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  • y O L . 18, N O . m ~

    Government For Speedy

    I n S e c o n d O f T w o S U

    U r g e s F o r m e r S e r v i i

    ___________B o n d a A s ‘N c

    (By The Auocin( — W A SH IN G TO N .-Jan. 2 7 -Q u l

    M natc vote of 70 to 19 as sM lin^, veto , P residen t RooflCvclt todoy &

    pHy o f f ther ?2,-191,000,000 soldien . cy w ill pcrn ilt."

    K o woi»d-of 'd i«ap |w ltilm(?Mt on possibility o f new tnxcR camc ffo y-Mm borrow up to 50 per cent on their certldcitca

    -In IM l; •---------rHfrt-Rwh-^E>«m«1td----------------

    Admlnl.ilratlon lenderit haVe-estU mated th a t no t more lhan one bll- ' 3lon dollar? will be needed to meet .

    ^ h d -f^ r tf r iii iro n im a n d s for'eaSirr in r the bonds, iind Uie president ap- parently Intended to keep the figure ~below that- If-posslble.-----------------K!

    W ithin a little more than tw« hours a lter th e senate voted. Mr. li I tooseRli u l d In his first state* nou tnen t th a t the treasury and veteran* 8mi admlnlstraUon had b « a directed to f w pay aa soon as possible. Ho warned

    -._(Coj}tinuedpa-PS5C.3..CoJ..U___Jjlrt■ 21

    I 1........... ..

    f I G H T S and « L SHADOWS In Day’s Eventt

    (By The Asioclntcd Pressi ^ A

    J e U th o W o rld — uintKALIBPELL. Mont. - Under an dely

    when tho sla te’s "gin marriage" le- flsJatlon WR» operath-B for a few ® montlis, Naomi Moore, of Vaneou- ,, ver, Washington, and Alvin L. 8e*» , ton . of WhUeflsh, Montana, filed “ * notice hero they liave entered Into a • eon tract marrtaBc.- ------- ---- — atwt

    T h t. nrfcnntrli-ftpmont nf tli» ffin. *>’tract,w hich they filed was mudo be- iore < Justice • Van Wnggtncn a t , ' W ilU flsh, January 11,

    .O ro a to r L o v o —VrtSDOM. M ont.-W orry over his broi

    13 pet cats led.William Bolly. 60- (Me yew- her tlOO a month for life be- ( cause she befriended his slaler.

    Tho money was provided by the — late L. E. Hatch, of New York cily. —. TR 'clV fl_ifW Ji£8_5P?.. .KMton, . l i now In moderate circumstances, v ^ cared for lla tc irs sister, Mr*. C anie _ Bumii. during a * rlous lUness-and —H operation. M n. Bums then had not J W W d irom iier"T)f6nier lor years and beUewd him dead. But later he ~ came to visit her and slie told hibi r,„ ‘ cl Mrs. Keaton’s klndne.M.

    H atch died a monlh ago, Mrs. Keaton said. H lj Blll.provlded for jlVr, the monthly paymenu to her and teft th e Kiflance of a E

    Esau, the Bible relates, “sold hU jjlribtiehliLfor & .mei».of..poua|a.-. < .,

    H ours of d lsp iitd ^ the house o y e r . ^

    n igh t by Uw former New York govi “ l em or preceded the»announcem(‘nt. y. *:

    10 the New Deal. Republican apeak- era hailed the Smith views a.i a t one ‘ .J,

    ,w lth their own. No Democrat up-i " ihe ldh im . I

    ------- SpMUlaUon ConUimei- I Y |A l Ills office In New York, Sm ith 11

    declined lo discuss his address. Spec- ulntlon about the."walk" he eald hc probably would lake if Uie Pliila-

    Some were Inclined to look for a campaign to influenps'tlie conven- ’ Mr lion. T hat falling, no one professed' to know whether ho would support;A Republican ticket or sojournabroad.durln8.Uie.campal6n_______

    I t was hinted In New York U m t___

    say after tho specch by Senator Rob- ^ Inson, hU vleo preaidcnllal ninning Ra; male In 1928. Cit;

    Instead of bCKimiing a l 8 :« as resi originally p l a n n e d . nobUison'a.tleo broadcxn will be from 8 lo 8:30 p. m. ‘ tMoi||italn time) over the Columbia I

    . O ppo« ne-Nomln«Uon '■ jS nW luiever Smllh dof. .̂ an aH rm .itlrim

    lu tlie South to prevent rc*nomin>{to ullon of Uie Roosevell-Oarner tic- hlk ket wns promised by John Henry Uai Kirby, Hu and Oovenior Talinndxr hnr of Georgia, *poiisors of the n n il- ll r li admlnlstrnllou rally to be held Wed-1 fennpMlny nl, MacQn..;ugTrrfl-afifr..al-----conferettce-UiaC-prlnelpl(s-and-nol 1___selecUon of un indepedent caiidl-i ^ da te would occupy the meeting. ' iJ'*” '

    Numben of DcmocrnU In ihe '" '* '' house roM in tribulc-lo Represpntn-;-^^ live Woodrum (D-Va) after a t,pcccli' . ” In which he aold "Smllh won't take 1 a walk In Philadelphia; he look his walk In Chlciigo."—R eferrtng-to-contcntionrin a f t n B‘- r * admlnlstmllon had dhregarjlcd the 1032 plaltorm, he recalled thal Smith In ' l(r28 •undertook to camiwign

    (Continued on Page J, col. 8) Clij

    Jersey Lad Dra Mr^jfiealLTj

    TRENTON, N. J., Jan .‘37 W V-Joejwor D rugjan, li-year-old errand boy stuc who m n up a ttO M bill on his em- « c r ployer'a telephone trying lo reach call Jean Ifarlow in Hollywood, doesn't r. w ant to hear anoUier word about It. . , u

    j ? T?laid. »g . nc g rs

    kid* wlir f ln d 'u ou i7 f 1’ make anyth lnf more out of this "I business.________________________ J io [

    U ntil ^ tu rd a y Joe did odd Jobs I co for Charles Oerofsky. ■ lug

    Saturday he decided to ring n n h o l i Jean. A call to one Hdll>Vood stud io ; M

    ^tformaiion she ao tongarlMbJ

    [ I r i iw m ]TW IN

    ilTESEENFORIHUGEflEUmWECJGWColumbla.BasIn Commission

    Secretary Argues Aulliori- _ \2atinn-Given-.(or-Irriga-

    tiori of 1,200,000 Acres^ ' *iBy The AsiocUled Press)

    S P O K A N E , J a n . 27— Jam e.s O ’S u llIvnn , s e c r e ta r y o f th e

    I C o lu m b ia bn.sin c om m ipsion ,

    o n ly a u th o riz e d c o m p le tio n o f t h e G ra n ti C oulee h ig h dam

    |b u t- .a la o _ th f t ,r f ic ln m a tio n o f . ., 1 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 a r id a c re s - in c e n tra l-W w h ln K to n .— --------- 1— .[ I t ho.1 bocn b e lieved h e re th a t congttas auUiorlted only Uie foundaUon for a dam which ulll- matciy will be u o feet high and nearly 4400 feet long. T io founda- *•' tlon wUI cost about 10.000,000..

    O'Sullivan said he had Uie official opinion o t several attomeya that

    _thc compleied.5tojccl_w»s_authori isei in the HIU amendment to Uie ' rivers ̂ a n ^ ^ h a ^ rs bill _

    counsel for the reclamation bureau. L I ConirtH ' Mandate i j

    " If my reading of the amendment U correct, congreu haa directed the president lo build the high dam and the—reclamatton-projcct," 'O ’Sulli- van said. "We are In the same sUlus aa Boulder dam, which waa nulhor-

    congress appropriated money cach ^ ■session of conRrtss. Orand Coulee■ received $15,000,000, theft $20,000,- . 000, and imw the president 1) askingan additional >22,000,000."____________

    Woman Acquitted Of SIaying~Mate mi

    i BUFFALO. N. Y.. Ja'n, 37 m — Kf Luclle Lavplle 'Horan, former New "1

    . York dnnfpr nnrl »■!.» .hn. JQIand killed her uloon-keeper lius-

    .boftd, Frank, was acquitted of sec- a jond degree murder by a supreme \ycourt Jury tonight. ----------------io

    I .M rs. Horan slid from her clialr In s t , a. faint u soon ss J. Crate Wilson. Jury foreman, spoke the words "not „ Bullly."


    tlQn thivffed in-^ae.

    : a btossoming p e a ^ tree In.W. Mans-

    of spring In llte Salt R ln r valley, f , Tho lemperalurB has climbed U® above 70'the last Ihree days.

    l i i i l ; “. mmm'z

    Motorists Find Haif Frozen S I Utplin on Kigliway ' ll!:

    liear iUaoiiayMACKAY, Idaho. Jun. 27 (.T>-

    n a y Ipsen,' le-ycar-old Salt Lake *'■ Citx youUi may lose bolh feel as thb resuli of a narrow brtiJh with deoth late Baturday when ho feU I I exhausted and half Iroun on a 1/1 highway lO miles north of here. I I

    lpsrn“ ijKBmc"losi~whilo“seektng ih c rBticli of his iMrenia, Mr. and Mrs. ElTln Ipscn. The youUi de^ ■

    to have met lilm a t tho bus. He , hiked lo the ranch of Alphonse i Uariiard and Uiere obUlned ' a Gl■ hone and dlrectloni.' Howevcl-,' he Irli the horse when he came to a fence and coifld not locale a gale. .................BCTiaVH sa6e» 3

    Aflcr walking some dljiancc, Uieyouth removed liU slioes to rub his ]numbed feel. They were ao swollen „iie_cDuld .not-replace -hU- slioc*.------

    Becoming frightened. Ipsen ran L ,barefooted Ihree miles lo a high* «way where he was la ter picked up f rby motorists. ^ ^

    — A t^ia-hosplial-atU ndinle-foundth a t hc had a pair of woolen sockS .. I and overshoes In his bedroU. for. gotten when ho became panicky.

    Ipsen Will be taken to a Salt Lake CKy hosplul tomorrow.

    raws Line On B Ifijfo llywond gworked there. Joe called another ttufllo and Ulked to Uie moi'le i u r 's ^ secreury, leaving word for her to * call tho Oerofsky number. . _ _ Th

    Gerofsky learned about It wben ? MlM.Httrlowca ^ . Ifeto-the-telephonrf-componyrJiraTIie *l o y ' ^ a n w o ^ r a ^ rem e m ^ rr t ^

    Jof^owned upi . •__________

    TOpnjggan, said tonight she dIdn'C p „ iajo*.srljcffcsh«-couJd.g«t-U»e money ^ to pay the biU,_. . _ , ' '

    ■'I know Mr. Oerofsky can’t afford’ DEio-paxJt_xtha.hm )-*ny-m aro-than ~Z I can." Mra. Druggaa aald. “f m go- c Ing to ask Ihe lUephooe company m to le tu s w ilo I f la lM U U m e n ts ." a ii

    MeanwWle Joe says he sllll thlnka hla AllM_Harjow u .‘'awfull/, a l« .? _ ! ! l * 2

    - ' A C C a R A T B -

    E mN FA iX S,-ID A H O , T U E 3 ^ ^ I

    Death D e c re^ |


    i t

    . £tr

    K S U IjELTON STONE, ci-cenTkt. plca4eoeH)t-«-fow.»MMirii it he had been arraigned, pleaded "i B n lliy jn tl TteciTBd ssn ieaee. a fter le a Qlght ride from the prison where ' ho wai^held for safe keeping slnee tl h is arrest last Wednesday. m

    PUta wero slmkcn a t the 31-year- "! old garage niechanle when he was V Uken Into court tliR momlng for " arraignment and ono- youth shout- _ ed "Lcfa get Slone." The youth re- I treated when olflcew stepped to- I ward him. U

    oul*”vlslW e°'sIu>Vo7'm previously had pleaded gullly to murdering the girl wiui a ahot ' through tho window ol her home as aho sal alone reading ofic n igh t lost p, November.~ T hen ,'he sold In a sU le n i^ t, to offloera,—he broke lnto-thg-~ho«cr — and was d itto in g tho d>-lng girl when frightened, awny by re tu rn ing members of her family.

    _____ tic

    .Group.of-200-Eeasants-De-- ̂ parts Alter Seizing £

    - ........ -R ancli----------r --------------------------------------- (111------- ml

    MEXICO ClTt'. Jnn. 27 - A . , group o t nearly 2W rcn*.ml 'womrn^ ,y' who seired ilie ' S i rn u . Barbara ranch of former Prrsldml Plutarco _\j, & Ias Callc.1 abaniioncd It tonlghl In th e face, of >a ihrcaiened atUick by jn em n lo m of th~ ranch. . . . pp

    Although Mexico's one-tlmc „k ••strong man" had given order# Uiul iK tho women should not be molesled. via nearly. 300 of h u employes went to . the municipal pm ldent o f 'the ln«-n and urgied him to ou.̂ l the Invader:,, j

    Accompanied by .town offKiaU. da: Ihe workers rrturnfd to the raneli and most of the_»omcn asre td lo ^ go 'bsck 'to tiieif horiiM. ' _:'jm

    Cevemment l^robiem I ,vli r»-Calle»,-brcBking'th< AAA decUlpn In support of his ju, nrRument.-"let the ends be Icglti- hli m au .- . _ _ _ _ _ !

