The hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payers monies that are being used to keep this fraudulent war on terror alive benefits only the goals and objectives of warmongers, the war industry, the Zionists and the super rich. Masses of the world are being turned into slaves and cannon fodder for the Super rich. There you have the whole War On Terror its nothing more then an illusion, there is no Muslim Terrorist trying to take over the world? Trying to forcing Islam down our throats & trying to convert us, its all an Illusion. The whole War On Terror is nothing more then a bunch of cheap, liar, murdering scoundrel criminals who have taken control of certain Governments USA, Australia, Canada, England, and Israel and declared War on The World. Trying to take control of the Worlds resources “Oil, Gas, and Drugs” England and USA has a long history of doing the same over the centuries, and this plan has been 50 – 60 years in the making.

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Where Hitler and Stalin failed, this bunch of criminals running our Governments today in USA, Australia, Canada and England and Israel would succeed. Starting soon after Sept 11 attacks, especially in Australia was a rising tide of the Anti-War Peace movement. Society had not seen this level of activism in Australia since the 1960's Anti-Vietnam Protests. Surely the Govt would have seen that as a worrying sign to their "Plans for Iraqi War." Lets face facts: The Iraqi invasion idea was planned a Long time before Sept. 11th That is evident within the PNAC document writings http://ProjectforNewAmericanCentury.org

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The Project for the New American Century http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article1665.htm America's War for Global Domination http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5428.htm The Plan is for the United States to rule the world http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article1544.htm There really is no Islamo-Muslim terrorist invasion trying to take over the world, trying to forcing Islam down the throats of the Soccer-moms and Johnny Punch-clocks of America & trying to convert us, take over our society and fill our local suburbs with mosques. Its all an Illusion. The whole War On Terror is nothing more then a bunch of cheap, liar, murdering scoundrel criminals who have taken control of certain Governments (The BIG 5:) USA, Australia, Canada, England, and Israel and declare War on The World. Trying to take control of the Worlds’ resources “Oil, Gas, and Drugs” England and USA has a long history of doing the same over the centuries, and this plan has been 50 – 60 years in the making. Where Hitler and Stalin failed, this bunch of criminals running our Governments today in the BIG 5 would succeed.

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Starting soon after Sept 11 attacks, especially in Australia was a rising tide of the Anti-War movement. We had not seen his level of activism in Australia since the 60's Anti-Vietnam Protests. The mystical and magical "Al Quaeda " is nothing more then a Boogie-Man fairy story told by crusty old Generals to naive Boot-jock Grunt Jarheads in Bootcamp. Surely the Govt would have seen that as a worrying sign to their "Plans for Iraqi War." For their Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) Project. Just before Australia’s' impending involvement in IRAQ, when the heat was on the Government, and the majority of people in Australia had started to become active in speaking up against war, it was a time when the ordinary Joe had begun organizing protest marches. Tens of Thousands around Australia say No to War 01 December 2002 http://palmsunday.socialchange.net.au/news/32.html Sunday Feb 16, 2003 - over 300,000 rally in Sydney... One million Australians take to the streets to say NO WAR, Feb 14-16 http://palmsunday.socialchange.net.au/news/39.html

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This was all a serious blow against the Bush’s Administration big plans, And Vice President Dick Cheney and Neo Cons plans, ambitions to seeking control of the worlds resources. Just as Hitler, Stalin, and Pinoche` and other dictators turned on their own people who refuse to go along with their plans so to would the Bush – Cheney Administration Soon in Australia a groundswell of support against WAR in general starts to bloom. Even celebrities speak up against the impending Iraq invasion. Thousands began to Rally and protest in Street Marches for peace since Sept. 11th Even in Indonesia Pro American Anti-War Anti-Bush Muslims demonstrated peacefully 2 days before Kuta Beach bombings.... Bush still pushed for war against growing opposition. Thousands Rally and protest in Street Marches in Australia and around the world. Sept 11th 2001 Terrorist Attack upon New York was what we in the research business call A False Flag Operation. A False Flag Operation is when a country carries out a terrorist attack against itself then tries to blame somebody else for it, usually that country gets away with it. But America has not been able to get away with this attack, 6 solid years of research, information collected by some of the best researchers about proves this was a False Flag Operation.

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Carried out by the Americans against themselves, so it could be used as a pretext to get the now Fake War On Terror off the ground. The internet age has assisted in the gradual exposure of the official story as complete hogwash. It has enabled researchers across the globe to share their information and expose deeper layers of the rabbit hole. Was 9/11 An Administrative Coup d’etat that happened within the corridors of the White House and Pentagon? There is no simpler way to explain it, or understand why 911 happened for except to say it was an Administrative Coup d’etat that happened within the corridors of the White House and Pentagon, and other Government Depts. A group of Neo Cons (New Conservatives)with brave and foolhardy ideas about re-igniting an Arms race and boosting the US military back to Cold War days, have indeed seized the Whitehouse, and are now running US Foreign Policy and royally screwing up years of diplomacy with gaffes, guns and greed. The same people who make laws to invade peaceful countries for fictitious reasons have family and friends strategically placed in the certain war machine corporations, filling the no bid contracts and raking in billions with little or no accountability. Leaders in Australia like Prime Minister John Howard and Opposition leader Kevin Rudd, as well, Canadas' Stephen Harper and Englands' Tony Blair also signed on with this criminal bunch that had now taken control and power in America.

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Leading up to the events in Kuta Indonesia, the Anti War Sentiment was very high globally. People questioned the justification of why invasion was needed, especially here in Australia. Almost overnight the Sari Club bombing quietened all vocal opposition to the Iraq invasion, and quelled all protest and dissent about joining Americas illegal war on everybody. The protests had been brought to a stop by this one act against Australia. Chapter THREE

Who Benefitted? Who Stood to Gain Most?

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The Bali events actually benefitted a few key select groups that actually gained an advantage, lets take a look at the Whos Hows and Whys.

1) John Howard And The Liberal Party 2002 Bali Bombings made John W (dubya2) Howard a chance to appear so brave and tough on TV against nasty mad terrorists in our regional neighborhood. It also gave an open door for Australian Military Involvement in Iraq. Something the Australian public and Liberal majority in Govt. prior to Bali opposed. The Labor party whilst appearing to be 'opposition' has the same policies, thus is included. **** 4 Advantage points gained. 2) Australian Federal Police They gained a very good foothold into the Asian region with the deployment and positioning of investigation teams co-working with Indonesian Police and Forensics. Possibly the first Aus-Indo mutual sting-Operation they further have carried out together since include the Chappelle Corby "boogie-board" 'hogwash story (An obvious attempt tofurther pander to Indonesian authorities by offering a sacrificial lamb ) and the infamous Bali 9 Heroin smuggling sting. ***** 5 Advantage points gained

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3) Australian Defence Forces Falling recruitment numbers and an aging military hardware surplus and ailing morale, the Australian Defence Force had seen better days. As one Reservist mentioned "There’s only so many Training exercises one can do before you get bored with it. " Bali provided the reason for a new injection of funding into Aussie Defence spending and a new recruitment campaign to "go get those Freedom loving terrorists " Never before in the distinguished history of the Australian Army have Australian lives been used as a corporate security force for foreign oil concerns so blatently as they are today. ***** 5 Advantage points gained ! ! ! ! - 5 Respect points lost 4) Australian Security Services and Agencies For those with a well read knowledge of the birth and growth of the Australian Intelligence Agencies, one would most certainly know of the many bungling attempts made by ASIO to pull off "false flag attacks" within Australia to justify an increase to their budgeted funding. Many of these have later been exposed as Asio have a chequered history of such attempts to plan and then lie about "random bomb attacks".

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The Intelligence Community certainly benefitted from the Bali Bombings. Needless to mention the substantial financial boost to Security companies, the contractors and the sudden rise in demand for Security experts. One glaring example of the new-found powers of The State occurred when armed Secret Service staff seized and destroyed Carmel Travers Computer equipment at SBS Studios while she was making "Truth Lies & Intelligence" (Docco about the lies surrounding Iraq invasion by John Howard). http://www.purplepictures.com.au/site/03011.php Apparently they had been sent by the Office of Attorney General Phillip (Dark Sith Lord) Ruddock. Prior to Bali Bombings such blatant media intimidation and censorship had been unheard of in Aust. It seems that for "National Security" some peoples PC computers need to be busted up. Some people speculated it was because she was reporting too close to the Israeli aspect of the "Iraqi WMD lies" that she was threatened and intimidated. ******** 8 Advantage points gained.

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5) Australian State Police Powers New stop and detain laws, new snooping laws, new powers, tasers, new laws of detention, new weapons, tear gas, immobilizers, militarization of The Police. Upgraded equipment and vehicles. ******** 8 Advantage points gained. 6) Indonesian Police And 7) Indonesian Military And 8) Indonesian Security Under the wing of TNI The symbiotic nature of these three elements of control devices in Indonesia are quite unique and deserve further elaboration. In fact the entire Army, Navy and AirForce AND THE POLICE are collectively termed the Armed Forces of the Indonesian Republic or Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia. Whilst they are all under the one ABRI bureaucracy umbrella, the Indonesian Police have earned themselves a reputation for being the most corrupt Police force in the world.

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The Military are well known for being a law unto themselves throughout the Indonesian region. In fact, bombings and terrorist acts are hardly new to Indonesia, one could say, they were a way of life. **4 July 2000: Bomb explodes at attorney -general's office. **1 August, 2000 - Bomb kills two and seriously injures the Philippines ambassador to Indonesia. ***27 August 2000: Grenade attack at Malaysian embassy. *13 September 2000 A car bomb explodes inside the garage of the Jakarta Stock Exchange building, killing 15 people. . **26 Sept 2000 Police arrest 2 Kopassus (special forces) soldiers for recent string of bombings. **25 December 2000 - Bombs explode at 11 churches across the country, killing19. In 1998 after the fall of the brutal Suharto regime, the Indonesians were "pressured" by IMF and World Bank to swing "more democratically" and abandon the blatant military intimidation of its citizens. Unable to practice the corruption that was now the Police domain, the Kopassus needed to remind their Govt. that a strong Military was needed. It was finally revealed on Sept. 26th 2000 by then new Police Chief General Suroyo Bimantoro said the two soldiers detained "were the ones who planted the (stock market) bomb.

