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Trimble TerraSync and GPS Pathfinder Office


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Mitch Tweedy David Siddle Trimble Certified Trainer Regional Sales Manager 303-627-1810 303-627-1810 [email protected] [email protected]

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Overview •Quick Fundamentals

•TerraSync Top 5 •+ your Questions

•Pathfinder Office Top 5 •+ your Questions

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GPS Fundamentals –

All the Satellites are still south of you http://www.trimble.com/gnssplanningonline/#/WorldView

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Minimum of 4 Satellites

D=C xT


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GPS is only accurate to 30 ft -http://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/performance/accuracy/

So GPS Data needs a real-time or post processed Correction

Real-time •SBAS / WAAS - http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/techops/navservices/gnss/waas/

•DGPS Beacon

•OmniSTAR - http://www.omnistar.com/Applications/MappingGIS.aspx


•VRS - http://emap.mesacounty.us/GPS_Survey/GPS_Survey.htm

Post Processed – http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/CORS_Map/


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Post processed / Differential Correction http://compasstoolsinc.com/toolbelt.htm


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Messes with D=C xT

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TerraSync Top 5

1. Close your file

2. Start a new file each day

3. Close your file

4. Close your file

5. Close your file

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Actual TerraSync Top 5

1. GNSS data is Logged in WGS84

2. It is easy to have imagery in the background

3. It is easy to have shape files in the background

4. You can open and update shape files

5. RTK / VRS /RTVRN Real-time corrections

Your Questions???

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Pathfinder Office Top 5

1. SHP Export PRJ Error

2. Importing Shape files

3. Imagery

4. Differential Correction

5. Auto CAD Exports

6. Your Questions

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Makes Sense to Start with Pathfinder Office

1. SHP Export PRJ Error

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Where to Find these Projection Files

If you don’t have ArcGIS –

Email [email protected]

If you do - follow this Trimble Support Note- http://trl.trimble.com/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-690175/SprtNote_ArcMap_AddInToExtractPRJFilesForPFO_1013.pdf

Or look here - C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.2\ArcMap\Coordinate Systems

If you have ArcGIS 10.0 or older C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.2\Coordinate Systems

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Importing Shape files


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Imagery Match up the Coordinate system and Coordinate Units

Options > Coordinate System

Then click File > Backgrounds

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Where to Get Imagery

Small Areas –


Whole Counties – http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx

Better & Newer Imagery – http://compassdatainc.com/orthoimagery.htm

Imagery Compression


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Auto CAD Exports

Civil 3D/ Map 3D 2009 or Newer –

Shape File - http://www.screencast.com/t/lgROC3aq0

Older or Non 3D –



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Other Pathfinder Office Questions ?

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Actual TerraSync Top 5

1. GNSS data is Logged in WGS84

2. It is easy to have imagery in the background

3. It is easy to have shape files in the background

4. You can open and update shape files

5. RTK / VRS /RTVRN Real-time corrections

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GNSS data is Logged in WGS84

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It is easy to have imagery in the background

•Use Data Transfer to put the imagery on the hand held (Utilities > Data Transfer > Send > Add > Background) •Open TerraSync and Set the coordinate system to match the projection of the imagery (Setup > Coordinate System) •Switch to the Map and Click Layers > Background Files

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Imagery in TerraSync Continued

•Disc Size

•SD Cards


•Imagery Compression

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It is easy to have shape files in the background

As A Background •Use Data Transfer to send the shape file to the hand held (Utilities > Data Transfer > Send > Add > Background)

•Open TerraSync and set the coordinate system to match the projection of the Shape file •Go to the Map and Click Layers > Background Files

Imported Shape Files •Click Utilities > Import •Use Data Transfer to send the .imp to the hand held (Utilities > Data Transfer > Send > Add Data File)

•Open TerraSync and Open the .imp under the Data > Existing Tab

Backgrounds not supported in TerraSync Standard

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You can open and update shape files Using TerraSync and Pathfinder Office

• Import the Shape File using Pathfinder Office

•Utilities > Import

•Make sure to click properties and specify the correct coordinate system

•Use Data Transfer to send the Imported shape file (.imp) to the hand held •Utilities > Data Transfer > Send > Add Data File)

•Open TerraSync and go to the Data Tab

•Switch from New To Existing , and then Open your imported shape file

•You can update an existing feature 2 ways

•From the Data Tab – Double Tap the feature you want to update

•From the Map – Hold down on the Feature, then select Update

Data Update not supported in TerraSync Standard

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RTK / VRS /RTVRN Real-time corrections

This information will come from your VRS/RTVRN provider


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Any and All Questions?

[email protected]


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