    Chairman Smith (D-SC) a n -is c i nouneed Sollcllor General S U n le y It llced had been Invlud to como be- ioC (oro the committee lom'orrow. (o be< auc(U«.Ui«.legal.autsUBWi,UivolYe-*He-ira5-the-sorror*pCT*on-'w ho — ju st can 't believe It will hapiien to ra< h lm -even when it's ha>penlng." , m I _OIdrW d_M _no_*lranger_,to Ihe hK scream o t tortured rubber. And wliat ■ It means. Of all the-men who hurt- cai lod around-Uie-Uacks, hs Is th e : best known and probabl>- the mosl sin auccevtvL. tin

    * M n B T B

    ' utASXD w m U B n u n o r aBBOoiATiD n u tsa

    T ^ n iM j of Defens

    ^eTanTl^---------------- • i ~s T e n d e r H e a r t e d , ’ D e - 1

    ' o m a n - I n S t o i y O f ------------- 1

    i r g e d S o n ’s L i f e

    - S e r i e s o f I n j u r i e s

    i te r d a y in th e t r ia l o f B ouirlns i e m u r d e r o f h i.i f o r m e r w ife ,’

    -tt* e t f ( H ^ o - i> r w o - h inv r j

    AC a f t e r t h e d c fe n d a ii t h a d been i n - th e ^ tb s e n c e - o r - th e - j i i r j t ^ B . - ;l b e en d en ied h is con.‘* t i t u t io n n l .

    t im o n y D i s t r ic t J u d g e A d am B. ■^B arclay o v e rru le d a dcfonne'

    m o tio n to s t r ik e th e te a t lm o r s o f S h e r i f f E , F , P r a t e r ancf h is d e p u ty , A i C . P a r k e r , con- '

    .vcem lng admls-ilona of guilt they de- c 1 da re d Van Vlack had n u d e to them, i

    I , ShoaU .ln Anger " V- -.U U -appcara^co-on-^uotand-w aa i-

    rbetw een Attomey Oenerel Bert H. tMiller and Van Vlaek. Departing ^from his ususl calm demeanor. Uio * defendant shouted angril)' In replylo questions of the sU te attorney as ^

    . io,his.trealm tnt.by_U ie:.T»ln.FalU «officer, »

    He was unaware. Van VUck said,_ Um th ls .m oU iR rb^ marie,arranga» il

    menta for ah allorfieyT iirflte 'in# " relum ed lo Taeoma a lte r his arresuW hen he was being Uken to Burley. •he testified, he asked th e sheriff „whether any arrangem enu had bten °

    ' replied he did no t know. *Tlien he asked P ra ter and tho „

    ’ elevator operalor In the coun houu to 'ca li“Xltom#y“lB rV . LaraonTWim

    ^■w nohTTiirTnijmw-TiM -M nrerrM : j < Van Vlack asserted, and Sheriff ; ' P n iU r told him Larson had no tele- ,•Iphonf._____________^

    "Old you protest being Uken to ' , Biirley?'^ Attorney Oeneral Mlllpr j

    " "W hat good would It have done ]■ meT“ Van VUck replied. f

    "Answer the question; did you „ ' protest?" the aUomey general per- "

    aisled. ' ) "How could 1?" Uio defendant i

    . "Yes or no," Miller pressed him, i , and-Van Vlack shouted agalnr <


    ' Van Vlack ot Tacoma, w u the first » defense witness; sh e U ld of his early t

    life, with lu series of Injuries which f slio asserUd lu d a marked effect a upon Ills dcmcaiksr. I

    His head was Injured a t his birth. /> M r«.'V stiT iiertH iined ,'ftnd he fell T> once from his bicycle and again In b> the gymnasium. Ho was unconscious, for five, days afler th s second fall, c: f she ssld. 0:

    As he erew to voune manhood and fi r went loC alH om kior brief aSys. his Tx I conduct became Increulngly pecu- w . liar, alio tutifled. 8I ■■Douglu was always tender heart- ; ed." she declared. ■■He d idn 't want H

    lo be a dentist because he woutd a I have to Iiurt_p«pje_ttnd._h9_j]14n!{ !*, wiini'io do'ih'atV'• n r e ik i i t i f j r T e in ---------------1 Mrs. Van Vltick broke Into tears as f . she teillflrd. bul she wlped her eyes (, . nnd resolutely declined to leave Iho 1

    witness Atand,. Sho was a willing ^ wltneu. frequenily Interrupting At*

    , torney Leo Teats o t ihe defense to !. iflliu»«L.d t(n lla-O fJicr-«on 'a.J lfc . .' ondauiiudcs,' . T lio-.llnal-sutc—ttilness.-M orley —

    Barnard ot Tiieoma. nn acqua in t ,■ iiiiii; (Jl ' th r u w n n i i i i r sw aflu ih- t

    volved In a wann exchange wllh Tents on cross examination.

    last Nnvembrr to loan him a pistol bul he r'fu-ied ■'because of whatho Mid."

    ' trnubici, in-laws a m f i iy break-up ^ wllh Mlliired," Barnard . lesUfled------ - P:

    . — (CoiiUnued on-Pago 3, Col, 41— R ”

    Imagination leer’s Requisite?

    ■'I'ho rt.vAOii I'm alive," he sold, f, "lia bccnuv I lind ImagltiBtlon and u lurk. lllll tlie liisl is more imjiort- 'ant Ilinn tlw* tfcond,_ [2'l[*'''-'nli'lly. ihnl's equally triK of iiii^UxIy ivlio d rlv fs 'an nutomo- 'fii lille, Tlr.- a cJJe n li aro cuutcd by to ■thow“ ,)fopi

  • 'tWMWoHil War veterans in’ ldatio to Receive U

    ■ $7,411,000

    !®|i00(U of tha A utricaa U gloa lo per

    •K fT^ Till »»- >«" »P* - fli

    S K m I tM in nuac t p p U . ^ 3 S w " o r * b t b r l » w ^ n Wment ct U itir wuutt«-eto*na before June II. e<

    ’ 1 i n reply to InqulrlM. he questkoned T th e lecallty o f dfatr ibq iln rth tn -beT -w ' f fere th a t date. *tI Note AmM Cheer*I Speclllcallr, the bill, which be*> camtf law amld'cheers from a gal* t> ' len^. packed to the doon and sprlnk- m• led «1th officers of veUrans* or. b : (snlaatlons who hailed the reauU, 0 ; proTldea for full pannent. nine t

    ~ “ j« * n '1n adranee.iof m -lW S T B n- " turlly value of the 50-year adjust- tt

    “ f-ed 'W o n a wap-wrnce wTtiHeatei- - u• "baby bonds" csn be culw d y

    June H . or held nine yeara for three dper cent Intereat annually. I f eaihed i

    I th e flrat year no Intereat would be ■ paid. Loans a ta in s t the certlflcaUa I' would be'deducted bul a ll unpaid -• Interast slnw October 1, M 3I-about •'

    iy ff e president. J. i; - N o f a 'slhgle iw I S ir in positloo u from the original senate v o t to f 14 d to 18 occurred; The "ayea" picked up n Ivo fn m Metcalf (R-RI) and* Wheeler iD-Monl> who were paired _

    • L)d netcher " '(D .p in )? ' '^pa^nd fr d s i a lv t piAlously. and T ^dlngi i« lha t tiM entire K nate was-'record- p I. ed on a roll call . .., *d One hour alter the vote. Bdwln u !T -w rR ilsey , K nau # ^ t i f y r h » d f

    signed the bill making i t law.Britf Debate *

    !• Hardly u wM w u deemed neces- | I. s»ry In detenM ot the bill In the ^ c- nenate todsy. Icarlng th e brief de* , r. bate to the oppotlilon led by Senat. |- It, ora H utlngs (R-Del) and Ring (D* le Utah.fj- —in-Tiitra.uT{ane-ronn7-nutingK f t- turned on the Demoenaic aids to ̂

    urge tha t they “give th e president- Bd }-our ; ........... ' .

    ee didn't w ant.' he u ld . “now rote for 6d something you know is right." I be Hr dtscnbedthe prrsident'a brief. 1 «s hand-penned ^tto mewage u of the 1 id "milk toast variety" and u ld I t i u t "did,not hare the kind of vigor I (_ hadJhapad------- --- -------------------------->le He ciud Secretary Morganthau’a 1 a l tottlmftnv Out, \tig - banua WQUld ■ ;u raUe to .possibly lllJOO.000,000 the >

    of Chiding the DemocraU and quot- ] v> in rrrm frrew in in jicT irbyT nrp iw ^ on Ident on "intrenched greed" and 9n aasaulu on the American Liberty lel League.-the lltlle Dela«-are Senator u l aald "if a RepubUcan president had by M nt up thU veto tĥ >̂• would have n e blamed it on industrial autocrats,

    Ihey would have Ijlamed Mellon or ^lUU and the uberty League .with

    ipf all Its 'cfoolu'."

    ----- -CTlN PiU.LS DAILY SI

    -SBBtiii. ----------- .... . ..D̂ ath ' Fflil ^

    Reolamation Commis* mo * ' sloner Vacant Or

    WASmKOTON. Jan.- 71 «V -A d- ^ a to lstratlon otflciaU WK* a ltev to . . lay on the appo ln tn tn t of a tueecs. _ _ lor lo ' tM 'i iw D r.‘O w e M ~ s iu ; - i r reclanaUoa commlailODtr, bu t un* jont )tflelat pctdlctlm a ware tha t a -] choice would be made ouUide tbe miIi ivdamaUoo.buraAu. n-ou• E . r . W alter, chief reclamation tturaatt e n sln ttr . and jo lta O. U ge;

    »» _QposflbUlUea U th e appointment U aiei made w ithin U » bureau.

    " w S r tS S i" r f m i ^ a . 1̂ "tlona. 6o(M .looked .for aecretary c (ekac.to aeek a successor on a non* pollUcal buU ..

    W alt^ , who arrived In Waahlng. "*

    in t commlaslooer. Tbe appointment wUl be madea>y President RootevelL VU ^ ^ ^ a s U ^ ^ e n t ^ t ^ y ^ i ^ ^ d ^ n tt

    s ^ ’tom e-penonaliy.'! . - .. . . ' leksa a ^ e d lh T t ' the f o m m is s l^ ~ v er'a tame would Uva tor his p a n In day the planning and coostruetlon ot «lti Boulder dam. obs

    H< pralied M iad u an "in«inae& !']'( law-glver. u ache r aod adm lnlstntor In tl\e field ot Inlfatlon." ,

    r ^ r a ) aervlcea for Mead, will be in held tomorrow. wUh burial .a t Ar- def lington. V ln ln ia . - of^

    T I ll iE S P i iE T f l I


    —M rt’ Cora e . '8 teTens.-Twtn-Palls —• county tressurcr, announced in her nei final report yesterday th a t m on she than oni-half o t Uw 19U taxashare been paid and reported collection of y jMore than HKLperj;eqt.ot_Uxea_du« bn; December 31 were paid. wh

    A ,um ol « M W « i i “.whila-the^amount. due w u IS3S,7». ^

    amounl c re e le d exceeds SO per cent ^ by *8J#.79. y i

    JtcGooding Competes "

    In Bible Reading thiOOODINO. Idaho, Jan . J7 i^ > r T®,

    Bible students o t Ooodlng churches • will compete in a Bible reading cot- test under th i auspica of the lo- cai MlnUterlsl assodaUon, 'attb (InaU March 1. . u Uc"Two • npresenlallvea - of— each

    church will b« se lw ud ty compe* ̂tltl(jn"Tnid“these“Wlll' meet' Jn j.a r r j ■deelainatw y- fnn tfil, Thft ff1nn« will ncelra a Bible u a prlie.

    ________________ ̂ far

    W e d d i n g ' S e q u e l T o f '

    ____ M a t r i m o n i a l S w a p m

    HOLUSTBR. Calif., Jan. 37 y n - en One of the couples In a * recent m "marital swap" a t Reno w u mar- tnr M b ; y . y v . M g , fe paitor ol Chi n m H irn o o B n ^chureh. said today.* eoi

    William M. Werder. J8.- and thiOladys Jewel Lounsbury. 35, U» lo

    ■ tenner Mrs. Roy E. Burnett, Jr, -> were un iud in a almple cenmony th'

    yeiterday.The couples resided a t Redwood :

    • C lty -a t- th e -U m e they assertedly th . agreed to "swap" mates, friends u ’ ta ld . to I Mra. Desiree D. Werder and Mn. m<

    Burnett went to Reno and resided ret ’ togettier while Uiey esublished resr : I idence.. Meanwhile ths two hus. or ' bands batched together a t Redwood fn

    " I . i h p r f t i B l . p n r i i p g

    I In Greek Election> VI1 ATHENS,. Jsn , 38 tTuesdsy)' IP, Vt

    i ^ x T u l ^ y *“ h*o U bc^l ■lo r party. Bpp«enlly ccriaimf^tCtOTy: *J 1 inlghi oven have a majority oyer lls jfj• combined epponenls on the two oth* " t e r m ajor parties. «

    The Liberals, the most recent I” 1 count sliowed, had won 13B seau lu “■ parliament In yesterday's \o i ln r^ ‘!;

    while.Ihe Populists and the Union- ^il Ist-Popular n d lc a l coalition to- a ge therhad^-to ta l-of-on lrl9« »eaU.-r

    Republicans, it was Indicated, J'' would bave 13 wats; Communists.