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He said one was a member of the elite Kopassus special forces unit. "They also pitched in with making the bomb. We have proof for that," he added. Kopassus effectively acted as former President Suharto's private army during his rule and the latest arrests are likely to heighten suspicions that elements in the army carried out the bombing in protest at the former president's recent legal trial on serious corruption charges. Within Indonesia therein lies a great potential for a home-grown military threat. As it turned out the rogue elements within Indonesian military and linked to Suhartos Kopassus had much more carnage and bloodshed planned at Western targets. General Bimantoro said the pair had been detained in the Javanese city of Bandung on Sunday following the arrest of 25 suspects in Jakarta a day earlier. One of the suspects had even admitted their next targets were to include the US embassy and even a Jakarta Dept. Store. Given that remarkable fact, and the fact that on the night of the Bali Bombings the US embassy in Bali was attacked, I’d say the chances that Indonesian military were involved were incredibly high. Earlier in September 2000, then President Abdurrahman Wahid ordered the arrest of Mr Suhartos youngest son “Tommy” Mandala Putra, in relation to the bombing campaign but was released after Police said there was no evidence of his involvement.

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Tommies father however the despotic ex ruler of Indonesia was charged with stealing $583 million in Govt money during his 32 year rule.

Incredibly, Abdurrahman Wahid (Now Former Abdurrahman Wahid and ex President of Indonesia pictured Above) pointed out to SBS film crews in Oct 2005 that it was indeed more likely that Indonesian Police or military officers played a role in the 2002 Sari Club Bali Bombings rather than Amrozi, Muhklas and Samudra. It really is no secret that after Suhartos fall, the Military function and role in Indonesian internal political influence and position in society had changed significantly. Dropped from being immediately and directly involved with instrumental international policies to being yet another branch of beaurocratic Government spending.

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That had to suddenly be loyal and accountable both morally and financially to the official bureaucracy. The Police, Military and Secret Services of Indonesia begrudgingly took their back seat for the moment much with serious grumblings and a secret bombing campaign planned. Reduced to chasing down chicken farmers in Banda Aceh, and busting ‘rings of balaclava armed idiots’, the Military then carefully assessed a plan to become instrumental within their country once again. What better way to justify an agency funding boost (as groups like ASIO have learnt over the years) than with a sudden boost of terror attacks across the nation. Random acts of violence perpetrated to ensure political will sees the need for more “state security funding” to make the place safer. Thus in the minds of many alternate and mainstream Indonesian political analysts the number one beneficiary and suspect number one remains clearly on these internal forces struggling to re-invent their power and persuasion.

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The newly invigorated Indonesian Judicial system have certainly reinvented themselves certainly with the high profile cases some connected to Bali we will detail later on. The Bali Nine and Schappelle Corby Case both casting a view on how the new Indo process goes. They have re-invented themselves nicely as given a moral purpose to chase the evil doers and terrorists down in a blaze of gunfire. This suited many power structures very well to play along with this agenda and gave Indo Military, Police and Special Forces something they never had before Political Clout with Indonesian policy makers. ********** 10 Advantage Points gained 9) The NeoCon agenda for War on Terror And introducing Anti Terror laws. The Neo-Conservatives have benefited from the Bali Bombings and are benefiting everyday with more Carlyle weapons contracts fulfilled. With the new anti Terror Laws being thought up every day to make sure you are kept in place and under surveillance. The moment Bali occurred the Neo-Con spin was all too good for them to blame it on al-qaeda.

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Didn’t matter if it was true or not just sounded good for the folks back home in the war on terror... The only link in fact that the US Govt was using to claim it was Al Faruk (al-farouq) a known CIA asset planted in Bogor, Indonesia and known by the locals as an American asset. No doubt seeing a few ideas from the Sept 11 event there was even suggestion this new event the planners were using the date numerologically: 1 day 1 month and 1 year from Sept 11th 2001 On: October 12th 2002 Numerologically speaking everything surrounding Bali is peculiar. Especially the execution of those blamed. As soon as the moment struck midnite on 9th November 2008 or 9-11-08 In Southern Hemisphere date time codings. After the Sari club now the Aussies had a taste of what terror was bringing them if they didn’t join Dublyas war on terror. Spain resisted as well and had a taste also 911 days after Sept 11. That was March 11th 2004 http://snopes.com/rumours/madrid.asp What we are essentially dealing with here are esoteric dark forces maligning people against each other to do these horrible acts.

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These terror attacks in these countries bolstered the resolve to illegally invade Iraq and Afghanistan with the US. They were the perfect excuse to blame Al Qaeda and get their war on borderless terror anywhere they want, especially curiously in the resource rich areas. The companies fulfilling the logistical work certainly benefited from the Bali Bombings. More shameless Point scoring was to come As The nation points out: http://thenation.com/blogs/capitalgames?pid=124 Bush Officials Exploit Bali Blast Posted by David Corn on 10/15/2002 @ 3:21pm

Can George W. Bush be trusted as he further heats up the rhetoric on Iraq? Two days after a horrific bomb blast in Bali, Indonesia, killed over 180 people--including at least two Americans--Bush, appearing at a Republican campaign rally in Michigan, cited the assault as yet another reason for vigorous prosecution of the war on terrorism. But as he rallied the GOP loyalists, he focused less on al Qaeda (which, naturally, is suspected of being associated with the Bali attack) and more on Saddam Hussein.

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Bush maintained that the Iraqi dictator hopes to deploy al Qaeda as his own "forward army" against the West, that "we need to think about Saddam Hussein using al Qaeda to do his dirty work, to not leave fingerprints behind," and that "this is a man who we know has had connections with al Qaeda." Bush and his administration have offered no proof of any of this. In fact, less than a week before the Michigan event, the CIA had released a letter noting that it had no evidence that Saddam intends to commit terrorism against the United States, absent a US strike against him. (Did the President miss the newspapers that day?) The Agency's conclusion is hardly consistent with Bush's claim that Saddam is actively engaged in turning Osama bin Laden's terrorist network into his own private force. .... This was at the same event where Bush was confirming the Saddam link to Al Qaeda. This absurd allegation has always been proven false. Even after Bush was rushing to the world telling them about the South east Asia Al Qaeda phony network. The one that never really existed except in CIA databases. For creating and maintaining the ‘Al Qaeda” terrorist bogeyman myth for a fictitious war on terror which has essentially captured resource rich lands upgrading oil pipeline deals, this charade has certainly benefited elements within the neocon agenda for a New American Century.

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They have manage to seize in a few years what has been defended for centuries. All thanks to the new pre-emption policies shaped around Sept 11 and Bali false flag events. *************** 15 Advantage points gained 10) The Investigators The Official Investigators all stood by to get medals and promotions and certificates and special ribbons. Those that SOLVED the crimes and caught the perpetrators stood by to get promotions, the fame and glory, the interviews, the book deals, the film rights. The Police Chief of Bali and head Investigator Imade Pastika did ok out of the Bali bombings.... We might even have a chapter on him personally. ********************* 20 Advantage points gained

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Chapter THREE

Who DID NOT Benefit? 1) Muslims worldwide 2) Jamaa Islamyia 3) Religious schools 4) Asian cultures 5) Balinese people 6) Western Civil Liberties 7) Freedom of travel 8) Rights to privacy 9) Rights to dissent

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Chapter FOUR Just The Facts

Before we look any further at any of the lies about Bali Bombings, lets look at the agreed established facts of the case. A quick review through the points. 23:05: One of the supposed suicidebombers named: Iqbal enters “Paddys Bar”on Jalan Legian at Kuta Beach on Bali. 23:10: Suicide Bomber Iqbal supposedly leaves a bag in the Paddys Bar mensroom.

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23:11: Samudra and Ali Imron speed off on a hired motor bike to place a 3rd bomb 100 meters or so from the US Consulate gate. 23:13 A White Van pulls up out front of Sari Nightclub. Suicide Iqbal allegedly waits for the first bomb signal. 23:14 A bystander reminds Iqbal he’s left his bag. He ends up with it, and goes to the exit, when it suddenly explodes killing 8 people in the Paddys bar section and himself. 23:14:30 Moments later amidst the panic and confusion of the first bomb, the white van explodes. Instantly killing many. 202 dead and 200 wounded is the final number according to the official theory. 23:15 Consulate device goes off. The truly interesting thing is how greatly the story has deviated to fit a certain fairytale.

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For example, The facts about the suicide bomber came from a Dec 2002 eye witness interviewed by Indonesian Police who reportedly had notified Iqbal in Paddys Bar, that he’d left the bag containing the device. Interesting through the Police witness wished to remain anonymous. Official Aust. Federal Police website reports the “Suicide bomber wore a vest” while still others say it was a “backpack bomb.” Others say it was a plastic bag thrown into the bar from a moving vehicle, some say it was a thrown brown bag others are not really sure what they saw that night.. A few things we can be very sure of, More than 100 people at least were instantly vaporised by the initial Sari Club Blast when it’s fireball ignited.

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Those who lived were the very unlucky ones, Many people were “flash-fried” blasted as they stood.

One almost finished lighting his cigarette, decapitated in a lighting stance, Many people had their facial skin cooked yet their facial hair was unsigned, A cover-up of evidence took place at the Sari Club device test site.

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For all those who laugh Micro Nuke? Where is The Flash burning I think these pictures proves that, you don’t get these burns with a fertilizer bomb.

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Certainly no truck bomb made the crater outside the club, and remember folks these are all the pictures the lying Mainstream Media covered up, never showed you and the Police never


Thanks to Robert S Finnegan Ex – Editor Jakarta Post he had a Camera person around taking pictures and a few others were on

the scene, So all the lies under the sun wont excuse the Mainstream Media for covering up this attack

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Make a mental note about this crater because this is where the Micro Nuke was planted.

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This crater was drained and filled in by the morning, so the Official story could take shape and the Indonesians could round up a few patsies for the attack. Chapter FIVE

The Facts as I understand them A testing of a new urban assassination device made from in the Negev desert testing facility occupied Palestine was used with a number of dual purposes on the evening of 12th October 2002. To test the urban sanitization of their new type of low trace radiation device that leaves a different radioactive signature. They wanted a forensic analysis done for assessment for future assassination of high priority target use. To assist in persuading the Australian people to support the Australian involvement in the American led war on Terror.

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To rally support against a fictional Asian Al Qaeda group one purposefully created by CIA and Indonesian intelligence agencies specifically to take the rap for such a thing. To clean up the local Kuta streets of all the beach scum and lowlife predatory characters have them all line up to get into the “hottest” club at a certain time. One where there is bound to be a hundred souls at least standing on the epicenter of a massive crater blast like we see at the Sari club. Even advertise it a few weeks before hand as the “Ultimate Explosion Party” hire a few DJ’s get the place packed for the whole event to test this new device on a massive packed public event.

