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Page 1: Try AngularJS

Carlos Hernando @chernando

Page 2: Try AngularJS


Page 3: Try AngularJS


Page 4: Try AngularJS




Google I/O 2013 - Design Decisions in AngularJS http://youtu.be/HCR7i5F5L8c

Page 5: Try AngularJS

AngularJS at a glance

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Page 7: Try AngularJS


Page 8: Try AngularJS

Bootstrap<!doctype html>!<html>! <body>! <script src="angular.js"></script>! </body>!</html>


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Directives<!doctype html>!<html>! <body ng-app>!! <input type="text" ng-model="name">!! <script src="angular.js"></script>! </body>!</html>


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Data binding<!doctype html>!<html>! <body ng-app>! <input type="text" ng-model="name">!! <p>Hello {{ name }}</p>!! <script src="angular.js"></script>! </body>!</html>


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step 0

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Application Structure'use strict';!!angular.module('tryitApp', []);


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Directives<body ng-app="tryitApp"! ng-init="talks = [! {! 'id': 1,! 'title': 'Acto de Apertura',! 'author': '(Por confirmar)',! 'starts': '2014-03-17T10:00:00+0100',! 'ends': '2014-03-17T11:00:00+0100',! 'description': ''! },! …! ]">


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ng-repeat<div ng-repeat="talk in talks">! <h2>{{ talk.title }}</h2>!! <p class="meta">! {{ talk.starts }}! {{ talk.author }}! </p>!! <p class="description">! {{ talk.description }}! </p>!</div>


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Filters<p class="meta">! {{ talk.starts | date:'medium' }}! {{ talk.author | uppercase}}!</p>!!


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ng-repeat & filters<input type="text" ng-model="filterText">!!<div ng-repeat="talk in talks | ! filter:filterText |! orderBy:'starts'">!! <h2>{{ talk.title }}</h2>! <p class="meta">! …! </p>! <p class="description">! …! </p>!</div>


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Directives & Data-binding<p class="description">! <img class="pull-left"! width="160"! height="160"!!ng-src="images/{{ talk.image || 'robot.png' }}">!! {{ talk.description }}!</p>


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step 1

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No JavaScript

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Controllers & Services

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Controller: ScheduleCtrlangular.module('tryitApp')! .controller('ScheduleCtrl',! function ($scope) {! $scope.talks = […];! }! );!


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Controllers & Views<body ng-app="tryitApp">!! <div class="container"! ng-controller="ScheduleCtrl">!! <div ng-repeat="talk in talks …">! <h2>{{ talk.title }}</h2>! …! </div>


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Service: Talksangular.module('tryitApp')! .service('Talks', function Talks() {! var talks = [! {! 'id': 1,! 'title': 'Acto de Apertura',! 'starts': new Date('2012-03-17T10:00:00+0100'),! …! }, …! ];!! this.query = function () {! return talks;! };! });


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Dependency Injectionangular.module('tryitApp')! .controller('ScheduleCtrl',! function ($scope, Talks) {! $scope.talks = Talks.query();! }! );


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step 2

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Service: Favoritesangular.module('tryitApp')! .factory('Favorites', function ($log) {! var favorites = [];!! function addTalk(talk) {! …! }!! function isIn(talk) {! …! }!! return {! addTalk: addTalk,! isIn: isIn,! talks: function() {! return favorites;! },! };! });!


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Test: Favoritesdescribe('Service: Favorites', function () {!! beforeEach(module('tryitApp'));!! var Favorites,! talk1 = { id: 1 },! talk2 = { id: 2 };!! beforeEach(inject(function (_Favorites_) {! Favorites = _Favorites_;! }));!! it('should not add same talk twice', function () {! expect(Favorites.talks().length).toBe(0);! Favorites.addTalk(talk1);! Favorites.addTalk(talk1);! expect(Favorites.talks().length).toBe(1);! });!});!


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Adding Favoritesangular.module('tryitApp')! .controller('ScheduleCtrl',! function ($scope, Talks, Favorites) {! $scope.talks = Talks.query();! $scope.favorites = Favorites;! }! );


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Adding Favorites<p class="meta">! {{ talk.starts | date:'medium' }}! {{ talk.author }}!! <a ng-hide="favorites.isIn(talk)"! ng-click="favorites.addTalk(talk)">! Add to Favorites! </a>!!</p>


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step 3

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Routes & Views

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Routesangular.module('tryitApp', ['ngRoute'])! .config(function ($routeProvider) {! $routeProvider! .when('/', {! templateUrl: 'views/schedule.html',! controller: 'ScheduleCtrl'! })! .when('/my-schedule', {! templateUrl: 'views/schedule.html',! controller: 'MyScheduleCtrl'! })! .otherwise({! redirectTo: '/'! });! });!


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ng-view<div class="container"! ng-view="">!</div>!


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views/schedule.html<h1>Talks</h1>!<p>! <input type="text"ng-model="filterText">!</p>!<div ng-repeat="talk in talks | filter:filterText | orderBy:'starts'">! <h2>{{ talk.title }}</h2>! <p class="meta">! <span class="date">{{ talk.starts | date:'medium' }}</span>! <span class="author">{{ talk.author }}</span>! <a ng-hide="favorites.isIn(talk)"! ng-click="favorites.addTalk(talk)">! Add to Favorites! </a>! </p>!! <p class="description">! <img ng-src="images/{{ talk.image || 'robot_question.png' }}">! {{ talk.description }}! </p>!</div>!


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MyScheduleCtrlangular.module('tryitApp')! .controller('MyScheduleCtrl',! function ($scope, Favorites) {! $scope.talks = Favorites.talks();! $scope.favorites = Favorites;! });


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step 4

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More…• Directives

• Providers

• Config

• Constants

• Directives

• $watch & $apply

• Protractor

• Other modules:

• Resource

• Animation

• …

• …

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