    .. 13. and the party ot O enenl John ,

    . u e ta x u . 7. . ' «ThemUtflclea ScptioulU. Ifsdinj

    Liberal was >xpecled to be named '' ;* to form a cabinet. ”

    J M o n t a n a F i g K t F r “ „

    ; ■ D e c i s i o n s M a s s e y Jm--------»r . B U rre , Mont.. Jan. 37 (̂ ’r-Hu-

    bert Dennis of Bateman. Montana *t. lightweight champion, declilvtiy bK won a l0.round detflslod hera-.tb- ?It lilght over tlie vetenh U w M u»y J<X of Philadelphia. ^

    [T s w I r m e r 'a i r - o v w - M u w .^ r n o ^Id time letUng the easterner t* l set 1S T o T s s n r W r a r ^ ----------“—

    F i i n i i s S l a t e d F o r

    ,a M i n i d o i < a P r o j e c tw — ,or -WASHINOTON.-Jah. 37 WV-Tlie ‘Id house received an t8 lJ3 tJ)0 Inlerlor tve department aupply bill from Us ap. <t ^ unodaUonLxom lalllee.tediy, 1o r Items tn ihe bUl inoluded; 1Ul Boise proiect. Idaho, tS0,000; Mia. 1

    Idoka project, Idaho, 111,800. | I

    L m m j w w - W I M i p M 0 ,

    B o r a h ’s B r a S o i S t t ' ! ' I )

    • F r o m O n e S t a t i o n U

    S e n a to rB o ra h 'isd d rta ra il tlO 'p . ; 1 5 n r o im u m - it i n d ir t~ U m t .tW i ' • evenms. U to be b r«»4cttt from . sUtlon WOR, Kewarlt,-H«w Jtr*ST; i - snd win no t bo carried o r t r i t :y n e t . r r T o r t---- ------------ -- ---------;-------- Cn

    M other’s T e s t im o n y H a r k s ■

    O pening o f D e f e n i e . E f f o r t

    To P ro v e V a n V la c k I n u n e „

    icontlnutil From p . » . o o , ) : :

    -Dou. a ia . 'I m onia l u n n o u i t ^lonr ago.'

    -ooua said II folks didn't th in k f “ ' Mildred w u good enouth for him he umiid take her to Meidco and m tke lomethlng ot her." . ___________ w

    sought to borrow Uj» w« poo to pro- l « l His money. h )^ re - - 'Jj

    U ^edw lllng M llS rS !^Confronted wllh an auerted aU te-

    ment to Tesis tn a loeal hotel, t t e wttness csme back: • . . “ J,

    -ThU is the place to dlscuu tb e . . ease: not in the hotel." ‘ •

    U i t f . ' m m a n i— leiufin i. v in ■*“ 'Vlsck ohislned the weapon, “about “ Ihs middle of November." He w ld he ;J“{ nerer had asked Van Vlsck to ry tum

    • “Craiy.-lcst C n t i r l rWhen courl a d jb u rn « for th e "

    dsy, Mrs. Van VUck w u aUU on the Mtnesj »und. reUtlnjr w hat ahs had . J observed In her son'a beharlor du r- ing his asserted altercaUons w ith Mildred and the Hook family.■ Teats in hU quaatloalng .-m lew ed n ,

    ia deUll what he had told Ute Jury HI in hU opening staU m ent, with the detendani'a.moiher u lU nf b a r aids of ttie stoo'.

    Mra. Van VUck declared tb a t «f- te rh e r io n “haffb«en arreaUd o a a . pan d lsri! tn r« a rg B rT 6ngWlBrTiH “ alleged theft of household articles 77. and personal belongings from hU ' apartment, he " w u Just.crasy. Just . . . eriey. He didn't eat, d idn 't aleep. ' , But Just tramped around th e house." -T ea t»“ InqUltefl o r t t e “ wUnes»-|f Van VUck hsd ever be to n beeome

    -■T^9-^*M !!. responsible for hU actions. n

    He submitted a court restn ln lng order which prevented Van Vlack ,, from communtcaUng with MUdreC « « f-rtfnlnal tti» Zilefendw LV lih grand.Jarceny, and a “certified copy" o f «> In u rlocutory "

    a n ?W o n w t̂ *w!l!i!‘̂ 3■ In all cases, he tried lo show the ,<

    ‘ e ffea of such documenu upon Van VUck's behavior, wIUi a view to „

    ■, provtns hla Insanity. r1 , in te r- Jj

    I; right. I t you f ln t get it marked u ^ .le\'ldenee." TeaU profusely apoloftte* f I ed and had it marked by the court ,

    (I reporter. The admonition w u the ^ , seeond given by the court, which . J received the customary reply from , I T eau th a t "we don 't do It U iat way . over in our slate." .i.._H e^obUined a smile from the j

    !' o ir l wllh Oon ' .,' Mrs. Van VUck, in h e r concluding '

    testimony for the day. said h e r aon '. mo\-«d to an upsia ln room In the tr .4 home “became he w u afraid Mr. i

    Kook w u going to shoot him." ,1 “When he u ld Uiat." she. assert- 1* ed. "1 told him he w u crajj-." [ ■■ U te r. ahe added.-“Mlldred catais \ nut the back door with tha t rifle lo

    r h e r—h a n dr-po in ted stra igh t a t- - i' S S o t of pictures show ing!' . tha nU U re positions of the Hook • » and Van V lack'hom esw u'm ade Just . before Judge Barclay accepted '

    TeaU' suggestion th a t court be a d - ] V Journed.

    “All right." the Judge said, "we'vs ti done a day's work." J __ ^ ^ j

    ' Tiinn nnriii Hiii iTiiF ^ TifullntMllttnir : .

    : t -------- .T a in Paiu police were l u t night

    le on.the tn l l of robbera who held up sr the Clly Park Grocery. 333 Sho- l). shone street north, and escaped

    with 190 In currency. The hold-up a lU g e ^ took place a t approximaU*

    a . ly B'.tS o'clock last evening when Iwo man entered tb s atwe.

    0 , T I M D A ^ M O M O M c ^ J U

    ■ fin ir"qppEoiirairi* snfi

    itiioagoJudBe^^ls-** ̂ ment on Grounils.of— g j

    Fraud . Ij;CIUCAOO, Jan. 37 ( ^ A t t a c k t o f th»

    t t e vimdliy ot divorcea obuinsd In ut« S n o ^ t w ux week's residence, Bu- ih l

    S S u u m i n u n 0! U ^ n S ^ jsrdlne lo C hariu Jardine, Hew a VArk ■ aecaunUnt. dio

    ^ J s ^ e , Uie former D m A ^ p*riW on,-daughter of a w*alt*» gov

    ^ u d t e NeUon held that wben I U-■Slill havrT1” '«g«l°»*d~boo*-f>de ^residence ot Nivada, the courU ot S t IU U ' have no JurtsdlcUoo. - J iherefore th tlr decrees to sucb cases

    * ^ 'n » ”e ^ t finds m at rasIdsnM la g!* I s u te solely for Uie P“n > o a a o l^ - .

    jsrssasssiscourt in atumpllflg to confer JurU- dittloiLUpon tha t court by fa)se andtpitrloui residence'. ' —----- ;— hx.

    The annulment ended Mra. J a r- dlna'a fourth marrlsge and Jardine a ,third. }Si



    WITH EDWARD Vili »- ^ O o n tln u « d - r re m .p » ..- 0 n ,l ^

    tente. fOr aervice wtlh Uie T u r 'l army; by Ihe kaUer. for u v ln j P in - Uo land trom the boUhevIks.

    Many of Uie -great meo of Uie • empiro.-mlngled-wlUi_lhc.:crowned ._ heada of Uie continent and wlUi the coromonen.who waited In th e two- ^

    -outslde-partlament- to pay a la st i* -Isii to Uie dead ruler.

    Because of Uie v u t throng, p a u - g . ing a t Ihe raU of 10.000 persona an hour before the bUck and gold ia taIaJqueU t-> 'U -dcc lded -tO -tc ta _ llie bier on view untn 4 jt . m.. less th sn six houra before the solemn v. luneral procession leaves Westmln-

    Windsor. J?Shortly betore 8 o'clock tonight

    five royal aulbmoblles. bearing a

    motlier, arrived a t the hall. ‘ .• * . O ther vislton were barred. wbUe .

    they stood .in. lUcnce before the ^ catafalque. ^

    With the queen mother w u th e *' l it tle 'P rln c eu Elizabeth. daughUr * of the Duke and D ucheu o t York. ^ who ma'y herself some day alt upon the throne o t the BrttUh empire.

    The day, ellmaxed by th e brll- ,, lU nt but solemn paUce reception, *; drew one of the most folorful ga th- “ erlngs o t diplom au and autesm en ” th a t Europe or the Ulea had seen ^

    . .n r ■from tiny N epal tucked W ghln the Hlmalayu. to the vast ArsenUne, * and the pcrsonallUea frofn Uio litRh. " est-bom morurchs of the contingent * to Maxim Lltvlnoff, the soviet eom- mU sar.for.forelxn A ttain, who be- fore the war lived In London u a printer's assUtant and taught Rui- , 4 la n to-otflcUto o t the Brlilsh for- I elgn office. |1

    Londonera made ready to rise ear- '

    along the rauU -of tomorrow mom- . Ing'a funeral procession, which win be lined with 8,000 uniformed police while Ihe men o t ScoUand Yard protect the dUUnguUhed guesta. ■

    Again King Edward and hU three l> b ro then will walk behind the c u k e t si during Ihe 9 4 mllea of procession In « Londoo aod-WindsoT.-Alsonifoorwin P be the k in n of Europe and the olher heada of foreign delegation*. In* n eluding Uie Tennessean Norman r DavU. a

    Allied war veUrans aasoclaUoos, s Including th a t of the Vnlted States. 1 will form ao honor guard. t— T he-p ioeew lon-w in-leare-W tJT i - mlnsUrhall-m»-»j4» n Mm . e u U m atandard time), for Pad- 4 lla » tw .a ia il« t’: - l t i e ^ i W 'T t,ln “ wtll reach W indsor a t 13:35 p. m. (7:35 a. m. EA T.)

    L u t rites, led by Uie ArchbUhop t of Canterbury, a re to lU r t in St. j O eo rg e 'ac h ap e la tl:1 5 p .m . iB ;i9a , m . E J.T .) . and a t 1:30 ali-of Britain! t

    Qeotige V, it w u announced of-.', ficialiy. will be lowered inlo the 6t. ; Qeorge's vault to loin Uie other , kinga of hU Une cUd in th e uniform 1 o t a full a d m ln l of th e Imperial . naVy.

    TTie funeral’ ceremony. Including th s lowering o f ih e coffin, was care, fully -------------------------------------------

    UTAH WOMAN DKTINDS t . NEW DEAL JlDKINiaTRATtON . ' PHOENIX. Arts.. Jan . 37 WV-Mrs, j ' Burton K. Musser. Balt, Lake City.' ' Democratic national com m ittn

    n-oman from U u h and regional di-* rec tor for the party In fire Weetern . sUUs,dsf«ndedJieretodAy.Mew.Dul* a c u in coping w ith the depression.“ Mrs. Musser praised the Rooaer»li

    sdmlnUtratlon tn an a dd reu before

    t y,"*; MPTHERHOOD?■ T H E period

    a *L-~ ’>orn_ _ne«d Ml *>« a

    I .1 wimlisl-tlttl.I n ffi ̂ T 1 r "*


    H E W D E A t i m q U r r ^ — - j l h

    - ASSAILS Al SMITH 'l^ jO e B ^ ^ * fW ^ I^ ;P ^ f^ O lU - - . C

    a g a lu t prehlMUoQ d s ip iu U » *1aw •nforcesKot pUnk." ttr i

    "BaUb ssgfs AmsrlCk U being f r ^ “ B ^ 0liito « ;- ."sn d " wbat w S ou h e -d e = S r U kss »_walk,- Can pat yen tn a f in i *VKkiegi. J i t t i iH n ; csv C lira lu d e r m a k U a D . Roesevelt iw lak lo i a walk when Ut* countty w u t lo d a ^ t r ,” can

    “Wbere tb t.f ia tb e rs fly U 'wbsrs net U » abot b i t r n jo ln td R sp n ien ta - and Uve n s h (ft-N Y ^ "Ooremor Bmlth ft In his speech Ukes exaeUyUis tim e nat p e to f a t new SI th a mpoM iean 3^ P M ty -- the—AppU use-frum Uie D fm ocnilc u a drowned h is next ,wordi. He repealed crei

    wbea be ttandji to r eoniUtutiooal msl govemment and restoration 'of the a rr

    • s - ffa lk lw f O at « a leeUUtU" "‘-RSiwwntKiTe-aiffBrd’ tR -Mao)- « rsaid BmlUi WM “walklnc out on a >> aocla)UC party to whleh he never

    Represenutlve Lee < D .^a a) In- _ lUtod Ihe adffllhU tntlon 'had res- petted tbe aplrit of Uie D emocntlc pU tlonn and Uis "Liberty L eague- w bat a m U nooer,''he u id . “License

    Allworkers." '

    flm lthl defection frwn jh e pariy . ' i irgan ia tla ii t i K a w a L J a B u M h ^ cana generally and. direcled more attention td poealble eontesU te r support in Uie Clevdand conven-Uon.------------------------------------- -------

    Of Uloee mentioned for prtslden- tUI nomlnaUon. only Colonel P rank .Knox otllUnoU commented. emtUi’s ' views, bs aald in Chicago, would , . i swmg . “millions of . DemocraUc voUs." ‘ .