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These people even have the nerve to show burning people on fire on their poster for the Ultimate Explosion Party that weekend. Can you see how sick these twisted people are? Now what is the odds of a Terrorist Attack happening at the same time as a party going off, and for the party to be called Ultimate Explosive Party? Come on people? Yeah Right Answer! None, Bucklies, “0”, Zip chance of happening at the same time Chapter SIX

Eye Witness Accounts Telling it how it is....

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Whilst I was personally going through this catalogue and database of everyone’s’ testimonies about the Sari bombing, much of it was too horrific and graphic to use or mention. Reading through it all selecting pieces suitable was a difficult task and the darkness I felt whilst researching it was emotionally a very heavy burden for a few months. With eye witness accounts of this nature, although the individual may be recalling a moment of shock and panic, even when the thoughts and recollections are not clear. And even when the details are seemingly non-relevant, they are still regardless pieces of evidence, and still held as essential when getting a clear picture of what occurred at the Bali Bombings Ground Zero site. One person who was very together during the events was Julie Santoso, she was sitting talking with her Danish boyfriend in a Balinese bungalow that night, not far from Sari Club Kuta area as she recalls: - “ We decided not to go out like we often do every Saturday night because we feel tired after a long meeting. We arrive home around 10:30pm. We were sitting in our terrace in our bungalow about 600 metres from the location of the bombing. We were just sitting and talking there. Suddenly, the house really started shaking and I was afraid, wondering what's going onnoisy, that sound from the glass behind me, and the sound of the bomb explosions was really scary (I knew this after someone told me that there was a bomb explosion).

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At the time, I said to my boyfriend it must be an earthquake because a couple of nights before also the same but without that big sound of explosion. I saw our neighbour standing outside and pointing their finger to the sky behind our building, so I decided to walk out and follow her point and I call my boyfriend to go outside and show him that big giant mushroom from the smoke, and not a long time after we see the red sky under that. We were thinking it must be a fire from a gas explosion. We were waiting for some of the people who take care of our bungalow area to decide to go there and check it because the fire looked bigger. We were waiting with a really bad feeling because it will blow the fire to our bungalows. Ten minutes after, someone come and he said to me it was a bomb because he met a western tourist who was running with bleeding on his body who said: 'There's a bomb in this town, you better go from this city, don't go there'....” Or this one from Anna Nishida in W.A. who was visiting Bali from living in japan for some time “ Each evening since Saturday October 6, I sat on our terrace in my sarong with my book and bourbon, hoping to enjoy the fresh evening air and greet people as they came and went from the hotel. It was just after 11pm when I suddenly felt restless, not knowing what to do with myself. I went inside my room, where my husband had fallen asleep and my brother-in-law was still reading. For some strange reason, he asked me to come inside and read my book instead, strange I thought at the time but I obeyed.

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It had been about three minutes after locking the door when there was this terrific bang and the whole room shook. Then there was another one, even louder and stronger. At first, I thought it to be an earthquake. Living in Japan, this is something one is used to. But after the second bang, it sounded like 100 rats racing all over the place. The sound seemed to get louder and quieter and it was all over the place. About five seconds after the second bang, we heard the shattering of glass. I knew it was an explosion of some kind and perhaps the kitchen in our hotel. I went out to the front of the hotel, found nobody but when I looked up to the sky, I found it to be a bright red ball with pure white smoke arising from it in mushroom form. I and the other few hotel guests stared at the red ball and thought it to be an airplane crash until we realised the smoke was white and not black. We decided after a while to go down to find out what was going on. It became more and more frightening as we made our way through the crowds coming towards us from the scene. Nobody would answer us as to what happened, most of them were moving aimlessly and looked to be in shock. As we approached the fire, we found a couple of western men and women coming out of the dark, covered in blood.

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We decided after a while to go down to find out what was going on. It became more and more frightening as we made our way through the crowds coming towards us from the scene. Nobody would answer us as to what happened, most of them were moving aimlessly and looked to be in shock. As we approached the fire, we found a couple of western men and women coming out of the dark, covered in blood.... These accounts as horrific as they truly are, are a neccessary step to fully understanding what occurred. Incredibly, there were AFL footballers from the Melbourne Demons were walking along Jalan Legian in Kuta that particular night. Danny Corcoran the club mgr, said: "A huge explosion blew them off their feet." Thankfully none of the 20 players were injured. Further testimony shows clearly what people had seen and the grisly sights encountered at Bali Ground Zero. "Sari's went up in a millisecond," said Simon Quayle. "I can't believe I'm alive. Eight of our boys are missing." Blair Robertson, 23, of Port Fairy VIC. said: "There was a massive explosion ... from the front of the club. It was the biggest bang you can handle... I was facing the front of the nightclub," he says. " I saw all the television screens around the bar explode. I saw heaps of people burning and dying around me...."

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It was an inferno. I saw one guy whose leg had been blown open . . . he couldn’t walk . . . he was just lying there screaming. I saw another man with severe facial burns. It was hard to tell if he was dead or alive. There was so much screaming. This next account from British tourist in Bali; Matt Noyce: - "...Basically there was just a massive explosion. You didn't really realise it was an explosion to start with. You just saw a blinding light and your ears felt like they were exploding. Outside it was awful, like something you'd see out of Vietnam. There were bodies everywhere. There was just complete panic in the bar, loads of people diving for the door trying to scramble over each other. Then outside it was awful, like something you'd see out of Vietnam. There were bodies everywhere. It was pretty dark but you could tell some people were really badly injured. Lots of blood everywhere, people with burns. Some people with limbs that just, well, just terrible, terrible injuries ... it was awful, the streets were really clogged with people, those people who had made it out of the bar and people who were wounded.

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It was quite a while before any kind of help came. Fires started to spring up after the explosion and I saw one fire engine arrive quite a bit later. People who were walking were trying to help those people who were on the road or unconscious or couldn't move or get them onto the pavement. The whole place was in chaos because it was a really busy Saturday night. So it was a horrible sight. In the end, a few of us were trying to take the worst wounded and get them away from the scene because some of the fires were getting pretty hot. These people were pretty badly injured, you wouldn't really want to move them normally but there was no other help. I was afraid there were going to be more explosions and more fires springing up because we didn't know whether it was a bomb or a gas cylinder.... Some people said they thought it was a gas cylinder. You couldn't really see you couldn't tell who was the worst injured, it was just chaos, it was horrible. But one person I was talking to who was a fireman, an American or a Canadian, said he could smell TNT in the air. He said he was sure it was an explosion..." One Bali Muslim elder, Haji Prianto, initially thought a plane had crashed, the noise and trembles knocking down items in his house almost a kilometre south of the blast.

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"I went outside immediately and looked to the airport area. I thought it was a large aircraft that had either not taken off or landed properly. But I could see nothing . . . Then I stared north to Legian, and that is when I saw this very large ball of fire and a cloud with a grey-orange colour 100 metres high." Mr Haji thought he could help, and grabbed a torch, a first-aid kit, and a two-way radio and made for the blast site on his push bike. Chris Filmer: "There was this huge bang followed by the hotel shaking, like a semi-trailer had collided with the hotel....all the service doors in the corridor had been blown open open and there was dust on the floor. We were on the fourth (top) floor and someone said they could see flames. We went down the corridor and you could see over to the Poppies Lane area and you could see a huge fire which was spreading rapidly..." A French photographer, Cyril Terrien, said: he had "never seen such an appalling thing. There are charred and mangled bodies everywhere, it is unbelievable," he told the BBC. Fiona Lewis of WA: "No one got out the front of either club," said Ms Lewis. "We ran down to help, but there were so many people in the street, burned, injured or dead. One woman had lost the whole bottom half of her body. A man was crawling up the lane. He had no feet." Survivor Simon Quayle was quoted on ABCradio: "It was like a bloody war movie... One bloke ... looked like a bit of wood, that's how burnt he was. A few of us helped this German lady out. She had no clothes on ... maybe it was burning and she ripped them off. You just think about it and you break into tears." Nicole McLean, VIC, was close to the first explosion in Paddys Bar.

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When she awoke from the initial blast, she saw her right arm dangling from her shoulder, and dropping off to the floor. "I picked it up and said 'I’m taking this baby home!' And I grabbed it and I said 'They’re gonna sew this sucker back on.' And I was keeping it. Then once I got there (to the hospital), I just knew that it wasn't ... wasn’t going to be right ..." Inside a nearby Hotel Marion Houghton, 43,and her sister, Gail McCarthy, (NSW) tended to the burned victims. "They were in agony. We got mattresses and wrapped them in wet sheets and blankets. The burnswere so bad we were afraid to touch them. There were two Australians ... both in dreadful condition" Johan Duka ran to the Sari club after the 1st blast to find his brother, a door personal the Sari Club. "The second bomb exploded right in front of me. I was still conscious when I hit the road, but I soon realised I could not walk anywhere because my legs were broken. ... I still have a lot of shrapnel inside of me, in my chest and in my head. I also have bits in my private parts. In the middle of my chest, they found a screw and a bolt. In my legs, there is still glass. I lost my beloved brother in the bomb. He was blown to smithereens. I only received him back in pieces, in envelopes." Scott Smithwick was in a nearby club and recalls the moment: "..The night was going well until the first small boom was heard and three seconds after, the next massive explosion was heard and felt and everyone absolutely shit themselves when the power went down. The floor shook, glass shattered, the sound of screams all of which were in total darkness except for a huge fireball which was leaping into the sky.

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The power came back on and then the flood of people came running down the street screaming and tipping water all over each other...." Skin was peeling off (them) and a lot of other things that I wish never to think of or remember again. The smell, the look of fear, the rush of adrenalin and worst of all, the fear of being in a foreign country and not knowing where to help people, where to take them. Panic and confusion reigned supreme for hours. The bastard that let that bomb off was probably sitting 200 metres away laughing and patting himself on the back for a job well done." Sari Club survivors Amanda Fisher and Peta Trinder recall the horror surrounding them, after making out of the inferno: "There was a girl. Blonde. She was just covered in blood," says Trinder." A couple of people were carrying a security guard from the Sari Club. From head to toe (he) was just covered in blood. His body was exposed. You could see his insides," says Fisher. The two Melbourne women walked through a growing crowd of onlookers. Fisher recalls: "They were lining the path. They made a path for you to walk through and their jaws (were) dropping, just looking at you, thinking, 'What has happened to these people?' Their eyes were popping out of their heads. They couldn't believe what had happened."

