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Geek Niche

Achiever’s Club


Page 2: tulips_-_vol_3___issue_20

Sankar Aravind Jamsheer.PC Shadrin Wassim

Editorial Team

In the season of new sprouts, we have a couple of things to share with you. In this issue we would like to introduce biography of Steve Jobs , our Onam Celebrations , a travelogue of our company tour.

Apart from that we have the ‘Geek Niche’ where we

talk about the new search methods in Google…..

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Onam, for any Keralite is festival of colours and joy. We had our Onam

celebrations at Tarang office on 24th August. All the staff members ar-

riving in traditional attire made the day more colorful. Celebrations

started off with the making of Pookalam. All the staff members worked

hard in helping to design the Pookalam.

It was followed by Ona Sadya, which was grand with delicious lunch

and desert. After the lunch, the staff members sang onam songs. This

was followed by many interactive games and few clicks of the camera

to capture the fun and joyful moments. Every staff member played their

part in making this day truly memorable.


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At the Shores of


After a much discussed planning, We decided to visit the shores of

Njarakkal, Vypin Island. Even though everyone knew the journey was a

little long, a day with friends is always something to look forward to.

Because it was a long journey everyone had to get up and arrive early

in the morning at the Tarang office and by 7.30 am we were set out on

our journey. Even though most of us were half asleep it did not stop us

from partying all the way. Suddenly with all the craziness going on in-

side the bus seemed to be very small. After a journey of almost three

and half hours we reached Njarakkal by noon.

Our first visit was to the beach. Everyone wanted get into the water but

unfortunately due to the climate conditions we were not allowed to. So

we had to satisfy ourselves with a few photo clicks near the beach.


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After that we set out to Njarakkal Fish farm which is situated near the

beach. It was much a small place and for a tourist spot there were very

few people. As it was noon and after the hours of travel we were all

hungry and so we decided to have lunch first. So we are all seated in

the small restaurant situated inside the fish farm. The aroma of fish

cooking in the kitchen was watering our mouths watering and we could-

n’t hold our hunger anymore. And soon the plates were laid and we al-

most pounced on the food. The dishes were just filled with fish, fish fries,

fish curry and each one of them tasted as delicious as their aromas. Af-

ter a scrumptious lunch we all just had to take break.

Then we moved on to what we would say one of the best fun sessions of

the day!! ..Boating, which most of us have waited for. Soon, we are all

divided into four teams and each team set out on a boat through the

lake. In the beginning each of the team were set out in different direc-

tions, each team member taking their turns on the row as the boats

sailed smoothly through the lake . Before we knew all of us met each

other at the end of the lake. A smooth sail through the lake suddenly

turned out to be an aggressive boating race among the teams which al-

most lasted for an hour. We did not even know almost one and hours

have passed since we started. We had actually passed the time limit

given for boating which was forty minutes. The authorities had let us

continue the boating after watching all our excitement. We are thankful

for them for letting us because this was truly one of the memorable mo-

ments to take home.

And then a journey back home, one more page to store among our cher-

ished memories.


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On February 24 1955, a man was

born who would have change the

whole world in the future. Not only

by creating the Apple Inc. but

the way we communicate. His contribution

to the scientific world is enormous and

his success story could be the leading path for many growing computer

scientists. Young Steve grew up in a valley which was already turning

into the world center of computer technology: Silicon Valley. In his early

ears he showed his interests into electronics and met Stephen Wozniak —

commonly known as Woz with whom he shared his visions in computer

technology. Before Steve began to work with Woz, he went to the Reed

College in Oregon. He spent there only one semester after which he

dropped out and spent a lot of time learning about Eastern mysticism and

diets in his hippie period

Always when we hear the name of Steve Jobs our first association leads

to Apple. It all began with assembling the boards in Steve’s garage and

driving to local computer stores to try and sell themexpansion


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In the course of the next years Steve had a great success with Pixar,

taking part in the Toy Story movie, which raised his net worth to over

$1.5 billion! Meanwhile in 1997 the Apple Company announced losses

of $700 million, so it was the perfect time for Steve Jobs and his come-

back. He quickly gave confidence in the whole Apple community and

brought the company back to it’s full greatness. In 2000 Steve accepted

to become full CEO of Apple – that was the first time ever in the history

of a man being CEO of two companies at the same time!