    Whether Senator Borah o t Idaho a-ould allude lo U in InlUaUng hU campaign to r Naw York delegaua ' tomorrow night occailooed conjec- _ I t t r e r r a d r a i l B n H is l a U - I I ^ ^ , Bf66ia n ir ro rw ir -e x p e c te e ~ n r in y event to s u u coniUtutlonal objections to th e New Deal akin to s SmlUi's. _ _

    Already'rorm lng 8U ft —A -i la te -o C -B ^ ra h -d e lig a tu -U . planned lo r Uie New York primaries. A lU v j^ a t o n ^ declaraU o^Pt

    February 1, sourdca cloee M the sen . ator Mid former ReprcMnutive Bachmann ot West VlrglnU alrtady U forming a lU tf for headquarten a t a local hotel—T he-speeeh-W edneaday-nlght-by — Oovernor U ndon ot K an u s. celebrating the 75th annivcrury of the ju u 's -e n try into the-union and ex - .

    aUo w asb«Sfaw alled- Priends Rtive projected clubs on behalt ot his nom- inaUon In manv states. But.hc him - _ s e i r R s f ^ i to show whether Tie will - seek to parallel Borah's activity. P ' Some Republicans talked privately of bidding for. support from dU- . affected DemocraU by giving them 4 a voice a t Ute Cleveland convenUon. a and possibly naming one for second H plsce on the ticket. Q

    Others, Uicludlng Knox, favored In . |1 corporatlng In the platform the ou t- ^ standing pUnks of Uie 1932 Demo- = cnUo platform which Sm ith nnd othera cont«nd'were "th r6w n'ln‘ lho wastebasket."

    rTheie do not desl wUh-nartlsan•q u ^ li^ “ K noT ssia:---------------------■ ^ n n y iu i i i^ i i i iiienu(i»(s itiioiiir. with economic problems. They fit as resdlly into a Republican credo as a Oemocratlc."

    He viewed the Smith speecli a i iddtd warrant for the suggestion.

    Twin Paiu m erehanu ii1ll assUt e In augmenUng the scliool nurse's t stsft during ths period ot conuglon n whlcti h u been prevalent tor llion p H rtv o ln o lil lo :--------------------—r T«'lii P a iu Cliamber ot Com- . merce merchanU’ bureau recently n vM d th a t each loeal merchant be

    auesied one dollsr a month for I, slx monibs to care to r the sllua- (. tlon. Joe Koehler U In charge of

    the mwement. ' ______ ______

    PreBidcnt*s-gnclti : n l/eclared auicide_ EL PASO, Texas. Jan . 27 OP) —'P Paul R. Forbes. 76, an uncle of ‘' Preildent Rooaevelt. w u found shot * lo death In U\e Utchjn of hU alx ||lrow ii .iD m m en l-h frf— fftrly— toz.J ^ v e iy n i l ^ Mr, PorlJcs^^hot^Wm^

    x lf Ihrough the roof of hU mouth with a revolver. Mr. Forbes' body

    " was lound .by hU nurse snd secre-.Jl Ury. Mrs. Ina B. Wright, 38.

    Ig 9 ^ a x m a m t t ia s m te t tm u a b '

    ! I ' Tod L0t0 « | | T o . . C l a s s i f y ;

    N WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK il* b)' dsy or hour. 3J8 B. W uhington rn sirtft.

    t WANTED' - AT ONOE. 4 . ^ . 5 tU roobp apt. completely furnBftedr ire , a i» 3 or 3 room fum ithed house- — [— ttfpm j'fM M l. Ph. WM'IUF' ̂r . I

    ? A Three Days’Congli ;t IiYoarDangerSig^M —K o-oA tur bow maoyrBwdleinM-

    U ia ^ O T O ^ -

    ^ branea u ^ th e nrm -Iadao pblegm

    sj • ^ n ^ - ^ B ^ ^ w d i o s . b&Tt ^ fa lle i d r a t t e dUcsunged. your ^ d ru sS s tli tuUiorlxed to g uan jstw 0̂ C nooulslaa and to refund’ yow

    money u ymi a r t no t l a u a s d w im

    I n C s l ^ B i s o r d e r s 2 “

    Damanhour, whUa a baavy to n e o t ^ cavilry-w u sa n rto O ln to M ad ott 1300 itudenu mareblng «n Calra P -

    T hl naUonalistlc student auike came during a deadlock lo proposed negoUatlona between O real Britain and Egypt for a treaty., N ih u Pasha, leader of the Wafd natlooalUt party, had_>*Rqd’ to la t iC Q g B ta t r c a b tn i t ^ n & lS the government ot Premier Tiwnk ' Measlm P u b a . which t«sigDM.-rHe created djuentkin. however, wbea be insisted Uiat Uie WafdUU m uit have a majority repreaenUlion In the new

    Woman K ^um es ---------- H i l s £ j ? _ A j 8 s k a

    - - WHtTEHORBB. T . X ,. ja n . f l Ufi Mary Joyce, 37, hunUnf lodge mU- treu . w u mushing along th e northern tn lU again todsy on her 700-

    ' ^ I t h her w u Mrs. Eugene Jac- quot.of Kluahne, who Will act u ^

    landing. _ • "J!Miss 'Joyce ' M ia M te re-leiT Inf f

    hertjrcsterday_she planned to get * an Indian U ien to help ln~liWIb reak ing 'toT anana crou ln f. . ?

    WlUi her team of five dogs s)v) ^especu to tresch Palrbanks In time SSot Uie lee carnival early In March. "

    M a n , W o m a n D i e . {

    I n M o n t a n a S t o r m ;

    _ C i a c L E . - J lo n U J U L a j j f l _ :^ t week-end snow storm in thU sec- j— — - ' ■■■ I . f

    Schilling- i

    “ ^ F e p p e ^ r - ■-T h e luxury, of good pepper i i___ j

    — sn y o n e irlt-co su -no -m orn— -!

    U S E D *, _ :3 4 - C H E V . S P O R T S E D A N

    tE S B If tgO O w llej). O J C .j 'S'S— C H E V . M A S T E R SEDi*

    c q u lp p r t , O .K .....................'3 1 — C llR V . S E D A N — n ew I

    equipped ........’3 0 - C H E V . S E D A N -v e r> - K' ’30 C H E V . C O A C H -K a r l-K < '2 5 - C n E V . C L U B S E D A N -

    - - Q - k . ■:*31— C H E V . S P O R T C O U PE -

    O .K ...........................................'3 0 — C H E V , P IC K -U P — closei '2 8 - C H E V , C O A C H - m o to r ’2 8 - C H E V . .S E D A N - l t . r u n • 2 6 - C H E V . C O U P E - v e r ) - , •2 & _ D O D G E -S E D A N rS td r6 - '2 9 — P O N T IA C 9 E D A N - r u i '3 0 - P O N T I A C C O A C H - n c i

    O .K . g u a ra n te e ...............'3 0 - F O R D T O W N S E D A N -

    f in ls h . O .K . t a t r ...............- 'Z S ^ H U D S O N - S E D A N ^ r u r

    m iles , e x tra gooi ..........•29— C H E V , S P O R T C O U P E - '2 8 — C H R Y S L E R S E D A N , I '2 8 - S T U D E B A K E R S E D A

    f c r .........................................~*28= S T U D E U A K B T r SK D7n "'•’n C T O H i m a R j p r c j w s

    '2 8 - D U R A N T S E D A N , 6 ct i m ........................... .


    G L E N G. ,I -C H E V R O L E T ___________

    •; DINES QUAi r - T i i e C L E A N , S O O T

    - :------------------------------------------£ 5

    = MINED AT C

    h PR“iII ’; LUMP — ------- SO.OOS: ~— - •— A iw ayg G e t 0

    S A c ro s s t h l T r a c k s F ro m £ P h . m E L L W Ir y

    lV n ;< r 'f tr^ r ti rn 'M flB W M m h - t - i dkbaM th* U m e ( 'Al BHS|)ipaB, , | n , u 4 u n . Mlaoto i*atina, to. 1 Mw peilsbsdla' tbs ley >UM .aad . '

    drtrtof » U an lin d 'b iig p ' hwn Breckway, souUi ot bsre. to Uie nodi-:irbere-Uiey-resided. -------

    —CUUe-VraU-«a«-Ua-faaay.to. — .lost aboit MbOiy u Ibe bumblebee la 40 aeret of clorer. Tbata w s -o o n U n la w f- io f t- lT e fe ___allklag two Jersey eews; unloading » car of lumber: belldlng ̂nore houses and uUIng mere and V nor* ef tbe finest eutem motor ^ eU. A lady drove np to ew place and bought U pounds of an i grease at Se per peand aod U posnds of presaare gnn grease at Be » poand. I dldnt ask ber wbat she w u oslng It for, bat

    -ber-sewtagTnaeWneTnlght-harr —.been aqnsaking, Wall, Hani . __Musgrare U right again, fie u ld that he guaranteed lhat CUude 'Pratt wasn't Mlling any 8e axal greue on credit. No, we don’t even eharge » battery ent here.

    -YeB-aee-rm-4Mt-very-w«ll.edo>. — eated. 1 alwaya figure that rd rather sell for less and ret the


  • V J ' ” .. • - T . - '

    = l l l l i i =“ A n m S r B a n i i u e r 'A t t e n c l e d *i

    b y .1 1 0 S t u d e n ts , G ra d s g

    a n d F r ie n d s . ; ;

    ------- ---------------------- »tOOODINd; J in . 37 Twentr* ^dSr c l S r ^ !lfl u w m tol“ -

    - - *IuraBl, Inilxuclon " and (riend* of Um colltce utem bled lo r Um to m i i l T tm itx t Vld6w " rrom -Jrtoote-Carlo— w llh-tV arren-

    >VllUan beading the . sopportW * c u t: •Srr Rogen will make them. At I least that's tho concensus of. audience opinion n t the Roxy ttie-| ater, where the larlshly produced!

    ,new Astalre-Rogers comedy. ‘Top : Ifnt" u being sliown lost times to- Jdsy. ' ^

    ’ In this RKO Radia Pfcturf. ihn: »u;ra Who « o ^ Vio decisively Ini

    '•■Flying Down lo Rlo." "The Osyj

    “doiice and KKnaricc th ti r wny uj' a new triumph which even over-

    I shadows the ir past successes. One of the potent reasons for the tre- . incndous. popularity of "Tbp H a f i -U Uie musical acore by In-lng' Berlin. Tbe king of popular song writers wrote all o f the melodies' and lyrics for the picture and In'

    ! ! y ^ ■ °u V ?g txliUal Jtc his entire brilliant career. TJie j '. slor* introduce the new ballroom ;t. dance, Uie "Pleeolhio."

    Sd ^SupporUng Astaire and Miss "" Rogers are Edward B \ereit Hor- ' • ton. Heltii Broderick. W k Rhodes. * Eric a iore and others, Mark Band-

    rich, who guided the suits In "The Ooy Divorcee.” directed,

    In an effort tot accommodate the crowd uncle Joe-K Is tunning coii-

    j titiuous *how8 on "Top H at" Irom one p. m. till midnight.

    - —G lo b e -A -l-tfa lrrfe* d - |s 'eb e ap & . .U >aa-btaitoT^.tt.^-O tBb8- 8w a a

    feed Co.—Adr. ’

    H i z q M T E t1 w L wE j

    I KiddiesI t’s a‘’big-loss tij advantage of t t

    ^ ■ — f c i a t l t e s K i i i n J n

    «» sacrifice in price - ly low pricea. .

    he * • ■

    ^ I iiSa ---------

    ” Logan1> NEXI

    m ^ r i m w S S S ^ i S i o- 1

    I a ds:b‘V orU ar c a t’ In h e r backyard loun danelflg a t Ihe slDdlo to prepare I of "Elegaoee," wbleh co-stars a iftoB

    « r |lia v t to A ate here. Je an tries out 'on th o flHlflfltil lf—«B/< fftlu,—

    laughs, but ho refuses to pnetlee Us skallng. .ks "1 haven't skated for 30 yean,” Ila u y s he, "but I was so good then I." thai m suro lTl_ta aU tlBht_when ok we geribThIs“scene."M "Qh. yeaht" n j-a Director Glut-

    r . l l lact.JIn}WR.orden "pmiriin ^ . Raymonil Peck of

    Shelley vljlted Mr. Pcck'a parenta nia lifre two days la ji week, Peck

    returned to Shelley wKh tliem Saturday for a ta-o weeks' visit,

    the Walter Beulnger and Miss Roenr » i- T hom u were guests a t the home om ot Mr. and Mrs, Albert Corless Sat-

    UTday and Sunday. Mr. Beulnser _ is ban^fllrector In the Paul high per scBool ana~^HEs 'n iom as also


    Entire Stock

    s Knit PRtij us—but a big bi'eak to tliis-Great CleariM£E-Sali

    Presses, in sizes 2 to M go o ice. Come buy several at tli

    ~ R egu lar Values to $4>95

    1 SportsweX T T O O R P H E U M T H E i

    " Cooperative ^ Orĝ 'liizailon Records Gain In Biisl-

    _____ness for Y^ar

    ProauH c*rJne.,.« .finaen '.coopen- thv-orgamiaUon detU ni lo e tn ,

    ~ pUIIlir: and feed la SD-UtSUl lU llO counties, w u $10^ ^ Brockmia

    _ olCaidweU, m intger. toId U » .l» th auQuai stocUv^den nweUni o t the

    I corporation here todiy.-------tneTToHrnir-of U u ih >tM In -I 9 »h -renitaTnCToo, w » per cent more- I " than the M » W ■ d e o e - in " l934.- h •oroctmin’ saldr":----------------------I Egg tales represented ,«l per cenl I jiLinc.iotal.volumotiM pea.ceflLwia F ircd rio per «n t'poo ltn rind-18T w r

    - cm t turkeys. , -̂---------Archie M. la n o n of WeUer. J . C.