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Bruce Baker, from the Gold Coast, was another who rushed to the scene with his 15-year-old son to help. "We got as close as we could, we got right there, (but) you couldn't go any closer because of the flames," he later recalled. "Some poor bugger was lying right on the corner and one of his legs was gone ... he was quite coherent. He was just saying, 'Shit, shit, shit, what's going to happen to me?' I said to him, 'You'll be right, mate, someone will come'." NSW State Wide Severe Burns Unit chairman and Concord Hospital burn injury unit director Peter Haertsch said he had never seen civilian casualties like those he had operated on in the previous 24 hours."I've seen plenty of burns but I've not seen this combination of injury, it's something you wouldn't see in civilian life and it's something I haven't seen in 22 years of burns surgery." Doctor Fiona Wood of the Royal Perth Hospital burns unit said that the debris, dirt and sheer velocity associated with the blast had combined to create the "worst burns she had ever seen." She said, "I've been training for 20 years for this. I've practised for it, but I never thought I’d see anything like this” Captain Rodney Cocks: (Aust Army on leave from East Timor in Bali. Co-incidentally who has done specialist explosives training.) "I got about 30 meters down the street and then I heard one blast and I thought, 'What was that?' Then the power cut...all the power went out. I didn't think bomb. I didn't think anything at that stage. And then, probably, I'd say two seconds later, there was just the huge flash, and I was just covered in glass, put on the ground, and it just started...it was like hell on earth. I've done demolitions courses with the Army and it was bigger than anything I've ever blown up in my time, and I've done a bit.""I was very lucky, I think I got a few cuts on my feet but nothing major.

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I was wearing shorts, T-shirt and thongs at the time. I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive, I really do. By the time I picked myself up there were already people moving out away from the scene. I picked one girl up there - she had burns all over her body, so I grabbed her. I later heard she'd been assessed as having burns to 95% of her body and that she hadn't survived her injuries He said of the morgue: "The bodies were just...the floor was litteredwith burnt corpses. it was just awful...some of these bodies you couldn't tell, you know, whether they were male of female, young, old, Indonesian, Australian..." Corporal Cocks said of the crater at the scene of the Ground Zero blast, next morning: "You need a lot of bang to get through and make that sort of hole. That second bomb was huge."(This is from an explosives trained military Corporal.) Here are some anonymous first hand eyewitness account "I saw heaps of people burning and dying around me. It was an inferno. I saw one guy whose leg had been blown open - he couldn't walk - he was just lying there screaming. I saw another man with severe facial burns. "One woman had lost the whole bottom half of her body. A Balinese man was crawling up the lane. He had no feet. We took six people into the hotel where we could help them. We did everything we could for them. But how they suffered." "Many of the wounds, especially burns were extreme. Injuries included fractures, head and chest injuries, respiratory problems, but overwhelmingly burns."

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"The burns were dreadful. Some people had breathed in flame and cooked their internal organs." "Brave men were pulling out corpses at a rate of one every two minutes. All were charred beyond recognition, locked in poses which showed the agony of their dying. One was welded in a sitting position to what remained of a steel chair frame." Chapter SEVEN Top Ten BALI + 9-11 Coincidences

1. Both the Howard and the Bush governments were warned prior to their attacks about an oncoming strike by numerous international agencies and governments, and both failed to warn the public appropriately, choosing only to share the information with certain individuals. *(Howard tipped off Qantas about Bali and Condi Rice tipped off San Fran. Mayor: Willie Brown about 9-11)

2. Directly after the attacks the Government officials immediately blame

a little known Muslim terrorist group as the complete blame for everything, planning and execution of the attacks, with very little actual substantial backing of proof or evidence. (Bali= Jamaa Islamiyah, 9-11 = Al Qaeda)

3. Both leaders popularity surged after the event. (George W Bush = 9-

11 and John W Howard = Bali)

4. US Vice President Dick Cheney warned of further impending attacks after 9-11, just as the Australian Foreign Minister warned of further attacks possible after Bali.

5. The Director of the FBI at the time Robert Mueller announces that

future attacks in the US are “almost a certainty”, whilst just after Bali, the Director General of ASIO announces that future terrorist attacks are “certain”.

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6. In the USA, the Patriot Act ensures new powers are to be given to FBI and CIA and other agencies to “fight terrorism”. Just as new powers of detention, arrest on shaky suspicion, forced random DNA testing all these kinds of laws were given to State and Federal Police, ASIO and ASIS “to fight terrorists” in Australia.

7. After Sept 11th the Govt, Initiates TIPS campaign to enlist 20% of the US population to monitor and report on any ‘suspicious’ activities of their fellow citizens.

In Australia with the help of actor: Steve Leibman, Howard sets up the “terrorist” hotline capable of handling 2000 calls an hour to allow Australians to report the “suspicious activities of their fellow citizens.

8. Directly after both Bali and 9-11, the homes of people of the muslim

faith are raided without warning or provocation.

By both Special Police Units and Special Federal Agents. Despite the terrorizing of these people less than 10% of those detained in these raids are ever actually charged with any crimes of any kind. 9. US President announces a policy of pre-emptive attacks after 9-11

into countries harbouring terrorists. Australian Prime Minister then announces “Pre-emptive” attacks into terrorists within SE Asia...

10. Both President Bush and Prime Minister Howard both continue to ignore the pressing questions by families of the victims from these attacks. In the USA, Press for truth is showing the US Govt.

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They still have questions needing to be answered, likewise in Australia, Brian Deegan, whose son Josh was lost at Bali has posed some serious questions to the Government concerning its duty of care to warn it’s citizens, about Bali in the same way Howard warned his pollie mates prior to the attack. Chapter EIGHT

Why It CANNOT be a Fertiliser Truck Bomb... Certain bombs leave certain tell tale signs or “Signatures” That they have gone off. From what we heard from the eyewitnesses previously, we can safely deduce the device was an un-conventional device. Without shred of doubt. After researching through endless streams of tragic tales and horrific detailed accounts some too graphic to even mention. However after all that, here’s my short list of Provable Top Ten Official Bali Version Lies.

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This is what a 1 tonne fertiliser car bomb goes off like. The blast wave above most peoples head only the shockwave and surrounding heat would affect them but damage would certainly be mild to negligible. Notice the huge fireball explosion? Yes that is the same as what eyewitnesses saw. But the device at the Sari club made such a crater that it must have been detonated below the ground in a storm water pipe. To have incinerated cars at such precise fireball burn lines shows something remarkable and certainly something unconventional. In an ammonium –diesel fireball the fuel burns out fairly rapidly and a black ball then rises. Question? If an ammonium nitrate fertiliser device wasn't the bomb?

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Then what type of device was really used? Answer: All Bombs leave a "signature" or an absolute tell-tale signs of what particular compound or chemical compounds it was made from. The Bali Bomb signature itself was definitely an intriguing and peculiar mystery for both coroners, doctors and researchers alike. Almost all patients treated with the mysterious "flash" burns never recovered at all. These type of burns were not consistent with the "official version "given by the Indonesian and Aust. Governments. In fact they are not at all consistent with any conventional "terrorist" type device used to date. The types of burns we saw at the Bali bombings CAN ONLY be attributed to one or more of the following: 1) X-ray flash burns.2) Military grade Napalm.3) Phosphorous based device.4) (As yet) Unknown Military device. Even if it were something we had never seen before, it still does not rule it out completely as impossible. Indeed, it may well turn out that the "chicken farmers" : Amrozi +co did organise some kind of device that night, something they hoped in their dogmatic delusions would "hurt those capitalist pigs".

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Certainly not the earth shaker we have been reading about. This expertise to put together a device of this size and magnitude would have definitely preceeded the alleged accused capabilities. A 1 tonne bomb of RDX or C4 was first suggested by Indo. Police in THEIR own initial investigation. It was not until the arrival of the Australian Federal Police, did they suddenly "find" the nitrate to link a local mechanic and a mysterious Malaysian "Cia-invented "boogy – man Dr. Azahari. Apart from the mysterious nature of the charred and wounded corpses and injured victims of the blasts, there is also substantial "physical" crime scene evidence that has curiously never been explained.

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Leaving it exposed in the morning after aftermath. What kind of bomb leaves this signature? Definitely not a fertiliser bomb that’s for sure. Those kinds of truck bombs used in Iraq loaded with fertiliser are not at all similar to the destructive force as we can visibly see here. (Below Photo Warning: Gruesome scenes of human carnage, are what first responders encountered.)

This is massive pressure type of explosion with incredibly superheated temperatures. Not at all consistent with known "fertiliser based devices" First intial view of the above image. The average human being would feel sudden shock and revulsion.

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A real sense of loss and a snapshot into an "instant" when these people died. At that point analysis on the image provides "proof positive of a bomb signature" type from the above forensic photographic evidence. This image actually is incredible evidence because the people here are "inside " the Sari club, a distance over 20-30meters, and quite safely away from the initial blast zone area. Yet these people have been "frozen" in time in various positions and gestures. The Burn marks on the skin are very visible indicator of flash burns on the body, rather than flame charred. As if the people were "knocked over like a field of wheat".... One first responder recalled it as" a carpet of human bodies " on the floor. Pairs of jeans unburned at all peoples hair still intact unsinged, yet burn marks of a mysterious nature all over the victims bodies. This was not a diesel-fertiliser bomb people. Is this a new type of nasty? Just how exactly does one get a 1000 degree INSTANT suntan at 11pm at night at Kuta beach? Its the question that had the Bali doctors stumped, and the Aussie burn experts baffled.

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This attack had the obvious hallmarks of a micro nuclear warhead with alimited yeild capacity WITHOUT all the messy aftermath of radio-active fallout. Military experts who were familiar with common ordanance scoffed at the suggestion of napalm when the Indo Police suggested it was used. As did doctors. Napalm, used widely inthe Vietnam conflict left a greasy oily tar-like black residue and a sickening smell that is reportedly unforgettable. None of this evidence to support "Napalm theory" has ever been found. Strangely most people who had been burned in this way died from complications later in the following months, where normal burns patients would have recovered somewhat.. Just what exactly could have caused so many peoples lives to be "instantly" killed in a microflash? Whose bodies have been evidently cooked by something obviously unconventional. This is a new type of weapon that boils organic matter in a matter of microseconds and upon ignition heats up a victims internal organs enough to make them burst from bodily orifices.

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The sheer pressure force from this blast was enough to level an entire 200 meter radius area, and people up to 15 km away heard saw and felt this event. Do you honestly think Amrozi the moped mechanic and p/t chicken farmer could have REALLY created all this?

