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Teaching Adults: A 2014 GED® Test Resource Book

Exciting Strategies to Prep Low Level Learners for the New Test

November 5, 2013TANF Adult Basic Education Instructors

Tulsa, OK

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Meagen Farrell

Author, trainer, consultantGED instructor


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1. What to expect in January 20142. Implications for adult literacy instruction &

curricula3. Facilitating engaging lessons: “Up in Arms

Over the Second Amendment”4. Create your own interdisciplinary lesson


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Rules for the Road

• Stay with the group! Don’t get distracted by your mobile device or side conversations.

• Questions? Yes, please! Just raise your hand and tell me your name & location.

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What can we expect in January 2014?

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The Big Changes

Common Core State


Depth of Knowledge

100% Computer-

Based Testing

New Test Pricing

Four Intertwined


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Common Core State Standards

• GED assessment targets are based on the CCSS and other career & college readiness standards

• Also used for standards-based instruction• Skills standards in English Language Arts &

Mathematics (not content standards)• “Fewer, clearer, higher”

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Depth of Knowledge

Replaces Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Measures cognitive complexity of a task.

GED test items:• 20% level 1• 80% levels 2 & 3

1 •Verbatim Recall •Paraphrasing

2 •Main point, patterns•Identify relationships

3 •Inference & synthesis•Prediction, elaboration

4 •Generating hypotheses•Complex analysis

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Computer-Based Testing

2012 CBT Testing Results(2002 series test)

Partnering with computer-based testing provider Pearson VUE

2014: Automated scores available within 3 hours

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New Price for GED Test

• Cost for test battery $120 for 2014 & 2015-- Jurisdictions may set student fee higher/lower

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Value for the GED Test

• Adults with a high school equivalency diploma earn $250,000+ more over their lifetime.

• GEDTS is protecting the value of the credential for test-takers:– Litigate to protect GED name: 40 fraudulent companies

shut down already– Improve customer service to test-takers: great YouTube

videos & tutorials!– Continue to research value of passing the GED Test &

market to colleges and employers

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Four Intertwined Subjects

Reasoning through

Language ArtsScience

Social Studies

Mathematical Reasoning

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Content from Real Life Scenarios

Reasoning through

Language ArtsScience

Social Studies

Mathematical Reasoning

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Writing Constructed Responses

Reasoning through

Language ArtsScience

Social Studies

Mathematical Reasoning

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Interpreting Data

Reasoning through

Language ArtsScience

Social Studies

Mathematical Reasoning

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Implications for Instruction & Curricula

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Find a Partner• Take 5 minutes to discuss how you think the

new 2014 GED test will impact instruction & curricula for low level learners. How will it affect you? your students? your program?

• As a reminder, the 5 changes we discussed:– Common Core State Standards– Depth of Knowledge– 100% Computer-Based Testing– New GED Test Pricing– Four Intertwined Subjects

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Implications for Instruction & Curricula

• Who would like to share?– Name one effect on you– Name one effect on your students – Name one effect on your program

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My Two Cents on Teaching Adults

• GED test prep programs are like marathon training programs at a gym.

• Single-subject instruction is like running alone on the treadmill, day after day.

• Interdisciplinary group instruction is like working out with a team.



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My Two Cents on Teaching Adults

Q: How do we keep it fresh?

A: The book provides strategies, you add the content.

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Look Inside

1. Introduction 2. The 2014 GED® Test3. Teaching Adults4. Using an Interdisciplinary

Approach to Prepare Students for the GED Test

5. Reasoning through Language Arts6. Mathematical Reasoning7. Science8. Social Studies9. Digital Literacy

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Quiz Time! 2014 GED® Test Changes

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Facilitating Engaging Lessons:Up in Arms Over the Second Amendment

Field Tested in Cleveland, Ohio

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Interdisciplinary Lesson

2nd Amendment

Social Studies content

Analyze reading passagesInterpret data

Write a response and cite evidence

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This Lesson Combines

At least 8 different

activities from the book

Several teaching approaches

A theme chosen by the learners

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Why Are We Learning as a Group?

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• One person talks at a time.• We do not have to agree.• Everyone can share their thoughts and feelings.• Respond to the topic, not to others’ comments.

Are there rules you want to change, delete, or add?

How Do We Want to Act as a Group?

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• Read and analyze the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and two different viewpoints on what it means from two active U.S. citizens’ groups.

• Choose a position to support, and select evidence to support that position.


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• What is the U.S. Constitution?• What is the Bill of Rights?• What is an amendment?

Before We Read

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A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment

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We will now read about two different citizens’ groups that interpret this amendment in two different ways.

Two Groups, Two Meanings

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The NRA believes the Second Amendment means that most U.S. citizens have the right to personal gun ownership and use.

Why? They believe “a well regulated militia” means all citizens have the right to defend themselves with guns.

National Rifle Association (NRA)

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The Brady Campaign believes that the Second Amendment means that we should enact stronger regulation to protect citizens from gun violence.

Why? They believe that “A well regulated militia” means just people in regulated categories are authorized to own and use guns.

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence

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The NRA looks at evidence that handgun bans increase murder rates.

Why Do They Think Differently?

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The Brady Campaign looks at evidence that there are too many victims of gun violence.

Why Do They Think Differently?

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A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment

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• What does “a well regulated militia” mean?• If you had to choose between the Brady

Campaign and the NRA, which would you support? Why?

• What evidence supports your choice?

What Do You Think?

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Write a few sentences explaining whether you would support either the Brady Campaign or the NRA. Why? Use at least one quote or statistic we looked at today.

Summarize Your Thoughts

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Your Turn! Create Your Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan

• Each person should have a blank lesson plan template and a completed example.

• Get in groups of about four people.• Designate one person as the recorder to write

down the lesson.

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Report Back:Share Your Lessons

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THANK YOU! Take It Home

• The powerpoint is available for view or download at my website: farrellink.com

• You have permission to use these workshop materials in your program as long as you attribute Meagen Farrell and New Readers Press.

GED® is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education and may not be used without permission. The GED® and GED Testing Service® brands are administered by GED Testing Service LLC under license.

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