    WUwn of Nampa and W. B. 7U11- I son of Caldwell were reelected mera- I bcrt ol Uie board o t dlrecton tor I two-year lerms. ̂ '

    [~ oreaihouM of Boise. J . 17.-Merrill I ol Paul, Orover Mobley o t Rlgby'and

    J. H. Lowell of Boise. Lowell was re- U cltoto“ KAILBY. Jan. 2T -B ltln e county

    hoK building on ihi. M .tt alrta.flf. „ Main sueet. TTUs wlU ba fitted up

    for a meeting place for the Legion , and Auxiliary. When the improve-

    ^ ments are completed It.wlU be open fot public meetings o t various kinds

    • •• underihe-superrlslon-rod 'dlrectioir of UiB Legion. .

    PATnOL LEADERS MEETBURLEY. Jan, 27 - The ann ta l patrol leaden eonvenllon for Boy

    — Scouts w u held In tbo ba*emeat.of the MeUiodlst Episcopal cburch here

    .. Saturday, -boglnnlng i t ten o'clock and latled unlll Iwir o'clock. V w -

    t lous plu«rs of scout work were discussed ond plans.laltl for liiture ac-rd a l noon. A num bn o t troops were represented a t the convention.

    I t- 'on ALL-WOOD FKENCII CLOCK re- RECORDS THREE CEKrURtE.S h e BRIOUDE. Prance (ff>-A wooden «n, cloek nearly three centuries old ^ liwiMt-good-ilme-ln » house here , ng It was made In 1S40 out of sca-

    Mined oak with a knlte by a local enltsm an. Hughes Portal. I t h u no

    R . mi*tal parts.f t t ; T h t movement, almoat tudlmen-

    laty. eontlsu of four toothed wheels a t nf three lnch.dlameler..worktd b y a >rd four pound weight on i linig cord, t t i an ig«M rn^-by-*-pendulttnrw hW r of Ucks loudly.'■ns The dial, hsndsoroely caned, has Its nnly «Ti tin.1.. 1V...H ------------

    SIBERIA SHIELDS NUOOET ‘™ NOVOSIBIRSK, U, B. S, R. UPh- "* A lump ot native copper weighing

    792 pounds recently was found only of ' — ■ i_. ^

    been Instituted to be carried on 1, . Sunday evenings, rrtih Lawreni#'

    Lee as Instructor.

    h? here for M n. P. J, Fahey, Baturday, laking her to Idaho Palls,

    !,d where sho was calted-by-the-death nd of her nephew, Omer Prtce.

    “ Holds False Teeth ■I- Tighter and Longern r This ne.w delightful powder keepa Tie false teeth from rocking, slipping or I t- dropping. No pasty taste or feeling, icr QWts perfect conHdtnte a« dsy

    Iong,_gtLEM t{tltLJnniL-MiUea»c. 140 P h a r ma e y i sch_nm nis3gn«Bip— DrUKTOr yfiUr dn irgut? Three sire*:


    n m rto you j f you take alBJCDday-just-4()— ^) on sale a t a great • these exceptional-

    9 5 - — ^ ■

    earEATRE •>

    iro A ^ ss ,jB ^ ■ 7 - - , ; ; . - . .

    is ! n H B f l 9 K S ! K j ^ S |




    sr '




    aTA TE'trO ops>tre'B aU ned~ia prof Kenlueky, after an Indrpendent n l i

    ' ‘ pletarcd here behind a birritade la I bed trom which hnndredi of tn lpen ’

    ■ Poet Pays Tribute" ‘G

    ‘y \

    I- *

    jp j r T j H " I

    nr i


    ’A JOUN MASEFIELD. England'k poet m laa ira te who now In CalltomlaId on a speaking tonr. Is pktnred u<------- he del>m i J w-polgwmt-trtbnte-tir-iI- th e 'la te King George V, — (/P<al Photo. I

    six J « t undtigTownd tlwough pros- ' tis peeling work In the Helds of tlK-; * W esfS lb e tla n 'a o ld Mining T n « t.t

    “ P *—

    But A' TheOppc

    i ^ J V E I : T C■ ' O f s .

    X splendid lot oC S _;.arc_obtainable foi

    price of •

    To those men who worsted suit for > much attraction. In addition wc are grade worsted an $22,50 to $30.00.

    '■ SPECI

    a l e :; ...........______NE

    I?— — —



    irofKt » coal mine near Mergaofleld. m iner w u ahot dead. Gnanlsmen are in U i ^ t shooting a t 1 knoll and creek m ‘ bnlleU were tlrcd^-ilT) Photo.

    -------- 4INOERGOE8-OriRAT10N------

    BURLEY, Jan. 37 - Elaine Butler, 8, underwertt an operation i t the Cottagfl hoaptlal'P rlday and

    ' glri under^'cnt an ^ n t l o i } f ^ n ^- 4ured-epP^l*-«M he-C ottaeB -hcer

    pltal Prlday.. l9 le Huston,-Injured while akllng

    n u r Idaho Palls l u t Sunday Is still Improving- o t ' th s Cottage'hoaplU l

    . .Por-savenl days.be. waa unconscious and Is now In a aeml-conasleus con- dWon. Hope Is held for hts reeor-

    [cfy-T - jra .-sm itK w iiirh tirw c n 'se H o u s"

    ly 111, Is in a critical condlUon.


    We wish to U unk our friends and neighbors for their klndneatndsym -

    p a th y jn d the beautiful flon l of- • r f e f l n a . -during- the- l l l n m - i^ a

    death.of dur wife and daughter. HOWARD SCHWAB, CLARA OHUROH AND

    ^ FAMILY. -A d r ,

    ,li '^ =

    W b s i s=■ • For 20 ^ r a B laX and White Dint- , m e n th u b ee n b r ln ^ r e l ie f to th o u -

    . aanda sufTerinit wlih plmplei. rashes, h e . rinKworni.Triiasixe 10c. Large can 25c. Bt, j Use wlifr Black and .Whlte-grin Soap.-

    . Few Dayjortunity to Set

    • n c o m

    >PCOASuperior Quail

    f Suits—too heavy for ,ei for a few days more a t

    $14.75ho prefer a heavy weigh r year around usage this

    r£jn£luding.a.tihig-time 11 nnd worsted twist suits

    asrsALE I

    XAND1 0 , o S d l u f i ^ n

    op told blm .p e n o n v v b e 'M i i? ; mit n ld d * do no t rte« tn :< lnH )i«t u e i u b u r |4 , .........' '> tayaleliiu aiild tb « r b ^ a d klcb. wbo w u pnitettlng « l U » |« n ' Impoted (oe n u td e r , wotild hU ha a im ^ 4 l« -h « t beea -repoM 'r n w _ d e a th ja * t_ ^ h t_______ ' :~.


    OALDWELL. Idaho; j S ' j r H / ^ The W uiera ProdueUoo Credit a»> •

    - aoelaUoo-wlH-hoW-ttnecooaTOnar- -wwUnt-hwe twneffaw-wHa A. B r

    Robertson and A. C. Adam i, fed m l t•* farm --e«dlt-0fnM iill’ -of--Bpafii5?=

    Washington, i s the p rlndpt] speak-''- en . , ........................................ . ■'— iw i- 'T h e t t r i n a ^ f 'H r w r T i r o t a M l i r

    F/ultland and . W. B.- T albO T .-ferr merly of W eU* and now sU te laad commissioner, expire. Both, a i t . membera of the board.

    “ U7 I n ? Are. w . lo m *nd A r e .^ aereea f re n U nd Oarage. An bslr

    I eau XSe. IL J . Weeka.->Adr.

    • Mothers I* In trea tioe chlldreo’i eolda;

    d o n 't t * k « V J | # » | # C

    A .1. —

    " H a ^ ^ o M n r e —

    , A s t l ^ A g p n j,;X AfiONkM, 0 u p i .c H a in iM w W .'

    - — T S S T T F i o B i S i r r a r —

    f . v r c r . ; . 3 r „ y . “ . ^ 3 ' ' . f 4 " iwant 7»a to t r r (re* lb« msdlda*

    ^ m e.eu t e t 'n r anH ^V ti ; „ ” . 7 5 s s i „ v ‘ s w . " i

    Ib mitiy T«*re I waa abla lo lie down ■nii _tlMP In comfort a ll niglit

    , , l . , s r K . ! » K S '- i . . ? . ': "■ i h . " ! . i s ? ‘, . T : s n i r ’? ? , ;s ‘ g ;= It. I*w1ll cUdly Mttd » trial trw i-

    w*"* ,y j j

    h j S “k 's « r s K . 'F i . ' i 'J cost you .on* p tn n r m d tt m any-ofourhigher:^ - s usually sold from

    PRICE ^

    ER’SX)RE ,

  • M ^ H X m a>M«- '■awrtlw'lWMWt MBHdM. KT -rtM

    I f^.'-C^gyEabi»«i an ■ piE 5?Btei5a«'iaiJM'*ri™ii"cairT«sr ■ i J ^ d tK - A p r t l I , M i l « U ».W 1M «“ M T m n >1

    & ' ‘ ; - v: 8U B SC f«PnO W RA TES - - '

    II ‘y ,^ ; ,: ,- ' ' '' _________^ P w M en th--------- -̂-------------------------~ « o op

    - ------- r-BT-MAn.----- ^ ^ ------- th; . n f f l t o e . . j , j^ *; '; Idabc '̂ u d Blm Oounir. Kmd«: . I r r

    :\ 'm ne Uonthi. Firable In ndTioce- M iS.-Br m*i! «ly nri» y m w in y Bm ollA r n n a r tfjUyu, A nd

    b y th o sa m e to k e n a u b u r b a n f a r m e r a a re •m ul t ipiy iirit : T y p lc a l o f th i a t r th T ia th e l a c t t h a t in one m id w e a tc m c o u n ty , w h o ae c e n te r is & b ig in d u s t r ia l to w n , t h e r e a r o o n e -th o u s a n d m o re fo rm a no>^ th a n th e ro w o re f iv o y e a r» a g o . T h e f a r m s & r^ d iv id e d u p ap th a t

    . ifllm oBt tw ic e aa in% nyJ§l?y.M csyM ^^ w o'rkingS>n th e m . T b e s a m e te n d e n c y ia 'ev l*

    ' d e n t a lm o s t c v e ry w i ie rc .____ — ____ .“ IT! ‘- T h e c itie s a r e n o t - r e a l l y d w in d lin g . P w p le w h o d r if te d a w a y d u r i n g t h e d e p re s s io n , f o r la c k o f e m p lo y m e n t, a r e n o w m o s t ly c o m in g hftrk . flnrt amr> n th ftW .w ith .th f tm , Pn r i t i e t . . sh o w n e t g a in s a g a in . B u t th e r e ia a g r o w in g te n d en c y f o r th e c i t y -w a g e e a r n e r o r aal- a r le d em ployee to s e tU c o n a f e w a c r e s w ith in

    rd rtv liiir d is ta n c e .-w h e r» ^ fe :X B m Ily rm i^ Ia '^ ^ c i ly jid v sn tjig c s b u t c a n l iv o c h e a p ly a n d r a i s e som e o f I ts o w n f o o d . A n d m a n y c lly w o rk e r s h a v e p o s s ib ly g o n e b a c k to th e f o r m s if | for good.

    — T h f g e n e r n l e f f e c t- is a -m u e h c lo s e r jin k in g - — o f c ity a n d c o u n try , o r i i r b n n a n d s u b u r b a n a re a s , a f a c t t l i a t T e a r t a t a t e p c o p le a r o n o t .s lo w to a p p re c ia te . I n m a n y p la c e s th e y a r e =

    * ^ ! K a 'd y ^ o in ^ o - p re t^ g o o d -b u s ln e « j» - in - f A r n F p le t s o f tw o t o te n a c re g ._________

    I lU E OnSAT-TALCE O F A B U m t lB . .r • ■■ (K e an a c i ty s u r ) i. AccumulaUon of aurplm In proaperoua yean pro- _ , 't id ed Uie meani for tldln* orer many bwdneie enter-’

    nriiw^ tha t ccntlnugd to produea and eeU their pro- ^ ducte a l R los* du rln i tho dcprtaslon. j------ The-tnolor-t*r-lndualry-l5-*-confplcuou»-axample.. f l j< Five veil known companJea continued during th e da- Mi ' piTMlon'to manulacture' and aell motor c an for leai t- -than-they^oatHtaylng ou t dm lng -Uiat.perlod eS M - ^ r liaa dolten more lhan they reeelred, TbU was poailMe* | |

    only because In the pn rloua y e a n they had added I ‘ a Urge proportion o t the ir prollU to a i^ lu a , Instead ■* 0f.peylD »alinh«lream lngi-*rdtTtdend8i H e«T lrew rr H■ other InduttryUi the country had a tlmUar experience. E

    In recent yeus economic refonnen have advanced IJ the theory that the only way to m alnU ln proaperity I

    la for people to ipcnd all they 5a m : tha t corporations ■^ Uiould dlspene all their eam l'nis so llia t the jnoney I

    experience during the d e p r t i o n ha* demoMUaled ■ S Ute unsoundntss ot thU theory:------------------------------■

    * WHY WE IMPOBT nUTTER j(CIclnnalti Enquirer} . • .