When comparing car bomb devices sadly a good place to start is the current Iraq situation. The photo below is of a 2005 car bomb in Baghdad was a 4 wheeldrive similar to the one reported tohave been used by the Bali bombers. This bomb was reported to be 1 ton yield blast of TNT equivalent. It destroyed 3 cars, killed 2 people and injured 5 near a crowded market place in Tahir Square in theNations capitol. The crater in the concrete road was estimated to be ".......no bigger than30 cm...." and though the actual Iraqi street was less crowded than Kutas' Jalan Legian that night, the device definately had little dramatic impact as compared to the Bali device. The everyday occurrence of car bombs and roadside IDE devices can give a clear picture of the destructive forces seen by these indescriminate devices of terror. We see a "pattern" of injuries in the victims of missing limbs and of metal shrapnel parts lodged into bodies.

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Fertiliser bombs being the "weapon of choice to Iraqi desert chicken farmer "insurgents" gives us a basis of reference to draw parallels. If indeed ANY can be drawn. In the bali Bombings the "4 wheel drive"not only survived the one ton device, but the whole engine block remained intact enough for Indonesian Police to "rebuild" it for display. Ask any military explosives guy you might come across, he'll tell you straight. There physically should not be much left of a delivery car exploding this type of car bomb device. It is simply against the law of logic and physics. Car bombs depending on type and severity give a "signature" fatality occurance. Injuries and wounds were not consistant with the type of device claimed by the" Official Version". Compared with Iraq, such bombs have never killed as many as died in the single Bali Bomb Blast.

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Chapter NINE The Missing Kuta Street in the maps Missing Kuta Street It is important to verify this subject because the map being used by the majority of media sources have curiously "covered" the street in their maps with words and in some completely removed it all together... Why would they do this is the first question that springs to mind. This Map (Above) is used by many mainstream sources as a map of the Sari Club area. Nothing Ununusual until you take a look at the actual area on google earth. Nothing unusual until one discovers other "versions" of the map of the area have a very important street missing from it. The road which borders Paddys bar and Jalan Legian.

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In the Overhead Photo LEFT, taken some month after the event you can see very clearly A. The Sari Club Crater B. The paddys explosion epicenter C. The Missing Street in question. Yet the official version maps make the Sari club and Paddys bar appear closer and missing one vital street. http://news.bbc.co.uk/nolpda/ukfs_news/hi/newsid_3157000/3157478.stm

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This Official News Story uses this map: -

The Missing street in question is covered up in this version by the word 2 Paddys Bar. the word "Bar being the REAL Location of the missing road and Paddys Bar eally was.. Some 90 meters SouthEast of Sari Club. As seen in (overhead_view.jpg) Other Official version maps used by media are as follows: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2327673.stm

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Interestingly, The Age maps of Bali and Kuta have since mysteriously gone. http://www.theage.com.au/media/2002/10/13/1034222671942.html

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http://www.theage.com.au/media/2002/10/13/1034222671302.html http://www.theage.com.au/media/2002/10/18/1034561317838.html This is indeed how the map of the Sari Area SHOULD look like: -

Now we ask the Important question: Why would they eliminate an entire street from all the maps? Obvious answer: Because theres something about this street they don't want us to notice. Or perhaps something there to see? Lets take a look at the photos shall we? The Cars down this mystery street are amazingly damaged similar to the ones in close proximity to the Sari Club. We can see below the lower Letter " C" in this picture is where this sequence of images starts from.

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WHY has this Street been airbrushed from history and the collective memories of everyone?

C. Street

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Chapter TEN

How they sold the Official Story Even the "Official Theory" Spinwagon was kicking into high gear with a double pronged Dis-info co-ordinated campaign of US-AUS collaborative lies already underway.

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Even before any of the Australian contingent of investigators or Federal Police stepped onto Indonesian Sovreign soil, already the Foreign Affairs Spindoctor : Alexander Downer was quoted in the media saying that ".. a radical Islamic group may be responsible for the attack on preliminary investigations" I wonder Mr Downer what investigation told you that exactly? The US ambassador to Indonesia, Ralph Boyce meanwhile was busy in his schedule of Press Conferences Withthis gem: " Early indications pointed to the al-Qaeda terror network, we are very much considering it a despicable act of terrorism."Mr Boyce said on CNN. There have been problems of late involving signs that al-Qaeda may have been involved in activites here.." Already the script to blame the boogieman al-Qaeda had been read to the public. It was just a matter of time before an "asian Osama " would be named by US-AUS investigators. Lets look at this straight. The story to sell al-Qaeda is the story to sell the war on Terra. Without an "omnipresent" invisible enemy, the public seeking retribution, after such a horrible crime,a public seeking revenge and justice will have their attention focused on the Neocon war spin now to blame the "radical local muslims" to further sell an invasion of another sovreign nation: IRAQ. Just as the "fairy story" about al-Qaeda doing 9-11 is nothing more than a lie, so too is Bali.

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The public were in grief, both in Australia,Indonesia and in fact worldwide. Many peace protests worldwide suddenly were cancelled, called off in memorium.

The majority of Westerners wanted to seesomeone punished, and punished soon. Could it be in our haste to find a guilty man we were presented with a patsy? A scapegoat? To cover the real masterminds behind the crime? The Dumb and Dumber a cover for the Smart and Smarter? A senior military source in Indonesia at thetime certainly thought so and was quoted as saying: " Early indications pointed to a foreign group ..." (responsible for the bombings) Meanwhile 'across the pond' in the USA,The Washington Post had its breaking story October 14th'2002, An amazing break-through in the case that made the US media but not the Australian. It was a reported article mentioning the Indonesian Police arrest of a former Air Force Lt. Col. who was in the area at the time, and had extensive bomb making capabilities. Theretired Military man had apparantly already confessed to "making the Bali Bomb" !!!

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During the remarkable "confession" to Police, the perpertrator expressed remorse and even grief at the carnage his act had caused, and he "....expressed sincere regret at the huge loss of life...." (he had help caused) Even more information emerged during interrogation that this retired Air Force Lt Col had gotten his explosives handling and training experience in the USA.

It seems the situation wasn't suspicious enough, when the mystery explosives man simply suddenly dissapeared without a trace. Released without charge, all enquiries ceased.

Nothing to see here folks. Go on home. An Indonesian 1st Air Marshall was even caught commenting on the case of the "Bali Bomb suspect surprise release":"....... At least this release however proves there was no Air Force Involvement...." What? At LEAST there is no Air Force involved? So it can be assumed the speaker knowsof other involvement in this statement. Heis merely protecting his "branch" ie:" At least my boys fingers are clean." Just as mysterious as his entrance.

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Air Force Lt.Col Didi Mushrukin walked out scott free after cleaning hisconscience of his part in an evil deed. Yet EVERY major news media failed to follow it. Why?

It would seem the media are always afraid of "their job security" or their "personal safety and security" to track a story their Corporate Media Conglomerate affiliate masters forbids them to follow. Too many researchers are falling prey to a suicide bullet in this New American Century. The old one was a lot safer for researchers inspired to seek truth. However these days their numbers and those innocently in the way are certainly dwindling faster downhill, they are number 5 on the specie extinction list right under neath the Townsville Hairy bummed Wombat. By the 16th Oct. '02 However the evidence was mounting and the Indonesian Police released a statement saying " 1 ton of C4 high grade military plastic explosive was the primary source of explosive material at the Sari club blast". Upon the release of this statement the US state Dept. Issued a response blaming the local spiritual leader Abu Bakar Bashir of having "al-Qaeda links".

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At this the response was flying just as fast with local leaders claiming the US were the main instigators of the attack on Bali. Add to this scenario the statement issued by Senior Police Official Hendropriyano, saying that... "...both the technology and skills of the bombers indicate they are from abroad, and must have carried out surveillance before the attack..." Plus the equally remarkable statement from someone very close to the Bali investigation:Bali Police chief Brig. Gen. Budi Setyawan is also quoted as having said at this point in time: saying:.. " there is no indication of al-Qaeda involvement so far. " Oct. 17 Susilo Yudhoyono admits possible involvement of foreigners in bombing. Authorities focusing on seven "foreigners" suspected to have masterminded and carried out the bombings, a terrorist cell said to have been led by a Yemeni national,his Malaysian deputy and a European with links to Philippine bombings. Police Chief Brig. Gen. Budi confirmed the Sari bomb made of RDX military grade explosives.

By now Downer had enough of all these"Conspiracy theories" so he, and the heads of Australia's three intelligence agencies, ASIO, ASIS and ONA, met Indonesia's Security Minister, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Foreign Minister, Hassan Wirayuda, early on 16th and then on 17th with General of the military, Endriartono Sutarto, and the head of the intelligence agency, Hendropryono.. This was to draw up the Official team who would "take over" the runnings and eventual "findings" of the Investigation.

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All at Bali Police chief and lead investigators blessings: I Made Pastika.

http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/10/17/1034561219458.html Further in this article is the most amazing admission From Alexander Downer. THIS is what Bali was really ALL ABOUT: "He also said he was pleased that Indonesia was planning to introduce a regulation to give police new powers to pursue terrorists... to pursue terrorists in lieu of anti-terrorist legislation which has been held up for months in the parliament." Yudhoyono in the article himself said: "Jamaa' Islamiya did not operate in Indonesia, although its alleged leader, Abu Bakar Bashir, does. "One thing to be remembered, to be understood, Jemaah Islamiah does not exist in Indonesia. Jemaah Islamiah exists in Singapore and Malaysia," he said. This is ALSO the very first mention of four locals detained and were AT that timeundergoing intensive Police interrogation +questioning (Later found to be death threats and torture.) and soon to be formally arrested in "connection" (albeit a very flimsy connection) to the Sari club Bombings. These 4 now signing fake confessions under duress were about to spark one of the greatest farcical Court room dramas since OJ Simpson trialand of course give the adoring television public JUST what they want at PRIME TIME News hour.

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Crime Solved. All over. Nothing to see here folks. They caught their man! Taran TARA!! By Sunday Oct. 20 General Pastika says:"investigation team focusing on four persons, including a security guard and a retired Air Force officer."

The 7:30 Report the next night in fact wasvery interesting. On that show that night was Brigadier Edward Aritonang, the deputy chief of investigations with the Indonesian Police. This respected senior Indonesian policeman told the 7:30 Report that traces of more sophisticated chemical explosives may still give a vital lead. "From the result from the investigation received until now, the materials found on site which was contained in the bomb consist of TNT, LDX, AMX and other forms of chemicals. "The newspapers and more vigorous researchers had recorded a very detailed account of what local people strongly feltand their general concensus on what really occurred.