The success was enormous and soon the product became the symbol of

the personal computing revolution worldwide. The company grew fast

and as a result in December 1980, when he was only 25, his net worth

passed the $200 million mark on that day. After the success of the Ap-

ple products, Steve focused his energy on other projects like the Lisa

computer, which was a breakthrough because it used a graphical user

interface instead of a command-line interface. Unfortunately Steve was

thrown out of the Lisa project, that’s why he took something as an act of

―revenge‖ by taking over a small project called Macintosh.

In the course of the next years Steve had a great success with Pixar,

taking part in the Toy Story movie, which raised his net worth to over

$1.5 billion!

It’s success was no wonder but after few years, again because of his

arrogance, Steve was kicked out of this project. That was his life, so he

started travelling looking around for other ways to spend his creativity.

Suddenly in 1985 he had the chance to share his dream in making ani-

mated movies with computers. He was introduced to a small team of

brilliant computer graphics experts that George Lucas was trying to sell,

so he gathered the team and bought the company for $10 Million in

1986, incorporating it as Pixar.

In the next years Steve started other projects like the NeXt Computers

which however didn’t sell. In addition to the NeXt ―failure‖ his investment

in Pixar also seemed to lead nowhere, so after his devastation, he spent

more time with his son Reed and his wife Laurene, whom he had married

in 1991.


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Meanwhile in 1997 the Apple Company announced losses of $700 mil-

lion, so it was the perfect time for Steve Jobs and his comeback. He

quickly gave confidence in the whole Apple community and brought the

company back to it’s full greatness. In 2000 Steve accepted to become

full CEO of Apple – that was the first time ever in the history of a man

being CEO of two companies at the same time!

However the biggest success in Apple came from the unexpected source

iPod. It turned to be the ―must-have-music player‖ for everyone. The

products such as the iPad (Apple’s iOS-based tablet, which Steve un-

veiled on January 27, 2010) the MacBook and others are the most

prefered in the world’s society. Steve Jobs is truly an extraordinary

man who opened a new page in the technological world. People such

as him are those, who write the pages in the world history book .

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it

living someone else’s life. Don’t be

trapped by dogma – which is living with

the results of other people’s thinking.

Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions

drown out your own inner voice. And

most important, have the courage to fol-

low your heart and intuition. They some-

how already know what you truly want

to become. Everything else is secon-



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If your mouse not working….what

can do ? Super Computer Tips

You can control your mouse pointer with key-

board keys in all windows versions. When your

mouse stops working, you can enable this key-

board feature to complete your important work.

This keyboard mouse can performs all tasks

same like a normal mouse.

Follow the given steps to activate the keyboard mouse:

To edit this feature, first you should log onto your computer with admin-

istrative rights.To activate this feature, press Alt+Shift+NumLock keys

at once and you will receive a small MouseKey box.

To keep MouseKeys on, click on Ok button or click on cancel button to cancel MouseKeys box.Click on Settings button, if you want to adjust

the mouse cursor detail settings.

Here a new dialog box will appear with the title �Settings for Mouse-

Keys‖, now you can manage all mouse settings for example mouse cur-

sor speed, acceleration and some other features.


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Now using Numeric keypad, you can move your mouse pointer. The

controls are:

1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9 keys are used to move the mouse cursor into dif-ferent directions.

Key 5 is used as mouse click button. Insert key used to hold down mouse button. + Sign used to double click on any object. Delete button used to release the mouse.

Click on NumLock button to disable this keyboard mouse feature.


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Life is


Aneesh Taju Ansari

A greeting on your birthday for a very happy day

and then a year that brings the best of everything

your way. Enjoy your special day…

Happy Birthday



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