    ° -We must tap o rt cottea and baninaa. But butUr?. ^* BomeUting U amUa f hen In th e drat ^Ine monthi ot (ui I,’ ^ h ls year wfl’ wereeomwlled to Im i»rt $51 J«ilOO worth - t of butUr. In the aame period laU year we Imported ,„}

    on our tlTouttnda o t hllla .were nol producing. T hat u r* li-n o t Uw caie. I t Is the policy of Uie agricultural* admlnUtratloft, U hoa reduced ihe number of our- e a ttl r ttnd rettilted-ln ft-ahortagfl-of butler. Wo-rauit ggi . bring tha t commodity Irom abroad. da: J In the same period we Imported meat products val- 1

    ued a t il41MS,000. as against SS0.9M.003 in the same Bl peripd.ln 19)4. Our Imports of groin and fodder In the

    0 No sensible man, not even i KnslWc farmer who “ Q U th e alleged benenclaryot Ihls »>slero.ean defend It. P u Jftrmera are being p ild for cutting down the yield

    o( thetr tields and foreigners'ara rcnpUig A lu n 'cst L >' -by supplying u i with wliat wc need lo make up 'Uie

    dcIlclCDCJfJifWclL’KC have creatcd In this nrtlllelal way.r .............. ...... ________:—tl A MUTUAL RESrONSIBIUTV,] iB urlry Bulletin)1 - A movement h0 4 'been JnaHBuralcd.recently lo CO- ., ordmate varjota groups and orgaiilmllDns In Burluy __* lo eo-onecaie with cflv ottlclaU In n cnmpalgn to make __

    ^ conditIon|■nlOrfl■CO^ll'Ich^:'lo■.^^lP.^llftt'flctr^ develop- ;■ 5* ment o l ^ u r young men nna women.0 There ahould be no spectacular cKorl for law en- ' h lorcement, or any aUempl ta h n ru s olllclals. with

    resultant enmity among citlu-m nnd obscurity of the ot>Jectlvei sought. Iiisleail. thrrc nliould be rrcoRUlllon

    _ not only of the Imporlancr ut fafeBUttrdlny bur rauth _■ (rom tho many plttulls, but likewise cy««iainc6 ot the .

    - dllintiuy 01 proper en lotiju iu n r c u r utneiala luu- — B frequtnUy are charged with tliu coiniiltto rcsponslbimy>. ol entorclng laws. whIUi iiiirfiii:

    waI t

    — th '

    ____ I

    ii îi n T ^ ■ I■ D v ^ / ^ 7 ® 6 S h ^ de■o&» i ••

    ■ ------------------------- -— '■! ar- ___________ ____________________ mIt lIM, tg- Z te New Vo(k ZnftttM, t » 9t

    iNATIOirAL̂ i— 1— maws BEHIND

    ' tOepntlM UeOltft ii«

    _________ . ' b tOUT, Shy, basdaome M f Oeel- r«)

    Idfe's ru tgasttoB ( r a n tba 'm s s * in IU7 bM i tln w l a ll so rts of fiMenU- Ini Uen fer dopeeters v b o InsUl tb a t wh M re- tn a tw o alw ays'm ske fo u r 'a t ))U WashUigteii. Tbey f l g m bo^ step- B lsf on t beeauH of tb « a d m ln lit rf 1 t io n 'a - s p e n d in c .p o U e te ^ l foraa eh b u m c c e y r to n lso IllMOMOOOO 04

    The ta iff dUtaaee gurwrrs a n *U wrong on Uw main charge, Mr,Oeoi- Pt' ldg« was perfectly wUllag to r tn a in da u ’tbe T re u u iy 'i n tcal expert u d by bond-Utuer, Ho antletpataa Uttte ̂ ' d ltnculty In n l i lB f tundi from to banks so loaded with V. & securi- fie u e r . tb a t . ib e rw iu t b u r .o e w - tsn » «» for te a r of Jeopardlitng Uwse now hli stuftln g -eh etf peitl eUWi We u d dli S e a eta tT M ori«ntbau::ape-alm oel I*tike Damon and Pythias.................... W

    B ut Mr, CooUdge happened to Wi d n s rem ark th a t tb e New Deal's he general trends dU turted him. So ^

    Uier he eould support TO R next fall, toi Ee said be wouldn't koow untU botb foi parUca had acted la June. , Loyal ta Kew Dealer MorgenUiM w u sboclt- ed and so waa tbe President. So Mr. n l J k>o>ldge £; greemeiu. no did rlO i' iw in r w Thats' tbe Inside i to r r . he

    _____ foi

    ^ IP L O I U C Y . Nothing i l Jett to Jf DenocrsUo chance when beads o t hethe world'a freatestv^rm bllo ack- q; nowiedge tfie deaUt u d blrtH of %king.—............................. ........................ thi

    Two hours before King Oeorge V H;died President Rooaevelt and See- blc

    cables from tbe A m ericu B nbauy ]in London warning th a t death w u p4Imminent. Theae wero ImmedUtely tnrouted to th » Protoool DlvUlon o t r«itfw S ta ie ' ZMpirtffleot, w hen the | qexpert* on note-w rlU nf were forced i,- to-work-beyond-tho elottng bour ot4:S0. They prepared aevea cables lu, for M r. Roosevelt to algn and aeventor Becrefitry Huu. i iw nesSSRIl go

    Uie prime m lnU ten of O reat Brit- jg atn and the domlnloni. O rden to yj

    lyiwpithy ^were given aa soon a i the King pass- g . ed away. I t U probable Uiat FOR w u th e f l n t foreign ehtettaln ia greet the Prince of Wales aa “Your

    --------•--------Even in death diplomacy Uvea. -

    To the dominion heads Mr. HuU for- p , warded eablea referring to the dead f|( monarch In euloglsUe terms. But m, to th e Irish Ftee State, whleh Is lu not wholly wedded to Uie Idea of

    expreM ng-ecm >w ,-Tn

  • —l E a t s :T r ills Range Frem'Fqurl-

    Inches lo Six Fe«t - - .... In Hountalnŝ ---------

    BOiaa Jan. V (f)-«aow(Jtplia r u s e d (rora le iu Inebei in Botu to MX fMt la m w m U lo dWrteU ^ Idtho tooltbk wben ft luU eune In

    eUM w tn aUU I n d n t and U u feden l w tather tnuMU meUerelo* glU, H. O. O trU r. tonU hl tonuw a coDUnuatlon o l Um itann .

    “UnietUed tonJih l an4 tomor- ' n w ; probably ua tonlcbf," was b it forecast

    -;B tom » l iu o te e r-» t* tt i a i :wtU a« Idaho w en . nuualn i h o u n UU-. plane aerrlM wa* Irrcjular and motor ■

    T h t Itorm broush t lour biehca of mow to OoUe. Uie la rre tt amount altkcs ths 7-lsch fa ll U it Koreia-

    - b w . .............. ................ . 'H it preclpiuuon was weleamnl

    by^f^ e^ a t ^ W l t ^ t i o n oftJc» _

    •ncM or an ample w aUr luppjy tor idahoa IrrlsaU d p r o j« u n e it n a - = aon.

    jiyDLDsnmiiiii-JEROME. Jan . 3 7 -T h e "J* club ^

    or Jerome hlch Mhoo] h tid a cam* £ Ival a t Uia high school. SatunU r ^ eTtnlnc. There waa a good crowd

    . . a tu sd lnc tho h o t dog, rortuno uU» ^ Ing.' analcu r houY program, and "

    — varlouii.other-bootba._Tho. trenlng. 2 “ Bndsd-with-senKnUne’ahd eon ieltl 5 -M U » Barbara Burk* waa toe caralTal *

    ; m j l . j iy ln , mni g

    —*-JH sr-A nni Ma»"Oeman»on. high S school U acbir, le tt la n v t t t on a - leave ol abcence because ot 111 health. 1 ■tot her borne in Wooiley, North k.

    -------------------------------- gT hs Io« i oc ihfl Saturday nighV

    bridge club en teru loed the highs to tl a n a o'clock dinner a t Wood'a caTe. di

    _ _ ^ tu tit« iL fla n ln g -A tttt- unM ium et u bridge was played a t the'hom o o t A Mr. and Mrs. Andy Redlord. Mr. and M M n -E U w t Rlc« reeelved the high H prtje, while traveling p tlies went to b; Mr. Olck Collen and Mr. w . W. 0 Melaer. w

    Jerome Orange m et Friday e\-e> nlng with M aatw W. ? . Eaton In E cbarg«c-iT>i9^venlng wu apent-ln C InlUaUon work. About io w d ld a te s were glw n Ihe t i n t degree work by t< tho Canyonildo ceam and tbe ueond u

    _ d { g tw work by.th»^aroBi»-qTanto ti team. L. E. Kegley trom Palotj»e, 0

    kWiiblngtoii, d tpiity of U u national c grange, talked on "Co-operative « ,.Movemenu In W ashington' and w- Northern Idaho." _ --------nThe l u t meeting of the Maionlo

    lodge waa Past Maater'a night. J . O. 5 Cromwell. P . 0 . PotU, president of E

    of Ooodlng wero out»or*lown gueata. te P u t Master e . Irven Itob^raon p ie- U seated Uw order with a new Bible. M I t vas received by Harold Buihue. atThe niimea ot all the lodge's past wnuuU rs were inscribed In the front Wor the new Bible. di

    Royal Neighbors mot a t the home «of Mm. Qiw nlf. Knvn. Tl1̂̂ rin» ^nlng. The following offleerawerlfln*

    ■■italled-bythe Insulting officer, EUa May Cook, and tho ceremonial mar* shall, Hermtne MllUap: Maigaret Rupert, oraclc: Velda Ward, vleo orado; Ooala Moy, past oradeiT m - C degarde Prentice, chancellor; Oladys R Fla Ultra, recorder; Minnie Uwrenee. rcoelvcr: A lu TUley, marshall; Her* n in e MlUtap, a u ls ta n t m irihalli ^ Je» l* McOlanahan. ]nM r sentinel; k Elvira Dougherty, outer sentinel; Doila May and H enalna -manigers; Mable Ha)b*rt. pianist, r The eenil-annuBl report was read,

    - a ^ a - i ^ - h e ^ ^ -

    the ir home, Wednesday m-enlng. Mr. and Mrs. Hal WaUlngton and Mr. and Mra. Del Scherer wero guesu. ,

    -■-M r.-and-M rr-U w rettoeTlow lV nr-celved high prlte and A&-, and Mm. - ̂B n » a Henry, low, whUe the guest '

    Bch tr tr . _______________ , _

    ^w e ek e n d .r Mr. and ifr*. H. D . Cook and Vr.' and Mrs. Ralph Shaw>-er arrived

    hema the l ir tt oJ th e week trom ta - cstlons spent In CallfomU.

    Mrs. Mildred McIntyre enterUlned the Wednesday afternoon bridge

    - club-a l- ih » - ta o m a -o n iC ta .-H < ^ r " Roberson. OuesU wera Mr*. Hulda

    ~B n-an“ llen^ .- Quest prlre went to Hit. Hulda Nlms, high score o t tha club to Mr:. Opal Box and low to Mrs. Adelaide WoMc. The hostess aen-ed retreshments.

    -rT W anagdtty rto ldgff^g lm n t i H hw - home of litn.' Earl JcRMn, Wednes*

    - day aflemoon. Mrs. Verona Hurt was a guest. Mrs. Ardllh Shlmmln


    BOllL. Jan . 27-R cv . Ruby Orcto,

    -:*onnleJlvire _ ~4iM iikndi!ii t e n n q n ra iB i t iu im iP' ~ _ revh 'al 8unday, resulting In a num

    ber of protesslons o t fallh. • 'Mr*. G tn Thompson, chorlsler.