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The first theory, which has gained wide currency and not just among conservative Muslims, goes like this The U.S. embassy issued a warning to its citizens to avoid public places in Indonesia twelve hours before the explosion. The C.I.A. picked a place that few Americans frequented. It supplied the materials for the bomb. It then tried to blame al-Qaeda and radical Islam in an effort to win support for a war against Iraq, and offered to help with the investigation as a way of infiltrating American and Australian troops onto Indosoil so they can eventually establish a new foothold in Southeast Asia. The second theory, particularly prevalent among Indonesians who live in conflict areas, suggests that the Indonesian military (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, TNI) is the culprit. As explained earlier the TNI has been trying since the fall of Soeharto to reassert its role in government by provoking conflict and then coming in to establish order, proponents of this theory assert. Classic Hegelian Dialectic . Problem -Reaction - Solution. The struggle between the army and police for control of internal security has always been consistently bitter and violent, and a blast on the magnitude of Bali could swing support in favour either.

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The Police OR The Army, depending on who can find the evidence on the other. Activists and separatists groups from Aceh to Papua also fear the New Terror laws are a great way to quiet popular dissent. The al-Qaeda theory seems to have a much smaller number of supporters for several reasons. The relentless U.S. pressure on the Indonesian government to act against Indonesian nationals linked to the shadowy Jemaah Islamiyyah network appears to have convinced many Indonesians that their own security agencies would be forced to accept the U.S. version of events. All the US people in detention making the claims about al Qaeda Jamaa Islamiya ties have NEVER BEEN SEEN FOR YEARS. These are faceless statements from who knows where... As one journalist points out : "All the evidence against Ba'asyir comes from people in detention," .... "We know all about forced confessions in this country. Why should we believe any of it?"

Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, was ALLEGEDLY named by SUPPOSED captured Cia Prisoner: al-Faruq; a supposed key figure in the mythical al-qaeda - J/i link. As well a close associate of his: Hambali the Indonesian, considered another top operative of al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia. Both have NEVER been actually visibly seen making any statements since being captured and SUPPOSEDLY imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.

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Emmanuel Goldstein is alive and well. . Fake Al Qaeda brings us neatly to lie and closure on the whole point of lie Reason why a Fertiliser bomb is a lie After all this. After all these days of Indoforensic investigations. After countless hours of testimony, statements, confessions press releases, eye witness accounts etc We now cross to a hurried PressConference where a nervous Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty sits patiently to tell the world about what he found out about Bali. On 21st Oct. 2002 Mick Keeltys' moustache barely flinched as he spoke the biggest bold faced lie the Investigation had seen yet. A tirade of complete crap that neither Bali nor Australia had yet seen since Port Arthur. At a time when High ranking Indonesian police and politicians, Aussie Burns Unit experts and even former Presidents are questioning official stories seeping out with half cocked ideas. At a time when more than 100 specialists from around the world are now combing through the wreckage of the Sari Club in search of justice..The wildest one yet was about to hit That afternoon, he said "...there were two bombs - a small one in Paddy's Club, consisting mainly of TNT, and the large car bomb outside the Sari Club, composed of fertiliser and fuel oil."

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The whole al Qaeda thing is a bit stale for me now really.. Not only do I notbuy the al qaeda myth. By now I can prove it catagorically is crap beyond any doubt. The origins of the al Qaeda myth lie in the re-assembling to some part the disbanded "mujahadin" after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. Now "free to do Allahs will" they used their new tactical training skills :"Against us." Say the USA. Not so, say most investigators, in fact most persistent researchers have the evidence already that Osama bin Laden (aka Tim Osman) and the spooks coded al Qaeda never left the CiA payroll. The "insurgents" are officially now included on the payroll. Taliban, Hamas, Iraqi Sunni insurgents, Hezbollah, Iraqi Sh'ia insurgents, all these elements were not only secretly funded and supported in some way they ARE STILL BEING SECRETLY FUNDED TO THIS DAY in some bizarro world gone wrong. It is the classic Machiavellian tactic, to gain one sides trust while secretly funding the enemy. Actually isn't that some thing George W. Bushs' grandfather did according to the 1938 Trading with the enemy Act? That’s something I'll have to look into for future editions.

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It is no secret any-more, and unless you are living on Mars you would know that the US - Bush Administration was caught by Seymour Hersch funding Islamic "al qaeda" Insurgents, they have now since been exposed as Internationally recognised war criminals the lot of them and liars about the wmd claims that led to illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Under George W Bushs' own laws he is clearly defined" as a giving material, financial assistance to a terrorist organisation and therefore a terrorist supporter and should be arrested, interrogated and detained at Guantanamo for this forseeable future, just like the other poor Shlubbs they dragged off Pakistani streets as "terrorist Westener supporters" of al Qaeda. Yah right tell that to Mamdou Habib. Ask him how does he feel to learn Bush is funding the people he went to prison being accused of supporting. Or even poor David Hicks. Now mentally messed up from what had occurred, his life a mess, yet Bush openly does more AND WORSE and seems to be impervious to law. Justice is a twisted mistress in the hands of evil people, that’s all I can say. The whole basis for al Qaeda is to sell a story of a "clever enemy whose face is always changing".

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One of the classic MO's Methods of Operation of maintaining the lie about phony terror groups "we, the people" should be afraid of, is keeping a fresh face on the seat of power of the mythical group. If people start to tire from the Bin laden story, then it’s time for them to release some "Zarqawi" video footage. As the NEW ! and Improved ! Terror Leader With 5% More Ammo belts than the last Al Qaeda Leader !! Gauranteed 10 More Allah Ackbars in the Propaganda film than the last "al qaeda"leader. When people began to question why Zarqawi was seen in the "terror training video" wearing iDF Israeli issue webbing and Military Sidearms, miraculously the Americans had a sudden success dropping a 1000 tonne bomb on Zarqawis Donkey shed and showing 2 colour photos no less of a bloated corpse REPORTED to be the "Master Leader of AlQaeda " Al Zaqawi. Never any real corpse. Never any independently verified reports. Always questionable stories from 3rd party Military sources. How very convenient. I guess he won’t make anymore Israeli videos anymore at least. When Americans had begun to awake to why Osama is not listed on the FBI website in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks, I’m sure someone somewhere issued an order and soon began the "New and Improved" version of Sept. 11th 6 years on.

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Suddenly Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is the "REAL " mastermind and not Osama at all..Did anyone read when"Sheik Khalid" was captured he was reportedly killed? These "New confessions" were released much like the HAMBALI confessions and the al Faruq confessions about Bashir. All from faceless "Somebodies" in a super secret Military Torture camp. Um.. yeh.. Right George. Lets just hope the whole nation and the Whole world forgets that thing you mentioned about Osama ever being wanted Dead Or Alive? Ever feel like your emotions have been hoodwinked for a lie? Another classic Modus Operandi (MO) of these criminals is to play "both Sides" of the fence. To show the face of hate and the face of moderation depending on what "Story to sell" Modern disinformation artists have gotten so slack about it, just as peoples attention spans have gotten increasingly limited. It has now reached the point where a newspaper can sell the same person in a story as ANYTHING. The Attention deficient Joe publics have no idea they are being "fed" what to believe. They are being led by the nose with every breaking story and only those with a nose for an official con-job can smell it anymore.

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The Official spin has a certain smell to it that one can be trained to sniff out. Let us begin that training now with 2 Stories from the front pages of an American newspaper The Washington Times. To fully realise what fabrications Media these days will pull to "sell an agenda" lets take a closer look at these. Below we have a news article from 20th Oct. 2001 shortly after 9-11the front cover shows an Anti-American Pakistani.

The caption reads: FACE OF HATE : A Muslim man looks up at the stage as he prays at an anti-American rally in Peshawar. Soon after Sept. 11th this one individual was coined : The Muslim face of hate.

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9 days later the "FACE of HATE" muslim featured on the front cover AGAIN ! This time 29th Oct. the page reads "Friends and relatives of Afghan military opposition commander Abdul Haq prayed at a gathering at his home in Peshawar, Pakistan, yesterday.

The legendary Mujahideen leader was captured and executed by the Taliban in southern Afghanistan Friday while he was on a mission seeking defectors.

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This time the so called Face of hate is a "moderate pro- American mourner." 9 days ago the same guy was splashed on the headlines as a freedom hating terrorist bastard. Just what are the chances of the same newspaper, just so happens to catch the same guy out of the whole population of Pakistan at two separate events in just over a week. First time featuring on the front cover to: - 1) Show Muslims as radicals Haters and all as Anti American Militants and secondly on the cover to: 2) Show pro-US Moderate muslims Supporting anti Taliban Afghan opposition "warlords" killed doing Pro US operations. What must be asked here is rather obvious. Are the media using staged actors for photo opportunities? Are the newspapers resorting to paying "actors" to pose for photos to accompany dramatic news stories? Hmmm Take a look at the others and decide for yourself. In the very least this raises serious questions about the validity and credibility of newsprint media. At the very most it shows a willingness to present a "version" of the truth how-ever possible to suit an agenda regardless of the truth of the story.

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This is the SAME way we have been introduced to the mythical al-qaeda. Would you ever suspect the same kind of people would try the same kinds of tricks with Muslims in Indonesia after Bali? Meet young Muji Martaram. Muji is a dentist. That’s why we can't tell you his real name. Muji had his photo taken one day through the gates of what can only be a public toilet facility block and BAM! He suddenly became the poster boy for the "evil Muslims" of Bali

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This particular image has been paraded around NeoCon support websites again and yet again as "proof absolute" of the evil in the radical Muslim bombers in Indonesia . What the camera DOES NOT show you however is very interesting. In the series of images that accompany the "evil muslim" photo, we can see the same kid looking almost bored.

These people look like they're waiting for the playground to open. They don’t look like protestors or "evil muslims" to me. Even the relaxed postures of the Soldiers tell a totally different picture in the enlarged image in the sequence than the cropped image dubbed "evil muslim kid." More spin.

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Even the way an image has been chosen to be displayed can alter the entire significance of the image. Totally a clever spinjob, but not clever enough to slip a bone past this 'ole dog. So how you might ask is Jamaa Islamiyah and al qaeda involved or not involved? Well the easiest answer is to look at how the "spin doctors" that "wag the Dog" have worded the connection. If those who did this COULD get away with it they would, they would do it again and yet again. Al-Farouk, Dr. Azahari, Hambali and NordinMohamed Top were central key figures in the Asian connection to al-qaeda according to TIME Magazine + leading CIA Sources. In order to understand if al qaeda were involved in Bali AT ALL one must look closely at these central key figures and really get to know them well, building a profile of what we know, and indeed somethings we never knew yet were right there in front of out faces. The Jamaa Islamiyah angle of "local" terrorists gives an entirely new aspect to the "War on Terror" and anything to do with terrorists: sells. The sensationalist headlines, the stories of spy vs. spy spooks and agents, the hype behind such trivial things sells newspapers, and gets web hits.

