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Entry 52 Colonial Unrest #2

Event Describe the Picture

British Actions Colonial Reaction

F The Boston Tea Party

G The Intolerable Acts

H The First Continental


I Lexington and Concord

Tea Act, 1773

• Britain passed the Tea Act of 1773. It lowered the price of the tea, added a very small tax on it.

• But you could only buy from the British East India Co. & no one else.

• So, colonists would not allow ships to unload the tea. They had to go back to Britain; except in Boston.

Boston Tea Party

• On Dec. 16, 1773, about 50 Sons of Liberty, led by Sam Adams, dressed as Mohawk Indians.

• They got onto the 3 ships in Boston Harbor and dumped 342 chests, 90,000 lbs., of tea into the water. ($700,000)

• Everybody cheered!• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar6cFIfPFW4

Entry 52

Colonial Unrest #2

Event Describe the Picture

British Actions Colonial Reaction

F The Boston Tea Party

G The Intolerable Acts

H The First Continental


I Lexington and Concord

The Intolerable Acts, 1774To punish Boston, King

George III passed the Coercive Acts.

1. closed Boston Harbor until all tea was paid for.

2. could have no meetings without permission.

3. Boston Massacre soldiers were to be tried in England.

4. more troops were sent to the colonies to live in the colonists’ homes.

Entry 52

Colonial Unrest #2

Event Describe the Picture

British Actions Colonial Reaction

F The Boston Tea Party

G The Intolerable Acts

H The First Continental


I Lexington and Concord

Colonists Unite!

• Colonists believed that if this could happen to Boston, it could happen anywhere.

• So, to continue the rebellion, they:• 1. closed all their shops• 2. smuggled food & money to Boston• 3. called for a congress, or meeting of the 13


First Continental Congress• Sept. 1774, 55 men from 12

colonies (-Georgia) meet in the Philadelphia State House .

• VA- Washington, Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry

• MA- Samuel Adams, John Adams• NY- John Jay• Goals:

– Tell George III to listen & respect the colonists’ complaints.

– Boycott British goods– Meet again in May, 1775– Organize militias (minutemen)

Entry 52

Colonial Unrest #2

Event Describe the Picture

British Actions Colonial Reaction

F The Boston Tea Party

G The Intolerable Acts

H The First Continental


I Lexington and Concord

Lexington and Concord Battle 1 “The Shot Heard Round The World”

• Lexington, MA, April 19, 1775, early in the morning

• British find out that Sam Adams & John Hancock are hiding weapons in Concord.

• British Gen. Gage sends 700 troops to Concord to destroy the guns & arrest the men.

• Dr. Warren sends Revere & William Dawes to warn the minutemen! “The British are coming!”

• 70 minutemen vs. 700 British• Someone takes a shot & the

fighting begins.• British win & 8 minutemen are

dead! On to Concord!



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