    - * » ‘«H iD y 'M ni.-B »(nB -M ow *n»i' — anlit. haa charge o t the congregational and special singing which Is

    “ m —eitendi an’ lav lu tlon to u lb public . to attend Uie meetings held nlgbUy

    ^•.«;7^ojctock.- th fi w k and neX

    t J M H H B


    b ^ S rC Z I v ^ D I ^ ^ I


    . BACK io his aneestert win fo BrtU ta buried In Windier Caatle, ahown be:

    ^ “ English n o n a itb s /-W Pbor« Marv j

    Alice Buchanan gave two r e a d - 'I IQ Ings. Betty Varbrough played two < .. piano aoloa. The bosteas served re- I .t freshmenta. a« — s1- CAMP ̂ FIRB- GROUP ft REliE A R SeS PLAYIjET. i «. The P e h h l Camp Fire Group m e t ,! > Sunday a fte m o o n -au u u -h o m a -o r - l; Bobby Jean Douglais. Camp Wro t I; tonga were rehearsed, and a skit to S

    i = = = =

    t M A K E -T H I S -M QJ W i i r p a i i r ^ n a i vI. -r.



    d ;

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    Uln-i Oaad King O eern V wbaa ba b I bere In an aerUl view. H b M j wUl H brhli faUiEi, tS R u r V U M S S e S w

    find CLUBS

    be presented soon was practiced. J h e holiest served retreahminta.

    Sa At Ust.wHVa im l ln g a t th a hem*A. of p o rlj Jean Crowley, the gtrU l l . studied Indian symboU and de-

    jliM jLJ\«mlb»nd-iitmro*-J«frtsh« a t B w t i ’ were ser^ed.—

    ^ the Worthwhile Club lest week a t itha home of her dsughur. Mra. *

    « John B. Hsycj. Two contesu were «B‘ conductwlrby M ra-U oyd Brown. 1

    Prltes were won by Mrs. WalUr« Brose, Mr*. Mable Webb and Mrs. ;

    s m Kaynes. Tlie remainder ot the*• a ltcroooa_w as-spent socially .-in ‘y% diatlon-toU io~rcguU > 'e lurm em ; 1V bers, Mrs. Hansen had also as her i

    guests Meidames Lucy Strieker, B - <» L to tt .> B K .

    ruary aevanUt. Tba n a n mcaUag will bs beld Ute h o a a of M n . t Jamea O rlftltb . v b tn t p e t loek 1 dinner wU) ba a o n d - m n & n - n d i Uielr J


    Mr. aad u n . U U lco Guest,.irtui were recentl^LinutUd, w m b O M f |

    lowing dlnoar, tbe p a rtr »tt«Bded tb e UieaUr, Mr*. Quest w u form tr* ' I f M lu U N era Fulton. . |


    Mr.'~and. W wson'XocliHari ’ ^ te rU ln^.^B ^ t d lnpi^^for^1w J|f* 1

    - enM T ioekhin .'w bo b u 'b e e n ’v i i l tn ' ing h e n ln m 'M o n U Vtsta, Coio.> <

    MEXICAN UUSIC * IDISCUSSED A T CLUB ' , _ ThB_Mottrt_Uu*le Club m et U st

    , avenlng a t tha rtudio of UrrfTD. K : >■ Regan. Mlsa Mildred B rod, wear* ! a ing-*-Me»leatr cuatuuit n t r m n P : V luttrated ta lk- on - U ex tcin-isu ilc. ; .. p a st and p r tm t . Poilowluf » a>n> ‘ . steal prosram. Srma Ooodnlgbt. ' ' Jenny Siggbu, Xvelyn Oarty, Belly ̂ Jane Olanta a ad ^ a rrie t Stansbury

    The p ro tn ffl 'included:.- p laao ' Bd CHOIR PB A CnCEComm.unlty churUi choir wlU

    « m eet Wedn«tday e«nlng In Uie ^ church pv lor* tor rehearsal. A tull ^ AtUndance is dcilred.

    JJ B lS u l' P m m ^T m h er^ iio c la tlo n S 4U idy-ffoup-w i!lT neft-rnertajnve- f® ning li) U » school lunch room for a : 1:10 o'clock luncheon. All room

    piotbera are refluested to be present. U rs . a . W. ErbUnd will dUeuu "Social Hygiene."

    - K . O F ( ; CARD P A K tr---------------f ; Twin r a u s eouncii. K n iih ir -6 r w Columbu*, wtll tn n ru in a t a free ^ w r i ^ ' a l Odd Fellowa haU on s .Wednesday evening a t # o’clock, « •

    peeUlly compllmenUng frienda who ' , patroQltad the organltstlon'a bon i

    Aznerleaa V eU nns, snd AuxUlary ' “* WlU m eet a t B o 'c l ^ tlils evening , X I n I* tlon MemoDil b u U d ln t_ '

    - MOOSE lO C O E iTha Mooee lodge wUl meet this >

    - a i auUu t t B o 'lum t I t ma o j a r ep- • lows hall. AU members are requested ,

    “ to -R tcisa:------------ -------------------I

    P .:T . A. tW C U E O N iThe exeeuUre board and room

    u m oU ten of the WashlniUm Parent- , >4 Teacher am>d>Uim wl» hold a not , )g Juok luncheon a t 1 o'cloek In Um , >it ichool auditorium. Those a tunding ila, »ze-«tals k! toniradicttont'evcn In tsbguafe,~br Bf made Uie whole thing seiat Ulf* u commonly ludicrous.5; New v w k KeuW*TrttRme iw even a good one. * » « B ut w h a t ,

    l*TcampalKn remains u much a tub- , ^ Jecl for speculation as ever.Id Oakland, Calll., Tribune (Repub- : 1- Ucan): As a DemocnUo appeal, the ; J t etfo rt should prove convuielng to 5* Uiose membera of th a t party who

    tUU uphold Uie principles o t l u i 1. founders. The speaker took u bU n text tba failure o t the present n i* 4, Uonal iflmlnHtraiUin in r* n y o u t .12 U u decU ntlons of the nsUonal 1. PUtform. ThU nonfulfUlment ot i t party pledges having lo fa r called :

    to r no d e ttn u of Uioee now In eon- '

    i ; *“' S “ h a w '^ CUveUnd H aln Dealer (Inde- 1, i ) c iu le n t> D im o c ra u ^ i-U -ln -h U , , emotional p tnraU on, In which be A accuses the new deal of ‘'aoclal- '

    Um," t h l t Ooverocr SmIUi dUplay* 1. the am u lcg , t n d to many, Ute <3 tragle change from tba forward* '

    looking execuUve of oUisr ye an to„ U u f ru i tn te d m an who apparent-- }rc*anot-itvs-dowirW r(iiM &paiaP' ’_ m en t-a t-no t belng-pnaldenu - i ____ Cincinnati Tlmei>atsc-(Rsptibll> <

    ^ to n nuka lo i'uy^a * « l« ^ lh w ' or carry ter.of PhUadelplili Rcoord (independ* m ent;U btr*|)*-A l:em lU i’a *peecb-T»- ■ 1. vealed more about Al Sm llh U un t. I t did about anybody else. * * * We A fflught for Al nnrtt — wlikn *t w tti I t tlghUng lo t the "plain p*t»ple,“ but

    J . to r Uiem. He did lay : " I w u led to ot believe th a t It (Democntlo party)

    belonged to aU th* plain people.". . Al wai right. I I doe* belong to *, Uiem-aow.t Demandu Phuadelphu Inquirer. (RepubU* » can? - ■ flmlth'i rewrharaUnit-de*- m nuncuuon ol the betrayal ot u>e * to - "■» I —I'e

    ' HVRRYlLAST DAYI ^ K j g k

    \ / * I T I B C * L



    u Ihta "freese* iraftlo ' o a CalUerato** : teeUesi drtvtniT b ebeerred. Tb* sew ' red aetteeM cB U nitb tB ayslw reb tgb . ;

    n th sT r ts re t tU d T n w v tiB jd t trd t tr te L tog have been lUted u oUwr lead*1 ing cau*e i o f accidents. ; ______

    DemoenUe party by tb e Rooaevelt n e v deal p aued far beyond U u conllnai o l parUsasitalp. A cbal* lenge to h l i party, i t w u also »

    - rlnglng-dem and'U pon'all'tJi8-p«O i'. .Pl«_of,.U»_UnIUd_etat*s_tAJtQt«.

    coUm UvUo- government ou t of ex* u u n e e . ________________

    ■ -C erU ln ly mUllons of D em ocnU >' wUl iharo Uie serious and mulU* "> plied mUglvlngi o t tbe lr choeen n leader o t eight year* ago. W hal U ■' m on , I t r . Sm ith no t only h u tpok* n en for them but for million* ot >> olher American people who have ■* become V^Uy and Increasingly coni y cem ed'oveT 'tbe 'ditigcrD ui tehdea* * c rt*_ot_U i.o_tntoejt_W M hlnfton.

    New Vork World - Telegiaia (Scrippa-Howird Independent) — W h*t he expressed wlU tead to

    V iiTt&gUicn those who are prone to bolu KU threa t lo -U ke a waUi" if Uie 1039 pu lform doesn't tu lt him

    ” lacked any large quanUty of ahock because hu gai« D ia-ntdnm aU r-*

    ^ con^dtrable w orkoui.ln4»?Z-^ - r- *- M Some uaqueitlonably wUl Join blm

    In the atroU U -ho decldei to UkeV It, How many no one can tay . ■' t ^Tu SeatUe Time* (Ind.); l l u

    -b sp w v a » 'lu i" ‘ le s iei waomTOf u .lome -aucti dlscusilon u ensued ^ wb*n-0 alvlii-0 oolldgff-»*ld1 w -dld 5? no t -choose- to run. WUl he ' be J : amensble to praiture or retpootlra “ to real demand? Who knows? But

    rancy. If t h t l be poulble; and ear> talnly, too, no m « i U *0 weU equip.

    10 ■U STATE MEDICAL O m C E R Ol ON VISIT TO TWIK F A I U »■ BOISE, J *n. n ~ Dr. J . P . “ LimiUHil. m u ihcdlcal omcerT n T f ! L. J. Pelerson, lU U baclerlologUt, ,rt le ft for Twtn FalU today to Invea*

    UgaU an outbreak of KOrlet fever, "All ot Uie facUlUe* of tho publle

    welfare depariment will be braught J . Inlo play It neceisary to sU m p out lla Uu.rtpori«d ouUireak.”-Levls-W ll* oe llanu. department commUiloner, J . U ld Unlght.y* . '■"2* MULTNOMAH COUKTT ^ BBBTOBES SALARY 80ALB t- PORTLAND, O n ,_ Ja n . 32_«k=v P Tho~Mu«nom*!npoTUan

    •, yon by U » Union Pacm o lU llroad V company v e n submlttod today lo

    U u naUoaal part(-s*rTio«-«(-W«sb>_- tngtoa for. app rova l.-n iln id*a ffl* -~

    cUU aanouaoed b e n ; „ . -

    - Qlebe A*1 U y ta f e b M ^

    9 = s s = : ^ = s : ^ ^ = s s s

    .« ■■■■■;:

    J ::

    J ; - - _

    L _T oul> spend a n u o & Q jM b f r : .. n wayi Buy a O usrantaed C ar fer- U tU ecuhl -

    to • » roTd V -l D tiU xaIf Fordor _ 4 M Sffi ■» ohenoU t S e d a n --------- .»»8eaJ J O g g w l in f l flnnpa ........... WM- ^J JW /o r d J M .O o u p ^ J --------- tta& ^m '» Ferd V-a S e d a a -t*Mke 3 i Ford V-8 Fordor Bedaa,.441S

    11 Chevrolet Ooupe •-------.:-«aTO

    tA -ai Ford Fordpr.Sodia j aoo .Id - i r 7 t i r c T o r d < a r B 6 i iu r r := :4 » r ..be -30 Ford Fordor S a d a a ___ i J imn lO f t i td l u d e r f l o d a a . , m iu t ^ n ii!|M M M =sfa=as»

    r« ■» Fbrd Ooupa — lUO> ■W FordOoupe--------̂----------»US

    TRUCKS m U O K S . 3 3 m o s s ~■ »F 0rd1»uek ..... ..,.,'.1150‘31 Ford Ttuck.

    U l W S. DW ______ $ m■s 11- Ford TYuck.>. ....... .............

  • m w . M n i i . - : , '

    t o '. . s m o M I S i W ln u il* ;B n ™ ; 3 !^ r :iiJ ir iu M a Ia e d ::a lU -il« V -U M l.' ' M k h a n L tb* o u B«bbr lone*

    r , M W Mwckbolt. r a V o M m .V A M d ia U IB a M rw u p e w irk tlMU — k f W a t i U p p 4 j j r * < « « 1 5 ® ^

    j i - S s K M K S ’s f f i ;4fKcnr w bai Bobb; eoDl4 knew ihAl w nU Jwlify »B Mlempt on'. bbU ff;

    !____ __________ a u ^ - i o .....................AAIATCVR S L E im iS

    .— - '•.?¥»•»« no t tanoyed a nnl«iolent ''V -et»nitJ t-lttc ly ,-h*T e:you?-'-t»ke

    '■Why « c h tm la tr Bobby In-

    T r t e aecfM to morpWi, olCOUfte."

    "WeU, I bttTrn’t innoycd anybody a< tU U u t I todw of, McepUn* mjr clergymin fslher."

    rAnd im i h a n n 'l got tn y cnemlM— iB iry sm B B 'ro fT * " ------------------- ■

    Bobby Ihook hU head;------ UWrt— yoa—a « . ’.i*« ld .