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Remember our little mate Muji? This is the same crowd behind him from the same set of photos + same building. Looks like this guys ticket was called for the Immigration line at his local embassy. Or maybe there was suddenly a vacancy in the public loo. Who knows. The whole context can be lost in interpretation in any case. Here they want us to see confrontation and anger. Selling the lowest common denominator and creating the perfect headline. Front page news journalism.

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Perfect for selling the hype about a muslim terrorist nation like Indonesia that wont accept our illegal invasion plans for foreign resources. The Problem is.... it’s not a war on terror at all. It’s a war for FEAR. The terrorism is imaginary, it comes directly from Govt. Sources. The fear controls people, fear keeps people in check. Without the fear of reprisals there is no long arm of the law, without fear of guilt there is no justification for law. Fear is a necessary evil of society, and whether we realise it or not, fear plays a very big part in every persons daily life. What we see 9 times out of ten is only ever what they WISH for us to see. Never forget these people view information as a very valuable resource as well.

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It is so much more favourable to break into the evening news with stories about "terror plots" and hidden sleeper cells, rather than "Nothing much is happening in the war on terror". We need to be told our nightly bedtime story about "Why we need to die for oil and protect freedoms." In these ways we were sold the lie and myth of Al Qaeda being involved and the official versions to some very dubious “terrorist” stories. Chapter ELEVEN The Al Qaeda DVD Collection Every terrorist threat ever made to Western Civilization. Only available from one global company that keeps records maintains, probably even makes the darn things as well.

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Over 2000 Titles to own and keep on VHS or DVD global format. I kid you not. Any American threatening video is yours to keep for a price. http://www.intelcenter.com/audio-video/qaeda.html Someone is actually selling EVERY Al Qaeda DVD ever made. A virtual mini-Industry pumping out propaganda. Who can be this well organised? Al Qaeda? Or the United States Govt? But we have been told and taught, sold and bought on the lie of Al Qaeda. How? You are entitled to ask has this lie been sold so effectively? Well to answer such a question, one must ask oneself, WHO and WHAT exactly is AL Qaeda? Apart from being the New World Order invisible bogey man, they have been the effective "invisible ever-present " enemy quoted at least in every second speech about the "war on terror".

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Ex Leader of the UK House of Commons Robin Cook, who admirably resigned in protest of the 2003 Iraq invasion, wrote an article in the London Guardian shortly before his death that shed light on the true origin of the name. "Al-Qaida," states Cook, was "literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. " Even former French Military Intelligence official Pierre Henry Bunel expands, noting that "Al-Qaeda," was an early type of intranet, which was used by Islamic nations and influential families to communicate with each other. It was also used by the "American CIA agent," TIM OSMAN AKA: Osama bin Laden to send coded or covert messages back to his CIA handlers from Afghanistan. These facts are widely known and readily accepted by Military Intelligence officials world-wide, yet ask any Joe Public on the street and they'll say for sure Al Qaeda is real. Indicative that the spin by the media is a very effective political tool in influencing Public opinion. How many people know that Wolf Blitzer (Well known CNN host and TV celebrity) was in fact a former AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) editor of the lobby's newsletter, Near East Report, as well he was also incidentally the Washington correspondent for the Jerusalem Post before taking on his high profile role at CNN.

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Not exactly what I would call "fair and equal" News Reporting background certainly. So who has ever suggested that this mythical group of invisible bogey men who plot our destruction have ever played a role in the Bali Bombings? None other than the "Usual suspects of liars" : George "dubya" Bush, John "dubya"Howard and the US ambassador to Indonesia at the time. A one Robert Boyce, they were speaking about information gained from captured "al Qaeda" agent al-Faruq caught in Indonesia mid-2002, this "info" was used to accuse Bashir, to link Bin-Laden to Bali and used to justify Australian involvement in IRAQ. As we will point out in later chapters, Al-Faruq was a very handy key in selling the Al-Qaeda link lie. Without his supposed "confession" from Gauntanamo,US intellligence agencies would have had ZERO intel to blame Bali Bombings on Al-Qaeda, even Megawati questioned it. As we will see, lies upon lies upon lies are a hallmark of the Howard-Bush doctrines.

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Chapter Twelve

Dr Azahari – Man of Mystery These are all the pictures in the Mainstream Media of this Mastermind Terrorist.

So to date all we have is a photo shop copy of a picture, which is then copied and then copied some more and we are told, NO EVIDENCE, we are told he is the mastermind, See the last picture they are really getting creative, to convince us he is the mastermind adding it with a picture from Bali Bomb scene.

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They really got creative with this picture and gave him a hair cut to make it look like the same picture used looks recent.

Same picture but this time they gave him long hair and a white cap

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Have you ever done any Family History Research? Very interesting some say between this world and the world after when we die there is a thin veil between and if you listen closely you can hear people on the other side, specially if you want to talk to somebody. Now look at this guys eyes, look deep within this guys eyes and he is dead, sorry pushing up daisy’s he never did exist, what I would say happened like with 11th Sept 2001 Bombers they have stolen somebody’s picture from their passport and started using that, who would know, and if any family members came forward just kill them too. So point being if they are using a Fake picture of somebody out there, that helps prove the Official story a lie. Chapter Thirteen

The UN link to Sari Club Evidence by all accounts is evidence. Whether solid material evidence or circumstantial, all evidence is recognizable in a court of law. When obvious displays and blatant exhibitions of circumstantial evidence relevant to a crime show up again and again in a pattern, this solidifies the circumstantial evidence into something more solid called confirmed conspiratorial involvement involving the Bali crime. Something provable in a court of law and as real as the event itself.

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QUESTION: So exactly how many confirmed United Nations Serving personnel can be attributed to being at the Sari Club that night 12th October 2002? Lets Now count how many we can actually confirm from accounts shall we? Constable Tim Britten from WA Police Given the Medal of Valour in Australia and Then Sold It Has been recognised as a National Hero in Australia for his work in rescuing Bali survivors and assisting victims of the blast. A tru-Blue fair dinkum Aussie hero !! He was in Bali on R+R from a secondment with the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in East Timor and walking back to his hotel when the Sari Club went up in flames, the paper reported . On leave from his station as an observer on secondment from WA Police for The U.N. THERES 1 at least. Captain Rodney Cocks from Australian Army Army Explosives expert Rodney Cocks eyewitness to massive Bali blast. Selling the "Truck Bomb" Has earlier said the crater was not consistent with the kind of blast claimed by official accounts. Was on R+R from East Timor at this particular club on this particular night .

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On leave from his station as an observer on secondment from ADF (Australian Defence Force) for The U.N. There’s two. Jakarta Post Photographer DAMASO REYES Investigative photographer and reporter finds 6 bodies of uniformed troops moved from Bali-Singapore the night of Sept 12th 2002, A full unobstructed investigation into the TRIPLICATE system at Bali Ngurah Rai Airport by this remarkable investigator Damaso has revealed some amazing facts. This system of plane arrival and departure in Bali relies on three separate log book entries for ALL inbound and outbound traffic. One copy at the Flight Tower. One Copy at the administrative desk and one copy for the Radio Operators. A look over the week before and week after Bali event proved very insightful. One aircraft a DASH 17 Israeli registered plane had been very sloppily attempted to be erased from 2 of the 3 recorded entries. What is known without doubt is that 6 bodies retrieved from Sanglah Hospital were loaded onto this plane the night of the bombing and flown out of the runway without authorisation to take off. The 6 supposed army bodies were thought to be from the one same unit.

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One body was positively confirmed and identified as a Sgt. on secondment from Brazil for The U.N. There’s EIGHT for a starter.. NOW, what if the UN troops were reported on their OWN website actually being there? United Nations Admits Troops injured ......AT SARI CLUB!!! UN Troops at Sari Club on Night of bombing ActualUN Website page screensaved ..... Up to Seven OFFICIAL INJURIES were "officially" noted. 14 October 2002 – Seven United Nations personnel were injured by the terrorist blast that rocked Bali, Indonesia, over the weekend, according to a spokesperson for the world body. Citing reports from the field, UN spokesperson Hua Jiang told the press in New York that three of those injured - two civilian police and a military officer - "have suffered serious burns" while the other four endured injuries described as "relatively minor." In addition, two military members of the mission remain unaccounted for.

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INTERESTINGLY... The article Also mentions "up to 155" personnel may have been on the island at the time of the supposedly "unknown attacks". up to 155 UN Personnel on Bali at time of attacks...

Now after some 160 PLUS troops and off duty UN forces in and around Bali, during the bombing, would it surprise you further to learn that the actual head of the Indonesian BALI Investigation was ALSO at one time working his way up as a UN trained Officer? NO ? Don't believe it? Check the headline for this Canberra trained operative who lead the Indonesian aspect of the Bali Investigation..Who do you think it could be?

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Just how might this article begin about Balis primary Investigator? (NOW Robert S Finnegan was out of the way...November 14 2002) The way was paved for mainstream media to sell Imade Pastika to the public. As the sole authority on who did it. Read the opening line to this serious look at a serious investigator. The article reads like a pick-up dating site rather than a serious article about the Bali investigation. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/11/13/1037080784833.html "Young Balinese women think he's hot. Yet General I Made Pastika, chief investigator into the Bali bombings, would be uncomfortable knowing he has become something of a sex symbol on his home island. "........... A serious look indeed. The article further goes on to list those who have discredited the official story and were making Imade squirm at the time. People such as " Army Chief Ryamizard Ryacudu was widely quoted yesterday doubting that Indonesians were behind the bombings."

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Also, " Indonesia's former Intelligence Chief, Z. A. Maulani, also raised doubts over the arrest of suspect Amrozi, and local media have provided a forum for other unnamed sceptics." He further said in the weeks after the bombings: " "This war against International Terrorism is merely a tool to dominate the World Oil sources." And of course suddenly THERE IT IS Admission of UN and Canberra Training Involvement.

At the end of the article lo and behold what wise words about the serious Bali investigation does this journalist leave us with... " General Pastika took up golf while police chief in Papua, where for most of his posting he says he had time on his hands "because everybody likes me". So much so, locals offered to stage a protest when they heard he had been seconded to the Bali inquiry. There is little prospect of an improvement in his golf handicap in the near future.." http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/11/13/1037080784833.html Now.....Consider all the evidence of UN connected personnell in and around Bali or connected to the investigation.

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Does the official story sound a little suspicious yet? UN Troops "All Over Bali" Now Confirmed! Over 168 Troops Identified in and around the Sari club and Bali area that night ... .. Has anyone ever heard the term False Flag Operation? Here we have already provided circumstantial evidence. Evidence of troops in and around Bali that particular night. In and around Sari club even. Proof of UN trained and Interpol trained Police cheif leading the very investigation!!! Gee No wonder we have never heard of all of this before.... Please bear in mind this is not laying blame. This is stating fact. Make of these facts what you will.

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There is however an interesting suggestion to bear in mind from the late GREAT Joe Vialls that the "device" that did the primary damage was placed by special munitions group earlier in the day in a large stormwater drain underneath the road jlan Legian. Looking at these photo I think he might be right.....

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Chapter Fourteen The Hair That Would Not Burn

The Indonesian man pictured has severe 3rd degree ONLY on his skin exposed OUTSIDE the protection of his thin cotton t-shirt. His face badly burned his skin puffed up and swollen.. AND YET HE HAS A FULL SET OF WAVY HAIR AND SET OF EYEBROWS completely UNSINGED!!!!

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This was no conventional device. Obvious by this photo even to a layman with 2 minutes attention span. These people got an instant 2000 degree suntan at 10 Pm at night. If this were an isolated case relative only to this man then perhaps it could be speculated on to be a freakish occurrence. These similar injuries by many survivors and victims had specialists and forensics stumped. These types of horrific wounds had not been seen by burns specialists familar with these kinds of scenarios ever before. In other words the injuries they saw were not what they would have expected from the type of blast they said it was.

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We are left asking ourselves viewing these images: What device does this to human skin? Cooks it outright, even char grills it instantly in a flash. Yet leaves clothes, hair and eyebrows untouched? What indeed. Certainly not something "Amrozi + co." could have organised to go off .... For that matter Nor Al Faruk nor Sheik Khalid Mohammed or ANYONE of their faked boogeymen.

This now opens the lie right up.

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The photos taken were mere hours after the blast the injured, the dying the maimed all being treated in Sanglah hospitol.. Chapter Fifteen

The Comparisons

Compare this Hiroshima picture

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Compare it With this Sari Club picture. Notice the heads of hair barely singed yet the bodies are cooked and blackened? Very curious comparison. Now lets look at some pictures all from the Bali Bombing scene, from buildings, to cars and while your looking at these pictures notice how the buildings are strip back to foundation – building steel! And look at the cars stripped clean, and don’t forget the Official story says 2-3 containers of Fertizler did all this damage, yeah right. Somebody is treating us like we just come down in the last shower.

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I think we have made the case, this damage was NOT done by a Fertizler Bomb, poor the other one to anybody who says it did.

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Chapter Sixteen

The Bali Nuke Email Fwd: Mushroom Cloud at Bali Explosion BALI BLAST WHICH KILLED 187+ WAS "MICRO-NUKE" Thu, 17 Oct 2002 07:23:28 -0700 --- Begin Message --- > >> From: "Robert" .au> >> To: >> Subject: Bali >> Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 14:10:49 +1000 >> >> >> MUSHROOM CLOUD CAUGHT ON VIDEO - HEAVY RADIATION >> DETECTED AT BLAST SITE >> >> Suriviors already showing signs of radiation burns and >> radiation sickness. Complete media blackout of this >> info -- except here!! Governments silent about the >> issue, but The Hal Turner Show has also obtained SOIL >> SAMPLES from a tourist at the blast site, and they are >> being shipped covertly to a reputable lab for >> analysis! >> Click Here >> <http://www.HalTurnerShow.com/BaliBombBlast.html> >> >> BALI BLAST WHICH KILLED 187+ >> WAS "MICRO-NUKE" >> >> Visitor on Island is Hal Turner Show Listener >> Sent pics and footage from video! >>

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>> BY: Hal Turner >> >> BALI- A tourist on holiday on the island of Bali has >> sent the Hal Turner Show astonishing, first-hand video >> footage excerpts and pictures of the recent bomb blast >> which claimed over 187 lives, injured over 300, >> destroyed 47 buildings and over 100 cars. >> >> WARNING: The photos below show graphic carnage >> including humans decapitated, burnt to death in a pile >> of human remains and others who are severely injured. >> These photos ought not be viewed by those weak of >> heart. >> >> Video clearly shows a rising mushroom cloud over the >> blast area, with the characteristic airborne flames >> burning at a sustained interval after the initial >> blast. This is not achievable with typical explosives >> because they explode and burn at ground level, rising >> only as high as the force of the initial blast can >> carry them, and extinguishing within a second or two. >> >> The Videographer reports a blinding white flash caught >> everyone's attention, prompting them to turn to the >> direction of the flash and record the subsequent >> mushroom cloud! As is common knowledge, only a nuclear >> explosion yields a blinding white flash and subsequent >> mushroom cloud with airborne flame. >> >> Soil, air and debris samples have been obtained from >> VERY near the blast site - without intruding upon >> police evidence collection procedures or violating any >> local laws. Those soil samples are already off the >> island and enroute to a reputable laboratory for >> confirmation of radioactive - or other- contamination. >>

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>> The lab is in possession of records which document the >> radioactive "signatures" of various weapons-grade >> plutonium, uranium and other fissionable materials >> produced around the world. This lab will be able to >> say with certainty if this was a nuclear incident and >> if so, will be able to cite from which nation the >> fissionable material likely originated! Test results >> will be released on The Hal Turner Show web site when >> they become available. >> >> I have also arranged for the results to be distributed >> via another web site should I suddenly disappear or >> otherwise become "incapacitated." >> >> MUSHROOM CLOUD CAUGHT ON VIDEO TAPE: Conventional >> ground explosive detonations do not burn in the air >> like this! >> >>> --- End Message --- End result of lab tests? Never seen the light of day. NOR has the video which supposedly surfaced. The webpage of which this email speaks still exists in cache http://web.archive.org/web/20021017084017/http://www.halturnershow.com/BaliBombBlast.html

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Thursday, 26 August 2010 The Officer – In – Charge Annerley Police Station 444 Ipswich Rd Annerley QLD 4103 Attention: This Letter Private – Confidential – Personal Subject: Collecting Information Dear Sir I have no choice but to write to you and ask for your assistance, if you refuse to help me for whatever reason it’s all right I understand. This letter should and must remain secret & confidential, and especially what I am about to ask you to do, collect information, and check on information for me. Please anything you collect, gather DO NOT tell ASIO or Australian Federal Police what I am asking you to do, not only do you risk my safety, but your own too or that of the young police officers you assign this case to. First Off A Cover Story: - This is only an example, you may like to come up with one of your own. If anybody ask at the Airport Why? What For? Just say your trying to trace somebody who could have been involved in an Old Hit & Run case your following up, that should get you off the hook.

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Before we begin I should introduce myself, I am Lloyd T Vance, I live at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I cannot do the following because I live down in xxxxxx, so that is why I am asking you to do this job for me, you live closer and wearing the police uniform nobody will ask questions, but if I did this job myself, somebody would ask questions or refuse to help. This is what I am now asking you to do. Archerfield Airport is within your Police area? I need two of your guys in their spare time to go out to the Airport and go through some old records, collect what information you can and then report – relay that information back to me here. Turning the clock back to 10th & 11th Oct 2002, I want your two officers to go out to Archerfield Airport and go through some old records and check, gather information for me. I want them to check all plane departures for the two days, for airplanes similar to the enclosed that left the airport on these days. Destination Bali Indonesia. It could have made a stop off in Darwin to refuel, before going onto Bali. The enclosed is all I have on the possible plane I am checking up on. If I am right it should be owned by and Israel Company. Please get your guys to collect what information they can, if there was a plane like this that left the airport on these days, and also report any other similar planes like this that left on the same days to Bali via Darwin.

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Get your guys to collect information what they can about this Israeli Company where they operate from in Queensland, and the name of it. Then send all what they find out to me here at the address above please. I suppose your eyes are wide open, your mouth is dropping and curiosity is getting the best of you by now isn’t it? You know what they say about opening Pandora’s Box Don’t open it unless your ready, willing and able to accept what ever you find inside. All right its just fair you know a bit more details seen I am asking a big, big favour of you and your guys. Do You Know What “False Flag Terrorism Is”? I have enclosed a sheet for you to read, this will educate you and explain it better. Understanding False Flag Terrorism Also enclosed is a 10 Step set of rules, Military & Intelligence Agencies use to carry out “False Flag Terrorist Attacks” How To Organise A Major Terrorist Attack Now lets turn back the clock to 12th Oct 2002 Bali Bombings, what we know, collected in evidence and proof. Private investigations not the police feed bullshit official story, yup Muslim stooges / patsy’s did Bali Bombings, we know this was a “False Flag Terrorist Attack” and they used a Mini Nuke – Micro Nuke in the attack.

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We know there was a plane that landed in Bali Indonesia on 12th Oct 2002, they broke into the control tower and changed the record logs, plane registration numbers. We know the plane flew out a few hours latter after the Bali Bombings destination Singapore, and then disappeared off the radar. We know they collected about 4-5 dead bodies from the morgue of the real perpetrators behind this attack, who were killed in the attack, they were dressed as UN Peace Keepers, they loaded these dead bodies onto the plane and then flew out to Singapore. We know it was an Israeli owned plane. What we don’t know for sure is where this plane came from, after doing more research into this, its been narrowed down to Archerfield Airport where the plane possibly came from. That is why I am asking you and your guys to help me please, to close this part of the chapter and story. I need the information to put in my book The OzBoy File – The Truth About 2002 Bali Bombings. If you cannot help get me this information, that’s all right I understand. But you should pray you, your wife and kids, relatives and friends are never caught as victims in a “False Flag Terrorist Attack” carried out by Police, Military or the Intelligence Agencies, because you will look back at this day and shake your head why I never helped OzBoy getting vital information which was needed to close this chapter of his book. If you cannot help its all right. I have enough information, evidence and proof above for what I need, just this part of the story would close up lose ends.

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Thank you for listening and sorry to be a nuisance. Yours truly Lloyd T Vance Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx NO answer has ever been forth coming back, except for my phone being bugged a few times, so we have tried to crack this case. Conclusion Thank you for reading The OzBoy File – The Truth About 2002 Bali Bombings, its been 7 years in the making collecting evidence and proof and I am pretty sure you will agree we busted the case wide open and have proven beyond doubt this was a False Flag Terrorist Attack. While writing these last few Chapters, I cant help being upset, cranky, mad while we have proven this was a False Flag Terrorist Attack, the politicians and others higher up the food chain once again got away free with murdering their own people in “Cold Blood” They will never be brought before a court for their crimes, if that doesn’t make you mad as hell, I don’t know what will, as for the lying Mainstream Media once again we prove them liars, corrupt and controlled they will not report the Truth and whole Truth, anyway thanks for reading. OzBoy cheers xoxoxoxox.

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