    P rtnU e trJumphintly. “I t mu»6 bo " the man who w»» puihec o?er tno i

    eJlff. What do the police thlnk?’ “ Ilify think It murt hive betn a I

    lunatle ”"Nonienie. LunaUea don’t wander

    ;s i= ib « > u t^ th ..u n U » il« l- auppU tt-o t - morphia kwklnj for odd botUea of bMr to put K iQlo. No. wmebody

    pH>/»hiird o r tr tho elllf. A rolnuto or two Uter you como along. I npit-hp ihif*^*-TQii §aw~htni llo tt fln^ i

    , ao dettnnlne* to pu t you out of tha i way." I

    - I don't think th a t wlU hold ( n t e r , m n U o ." i

    "Why n o t r ____ j" ‘ -Well,' lo b tfln with. 1 d ldn t aee ,

    anything." .hut hi. dldp't Imow that." .

    “And U 1 Ju d K en a n jth ln f I ,____m ouldJ»M »*14»o.atlH« lnqu«t." |

    w , •Wu'PTOlkJy tmwUUnsly. Sho thought for a ‘ jDlnulo or two. <

    “Perhapa he thousht you'd teen w m ethlns th a t you d ldn t think v u < anythlnc but which rtally v u >

    ------■ o m lh ln i^ 'n ia t aouDdt-puw-flb. j. bwtih, but you cet the id e a r ]

    ______5 0 b b T _ n o d d e d .- m .I . i« w h « ,> you meut. but n M cm'liem i rery .

    p r ^ b l e aomchov. ,

    fomethlnc to do with thU. You , v tre on tbe ip o t- th o t i n t penonto bB 'ther*-” — :------ 1

    rn iom aa vaa thw o too." Bobby ran'lndK i her. “And cobody'a tried ,to potoon him."_________ J' "Perhapa they're golnc to," aaid ; ywnWU d tf trh iMff ."n.-. p«Th«p » . U uy're tried aad failed." <

    • " I t U aeena very far-fetched." ' " I think Ifk logtcaL I f you cet

    tv o out*ot>lho>vay tblnca happen*' ing in R atacnant pond like March*

    ::— W fti-y a l t ^ m e 'a ta - t h lK t^ lB g A • " W h a tr■The Job you were offe rtd jvnal.

    " r r d r «hua^' b Quite a tm all thlnc. but I t vaa odd, yoB

    ipedallied in aeeUnc otit «ndl(tln>

    ttien. But you lee my point. T ou\e aem aoowthloc you w erent meant to tae->cr ao they (whoercr they

    ------ tre)-th in k . V otr veil. They l in t(n r to cet rid of you by otterinc you « Job abroad. Ttian. when tha t falla, they try to pu t you ou t o t the vay •Jtocelher.*

    " Im t th a t ra ther dnutlef And ■ *qyvay a (treat rlik te t u ^

    "Oh, b a t murderers are always M chttnlly raah. The more m urden .they do, the more murder* thry v a n t to do." .- ‘■Uko T b e a iilrd BloodiUlh’."

    . aaid Bobby, r tm e m ^ lnc m e o t h li Xav^iltq voiL* iff notion.*

    "Yet, and in real life too-6m lth und hU w im , and Armstronc and

    rr— o th « . po^lc.'J •-Well, but F ranU i: w hal fih ta rth

    l i I t I'm suppoied to have te«nf"- ^ a t . of courae. U Uie dimeul-

    ty," admitted m n kle. "1 a jrte Uiat

    1 ^ , becauie you would have told ' a feu t lhat. T f mu»t be unmMhlnp

    ■ . abou rthe man jm n ie lt . Perhapa he

    tinsers or lonjo itra n te physical pteuUarlty."

    . "Your* mind la .runnlnc on Dr. Thorndjke. 1 a « . U couldnt be' nnythlnc Uke thn t because what* c v e r j ww the police would see as

    "1^ they «'ould. T hat «oa an------- tmouriarttiii{.Hni*i-\'4vsr(iirnCTm;____ U n't UT" ■ ___

    ‘ Bobby. ’’And It makca me tcel Im* poriant. Bui all the same. X dont bellerc It’s much more than a the* or}-."

    ------------m - w TT- r m- n m i t r - n r r th xtfru e . "I must be o lt now. aiutU I come and see yo\i aca la tomorrow?*

    _ ^ T r O ft rd o .- 1 » io arch choUer of Uie nuracs ceil very mouotonous. Dj tho. way. you're baek from London

    • ttry so o a ?" . .‘■My dear, u ̂ oon as 1 licard aboul

    5'oa. I tore back. I t 's mast excUlmi to hnve a romanUcally pobonttl

    ' “I don't-know whether morphia Is IO TCO' romant4c^-«aldJJolilir-wm'> inlscenUy.

    "Wen,' xn 'come lomorruw. Do 1 ' lUii you or d o n t 17"

    "U'a Bot eatetilnc." aald BcMy Wcouractngip

    -----------"TtiM T B '&r m rd u ty to ^he-sitkthonucUy.'* Bho kissed him llsht-

    . ■ ly . "Seo you _tomorrow.7

    •■n-e aeen b e r picture* In the _ . jw per often. S hc 'i not ao very like

    them, thoucti. And of ooune rve her drirtnjt about lh hiff ear

    m ] n .ia 5 u iW y n * * iR - c ir -----------"Oh. nB|" Hij-i "T

    T : never call Tiranno hanchty." .v"I tald te tbe tK td -nurw. I aald,

    sbe^ u l i a lm l as aayUilDc. Nol a

    DtsaenttDC TlOlently though ill* e a tlf iR on tU* v te r, S o b ^ itt tv s*


    1 7^ Bl* «r» v u caught by Un vaaetZ o f UUdt— lW « h t/ii lir"4 * « t of i f m a U e te brioc him all Ukso •r. flown*, tn d of coune Utry were td lo T ^ , t e t he wished tt hsd Accurred f to h e r te brtnc him a few delecUve t r f lb f l in n l l« a . 'n r c i i t - h U ere overjaL i t e - r t « U M k k J ) l a ..T he« » ^ now l .or .Ould*'*. and a copy oi la -Jobs HaUf*i,-0«Jlton«n," and laal t« w*ek'*.."M*lthbolt.W «Wj'Time*.">» Re pleked up "John luillax. ornUe*•»' m*n.T

    A fter five minute* l*e put it rtown. To » mind nourished on "Tlie Third

    — Blood»Utn,-'‘TT»Oa»eflf-H*-Mur- d tred Archduke." and *7116 Strance

    m t Adwnlure o t Uio Plorentlne Da?* ied cer.” -M rt.-M uloek-Crallc'«-*‘John.

    Jtolifax" Kmfhow Ueked p»P. .wilh In* « tich he picked up last «Tck‘a

    A moment or two later he waa prcaslnc Uw bell beneaUi JiU pUlow

    ^ wltb t v l i ^ which brought a nurae into t H room a t . run.

    u . • (C o j^ g h t, MJ3.M.M." • - ___

    _ COBtlnaed PKpq U st Usue]

    ’! BURLEY MISSIOl! s_GiPJLOSJli!ofidyA BTOLBY. Jan. J7 -* Presbyterian

    ig: MiafongfyTocfety met at »ie home Dd nf Mra. n irnn K in ik c l^ u g d n i . ba attemoon. Mrs. C. L. Barclay pre*

    tided a t the ' meeUnc and 'led the >ld devotlonala. Ura. Ray Bergman read

    a play %i)IcUnc Alukan llte. A atudy ftf Ti«umi«i 4niuioni va* 4n*

    •« giged In, In the form o t ^eatlona , and tnswert.r-T -M em beTro^U r».-O conraehole1^ t > Sunday tehooi c la a honored h e r t l

    In l lv .nH.I l h ,. preabyterian church, Friday eve*

    nine.en Dlvtslonal meetings o( the M«Ui* r u odUl Episcopal Aid society were held r u Thursday attemoon, the first divl* Ib- ftlen-m eelln^-•t the-hoise of M n.

    H arrr Metcalfe. M n . Ed Schroeder ia t Wll In of yh lrh

    was foUowed by the 'buslneo tes- ak io jrilb letreahmenUJolIowlDg.

    “ The scconi dlvUlon m et‘a t the “ home of Mrs. p . U Hobson, with

    U rt. Oeorge Patterson leading de- votlonate;

    ^ Mra. L. C. Doty was hutess to the UUrd dlvUlon. Mw. U M. n»h -

    5 5 irT iav in jT lh a 'rg e «t awH onnls. 10, J la J l6 O T JU A n W U l* ljw n -£ !« h

    e d .la «lM he oltiee ot jwesJdrnt of Uvi general aid aockly. having Jur-

    le t Udicilon over all dlvUlona. Mrs. L. gn* M. FUher waa elcctcd lo fill the va- :h* cancy of chairman.IgA — .nf t h» ll. P. B.

    cSiireh'm et Tuesday afternoon, tijo lat. ? t a t ward nKetlnc.at. the church but wJlh Mr*. Oayle UwU In charge of’ rve Ute U te n ^ leason.on T lw Magic

    In* y :* e d the "play. T h e Blucblrd."hv Maurice Materllnek and the atorj

    ^ of "A Midsummer Nlgft'a’Dream" by Shakespeare was glven by Mrs.

    5"* Evelyn Monion. M n. Earl Ollveraon ^ wUl be in charge ot the toclal eer*

    vice leiion n e « Tuesday. Twenty* UiiM women wera present a t thU meeting. Thlrty*one membera 'axre In attendance a t tbe Second ward

    ind meeting where Ute Ittion wn* given

    "The Bluebird" nnd ''Peter P an '' lef, wtre given. MM, Grace Colt will pre* h n side a t the next meeUng a t this

    ward. ■h’." Third ward meeting was led by hU M n: Vada Hansen. Ute subject ot— th e lesson be ln rth ew n e-u -th aV o f ilUi outer wards. Nineteen memben ind were present. The « d a l lervlee J« -

    . son a t U)U ward n w t Tuesday will rUi be In charge of M n. Luella Qlbwn.

    Sunshine chapter of Better Homes !ul- club met on Wednesday nftemoon li l t a t the home of Mra. Ada SqiUh wllh »hT T (cnnS ifibe iril« "flM ^tte .-p re3 -- i ^ r t j n ^ l e l t c r from ^ 1 ^

    was rend. M n, Ljle Whittle gave a n , rending and a reading enUtled "Wo* ‘O man's World” was given-by-M ia. , , , Msmle Dudley. Tho club will meet I ‘ on February » n t the homo of Mrs. _ Miwiu niirttnf » ith M n, Elltftbeth •n 's a ttc r ly a a hostess!

    — M cn-tif-lh r-C U ttm ont-Q ranao- ’ presented a program and enjoyed a

    i iu iM IU -on-W ednesdsy evening.- A ZnorTbuslncsi Bealon was conduct*

    3nt cd and M n. Frank Kcnhlinlk ViHs he. clecicd lecturer. Sam Robinson en-

    lertnlned with mmlcal numbers and iXtF itn t i gtS-aal r btll-wt s -readi A p um*- 4j I ber of rendlnga by members were

    clren and n a n k Fclant entertained Um with s e n n l tricks. Retrtsbmenls D j w rc lervfd by tho men.

    ^11 D iu tivu and ProJetalonal Women's flub met n t Uio home o t Mra.

    KKii Rulh MaraUall. Tuesday evening. Mnj! Brtdge was Ihe dlwralon of tho eve*

    nlnic nt which M l» Ann Swteley___ won high KOTO prlrs and MUi E»t*4 Mac DeMlrc wou Cut prue. l^ r e s h - -m , m enu were «r\-ed by the hoeteu,

    Mrs.' Florence llnlght assisting.>0 : --------------. . rn o o n A M c j v e .v n r '


    ^ ic t -HA ILEV — Jiffir-JT------ H osuastt-ih t- tor the Of^c club mecllng Tltun*

    day aJiernoon were: Mra. Robert :— Bell, 8^w^1o»■h^>mc-the^club-me^■-

    B'rs. WiUiam PreT o i-a titt-S rn^^ ^

    the on the pregnm and the entertain* like ment followed. Mrs. E ddie 'Foster rve gave an Informal talk about blrtls. c tf. especially i l i (^ tound along Wood

    ould awvlfem'Uie ■tilgtrg tH)qn { Wtncs.Theflnalnumber w asa roll call

    laid, answered wim commenU on wordA Ol a freiiuenlly mispronounced. Several

    ̂ S n l o ^ I o w S k l * N evadi^^ln . P. Ill* C. MeVlckcr, Mn. itusKlI Fox and

    itfs* M n , D. Dice.


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    K>« ......................^ ~ n n i r i r - S ( f f r im f fW T ™ ^ m

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    'in ■I II IIIJL,


    UhC3< —n a


    ro*Da. . . ^ ■ n n B s B 9 1 E S 5 f leetIrs.

    tflo-i *■-Act*


    On ihe Repebllran IUU. flvr mrn i nominee. Four of lhe»f wtre.'lh Tarj the prorreulvr vevolt In H it. Thry M, Landon of K anssi upp,r rlxhl; C

    J,” ; B o ^ h of Idaho, lower rlfht. ve'*

    By KIRK SLMPSOV ’^ ^ xk-x v u m m f i . ^ . Whm M uuu^

    publicans conv.-ne In Jun^ to pick ’ n iirf.'lclrminl •candlclntc, j;ui nn;

    year Ihorl of a quartcr-cenimy v, iii have pa.i'ked iince they nu'i m Chicago In thn t comvnilon mid:' mcm*

    UB o

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